EBF5: Free Version

Apparently a lot of people are still visiting this page. In case you haven’t heard – Flash doesn’t work in most browsers any more. The best way to play the free version of EBF5 would be using BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint project, but I strongly suggest buying the full game on Steam. There’s a lot of extra content in there.

1,734 thoughts on “EBF5: Free Version

  1. Pingback: Best Choice patreon 무료 New - #1 The website provides the latest general information

        1. Anonymous

          but epic battle fantasy collections and you can again play with this
          or download pirate version if you need

    1. Andrew Risser

      use palemoon browser and uninstall then reinstall adobe player and disable automatic updates and you can play any adobe or shockwave games on the palemoon browser only

  2. John Boulmetis

    When I see Red from Angry Birds at the my mind immediately went to The Angry Birds Movies 3: Red F***ing Dies

      1. Matt Roszak Post author

        I recommend BlueMaxima’s free Flashpoint Infinity app, or buying the game on Steam.
        The SuperNova plugin might allow you to play in a browser, but it won’t be as reliable as the other two options.

        1. Homie McFry

          Supernova has an issue now where it freezes the game and asks if the file can store stuff on your computer in a windows vista popup. You can’t click either allow or deny. Just wanted to put that out there. I miss free ebf5.

          1. Matt Roszak Post author

            You should check out BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint for playing Flash/web games. Should be no issues there.

  3. YEET!

    This is the best way I have ever seen a free version of a game work. It works as a full game, but you can port your save to the full version with scaling dungeons and beat those because they will have an equal level to you, making your progress in the free one not unbalance things.


    also matt roazak (kupo games) is there a way that you can help flash this is a flash site seance it died today i can’t play and i don’t have stream so please help us all that love your game and rise to the top and help flash to make this site good for playing please.


    hey matt flash died and i cant play no more i loved the epic battle fantisy games and im so ad that flash gat killed for andria not suporting it no more so if there is a way that i dont have to buy the game and still play please tell!!

        1. Matt Roszak Post author

          EBF5 doesn’t fully work in browsers at the moment.
          You should check out the free version in BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint app for the best experience.

    1. Jes

      Hey. I’m not Matt, but… do you have a backup file? If you have one, then you can recover it. also you mightve hit erase accidentally check the autosave

      1. scott preston

        I don’t have one. I just copy and paste this comment. You didn’t have to answer. But thanks for answering away.

          1. J.D.

            Well I don’t know if this is just a coincidence, but I found out yesterday night I suffered the same fate. I’m not currently in an ebf5 playthrough; so I only check in here occasionally. According to my browser history, the last time I visited this page was Nov. 17, so the wipe must have happened sometime between Nov. 17 and Dec. 23. All my other saves on this website are gone too.

            It hurts. It really hurts.

    1. IDoNotExist

      Thing Is, You Did Not Specify What Level You Did It At, You Could’ve Been Level 50 And Got A Lucky Wooly Mammoth Roll.

  6. dukie

    Just defeated the cosmic gigalith and the devourer on epic mode in 2.9 seconds. Lets see if any of you can do.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      That’s fake news. You simply can’t play Flash games in your browser any more – they work just fine everywhere else.

      1. Jeff

        How do I play other than my browser? Can I download it somewhere?
        Also, a noncreative question: Is there an EBF6 in the works?

        1. Matt Roszak Post author

          I recommend BlueMaxima’s free Flashpoint Infinity app, or buying the game on Steam.
          The SuperNova plugin might allow you to play in a browser, but it won’t be as reliable as the other two options.

  7. cool giraffe

    so after the ending it just kicked me out to the home screen I got the badge but my save didn’t think I beat the game so now i don’t feel that satisfied. is that supposed to happen?

  8. nabilzings

    I have a question for you Matt Roszak, after December 2020, it’s said that Flash Player will disappear and that HTML5 will replace it. What i’m scared of is that I need Flash Player to play EBF5 or any other of your games. So here is my question, even after December 2020 when Flash will disappear, will I still be able to play EBF5? I’m pretty worried and I just wouldn’t want your games to just disappear. I was a fan of you from my childhood and I loved playing Epic Battle Fantasy, even that I played all of them. But. are you up on the subject? Please answer me as soon as you can. 🙂

  9. Entman

    I call hax.

    I just defeated the cosmic gigalith on epic mode and then the devourer killed me on its first turn because the gigalith used up my auto revive when it died

    1. Entman

      It was such a repetitive thing to kill the gigalith

      Matt + Space suit + various swords, depending on element + Tr*force + Green cross + N*vi = epic mode gigalith

      Matt: No, no, he’s getting up again.

      The gigalith is annoying because it changes elements all the time so I’m like
      “Ok, ice needle and 2 turns of auto rev, time to use cleaver-”

    2. nabilzings

      I have a question for you Matt Roszak, after December 2020, it’s said that Flash Player will disappear and that HTML5 will replace it. What i’m scared of is that I need Flash Player to play EBF5 or any other of your games. So here is my question, even after December 2020 when Flash will disappear, will I still be able to play EBF5? I’m pretty worried and I just wouldn’t want your games to just disappear. I was a fan of you from my childhood and I loved playing Epic Battle Fantasy, even that I played all of them. But. are you up on the subject? Please answer me as soon as you can. 🙂

  10. Adrian Fields

    Where’s the link? There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering link! No EBF here for me ;-(
    Sysinfo: Windows XP, Firefox 52.9.0

    1. Anonymous

      just virus him in first round and then tank his shots. when youre about to capture him just put all other debuffs and status effects.

  11. TheDarkExcalibur

    Man. Quarantine’s either the best or worst thing that’s happened to me.
    Because I can’t meet my friends, I can no longer go on biking trips and I’m stuck on online school.
    But I’m BALD so that’s a good thing, I stay at home which means after classes I can immediately play video games and online school isn’t that bad.

    I read a conversation about 4 people before my birthday. It was like that episode in adventure time where Jake’s kid found a diary and couldn’t stop reading it.
    That actually looked relatable. Because I got an Ace in English, I never got the hang of my National language, or heck, even my native language.
    What I’m trying to say is… spend more time on subjects you don’t like. Because maybe you’ll need to put it to good use.
    BTW the conversation was on this site.

    If you wanna hear more just comment me. cause I’m stuck trying to beat this on Epic mode.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      The Flashplayer browser plugin is discontinued. I’m not really making browser games anymore, so it’s not a big deal.

    1. Mia

      OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!!!! EBF6 is outttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

        1. Emily

          Yaloh! So fake one! When I open the link, it turns out to be GOOGLE!


      1. Collete Chan

        Reply to ANGELA: Haha! your sunch a loooser!!!!! U dont even now english? How sad!

        ANGELA!!!! Are you here to insult people or what! Speaking of insult, how bad can your english be? Oh my, how unmannered! Hmm… But why should I be soooo mannered to someone who is as worth as rubbish. And dont be sad, “Lance”, you could use google translate or you can ask the post author, Matt to expain??? No sooo sure. Btw, you can just use google translate for fast!

          1. Collete Chan

            Its clearly your fault for pushing Mia! And thats why you got in detention! Got it? Now stop talking about school life!
            I’m sure Matt Rozak dont create this ‘comment’ for us to chit chat!

          2. Skylar

            Its a waste of time talking to u!
            And you, Coco! Though u are my bestie I still
            Cant stand u wasting ur preacious time on
            this ultra bishy brat!

          3. ANGELA


          4. Artemis

            Geez, this sounds like a cliché middle school conflict. Or maybe you’re in high school, and just extremely immature. I’d be somewhat concerned if you were elementary students, considering some of the sexual jokes and 7th Heaven.

            Now, Angela, I am sorry, but I don’t think I will be able to take your side on this issue. You are trying to make fun of people for their name, which they were given at birth and had no choice to change, and for not having high English speaking capabilities, which is unfair to those who live in other countries, which was also given at birth, and also cannot be changed by choice. Thank you for your time reading this, and I hope you will re-evaluate your worldview.

    1. Collete Chan

      Adakah anda memerlukan saya untuk membantu anda menterjemahkan apa-apa? Adakah .. Tidak benar-benar baik tetapi masih tahu beberapa, harap anda tidak kecewa oleh saya …

    2. Collete Chan


      Epic Battle Fantasy 5

      Epic Battle Fantasy 5 adalah entri kelima dalam siri Epic Battle Fantasy. Permainan ini dilancarkan pada 30 November di Steam dengan harga $ 15 (yang boleh berbeza-beza bergantung pada negara anda), dengan versi web percuma untuk dimainkan dengan kandungan berbayar pilihan yang dikeluarkan beberapa bulan kemudian; pada 15 Februari, permainan ini menerima kemas kini v2 yang menaikkan harganya menjadi $ 20. Permainan ini bukan kesinambungan langsung dari Epic Battle Fantasy 4, melainkan reboot di mana semua pahlawan bertemu satu sama lain untuk kali pertama.


      Kisahnya bermula dengan Matt bermain permainan video di rumahnya di pantai Hope Harbour. Dia baru saja mengalahkan bos terakhir ketika meteor menyerang bumi, mengalahkan kekuatan dan mengganggu permainan berakhir. Tertekan dengan kejadian ini, Matt melengkapkan dirinya dengan tongkat hoki dan meninggalkan rumahnya untuk pertama kalinya dalam beberapa minggu untuk menyiasat gangguan itu. Mengembara di sepanjang dermaga pelabuhan, dia melawan NoLegs, seekor kucing yang mencuri sampahnya; setelah dikalahkan, NoLegs menjadi sekutu.

      Berjumpa dengan Mage

      Pasangan ini terus memasuki Wild Tropics, menemui monolit hitam aneh yang tertanam di tanah dalam perjalanan ke Pasar Tani Harbour Harbour, di mana mereka mencuri Sekop untuk membantu mereka maju lebih jauh. Dalam perjalanan keluar dari pasar, mereka berhadapan dengan seorang gadis berambut merah yang melihat kecurian itu. Dia cuba menghukum mereka dengan rentetan sihir sihir, tetapi mengalah setelah Matt dan NoLegs mengalahkannya dalam pertempuran. Menyedari kekuatan mereka, dia memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Natalie dan meminta mereka menjadi pengawalnya dalam usaha untuk belajar tentang monolit, yang menghasilkan gelombang tenaga yang mendorong monster menjadi marah. Natalie merancang untuk menyiasat benua selatan di mana serangan meteorit berlaku, tetapi mereka memerlukan rakit untuk menyeberangi Sungai Pelangi.

      Mengenang bahawa pembuat rakit tinggal di Mystic Woods, pasukan menuju ke selatan, mengalahkan siklop besar untuk memasuki Gua Es. Semasa mereka melalui gua, Natalie memberi komen bahawa Matt dan NoLegs kelihatan biasa, seolah-olah mereka pernah bekerjasama sebelumnya; namun, Matt menolaknya sebagai kebetulan.
      Lencongan Ketenteraan

      Di ujung Gua Es, trio memasuki No Man’s Land, di mana mereka disergap oleh seorang lelaki dengan seragam tentera hitam. Dengan pesta itu tersingkir dengan pertembungan dengan kereta kebal berteknologi tinggi, dia menculik Natalie dengan tujuan yang tidak diketahui. Tidak lama kemudian, Matt dan NoLegs diserang oleh pemanah berambut hijau muda, yang menyalah anggap mereka sebagai sekutu lelaki itu dengan warna hitam. Setelah dikalahkan, dia memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Anna, penghuni Desa Greenwood yang berdekatan, dan menjelaskan bahawa kampung halamannya dikepung oleh sekumpulan fasis yang berpusat di No Man’s Land. Menyedari bahawa mereka mempunyai musuh bersama, Matt dan NoLegs bekerjasama dengan Anna untuk masuk ke Iron Fortress.

      Setelah bertempur melalui sebahagian besar kubu, kumpulan itu mendapati Natalie dipenjara dengan sejumlah wanita lain, serta sebuah peti berisi Palu yang membolehkan mereka maju lebih jauh. Mereka juga bertemu dengan lelaki berkulit hitam – bernama Lance – dan mengalahkannya dalam pertempuran, tetapi dia berjaya pulih dan melarikan diri buat masa ini. Di bahagian kubu yang lain, pesta itu mendapati seorang monolit sedang dikaji oleh bawahan Lance; di tempat lain, mereka memperoleh satu set Boot Magnetik untuk membuat beberapa teka-teki lebih terkawal. Lance sedang menunggu kumpulan di pintu masuk utama Benteng Besi, sekali lagi ditemani oleh kereta kebalnya; lebih bersedia pada kali ini, mereka berjaya mengalahkannya sama.

      Ditinggalkan atas belas kasihan parti, Lance akhirnya menjelaskan motivasinya; dia telah mengetahui bahawa monolit berasal dari luar angkasa dan sepertinya merakam maklumat untuk tujuan yang tidak diketahui. Dia mengumpulkan tenteranya untuk mempersiapkan serangan asing; wanita yang diculik itu bertujuan untuk menolong mereka menghuni Bumi selepas perang. Walaupun pesta itu (terutama Natalie dan Anna) masih curiga terhadap Lance, mereka membenarkannya menemani mereka dalam usaha mereka, dengan alasan bahawa pengetahuannya tentang monolit terbukti berguna.

      Belayar ke Selatan

      Dengan Lance sebagai sekutu / tahanan mereka, pesta tersebut menuju ke Greenwood Village, meminjam Kapak dari rumah Anna untuk memasuki Mystic Woods. Mereka melalui hutan, mendapati sebahagian besarnya dipenuhi dengan raksasa, sihir gelap, dan aliran toksik dari Benteng Besi. Untuk meneruskan, mereka memperoleh Leafy Boots dan Stepladder; mereka juga bertempur dengan Chibi Knight untuk pertama kalinya. Mereka akhirnya menemui rumah pembuat rakit itu, tetapi jalannya dihalang oleh pokok pelik yang dipenuhi kucing; setelah mengalahkannya, mereka akhirnya bertemu dengan pembuat rakit dan menerima kaedah menyeberangi Sungai Pelangi.

      Dengan rakit baru mereka, pesta ini bermula di hilir, tetapi sebahagian besar pantai benua selatan terlalu kasar untuk didarat. Mereka menyusuri sungai barat sehingga mereka menemui pintu misteri di pinggir ladang bersalji. Dengan mengumpulkan serangkaian Kepala Batu dari sepanjang sungai dan meletakkannya di alas di luar pintu gerbang, jalan dibuka untuk pesta memasuki Lembah Beku. Setelah melintasi lanskap berais (dan menemui Spiked Boots untuk membantu dengan teka-teki slip-and-slide) dan memerangi Chibi Knight yang berkuasa, quintet bertemu Poseidon, dewa laut kuno yang dianggap hanya legenda. Sayangnya, Poseidon marah kerana pencemaran air yang berleluasa, memaksa pihaknya mengalahkannya dalam pertempuran.

      Dengan Poseidon keluar, pesta itu akan sampai ke Redpine Town, sebuah penempatan yang dilanda raksasa tepat di sebelah lokasi benteng meteor. Mereka terus ke arah timur dan memasuki The Rapture, lanskap yang kelihatan asing dengan kekuatan monolit. Di pusat The Rapture terdapat meterai pelik; menggunakan empat unsur bola yang terdapat di sekitar benua selatan, para pahlawan dapat mengaktifkan portal ke The Beyond.
      The Grand Finale

      Ketika mereka maju melalui The Beyond, pihak tersebut menyedari adanya kekuatan luar yang mengawal tindakan mereka, akhirnya mengakui keberadaan pemain itu secara langsung. Selepas beberapa siri tembok keempat dan pertempuran sengit (termasuk bentuk terakhir Chibi Knight), mereka menemui monolit yang benar-benar kolosal yang mengawal yang lain dan memproses data mereka yang dikumpulkan. Parti itu mengalahkan Cosmic Gigalith, tetapi ini hanya mengungkapkan The Devourer, kekejian mengerikan yang merupakan dalang sebenar krisis.

      The Devourer menyatakan kekecewaannya bahawa pesta itu telah merosakkan rancangannya sekali lagi, mengungkapkan bahawa peristiwa dari keseluruhan siri ini adalah serangkaian simulasi yang dikembangkan sebagai usaha untuk menciptakan alam semesta yang teratur dengan sempurna. Sejak empat simulasi terakhirnya hancur oleh tindakan parti itu, ia bermula dengan menghapus kenangan antara satu sama lain dan eksploitasi masa lalu mereka. Walaupun itu tidak mencukupi, ia menyedari punca sebenar masalah: pemain yang membimbing pesta. Devourer sekarang berhasrat untuk mengalahkan pesta berulang kali sehingga pemain berhenti dari permainan, membuang satu-satunya elemen yang tidak dapat diramalkan dalam simulasi dan memastikan bahawa ia dapat memiliki alam semesta deterministik semata-mata yang diinginkannya.

      Di sebalik usaha The Devower, pesta itu mulai mendapat kemenangan dalam pertempuran mereka, akhirnya mendorongnya untuk menghapus seluruh dunia dalam usaha untuk menghapus pesta tersebut. Para pahlawan dapat menahan penghapusan mereka cukup lama untuk mengalahkan The Devourer, tetapi ia dapat melepaskan diri dari kehancurannya yang akan datang dengan memindahkan dirinya melalui skrin komputer pemain dan pembesar suara ke latar belakang gelombang mikro kosmik. Kata-kata terakhirnya adalah ancaman bagi pemain itu sendiri, memberi amaran bahawa ia akan mencari jalan untuk menyerang dunia nyata di mana pesta itu tidak dapat mengikutinya.

      Dengan Cosmic Gigalith hancur, monolit yang lebih rendah dinonaktifkan, dan The Devourer hilang dari kenyataan mereka, kenangan parti mengenai pengembaraan lama mereka kembali kepada mereka. Ringkas “di mana mereka sekarang?” segmen kemudian dimainkan, diikuti oleh komen pihak itu kerana peristiwa segmen itu sebenarnya belum berlaku. Setelah itu, pihak mengucapkan terima kasih kepada pemain kerana telah memainkan permainan mereka (dengan Lance menghukum Matt kerana cuba mengiklankan Patreon mereka) sebelum Game Baru Ditambah.
      Para pemain

      NoLegs (debut dimainkan)

      The Foes

      Artikel utama: Senarai Foes dalam Epic Battle Fantasy 5

      Lihat, betapa mudahnya! Dan saya percaya bahawa Bahasa Inggeris anda tidak seburuk itu. Percayalah pada diri sendiri walau apa pun!

    1. Collete Chan

      Aw…. Oh, and capture a foe, can help u get friendship points! By getting friendship point, u will get a happy ending.

  12. TheBigDorito

    Hey would it be okie dokie if I “borrowed” this for a dungeons and dragons game with my friends (DM I am) is that okay?

    1. Collete Chan

      Actually u all can find da ‘Stone Head” key on the place with rainbows………………………….. Hope dis can help ya!^_^ =_=”

      1. Collete Chan

        And after u got three of the ‘Stone Head” key, u make a EQUAL triangle, u will get a treasure chest ^_^

  13. Timburrr

    Just so all of you trash eaters know I have just made a WR (2 min ago) 1000000000% 5:21 EBF5. Which means I gona keep this WR, until time itself no longer exist because (from what heard) this takes about 30 hour and I beat it in 5:21 which is something non of you will be able to. If you are trying to make the WR on this game you are gona have to give up because non of you are gona beat the WR I have made (1000000000% 5:21 EBF5).

    1. Collete Chan

      Hey, ANGELA I don’t know how u think about my name but next time please don’t juge a people by its name. OK?

      1. ANGELA


        1. Collete Chan

          Sorry if my name gaves u disgust but I didn’t get that name from a rubbish bin.I’m not used to be mean but I’m sure u get ur heart from a rubbish bin.I don’t hate u as much as Em &Sky but please stop bullying other students at school. I don’t want anybody to be hurt and the headmaster already said that u will be kicked out if u bully again.

          1. ANGELA


    1. Skylar

      BOI !!!! Me & our bestie [Emerald] the one we call Em in short in our school also play this game

      1. Emerald

        Sky, I didn’t even write anything n here. How could CoCo now!!!!!
        And I also start playing this game last month its not long!!!! How could CoCO know!! If I didn’t tell u at the library u won’t know!!!!

          1. Emerald

            Yup!!! That time I tell u is on Friday. Remember that CoCo has Harp lessons on Friday?

    1. Collete Chan

      Thats sad to listen. Maybe u can have a try on alowing the adole flash.Thats the only way to play da game.OH,forgot to tell you that there is [Kupo Games & Kongengrate] maybe u can try two of it.

  14. gman65

    there a glitch where in the stats menu when you click matt alot this thing pops up and matt disappears but then reappears after a 1-3 seconds was that supposed to do that?

    1. Ronja

      Which version of the game is this happening in? The main menu will tell you which version of the game you are running.
      If it’s the free website version or the battle demo it will have been fixed in the newer ones, and those versions are not being updated anymore.

    1. Collete Chan

      PART 2: OHH their asking Nat Nat out!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Can’t wait to tell Nat Nat!! U know.. nolegs is planning to order 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,009 plates of rice ball..
      for not confusing u I will tel u the history why nolegs don’t order 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 plates..

      HISTORY OF NOLEGS:BOOK NUMBER 2,000,888,666,555,444,00



  15. Anonymous

    Saves you carry over from here to steam will have the in game medals already unlocked, and you’ll never be able to unlock the steam achievements of those medals unless you reset medals….which is too bad if you’re already halfway through the game on the steam version.

      1. Collete Chan

        Ur game is nice. But the crasy thing is that the first time, Lance can just kill every one! And I’m sure that every player was very unbelievable that the second time we, the players can just kill Lance! This process is really funny as I said. Ur games are really nice on playing! ???????????????????????????????? I luv ur creative ways. Ur thoughts of the game is very unthinkable and ur games is really popular. I found it all over the wikepedia and whatever places. I really like nolegs and I felt that godcat is like a ghoust or something…..

      1. Anonymous

        Use Natalie limit break then use encore on her and give her pepper and use limit break again

  16. The WARRIOR

    It might be just me but i caught a P*kemon reference during the dialogue after the battle with Natalie(p.s it’s nolegs line

  17. genderson2003

    Recently just bought the $20 full game on Steam. The price made me hesitate but because I had such a great time playing this version, I decided to buy it. I loved playing this so I hope all of you will support the developer and buy the game too! <3

  18. CoffeeUser

    Don’t know why this was never asked before. Some topaz keys aren’t easy to find.

    ❗ ❗ Spoilers ❗ ❗

    1. Iron Fortress, one of the screens with the magnetic tiles.
    2. Graveyard with a slime cat. Probably the hardest one to notice.
    3. Next to the screen with candle. There is an obscure path.
    4. At where the earth orb is. It’s probably impossible to miss this one.

    Tell anyone one who asks in the future to just ctrl + F

  19. Knokke

    I know it has been a while since these replies were posted, but why did you need to rely on, mostly, items to heal in the Iron Fortress? First, you had Anna who knows “Refresh” (or whatever it is called at the beginning levels). Second, you could’ve quit to when before Natalie was captured by Lance and then unequipped all of her skills and even swapped her armor to what you thought may have not been useful based on Lance’s character in previous Epic Battle Fantasy Games.

  20. GoB


      1. GoB


    1. Entman

      You start with Matt, then get Nolegs, then Natalie, then Anna, then Lance. You have to fight all of them, and you get an achievement if you just weaken them enough that they surrender instead of “dying”

  21. CE

    Windslash: Kupo Games? They slash the wind out of my wind slash! ….Wait.

    Nice game. Really missing that character tho.


    Tried the 10 M damage badge on the 10M hp slimes in greenwood at lvl 36.

    Viking monolith*2
    Anna:Siphon arrow->Fireworks->
    Natalie: Debuff armor (-80%)-> Stagger
    Anna: Freeze arrow (~300k damage)
    Matt: Temper (+90%)-> change equip->Cleave

    And I still failed because the first 3 slashes did 9.8M damage and killed the slime.


  23. Entman

    This is probably going to irritate you, but do you plan to/can you port the EBF5 browser version to something other than flash?

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      You’ll need to make sure that your browser doesn’t delete Flash cookies.
      Or you can try using the backup save feature.

          1. Ladybug

            But … does that mean that everything will pay off on Steam, including the older games? So no more free EBF like here?

        1. random

          The games are worth the money, and once flash goes down there will be other ways to play flash games anyways.

  24. Sam Brown

    Ok i love these games but towards the end in the rapture area i started noticing that the attacks don’t do as much damage as they say, for example i used Anna’s leaf blade attack on a mage dog with roughly 40,000 health and the two hits from Anna’s attack did 32,000 and 19,000 and the dog didn’t die… what the fuck is up with that?

    1. CoffeeUser

      The damage number is cumulative in this game. So hit 1 did 19,000 and hit 2 did 13,000 which totals 32,000. 19,000/1,3000 is roughly 1.5 so hit 1 is a crit. It was done like that so you can see Cleaver deal a million damage instead of 5 200,000 hits.

  25. lnl

    Strangely,I don’t feel sleepy at all with 40 hours playing without interruption.(Although I force myseft to sleep for health)

    1. Collete Chan

      Please sleep more. Maybe now u won’t feel anything its nothing good for ur own health! And when ur old, u will have the ‘bad effect’! Please that my words as a note ?

  26. awsome

    goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  27. Ladybug

    Very good game (before i played at EBF3 and 4) and french translation is excellent. I love this manga graphics.
    Thanks for the filtered to play without blood, neckline and shocking content.
    But… I can’t finish this game! Where is this stupid hammer for break this red stones??! I can’t go into the last level, and there is no walkthrough like Kongregate, help! T-T

      1. Ladybug

        Yes, i got it! Sorry to disturb you, i thought i was stuck on entry witout the hammer.
        Almost 30 hours of game, almost at the end, and we never get bored, like in other EFB games ! Thanks for this saga! 🙂

    1. Knokke

      I know it has been a while since these replies were posted, but why did you need to rely on, mostly, items to heal in the Iron Fortress? First, you had Anna who knows “Refresh” (or whatever it is called at the beginning levels). Second, you could’ve quit to when before Natalie was captured by Lance and then unequipped all of her skills and even swapped her armor to what you thought may have not been useful based on Lance’s character in previous Epic Battle Fantasy Games.

    1. Collete Chan

      Hey, ‘a ramdom person’ I found that a normal attack is way more stronger than the other level 1 attacks.

  28. Confused Being

    Backup saves don’t seem to work in Chrome on Windows 10, all cookies are allowed, and flash is working properly, but the backup files don’t seem to lead to anything. In File Explorer, it says the backups are shortcuts but aren’t shortcuts to any kind of data, would this get fixed or not, since this is free version on the web?

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      I don’t know what to tell you – it works fine for most people. What is the file extension on the backup files? It should be .meow, and it shouldn’t matter what windows wants to do with them, the game should be able to load them.

  29. Sad Player

    There were a few days when the website/server was down. Today, when I opened my game, all my save files were lost and I forgot to back up……… Now I have to work hard again to get Lance. Its okay, I’ll just jump straight into hardcore mode instead of finishing normal mode first. It’s a bit sad, because I already reached the red town…. 20 something levels lost…

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      I’m not sure if that’s related to the site update – the URL is the same so it shouldn’t effect Flash game saves.
      Better start using that backup feature!

  30. Helene

    My map stopped updating after the first screen of the ice cave. Suggestions? I’ve reloaded the page, didn’t help.

  31. anonymous

    I just had an interesting thought could you possibly do as an optional superboss that can’t be caught a dragon which has only its body and necks showing that has every single or if not this most of the attributes as this would a boss that would be an interesting experience as you could make to be like akron except on steroids with attribute changes and so would be a true challenge for even people that would want to strategise.

  32. Donovan Patrick

    I am at the end of the game and after I captured snowflake, battle animations just stopped. They only continue when attacked, healed, and when attacking, but there is no idle animation. How do I fix this? 😥 ❓

  33. awsome

    goooooooood GAAAAAAMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2:

  34. Donovan Patrick

    I’m so used to the other ebf games that I found the first shop secret as well as the seagull demon on my first 5 minutes without any help and without mouse… :stars: :ooo: :yay: :smirk: :hurray: :tongue: :love: :love2:

  35. Epic fan battle player

    After the quest where you defeat Poseidon there’s a dialogue that ana says “I wonder what treasure would appear if we put back the stone heads back?” Is there actually any treasure for putting them back or no?

    1. Imperata

      Put the stones back to where you found it, there will be rainbows. At the end of each rainbow, you will find secret treasures

  36. David

    Am I the only one who felt really, really bad about making them fight the glitch? (Even though I did turn down the difficulty.)

    P.S. Thank you sir for making an incredible game with amazing characters that I proceeded to give severe emotional trauma.

    Is there a therapy minigame that I haven’t found yet?

  37. MarioBlock6

    This is a very good game!
    :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:

  38. idestroyer

    if you want to get zombie hydra and fail to catch dont worry it respawns so dont go back and struggle so chill :bacon: :coffee: :coffee: :phone2:

  39. noor afnan

    i hate this game because the free version not giving the fuuulll story mode . cih. please matt roszak i want to play ebf 5 full version for freee. btw i love your game matt.i,ve played ebf 1,2,3,4,and 5 and many

    1. Imperata

      The free version is already a complete game, but if you buy the game you will get additional contents

  40. ankit

    This game is a re-make of super mario. Just that goombas are now called slimes and koopas of various colors are called different types of turtles.

  41. ankit

    I wish I could minimize or close that ads on the right side. I keep accidentally clicking on them while playing the game and then have to reload etc. And no fullscreen is not the answer because for some reason this game lags heavily for me on full screen even with quite a decent i7 16gb laptop even with reducing the graphics to a minimal.

  42. noor afnan

    matt roszak please give ebf 5 s free version a fuuuuullll game play because i dont have something to buy the full version pleeeeeeaaaaasssssssssssss

  43. phos

    I don’t have the blue orb??? I got it after I beat Poseidon and I was planning to put it on the pedestal after I got all the other ones but I don’t have it anymore for some reason???

