Category Archives: Bullet Heaven 2

BH2: Backgrounds

Hay guys, I’ve started assembling the backgrounds for BH2. I’m aiming to have a different background for each level, so about 50 in total. Here’s a preview of what they’ll look like:stumps

All the graphics will be recycled from EBF4, but I’ll try to put them together in ways that create some fresh looking areas.


BH2 Difficulty Levels Explained

Hay guys, this post is just a little reminder of how difficulty levels will work in Bull Heaven 2.

All the screenshots I’ve been posting so far are on the hardest difficulty, because they look the most impressive. Obviously most people won’t be skilled enough to play at that difficulty.

The difficulty levels are:
• Casual: ~25% bullets
• Hard: ~50% bullets
• Heavenly: 100% bullets

You’ll be able to switch difficulty at any time, much like in EBF4, but scores and ranks will be counted separately for each difficulty.

On top of that, there will be cheats (basically difficulty modifiers), much like in the previous game, but now they can also be used to make the game harder. These will include stuff like:
• Less or more lives.
• Less or more enemy HP.
• Slower or faster game speed.
• More items drops.
• Less or more bombs.
• Longer or shorter death-bomb time.

These usually won’t invalidate scores, ranks or achievements, but they will effect the numbers to balance things. For example, reducing the game speed by 10% will also reduce your score by 10%.

There will be no permanent upgrades this time. But the cheats and other extras will be unlocked gradually (maybe even with the coins you collect), so they’ll function quite similarly.

Sound reasonable?