Hey guys, since Twitter and Facebook suck, I’m trying to scam people into following me on Newgrounds.
I will be giving away Steam keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 5, one of the best RPGs of all time, to a random 10% of people who start following me on Newgrounds. So if 1,000 people follow me, I’ll give out 100 keys, and so on.
Please share this news with your friends!
If you already own the game, you’ll have a spare key to give to a cool person!
Keys will be given out in a few days, and I’ll keep this going for as long as new people keep coming.
(The scam is that you have to follow me, which could be a waste of your time.)
(If you already follow me, you might have to unfollow me and follow me again to enter.)

Well I’m already following you and I have a copy so this doesn’t apply to me since nobody in my family cares about EBF 😒