  44. sonicboom357

    Dont READ THIS. YOU WILL BE KISSED ON THE BEST DAY OF YOUR LIFE. NOW THAT YOU’VE STARTED READING, Dont STOP. THIS IS SO FREAKY. 1 say your name 10 times 2. say your mum’s name 5 times and your crushes name 3 times 4. paste this onto 4 other games. If you do this, your crush will kiss you on the nearest Friday possible. But if you read this and do not paste this, you will get bad luck. SEND THIS ON 5 DIFFERENT GAMES IN 143 MINUTES.

  45. Alex Rodríguez Guevara

    Greetings from Latinoamerica, we love you Roszak. Just writing to say that in Anna’s final scene in the true ending the word isn’t “empanciparse”, it’s “emanciparse”

    Thank you for your job from Peru

    Good luck and congratulations :hurray: :hurray: :smirk:


    i am trying to play the game but it is not turning on what do i do ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ :phone: :coffee: :bacon: :phone2:

  47. NicoleGachaYT

    So Matt, I found something, I went to the glitch area in Redpine Town to battle the glitch boss then i fled because i ran out of coffee, then all players’ equipments, items, steriods and food became glitches, I tried reloading my save but it wont work, I also tried making new progress but it was still the same. HELP PLZZ 😥 😥 😥 😥 ❓

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Check your browser settings and make sure Flash cookies are allowed. Ad blockers may also interfere. Also you can try a different browser.

  48. Justin

    Well i beat the game, I loved it a whole lot, not sure about the ending though but the game was overall amazing. Thanks for another good game, i’ll definitely be trying to get ahold of the paid for version so I can play it as well!

  49. Pingback: やり込めるフリーゲーム紹介スレ Part 218

  50. James Reynolds

    Can we not play EBF5 offline using the swf file?
    My wifi takes forever to run this page for some reason 🙁

  51. Nonny

    Now I don’t need to be rude, but I just want this game to optimizes it’s performances.

    Despite loving this game a lot, My only drawback here is I have to lower EVERYTHING from the option menu, such as the animations, the background and specifically the graphic, and yet, the performances is still slow despite I’m doing anything to turn down my laptop performance.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Check your browser settings and make sure there’s nothing blocking cookies on my website. Make sure ad blockers and incognito mode are off.
      It’s probably one of those things. You can also try a different browser.

  52. Water

    Ahahaha, it won’t save anything in the latest firefox… Not even a backup file. I’ve turned adblock off and am not incognito, so I have no idea what it could be.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Check your browser settings and make sure there’s nothing blocking cookies on my website.

      1. Water

        Even after explicitly allowing the website to store cookies, still the same result T.T
        The odd thing is, the prompt to load a backup save does seem to work– the load function (of slots, too, I was lucky enough to catch one autosave before it disappeared (SOMEHOW)) seems to be fine.
        (also want to use this opportunity to say the game (as far I’ve been able to play it before dying by bear-stun-body-slam-combo) is awesome, haha ^^)

        1. Water

          …tbf, a great bunch of flash games I’ve tried to play are malfunctioning pretty badly after a certain update… .-.

          1. Water

            Update! https:// support. mozilla .org /en-US/kb/changes-affecting-adobe-flash-firefox-mac seems to have worked! :stars:

  53. James

    I completed all the quests and got all the medals. Thank you Matt for creating the greatest online RPG game in the history of the human race. I hope that you see this comment and maybe sometime in the future release even more EBF games.But until that time i love what you have done for all of us,inspired us and made us happy. Goodbye Matt. :smirk:

  54. Affinna

    Tried playing this in Chrome. NO AUTOSAVE. Why? At least it can be saved at all, unlike in Firefox. ( :bleh:

    1. Ronja

      You can try turning off incognito and any ad blockers you might have on and make sure your browser isn’t deleting cookies from the site.
      Hope this helps!

  55. Affinna

    The game is not saving!
    Sometimes it does not even show the game slot being filled, even for a moment!
    Not even an autosave!
    Such a letdown.
    (Playing through the newest Firefox).

  56. Meh

    Hey Kupo I have a question…


  57. Ronessi Nessi

    😐 Kinda forgot to tell that my secret boss’ health on epic is 15M+ HP
    Zero difficulty:2.5M HP
    Easy: 5M HP
    Normal: 7.5M HP
    Hard: 10M HP
    The boss has unknown behaviors and is really hard to kill and cheap tactics wont work though…. 😐

  58. Tiago

    Matt,I still do not believe that you have a Portuguese option in the language :stars: :stars: :stars:
    Thank very much :love2:

  59. DoingTheJukes

    Fair warning for everyone trying to get the Chinese New Years equips, it costs 5 of the event items that you get from monster drops for each upgrade on both of the flairs that you can get from the event. So in all, too complete the event quest, and to upgrade both flairs fully, you will need to collect a total of 30 event items. BTW, the other flair not given by the quest, go to an Equipment shop.

  60. PolaBunny

    I know you don’t update the beta anymore, but do I have to do something in order for the person to sell me weapons, because the weapons shop is empty, even when I first entered there. :wut:

    1. CoffeeUser

      Weapon shops are shared. Every shop you encountered afterwards sells the same thing as the first shop.

  61. IPufosenia

    Help whenever i enable flash the game turns white and then asks for flash again and turns white, every other game works

      1. IPufosenia

        i deleted my history on edge to see if it works (i use chrome) and it worked but i dont want to lose my saves 😥

  62. a random fan... BIG fan


  63. TestGamer

    Just fought the glitch and it was glitching out the UI ex: no hp bars and limit break for player char., no stats for enemy, enemies appearing on the HUD? but not in combat. I do not know if that was supposed to happen or not.

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s likely the glitch weather or the shroud status. Try using Mother Earth/The Creator and see if it persists.

      Remember when you have any interaction with glitchy enemies everything that happens is probably intentional.

  64. Random Beta Tester 1234

    Started again on Epic difficulty, but have hit the ‘opening treasure chest in Rainbow River causes game to crash’ bug. Does anyone know if Armor Games is going to host a bug-free version of the game at any point without the exclusive access content?

    1. CoffeeUser

      The free web version would probably just be the same thing as this but without bugs. (And it’ll probably not be on Armor Games since Matt did not mention it.) Just get the Steam version if you want something different.

      1. Random Beta Tester 1234

        Just want to finish it on epic (any version) but don’t know if the chest which keeps causing the crash contains some quest-vital item, skill or essential piece of equipment which the game can’t be completed without.
        Very low (non-existent, in fact at the moment) gaming budget. 🙁

        1. CoffeeUser

          That chest just had some material afaik. So you can still very much complete everything here. Just not including getting every chest.

          1. Random Beta Tester 1234

            Levelled characters up to level 36, but have hit a difficulty wall on epic. Can’t beat snowflake because the poison doesn’t damage him fast enough and when snowflake gets down to 4 million or so hit points, the attacks snowflake makes are starting to bypass the ‘meat shield’ character with revive and ‘target me’ and to take out the whole party. Can’t beat the 5th glitch monster because it repeatedly wipes the whole party out and the only ‘revive all’ options I have are Genesis (which deals holy damage and thus heals the glitch monster) and ‘9 lives’ which has a 10 turn cooldown.
            Can’t beat the trio monoliths with 200K hit points each (or is 2 million?) in the ‘final’ astral zone because again they’re wiping the party out with no problem, and if I remember right from ‘normal’ difficulty everything else there is MUCH tougher.
            Need to endlessly grind steroid items from the art gallery I guess, if I want to get any further…
            Anyway, it was fun up to the current difficulty wall (apart from that one chest which crashes the game) and I hope your steam version is selling well.

          2. CoffeeUser

            No need for that. Snowflake is harmless once both weaken and tired hit 50%. No meat shield needed. Glitch boss is really susceptible to debuffs so you could kill/capture it turn one with the help of Viking Monolith. (Or just do it on zero. No medal for beating that thing on epic.) Triple CM is quite hard if fought normally but not a problem with syphon. Even when fought normally it’s not that hard with the correct elemental resists.

            There were never difficulty “walls” in the free version. If you found a wall then perhaps you have been crawling this whole time. Try standing up by actually learning about the game. Utilizing statuses/take precaution for enemy attacks/maximize damage output. If you don’t want to do that then stay on playing normal I guess. Epic mode isn’t for everyone obviously.

            Reminder difficult parts can be fun for some people. And top players are still finding the game too easy. (I’m definitely not one myself.)

  65. UndeadSpider

    Accidentally clicked a link on the side 🙁 Open in new tab plz, my internet is veeeeeryy slow :'( Took me 15 minutes to reload, no lie

    1. Zero Humans

      well i dont know if thet will be blue :mad :s :scare :sick:
      so not need to copy it
      again sorry for the bad english

      1. Zero Humans

        looks like i not read it first
        i just not want to make an emoticons of nolegs
        and again sorry for the bad english

  66. agentr9154

    I love how the game is! it turned out awesomely so far! Plus,I like how there are family friendly options so I can play it at school if I leave the tab open.

    1. DoingTheJukes

      I think it is from interacting with a Seagull somehow… Not sure on the specifics I just got it out of the blue while doing that.

  67. Joe

    Thank you so much for all your effort and this game Matt! You rock dude. Try to port this to the Switch and I’ll support it. A lot of indie games, free & mobile games are coming out there and are being profitable.

  68. Joseph Howard

    You know, I never could find the shoes that let you walk on clouds. I guess I will try again on the extended Steam version soon.

  69. Allen

    For the love of godcat… where that dang last goat milk bottle be? I be hoping too that pirate’s empties are somehow connected…

    Can’t wait for Friday…

    1. CoffeeUser

      They’re either inside fridges or farms. All inside towns. Quite easy to find compared to things like golden ticket.

      And the one you are looking for is probably not the last one. There are 5.

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s (technically) in Forgotten Ruins. The equip name paired with the location it’s in strongly reminds me of a certain YouTube celebrity and his “theories.”

  70. Will

    Hey peoples. Where are the red and blue jewels? I’ve only found the green one and I can’t find the rest. ;-; 😥

    1. CoffeeUser

      Before you ask for where it is, may I ask: Why would you want it? There’s only one place where it’s truly needed. And you probably don’t remember where that is anyway.

      It’s at the screen just before the Frozen Valley boss. Very hard to miss.

        1. CoffeeUser

          Oh, so you know exactly what you needed it for. I appreciate that very much. :yay: So many people asking questions here without trying to figure out things themselves. Especially those who asked for the key items needed for story progress.

          So to be more specific, it’s in a chest guarded by a bubbler sprite. That fight is really tough. (4 deadly waves. Wave 4 is definitely the toughest of them all.) You should be fine though if not on epic or have a level 31 party on epic.

          1. CoffeeUser

            Oh, so you know exactly what you needed it for. I appreciate that very much. :yay: So many people asking questions here without trying to figure out things themselves. Especially those who asked for the key items needed for story progress.

            So to be more specific, it’s in a chest guarded by a bubbler sprite. That fight is really tough. (4 deadly waves. Wave 4 is definitely the toughest of them all.) You should be fine though if not on epic or have a level 31 party on epic.

  71. Will

    Hey can someone tell me all of the locations for the holy water? i only have 2 out of 3 bottles for the quest. :wut: :wut:

  72. EBF Fan

    Do battles that don’t give exp (Forgotten Temple, Grand Gallery) still raise support between characters? I talked to the Bard after going through both with Lance in my front line the entire time, but it didn’t seem that anything changed. Or maybe I just didn’t raise it enough. I don’t know. Either way, I love this game and am a huge fan of your work, Matt!

    1. Frost

      Best way to raise support is to go to the dummy slimes in greenwood, give your characters autobattle with electric bat summon, and then just wait. Play another game, read a book, watch TV, whatever, and come back every couple minutes to refresh the autobattle. Run away from the fight when you think enough rounds have passed

      1. CoffeeUser

        An even better way, just find a panda bear fight and mash the “skip turn” button. Can even be automated.

          1. CoffeeUser

            So your method can be automated, and it’s even easier than the method I mentioned. I’d like to inquire how.

            Using the method I mentioned, just make all 3 skip turns. Then hover over the skip turn icon. Start your auto clicker. Done. I’d be amazed if it can possibly get easier than that.

  73. Seth Gustafson

    The graphics quality in fullscreen needs work, its too pixely currently and needs to be as crisp as when its not in fullscreen mode.

    Love the game tho, well done Matt and thanks for making it. :yay:

  74. Alexandrite

    After replaying EBF4 along with this I’m of the opinion that EBF5 is a huge improvement in almost every way, and 4 was already incredible so that’s quite a feat.

    The ‘almost’ comes down to three things, I think;

    Game-spanning sidequests like the dragonballs, the golden tickets, and the hidden glitch zones have unsatisfying results for how much time and effort they take to complete. The former two quests have almost no reward, and the glitch boss doesn’t do much to stand out from the one in the previous game making it feel like just another encounter.

    The main battle theme that you hear in most fights gets pretty grating after awhile, I feel. This is probably totally subjective but it’s the only battle theme in the series, including this game, that I’ve found myself turning off out of annoyance.

    The biggest one, and the one that I had to play EBF4 again to really notice – is that the pacing of the battles in this game feels horrendously slow. I’m not sure if that’s mainly caused by players and foes having longer animations in general, the capture system making you think twice about which enemies you kill, or foes and bosses being a lot beefier than in previous game, making battles take longer to win. But when I started playing 4 again the battle speed hit me like Lance’s fancy car.

    I’d like to reiterate that I think this game is amazing and I enjoyed every hour I put into it, and will likely spend many more when the premium content becomes available, but its few major flaws became pretty noticeable after a playthrough or two. :ooo:

    1. CoffeeUser

      1. I agree with the quest. But the glitch boss seems alright for me. The point is not getting some super powerful item that makes the game easy. It’s the experience that the fight gives you. Both irl and in game. It has the potential to give you some trauma. It’s also the best grind spot in the game as of now. (Used to be triple CM but they were buffed.) I think that’s enough reward as it is.

      2. I completely disagree. I think this game did a better job at placing the themes. In 4 you hear almost every battle theme at the first two areas. And then no more. But in this game there’s almost a new song introduced per area. It should be more difficult to get tired of the themes in this game. In any sense you can’t really call this a “flaw.” If it’s one, how would you suggest ways to “fix” this?

      3. Hmm. Personally I dislike fancy setups (People were able to one hit everything in 5 by doing this.) and like to take it slow. And I even felt some of the battles in 4 were tedious to do. Like those kitten forts. They won’t ever go down. Even with burn it takes ages. And big versions of some enemies were also tedious to defeat. A big bush could take like 10 fire hits and kill my party multiple times over in the process. Do I even need to begin talking about Monoliths and Dragons?

      In this game I can do a battle against two dragons and do the same thing again without even feeling tiring in the process. Because all the players got buffed a lot in power. Monsters as tanky as chompers gets destroyed by a few earth moves. And a surge hit on Sky Dragon with some buffs and debuffs is almost 1/2 health gone. (Might be less depending on level.) This game is much more favorable to those who plays the game right. And I appreciate that a lot.

      Also, I wouldn’t exactly call having to think more about what you do a “flaw.” Rather “a massive improvement.” If you don’t like doing too much things you can always play on a lower difficulty.

      Of course, these are just my personal view. So feel free to ignore. (Also sorry for the super long comment.)

      1. Alexandrite

        Glitch boss: I just think more could’ve been done to make the fight stand out from its ebf4 counterpart, as it’s pretty much the same as that fight despite having some buildup this time. The boss doesn’t need a better reward, it needs to be a better reward.

        Music tracks: The music is generally very good yes, but I was talking about the trance battle theme that plays over about half the map. Might just be my opinion but I usually end up muting the music when I’m in one of those areas.

        Game speed: Since you made a pretty condescending remark about playing on a lower difficulty I guess you thought I was saying the game was too hard, which isn’t what I was going for there. Playing 5 and then 4 (both on the same difficulty) had me notice that the average turn in 5 is just way slower, whether due to animation times or whatever. When I started playing 4 I thought the game was running at double speed at first because the turns were just that much faster.

        1. CoffeeUser

          Short answer to the glitch part: Not really?

          Long answer: The glitch fight in this game was something that actually bothered me. Due to the lesser glitches having negative defense and the weather shrouding, it’s really hard to get rid of them. And not to mention the big glitch had some tricks to use this time. (Like ganging up with the lesser glitch, attacking backup or mass confuse your team.) It was definitely not a fight that can be figured out the first time. And actually required some strategy to win.

          On the other hand the EBF4 glitch is just spam kitten fort, arrow rain and star shower. If you consider that the same thing as the EBF5 one then idk. Imo it’s more of a reward than the EBF4 glitch fight in terms of the fight itself. Maybe it’s because you played 4 first so it doesn’t surprise you.

          ❗ Maybe to make the glitch fight even more gimmicky Matt could make it so that the big glitch had negative on either of the defense stat every (few) turn(s). (Or even both.) But that would make this fight nearly impossible to those who don’t know what they’re doing. Maybe make it a higher difficulty trait.

          There’s another reason to play on a lower difficulty though. To save time. Playing on zero doesn’t always make you a noob. Sometimes it makes you a speedrunner. I never considered difficulty part of what you were concerned about.

          4 had shorter animations. But longer battles. On the other hand in 5 the animations were indeed longer. (Also with the weather proc and such.) But the battles are overall shorter. That’s all I was trying to say. (But with animations in consideration.)

          ❗ So if Matt included a way to skip animations it would be all good. Is that what you were asking for? I think it would be really hard to implement such function though. And it’s probably too late since the game is going to be released soon.

  75. Ganymade

    Today, i suddenly can’t play the beta version 0.16. I can’t manage to run the flash even there already the pic which inform to enable the flash in the screen where we play the public beta. Is this another bug :wut:

  76. UndeadSpider

    OK too many comments here to be of any use to devs, but I’ll say it anyway:

    I found the zero-exp zones demotivating – I switched to the ZERO difficulty setting to just sped run through them. No exp makes the battled feel kinda worthless.

  77. John S

    ❗ ❗ ❗ Spoiler ❗ ❗ ❗

    on rainbow river (7 down and 4 to the right) there is a chest (guarded by two crabs two slimes and a dog) that causes flash player to crash upon attempting to open. not sure if this is flash only issue or a me only issue :scared: just thought id throw it out here just in case. otherwise ive had no other issues and im absolutely loving the game!!!! it really is everything that i wanted :love: :love2: thanks so much

  78. Lord Pikmin

    I’ve encountered a problem when opening a chest involving the area where the Raft scene is…..It’s the first chest of the two chests together

  79. Will

    This is perfect. The game is pure RPG perfection, a wonderful treat. Kupo, you have so much potential, and it gives me joy to see it realized. I especially love how you make it so that status ailments and buffs, the 2 most overlooked parts of any RPG, are put to the forefront in a tactical perspective, and I give thanks to Phyrra (Did I get that right? I always have trouble remembering it off the top of my head). The music is professionally done, a la Shoji Meguro (Meaning that it reflects the situation it plays in perfectly). I have been a long time fan. I bought EBF 4 on Steam, I loved bullet heaven 1, and 2. I hope you go far man, because these games are AAA quality, and it makes me glad that indie creators like you exist.

  80. Anderdavid

    😡 the screen of the flash he does not let me play when I allow the flash anyway he keeps telling me to allow it like but if he does not let me play, he will help me please 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥 :bleh: 😥 :coffee:

    1. CoffeeUser

      This set of key item is actually tricky.

      ❗ Spoilers ❗

      1. Greenwood item shop.
      2. Wild Tropics, one of the underground areas. If you’ve played 4 you know the drill. Or not the drill since it’s not useful in this game. The flybot maybe.
      3. Redpine. Inside the so called “mausoleum.” (Seriously I did not know about this word until people here refer to that as that. I named it after what I saw inside, the “torture chamber.”)
      4. Forgotten Ruins, don’t have to care about this one since only 3 are required.

  81. reyzonpokemon

    just to let you know. the one of the chests in rainbow river (the one below the map entrance to the ice cave were you fought the cyclops, the map tile below it) after you fight the enemy (not the squid, the other one) and collect the chest directly on top of it. the game crashes :sick: :sick: . hope you read this.

  82. UndeadSpider

    For players unfamiliar with the franchise, it’d be nice to keep secret that Lance will join you. However, I picked up a piece of toast in the kitchen in his castle that gave it away.

    1. I'm stupid sometimes

      I’m looking for it too. Do you happen to know where the flute is? I still haven’t found it yet…

  83. Super12345

    Game’s great but am I the only one who has every weapon shop share the same inventory? IDK if it’s common among everyone but I just got to Redpine & it’s sold out just like the others.

  84. Yuika

    Hi I’m at rainbow river and there’s a chest I can’t get, when I press it, the game freezes and it says the plugin stopped working or something… :scared: I’ve tried to restart it a bunch of times but it still doesn’t work 😥 The location is right under Ice Cave Entrance and the chest was blocked by a crab

  85. I'm stupid sometimes

    Where can I find the flute? I’m already on Glacier valley but I still can’t find it. Even the green jewel. Can someone help me? 😥

    1. ShadowAura

      It’s fixed itself. still, some specific reason as to why, if any would be helpful if anyone knows how it works.

  86. Alexandru Alin Gliga

    Matt when i want to opena chest BETA was blocked by chest and i need to restart.
    Please solve this strangilly bug okay?

  87. Iron Rope

    I’m not sure if this has been mentioned before or not, but I think I ran into two chests containing the Sol Spear (the fire elemental staff). If this was supposed to be the case for this (and other equipements), then this whole post is effectively meaningless, and I’d appreciate if anyone could let me know of that.

    If my memory serves me well, both chests are found inside Lance’s Fortress:
    The first chest being in the same room as the first prisioner you get to free (which means this chest is effectively acquaired without any optional exploration);
    The second one is found just one room to the North, but it’s in a chest that requires the magnetic boots to reach.

    I had upgraded the staff from level 1 to 3 before getting the second chest. When I did get the second chest, it showed the level 3 staff inside it, so this means there’s no actual changes in terms of gameplay caused by this.
    Perphas we could replace the staff from one of those chests with some crafting material?

    1. CoffeeUser

      The first location was off. It’s actually at the screen where you encounter Anna.

      Their location was swapped with Camo Skirt in the last update. (From 0.15 to 0.16.) Due to their prior locations being useless. You get the staff right after Natalie was kidnapped. So you can’t use it until like 2 hours later. And when you get the Magnetic Boots you’ve essentially conquered the fortress. So bomb resistance is not that useful anymore.

      So that means you’re not getting Camo Skirt on this save. RIP. (Unless you do new game + but that’s only for the paid version.) This isn’t that far into the game so I’d recommend you to start again or load a save at a point before you encounter Anna if you fortunately have it.

    2. Matt Roszak Post author

      I switched the location of the staff with another item!
      Sorry, but you can’t get the Camo Skirt now.

      1. CoffeeUser

        Wow, THE Matt commented beside me. :ooo:

        I’ve noticed that my name was brought up in Discord due to an obvious reason. Is that supposed to be a good or bad thing?

        Either way, I’m going to reduce my frequency of commenting here. Or if you want I can stop commenting for good. Hope to hear back from you. :smirk:

        (Also, my name is “CoffeeUser”, not “CoffeeAddict.” It was supposed to show how much of an incompetent player I am, using coffee so often. Not that I spent all my life savings on coffees. It already took all of them to fully upgrade 80% of all equipment.)

  88. death samurai

    matt, you should check the stagger status it says that next (only one) HIT will be an a cricital attack but actually the ALL THE HIT in the skill was a cricital, :bleh: :bleh: and you should make no more aditional damage when the player end the battle because when the player defeat a fish with just 1 player left with a cricital hp the game is over but the battle is win 😡 😡 really you should reprair that sorry for the bad english

    1. CoffeeUser

      Multi hit attacks count as one hit for damage amplifying statuses now. Like Freeze and weaken/curse. Great change if you ask me. Like why would you want attacks to deal less damage? Do you enjoy having to give 5 layers of statuses for Cleaver to be viable?

      That’s one change I didn’t like much. But there are ways to deal with it. Like you can capture or stun/syphon the fish so that they can’t throw bombs at you. It actually makes you think before recklessly killing them. So good change, I suppose.

  89. darkenforcer

    after the beta update 0.15 ,every time i hit play the game hangs and starts playing all the sound effects used in the game and i cannot play it

  90. Anderdavid

    i am the best :shades: lol i won the boss 4 ❗ no lose me :phone2: 👿 :coffee: :bacon: :phone: :phone2:

  91. Anderdavid

    :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :love2: :stars: :love: :love2: :love: :stars: :ooo: :tongue:

  92. Danny

    Keyboard shortcuts would be handy-dandy! M for map, etc.
    Also, SO MANY COMMENTS XD Probably need a comment box at the TOP of the comments here ^_^ :yay: :yay:

  93. Norby88

    Is it possible to find all coral keys without the premium content? I have backtracked through the entire map and still can’t find the last one…

    1. CoffeeUser


      1. Hope Harbor food shop
      2. Greenwood equipment shop
      3. Mystic Woods, ???
      4. Rainbow River, very close to the edge of the map
      5. Frozen Valley boss screen
      6. The Rapture, blocked by red crystals and clouds

      Compared to other keys this set of key is pretty tame tbh.

      Also, you can’t say you backtracked the entire map until you find every pieces of equipment. Not counting seasonal there are 15 weapons for everyone but Lance who has 16. 14 of every defensive piece except female armor which has 15. 33 flairs. Repeat: NOT counting seasonal since the last time I mentioned this someone suspected that I missed something.

  94. Az0rius G4m3r

    Is it just me, or is the Redpine theme partially inspired by the theme from the kids’ game “Shrink-It”? :ooo:

    1. Az0rius G4m3r

      Come to think of it, is Shrink-It’s theme original to that game, or is that taken from something even older?

    2. CoffeeUser

      After some research, it turns out that the theme of that game was made by Phyrnna herself. Link: https://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/248762 Wow, the theme which would be used for a war-torn town was also used by a game where you push a happy octagon around, over 9 years ago.

      I originally thought it was from Under My Skin but apparently it goes way back.

  95. Hanan Ricketts

    God someone please tell me where I can find the quest-giver who needs bottled milk! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! …oh yeah, and thank you! 🙂 :love2: :love2: :love2:

  96. Anyar

    Hey Matt, excellent job, the nostalgia is hitting hard and I’m loving the style and the new features (Pokeboxes, cooldown instead of MP), and I’ve only barely beat the first boss. Really excited to see the new sequel.

    However, one nitpick I have is that this tip:

    “Remember to upgrade your weapons and armor, especially before a major battle.”

    seems to appear right before the first boss, and continues to follow you everywhere with no way to permanently close it until you give in and upgrade something in the Forge. Some players (like me) may want to just walk around and check stuff out before upgrading, so making it a one-time message that permanently closes when you open the Forge (instead of closing until you start moving again) would help.

    Additional minor message issues would be the tip about what the very helpful box next to foe names represents (that you already captured that foe) appearing a bit late in the game so I was confused until then, maybe one could hover over the icon and get a small pop-up saying “Captured” or something.

    And if there isn’t one already, a tip that appears after you exceed the maximum in-battle summons count (when you have more summons than can be available at once per battle) could let you know why you can’t find them all in-battle.

    Thanks, and I wonder how the plot will go this time. Doesn’t seem to be a direct sequel but there’s hints of deja vu… 😉

  97. fireskyleaf

    I can’t seem to find the NPC quest between Akira and Pablo (top row, second to last). I’m assuming it’s somewhere in the Iron Fortress/Greenwood area, but so far I haven’t been able to find them. Help would be greatly appreciated :yay:

      1. fireskyleaf

        Thanks so much!!! :stars: By any chance, do you happen to know where the NPC in the bottom row, third from the left, is ❓

        1. CoffeeUser

          It’s part of a chain quest. Complete the quest next to that spot first. Or if you already have go back to where you got that quest and you’ll find it.

  98. AvocadoBowl

    Are the enemies in Forgotten Ruins all supposed to give you 0 Exp because that’s kind of whats happening.

  99. Just Some Guy

    I got a question, where can silly little me find the list of balancing fixes? I cannot test what I dont know changed. Am I this blind?

    1. CoffeeUser

      You can find them in one of the pinned messages in EBF Discord. But only the latest changes are included.

      Aside from the Poseidon buff, Monolith buffs(Better debuff resistances and Cosmic Monoliths become smarter at using elements), and Viking Monolith costing more to summon, nothing major.

      Oh, and 7th Heaven has outfit variations now.

  100. Crappy meme maker

    TFW you accidentally find Heaven’s Gate when solving puzzles
    [insert video of Flash the sloth slowly smiling]

  101. Phantom31132

    Please help there is a bug where I have alot of medals around 30. But when I tried to get the “Clicking 100 slimes on starting screen” , I got it and come back to my save then all my other medals are gone. I’ve reload the page but it wont help. Help



    I had a old ver. save and did something on it and on a pretty new save it teleported ma to the item and food shop when i switched the screens when i did not even beat Jotun.
    Fix this please. = )
    glad to help :yay:

  103. myom

    I played through this version on Easy, just to get a casual experience of what EBF5 had to offer- Frankly, the whole premise/theme with the player being involved in the game universe left me feeling reminiscent of my experience with the past EBF games. Is this kind of a send-off for the series? I don’t really mind it if so, but it will take me some time to absorb. 🙁

    :coffee: :coffee:

    Just an out-of-topic thought I wanted to share: As I’ve mentioned about the reminiscent factor, at some point I’m reminded of Adventure Story. Obviously, it’s a fairly old project by now, but it did make me think about another game following it. I understand if it isn’t possible, though. Like I said, it was just a thought. :yay: Anyway, to anyone who may be reading this, have a nice day!

  104. KNEF

    I won with Poseidon, came back 1 screen to the left, went to the Secret LVL 4, and when won all fights, tried to came back… but game put me in RedPine Town? :wut: I found bug, or it should be like this? :wut:

      1. Random Beta Tester 1234

        I don’t remember if the characters comment on it, but if not and it’s possible (probably not if the translations are done, mind you) it might be worth the characters saying something like ‘woah! that wasn’t where we entered that area’ the first time it happens to indicate it’s an ‘intentionally built in glitch’.

