Monthly Archives: June 2014

EBF4: Steam Sale Results

Yesterday, Epic Battle Fantasy 4’s group won the Community’s Choice vote on Steam, meaning that EBF4 and the other games in it’s group were selected for a huge discount lasting 8 hours, and featured on Steam’s front page. It was smart of Valve to bundle EBF4 with Final Fantasy 7, as fans of FF are very likely to enjoy EBF too, so I got a chance to leech some players from a very popular game series! 😀
votechoice1This little bit of luck turned out to be huge for me, because in just 8 hours, the total number of people who had bought the game on Steam had almost quadrupled!

So I’ve got a huge number of new players, many of which probably won’t even have heard of EBF before, and the response from them has been pretty good. Besides a few technical problems, no one’s told me that they hate the game. So that’s cool.

Sure, many players who buy games in Steam sales won’t actually end up playing those games, but that’s fine, it still works out to a lot of extra fans (and cash!) that I wasn’t expecting.

I’m not sure how Valve decides what games get featured, but I do know that not all of them get a chance, so I must be doing something right. (EBF4 was also featured on the front page in Europe, the day after launch)

So it looks like I’ve got a good future ahead of me on Steam, and hopefully getting a game through Greenlight won’t take 6 months next time! 😛

Steam is now my primary source of income (with Kongregate premium sales being second), and what this means is that I’ll definitely be focusing on larger games with paid content, rather than completely free web games. But I’ll continue to make free web versions too.

And yeah, I’ll probably make EBF5… someday.

EBF4: 50% Off in Steam Summer Sale

EBF4 is 50% off for the Steam Summer sale!
Offer lasts until the 30th.
SteamadHere’s what’s new in the Steam version:
• Includes Kongregate’s Premium Pack, which adds:
•      8 new bosses, 27 new equips, and 8 new skills.
•      Battle Mountain: A huge new area to explore.
•      Survival mode and boss rush challenges – the hardest battles in the game.
•      Newgame+ feature, with higher level monsters.
• Support for different window sizes and fullscreen resolutions.
• Uncompressed audio and various visual improvements.
• Integration with Steam’s achievements, trading cards, and most importantly, cloud saving.
• Includes the soundtrack. (26 tracks!)

BH2: Early Multiplayer

The basics of multiplayer work!
I started off controlling all 4 players with one gamepad, which was a bit overpowered, as you can see below. I’ve separated the controls now, and I’ve ordered another Xbox 360 gamepad so that I’ll have 4 input devices. Was actually quite easy to add multiplayer: I mostly just replaced every reference to the player with a vector (array) of players. Now I’m going to modify the game difficulty appropriately – I’ll take some ideas from Jamestown’s multiplayer mechanics.4p

Here’s what happens when you use all four bombs at once. This won’t be in the game though.
