Category Archives: Epic Battle Fantasy 5

EBF5: Rafting

Hey guys, here’s my favourite cutscene I’ve made so far, and it’s also not spoilery, so here ya go.
I’m gonna have to cut some of these into wallpaper size at some point, and stick ’em on Patreon and as hidden goodies in the final game.

EBF5 Writing & Matt Fanart

I’ve written some 12,000 words of dialogue for the main characters so far.
When that’s finished, adding in NPCs and item descriptions will get you enough words to fill a small novel. I won’t have much to show until I put all the text into the game and test it out in context though. I’ve got some new triggers planned for battle text this time, including reactions to enemies running away, silly equipment, and capturing foes.

Also here’s some fanart by Generic-Heroine.