        1. CoffeeUser

          Lance said it’s a wormhole in one of his lines.

          I always interpreted it as such without being aware of that quote, however. That actually seemed quite normal compared to some other things those zones did.

  105. Woo

    ive been popping slimes and making covers of songs that are downloaded, why is it so addicting to pop slimes :stars:

  106. Alexandrite

    I think Poseidon might need his defenses buffed, even on epic he dies way too quickly to a party at the same level.

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s been suggested on Discord and Matt agreed with it. Probably will be applied on the next patch.

      1. HP increases by 45%
      2. All debuff resistances increase by 10
      3. Immune to Bio (Who uses bio anyway)
      4. Ores summoned increase by 3 levels

      1. TheJazMaster

        I use bio
        It was almost completely useless in EBF4 and I’m glad it’s finally getting some buffs

        1. CoffeeUser

          That statement was meant to be a joke. Consider the strategy level of an average player. I don’t expect those who don’t use Lance to be patient enough to find if Bio is useful.

          But to be fair, most Bio skills are weak. Others are outclassed. (Only Anna’s Razor Leaf isn’t.) Why use them when you can use another element and do a better job?

          At first glance that seems like a fair argument. But it ignored one thing. The damage over time effect bio statuses have. By utilizing them you can go full defensive and still kill things. Very useful against some foes with a large health pool and uses dangerous attacks at the same time. Like Mammoths and Dragons (Aside from earth).

          So yeah, Bio is useful. But it’s not that obvious so most people will ignore it. As some people fails even the wooden plank quest, I don’t know what even is “obvious” anymore.

  107. Alexandrite

    Found a bug with the light Godcat limit break.


    After using it to kill the two mirror enemies in the battle, this error message appeared and the Godcat attack animation repeated endlessly.

    It was in the battle blocking the lilypad-walking boots in the woods, if that’s important.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Don’t know why this was never asked before. Some topaz keys aren’t easy to find.

      ❗ ❗ Spoilers ❗ ❗

      1. Iron Fortress, one of the screens with the magnetic tiles.
      2. Graveyard with a slime cat. Probably the hardest one to notice.
      3. Next to the screen with candle. There is an obscure path.
      4. At where the earth orb is. It’s probably impossible to miss this one.

      Tell anyone one who asks in the future to just ctrl + F

        1. CoffeeUser

          One would think that a super important key item’s location would be really memorable. It’s at the screen with most torches apparently.

  108. Foxtrot

    Dammit. I really should stop playing the public beta, and wait for the steam version… but I cant xD

  109. MerryManson

    Found a Bug. :smirk:

    Map-Tile is the 7th from the left, 2nd from above, Mystic Woods.

    There, the second line from the top Left corner, 6th square from above.

    The mouse indicates you can walk there and on the square above, but you can’t.
    It looks like you want the people to come from the left map through that little side walk but according to the mouse-icon you can just walz up there , not really but well.

    1. DoingTheJukes

      One gem is behind the fridge in the first equipment shop in Hope Harbor. You can enter the back area once the thief is gone. Just push the fridge to the side and you can enter the area it is in. The second one is in the house where the old dude lives in Greenwood with vegetables growing in front of the house. Push the bookcase to the side and you can enter the area, but you have to have the step ladder to get to the gem. The last gem is in the cemetery building in Redpine, but you need the candle to get to it I think. You just push back the first stone slab to the right twice and then go the left and up. Once you have all the gems you can place them on pedestals in the temple in the Forgotten Ruins.

    2. CoffeeUser

      ❗ ❗ ❗ Big Spoilers ❗ ❗ ❗

      List of the locations of every golden ticket

      1. After completing the wooden plank quest, it’s across the bridge.
      2. Complete Jerry’s quest. Inside his house. (You have to rescue him first.)
      3. Mystic Woods, at the screen where there is a tent. On the trees.
      4. Iron Fortress, go back there when you get the ladder.
      5. Frozen Valley boss screen.
      6. Redpine Town, screen with a house you can’t enter.
      7. The Rapture, screen with a really unholy look.
      8. Forgotten Ruins, screen where you get the Winged Boots and basically 50% of the most obscure secrets.
      9. The Rapture, accessible only if you have the Winged Boots.
      10. Rainbow River, at the edge of the screen, needs big hammer.
      11. Lava Lake Campsite.
      12. Grand Gallery, 45 medals passage.

      Here, saved you from the trouble of searching all over the world. Either repost this or redirect the future askers here by telling them to ctrl + F.

  110. Frost



    If this is the fifth time the simulation has been reset, why did the cast retain memories in between the first four games, only to lose them in this one? What made this reset different?


  111. Masecampo

    Thank you Matt, for making this great game. You put ALOT into this game and I admire you greatly for it. Not that I know of any awards, but if there was one called “Best Indie Developer” – for this year you definitely deserve it.

    ~ <3 from random internet guy :love:

  112. Knokke

    I will not spoil anything, but for those of you who have yet to unlock the final room in the Art Gallery by achieving every medal, if you fight anything in there I would suggest you prepare yourself to lose. I am a level 42 and this is my recommendation. Even on zero difficulty, at face value, the battles look futile. :sick:

    1. CoffeeUser

      Oh yeah. Those battles are fun. I’ve beaten one on epic and yet to beat the other but got close.

    2. Frost

      Level 36 and they don’t seem that bad – I did the left on zero difficulty (at your advice) no sweat. Even on epic you should be able to easily juggle all of the enemies besides one with freeze or stun, preventing them from moving at all. You can also use similar strategies to the glitch superboss to prevent their attacks from killing you outright. Their health isn’t super high either, a few limit break combos should do the trick.

      The one on the right seems a bit harder on epic, but if you can set up a black hole mega-combo (admittedly something that isn’t super simple with it constantly attacking you – probably need viking monolith) you could probably demolish it in one strike – dark weakness is very exploitable. Weaken + stagger + bad luck (if possible) + ~50% magic defense debuff + invisible on it, ~100% magic attack buff + good luck + brave on Natalie with max magic dark equips, then nuke it with black hole. I’ll have a go at it myself sometime later. I kind of doubt they’ll rival snowflake or the final boss on epic though

      1. CoffeeUser

        Nope, you shouldn’t assume the situation on higher difficulties. Since some enemies get extra perks on higher difficulties. That aside enemies’ health differs between difficulties. At zero it’s 0.5x of normal, at epic it’s 1.4x. Almost 3x more.

        The left fight is only not that hard because it’s not all of them at once. Those damn creatures probably made up 1/4 of my death count in the past. However their status weaknesses suggests how to easily beat them. It turns out they are only dangerous in numbers. I don’t think a single limit break is necessary. Maybe it can speed up the fight a little. But you generally need to stall the fight instead of directly dealing damage anyway.

        I did a mini setup for that right fight. And I was only able to blow about 2/5 the health away with one limit break. Better setups requires Viking Monolith. I might do it some time for fun. But I don’t use summons for those fights unless I can gain back what I spent. Since then I’ll have to grind those back.

        Did you actually found Snowflake hard? If so you were definitely doing something wrong. It’s supposed to become one of the easiest fights once you find how to win.

        1. Frost

          I’m aware of the HP differences; I’ve seen the right one’s HP on epic and it’s not especially high. It should still go down very easily to a boosted black hole. Under ideal conditions (meaning with frozen and maximum magic defense debuff) black hole does about 45 million damage at level 36. You can’t freeze this one and it has a slight debuff resistance, along with slightly higher base m. defense, so you’ll be doing a little less than half of that – maybe even around a fourth, I don’t want to calculate the whole thing out. Even then it’s enough to kill it several times over. You could probably even skip some of the setup if it’s too difficult to pull off while it’s attacking you.

          Left’s higher HP is mostly irrelevant due to status, and their attacks would probably kill you quickly on either mode without resistance, morale, or auto-revive anyways.

          I was probably slightly underleveled for snowflake. Even using the “defending target” strategy with morale+auto revive+regen, it was a close fight. It used AOE attacks way more than single-target attacks as the fight went on, so the target status wasn’t as useful as it could have been.

          1. CoffeeUser

            I don’t think the “ideal condition” is feasible. You can’t freeze them. And they have debuff resistance so you can’t reduce their Mdef by that much. That’s a 0.5^2 damage modifier already. And with that level I think they have much higher Mdef than the one you are comparing with. (If you are comparing with the level 20 dummy slimes. Or the glitch even.) I think after all those modifiers you can only deal less than 1/10 of that even after all the setups you can. And that’s only if you manage to do the setups without being absolutely murdered in the process.

            Have you tried to use weaken/tired? After those stacks to the maximum Snowflake can barely hit you and even if he did it tickles (assuming you have buffs up). Then just stack dot effects and stall the fight. Also you can’t be underleveled since he levels with you. With how much damage he deals uncontrolled I mourn for your target tanker.

          2. Frost

            You’re pretty much just repeating what I’ve already noted. They have very slight debuff resistance, certainly not enough to halve the overall damage. You can debuff their mdef by -60% with max debuff boosts as opposed to -80%. And their base mdef is 11 as opposed to the dummy slime’s 7. These, along with lack of freezing, are the only factors affecting your damage potential that are different from a dummy slime. -Maybe- it would quarter the maximum possible damage, at most. A quarter of 45 million damage is still more than enough.

            Here’s the setup:
            Natz with max buff boost equips
            Lance with max debuff boost equips
            Nobody else’s equips matter much

            1. Natz casts Star Power on herself to get max magic and good luck
            2. Matt casts Temper on her for brave
            3. Somebody else Encores Natz, then she switches to max dark+magic equips
            -foe’s turn-
            -switch the party to be Natz, Lance, and the weakener-
            4. Somebody besides Natz/Lance uses viking monolith
            5. That same person then uses whatever to weaken the foe
            6. Lance uses a maxed enfeeble for -60% mdef on the foe
            7. Lance staggers the foe (maybe use Oblivion for the extra damage)
            8. Natz uses the invisible summon on the foe
            9. Natz casts black hole, decimating it

            If you get lucky with the haste equip, you could also give the foe bad luck, but it’s probably not necessary. I’ll give this a shot myself later. You only have to get lucky and survive one attack. And I think there’s a good chance it wastes that turn buffing itself anyways.

          3. CoffeeUser

            Hmm, I seemed to have missed that part. Sorry.

            -80% defense 5x the damage while -60% defense only 2.5x it. So it’s certainly enough to halve the damage. But that defense difference is smaller than I have imagined. It might work. (The grand total multiplier is 0.5*0.5*7/11=~0.16. 0.16*45=7.2) But the foe’s evade is really high so you’ll have to spare one of the turns to debuff the evade first. Even then they might still occasionally miss. And you’ll have to get very lucky for the enemy to choose that buff out of 12 possible moves.

          4. Frost

            Just tried it, and it worked. Advice: have Anna as one of the leads (the encore user) and equip her with viking dress, tentacle, and stopwatch – if any one of those takes effect at the start, it eliminates the need to waste a turn using bind. In particular, if the viking dress lands, you can skip the foe taking a turn altogether (this ended up being what happened with my successful run.)

            Even when complications arose – debilitate missed entirely, leaving its magic defense untouched – black hole was still able to (just very, very barely) nuke it in one strike. If you pull off the whole strategy with no misses then it should be a surefire win; if you miss like I did then damage randomization -might- leave it with just a sliver of health, but you can clear that with another limit next turn. I got pretty lucky to be able to take it out before it could even make a move, but I don’t think it was insanely unlikely with this setup.

            All told it took maybe 10-20 (quick) resets (mostly just fleeing and rebattling) before viking dress took effect. From there you just need a bit of luck. Accuracy boosting equips could help.

            I went ahead and did the left on epic too, pretty much a cakewalk with Anna abusing freeze+stun.

          5. CoffeeUser

            I now know why their def was lower than I thought. Defense scales linearly in this game. Unlike the previous game where everything is exponential. That’s why instead of being squared like I thought it’s barely double from 20 to over 2x the level.

            As a nerf of your strategy is probably coming. (Random equip proc not being able to happen turn one/harder to inflict invisible.) I managed to beat that multiple times with different methods. The idea is that their damage is so high on epic that they can almost fill up your limit break bar by one attack. So you can spam limit breaks over and over. Further enhanced if you purposely equip in a way that your characters have low defense. But it’s not necessary to do that.

            Here’s the cheapest strat I’ve found. Build your team so that the team in turn two has at least 100% bio resistance. Turn one NoLegs use 9 lives. Summon Bone Bat/Fuzzy Worm. And Stumpy Gloop if you want. Turn two switch to Anna/Lance/Natalie. Use Mother Earth, Death Metal and Genesis and whenever available. If none of then is available be sure to at least have auto revive on Natalie. Then just stall the fight and done. You even get most of the sp you spent back. No randomness involved. Or every random event either doesn’t matter or just speeds it up.

            Ironically this doesn’t work on lower difficulties. Or so I thought. You can try if you want.

          6. CoffeeUser

            Modification: Save Genesis if your team has auto revive. In case of multiple multi-hit attacks.

          7. CoffeeUser

            Oh, and if two players have free turns or someone has haste cast Barrier + Blue Flybot to speed it up even more.

        2. Frost

          Even if my strategy is nerfed the way you describe, there’s still a way to to pull it off easily – considering it was still one-shot even without Enfeeble, I think you should be able to get away with not making it invisible if you pull off everything else. So just cast double monoliths to get everyone the turns they need instead of casting one monolith and one invisible. (You probably don’t need to bind it if you can’t fit that into the turns, since you should be able to reset very quickly if a move misses. Also, Black Hole and Oblivion both have high accuracy, so the only shaky checks are Enfeeble and the weakening move – those can be solved with high accuracy equips.) Probably the fastest method by far.

  113. Stell

    Any clues on where to find the Turtle Shell for NoLegs? It’s the only piece of equipment I’m missing.

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s one of the rainbow secrets. I have found every piece of equipment in this game and recorded where they are. That’s why I am able to write out the corresponding equip’s location when someone asks.

  114. DoingTheJukes

    I can’t seem to find 1 golden key or 1 diamond key, the sword on the second row 5th spot from the left, the last staff in row 1, the staff on the second row next to the fan, the third bow in the first row, the toys 1 away from the right side on both rows, the male hat on the second row 5 from the left, or the 2nd and 3rd female hats on the second row. Are these all just seasonal items for Christmas, Thanksgiving and some other holiday? Please help me out guys (or girls) :ooo:

    1. CoffeeUser

      Try ctrl+f first for keys. It’s probably been answered multiple times.

      You find the sword and one of the staff in the last glitch area. That area has a unique theme. Did you assume nothing special is in it and walked away? Some people do that and it seriously confuses me.

      You get the clue to getting the other staff at a underground area at Wild Tropics. (One screen away from the Hope Harbor slime cat.) Everyone misses that staff.

      To find the bow first go to the Redpine steroid shop and chat with everyone for clue.

      I’m guessing that means second to last counting from left. Because I refuse to believe anyone can miss Dog Sausage.

      One of the Cat Toy is behind the last gold block.

      The other is one of the rainbow secrets. Talk to the NPC at Rainbow Gate and you’ll know what it is. Maybe you’ll even find the last diamond key by doing that.

      The hat is behind the last diamond block.

      Go to Iron Fortress for one of the female hat. And the other is near the entrance of Mystic Woods. Did you snooze at Mystic Woods or something?

      Also even not counting seasonal equips you might be missing even more. There are 15 weapon available for most of the players. With the exception of Lance, who has 16.

      1. Stell

        All of the players have 16 weapons available in the free version, not just Lance. It sounds like you might be missing a few more yourself!

          1. Knokke

            Depending on how long you’ve been playing, some updates to the beta version will have taken away a few weapons, armors, and flairs. I was missing at least 6 equipment myself because of some updates including, but not limited to, the green cross, the fan staff, the tentacle staff, skull and crossbones pin, wrath of Zeus(?), and more.

          2. CoffeeUser

            Yeah, the flair rearrangement did ruin some of the save files. My first file had Beholding Eye missing. (And it is missing. It’s no use getting back to the tree to get it back.) And the other had a bunch of missing flairs. Only way to fix it is to wait for the game to release and purchase it to access the new game + feature.

            I don’t think armors have been changed in any version though.

      2. DoingTheJukes

        I swear that I have searched every corner of the Iron Fortress and the last glitch area, but I can’t find anything more! (Also, is the last glitch area the one at Redpine or am I just blind?) :wut:

        1. CoffeeUser

          It’s that one. Have you tried “walking up?” It’s an ancient technique that not many know.

          For the Iron Fortress one, it’s at the room where you got the snail mail quest. Or the room where the weather is “radiation.” Or the room where you met the first War Mammoth.

          1. DoingTheJukes

            Alright, I have found all of the things. But, I have no clue what you mean by doing control+f to get the last golden key.

          2. CoffeeUser

            Ctrl + F is a shortcut (for Windows at least) to search for things. In browsers it searches the content in a page. So if you type in “Gold key” you can find everything in this page that have ever mentioned it. Sorry if you are using Mac. (Commend + F is the same thing there I think.)

            But whatever. I think I’ll list the location of all of them in case you are not missing that one.

            ❗ ❗ Spoilers ❗ ❗

            1. Hope Harbor Campsite.
            2. One of the crystal locations, the red one I think.
            3. Mystic Woods, one of the chests that requires leafy boots. Idk which.
            4. Frozen Valley, on the edge of the screen, possible to enter without the stones.
            5. Frozen Valley, turn around after you defeated the area boss.
            6. The Rapture, look for a hidden switch. There are clouds in that screen.

            If anyone asks about this in the future just tell them to ctrl + F.

  115. MasterBeardFist

    does anyone know where the water gem is and how to get to it? I’ve been looking for it for hours. Also, I seem to not be able to find the winged boots I know that they are in the rapture area but can’t seem to find them.

    1. CoffeeUser

      There is a gem in each town. And no, Winged Boots is not in the Rapture. It’s in Forgotten Ruins

    1. CoffeeUser

      Critical x2 occasionally happens when the enemy has stagger. Critical x3 requires a skill with high critical rate, user with good luck. And the target with bad luck. On top of stagger. They deal 2x and 2.5x the normal damage respectively.

  116. iDeltaSpark

    Okay so a few things. Three to be exact. Firstly, this game is bloody awesome. As expected. Epic Battle Fantasy never disappoints… Now for the two concerning things.

    1. How do i defeat the Redpine Glitch Area? I’ve been sitting here for 45 minutes reloading saves trying to figure this nonsense out, i THOUGHT i had it, but i don’t apparently. And i’d rather not play through the rest of the game with my menus completely wrecked.

    2. The candle key item. Did i miss it or something…? Where exactly is it? Again, i’ve gone through every single square of the map available to me and i have not been able to find it somehow. Last night i quite literally looked for the candle for 1.5 hours.
    Thanks guys!

    1. CoffeeUser

      1. Try clearing the weather with a summon or limit break. You can then see the smaller glitches have one negative defense stat. You can think about what that would mean. But that doesn’t matter. Since you can just focus fire the big glitch with non elemental attacks and kill it in one turn. If you apply any defense debuff to it. Since they have a debuff resistance of -100%. Any debuff applied will since become 80% (the maximum). If you want to capture it… Good luck. Simply debuffing won’t do the trick.

      Also there’s no fixing the glitch effect. You’re stuck with it forever. 👿

      Jk, go into any battle that’s not the glitch battle and it’ll go away.

      2. No idea. Maybe it doesn’t even exist. If I were matt, I’ll place it somewhere very noticeable, maybe surround it with torches and guard it with some powerful foes like a mammoth. So that no one will miss it. Right? I don’t know.

      Sorry if you found that offensive. Since so many asked where it is I had to rant somewhere. Starting from the Rapture slime cat. Go up, go right. And there it is. Difficult find, I know.

      1. iDeltaSpark

        Lol you’re fine. If it’s in the Rapture then that means that i’ve got yet to reach it. I’m JUST now going through the area with the cosmic monoliths, haven’t gone through it fully.

        Thanks for the help.

  117. Bavaro

    I feel the need to say that I really appreciate all the work you’ve done to make these games as amazing as possible Matt. I have spent hours upon hours on EBF3 & 4, and have had a ton of fun testing out the beta for EBF5. I will for sure be purchasing the steam version of the game because I want to support one of my favorite creators. Keep up the good work bro! :yay:

  118. TheDankishMan

    Say can anybody help me with console codes in the Forgotten Temple, I got the one in the underground area with the cultists, the one with just before the Rupture, and the one in the water just after Lance’s Castle. Anymore would be greatly appretiated, Just make sure to label it as spoilers for those who don’t like that kinda thing

    1. CoffeeUser

      ❗ ❗ Spoilers ❗ ❗

      I think I replied those to someone else some comments ago.

      1. Grand Gallery
      2. One of the crystal location
      3. Rainbow River
      4. Redpine Town
      5. Forgotten Ruins (duh)

      You got every of them that’s important it seems. The Grand Gallery one sucks.

  119. Justaguy

    Another bug report:
    Some foes have info on first encounter without scanning. Usually it’s a derivative of a previously encountered foe.
    Recent example: War mammoth was identified with description, strengths and weaknesses although I never scanned it. I did scan a regular mammoth.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Maybe you captured it before. Maybe you scanned it and you forgot. The first War Mammoth is available as early as Lance’s Fortress.

      Capturing gives a free scan btw.

  120. Az0rius G4m3r


    Lance points out in BH2 that “We may have even traveled back in time”. Considering that, it’s NOT entirely implausible that they traveled right into the new world created by Godcat at the end of EBF4; this may be supported by Nolegs being able to summon The Creator AND The Destroyer pretty much right from the get-go in 5 ❗

    1. CoffeeUser

      My theory before beating the game was that some being more omnipotent than Godcat drained the party’s power and erased their memory. But similar to the Akron scene, the party’s power was too strong so that being wasn’t able to get rid of them completely. So they become scattered over the world and each started their (new) own life. But destiny made them gather together again and went on the quest to save the world like they did before.

      After beating the game, I’m surprised how accurate my guess was. Although it’s quite different from what actually happened.

  121. CoffeeUser

    Grinding information:

    ❗ ❗ Spoliers maybe ❗ ❗

    Mega Glitch (e255): 1,057,766 XP at level 34. They won’t scale higher.

    3rd character cast bind ➡ Natalie: Rainbow blast with Kaladanda ➡ Matt: Legend with Giant slayer. (Or use any non-elemental summon.)

    About 10 sec of walking to reset fight.

    Triple CM: 1,179,261 XP

    Summon Poseidon with cloud flair equipped.

    If no Poseidon, 3rd character cast bind ➡ Natalie: Rainbow blast with Kaladanda ➡ Anna: Aqua Volley with water boosting equips. (Only oneshots if Anna has high enough stats/ defense debuff lands on everyone.)

    About 5 sec of walking to reset fight.

    Tested at level 36, zero difficulty. Apparently triple CM has become a better choice than the glitch if you have Poseidon.

    Idea for Matt if this needs nerf: Penalty for XP at lower difficulties. Or at least penalty for summon damage at lower difficulties.

  122. NameName

    Where do you find the three panties for Gina? She and Roku are the only quests I have left that aren’t seasonal and I’m convinced she has the last Star Ball I need.

  123. Blacklight

    Hello guys, just finished the game on epic (lvl 36) and boy was it a ride! Pretty well designed, including the story, I didn’t mind any fourth wall breaking either (it may have got a bit excessive with the final boss but that’s okay).
    To anyone struggling with the last boss, here is a relatively easy method to beat the thing (i’ll explain in two stages, each more detailed so try to beat him using fewer hints for greater self worth XD) –
    1. First wave of the final boss is easy once you get the hang of it. For the first half of the wave keep your defense up as the boss mainly uses fire, ice, thunder and earth ‘attacks’. Keep your magic and normal defense buffs up and have scorch resistance on your frontline for the latter part of 1st wave. If you do get scorched, remember Lance’s medipack can heal as well as cure status effects. Brace for impact as the boss self destructs with mega dark damage, have that resistance! ——- For the next wave, make sure you have the right equipment. The boss loves to deal Bomb, fire, wind, non-elemental and probably dark and thunder damage as well. Playing aggressive and killing minions should be your priority! You won’t beat it in a flurry of Limit Breaks, you can only whittle him down slowly, so best to kill minions first. Best way for that – death by knife.

    Please read this only if you are ready to give up on the boss, or feel that you won’t succeed without grinding. Hints below are hand-holding stuff.

    2. 1st wave again – if you still have problems, remember to not equip your players with weapons that counter a lot, esp. Matt with Soul Eater, as the boss counter each, yes each move you do if it is damaged, regardless of its turn. Have a couple of damage dealers ready with an element to attack and when the boss switches its weakness to that element, use that char to unleash a Limit Break. You can also deal decent damage with regular skills but you need to debuff evade. A very handy way for this is Lance’s Thunder Core, which he will usually counter and (without damaging the boss) debuff evade. If it switches to dark weakness, the Soul eater can eat the thing up. Remember to use Ancient monolith with frontline dark defense when you kill it. Surviving the first attacks of the next wave is crucial.
    2nd wave – I needed a lot of help with this too. The trick is to kill minions as soon as they pop up. You can’t just bash your way to it however, you need a knife. I mean a literal knife for Nat. Thanks to all the guys above for this godly hint. Have Natz equipped with something to give her good-luck (and confusion resist!) and the knife and just rainbow blast every single minion one-by-one. Keep the main guy debuffed with tired and weaken till it is alone or with a minion at most. Since it is weakened, dark attacks work well. Rinse and repeat till you kill it. Oh, and when it charges up, remember to get morale/revive on your party. It can unleash it’s charge in any of the next three turns so enchant summon might not work since it will use some other attack on that turn. After the 2nd charge hit, you can switch Matt to Soul Eater and let him cut the monstrosity down.
    Also, try to finish it off in style. I preferred to give the final blow to the Chibi Knight, she worked so hard to get there.

    (P.S. – Useful summons – Green and Gray Pixel, Red and Yellow flybot, Nolegs doll, Ancient Monolith, Slime Bunny)

    1. CoffeeUser

      Heh, looks like whoever did beat the final boss at the adequate level used something involving instant death.

      Angel Mirror and Stumpy Gloop are the real life savers in this fight. Wise Mirror also works well for those who are lazy to build status res. But I wouldn’t rely on that. Those are some other summons that can help greatly.

      1. Blacklight

        Yeah I forgot those. Man I see you everywhere on this forum. Matt should make you like a moderator or something. 50% of the stuff here is answered by you. Also, I took your advice for the knife on the final boos. Cheers for the contribution mate!

        1. CoffeeUser

          Haha, I instead wonder if Matt wants to ban me for commenting too much.

          The knife idea wasn’t suggested by me though. It’s only mentioned by “EBF killed my social life” which I believe is not me. Since I don’t even have a social life to kill.

          There is a more efficient way of causing instant death. Using the combination of bad luck + doom. (Which I wasn’t a fan of. Since that’s way cheap.) But that was taken care of specifically in the final boss battle in the latest patch. It’s still higher than knife’s chance. But spectrum has no CD so maybe it would be better at times. I’m not sure how good luck/bad luck affects status infliction chance. Or the equips that straight up say “increase status infliction chance” for that matter.

          Knife is actually really decent for the final boss battle for a different reason. If you want Natalie to be pure support. It increases the effect of buff skills. That means +80 7th heaven. Up to +100 if you use hats and armors with that effect as well. Matt gave such effect to a weapon that’s supposed to be a joke. It’s beautiful.

  124. Mentlegen

    AAAAaah i was on the final boss and my game broke and i got an error.. How should i send the screenshot to you. i t happened for the second time when i used the creator limit 😥

  125. That weirdo on the street

    I think that making Cat Bombers that kill themselves in a kamikaze attack give all their negative status effects (and possibly debuffs) to the target would add an extra challenge. It may make people a little more careful of using Doom and other powerful status effects for offense.

  126. Rin

    Just finished the game. Well, “finished” he game, as I still have a few medals to get, but think I’ll wait for the full version to really go completionist mode.
    First, to get this out of the way: only encountered two bugs. At some point, roughly after acquiring the raft, weather descriptions stopped showing up for me for a while. The next day they came back, so not sure what fixed it – reloading or plot progression or something else. And the other thing is, upgraded Biohazard Blaster’s description has “undefined” at the end. Don’t think it’s supposed to be there :yay:
    Now for the game itself. Hoo boy. Up to some point, I was sure I was playing the best game in the whole series. The vast world is amazing, and affecting it by completing quests felt great. Loved the new enemies, too. Capturing monsters is fun, and surrendering enemies was a new mechanic you had to adapt to (sometimes they really did surrender at the worst time possible, haha). Still can’t tell if I like mana or cooldowns more, but they are definitely not bad. And they encourage you to use stronger skills more often, which dials up the “Epic” in Epic Battle Fantasy. And the story… it gave me back the feelings I liked about EBF3 that EBF4 couldn’t. This… fun with a pinch of epic evil looming in the distance? (or… behind the cupboard? :ooo: That part gave me some legit chills, I kid you not!) Hard to word, but, whatever it was, it was here and it was welcome.
    So, it was my favourite game.
    Until something came about.
    WARNING: the following will probably contain mumbling, whining and discontent, most likely subjective. If you don’t want to read this, then feel free to just stop right here and thank you for the great game.
    After trying to catch the thing that resulted in me feeling unhappy upon completing the game, I came to realize it was mostly one thing. The fourth-wall-breaking. I’m not a large fan of fourth-wall-breaking in general – if anything, I find it being pretty cheap at this point (sorry!) Sometimes it works well, hands down. In horror games, for example, it helps a lot to get the scare out of the monitor and into the player’s world. But in an RPG? When I play this kind of game, I want to be the characters I play, in a way. There’s no “me” – just heroes on their journey. I can act out as all of them in turns, and get immersed in the action. And then they break the fourth wall, and zip, it’s gone. All of a sudden it turns out I’m a separate character, a person sitting in front of the screen and pressing the buttons. But I don’t want to play as the person sitting in front of the screen and pressing the buttons! It’s not fun! I don’t want to be the god of this world, commanding my minions while nothing can reach me – that’s a whole other kind of game. And here, it just kills the mood. I could probably deal with it if it were solely for the glitch boss part – it is an optional “glitched” part, after all, THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME FEEL LIKE A MASSIVE A-HOLE, by the way, but, since it’s in the main story, it can’t be ignored. And that’s the biggest issue I have with the game’s last part. All the other minor things are completely subjective and are my mind’s fault rather than yours (for EBF1-3, I came to think of the main cast as players, not characters originating from this world. Then Anna came and it became unclear, and then this game solidified that they’re, indeed, very much characters. That changed the mood a bit – but, again, you’re not to blame here, this was your story unfolding your way, just how it should be)
    If you are actually still reading at this point, one more MASSIVE THANK YOU for all the great time spent playing Epic Battle Fantasy in general, and Epic Battle Fantasy 5 in particular. You are amazing at what you do, and this game was worth all the wait and will definitely be worth any amount of money full version will be on Steam. And I can only hope to see more games from you in the future (I don’t wanna be buried in Redpine Cemetery, so NO, I don’t mean EBF-related!) This was an amazing crazy ride you took us on, and I wish you the brightest future I can wish, as you deserve it. All hail Matt! :stars: :stars: :stars:

  127. MadAlricGamer

    :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :tongue: :ooo: :love: :love2: :stars: 🙁 😐 :meh: :bleh: 😥 :sick: :scared: :shades: 😡 :wut: ❓ ❗ ➡ :skull: :phone: :phone2: 👿 :coffee: :bacon:

  128. Sicarius

    I don’t seem to have the fire gem in my inventory; I got the chest in a similar area to the water one (and got the dim depths achievement), but I didn’t get the gem. Is the door of time not added in yet, and that’s why its missing? If that’s the case, I really hope that chest will be reset when its ready; I’ve got my current file backed up, and I’m hoping to not have to start over again before finishing the game for the second time.

