Finished the icons for the achievements. Time to implement them now.
I’ve tried to do more quest-like achievements this time, rather than stuff you’ll get by just playing the game normally. So these include beating certain levels fast, beating some levels without shooting, beating super hard bonus waves without taking damage, etc.
Do I see what looks like Regice and a kinda sandstoney Regirock? Could they be coming back? :wut:
Kind of…
I like it where the skeletal cat’s achievement is “looking at” Nolegs’s achievement XD
Oh no, I see a cosmic monolith icon :scared:
Everyday I check this website for updates like this — and I ma happy! :love:
Great job — can’t wait to unlock these! :hurray:
Sooo gonna buy this game, even if its £10.99 on steam.
10 million? Geez … just what could that be?
Oh god, I’m starting to think he should bring back the quick time outs :skull:
Achievement 9 says it best. Woot!
Yayyy! Matt, you make me look forward to getting up in the morning! :love:
I can already feel myself aiming for 100%. Why do I do this to myself…
Nope, it’s not at all suspicious that there are three blank spots at the end. :smirk:
And the fact that there are no final boss related achievements doesn’t add any suspiciousness to this, either.