Category Archives: Hidden Cats

Hidden Cats: Hats!

I spent a day drawing a lot of hats for the game – some are based on fan suggestions.

A lot of the same cats and dogs appear in multiple levels, so it’s nice to be able to customize them a bit with different accessories, making each biome feel fresh.

Currently 50 levels are done, with maybe another 30 left to go.
The game definitely turned out a lot bigger than what I originally imagined.

Hidden Cats: Half Done

Matt’s Hidden Cats has 40 levels now! That’s around half of them done.
Which also means the entire game is also somewhere in the ball bark of 50% done.
If you missed my earlier posts – there’s gonna be a lot of EBF lore in this game.

You can find all 10 items in this screenshot – click it to see a bigger version.
(This is Easy mode btw – which doesn’t require a lot of interaction to play.)