    I’m also missing a bunch of equipment, and I’m not sure where else I haven’t looted yet; I’ve spent about 5 hours running around the map secret hunting, and I’ve found everything I possibly could (even the 4 codes from outside the temple) and I really can’t think where they could be. Yet, there’s still a single blank spot on nearly every type of equipment. Since one of those missing is the dark bauble, I really want to find it. I doubt there’s 9 equipment and 4 keys behind just the door of time. The only other things I haven’t solved are “Illuminati at the Rainbow Gate”, the zigzag markings in the cave below the monolith at the start, the sound test, and the 100% medal room.

    There also should really be some better reward tied to the star ball quest; that’s the “quest completion” quest (along with bottle guy), and only having one of them give something unique is disappointing. Something powerful should be moved there (masamune, black hole, heavenly shield, etc.).

    1. CoffeeUser

      Are you sure you actually got it? Or maybe you put that in the temple and forgot. The red gem is at Greenwood. Also, there are 3 gems. One in each town.

      The dark bauble is at the fortress. At whichever screen that seems to be the darkest. No keys hide behind the door of time. But 2 pieces of equipment do. Illuminati at Rainbow Gate is a rather straightforward. Just make a triangle out of what you have. You use the zigzag pattern at Mystic Woods. Sound test is at the quest screen. Others I need to know what exactly are you missing before I can tell you where they are. But I can assure you that nothing is inaccessible in the beta. If you can’t find them now, you won’t have a better chance on the released version.

      I completely agree that these quests should give something actually useful. The amount of backtracking you need just to get these Golden Tickets. And all you get from that quest is some crafting material that you can buy from the shops anyway. Maybe this is another “the real treasure was the friends we made along the way” situation and we are all trolled.

      1. Sicarius

        I finally found it; the green gem that I picked up is not in the green town; its from the red town. The red gem is in the green town. I just assumed that I picked up the green gem from the statue of the heroes or placing the orbs at the pond. That’s… really really stupid. The blue gem is at the port town; why are these ones misplaced? I hope it gets changed before the final release. That secret room solves most of my missing equipment troubles, and the rest are probably the really hidden secrets that’ll take me a few playthroughs to solve (and the dark room in the fortress is the crossbone pin, not the dark bauble).

        1. CoffeeUser

          Hmm, you think a dark room is darker than some monoliths that are able to nuke you with doomsday?

          And yeah, that crystal color disparity sure confused some people. I’ve seen people on discord giving wrong instruction on where the crystals are. But maybe it was meant to be like that. Redpine is a lifeless place so you find “Emerald of Life” there. And Greenwood is the opposite. To add on to the strangeness of those cult members.

  129. Knokke

    Has anyone dealt 10 million damage yet? If so, I would like to at least know which character dealt it, what skill they used, what enemy it was used against, and what the difficulty was set too. The most damage I’ve dealt is about 5 million close to 6 million by using Matt with cataclysm against a mouse slime in the art gallery on epic difficulty. :wut:

    1. Knokke

      I also used 80% defense debuff, 100% attack buff, froze the mouse slime, and enchanted it. I believe I also gave myself good luck (?), and the only other thing I could think of doing, not sure how to do it without killing the slime beforehand, is to give it heavy which will not bring 6 million damage up to 10 million. Then again cataclysm is an earth skill, so maybe I need a different element or even a different character.

    2. CoffeeUser

      I used black hole on the slime bunnies at the top right of the map. At level 34 I believe. There are some slimes with nearly 10M health. Because their defense is lower you might want to use them instead. Cataclysm might work as well. Considering you are level 40. If your crit is not 3x crit (Mind that it does 2.5x damage instead of 3x.) then I believe you can add stagger and bad luck to the opponent and hope for that 30% proc. In addition to heavy. Be sure to use an armor that boosts earth as well. Rock sprite is a way to inflict stagger without breaking the freeze.

      1. Knokke

        The only thing you said that I already had was the armor. I used the mega drill sword and the Genji Armor to boost earth damage. As for the rest of the information, thank you I will try this. :ooo:

        1. Knokke

          It worked, and I screwed a few things up in the process and still dealt 15 million damage!!! ❗ :stars:

          1. TheJazMaster

            Don’t worry, difficulty affects health, not defense

            By the way, I got this achievement on the secret glitch boss’ minions, because they have terrible defense, but your version seems a bit easier to set up 😛

  130. Mentlegen

    How should i send the error screenshot to you? I got it after using The god cat limit break. Also the game is masterpiece and i cant wait to see what amazing things this game has in future.

    1. Knokke

      In the lava lake, you need to beat a (visible) war mammoth. The candle is in a chest surrounded by 4 unlit structures (I do not know what they are called).

  131. comaloider

    Hi. Dunno if it was mentioned, but when I acquire a piece of equipment that has a chance of either aggravating foes or making them surrender, it always works for all the foes in the wave in the same fashion. Not gonna lie, it was awesome to see eight Drowned Fallens flee but I wonder if that is deliberate.

    Also, for some reason, when Matt uses either Quick Slash or Slicing Cyclone, it heals him. It happens scarcely. None of the equipment I have on him says that should be the cause. Is that normal?

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Tell your browser not to delete Flash cookies. Or just use the save backup feature in future.

  132. Ganymade

    Ah sorry for disturbing in this argument. Sincerely to CoffeeUser, i have another try again to check for the charged laser and multiple beam of The Devourer attack. All my party have lightning resistance and only NoLegs who in my party who doesn’t have bomb resistance. The multiple Beam have reduced damage to my party except NoLegs and the Charged Laser also have reduced damage to my party except NoLegs. To make it clear my opinion with this is the charged Laser and multiple beam have 50% bomb elemental magic. I explain this very insist because i don’t want anyone get screwed with wrong information. For the tentacle i already tell to make them get cut and keep them in that state, that’s the work for the Bless Effect so the virus won’t inflict to your party which won’t spread to the Boss party. For the Bless effect start with summon Wise Mirror than keep it with Anna’s Refresh and Natalie’s Lucky Bunny about 4 or more stack. This is required if you want to play only with lv 37 because slimey tentacle arrow deal quite a lot and spiked tentacle slam can reduce one of your team to half or instantly die with lv 36-37, especially to Natalie and NoLegs. Just to confirm. 😐

    1. CoffeeUser

      Yeah, I corrected myself like 20 minutes after that comment. They are indeed bomb elemental. Sorry for the confusion. Do not attempt to survive that charged attack by building bomb though.

  133. Sicarius

    Here’s a very annoying bug I found. If a character is Hungry, gets Stuffed from eating a hamburger (I don’t have any left by the endgate, despite never using one as an item for the entire game), then gets inflicted with Hungry a second time, they will bypass Stuffed and proceed to eat another food item. And Hungry will not be taken away, so it’ll happen again next turn. With no way to stop this without wasting a ton of food if the person caught in this loop is first in the party and has the haste giving skill equipped. This happened in the optional mansion with the group of mammoths, and it also happened to eat my last hamburger to start this loop; not sure if that had anything to do with it.

    Also. the path to the treetops of Anna’s house from the forest should really require the stepladder. I made the mistake of having the worm there be one of my first fights since reaching Greenwood (as a level 20), and the fight was super drawn out where the worms kept summoning more worms, and they took a turn and a half to kill one of them even with stat boosts. They couldn’t deal any real damage, and I was making barely any progress for about 20 turns. I realized the massive difficulty spike of being slightly underleveled after my EBF4 replay where I beat all of Battle Mountain and got all the achievements on Epic without going to new game +, and then I couldn’t find any way to beat the final boss because I was one level below them.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Stuffed and hungry shouldn’t be able to exist at the same time indeed. It’s a bug. But do not worry about hungry players eating your food. They eat from personal stash. Which means it has no impact on your food in inventory.

      If you think you are underleveled for a fight you should either retreat immediately or use your limit breaks.Stepladder is meant to be a level 25-ish item. But what is blocks is probably generally much harder than that worm fight. For example, there is one fight on rainbow river that requires the stepladder. And it’s level 28 with one monolith and two chompers.

      I think that difficulty spike is for an entirely different reason. While being one level lower does make quite a difference. There was an update which made it so that the difficulty modifier is applied once again for enemies level 33 or higher. Which means 4x the normal damage for epic. Defeating Godcat on epic at something lower than level 33 has therefore become nearly impossible. I had to level to 34 to have a chance.

  134. Adrian Blackstone

    Is it really just turns spent together fighting that determines relationships?
    Can I just set up a fight where the characters and their opponents can’t harm each other and just either berserk them to do 3 turns at a time or defend everyone over and over and over?
    How many turns does it take for two of them to have a good relationship?
    Right now the only one that seems good is that Matt and Anna are both equally immature 🙁

    My own fault of course. I spent most of the game using Matt, Anna, NoLegs….

    1. CoffeeUser

      Find some panda bear battles. They’ll do nothing as long as you do nothing to them. You can then skip as many turns as you need. Be sure to check if any equips have the “Randomly casts/summons x between turns.” and replace them with something that doesn’t.

    1. Lance-a-lot

      Do you have fat fly flair?
      If you give it to Matt, you can use:
      -holy arrow by Anna (he won’t respawn)
      – attack (with human skull) or water whirl with no-legs for bad luck status
      – and finally unleash with Matt for bad luck+doom=death :stars:

      That’s how I got through most of gallery levels (slimes and giant cat were pathetic this way) :yay:

  135. Eave

    Is it…normal to get no exp in the Forgotten Ruins and Gallery areas?

    Regardless, I’ve been having a TON of fun with this! I love this game! ^^

  136. Elijah Rowan Joguilon

    Good day/evening to all, and you Sir Matt.

    I encountered an error while playing this game. I was going for my first attempt at epic mode on the final boss. After destroying the Gigalith, the tentacle boss came out. As soon as I used No Legs Limit Burst, the holy godneko (:v), it got stuck on a loop and the limit burst kept on repeating itself. Unfortunately I was not able to get a screenshot.

        1. Knokke

          Oh well, would have been cool if you found an instant kill boss glitch. You said you did not get a screenshot, but perhaps if you remember the equipment used or any other information then it might help with solving the problem?. :smirk:

  137. Ganymade

    SPOILER ALERT!!!!! ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ 😡 😡 😡

    Wow. I can’t believe I beat final boss in EPIC difficult just with lv 39.
    Here some tips if you want to beat the final boss with epic difficult. First you need to ensure your party max hp about 50k. The best place to farming at The Beyond which there is a 3x monolith which gives you 1 million exp and 180 AP in total. Snowflake is the best summon you can use to wipe them in an instant. But, it was quite hard for grinding. Ensure when summon Snowflake the summoner use weapon and armor/clothes which boost non-elemental damage.

    For the final boss, focus to elemental resistance not status resistance. Attach 3 player with dark resistance, the more are the best. Because if you not use dark resistance and the front line unit not have any dark resistance you are going to screwed when the Cosmic Gigalith explode (Megumin tune when cast Explosion!), 33k damage with 50% dark resist on Natalie with 40% Magic Deffense Buff! Gigalitih have fire, ice, lightning, poison, and wind physical attack to all or counter to who deal damage to It. It also have non-elemental magic to all target that cause scorched effect. Sometimes, It cast to all or counter with Syphoon or give Enchanted status. When It changes it’s weakness better to dispel or summon Putrid Worm to debuff it evade since It’s the mother of Cosmic Monolith who have insane evade and buffing it’s evade. First turn use Matt’s Protection, Natalie’s Barrier and the other can Anna to summon Wise Mirror gives 5 turn Bless effect. Gigalith and The Devourer with it’s minion use a lots of status effect so Bless will absolutely helpful. And don’t forget to use Anna’s Refresh and Natalie’s Lucky Bunny often to keep the Bless effect. When the Gigalith explode ensure you use Nine Lives to the frontline party to keep they alive so you don’t lose all your buff. Use your Limit Break in the wave 2 to reduce eyeball and tentacle health till low. Play safe when fighting Gigalith

    Fighting Devourer can be very hard. You need to inflict Weaken to The Devourer to keep lowering It’s power. Then lower the tentacle and eyeball health until low. When the tentacle are get cut they will only attack with weak poison attack to party but cause virus effect. The Devourer have variety attack. It can unleash some tentacle, deal earth physical damage randomly (4 hit in total), Fire Blade which scorches your entire party as magic damage (maybe), Hexagonal Waves deal wind magic damage, Weird Laser or Lazy Laser (See Azure Gunvolt game version) which deal bomb magic damage. Sometimes, It use Limit Break which need to charge deal bomb magic damage to party. You will die if not have 100% bomb resist/ enchanted status/ morale because it deal 300k damage to unit with 50% bomb resist. For it’s minion Eyeball can be very annoying. They can attack with arrow which deal weak wind damage to one target, heal an ally based on target Max HP, buff all status except evade by 30% to one target or invert buff of one target. If they on low health they most likely wont invert your buff, and often spam heal so keep them on low health. There is two type of tentacle, Slimy or Spiked Tentacle. Slimy tentacle attack with Arrow (weak wind damage) to party or Star (weak lightning damage maybe) or Thrust to one/two target with wind/non elemental physical damage. Spiked tentacle attack to all party with Swing which wind elemental physical damage or Slam strong earth elemental physical attack. When on low health both will get cut. In this state the will attack with weak poison attack which cause virus to party. Have bless status on your party will take an advantage from them. When The Devourer on low health, It will delete Earth, cause you can’t run and take more and more damage every turn. But luckily It no longer can use It’s Limit Break.

    Try it and found the best combination of equip you can do. Gives applause to Matt Roszak and his team for this EPIC Battle Fantasy 5

    1. CoffeeUser

      Hmm, and I thought I overleveled too much with level 37. I think any higher than this no proper tactics is needed anymore huh. And it would be a pain to grind to that point too.

      Gigalith is the relaxing part. It’s hard to die with buffs when not enchanted. Almost no resistances were needed. Maybe gave the attacker/target defender some to deal with the counter attacks. Barrier is not needed at first since Gigalith does not use any magical attack at high health. You can build dark, but morale/enchanted also survives that doomsday. Autolife works too.

      Do NOT ❗ ❗ ❗ ever make the tentacles low. You are giving the enemy team virus, which is free regen for them. Either kill them in a few hits or just ignore them. If you happen to accidentally give them virus remember purify can be cast on the enemy team as well. As I said before, the charged beam is NON ❗ elemental. Resistance is literally futile. And the multi beam deals THUNDER ❗ damage. No amount of bomb resistance will do you any good in this fight.

      Other than that, nice tips for the final boss. Now load up a save and try not to grind above level 36 so you can achieve a fair and true victory against the final boss. 👿

      1. CoffeeUser

        Oops, upon further research, it seems like the charged beam is slightly bomb elemental. Not like resistance will help in any way. You need to get at least 200% resistance for it to not oneshot you. Which is barely feasible.

      2. CoffeeUser

        And is the other laser attack really bomb? I remember having 100% thunder res on Lance but not bomb res and that attack tickled. Would have to test more to know if that’s true. Research shows that both were true at some point.

      3. Knokke

        I made it to level 40, and it was not that hard. Go through to the beyond and grind on the three cosmic monoliths to the left of the gate. You will get to level 40 easy. If they are too hard, grind on the two cosmic monoliths in the Final Destination area. :coffee:

        1. CoffeeUser

          I ground on the glitch and it took like 20 battles before I reach level 37. It gave more experience than the monolith battle obviously. Like how many hundreds of battle do you need to grind to something like 40 without grinding on something that scales with you. I hardly believe that’s “easy.”

          Also, I can do that 3 monolith battle easily. Even on epic it won’t take me more than 1 minute to finish them. Without the use of any limit break or sp. The glitch is just even faster. Although it stops scaling with you now it still gives more experience.

          1. Lance-a-lot

            I menaged to kill final boss on epic with 36 level :shades: (It wasn’t possible on 0.9v of game for me) .
            I used a multi elemental eq and highly concentrated on giving big-eye negative status :scared: (weakened and tired) and syfon :wut: for small ones (so they can’t give him buffs).
            Don’t save your food, you won’t need it anymore (and orange juice can be prettty usefull in this one) :tongue: .
            Try using 9 lives or give morale status when big eye is charged (you can’t just survive it and ir’s good way to get limit break) 😥 .
            You can always try to stun tentacles so they would not atack you (especially when there’s one after charged atack of big one).
            And remember to have auto-revive whenever possible. It worked for me :smirk:

          2. Knokke

            I would that the three monolith battle will take, maybe, 100 battles max if you are still a level 37 and you complete them on Epic difficulty. While I was level 39, it may have taken me about 1 hour, but hey I got a quite a few red pills by grinding the monoliths! Sure accuracy is not really a factor when you are level 40 against the final boss, but you can still increase Lance’s evade. :shades:

  138. Ganymade

    Why I can’t beat epic difficult final boss. It’s so EPIC ❗ My team in front line always die when the Gigalith explode ( Megumin casting explosion :bleh: ) Plus, Devourer charged attack/limit break deals 300k damage, is it really supposed to be like that. I need help, what elemental does Devourer and It body elemental attack is. I only know Eyeball arrow and Devourer hexagonal waves are wind elemental attack. And Devourer sword are fire elemental attack. Help me please 😥 😥 😥

    1. CoffeeUser

      Use Angel Mirror to enchant yourself if you sense a powerful magic blast. The charged laser is non-elemental and you shouldn’t expect to survive it without enchanted or morale. I think that multi hit laser is thunder. Most other seems to be bio. Maybe the tentacle slam attack is earth. Fire is the only one you need to be worried about anyway. It gives scorch which is the most common way to screw you over.

      Also, there’s no reason to save chilies anymore. Use them if you feel like you need to.

      1. CoffeeUser

        Correction: Both laser seems to be bomb. Either something changed or I was misinformed. At one point I did firmly believe that laser was bomb elemental though.

    2. HamFantasy

      Morale and Autorevive are incredibly important. If it is fully charged, use Genesis to put on Auto Revive. If your frontline is dead, use Genesis. If everyone is alive and well, don’t have Natalie use any limit breaks at all. These are words to live by in EBF4 and 5. Seriously, on Epic it feels like the bosses are specifically meant to punish people who don’t use buffs.
      Its a hard fight, but you can do it no matter what.

  139. captaindomi

    may have found a visual bug, if you go to the last area,(the beyond) and return to the rapture with the big portal all the characters (who gave you items) that were standing on the screen with the 4 orbs have black pixelheads, not sure if this is meant to be. if you leave the screen and come back they look normal

  140. Knokke

    In the Extra Skills slot, there are three skills that I am missing. They are in the last three spaces so I would just like to make sure, are there skills there? If so, could you please help me with how to acquire them? :wut:

  141. Knokke

    Does anyone know if it is possible to get rid of the glitchy text after accomplishing obtaining the “Reformat” medal? If not then, Matt Roszak, could it be possible to update the game to make it so that it does not last forever? :sick: :stars:

    1. CoffeeUser

      You can also enter any fight (except for that one fight that gave you the effect to begin with) and it’ll go away.

  142. dablelelel

    :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :yay: :yay: :yay: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :tongue: :tongue: :tongue: :love: :love: :love: :love2: :love2: :love2: :stars: :stars: :stars: 🙁 🙁 🙁 😐 😐 😐 :meh: :meh: :meh: :bleh: :bleh: :bleh: 😥 😥 😥 :sick: :sick: :sick: :scared: :scared: :scared: :shades: :shades: :shades: 😡 😡 😡 :wut: :wut: :wut: ❓ ❓ ❓ ❗ ❗ ❗ ➡ ➡ ➡ :skull: :skull: :skull: :phone: :phone: :phone: :phone2: :phone2: :phone2: 👿 👿 👿 :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon:

  143. Marko

    The caps are considered spammy? Oh… well I have to apologize then, I didn’t mean to be spammy at all, it’s just that… NoLegs’ french name triggered me beyond belief and I felt I had to say something about it but I guess I should have waited to regain some composure. My problem with its french name is that uuh… how to say that? The pronounciation gets ruined? What I want to say is that when I played EBF 4 in french, I didn’t ave any issues with NoLegs’ name staying English, I found the thing amusing even because of how well the joke worked. The translators tried to reproduce the joke in french and so NoLegs became Pad’Pat, a name in 2 parts, with a double “pa” with only 1 letter changing at the end… It sounds just plain stupid to say when NoLegs feeled more natural. Explaining that with a comment is hard…

    Anyway, again I apologize if I sounded spammy, it wasn’t my intention, and you can see that as soon as I left NoLegs’ name topic, I became much more measured. Wanting to ban me because 20% of my comment seemed spammy is a bit extreme I would say, but then again, I can understand the idea could come to one’s mind, it’s the Internet and we’re all way too quick to judge sometimes…

    Oh well, this answer is already way too long so… I just hope next time I’ll comment, it’ll be about my love for the series or EBF5 in particular

  144. Marko

    The caps are considered spam? Oh well… I have to apologize then, it’s just that… it’s the 1 thing that triggered me beyond belief and I couldn’t help it but comment as fast as I could about it. I won’t change my opinion on the topic though, if there is 1 change I dislike in games, it’s translating the characters’ names, because the name’s… how do I say that? pronounciation? maybe… can be ruined by the translation. I’ve never had any problems seeing NoLegs while playing on french but seeing it translated as… Pad’pat really annoyed me. It doesn’t work in french, at all, I understand the translators wanted to reproduce the joke about NoLegs having no legs (nor arms for that matter) but it just sounds bad, the french version delivers a ruined pronounciation for the sake of keeping the joke and it’s not worth it in my opinion.

    Again, I seriously didn’t mean to be spammy, if you look at my previous comment, you can see I regain some composure when leaving the NoLegs part to express what I think of the game, whcih I deeply love like all the other EBFs. I was quick to speak, clearly, but wanting to ban me because 20% of my comment seemed spammy to you is not what I would consider the brightest decision, but then again, it’s the internet and I do the same mistake all the time, thus missing plenty of great people I judged too quickly on 1 sentence.

    Jesus this is way too long of a comment but I feel like it was necessary, sorry for the lenght and I hope next time I have to speak here, it will be about why I love EBF5

  145. Guido

    Good way of making some bosses keel over pretty quickly:
    Lance the chaingun cannon: Use Genji armor and a weapon that exploits your target’s elemental weakness(es), defend, let ‘er rip (but not before dispelling any defense buffs or preferably debuffing it)

    Bosses: :skull:

  146. HamFantasy

    I find it appropriate that when Lance comments on climate change/global uncertainty, he’s talking about a world where his house/fortress that is the size of a small town is literally the single largest source of pollutants on the continent. There’s so little industrialization in any of the towns that the CO2 emissions would be insignificant at worst.

  147. Knokke

    I only have one question regarding an achievement. How do you obtain the “Reformat” achievement? :wut:

      1. Knokke

        Thank you, did not notice that the glitch zone in RedPine had another area if you went north in that glitch zone. The boss there does have a weird summoning power, difficult to use too.

  148. Marko

    PLS NO!! DO NOT TRANSLATE NOLEGS’s NAME IN OTHER LANGAGES THIS IS ATROCIOUS!! Other than that tho the game is wonderful in practically every aspect. There’s only 1 detail that bothers me a little bit and it’s the new steroids mechanic, I prefered it the old way because there was more strategy involved around their use (doesn’t mean I don’t understand the possible reasons of the change tho). Still, I love the game so far but it would take me a 45 min analysis to explain why :yay:

    1. TheJazMaster

      Matt said that the old steroids permanently unbalanced the party and I completely agree with him (you’d just give the magic to Natz and the attack to Matt)

  149. Alice

    Need some help, I don’t know how to get Nice guy, Cat person, Child minder and seduction medals heeeeelp :wut: :wut: :wut:

    1. TheJazMaster

      Make NoLegs wet
      Have lovable on both Matt and NoLegs for Natalie
      Get Anna really low and debuffed
      Use 7th Heaven on Lance when he’s almost finished and his tank is dead

  150. Name-Shifter

    I have a few questions about special items and what to do with them.
    1: Where are the Star Ball locations and what do I do with them? (they look like dragon balls, I’m trying to get all 7)
    2: Where are the locations of the gems from EBF 4? I need 3 of them to open up a door ( I already have the one found in the Mystic Woods, I just need the other two.

    1. Vigorswig

      The Drag*n Balls Are Meant For a Quest In The Last Town.
      The 3 Jewels are hidden in each town. One in the weapon shop of Hope Harbor, one in the Grumpy Guy’s in Greenwood. And one in the mausoleum for the last town. (check all of the tombstones!)

    2. Knokke

      Most of the dragon balls are found in the Red Pine and by completing certain quests, also in Red Pine. After gathering all seven dragon balls, you must give them to Roku for a quest. You can only find this quest after completing another quest for the man next to a house in Red Pine who is wearing the same Fascist clothes that Lance wears.
      Hope this helps.

  151. gssd

    now that the game loaded its taking soo longo to load
    like 20 min=1 percent of the game loaded cmon men 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 👿 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

  152. gssd

    i think the game is really cool but dang man,i waited for 25minutes only for my game to load and it just got on an infinite white screen can someone please help me with that
    😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

    1. Vigorswig

      *Some* enemies ignore lovable status if all allies have it. Unless there is an enemy that is able to attack a lovable party member when only a single party member has it… Then there might be a problem.

  153. Pingback: EBF5: Translation Progress | Kupo Games

  154. trortz

    Fun Fact:

    First EBF game I played was Adventure Story. Then there was a EBF2, EBF3… than EBF1, and after a while EBF4.
    AND NOW I (we) HAVE THIS! :love: :love:
    And I will kick so much ass (already kicking) :shades:

  155. JPx0999

    FUCK,every time I play for more than 2 or 3 weeks or I get a lot of medal my progress is erased (this only happens with the medals and not with the saves) 😡 😡 😡 😡 😡

    I’m pissed at this 👿 👿 👿 👿

    1. Knokke

      If you create a backup file, it saves your medals. I know this because I purposefully deleted them, thinking it would give me the “Reformat” medal. :smirk:

  156. i dont have name

    wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:

  157. Vectorial1024

    Hey there, just some bug reports (?)
    I am in v0.12. Was fighting some Thunder Sprites. One of them apparently activated its abilities but there was no effects. I guess it was supposed to change the current weather to “electric field” (as suggested in its summon form).
    Keep it up!

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s quite confusing. But apparently no foe is able to change the weather themselves. The sprites however can use their turn to do what the weather would do. Thunder Sprite can use that move for a low (20%) chance to stun any target on the field when charged. It happens rare enough and maybe your characters have stun resistance. So it seems like it’s doing nothing.

  158. Phoenix

    So I’m playing through the game a second time, and something weird happened. Basically, I went to the shrine area in Greenwood to catch a weak slime, and when I entered the battle, it set the slime up to 999,999,9.

    1. CoffeeUser

      That’s intentional. if you read what the NPC said she was trying to train them into punching bags. And it was apparently a huge success. Use them for combo testing and/or damage achievements.

  159. Sanat

    Anyone know how to transfer the data from Microsoft Edge to Firefox? The browser’s been bugging out a toooon recently and the play button doesn’t even work anymore.

  160. Ezeultimate

    Me Encanto la Saga de Epic Battle Fantasy 1,2,3 y 4 espero que hagan muchos mas EBF lo juego desde los 7 años me diverti mucho ya quiero que salga para comprar asi ago las partes de pagoo :stars: :love: :smirk: :hurray: :yay: 🙁 :coffee:

    1. Cyanide236

      There is one jewel in each town (Hope Harbor, Greenwood and Redpine). I don’t remember which one is which, but I believe the green one is in Redpine Town. In the top half of the graveyard, there is one tombstone that has a drawing of a star on it. You can push that sideways to open the chamber on the right. Once you enter, you will see four blocks which you can push. The stairs leading to the jewel is in the second one from the left. To get in there, push the second one from the left once space. The push the third one two spaces (it’s the only one that can go that far). There is actually a walkable area between. Go through that and push that second block to the left.

      P.S There is another pushable gravestone in the bottom half which will give you a treasure chest.

      If I’m wrong about the jewel, it’s either behind the refrigerator of the equipment shop in Hope Harbor, or behind the bookshelf of the grumpy guy in Greenwood.

  161. Abs0lut3_Z3r0

    :yay: Been waiting for this game since EBF 4. I’ve played every single game you’ve put out since EBF 2.
    But I don’t have a credit card or such to donate to patreon yet 🙁

    Although, I am stocking up some Steam Wallet to grab your game once it’s out for $15, maybe lower if you’re willing to put out a discount but I won’t mind paying the full price for the game.

    Public Beta is simply amazing as it’s basically an almost finished game I can play whilst waiting on the Steam release.

    I have a few things that I’d like to see changed, mostly with the captured foes.
    – I would like to be able to rename them once captured
    – Maybe a way to organize captures, like alphabetically, by cost, by element, or such
    – A way to remove all of the currently equipped summons.

    Just a little quality of life upgrade, as i really like organizing things because it just feels better.

    Other than that, the game is exactly what I’ve been expecting from you.

    Thanks, Matt! :yay: :yay: :yay:

    1. Abs0lut3_Z3r0

      didn’t check every button out yet, turns out there is already a way to sort the foes. :bleh:

      I still want to be able to remove all of the equipped captures as it can cut some time off managing them, thanks :hurray:

    2. CoffeeUser

      You can rename them by capturing them again. Pretty difficult (and impossible in the free version) for bosses though.

  162. James

    Three headed hydra might need an HP buff.
    I was able to one-shot it in one turn by buffing nolegs’s magic attack with gear that boosts buff skills, using enfeeble with the gear that boosts debuff skills, and using the creator limit break.

  163. m8

    I think Natalie’s rainbow blast skill is bugged. It’s stuck with the poison status effect even though I’ve tried equipping other weapons with different ones.

  164. TheJazMaster

    I just want to say that I think the sawblade moves are pretty weak. But then again I got terrible luck with their insta-death

  165. Random Beta Tester 1234

    Don’t know if it’s a seasonal object, not normally accessible, but there seems to be a gap in the female hat lineup between the flower bobble and the ninja chopstick. I think I’ve been everywhere which isn’t paid content access and bopped everything now except the Gigamonolith fight in the ‘Beyond’ area. Managed to get past the third (and final) version of the knight and the three headed zombie hydra thing now.

    1. Vigorswig

      Seasonal object is probs your best bet. That, or there might be a shop item that you missed. Other than that, getting 100% of all equips is harder that is seems :bleh: I finished the game twice and I wound up with two different collections of late game equips.

    2. CoffeeUser

      I guessed it right. You should have noticed that when you turn in the snail mail quest. It’s inside Lance’s fortress.

      1. Random Beta Tester 1234

        Thought I’d cleaned the monoliths there out; was pretty sure I had done the side ones earlier, and thought I had done the central one too; does the hat spawn when you complete the quest?
        Anyway, Dark Bobbles retrieved, thanks!

        1. CoffeeUser

          The hat can be accessed as soon as you get the stepladder. I found the stepladder icon the first time I entered that screen. So I came back and picked up the hat after I got the key item.

          Its 80% magic boost while defending helped me through the rest of the game. Too bad Lance couldn’t equip it.

          1. CoffeeUser

            True, but that 10% health decrease can hurt. Useful for cleaning small minions but not so much against bosses.

    1. Anson Lye

      I also need some help :wut:
      Where can I find the two staffs for second row,third and last column,
      and one toy,second row,sixth column?

      1. CoffeeUser

        Forgotten Ruins, Anna’s house and rainbow river. The first two are behind locks. The last one is a “end of rainbow” secret.

          1. CoffeeUser

            Code at Redpine, top of Anna’s house, end of rainbow and fortress. You can be missing any of the first three.

  166. Rip Johnson

    It would be better if the Health Strike animation was shorter. Now I have to wait for all these d 😡 mn parachutes every time.

    1. CoffeeUser

      You don’t need to. However they exist. Go to the top right corner of the map and you’ll find them. Not quite 10M but close enough.

  167. cancer :D

    for honest matt i feel the game to short i finshed it in 12 h :shades: when ebf4 in 2 days do more maps and bosses :skull: 👿 and pls make version for android bro its gonna be so cool

    1. CoffeeUser

      How? Did you intentionally skip everything? You can’t call your playthrough “complete” if you have, say, less than 500 chests open.

  168. Justaguy

    Small annoying issue if you don’t use mouse. When gaining treasure from chest, if one of the keys remains pressed (e.g. up/down or space) the information about the treasure will disappear before you can see it. It’s pretty annoying, recommend to fix that one.

  169. Eonwu

    Can you so something about Nolegs he goes berserk and no matter how many times he is hit with water and ice magic he doesn’t go out of it.

    1. Anson Lye

      You probably gave him either the berserk helmet or barbarian weapons(Toys),just simply unequip them out.

  170. Jhonnylee

    i’m stuck and could need some help, where do i find the ladder? ( i think its a ladder) the key item i need to close gaps like in the cursed forrest i guees i overlooked it somewher ebut i have no idea where :I

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s copy pasted a lot on discord. But I don’t know how to paste them there without them looking ugly.

      I do know their locations though.

      1. Grand Gallery
      2. One of the crystal location
      3. Rainbow River
      4. Redpine Town
      5. Forgotten Ruins (duh)

  171. Novi

    is it me or the loading screen took so long to the play screen? it’s like i’ve waited for about 10mins and still stuck on the loading screen

  172. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 7~|

    I waited until the end of the game to comment again, yet I didn’t found any other bug or anything weird that I didn’t mention earlier, so this comment is just to tell how much I loved this game. SO GOOD IT HURTS! :love:

  173. Az0rius G4m3r

    Is there maybe, possibly a secret song list either unlocked with an endgame objective/achievement, available in the premium version, or (maybe even) both ❓

  174. skeleton

    Is there a way to hide this comment section? The near 1000 comments are causing my slow-ish computer to lag.

  175. HamFantasy

    Has anyone gotten the Magnetic Boots? They’re to help with the Booster puzzles, and I have made my way through the Rapture, Beyond, Forgotten Ruins and most of the Grand Gallery yet I haven’t found them. I would guess they might be in the Iron Fortress, but I haven’t the foggiest as to where.

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s in the emergency exit. I wonder how many secrets you have missed if you actually missed that one.

      1. HamFantasy

        I never bothered with the emergency exit (if you mean the alternative exit in the Iron Fortress that doesn’t involve beating Neon Valkyrie), but I have explored almost all the other nooks and crannies. Including the Secrets, sparkling or otherwise.
        Thanks for the help :yay:

        1. CoffeeUser

          Hmm, from what I’ve heard there are 532 chests and 178 secrets. Good luck finding them all. :smirk:

          I might be missing some. But having all equips is enough to count as total completion for me. Maybe when the premium content is released I’ll try to find them all.

  176. Todd

    A few questions:

    1. How do you bring the Illuminati symbol to Rainbow Gate?

    2. How do you reach those last two chests in the screen to the left of the Rapture slime cat screen? They seem to be closed off and none of the red teleport disks I’ve used so far send you there.

    3. Where’s the last key in the Rainbow River section?

    1. CoffeeUser

      1. Google “Illuminati” and see what geometric shape it is and try to recreate it using what you have.

      2. The one you haven’t used sends you there. Or just enter from the bottom. A picture can help me see what’s the problem.

      3. Assuming you mean coral. I think there’s one that requires Winged Boots in the Rapture. Or check out the food shop in Hope Harbor since that’s the only one I think can be missable.

      1. Todd

        1. Thanks. I hadn’t thought of re-arranging the jewels in a pyramid-shape, but it makes sense now when I think about it.

        2. I don’t have the means of taking a picture of it. I’ve used all the teleportation discs in that scene, so maybe there’s something missing from the beta that will be caught in the completed version.

        3. I’ll check the food shop you mentioned. (I wonder if one of those inaccessible chests in the Rapture holds the last coral key.)

        1. CoffeeUser

          No chest is inaccessible. Sadly. No, these chests do not contain coral key. It’s at somewhere with clouds as passage.

          1. CoffeeUser

            Hmm, I can tell you their rough locations.

            1. Hope Harbor food shop
            2. Greenwood equip shop
            3. Hope Harbor but it’s a wormhole
            4. The portion above Frozen Valley at Rainbow river
            5. Where Poseidon lives
            6. The cloud portion at the Rapture

  177. Tex Rider

    Something is wrong in EBF5…
    It stopped working and I can’t advance ahead at all.
    I tried to refresh but not working at all. ❓ ❓ ❓

  178. Based

    Just finished the game on normal, got all the quests done and near 60 medals.

    This game is great. I loved it start to finish. My only real complaints are that Natalie sort of lacks a punch early on- later I was able to consistently buff her and take advantage of weaknesses etc to keep her strong, and boy was she invaluable in the final boss fight- and that there should be more combat music.

    Those are both very minor things though. I’ll be buying this on steam ASAP. Thank you so much for following through with this game!

  179. Eonac

    Hey, I picked up a small error in the thing about the Black Fang sword. When Matt says something along the lines of: ‘This sword is completely historically accurate’, he then goes on to say, ‘I saw it an anime’, with the an being a mistake. The sentence would be more correct if it said, ‘I saw it on anime’. I think this is just a typo or something but I just thought it might be important as it would look unprofessional if the game was released with a typing error.

    Have a nice day.

  180. Eucli

    it’s normal to find a cheat menu in the option ? because i don’t know how it happen, but i find one and after leaving options, it disappear and never come back … 😐

  181. keikey

    I think I found a bug? In 0.12, Nolegs’ barrier skill seems to need 1 turn to cooldown sometimes during the start of a fight? Doesn’t seem to always happen though, dunno why.

    1. CoffeeUser

      CDs persist through battles. They’ll go down by 1 at the end of a battle and go down over time. This is probably done so that you can’t use powerful skills like 9 lives or MOAB too often.

    2. James

      You can also save after the end of every battle and then load your save, and all cooldowns will be gone.

  182. Remi

    Not sure if it’s an error but I think the description of “Officier Coat Lv3” is wrong.
    It says “Boost the damage of Dark skills” and somehow Neon Valkyrie shoots before the team can act.
    I just “befriended” Lance (don’t upgrade him at all) and none of the current team has an “Officer” or “Cameo” armor on him/her. ❗

      1. CoffeeUser

        Oh, it seems like the text only appears at level 4. Weird, since if it gets a new ability it will appear green when upgrading. Maybe for some reason the text was hidden before level 4. But it’s been here since level 3.

  183. LeftHand

    hi Matt, I ‘m your Chinese fan, and I’m poor in English.
    Your EBF series is one of the best of the flash game that I’ve played.
    It’s hard for me to support you on patreon, I will pay on steam at the first time.
    By the way, I find something wrong about the Chinese translation in the public beta ver0.12
    example like actually “forge”=”锻造”,but in the game “forge”=“人物属性”,it is completely wrong.
    “auto-revive”=”自动复活”,“auto”=“自动”, “revive”=“复活”, but in the game“auto-revive”=“自动”,it seem like the translater forgot “revive”
    I don’t know if there are any other mistakes. To be honest, the negative impact of the mistakes is very small, but I still hope you can solve the problem.
    Waiting for you on steam, I can not wait to explore the secret part :stars: :stars: :stars:

  184. Adrian Blackstone

    Is it even possible to capture Snowflake? I debuffed his magic and physical defense and evade and still can’t capture him with so little HP left he was killed by a stray counter attack. Do I not have him low enough? Is there a way to scritch behind his ears?

    Thank you in advance for any help or advice.

    1. James

      Yes, I stacked weaken, tired, curse, poison, and burn, while weaken, tired, and curse debuffed his stats to -50%. It was quite easy with all those status effects and stat debuffs. If that still fails, you could use gear that makes it easier to capture foes.

    2. CoffeeUser

      Hp lowering is usually much less effective than statuses/debuffs/capturing gear/good luck. Do NOT reduce his health to less than 5% or something like that. It does not work much better than something like 20% and is very risky.

  185. James

    Does anyone know where the third bow in the first row is, and where it can be found? I am guessing that it is some sort of thunder bow because Anna lacks a bow that’s thunder element.

    1. CoffeeUser

      That Anna bow can be found if you talk to the people in Redpine steroid shop and get clue from them. It has something to do with 3 and some bad conspiracy theory/internet meme etc.

      That’s a well hidden staff. Go to the cave where you completed a quest (and blew up a monolith) to gain access to. (Very close to the Hope Harbor slime cat.) And look for some strange symbol on the wall. Try to make out all you can about that symbol. Ask again if you don’t get what that is.

      No, NoLegs only has 15 weapons non-premium. One less than the other characters.

      1. James

        I see this symbol made up of spirals and slanted lines, but don’t have the slightest idea of what it means.

        1. CoffeeUser

          You use that symbol in Mystic Woods. The slanted lines look very similar to a certain contraption there. The spiral isn’t part of the symbol. (Or it is and none or us has found what it’s for yet.)

          1. James

            Thanks for the help. Matt sure made his secrets much more obscure in this installment of EBF, I tell you what.

          2. SlightlyBroken

            The two spirals are on the outside of the materials store in mystic woods. I’m guessing the are included in the markings so we know which area to look in.

          3. CoffeeUser

            Oh yeah, at that time I apparently didn’t catch that the spirals were meant to represent Mystic Woods. I only looked there because that’s the only place with consecutive levers. Now maybe the hint for the staff wasn’t as obscure as I thought. (Remembering the clue still seems to be the harder part of the secret. Mystic Woods is like 10 hours from the point you found it.)

  186. Random Beta Tester 1234

    Don’t know if it’s as a result of the update and using an old save with it, but in the map area with the confrontation with Snowflake, two of the pairs of glowing red eyes in the fifth row (counting from the bottom) have exclamation marks when I mouse over, but clicking to interact with them doesn’t seem to do anything.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Glowing red eyes? You did something bad didn’t you. 😐

      Anyway, these are the switch you triggered to unblock the path to Snowflake. (They disable some digital spikes.) After the fight they don’t serve any purpose anymore.

      1. Random Beta Tester 1234

        I think you may be right on the spikes. If they had been switches in a normal area, they would have presumably turned the spikes on and off again, but it’s a ‘glitch area’ so suppose they only work the once, then clicking does nothing.

        ‘Snowflake’ did a lot of bad things. If there is something which removes the ‘hunger’ thing, I’m not what it is, because normal ‘remove negative status effects’ such as garlic don’t seem to do anything to it (although maybe this is a bug). How the heck you’re supposed to win that fight if that thing gets ‘hunger’ on all three frontline characters, meaning they’re perpetually eating stuff instead of fighting and you can’t swap them out of the battleline or flee, I have no idea…
        Not sure what the ‘secret trick’ for winning that one in an ‘easy’ way is supposed to be. I tried putting lovable status on all the characters (cueing from some of the dialogue) and attempting capture (when I had it below half hit points), but nope… didn’t work. It’s immune to stun/freeze/syphon/doom, I think so no auto-kills or stop it from doing bad stuff to you. No elemental vulnerabilities either. I did thoroughly poison it, but I don’t know if that was causing much damage every round. It did go down eventually though, but it wouldn’t have if I hadn’t been spamming auto-revive in all directions by the end to try and keep some character bonuses running for more than a turn.

        1. CoffeeUser

          Hunger is not curable. If you hover over the status it tells you that. However there is a way to prevent it. Remember bless? I think that’s a newly added status so you are not familiar with it. Oh wait.

          I rarely gets inflicted with hunger status since he can’t hit me most of the time. The trick to defeating Snowflake is using buffs/debuffs and statuses. Shocking, I know. Who uses those anyway. You did get one right though. Using damage over time statuses can do a great amount of damage against him. Usually higher than your characters can. After that just survive. It’s actually easier if you ended the battle early by capturing him. He does more damage as his health goes down. As well as changing attack patterns to hit more times (I think). But oh well. At least you managed to beat it. Now do it on epic. :shades:

          1. Random Beta Tester 1234

            I tried to hit Snowflake with debuffs, and it managed to dodge them (things like defence down and magic defence down). It didn’t manage to miss a couple of blasts of the pillar of holy light attack from Natalie mind you (not that even with a maxed celtic cross staff and magic attack up that that seemed to make much of a dent damage wise) and it had to eat weakened status results for most of the end of the battle. I think that helped cap its attacks a bit.
            Is there a summon in EBF5 which hands out ‘blessed status’ to the entire party? I’ve noticed there’s some weird (and highly useful) stuff in the summons toolbox like weather changes (useful for taking out cherry blossom and glitch weather, when those run way too much in the other side’s favour) but haven’t moused over everything in the summon bag yet.

          2. Random Beta Tester 1234

            Just checked and it looks like ‘Iggy the Idol’ does a bless all thing. Moving Iggy into the summons pool… 😀

          3. CoffeeUser

            Cherry Blossom is a useful weather though. A number of bosses have double turns so they won’t benefit from it. Snowflake is one of them.

            Yeah. Weaken, curse and tired are the best to use against the boss. The boss did not have particular high evade though. Maybe it’s kind of high, but it’s not “NoLegs high.” So misses shouldn’t occur that often.

            There is another, called “Wise Mirror.” It seems more cost effective, but I found myself using the idol more often. Hmm.

          4. Random Beta Tester 1234

            It seems to me that cherry blossom weather usually helps whichever side has more guys fighting. So there are some situations where I’m happy to see it, and others where I want it to go away as fast as possible (and if it gets replaced by a weather effect which hurts an enemy vulnerability, all the better… 😀 )

          5. Ray W

            set up a tank with auto revive, bless, and targeting on defend.
            then have natz and nolegs keep hitting him with attacks that inflict weaken and curse respectively, keeps the damage up, and continually debuffs him at the same time. sprinke in reflex and flare as needed. 👿

          6. CoffeeUser

            Why not just tank everyone? It’s useless to deal direct damage anyway. You are supposed to use poison/virus/burn to deal some actually decent damage. Feel free not to if you are a fan of hour long fights.

            Curse is only needed if you want to capture him. Which means it’s needed, I guess. Since I can’t find a reason to not capture him.

            Tired is the most important status and you didn’t even mention it?

            Hitting him with debuff is futile since he has debuff resistance. Unless you have debuff boosting gear. Then it might speed things up a bit if you use it in conjunction with those statuses. Then you might as well only use those statuses as they’ll eventually yield the same result. And focus on builds that give more defensive capability.

            Next time only reply if you find some unorthodox yet working strategies. Like using the cherry blossom weather against Snowflake. Since chances are all basic looking strategies have been discussed long ago.

          7. CoffeeUser

            Rewording the first sentence in the last part since it might cause some misunderstanding.

            Next time only reply (to someone who has already beat the boss you are referring to, especially if the original comment is old) if you find some unorthodox yet working strategies.

          8. Ray W

            Yeah, This was the build (loosely) I used for the fight, which ended up in a capture on epic. that’s what the build is for. more importantly is that it can also be used on the final chibiknight fight too, you just need to have Natz use syphon on the mammoth, and nolegs hit Ultimate chibi knight with berzerk to keep her from buffing herself.
            it actually revolves around specific builds I had made that I posted above, In that Matt can either tank or masochist attack, nolegs is primary damage dealer, lance is combo setup, Anna is debuff queen, and Natz acts as a jack of all trades to assist the other roles.
            my entire playstyle so far has involved ignoring defensive buffs in favor of glass cannons with either damage nullification, or a steady supply of auto revives.

          9. CoffeeUser

            Ahh, so you revise your build around the enemy instead of making a new build for a special situation. Interesting style.

            Still, you should’ve used tired and damage over time effects though. They aren’t specific to one build so you could’ve used them. There are summons that cause tired and virus (I think poison and burn also exist but I’ve not used them. At least some of the weather changing ones cause it.) so you don’t have to change your characters’ skills for it.

    2. Cyanide236

      Those would be the switches you used to undo the spikes before you killed snowflake. All the star looking stuff changed to glowing red eyes after Snowflake died

    1. CoffeeUser

      No, it’s just really powerful. Like 7x the power of Poseidon’s Tsunami. No way to survive that without overleveling or statuses, or some dedicated tanky build.

    2. James

      Save Matt’s death metal limit break to use for when he charges that thing up. Autolife would also be useful if there are other foes around.

  187. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 6~|
    I’ve been playing a lot without anything unusual happening, so I tried to not comment until something happened. And now it did, so it’s added to the list:

    -There’s a clear bug where an attack animation freezes and the game can’t continue. The iddle animation, the music and the hud all seem to work fine though
    (I don’t know if this happens at random or if the area of the game or the attack have something to do with it. In my case, I was at that snowy area at the bottom of the map, and the attack was a Seiken, the holy sword Matt makes)
    –I tried to do the exact same attacks in the same order in the same fight to see if the bug happened again and it did, so It’s clearly not random
    —The bug didn’t happened anymore after I just used a different attack. Sadly I couldn’t try using the same attack on another enemy or use a different character

    Glad the Beta is back, it’s only been a few days but I really missed this game :yay:

  188. oneRandomTester

    I cant post a sreenshot here but apparently there is a problem with the holy skill “seiken” from matt, since the game crashes everytime he uses it, regardless if it is used actively or passive via counterattack. The animation of the light-sword stops everytime in the same frame of teh animation, as far as I can see that.

  189. Virizic

    theres not much to say other than, i was playing on epic, i was on the lowest quality settings but i have player&foe and background animations on. my game crashed and i have to reload to continue. i can change the quality or the sound, check player stats, but i cannot use any skills or anything. the other sprites are still moving.

  190. Kirby235711

    The game softlocked while I was fighting Poseidon. I don’t know how to take a screenshot, so here’s just all the information I could think of that might be relevant:

    The message displayed is “Argument Error: Error #1063 at HolySword/frame25()”

    Matt used seiken on Poseidon, who has his defense and magic defense both buffed by 100. The attack froze mid-animation and the next turn won’t start, but several things are still working (music playing, idle animations, mousing over weather for details, checking player stats, changing graphics quality, and toggling music/sound).

    The difficulty is on hard, there are 3 sapphire ores also on the field, the weather is clear, Poseidon’s health is at 66273 (really low), and he has a burn lasting for 1 more turn. Matt’s weapon is the element-less two-sided spear that boosts your attack a bunch.

  191. NightArt

    I had a game crash 2 times in a row because my Heaven’s Gate + Legend = Seiken causes a error (1063) at the Zombie Hydra boss, it’s really annoying 😡 😡

  192. Icedagger

    there’s a problom I want to shot all of the chompies with blessed barrage but it attacked one chompies with one arrow and when I want to medipack the whole team I can just medipack only 1 character pls fix tis 🙁

  193. Virizic

    i was playing on zero difficulty because i had to quickly get back to a scene and i didn’t want to wait, lance’s first hit-and-run doesn’t kill the party and i got to attack the tank which played some dialogue meant for the other lance fights

    i eventually reached the start of the mystic woods, used nitro blitz (anna’s bomb arrow) on all foes, it hit one foe and then did some chocolate animation (like the giant chocolate slime shooting chocolate) and made the foes heavy and lowered their accuracy. I also used lance’s health strike (heal all spell) and it healed one ally and then did the same thing as before. then i tried it with anna’s spark shower (electric arrow) and it did the same thing when i targeted all enemies. it doesn’t happen when you target one foe with the arrow however.

    1. Virizic

      i was on version 0.10 though. i reloaded and now i am on 0.11, this glitch doesn’t happen anymore.

  194. GeezerCasper

    AN ERROR HAPPENDED! Please take a screenshot and send it to the developer with some info.

    ReferenceError: Error #1069
    at TargetMC/k()
    at Worm/frame640()


  195. oneRandomTester

    I want to report a bug:

    some area attacks like the frost flurry, blessed barrage etc. didn’t worked correctly if I aimed them on all targets. In such cases the first arrow hit the target and then the attack was continued by the noLegs multihit-animation and also behaved exactly like noLegs water whirl. However, the problem fixed itself after I reloaded the website and the game.

  196. Newbcake

    Found an error :
    /Users/dallaschung/Desktop/Screen Shot 2018-10-07 at 10.32.02 AM.png
    Panda bear hit zap dog with charge, game stopped working.
    (The idle animations still work, but I the bear won’t attack or go away)

  197. Alexandru Alin Gliga

    Weekend is almost finished and hackers are so happy but Matt will ban hackers and others players will happy to play BETA and hackers are banned forever :yay: :shades:

  198. Whatever

    :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: :bacon: 👿 :phone2: :coffee: :skull: :coffee: i love this emojis :3

  199. StarCatcher0331

    Love this! I always love when new content gets put out and the characters have frequent conversations so we get to learn more about them. Lance is one of my favorites in particular, so I’m excited to finally learn about his childhood! :stars:

    1. Cyanide236

      If you use your mouse, it will show an exclamation mark when it comes onto something you can interact with. This includes NPC’s and treasures, but also the secrets! Scan the screen with your mouse to look for hidden treasure

      1. 5taras

        I know and did not find myself. May be I should walk in certain way across the screen to find the new location in that secret map.

  200. The Evil Mema

    Is there any way to get a Lance x Anna or Lance x Natalie ending ? :love: :love2:
    Lance is my favourite charecter and it is so sad that he is left partnerless

    1. CoffeeUser

      Let them fight alongside each other more. The relation grows every turn passed in battle. Check bard for progress.

      1. HamFantasy

        Haha so that’s why nobody likes Lance he has nothing but Cooldown Skills so he never stays for more than a turn

        1. CoffeeUser

          Nah, the fact that his skills have cooldown is what makes him really powerful. Change that to “no one except maybe people who use proper tactics.”

          1. HamFantasy

            I’m talking about the other playable characters, not the players themselves.
            He’s actually pretty useful once you get the hang of it, but for best results he’s ironically dependent on either Natalie or the Wizard armor to give him his magic attack boost. Items notwithstanding of course.

  201. Alexandru Alin Gliga

    We can’t play BETA because hackers leaking unpublished content

    Matt please make the secret content to play BETA and the all players we are happy :hurray:

    1. Daniel

      Maybe the secret content is either stuff you have to pay for, or it isn’t ready for a release. Just wait for it, or pay for it. He did say unpublished content, so it is most likely content not ready to be released. Probably still quite buggy and stuff, or he just don’t think it is ready to be released. Just because it is currently unpublished doesn’t he won’t publish it in the future. You have to learn to be patient.

  202. KNEF

    😡 😡 😡
    Weekend is on… and stupid hackers ruined all the fun 4 us! 😥 Get a life You morons! :bleh:

    1. Alexandru Alin Gliga

      KNEF you’re right

      Weekend is ON and the hackers ruined us.


  203. Random Beta Tester 1234

    Don’t know if my saves will work if and when this comes out of hibernation again (latest news updates at the time of this comment seem to be about translations and hackers.)
    I think I had hit a wall anyway; there was a nearly impossible looking fight with the ultra-chibi knight in the way of further progress in outer space (800K + health on an enemy like that?); a fight with Snowflake who had 3 million+ health in the ruins; and a fight in the Red Pine glitch area which the characters refused to fight, saying that they’d all die in moments or something like that unless the difficulty was reduced to ‘easy’. With the end of game bosses next it looked to me like (as in EBF4) I wasn’t going to get much further without a lot of grinding XP for levels.
    In some concluding comments, I thought the soundtracks mostly great (although I wish there had been an obvious alternate music background option for Redpine); I found the lack of anything much to do other than ‘fight’ in the bottom right corner after Redpine a bit frustrating (although I figure others will be relieved to get away from the puzzles and quests); the absence of the candle was frustrating, (there were spots which needed it as early as the Grand Gallery, but it was the last major key item I found, I think); the way to access the third jewel in Redpine (even after I got the candle) was something I discovered by accident as much as anything else (although the face in the ‘porthole’ window was at least a clue of roughly where to look and desperately click around); and I was so used to the EBF4 item list that I kept forgetting Natalie had a fire element staff (the Sol Spear) because I was looking for the EB4 item I was familiar with! (That one’s on me, for maybe playing too much EBF4…)
    I didn’t pick up on what was going on with the Bard at all, until I saw some comments posted hereon this site (and then I just could not figure out how to cross off the ‘Lance and Natalie tensions’ one; I’m still not sure if in the end it was the use of one of Natalie’s Limit Breaks and/or a ‘heal all’ that crossed that one off) but that was interesting.
    The Grand Gallery provides a nice place to get replacement captures for captured creatures used up in equipment upgrades.
    As it currently stands, I think I’d give this five or six out of ten (which might go up for the finished item) and I will be keeping an eye out to see if it pops up on Armor Games.
    Random Beta Tester 1234

    1. CoffeeUser

      Ultra Chibi Knight is one of the easiest boss. The previous two bosses would have had over a million health at the same level. Dunno why you think it would be a wall at all. (And that’s for normal. On epic they have 1.4x the health.)

      Those two secret fights are the “gimmicky” ones. If you find the way to deal with them it’s really easy. Otherwise it would be near impossible. And EXP grinding is out of the question for those two since they scale with your level.

      Redpine music would likely be replaced on the next patch. (Which may or may not be when the game is back on.) And If you’ve played any Pokemon games at all you’ll find this game’s backtracking not as heavy as it could have been. Although it’s much more compared to what EBF4 had. The rest is pretty much personal preferences, I guess.

      To improve relationship you simply have to have the corresponding two characters at the frontline, and it will grow every turn. I think this should be cleared up somewhere in the game for sure. Since it’s not something that everyone can get the first time they look at it. (Hell, people often overthink what the statements mean even though they’re just added to avoid repetition.)

      I think this game improved almost everything the previous game had. Just like 4 did over 3. If this game is only 6/10 I guess EBF4 can’t be better than 4/10 then. Whatever you think, I guess.

      1. Random Beta Tester 1234

        I think the storyline and humour in EBF4 maybe appeals to me; I think I’d give it 7 or 8 out of 10. As an example of what appeals to me, out of EBF4, the cut-scene where they’ve just discovered the lily pad walking boots in the jungle still gets a smile out of me, even though I’ve seen it multiple times before.

        The EBF5 beta playtest narrative just doesn’t feel to me as well crafted by comparison.

        I’m not a computer coder, so I have to take your word for it that the relationship things is based purely on battleline time. If so, I find that slightly… disappointing. I’d have liked it to be at least partially dependent too on things like characters using abilities specifically to help/boost one another.
        Eh well: I can tell myself in my head that it’s actually based on character interactions… :shades:

  204. StatiZkyZ

    Oh, come on, people are hacking it already? 😡
    Though by ‘secret content’, does it meant the extra dungeons and stuff? ❓

  205. ⦓Za Warudo⦔

    It was lewds wasn’t it Matt. The hackers went in too deep. You can’t hide the truth from us forever!!!
    (that or the extra paid dungeons)

  206. Rafa

    oh craip, taken down again, hope we don’t lose the save :scared: , it has been quite some time since i last did a backup

    1. Just a player

      i was cached a Idol for my upgrades and finished the “epic diff. snowflake” medal hope its not gone 😥

  207. Time

    Hey i was wondering…
    Does Natz use her limit break move when you first encounter her after getting the shovel?

  208. Jay

    I found a gitch were nolegs defted a lance vodoo doll useing divine devide and then attaked a natalie doll but natalie stopped takeing takeing dammege when the doll gets hit.

  209. Random Beta Tester 1234

    I’m not sure what the ‘nether map’ key item is supposed to do. Is possession of it supposed to provide an ‘overview map’ for areas like the ice cave and outer space? If so, it’s unclear to me how (using internet explorer browser) how you’re supposed to access the facility it provides. I’ve tried clicking on the map icon at the bottom of the screen in areas such as the ice cave and outer space, but all I get is the main map still.
    But maybe this is a paid content required to activate it thing?

  210. Fanboy#3

    The glitch is…glitched. The icon replace persists whatever you do even after you kill the boss glitch, but can be fixed by closing and reopening the browser. Just loading doesn’t help.

    1. StatiZkyZ

      You can enter a random battle and it’ll be fixed again.
      I’m not sure if it’s actually a bug, though.

  211. Jorge Hugo Sbardelotto

    Just found a funny bug i suppose. When you’re Syphoned you can still use skills if you’re also confused. Is it supposed to happen? hahhah

  212. Random Beta Tester 1234

    As a comment on upgrading equipment, super-tape and sapphires seem to me to be a bit difficult to come by as drops, and I’ve had to buy both in large amounts from shops. Maybe I’m simply not having much luck go in my favour with whatever creatures are supposed to drop these items though.

  213. StarSpark

    Am I an idiot or is the stepladder just hard to find? :bleh: I have no idea where it is so I’m stuck.

  214. Ganymade

    I got some problem and this was the same problem 😐 It seems there is bug in the system especially in flair. Some flair suddenly swap into another flair :ooo: My favorite crossbone pin turned into chrome earring again, seriously 😡 and also the tri-force flair also turned to another flair that replace weapon status effect with poison. And there is flair/badge which i don’t know what is the original but suddenly i got target badge which increase accuracy by 30 at max level ❗ ❓ So I think the number of location in the flair inventory should be re-arranged again. I’m afraid because there is 2 flair in the same location cause it to switch into another one. OH and also i got a little problem. I can’t manage to found 2 diamond key 1 gold key and 1 somewhat weird key which used to open lock of treasure in Anna’s house. Even i already explore all the map precisely several times. Can someone help me if this isn’t a bug 😥

    1. CoffeeUser

      Look at the top of the page. (Oops, I rearranged flairs and staves slightly, and it looks like your saves have been effected by this. It probably won’t break the game, but it might be impossible to get all flairs and staves now unless you start again. Sorry about that.)

      Diamond key: The code, the rainbow and top of Anna’s house. (I don’t believe anyone can miss the other one.)
      Gold key: Probably that hidden switch in the Rapture. From the slime cat screen go down and go left twice. Search that screen.
      Copper key: Go to forgotten ruins. The only missable copper key is in there. (Or maybe Iron Fortress since that one is not visible.)

      I have 529 chests and I wouldn’t go so far as to claim that I’ve explored everything. With how secrets are hided in this game there’s no knowing for sure if you have completely explored a map unless you hover over each square of a screen at least once.

  215. Kjura

    Anna (in my case) can learn the Healing spell while its equipped on the kidnapped Nathalie. 😐 When you get her back, both will have the spell, but casting one sets both on cooldown :emojispam:

        1. Wolfyre

          Matt, I tried to do Randy’s quest, but I didn’t get enough planks from the enemies, and they don’t respawn. Is there another way to get planks or am I unable to complete the quest?

  216. Ganymade

    Thanks to TheJazMaster the winged boots that used to walk on cloud are found in the mountain where you need to solve a puzzle which need you 7 flower instead there is 9 altar. Altar which required to have a flower have a pattern. The pattern can be found inside the temple. Imagine if the altar are the location of phone number without 0 button below the 8 button. We need to put the flower on 1,2,3,4,6,7 and 9 button or this
    :stars: :stars: :stars:
    :stars: :stars:
    :stars: :stars:
    Hope you understand

    1. CoffeeUser

      There are 4 other patterns. Found in:
      1. Grand Gallery
      2. One of the crystal location
      3. Rainbow River
      4. Redpine Town

      One of them has a weapon, one of them has a diamond key. I don’t remember if there’s anything interesting about the other 2.

  217. Tex Rider

    Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
    Finally, after hours and hours of playing, I won. This is by far the BEST EPIC BATTLE FANTASY GAME EVER!
    I thank you for this wonderful game. This is my best game I ever played. Well… still I only finished the main plot so I got lot more to cover. But anyway, as you asked I am not spoiling anything. The game is fantastic and superior.
    If you are planning to build Epic Battle Fantasy 6, I have a request… add Pyranna. So there will be 3 by 3 team.

    The soundtracks are epic, and the fights stupendous. Great designs and skills.
    Man… I wish that people who are playing this is dying for the premium.

    Again thank you Matt, Anna, Natz, Lance, No Legs, Pyranna and the whole NPC crews in the game, designers, script writers, cleaners, and most of all… YOU.
    :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :smirk: :yay: :smirk: :yay:

  218. StatiZkyZ

    Hmm, I don’t know if it’s a bug, but the two NPCs in the grave tends to have their faces glitched out randomly, even though I didn’t enter a glitch area.

  219. someone

    I can’t find a way to get past the ice area it seems like I need the anti-ice slide boots but i can’t find them

    1. CoffeeUser

      Spiked boots is never needed and it’s very hard to acquire. Be sure to enter the area from the gate and I think there shouldn’t be a way to get stuck. All puzzles there are optional I think.

  220. Piotr

    Is it me or is Matt OP in terms of stats. I know that stats are modifed by equips by my matt is 2nd in magic and evade. I understand he is physical 1st but why he has so hi hit evade and magic and magic def. He lacks heal but he can learn bonus heal skill and he can be all around good in all

    1. TheJazMaster

      He lacks magic skills in his base kit, but hey, at least I can put heal on him and have it actually be good. In EBF4 his magic stat was trash

      By the way, I think Matt has below-average evade and accuracy (and maybe magic defense)

      1. Piotr

        yeah his magic stat should sucks. I mean he is main physical dmg. And giving him magic skill should be bad while here he is more valid then Lance who was hybryd in 3 and 4

    2. CoffeeUser

      I don’t think Matt needs any magic skills. Power Metal can be good on him but then Tempest is a far more realistic choice. Giving heal to him is basically undermining his damage potential. Unless you want him to be a supporting character. Which is actually not a bad choice because in terms of concentrated damage Anna and Lance don’t fall far behind. And he’s hard to die.

      Btw Matt still has the lowest base magic attack out of all characters. Maybe it’s because his equips often gave higher stats so you think it’s high.

      1. TheJazMaster

        I put heal on him because I want everyone to be flexible. This is how my first playthrough’s party looks like:
        Matt has almost complete elemental coverage, Bind and Heal.
        Natz does massive single target damage, usually. Has barrier when nothing else works.
        Lance debuffs and deals huge AoE damage, albeit with cooldowns.
        Anna has a great chance of inflicting status effects, has Purify, Dispel and Reflex and works as a great carry with the Sharanga bow.
        NoLegs has all of the other supporting moves and I occasionally use him with wizard gear + Star Blast for a simple wipe. He’s also the character I exploit equipment with.

  221. Ganymade

    Did someone know where i can found the (THIN) flute which needed for quest from NPC in the raibow gate :wut: . I also can’t found where the winged boots and few treasure chest which need some key 😐 . But i think i already open all other treasure chest which aren’t need those key item. In the description shovel can be used to dig some treasures. How DOES definitely you “DIG” these treasure ❗ ❓

    1. CoffeeUser

      Ctrl+F is your friend. Also I think all the shovel does is clear the dirt balls and snowballs for you. At least I did not notice that part in the description when I checked.

    2. TheJazMaster

      The boots are found in the mountainous area. You need to solve a secret puzzle though

      The Flute has been stolen by some hippies, as told by the guy asking for it, and it can be found on the peninsula with… well, the hippies

  222. StatiZkyZ

    Oh boy, I made a mistake trying to see the glitch boss… now my UI is glitched until I beat it :skull:
    So, how does the glitches work? They can only be killed by non elemental attacks the first time? Do they have random weakness when the boss respawn them?

    1. CoffeeUser

      From discord
      Reminder for glitches:
      0xff45 (idol):
      – Physical attacks can only be NON-ELEMENTAL
      – Magical attacks can only be ELEMENTAL

      0xff45 (slime):
      – Physical attacks can only be ELEMENTAL
      – Magical attacks can only be NON-ELEMENTAL

      @e255 (mega glitch):
      – Physical attacks can only be NON-ELEMENTAL
      – Magical attacks can only be NON-ELEMENTAL

      Also, the glitch UI should go away after you do any fight aside from the glitch fight.

      1. StatiZkyZ

        So, you HAVE to enter a fight? It kinda freaks me out when even after I reload my safe, the glitch is still there…

        1. CoffeeUser

          Yeah, I was scared by it too when I did the same thing before. I think refreshing also fixes it. But I’m not sure.

  223. HackneyedTrope

    So, I got the message about the rare battle bug, but nothing broke, so I’m guessing your fix worked. What was the bug :wut:
    [1734PT 10/02/2018]

  224. DH

    You ask the player before overwriting a pre-existing save file. You should also ask the player before deleting a save file.

  225. TheJazMaster

    I’ve just gotten destroyed by the second wave of the final boss and OOOOH boy was that fun!

    I don’t know if I just had terrible status resistances for Natalie (who has the Gaia moves, flare and revive) so she kept dying, or if the final boss is really that hard.
    What I found was that the boss’ first appendages were much more powerful than the others, maybe even on par with the main body. Maybe it’s the non-elemental damage, maybe the differing resistances, but they were always a pain.

    Also, since I’m giving feedback: The one thing I actually dislike about this game is some of the weather, i.e. restless dead. It’s just a dice roll regarding which l surviving party member gets to die instead. They also don’t add much strategy, unlike status effect based weather.
    I suppose you can abuse elemental resistance, but that’s boring, still lacks strategy, is RNG based and doesn’t work on those goshdarn restless groin-stabbing skeletons.

    1. CoffeeUser

      One thing that made the boss’ helper harder than others I suppose is their huge health pool. That health is considerably more than Monoliths, Chompers, even some squids.

      That’s what the weather changing summons are for. The chompers and sprites. Or ninja cat. Personally I found Falling Stars the absolutely worst. And I really wish there was a way to make the weather “Energy.” That’s the weather with the most fun I found.

      1. TheJazMaster

        Huh, I’ve literally never used a weather-changing summon. I suppose I’ll give Falling Ash + Fire resistance or Cherry blossom a try. Thanks

        1. TheJazMaster

          Status update: I’ve beaten the final boss on epic
          This was one of the funnest games I’ve ever played, props to you, Matt. I’m definitely buying it when it comes out!

          And silently praying for EBF6 ft. Phyrnna

          1. Cyanide236

            Did you check out the gravestones in Redpine? One of them read:
            “Epic Battle Fantasy 6. Along with anyone who asks for it”
            I guess that’s where you are ending up haha

  226. drailgun

    Hi MATT,the equipment shop in the redpine town is empty while I haven’t bought anything yet,whats wrong? 😥 😥 😥

  227. StatiZkyZ


    Jeebus, the Final boss is BRUTAL. I lost even on Normal :skull: Is level 35 considered to be too weak? I almost finished everything except the final glitch area.

    It’s so hard to regain your footing after the first phase, it comes and almost guaranteed to wipe three members immediately with it’s insane AOE attack. :scared:

    1. A Random Demon

      I had some trouble with this too, on my first time playing (I was at level 37, playing on normal). Spoilers below (maybe).

      My suggestion: Give Natz/whoever you gave revive to an Auto-Revive flair, and then once that happens, get all of your front line up with a Genisis (the final boss is weak to it).
      Also, start off that portion of the fight with either full holy or full dark weapons, and try to get your Limit Breaks charged as fast as possible. There’s a good chance that it’s huge AOE charge attack will charge up the Limit Breaks for the whole party.

      1. StatiZkyZ

        What about armor? Does the boss’s attacks deal elemental damage besides poison from it’s severed minion?

    2. CoffeeUser

      The boss is level 36 so you might have to beat a few hydras or something that gives the most exp for you for an adequate challenge.

      Angel Mirror can be your saving grace. Stumpy Gloop works better if you can keep the minions under control. And don’t be afraid to chug a few chilies near the end of the fight.

      1. StatiZkyZ

        Hmm, correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t morale only save you from one powerful hit? The boss’s AOE attack deals multiple damage instances, so I’m not sure if morale will save you :scared:

        1. CoffeeUser

          The charged attack is one hit. If on normal you should be able to take multiple regular hits easily with some buffs. Try to switch to some tanky armors if you still have trouble. Also that beam attack is bomb elemental. Probably not what you’d expect.

          1. CoffeeUser

            To avoid confusion, that charged attack is indeed non-elemental. The beam attack refers to another attack.

  228. Random Beta Tester 1234

    Never mind on the arrow flurry I mentioned in previous comment; description seems to indicate it’s supposed to be random and not to be guaranteed to hit everything.
    Just solved the ‘walking across tiles’ puzzle in 55 medal room in gallery; the chest described the item in the chest that appeared as a reward as ‘HatF’, but the inventory says it’s a ‘royal crown’.

  229. roger

    hola me a gustado el juego pero quiero q saquen una version gratuita porq en mi pais la economia esta mala y por eso les pido q saquen una version gratuita y en español :smirk:

      1. ghooghoo

        well i am pretty sure it is the red house that have a locked door, to left of farm but i couldn’t no idea where is the secret way 😥 . Thank you by the way :yay:

        1. CoffeeUser

          You can enter the farm by completing the farmer’s quest on the adjacent screen. Which has that suspicious house as well. If you haven’t found it that house is where it is. There’s an npc holding a drill in it.

  230. Ganymade

    Holy Mother of God. :stars: :stars: :stars: Thanks for the action you have fix the bug which Crossbone pin replaced with Chrome Earring in quick. But cause of this bug I don’t really know did i supossed to obtain the flair which replace weapon status effect (Weaken) or “Tentacle ” Flair that can summon tentacle between turn. Well, thanks you have return my lovely flair :love: :love: :love:

  231. Kris

    I have a bug. Then i started a new game, i instantly got a “1MUSIC ERROR” message which repeated itself all over the screen and makes so much lags you literaly can’t move. BTW played it on other computer and it worked just fine. I already know it will be the best game of this or next year if it’ll be released then :stars:

      1. Kris

        Im sure. Though later i checked it and NONE of games on this website worked… so i guess it’s problem with computer :smirk:

  232. Kris

    I started playing this, and during first scene, there started to appear a message “1MUSIC ERROR” repeating itself over, and over again all over the screen. It’s a clean, public school computer and i don’t know what could’ve happened that made this error. Could you fix it please ❓ BTW played it on other computers and there were no problems. It barely feels like beta and i already know it will be the best free RPG of this year :stars:

  233. Random Beta Tester 1234

    version 0.9 (normal difficulty) feedback:
    Opened one of the chests behind a golden lock/key in the gallery just now and I think the chest inventory said I had Genju armour, but when I checked the equipment the new item was a casual dress.
    When I use Anna’s flurry of arrows ability for something such as the frost arrow against multiple targets, sometimes it puts one arrow on each target, and sometimes it doesn’t hit one or more targets but hits other targets twice. Unclear if this is intentional.
    Exiting the ‘glitch’ section accessed through no man’s land drops the party in Greenwood village, which I think is intentional; what I think may not be intentional is that the NPC faces in the area they land are all blacked out, until the party exits the area and comes back or I save game, exit to tile screen, then reload.
    For some reason I’m unclear on, killing bears causes steak graphics to land on the ground in the battlescreen. I find this confusing since there seems to be no correlation of corresponding ‘steroid’ food items turning up in the inventory.
    In the room over the food shop in hope harbour (where the pirates are, one of whose son is the raft maker) there is a picture on the wall of a blue crystal of some description. Clicking on it causes the picture to go blank and gain of a crafting item. I think that clicking on the picture again causes the picture to reset and then clicking on it again causes a crafting item to be dispensed again. I haven’t studied this yet to see if a crafting item is being transferred back to the picture to restore it, then being ‘withdrawn’ again, or if this is a feature which keeps dispensing items.

    Given all the comments, I suspect these have already been reported a dozen times over, but thought I’d mention them again just in case.

    Love some of the background music by the way.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Hmm, Genji Armor is sold in weapon shops. Genji hat is indeed in gallery but is not behind any of those gold locks. Maybe your save was from a older version or you misread something.

      The description did say how Anna’s elemental arrows work. It shoots one arrow per enemy but randomly. So even hitting one enemy five times might be possible.

      The glitch effect is probably intentional. If you look closely you can see some of the statues become creepy as well. Also for bonus, open the quest screen while the glitch is happening.

      It’s a jab to one of Matt’s quote. He mentioned how all enemies explode so he’s not able to eat them. Therefore the bears explode into meat first then explode again. As if they weren’t jerkish enough already. If you are looking for the steroids it’s always in the bubbles if they dropped one.

      That’s probably for aesthetic purposes. Some might think they’re ruining the landscape when they take away the things in paintings. So you are given the option to put them back.

  234. DoingTheJukes

    I found the Flute for Lenk’s quest. It is in one of the hidden chests in the Mystic Woods. If you go to the treetops, right at the very end of the path up there is a tree with a bridge that goes BEHIND it, and if you go in the middle behind the tree and go down, you’ll enter a room with 2 chests, and the one on the left has the flute.

    1. CoffeeUser

      That’s ocarina. As in ocarina of time. Need to be cleared up because there’s another item called “flute” in this game.

  235. Deividy

    Finished all Bard “tips” except this:

    “Lance feels threatened by Matt’s popularity.
    Perhaps he shold try to learn from him instead.”

    How I finish this?! 😡 I want the best ending. 😥

  236. EBF5 Completed

    Diamond Key Locations
    1. in the painting in lances fortress
    2. At the top of Anna’s house in the cat statue
    3. use one of the codes at the forgotten ruin (upside down U)
    4. put the river stones back and it is in one of the secrets

  237. CatCandy

    are metal idols supposed to spawn in the screen where the rainbow river slimecat is after collecting treasures? :wut:

  238. VenusianLibra

    Just want to say thank you, Matt for creating this wonderful series which brings back so many sweet memories of JRPG and childhood.

  239. Just a player

    Het Matt is the 10 golden ticket (33. quest) possible to complete?Cuz i can’t find the last one. :wut:

    1. CoffeeUser

      There are 12. One in Grand Gallery. Two that requires Winged Boots. And the rest is scattered around the world. I think you might just be missing these three.

  240. EBF5 Completed

    I finally completed the free version and got all the medals, and i hate to say it but the rewards were underwhelming. All you get are a few stat boosting items and some food items. No equips, just a gold room and two level 47 fights that yield you nothing.
    Also I cant seem to find the last golden ticket for the quest or the shoes that allow you to walk on the clouds.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Try Forgotten Ruins. Winged Boots gives you access to two of the tickets. And tbf the guard of that room did say there wasn’t anything particularly interesting in it.

  241. :shades: :lightning:

    Are stuff like cooldowns and summon created weather supposed to carry over to different battles? :wut: The cooldowns carrying over is a real bummer. 😡

  242. Leo

    does anyone else think that when you get the “dim depths” medal it is just pure nightmare fuel. :scared: :scared: :scared:

  243. Pooks

    Great game. Love it and your attention to details… it’s an amazing feat.

    My biggest frustration regards summoning. I completed epic in quite a leisurely manner, summoning only on some uniquely difficult challenges, and even so mostly using the same 2-3 creatures out of the 100+ collection. I liked that the mechanism was implemented and I appreciate the effort that went into it. I just found it clunky to use.

    :skull: The Summoning Equip menu I found to be a nuisance that bogs gameplay, so my suggestion is to rid of the Summon Equip menu and allow direct choice from the *entire* menu directly from battle, the same as it already is with equipment. Methinks a hot bar for both items and summons (maybe also skills) would be useful. That should streamline and encourage use IMHO.

    :sick: Since the game leans heavily on equipment swap I’d like to see current equip on the main screen instead of entering the equip menu each and every time.

    :wut: Difficulty: I finished Epic without much challenge. It needs a bump up.

    :love: Party: I found no reason to switch party members during the game. I went from start to finish with Mat, NoLegs and Anna and saw the rest on screen during backup rounds only. I wish that the difficulty level (on Epic at least) would have demanded greater adaptability on my part in this regard, utilizing the full range of my arsenal and roster. In this regard- perhaps different summoning abilities to different party members? Perhaps opening a path to a Summoner DLC in the future…?

    :yay: Technique: In the mid to end game I found that ninjafying NoLegs (Target,Defend revive,High evade) is an easy cookie cutter build. The two other team mates can deal damage freely with little threat. That’s not a bug but I’m not sure if that’s a feature either.

    ❓ Info: I’d it if I could see stats such as which party member dealt the most damage, who received the most, killed the most etc.

    :smirk: Minor gripes: In Frozen Valley battles some of the status’ aren’t visible enough (especially Syphon).

    Cheers :coffee:

    1. CoffeeUser

      Wouldn’t making the whole summon menu available in fights make you have to deal with the “clunky” interface every time you want to summon anything? Also, summons were never meant to be necessary. I consider them to be an extra option when you can’t find any useful thing for a certain character to do. Or they’re debuffed/syphoned.

      I think your idea about equipment is good. But at the same time I worry that this could take up too much space on the screen. Is it really worth the visual pressure just to save two clicks?

      I find epic to be fine actually. It’s definitely harder than 4 and much harder than the previous installations. Of course if you find a strategy that makes everything easy it can’t be good. It’s those potential broken strategy that should be tuned down instead. Of course, if you instead had to constantly change tactics for everything that means you are good. Not that the game is too easy. Also there’s also the premium zone that can’t be accessed in this version. Which did provide actual challenges back in EBF4.

      How can you bench Lance? He has some of the most powerful attack moves out of all characters. The fire/thunder/dark moves have 240/110 power with debuffs. The airstrike has 250/120 power and staggers. The MOAB will be buffed to 220 power soon, and it gives two stagger stacks to everything (except monoliths and turrets I suppose). You can then chain it with two limit breaks and they’ll all crit. Why not try him out to make your already easy playthrough even easier? Natalie does need some serious buffs though. Only her holy/dark skills have been buffed. And really it’s all other elemental magics that need to be buffed.

      Target + invisible is something that should be taken care of indeed. Maybe give it a stricter working condition like lovable. Otherwise it can be easily used against something like the 3 Cosmic Monolith fight. I just syphoned them and used that combo to avoid damage. So much for being stuck on that battle for 30 minutes trying to find a good equip combination to beat that fight.

      Anyway gratz to be one of the (to be) selected few to beat the game on epic. Did you also get all the medals or more ambitiously, all equipment pieces? (For non-premium at least.)

      1. Pooks

        @CoffeeUser , all good counterpoints.

        GUI-wise, I’d like to be able to offer more constructive criticism but I know nothing about GUI design unfortunately so I’m just spasming things I’ve seen elsewhere, knowing full well that those might not work (/best) here. I should have disclaimed that possibly beforehand.

        About:Mechanics, It just felt like I was cruising on the highest difficulty “Vanilla style” without putting too much thought into it and it was somewhat of a disappointment exactly BECAUSE of all of the effort that went into creating the many things that I didn’t find encouraged to use either because using them meant taking additional cumbersome steps in spite of their theoretical appeal (if that makes any sense) such as summons, or a complementary yet entirely optional route which involves using items and team members swap. Excluding coffee, none of the above-mentioned I used, ignorantly hoarding stuff. Shame really. You say Lance is great. Too bad that the default bunch worked just fine. Never needed to give Lance a chance (but I definitely will on the next run).
        You might think ‘sure, stupid, YOU chose to NOT to explore these options’, which is fair, but the way I see it these are all great tools lacking a problem to solve. Untapped potential if you will.
        What felt intuitive to me while playing the game was to not over-complicate it, and vanilla worked fine (perhaps intentionally so, that’s for Mat to say). Natz and Lance and every item that isn’t coffee all felt superfluous in that sense.

        From my perspective I’m not convinced that a simple difficulty bump (a very subjective thing admittedly) is an all-fixer, mainly because I found working with the current Summon Equip menu an inventory chore. I dislike dealing with inventories, especially if it’s a mandatory pre-battle step (which it only is if you really want to make the best use of this mechanism, and why wouldn’t you?).

        Sorry for the prolix.

        1. CoffeeUser

          I think it’s not uncommon for some mechanics to be of little use for certain playstyles.

          If you rely on spammy skills you might consider the cooldown reducing items useless, for example. But for Lance users they might want to use Antimatter twice in a turn for the compound effect. Then those items would be the only way that this would be possible.

          Same can be said for summons. Do you prefer fighting monoliths with “Falling Star” or “Sunny” weather? Weather changing summons can come to play for these kinds of situation. But for those who just don’t mind weathers those summons would seem pointless.

          I actually went through epic without too much changes on tactics as well. I only changed the weapon to match the weakness of the area. And stuck to some armors that gave decent stats without worrying too much about resistances. Which I think is not too big of a deal.

          If Matt decides “Okay, I’ll add an enemy in this area that does 999 power thunder damage to everyone. Go look for thunder resistance armor or die.” Then the game would be very uninteresting and linear. The fact that there’s excessive options available means that everyone can play at their own pace and achieve success. Which is what I think is the direction that the EBF series has chosen to take, and has become better and better at doing.

          But if there’s something that everyone would find useless that’s another story.

          And yeah, that also means by changing our playstyle we can experience the same many more times with different feelings each. However, if there’s a route that’s just strictly better than all other routes you can take, that might be something that Matt has to look into. As it’s possible that someone takes that route first and thought the whole game was uninteresting.

          I think managing items is a big part for RPG games? Idk. This might just be me though.

          I should be the one that’s sorry for the long paragraphs actually. Does anyone else write a reply that long? Anyway, hope you find some good out of Lance on your second playthough.

          1. CoffeeUser

            “I actually went through epic without too much changes on tactics as well. I only changed the weapon to match the weakness of the area. And stuck to some armors that gave decent stats without worrying too much about resistances. Which I think is not too big of a deal.”

            For this part, I want to add that it’s for normal foes only. This kind of mentality won’t get me through bosses for sure. I actually had to be serious for them.

        2. Pooks

          I’ll add that trying different party compositions was a pain for having to move around all of the many skills in addition to gear. Even just switching a member for a better suited one per single challenge involved so many clicks and changes, that later had to be unmade again… forget about it. I truly believe that some ease-of-life solutions can make the game more fun. One of the foundations of the game is item collection yet ironically the more you collect the the less flexible you become due to aforementioned change difficulties therefore the less options you actually use. Practically, re-rolling a battle doggedly is sometimes easier and faster than smartly adapting to the challenge.

  244. Ganymade

    I feel something weird. When in Frozen Valley after defeating Super Chibi Knight i lost one of my flair that replace weapon status effect with curse and it was replaced with other flair that replace weapon status effect with freeze :ooo: ?. If this is a bug please fix it. I need it so bad to use it for Matt for his unleashed so i can inflict curse for more holy damage with heaven’s gate which counter with unleashed too for ultimate counter 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

  245. Adrian glitch hunter

    Im so scared and weirded out on the glitch boss fight when you go to the glitche’s hide out the texture is messed up, the boss is hard so put it on zero, use non-elemental attackes/equipment ect.
    how to get in the hide out
    1. find the 4 portal glitches
    2.go to the redpine town equipment shop
    3. go to the cat statue next to the equipment shop
    4. you will see the portal next to the statue
    5. go in the portal(if you entered all 4 portals
    6. defeat and tell me how you defeated the glitch

    PS: Good Luck :hurray: )3j45985h

  246. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 5~|

    -Nothing unusual up to this point (Finished Greenwood Village, I think it’s half the game already)


  247. Virizic

    After fully finishing the game, all the medals and the best ending possible, I really came around to love it all. I’m a sucker for happy endings, and I wasn’t too fond of the regular ending of the game for being such a downer. It left a sour taste as I was beating the game to have a ending like that. But eventually, getting the best ending made the journey along the way worth it. The writing in this game is a lot better than ebf4, because this ending really makes me smile, a happy ending for all our characters is one the best endings.
    I really enjoyed EBF5! It was truly epic!

    1. tuw

      No. A bad ending for “all our characters” is the best ending. Then I will really enjoy “EBF5! It will truly be epic, WHEN I SAY IT IS.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Cloud Boots (or Winged Boots as the official name) is in the Forgotten Ruins. Magma Boots (or Thermal Boots as the official name) is at the screen where you can see the entrance of the Dark Temple (or Temple of Trials as the game calls it.) Neither is required to finish the game though.

  248. butterbattle

    “Heal More” seems to heal too much when targeting all allies? It starts at power 15, but acts like it has power 60, which should only be when targeting one character.

    1. Vigorswig

      You might have Natalie (or whoever else has the spell) wearing the nurse outfit and hat. It boosts the power of healing skills.

  249. HackneyedTrope

    Hey Matt,

    You know, the elemental resistance flairs have always been pretty weak, and I never use them unless facing a boss that spams one type of attack. However, there is a way to make them better. Could you give them the enhance skill effect? So the Pearl Necklace would enhance water skills, the bandage would enhance earth, the Iron Cross would enhance bomb, etc. I believe this would make them powerful enough to actually be used for a majority of battles. Hopefully it is not too late to put this into effect or if it is, maybe it can be released in a patch at some point.

