Category Archives: Ronja

Fanart: Pixel EBF5

Here’s some fanart from Brobot_1.

In other exciting news, hi I’m Ronja and I’ll be taking over some of Matt’s social media posting – mostly just fanart for now. You might know me from earlier fanart that I’ve done, armour concepts for EBF5, the art for 7th Heaven, and most recently as the person replying to your bug reports and messages. I’m also Matt’s girlfriend, secretary, cook, maid, and butler. In my spare time I am a part-time artist and full-time plant mum.


Fanart: Beer

It’s still too warm to sit at the computer.

Here’s some fanart from Ronja!

“After finishing uni (I’ll be graduating with high marks, woo), starting a work experience internship at an animation company, moving house etc, finishing our two year long dnd campaign, enjoying summer and celebrating our birthdays I FINALLY have a proper space for my desk and some time on my hands to get back to drawing! Here’s how I feel about everything that’s happened this summer so far…”
natalie by ronja


Hey guys, Ronja’s graduated from uni, so I thought I’d share her final 3rd year project.
It’s a 3D model of her Dungeons and Dragons character, Bree.

(Please hire her now)

Also the music used in the video is for EBF5!