9 thoughts on “Fanart: Matt

  1. TheDarkCommander

    My art isnt even that great ;3; but thanks for liking my fanart XD

    Good luck with BH2 im so hyped for it~!!

  2. metallica_dillon

    Don’t worry, your health will regenerate pretty fast as long as you avoid more battles. You got this! Just focus on that crafting until you are healthy again. :hurray:

  3. Billy The Honourable

    Awww, looks cute! :love2: :love:

    Meanwhile, I am working on fanart for Lance which I happen to KNOW will be rejected. 😥

      1. Billy The Honourable

        I realise that, but Mr. Roszack didn’t think so about my last NoLegs fanart, so my Lance will be as best as I can.


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