    [0912PT 09/28/2018]

  250. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 4~|
    (The charger for my notebook broke and it took some days to fix it, sorry for not being able to play)

    Haven’t found anything wrong in my whole playthrough this time :yay:

    Also, I got to see the basement of the first town shop, what the hell is that? :scared:
    They talk in braille, I looked for a braille translator in google but it told me anything

    1. CoffeeUser

      That’s morse code. Not braille. They don’t say anything important unless you consider “welcome to die” or “I am error” something meaningful.

  251. A Random Demon

    Where do I find the flute?!? I’ve been searching for over an hour and I feel like an idiot for not finding it.
    😡 😡 😡

  252. Mrclownfart

    Anyone know what the foe in the bestiary between the gray pixel and glitch from the pixel is?? Not the super glitch, the lesser glitch.

    1. CoffeeUser

      It’s another secret foe! Go look for it in the Forgotten Ruins. People in the Redpine steroid shop should give you some hints. The thief in particular.

  253. DoingTheJukes

    My computer cleared some stuff, including all of my medals in this game and all of my progress, which was all the way to the final area……. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  254. HamFantasy

    “It’s like the world is being deleted and shredded!”
    I parked the team in front of the final boss for a few hours. Nothing happened. The world will be fine.
    Also, I didn’t exactly see any other time-space distortions…?

    1. Sanat

      The other two secret bosses definitely distort the world tho. I’d count it as a spoiler if not for the medal interface telling you about them.

  255. Gamer William

    Hey, guys! I need your help! , for those who completed the game i need to ask this question :
    1. How do i go to this area:
    2. How do i push this illuminati thing on Forgotten Ruins
    3. How do i get into here?
    lastly, where do i get the last golden ticket, flute ( I SEARCHIN EVERYWHERE OMG ) , and those 3 symbols in forgotten ruins. ( ya know, the symbols in EBF4 ).
    i need the answer ASAP, and i gladly say thanks if you answer all these questions! :ooo: :ooo: :stars:

  256. Thomas Sanders

    I just encountered my first Flame Wraiths, and found that they absorb HOLY damage and are weak to DARK damage. Shouldn’t that be the other way round?

    1. HamFantasy

      Nope! There are two types of wraiths that absorb holy and are weak to dark. Both were already seen in this series hinthinthint
      Also crucified Fallen are the same way.

  257. Joo

    Beta has been super fun this far. I might have found a bug btw, enemies buffing themselves up to 100% seems to also give you the medal for that.

  258. Lan Luong

    Are the glitch zones missable ? I found the second one in No Man’s Land but can’t find anything in the Grand Gallery

  259. Victor

    I found a bug, (sort of), when Mungus (the old man with green clothing) appear at the Rapture, you can still find him standing in front of the weapon shop of the Hope Harbor.

  260. GermanSoldier11

    Is it just me or… EBF5 is a lot easier than the rest, I imagine EBF1 – EBF2 are hard, considering that you battle and battle and buy some items (Short break)
    Oh… and the MP are crucial when you ran out of potions, but I guess COOLDOWN is even crucial :skull: … cus you have to wait a few turns, No Legs, Nine Lives spell took 9 turns and then you can use it again. but its still fun, Lance is a bit of a jerk though (They were actually great friends with Matt)

  261. Joey245

    Hello, I am greatly enjoying the game so far, but I have a question about the start of the game: is this a continuation of EBF4 and BH2? Or is it an entirely new story with the same characters? I’m asking because it’s a little weird at first to play as Matt and not have him know who Nat and NoLegs are…but I’m not very far into the game, so maybe my question will be answered. 😀

      1. Az0rius G4m3r


        Lance points out in BH2 that “We may have even traveled back in time”. Considering that, it’s NOT entirely implausible that they traveled right into the new world created by Godcat at the end of EBF4; this may be supported by Nolegs being able to summon The Creator AND The Destroyer pretty much right from the get-go in 5 ❗

  262. Luiz Henrique Zotti de Andrade

    Hello guys :smirk: , I am a brazilian fan and I just love the whole franchise EBF, and this one don´t is an excession :stars: , I already finished the game, but I did not find the following items 😥 : 1 coral key, 1 diamond key and the winged boots, thats the more importantly and tha I remenber by now… someone can help me to find them? or all of them are in the expansion of the game ❓ thanks in advance (sorry if my english is not so good)

    1. CoffeeUser

      There’s one coral key in the Rapture that requires winged boots to get. Winged boots is in the Forgotten Ruins. You input a code to get it, which is also hinted in the end of Forgotten Ruins.

      There’s also a code that gives you the diamond key. You are probably missing that one. That code in in Redpine Town.

  263. A Random Demon

    I love the game. It’s got amazing character interactions, great attacks, cool enemies, and some neat enemy dialogue. However, I do have one tiny complaint.
    I don’t think that the foe capturing system is working correctly. Here’s why:
    I was fighting the Poseidon boss and was doing decent. Because I had a bunch of debuffs, I wanted to try and capture him and use him as a high level summon. I try to capture him. It doesn’t work. I think to myself, “okay, I need to give him some higher debuffs.”
    Next turn, I come to Natalie, who’s equipped with my best capturing gear (don’t remember what it was). Poseidon has -50% defense, magic defense, and evade. I try again. He shrugs it off immediately, without so much as the shipping crate struggling once. I’m confused, but shrug it off, thinking I need to just get his HP lower.
    Another turn goes by, and I get him down to 33 HP. Same status effects as last time, I’m confident I’ll get this. I throw it at him. He breaks out, but struggles a little. I got frustrated at this point, but because Natalie had received Haste from the pocket watch flair earlier, I used her bonus turn to do the same thing. He breaks out without a single shake of the shipping container.
    At 33 HP.
    With -50% defense.
    And -50% magic defense.
    And -50% evade.
    Is there some super-secret trick to capturing these bosses that I’m not aware of? I know that it’s immediate when the target has surrendered, but to my knowledge, bosses never surrender. If its something I’m missing, I’ll take the blame, but I really don’t think that’s it.

    1. CoffeeUser

      Probably a bug. As that situation is a guaranteed capture. Even without the capturing gear. Or maybe you interpreted something wrong. Poseidon kind of just use his defensive buff every turn if he’s not buffed at low health. So it’s not likely that you can make a defensive debuff last for a turn.

      1. A Random Demon

        I do remember him doing that, yeah. It was between that and the weird yell he does that deals damage to everything. I think I just used the one summon that flips the buffs and debuffs at the start of my turns over and over, or I just used the net skill (I don’t use it often, so I can’t remember the name) and Lance’s Debilitate before Natalie’s turn.

        1. CoffeeUser

          It might be that you used the Flybot while it still has the evade debuff and turned it into buff. Evade is twice as efficient as either defense buffs for capturing. So they might cancel out. It also fits the description of occasionally only shaking once. As that’s about the amount that just decreasing his hp to almost zero will give you.

          So a solution would be use the evade debuffing move after you have inverted the buff. By doing that you should be able to capture it. If not then it’s a bug.

  264. Devilex

    so far the only thing i don’t like is the paywalls. not a fan. but the graphics are running well, the skills are working properly, and the dialogue is in good shape.

    1. Kev

      I was stuck on this for a while, but there’s one in an easy-to-forget area down a ladder in the wild tropics. You need the hammer and candle to get to it.

      I don’t remember where the other two are, but hopefully this helps

  265. StatiZkyZ

    Dear Godcat on a stick, does anyone have a tip to capture Laurelin? That thing is INCREDIBLY hard to capture in epic

    -) Breezy weather forces you to use something to change the weather to give it status effects, and you only have five turns.
    -) It can use Purify on itself, and works all the time
    -) It attacks twice, AND ALWAYS summons three enemies every turn, pretty much forcing you to heal every turn.
    -) It’s immune to dispel
    -) Cat Wizards can heal or buff it
    -) It’s limit break gives it Regen.

    1. EBF killed my social life

      Open with a limit break that changes the weather. If it runs out, continue to change weather by utilizing summons. Ninja Cat tends to be most useful. Laurelin can Purify and Dispel itself; it seems to have a threshold for these abilities, using them when a sufficient amount of effects are stacked. Avoid inflicting effects that will increase its debuff count without adding anything; it may be tempting to use Weaken and Tire, but attack buffs don’t affect capture and evade can be lowered in one turn with the Putrid Worm.

      After that, it comes down to just doing enough damage to put it into capture range. If you have enough duration left on Curse, you can ignore the weather as it will not remove the effect. It spawns a bunch of minions, which should be kept under control with limit breaks and summons. Anna can do a high amount of bio damage once that runs out, and Nolegs can be used to do some large water damage. If any of them use buffs, you can’t dispel it because it’s resistant; keep the Flybot handy for this case.

      1. EBF killed my social life

        If you have a problem with healing, try building as much resistance as possible, then give Natz some gear with Slime Cat summon attached to it. Regen helps sustain a lot. Having the Leaf Shield on Nolegs also helps you counter any status effects.

  266. Jason

    Can anyone give me some tips on catching Laurelin? Best strategy? I’ve been stuck on him for a couple of days now and I still can’t catch him. Also I’m playing on “Zero” don’t judge me.

  267. DarkL

    I was playing earlier today and when I started playing the game again I realized that none of what I did earlier saved, not even auto-save. When I try to save it doesn’t overwrite the file or create new ones and the backup save feature gives me an error message.

    1. CoffeeUser

      3 are in the fortress the other 3 are in Greenwood. The fortress is pretty small so it’s hard to miss the ones in there. You need to help Randy build his house in order to find one. The other 2 are in a strange man’s house and the library respectively.

    1. James

      In the haunted forest, there is a room off to a side in one of the caves that has two treasure chests. The ocarina is in one of those. To access this room, go to the area at the top and center of the map (should be the top left corner of the haunted forest). There is a big tree with two arrows at the front. There is also a door at the back of the tree. The door will take you to the room with the ocarina.

  268. CoffeeUser

    The set of enemies with Obsidian Boulder sprite in the over world on the edge of the map in Rainbow River seemed to be inadequately leveled. They are level 27 while the squids just one screen below are level 34. And you can’t even reach them without the big hammer.

  269. Vesperion

    A minor detail i noticed is with enemies you captured.

    Normaly when you have captured an enemy it has the little Box icon to show that you have caught it at least 1 time. However it gives some enemies that are needed for quests or forging and you basicly “lose” those enemies and need to recapture them again cus you can´t have the same enemy more then 1 time how it seems.

    It would be nice if the box simply would disapear if you used the enemy up (for whatever it was needed) cus at some point it starts to get hard to keep track (or to remember) what enemy exactly is now missing and where it was found.

    Like said a minor detail that might get a little attention as an QoL part. Aside from that after my 6 hours so far nothing else occured so far.

  270. omote23

    Bug founded : Players got stuffed debuff randomly on The Rapture/weather:geyser fight even without eating something :wut: :wut: :wut:

  271. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 3~|

    Let’s continue the list:
    -Fullscreen mode looks a little bad, like it’s a bad resolution
    -Not sure if this is something wrong or I just didn’t understand it correctly, but Anna’s skill “Bow Whack” tells me that when I upgrade it, it’ll have 10 points less on power (30 -> 20)

    Another shor one, even though I played for 4 hours, kind of glad that I didn’t find anything wrong :yay:

    1. Vigorswig

      Bow Thwack is meant to help make enemies surrender without killing. Lower damage just means that it’s better at doing it’s job.

  272. Virizic

    Using the Oblivion(the tank one) limit break on the final boss doesn’t appear correctly, the final boss will disappear during the limit break and reappear after it finishes.

    The difficulty of the bosses on Epic is really easy once you know what to do, but shoots up on the final boss. Like, you could be one or two levels below any of the other bosses and beat them on Epic with the right strategy. They all have straight-forward weakness and strengths that you could play off of. But with the final boss, all you have to do is be higher level by one or two levels and you’ll beat the final boss on the Epic. Capturing bosses is also a pain and Laurelin by far is the worst with a 50% evade resistance.

    The story is pretty alright, I like the writing in this one compared to Ebf4. The emotional ties were almost there, if only the best ending didn’t have obscure and vague requirements (which I still haven’t gotten it yet). Their bits of characterizations are actually pretty nice. Natalie’s pre-final boss speech is pretty good, although I’m still a huge fan of Ebf3’s pre-final boss speech for being a long journey and build-up to this final moment which Ebf5 really did not have. There was a lot of foreshadowing for Ebf5’s final boss, but it doesn’t hit hard as Akron. The final area being a desolate wasteland as you reach Akron, inside this black hole as you walk through space. I was always a fan of ebf3’s story.

    I still have not found the secret soundboard. With that and the 10 Million Damage medal, I will have every medals (besides the deluxe version only medals), which I hope unlocks the final room of the Grand Gallery.

    This game was still a solid experience all the way through, and I really enjoyed playing your games. Ebf5 is a really epic game!

      1. Virizic

        😐 oh absolutely, the secret soundboard seems to be the one thing going over my head, i’ve looked everywhere but i still have no idea where or how you get it.

        1. JinYiLim

          just go to the NPC page(the page where you can see what the NPC need) and press the NPC several times and you will get it :yay:

    1. CoffeeUser

      I think it’s from a quest at the entrance of Lance’s fortress. You complete it by collecting CDs. 3 of them are in the fortress the other three are in Greenwood. I think you might have to complete the other quest in that screen or beat Lance in order to make it appear.

        1. CoffeeUser

          I think they’re inside library, old man’s house and Randy’s house. (Randy is the one who gives you the wooden plank quest.) Also you are lucky that I’m a compulsive comment maker. Normally without notifications no one would be bothered to check if a comment over one month ago got replies.

    2. gameassasin

      by the way matt roszak.skills(like some of natz or matt’s ones) and equipment(i cannot find earth or wind boostinig equipment for matt,holy equipment for no legs,fire boosting for lance,or etc) are way too bloody hard to find.plea

      1. CoffeeUser

        ❓ No extra skills are exclusive to one player. And all extra skills are tied to a quest. It’s easy to find what you missed by checking the quest screen.

        Visit Grand Gallery and you’ll find what you are looking for. Also complete all the quests you find. By doing that maybe some otherwise inaccessible equipment would be available to you. Like Lance’s fire gun. It’s blocked by an anvil (I think?) behind Randy’s incomplete house. You can remove that anvil by completing Randy’s quest. And afterwards you can even get the CD you were missing as a bonus.

        Btw, if those are hard for you you have seen nothing yet. 👿

  273. DoingTheJukes

    Hey, I’ve got a cool idea for a Limit Break. It’s called Repent, and it has a 50/50 chance to deal all of the damage a player has done to enemies, or all the damage enemies have done to the players to themselves from throughout the course of the battle. So basically if the players have taken a total of say 5,398 from all the enemies, and the players have dealt 13,974 damage to the enemies, there’s is a 50% chance of 5,398 damage being done to the enemies, and a 50% chance of 13,974 damage being done to the players. I doubt you’ll use my idea but I just wanted to share it. I really love your games btw hope you keep making good games, EBF or others.

    1. CoffeeUser

      I think all of them are from quests. Most in the last town. Some in Frozen Valley. And one from a quest very early on. Don’t skip any quest and you won’t miss them.

  274. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 2~|
    (I haven’t got enough time to play, I’ve had some interruptions and wanted to play only when I knew I wouldn’t be disturbed by anything)

    -Some battle rewards give me the same item in different groups (For example: It gave me two snowballs along with one snowball, after the same battle)
    -I have a feeling that NoLegs is too fast, so far he’s dodging pretty much anything, not 100% of the times but, like, 70% maybe

    That’s it for now, didn’t found much new this time, bye :yay:

  275. EBF Completer

    Holy mother of Godcat, I finished the free version. I have to say, the final boss, you don’t displease. Wow, and I finished the quests. man I am holy moly, pleased.
    I can;t wait to buy the steam version. I bet it’ll be a blast with new dungeons. :love2: :love: :hurray: :shades:
    Side Note, The final boss music, could it be, let’s say, different. EVery other iteration I believe has the Final boss music different from every other place in the game. Btw, for those who aren’t there, hehehehehehehehe, I hope my comment isn’t deleted for this, but CAPTURE EVERYTHING, it helps, like for every other boss.

  276. Doot

    Just beat Chibi Knight’s final form and about to fight the zombie hydra. One massive flaw I’ve noticed is that there doesn’t seem to be any fire resistant armor pieces for the guys. As of right now I have 3 head and 2 body armor pieces with fire resistance for Anna and Natz, but absolutely zero for the three guys. Anyone know if I’ve just missed a chest or two, or can they be found at the gallery?

    1. Vigorswig

      Did you find the Dragon Armor set? I don’t remember where they are, but they are found pretty early on. Closest thing to Fire Resist armor you can get.

      1. Doot

        Nope. Pretty sure I scoured every part of the map, so I’m assuming it’s found in the gallery. And holy hell was the final boss kicking my ass on epic. Had to turn to difficulty down to normal to see the ending. I’ll wait for the full game to come out on steam and then try it again on epic.

        Good job on the game Matt!

        1. CoffeeUser

          It’s on the screen to the left of the Hope Harbor slime cat. You can see a Cosmic Monolith scout in that screen. There’s a hole that was blocked by a rock. Which you can clear as soon as you acquire the hammer in Lance’s Fortress. The whole set is in there.

  277. KNEF

    I play on Epic (just like title of game ^^) but found 1 bug, and 1 unlogic situation – and maybe they are connected with difficulty lvl? :wut:
    BUG: when I had my first with Lance and his OP tank I almost won… I mean he was dead, but tank and his tower was still on the field. There were sometimes invisible RedBot, which was doing DMG but wasn’t on field in matter of seeing :/ When he finally killed me, there was sequence of kidnap etc. I saved game and went to sleep. Next day loaded mistakenly earlier save but then I was suddenly killed in first move with this OP tank … and it happens all the time, so why first time I survived, killed Lance, and then died? 😐
    UNLOGIC: Big Sand Slime is Stuned, Freezed, Disabled and has less than 300HP and he still refuse to be catched :wut: It should be like rock – still and not moving! ❓

    But it is seru great game and You put a lot of effort! :yay: I played every ypur game, You have skill… and great sense of humour :smirk:

    1. Vigorswig

      Pretty sure you always HAVE to die in the first Tank encounter. Wasting items like coffee (especially on Epic) is pointless.

  278. TheJazMaster

    I was fighting 2 blue flybots and they both had a 25% defense down, so the first one used Invert on himself…
    And the second guy used invert on him aswell, so his stats were down again. AI bug? XD

    1. TheJazMaster

      Also, two things I’d like to mention
      1. I absolutely LOVE the fallen’s surrender animation. Never fails to make me laugh
      2. Could you please tell me how does death resistance work with doom? I need to know for my bad luck-doom cheese

        1. TheJazMaster

          Thanks for replying, but I’d specifically like to know if the resistance prevents doom from either getting applied or killing once the timer runs out.

          1. Vigorswig

            Resistance doesn’t matter if Doom is already applied. The only things that can negate the Doom timer running out are Morale status and Good Luck status.

  279. Pingback: EBF5: Looking for Translators | Kupo Games

  280. CoffeeUser

    Hm, I noticed a very minor error. On the map the “Rainbow Gate” seems to be marked on the incorrect tile. If that’s what the place where you put the stone heads should be called.

  281. Gladys

    How do you cross the ice floor? I can’t seem to get to the other side at the Frozen Valley 😥 Is there a trick to walking on ice? :wut: :wut: :wut:

  282. Victor

    Can someone tell me where to get the “illuminati symbol”, I’ve visited all 5 glitch area and talk to the all the masked men (i think) yet I found no clue. :wut: ❓

  283. Alexandrite

    I got the warrior’s guild tickets and gave them to the quest npc, and she spawned in two tents that only had some crafting materials. Surely I missed something and that’s not all you get?

  284. DH

    Multi-attack limits don’t deal as much damage as they should — is only the last hit being counted toward the enemy’s HP loss?

    1. DH

      Never mind. The numbers shown are now partial sums of hits’ damages, instead of the damage values themselves. Could this be toggled by an option?

  285. ZeroD

    [ S P O I L E R] this is spoiler but, how the heck i can debug the game after defeat the Secret boss, i wasn’t even able to defeat the final boss and my game get glitched, help :,v 😡 :sick: 😐

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      The effect should go away after beating the secret boss or just walking around. Make sure you’re on the latest version.

  286. Mrclownfart

    In case I missed something because I don’t know if the ‘bug’ was fixed, someone please make a list of what is in each equipment store.

  287. omegaoof

    I’m pretty sure that my pc can handle this game but i still get some low fps sometimes in battle even at the lowest settings.
    is this a game issue or is my pc just really bad
    can run lol csgo 60fps +

  288. Zero-GM

    Este juego esta Mucho Màs alla de mis expectativas me muero de ganas de jugar la vercion completa en español :smirk: :hurray: :yay: :stars:

  289. HackneyedTrope

    Hey, would it be possible to make the skip-turn action reduce your cooldowns by 1? For a long time, Nolegs is your only reviver, and since he can only revive once every 10 turns, if you accidentally get a character dead just after he revives someone, then you either have to wait a LONG time in battle, waste a coffee, or win the battle and have someone lose their experience. As it is, there is NO benefit to skipping your turn as opposed to defending, so this would make the action mean something as well. It wouldn’t be overpowered in most fights, since skipping your turn is generally a BAD idea, but in cases like this, it would help a lot. Thanks! :yay:

  290. Vigorswig

    There’s a bug with the save files. I save my game, at 7:48, then I close the menu, open it up again, and it’s back at 7:36 (the save that got overwritten). Auto save does the same thing so now all of my saves are frozen.

      1. Matt Roszak Post author

        What happens why you try to make a backup save?
        Play with your browser settings to make sure it’s not blocking anything, and maybe try a different browser.

    1. Vigorswig

      It told me the file was “corrupted and unreadable” but I managed to un-corrupt my save via USB. The save are working normally too, as of now. It must have been my computer acting up? Still just gonna use the normal save menu + the USB Backup just in case it happens again.

  291. Cachulu.



  292. Str4tegiserr

    Hey matt! Just finished the game it was sooo worth the wait…but…

    there was this one area where location where the name was and I quote:
    “54 68 65 20 56 6f 69 64”

    Is this: “The Void”

    😀 :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:

  293. XAngelMoonX

    Just beat the game, completed all non-holiday related quests, got pretty much every chest, found all the secret areas, I think I got a lot of medals, but every time I restart the game, they disappear, oof. I didn’t capture all foes, so that’s a bummer, but I shouldn’t beat myself up on that. There were some missing equips, I think those are from DLC-related dungeons, and of course, I improved the characters’ relationships using the fortune-teller to get the best ending. This was amazing, and when it comes out on steam, I’ll transfer my data and grab every chest again, beat the game again, and do it all on epic too. Seriously, I think the games get better and better everytime Matt makes them, I don’t think he can top this, but he can try. I’m really looking forward for Matt’s other projects, and I think I’ll recommend this game for any turn-based RPG-lovers, or any gamers in general. Thank you Matt for making this, and Phyrnna for the amazing music, and of course Ronja for the costume designs, and everyone else involved, I will be searching on Youtube for your reactions, and I hope you guys have a fun time playing this game. I spent 55 Hours on it, and it’s just the beta, imagine the full version, so you better get ready because this game will make you want to clear your schedule. And with that, I guess i have nothing more to say, so I bid y’all adieu. :love:

  294. Cloud006don

    🙁 Don’t know if this is a bug or not but.
    after I have gotten every form the first shop the next shop is empty. :wut:

  295. Jaz

    The Game was amazing!! The self-aware talk made me laugh XD
    Great Game matt!!
    I found the secret menu too, but im not going to say where ;3 :yay: :yay:

  296. Xeo

    Hi, I noticed a glitched image when something is triggered in version 0.7
    When leaving the secret area in front of Lance fotress, I was brought to the area where the slime cat at greenwood was located. There are 2 NPCs in that area and both theirs faces looks glitched. The problem can be solved after leaving and returning back to the area again.
    Hope this helps. :yay:

    1. Solomon

      This is probably intended. You can find 4 others, and a good portion of them have some minor changes in environment as well.

  297. Spiritmon

    I love this beta until now, but one item could be added to the game who would help a lot: SP recovery. This could might help in the moments you would need make summons and you dont have enough SP to use it. The restoration dont need to be strong, perhaps 50% more or less would help quite a lot.

  298. Drake

    I noticed in the Stats screen that No Legs base evade is displayed incorrectly. It’s like 1.8-times the value in battle.

  299. Tex Rider

    :stars: :stars: :stars:
    The first time I’m playing EBF5 beta. The animations are getting better and better.
    :yay: :yay: :yay:

  300. DoingTheJukes

    I got the same flair I already had, guessing that’s where a Staff should have been….. Doubt I need it though, unless the main holy staff was in that chest in the Mystic Woods.

  301. antimatterdemon

    When I do a backup save, it doesn’t work. 😥 I first thought it might try on a different browser (I was using Firefox), so I tried Safari. It showed up in my documents, but it was empty; nothing was in it. I assumed it was a mac OS thing (That’s what I use), but is anyone else having this issue!?!? :wut: And Matt, can you fix this?

  302. Blizzard Shaff

    |~PART 1~|
    Ok, so I’ll be listing anything bad or weird I find as I found them playing the game: (I play with graffics and dificulty on normal so if that affects anything then keep it in mind)
    -First off, seems that it takes quite long to load the main screen, but it could be because it’s a beta version or just my pc
    -I think the dialogues could load a little faster as well, just a little, since they’re almost fast enough to read them as they appear (They can be skipped with a single click though, so this can be ignored)
    -Characters and enemies backgrounds in menus are not there (I asume you know already, but just in case…)
    -Game is laging at some points (Even with everything on minimum) (Seems to happen on battle mostly)
    -Natalie just wanted to battle for no reason. Was a dialogue missing there?

    I have things to do now, so I’ll have to continue later and then I’ll make another comment.
    Haven’t found anything unusual after the things I mentioned earlier.
    Great game so far! :yay:

    1. Vigorswig

      Are you sure that you didn’t just skip the text box? She outright says that it’s because you stole from the market at the beginning of the fight.

      1. Blizzard Shaff

        Well, I do remember her saying that after the fight. It’s not imposible at all for me to skip it accidentally, but as far as I remember, I just clicked on her and a few steps from then the battle just started

  303. EBF killed my social life

    Finished my third run, mostly on 0.7 and partially on 0.8. Didn’t refresh the page until finishing, so didn’t play any part in 0.9.

    I’m not 100% sure if I found all the changes, but I noticed some things like medal text change, Lovable nerf and WoZ/T’sH swap. I can’t be too sure about what was rebalanced, as I don’t have any memory of the individual stats from the previous version, but now it does certainly feel like the game is becoming harder as you advance through the game, instead of the Fortress standing out as a difficulty peak. The one exception I found this time was Laurelin; I got it into capture range in only 3~4 turns. I’m not sure if the AI was altered in any way or if I was just lucky, but it never used Purify while being plagued with debuffs.

    Now to talk about the final boss. (spoilers, duh) This time, I went with a ‘good stuff’ party arrangement: using gear that don’t really have synergy or support a specific strategy, but have generally good stats and resistances. This came out to be one of the harder fights I’ve had in the franchise as a whole. While it only has a small number of possible minions, they have unique abilities and AI. Every move feels like a puzzle that has to be solved carefully. Like I’ve said before, it becomes absolutely overwhelming at times, and even with your characters standing by with full limit bars, it’s hard to decide what move to make next. Anything that frustrates me is a good sign; it means that I’m getting immersed in the fight enough to care about it. It’s a rare bit of emotion that only happens while fighting the final bosses of the series. (and occasionally a Pyrohydra)

    Half the fun is coming up with strategies to counter it. Unrelated to the difficulty, the predictability of the boss allows the player to plan ahead and think of optimized strategies for the boss. Playing against it in a standard build is a fun experience, but building strategies to make yourself lead the battle is almost cathartic, considering how much you’re at the mercy of the boss in the battle. Previously, the final bosses required you to build appropriate resistances and elements and hope for the best, while this one opens the door to many specific builds to counter its every action. So many status effects are readily available through summons and skills and the boss and its minions lack resistance/immunity to a lot of them.

    These builds don’t quite reach cheesing levels, but there are some exceptions. The 20 move OTK (which is totally a legitimate tactic) abuses the first wave that may be extended ad infinitum. The Knife build requires the player to know exactly how to support the build as well as an understanding of the luck mechanic, but you can’t possibly lose using it. Considering the amount of diverse strategies you can form, there are probably more that I haven’t found yet. I guess most people either won’t think up such builds or won’t use them even if they did.

    A comment on the first wave: it’s not very fun to fight, but is fun to dominate. Trying to quickly tear down its massive health while avoiding death is quite exciting on its own. What isn’t too fun is when you have to fight it for the second time, then a third, then so on. The most fearsome part about the final boss becomes that if you lose, you have to do wave 1 again. I guess Godcat’s first two forms are similar. It doesn’t quite fit thematically as well, I didn’t feel as though it was “reshaping space-time to create pathways between different universes” while battling it. The final boss fits its own theme of being a invader from beyond the world, but I don’t feel like its harbinger has a theme to call its own. Maybe every time in changes elements, it could summon a couple of random enemies from the assigned weakness.

    One thing about the main boss I have to comment on is its big attack. It’s a EBF tradition; every final boss needs its big charge attack. A lot of the times, seeing the bosses charge up have me thinking ‘oh, sh*t’, or at least ‘well, there goes whatever I was planning to do this turn’. For this boss, my reaction is ‘hell yes’. Provided you have that small amount of SP, you can use this to immediately recharge limit breaks with little risk, unless the minion count is out of control. If you’re feeling extra evil, maybe it could hit backup twice?

