Author Archives: Matt Roszak

Bullet Heaven 2 demo – first 5 levels!

Here’s the first 5 levels of Bullet Heaven 2!

What’s not finished:
The displays at the sides, the scoring system, and dialogue boxes.
The backgrounds might also change, they seem to be quite graphic intensive. The last 3 waves in each level are supposed to be bonus rounds, but right now they act the same as the normal waves.

I’m interested to hear what framerates you guys get, how you find the gamepad controls, and how you find the difficulty levels.
The game doesn’t quite fit into this blog post, so you should play full screen.
Also the middle mouse button is currently used instead of double clicking, and that might scroll your browser if you’re not in full screen.

Edit: Oh, I just realized that keyboard controls don’t work in fullscreen in a browser. Whoops. Ignore those for now.

BH2: Controls & Multiplayer

Looks like the newer versions of Flashplayer have some features that I’ve wanted for a very long time!

First of all, I can finally use the right and middle mouse buttons! Hurray!
Although in practice, using the middle button isn’t a great idea, since the wheel will always scroll the web page, so that could get annoying. Google says there’s not much I can do about that. But having two mouse buttons should be enough for this game! 😀

Secondly, I can use gamepads now! The only problem is that it requires Flashplayer 11.8, and some people might not have that yet. But that’s not a huge issue – they’ll just have to use the mouse or keyboard instead. This guy’s code is very helpful for implementing gamepad controls, and got me playing BH2 with my Xbox 360 controller after about 10 minutes of coding.

So after a bit of experimentation, it looks like multiplayer support is very feasible! (It totally wasn’t when I made BH1) The plan is to add support for 4 players!

Super cool, huh?!

Beutiful Legends Deluxe

Hay guys. I’m sorry that I haven’t been particularly active lately. A lot of distractions popped up at the same time; I’ve been catching up on video games, the weather’s been quite nice, and it was also my girlfriend’s birthday. Gonna try to post some stuff soon though!

Played through Rayman Legends and got 100% on all of the new levels (not doing the Origins levels again!). Fantastic game. The musical levels were amazing, and in general the level designs were even better than in Origins (and I’m quite happy that the game was a bit easier too). I felt that some of the food-themed levels were particularly creative. The graphics and animations are as beautiful as ever, and in my opinion, it might be the best looking game I’ve ever played.


Also played through Kirby: Triple Deluxe, and although it’s a good game, I didn’t enjoy it quite as much as some other Kirby games. I felt like the story mode just dragged on a bit too long. The speedrun mode was particularly weak compared to the one in Nightmare in Dream Land; it was just too long and the levels had too many dead ends. I did like the 3D effects though, and the game certainly made good use of them.
Kirby-Triple-Deluxe-insert1Finally, I played through My Beautiful Katamari. I haven’t played a Katamari game since We <3 Katamari on Playstation 2, but it doesn’t look like the games have changed at all, which is both good and bad. For those of you who are unfamiliar, Katamari is a game series about rolling things up. As you roll, your ball gets bigger and you can pick up larger items. That’s all you do. Most of the fun comes from the humor and variety of items you can roll up. The levels this time felt less inspired than in the previous game, but I think the scale of the final level made up for that. The concept is still great fun.