The EBF4 update should be on Kongregate in a day or two, and on Steam within a month if nothing goes seriously wrong!
As I mentioned earlier, your old saved games should be 99% compatible.
The Steam version will also be compatible with saves from the web version.
(the auto-save feature will still use the old way of saving, so you can overwrite that file)

Omg, it’s a standalone application!
This looks like the .exe file that I’d wrap in a Steam API in some yet unknown to me way, if I was a Steam technical support technician and not Matt?? (high-pitched voice)
On web (Kongregate) for free, On desktop (Full screen) for $10?
The money is for the extra stuff, which is only available on Kongregate if you pay.
Any chance I can run the game on Linux?
I don’t know yet. Maybe.
Awesome. Can’t wait! :hurray:
hey Matt, why is it going to take a long time for the steam version to come out
. .
It going to Kongregate is mostly for testing purposes. Once all of the testing is done and he knows that everything works it will be put on Steam.
Hooray for stand-alone mode! :hurray: That means even less lag and offline play. :yay:
Cool! Any idea on the price yet?
Around $10.
Cool. So about £6. That’s awesome! :yay: