Fanart: MasamuNoLegs 6 Replies Hi Folks! Here’s some great fanart of Masamune NoLegs exterminating a FlyBot, by Din511.
Anonymous March 2, 2021 at 6:46 pm everyone know no legs using murasama and ninja gear is basically the glass canon and evade based tank of the group combine it whit some steroids,all falirs you can use to increase evasion and then use coralia summon congratulations no legs is invunerable now Loading... Reply ↓
chenthecat February 3, 2021 at 12:32 am Are you going to fix the Praetorian’s supposedly broken Triple Slash from EBF5 (deals higher damage than intended)? Loading... Reply ↓
everyone know no legs using murasama and ninja gear is basically the glass canon and evade based tank of the group
combine it whit some steroids,all falirs you can use to increase evasion
and then use coralia summon
no legs is invunerable now
epic bushido fantasy
Are you going to fix the Praetorian’s supposedly broken Triple Slash from EBF5 (deals higher damage than intended)?
I can’t remember, I might have fixed it.
nice black and red color combination