    I should probably hit the bed now, I’ll need that rest for run four. RIP run 1~3, now officially un-100%able. Jokes aside, I keep finding new things while doing repeated runthroughs. After the first one, I tried staying away from the Celtic Staff, and I had a lot of fun fighting enemies that would otherwise surrender or berserk. Instead, I started finding and abusing the surrender conditions for other foes, from squids to monoliths. I played around with maxed gear and broken debuffs, one-shotting entire waves of powerful enemies with Snowflake and regaining that SP almost immediately with the Small Cloud. My third run could be described as the EBF genocide run, abusing the potential of the Knife to the max. For the next run, I’ll probably try a ridiculous sustain build that never dies against anything. I really can’t emphasize this fact enough; this game is so massive, and it’s worth replaying just to try out different builds and strategies. I really can’t believe that the steam version will have even more content, and then possibly even more may be added to that.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Thanks! Comments like this make me happy! It’s nice to see people digging into the depths of the game mechanics.

  304. Klaus Kristensen

    I’m not sure if this is a bug or a design flaw or whatever, or if anyone else informed Matt about it, but there are some chests in the woods, that contains badges/flaires that I had already obtained earlier. The dublicates I’ve found so far are the angry face and the one that attracts attention when defending (don’t remember the name, sorry).
    Anybody else noticed that? :wut:

    1. StatiZkyZ

      It’s probably because of the new version (0.8 and 0.9). Matt relocates some equips from the previous version.

      1. Klaus Kristensen

        I’m pretty sure I’ve only been playing the 0.9 version though. And I’ve also noticed something else strange about flaires, there are some flares that seem have disappeared from my inventory. I’m not sure when it happened, but I clearly remember getting the flaires earlier, and now they are gone. I started a new game to check if I could get them again, and it seems like I’m still getting them and they haven’t disappeared yet. I may just be wrong about which version I started out playing though. But I do feel like it’s a bit of a shame if my “perfect” save file has to be thrown away, simply because I couldn’t get all the flaires :/

  305. KingGrowlithe44

    Thanks for another great game i was introduced to this game around sometime in the making of three. but i am proud too say i loved all of them personally to my heart. i dont care whether the game was crappy or not. i enjoyed playing it still. :shades:

  306. Name

    Up to the cat king and loving it. The only bug I’ve noticed so far is that the keyboard control seems to stop working randomly after battles and the only way to fix it is to reload the page.

  307. Str4tegiserr

    The new 0.8 version doesn’t play….like it starts counting to 100 but instantly it blacks out or doesn’t load

  308. Mary

    I’ve only been playing this for an hour or so and I like it so far. If its not already done, can you add some of the battle music from EBF4? I liked those soundtracks and they made battles fun. The new battle music i s ok but I can see it getting annoying overtime. :wut:

      1. Mary

        I can do that. I liked how the music changed randomly in EBF4. Maybe you could do the same with EBF5? Just a suggestion. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

        1. Mary

          I revoke my earlier comments. I noticed the battle music changes upon location (I still hadn’t beaten boss 1 yet).

  309. HackneyedTrope

    Hey, I know it’s a little late, but can you PLEASE add something so that we know the approximate chance of catching a foe? I’ve been trying to catch an equal-leveled defender, that’s been debuffed and de-statted, while I’ve been buffed and statted, for a while now, and I want to be able to know if I’m wasting my time, or if I have a chance in any given situation.
    Thanks, Matt. :yay:

  310. MeteorManMike

    Really enjoying the beta so far, no bugs that I’m aware of as of yet.

    Question about captured monsters: if I accidentally kill a boss while trying to weaken it, is there any way to go back and capture it again later, or am I just out of luck and have to load an old save? (I gotta have ’em all~~)

  311. Lumen

    Really enjoyed the game
    I wouldn’t say its perfect but its defenetly there

    I also found a bug (maybe a bug or you just removed iti dont know) when i loaded up my save file my badges where swtched up and i couldn’t find the tr*force
    I tried reloading from backup save but it still wasn’t there and the chest that contains it is still opened

    And for the players who are reading this i was d*cking around with the slime punching bags and thought to myself what if it was frozen and invisible AND weakend ANDAND fully debuffed magic resist and fully buffed magic damage on natz then black hole

    Lets just say was not disepointed 22 Millionishdamagekek

    Everyone was lvl 37 btw

    1. Cody Neumeyer

      SHOOT, i totally forgot about invisibility. I can do it then, I just need to Stagger, freeze, give bad luck, make them invis, debuff their evade and magic defence, and then boost Natz or Lance with Black Hole and I should cream ’em. My characters are only lvl 35 but I have most of the crucial gear and summons to be able to get the achievement….. hopefully.

  312. Vigorswig

    I just beat all of the normal campaign quests and all four of the holiday quests, but I’m still missing two of them. Are they in the expansion pack or am I missing something?

  313. Jack

    idk if this is bug or not, but I just loaded my save and a bunch of my flairs have been shuffled around and some have even disappeared from my inventory and been replaced with others that I’ve never had in game before ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓

  314. Mrs.Alfonse

    Uh I just want to know where are the other gems for the forgotten temple.. cause i only found the Shappire of Dreams.. (Uh i dont know if this is spoilers but yeah i wanted to know :coffee:

    1. Vigorswig

      First one is behind the fridge in the weapon shop in the first town. The last one is hidden in the mausoleum for the last town. Push one of the tomb stones and the gate should open.

  315. Jack

    just encountered a bug where i was in one of the canopy screens of the haunted forest, went into one of the doors that usually brings you to a different part of the same screen, game went black and never transitioned back to the game like it normally does

  316. Fanboy#3

    The reformat quest scrambling your icons really sucked, but since it’s only for a fight, it’s ok.


    Seriously, remove it.

  317. Mrclownfart

    For one of the early quests, where you have to give someone a rescue dog, if you kill it, they get upset. If you catch it, nothing happens lol. I’ll just sneak away with what was mine originally

  318. DoingTheJukes

    Well, I’m an idiot… I’m just sitting here thinking “Wow, this game is REALLY hard!” Not realizing till now that I set it to Epic lol. Not gonna change it though gotta get those sweet sweet achievements. :stars:

  319. NoArms

    ***Possible bug relating to Anna***

    Anna does not seem to counter-attack with Piercing Shot, if her action was “Defend”, while utilizing Aquamarine or Eagle Eye as a bow.
    I was trying to abuse the “Curly Horns” helmet with the counter-attacks… but i guess its too overpowered??? So was this intended to not work or is it a bug??

  320. Jack

    holy cow i finally made it to the bottom of the comments section :scared: just wanted to say that i just literally got shit on by a bear, not like it killed me, like it just turned around and took a dump on my nolegs :sick:

  321. Ferrium


    This bug occurred on the Yellow Flybot fight on the screen of the prisoner of Matt’s castle. At first only one error message popped up and things continued with the player’s turns being skipped (I don’t think I was stunned, might have not noticed though). I reloaded the save and I’m pretty sure the bunch of error messages popped up when I was changing armor, I only noticed them after I finished customizing. Entering the fight caused the Error 2025 and trying to attack caused the second.

    1. Ferrium

      Alright, reloading the save now doesn’t have any problems and I can get through the fight safely. I’m not sure what the “rare battle bug” was so I might just be wrong or repeating information but I think it might have something to do with debuffs, particularly stun and confuse, as that was the main difference between the bugged fight and the one that went normally.

  322. Reshirana

    Bug. I don’t know why, but the data won’t save from one point on, won’t create backup files, or even get deleted. I don’t know if I should just erase my history to reset the Flash datas.

      1. Reshirana

        I erased all history, but the data’s still there. I try making backup data, but the error message shows without showing any data (like many others’ photos do). Maybe it’s my PC, or maybe it’s the game. I really don’t know what to make of it. How do I reset everything in this game??

        1. Reshirana

          To put insult to injury, the game version’s still in 0.7 for me. Clearing medals and starting a new data didn’t work. What am I doing wrong with my PC? 😥

      1. Reshirana

        Thank you for the tip, Mr. Roszak. Now the beta’s in 0.8. Unfortunately, the save datas are still locked in place and cannot be deleted or overwritten. I will wait patiently for the Steam version now. 😐

        On a not-so-related note, will you consider Japanese as an addition to the already rich translations? I can translate all the texts, and I am very positive that there are many Japanese players out there. :yay:

    1. Scizor101

      Yeah , its main weakness is against weird (and I think strong) ghosts like Master Wraith. (at least I remember it making it angry)

  323. Bison

    So I beat the glitch in the 5th special zone but my menu is still stuck being glitched. Am I meant to do something to remove it or is it just stuck like that forever, cus reloading doesn’t work, and I’m not sure how I can play properly with the menu like that for the rest of the game.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Are you sure you’re on version 0.7? Menus should go back to normal after beating the boss or reloading.

  324. EBF killed my social life

    Second run comment: Knife is overpowered for the final boss. Potentially on other things as well. It just seems to take out everything in one hit quite reliably when given appropriate supporting equipment + good luck. I haven’t seen it fail to kill a tentacle, and even if it does, trying again with Encore will probably do it. There seems to be a spawn order, so the eyeballs that have a higher death resistance don’t ever spawn if you take out the tentacles in first turn. As the boss itself has limited array of elements and cannot purge its own debuffs, you can reliably drag down the boss. I even managed to take it out immediately into fatigue, and probably could do it faster if I had switched to Soul Eater. The fact that you get 10% extra stats on Seventh Heaven is just a bonus.

    Don’t really know what the best balance change would be, as nerfing the Knife would probably just make it useless, and giving more death resistance to enemies could potentially make them overly difficult to kill. Adding a cooldown for Spectrum could work I think. Another potential solution would be giving the minions a Bless equivalent (using the standard bless status may be thematically off) for one/two turns when spawning. (if only for high difficulties)

    Another idea is to punish instant kills with a threshold; every time a certain amount of enemies are instantly killed, spawns all four minions with buffs on the next turn. (Potentially with bless effect)

    I feel like I’m suggesting too much, so I’ll stop now. I just like to provide potential solutions when I raise issues.

  325. gimmethegepgun

    When using the door to move to the space with the chests in the Mystic Woods canopy screen with the protestors (coordinates 7,1 on the world map) the screen got stuck in the fade-in animation and I couldn’t move. I could still save, and loading the save I made caused me to be where I was supposed to be, and able to function properly.

  326. Shishir Sangaru

    Just so you know I was in greenwood village but when I activated a battle the greenwood music kept playing. I don’t know if this is one of the missing tracks but Im not sure because the battle music was working fine when I was in other places ❓

  327. Per Åsfjäll

    Found some sort of bug while fighting Lance with his beloved tank, for some reason when NoLegs became confused and used the berserk skill it never stopped applying the berserk status on Lance. Forcing me to refresh the page.

  328. ya boi

    can’t wait for full version on steam! i love this series and i could care less about the little changes you’ve made, i don’t complain. keep up the amazing work, matt! <3 :love2: :love2:

  329. Alexandrite

    Could you consider raising boss capture chance on epic? Been trying to capture Jotun for a few hours but even at <1000 health with poison it fails, and then he kills me because I'm faffing about.

      1. Alexandrite

        Hah, I can’t wait for the other bosses then, because I tried to capture him 15 times while he was poisoned and it always failed.

        I don’t really have many debuffs or statuses to hit him with, he’s immune to freeze/stun/syphon so that only leaves poison and burn. And virus, but that gets a little out of hand :bleh:

        Don’t get me wrong, I’m enjoying the game a lot despite my complaining :tongue: but this kind of difficulty is wearing me out.

  330. HamFantasy

    You know how you can often get a rough idea of how long a game is by the intro/loading screen?
    Looking at these slimes, there’s a loooong game ahead of us :smirk: :smirk:

  331. JPx0999

    gente eu acho otimo q ebf5 esta proximo

    kupo me faz o favor de colocar as traduçoes logo mas eu quero q vc lance ebf5 logo

    gente confere meu amino sobre ebf4 epic battle fantasy 4 pt-br amino
    palavra chave:ebf4

  332. EBF killed my social life

    I just cross-checked my two playthroughs, and both of them seem to be missing the same two equipment: the staff above the Knife and to the right of Alchemy Set, and the toy to the right of Power Paw and below Godly Book. I believe the update arranged items in a way that puts all the non-deluxe edition equipment together, and those two missing spots are in the area that should contain the standard set of equipment. If anyone knows what those two items are and where they were found, I’d be happy to know.

  333. Fanboy#3

    Don’t know if it’s bug, but almost every bear drop meat (the perma magic stat up item for matt). Isn’t it supposed to be something like 2% drop rate?

  334. Raven

    Love these games, super excited that #5 is in open beta finally. Would there be any way to swap fullscreen while in combat? Sometimes I need to esc out of fullscreen to pause or swap out youtube music or whatnot, and then I’m stuck in the smaller player until the end of combat. It’s rough due to poor eyesight. It would be convenient to be able to go back and forth outside the options menu.

  335. ILikeEBF

    Omg! I was WAAAIIITIIIIINGGG!!! :yay: :yay:

    It’s gonna be awesome :3 :hurray: :yay:

  336. Knokke

    It does say v0.7
    I do have a question if it hasn’t been answered yet. When upgrading Anna’s Bow Whack from level 2 toward level 3, its power drops from 20 to 10. Is this a typo, correct? In the Battle Demo, Bow Whack has a power of 100 (level not shown). ❓

  337. RavenRed

    Hey Matt? I found a bug that might be present in all the main party member fights but definitely in the Anna fight.
    When i got Anna down to low health and weakened, she surrendered and her turn ended so i got the achievement but then the weather blew her up.Ha ha. still it kind of annoys me because well, yeah guilty complex an all that. Anyways other than that the games been perfect so far but, maybe you could end the fight forcefully when the achievement is “achieved”?

      1. Az0rius G4m3r

        I did a similar thing (on Epic, too! However, I forgot Nolegs’ wind attack could be of use), but it wasn’t the weather. I simply had a spare turn or two and decided to have Matt whack Anna and got BOTH of the medals achievable from that battle in one shot! That’s just ABSOLUTELY WICKED (in two ways)!

  338. IPufosenia

    whenever i go into a new place at the ice area it asks me if i want to allow kupogames.com to store stuff on my pc ❓

    1. IPufosenia

      i figured it out. I used all of my save slots at the same point and that was the reason. it also didnt let me save while i used all the save slots

  339. Shadow_The_Worm

    We also need Epic Battle Fantasy X, a multiplayer game based on your series. Even with the fact that I am a huge fan of your RPG series, playing only single-player games will tire me after a while. And, no, BH2 is not included as a multiplayer, since I am looking for a Network Multiplayer game, not a Local Multiplayer game. Worms feature clear multiplayer, so why not EBF? :smirk:

  340. EBF killed my social life

    Final boss, so spoilers I guess.

    Almost 6 hours straight. Can’t remember if Godcat took longer than that, but I didn’t use any rares for Godcat. Overall a challenging fight. The boss itself lacked the immediate impact of Akron and Godcat, but the fight is structured to be very intense. It’s very easy to feel like all you can do is respond to the boss’s actions, even with five characters available. The last bit of the fight is quite mentally straining,. It was also fun to see the ridiculous, totally out of scale attacks.

    A lot of new mechanics feel like they truly shine at this boss; I’ve never had a problem with the Stuffed effect before this boss, and almost never encountered Scorched. Enemies that use Enchanted are pretty limited, and are sometimes paired in a way that it disrupts other foes. Confuse was annoying when afflicted, but didn’t have that many significant enemies that used it.

    Not the biggest fan of the first wave though. It feels too long to be a setup phase and too easy to be an actual boss. The concept itself is cool, but most of it just seems to extend the fight without any real sense of danger. Maybe lowering its health and instead adding powerful summons like the Cosmic Monoliths could make it more interesting.

    Well, as I’m way overdue on my sleep, I’ll check out the other changes later. I’ll probably write a bunch more on the final boss as well.

  341. gimmethegepgun

    An issue with the wording of healing items: they say they heal some amount of health, AND some percentage of your health, but it’s actually OR a percentage of your health. For instance, if you have 1000 max health, Pumpkin heals 300, but with the wording it should heal 300 + 0.2 * 1000 = 500 health.

    1. Az0rius G4m3r

      Damn, I accidentally got a glimpe! I shall now proceed to go mad…
      Lol JK not that harsh. Just make sure to put (*SPOILER WARNING!* or something like that in parentheses right next to the link). :smirk:

  342. Chimorph

    i think the delete button should be somehow highlighed cuz it’s easy to not react on what you just clicked 😐

  343. Vigorswig

    Hey just a question, If you were doing a NG+ run and gave Matt the Max attack outfit (soul eater, samurai outfit, etc,) Could you SoftLock the game via killing Lances Tank in the first surprise encounter? :wut:

    1. Vigorswig

      So does that mean that you fixed the whole “player goes first” thing that appeared in my epic playthrough?

  344. Pingback: EBF5: Public Beta | Kupo Games

  345. I love your games

    :love: :love2: :stars: BUT IS AVAIBLE ONLY IN NEXT VERISON :scared: :sick: 😥 😥 😥 🙁 :bacon: 😥

  346. EBF killed my social life

    PSA: All of Matt’s web games are on this website, and EBF 3, EBF 4 and BH 2 are available on steam. Lets play those while we wait. Well, that’s what I did anyway.

    I didn’t really expect past games to hold up after experiencing EBF 5, but they’re surprisingly fun to play. In fact, I was a little shocked to find that I found EBF 4 to be least engaging, probably due to these reasons:

    -I’ve played it three times over already.
    -It’s much longer than previous games in the series, and Battle Mountain lengthens this significantly.
    -EBF 5 feels like a direct and significant upgrade to EBF 4, which conversely makes it feel like a downgrade.

    I’ve never returned to EBF 1&2 as I considered them to be inferior in every way to the later games of the series, but was surprised to find they felt like completely different games and had a lot of fun playing them. I didn’t get EBF 3 on steam either as I thought EBF 4 was a direct upgrade, but the difference in mechanics of the two games make for very distinctive playstyles. Of course, there are things that objectively got better as time went on, such as interface, interface and interface.

    It also felt like I was tying up childhood loose ends while playing a lot of these games. I’ve finally found a build that works and defeated Lance/Valkyrie. After playing Touhou games and BH2, I’ve returned to Bullet Heaven and beat Oblivion. Becoming hardened after games like Hollow Knight and Rabi-Ribi, I’ve completed the boss rush in Adventure Story. Also, I’ve let my younger brother have a go at Pyrohydra and secretly enjoyed his suffering (history repeats itself). It’s a funny experience to look back on how much of a noob you used to be.

    I know EBF 3 has a huge following and EBF 4 is a big game on steam, but sometimes it feels as though the other games are ignored. I know I’ve ignored them for the longest time, though they were the games of my childhood. So if you’re totally addicted to the series and itching for some turn based action, remember there are four classic games sitting right on this website. (And two danmaku shooters and a platformer) Also, it’s pretty cool to know that a few pieces of music from the older games have been remixed for EBF 5. I’ve noticed most of them, but wasn’t aware the battle theme was Traverse the Woods from EBF 2.

    (btw I’ll beat Brawl Royale one day. One day…)

    1. HamFantasy

      It took me forever to realize that Whitemage Dress was actually useful. I was so fixated on resistances that I didn’t notice that there were random castings being added in after level 5.
      Also my first playthrough of EBF3 was before I knew that Matt has almost no magical attacks XD. May have had too much of a balanced party.

  347. sab200

    aww when i found out that ebf5 beta was out i was soexcited! but i was at a place where i didnt have my computer and when i got back at home my pc was broken now its fixed but now the beta is gone for new update… i wanted to play sooo badly 😐 😐

  348. Skorpion

    Aaaaw, my favourite game is back. I know EBF5 is a reboot and how it starts but it could be really funny to start it with EBF4 final boss battle (which could work as tutorial) and then move to Matt :yay:

  349. Carlos Pineda

    I get your intentions, but couldn’t you’ve just left the old version alone and replaced it after you’ve finished the new one?

  350. Tyler

    I may have found a error. I went into the glitch level in redpine and left after failing to kill the boss. Now all the npcs have blacked out faces, and my items are changed. This has been permanent. Ive tried entering battles, closing and opening the game, and nothings worked. Do I have to actually kill him to fix everything?

  351. Blood bat

    do you bring the beta back faster? i start feeling so bored because of this game :ooo: :ooo: :ooo:

    if you dont bring the beta back faster i will call thoonoose with 9 virus to infect everyone!
    lol haste if you can

  352. Blood bat

    *sorry if you re addicted to the game but you will need to start again*

    i m not addicted because i don t equip many summons so no effect on me ^^^

  353. EBF killed my social life

    I’d like to give my two cents about the Natz damage discussion. Natz has the highest magic damage out of all characters by default I believe, in tradeoff to some abysmal physical damage. If you don’t use Anna as a magical dealer, you’ll focus your female magical gear on Natz; the Dark Bobble and Gown can give a bonus near some weapons without a penalty. In comparison, the male equipment that give similar stats for physical have some heavy downsides.

    It’s not that Natz is innately a bad magical dealer; she is theoretically the best carrier of any magical skill due to her unmatched stats. Her default skill damages are adjusted to account for this. Whatever gap that does exist serves as a penalty for being able to do solid all target damage. This really shines when you use her most powerful moves like Judgement, which does an incredible amount of magic damage if buffed appropriately.

    There are, however, a few reasons why her magic damage may feel off in game. She doesn’t find much support for the elements she uses. The tri-elemental staves are found sparingly throughout the game. The Arctic Trident can be acquired early, but requires a Golden Key and prior knowledge about its placement. (or savenload) The Sol Spear (For once, Natz stealing something from Matt) can be found in the Fortress area, and is completely useless at this point as you don’t have Natz. The Wrath of Zeus can be found in the Rainbow Gate, but will require getting to the Redpine Town at least if the player does not have prior knowledge. You will also often keep her staff in Celtic Cross once you’ve found that, to cause many enemies to retreat. This may also cause the lowering of elemental magic damage.

    Pulsar is also somewhat weaker in this game due to less enemies being weak to dark attacks, especially towards the lategame. The Sprites, Angel Mirror and Crucified Fallen are the only common enemies that are weak to dark, but tend to come with other enemies that are strong against or heal from darkness. This contrasts to her blowing the living hell out of waves and waves of enemies in the Temple of Godcat. This does mean Judgement becomes incredibly strong towards the end, as holy becomes a sort of common weakness.

    Another thing is the gap between Debilitate and Enfeeble. Debilitate is acquired once you get Lance in your party, but Enfeeble is found all the way into Redpine Town. Against non-resistant foes, these spells can double damage or more, and Natz simply doesn’t get this support until very late in the game. One of Lance’s skills carry a MDef down effect, and some summons can achieve this as well, but these tend to be a lot lower. At 25% MDef down, you see a far smaller 33% increase in damage, and even less if the enemies have some resistance to the effect. Leaf Wraith can apply 50% on a single target for a reasonable cost, and the Earth Dragon applies 60% to all targets but is a lot more expensive.

    1. Crash

      I get the feeling that Natz is built to be a Red Mage, really. What with the red hair and costume. The main thing that sells me on Natz over than Anna or Lance is her Limit Breaks, as 7th Heaven and Genesis are the best ones for support. I also figured healing was based off magic attack, though i’m not certain, and healing spells don’t miss, so I gave her Healmore. She also basically always revives people at near/full health with the spell, without heal spell support equips, though I guess I haven’t tested this with other characters. I never really needed Natz for dps unless there’s a ton of holy/dark weak enemies, as Dooming with Nolegs or buffing Matt (or summoning Cat Sniper, etc.) tends to get the job done. Matt is probably also the best character overall, anyway, or at least he’s the most generally useful character. Buffing magic attack into Creator/Destroyer is nice too.

      The game is built around teamwork, so i’m not certain buffing attack stats anywhere would help her out for her particular niche. It more depends on what you prefer, perhaps? Anna and Lance are both perfectly capable of filling DPS roles, as is Matt and to a lesser extent and probably Nolegs too (I, personally, used him for debuffs as much as damage).

    2. Mep

      I thought that in EBF5 Lance has the highest magic attack by default? Or maybe that just somehow happened for me by accident, or some other reason…

      1. HamFantasy

        You get Lance’s best Magic gear earlier on from what I understand. If you had Natz and Lance side by side with no magic-boosting equipment, Natz would have more raw power but Lance could use moves which would deal more damage.
        That said, Natz does benefit from the buff more than Lance, meaning that a +70%Natz is more likely to outdamage a +70% Lance than if the two have no buffs.
        In EBF4 I prefer Lance or Natz because of Lance’s versatility, Medipack (just gave Healmore to Anna. Natz can keep Heal, but I want my resident buff/debuffer to be able to heal everyone) and ability to have more potent skills (not to mention that his 2nd tier moves, Plasmawave and Flameburst, only have ~10ish less power than the Storms while his tier 3 are basically a super useful hybrid of ball/shard/bolt and storm). Not to mention Airstrike, which can deal twice Big Blast’s damage to the whole wave of foes with some luck.

  354. HamFantasy

    Natz’s spell power not sufficiently OP, please buff. :smirk:
    Seriously though in EBF4 I always gave Anna the healing/buffer role because 1. she has access to basically all the things 2. Anna could do AlchemistRain if she had nothing better to do (not to mention fairly strong offensive skills and 3. Natz had sky high magic, but just didn’t have strong enough moves to make use of it. I mean Judgment is great and so is Pulse/ar, but Fireball and Iceshard are a pittance in comparison to what Matt can pull off. She shouldn’t be a magical mirror of Matt, but when Matt can slice through foes like a Matt through foe and you have 80 less base power on an Ice attack than Matt, there’s little reason to use Natz. Unless maybe Natz has increased status chance, giving her a shot at being a semi-reliable freezer and burner and such.
    Either way I haven’t played the beta yet because I didn’t know about it, but this was true in the last game so I just want to point it out.

  355. Crash

    It just occurred to me that Matt’s call to adventure is 10/10 genius writing. All he wanted to do was sit at home and play videogames, but the power goes out and he is forced to go on an adventure to, at least initially, keep the power on in his house. Its both hilarious and relatable to the target demographic.

    It could also be inspirational in that the whole of reality would have been destroyed if not for the fact that you turned off some gamer nerd’s power off and now he’s saving the universe. Gamer power woo.

  356. arayumi123

    I have to say, when you get the boat, its kind of confusing on where to go next.Like, I know I can go in the water… but where to go in the water??? SO many options.And with the keys, idk what to do with them, there is no where to use the keys, and if you find a place to use them, you don’t have the key type.

    1. StatiZkyZ

      You can check the map to know where you should go next

      And, you can check the keys too in the key items to find out where they belong :smirk:

  357. Crash

    Seriously, Lance? We leave you alone for ONE game and you try to take over again. Sheesh.

    Also, as much as i’d like to keep it a secret, Cat Sniper is probably OP. He’s kind of relieving to have around, though, as damage sponge enemies can get kind of tedious after a while.

    Cool stuff. Cool stuff.

  358. IPufosenia

    almost 400 comments :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: :love: :love2: :stars: 🙁 😐 :meh: :bleh: 😥 :scared: :sick: :shades: 😡 :wut: ❓ ❗ ➡ :skull: :phone: :phone2: 👿 :coffee: :bacon:

  359. sʞɔᴉɹp ƃuᴉʍɐp uǝǝq ǝsoɥʍ

    I came back to the beta specifically to look at the achievements again. Oh well; I still have playthroughs (or at least 1 thereof) of EBF4 and one of BH2 to complete.

  360. Blood bat

    i caught him playing on kongerate (oops). Instead playing why dont work for this so little piece? you make them so bored and they re spamming on comments. just drop it again beta and we re k instead. if epf 4 toke a year and the epf 5 is 80% bigger you must end it in 2 years at least.

    1. StatiZkyZ

      One of the most selfish comments I’ve ever seen in this place.
      Please understand the needs of a human being.

  361. GeneralCranberry

    Love the remix of Rock Lake in Hope Harbor. It brings back so many memories of being destroyed by an octopus…

    1. HamFantasy

      Hm? Destroyed by an Octopus? No, I don’t remember that.
      I DO remember annihilating a large Squid on Epic using the glorious powers of Soul Eater Ice Berg. :smirk:

  362. GeneralCranberry

    But the real question is…

    Is this is the last Epic Battle Fantasy game? :sick: Or are there plans to start on EBF6 eventually?

    1. HamFantasy

      Well I mean *eventually* maybe? A LOT of time has gone into this series, eventually things will come to an end. Matt might just want to work on something else instead.
      That said, I wouldn’t mind another few games :stars:

      1. I'm stupid sometimes

        I laughed when I read that one.

        “Epic Battle Fantasy 6
        Buried alongside everyone who asks for it.”

        LOL :yay:

  363. Toxic Bobcat

    Dear Matt Roszak,

    Your games are so fantastic and fun, and the cat character, No-Legs, :smirk: inspired me to create a whole other world filled with anthropomorphic cats. I am even writing a book on it. I have been waiting a while to play this game, and I’m glad the next installment in the EBF series came! It is fantastic! Keep up the great work!

    If you read this post, I will be so happy.

    Your pal, Toxic Bobcat :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:

  364. IPufosenia

    I got to the poseidon area before the version was taken down for updates , Love this game :smirk:

  365. Valentina Moon

    I’m so addicted in this game, I come here everyday to see if the public beta is back again, I feel like a prisoner counting days in the prison :yay: :yay: :yay:

  366. Carlos Pineda

    I’m probably wasting my time, but did anyone save a backup of their beta? And if so, is it possible you could post a copy of that back-up or something? I started playing the game the other day but never finished it. Now I’m addicted and need to see it to its end. I know there’s gonna be another one coming soon but we have no idea when it’ll be. If no one has it, I’ll be patient.

  367. 1SlenderGaming1

    :stars: Love the demo, hard to stop playing,
    although, I don’t understand why the characters forgot about each other (specially Matt, Natz, and NoLegs) like it was a grand reset by the godcats. :wut:

  368. Tyler

    Having nolegs completely decked out with evade gear really helps when trying to make enemies waste their turns. Natalie is mainly there for healing, and buffing, debuffing, or cleansing, so having in the usual heal plus outfit is a necessity, it makes the healing spell go from mediocre to healing 20k, and this was when my guys only had around 4k hp or so, and finally matt with the berserker for tons of damage!

      1. Someone

        Noob ,Lance and Natz’s magic attack are treasure !
        Focus on healing skill on Natz is such a waste, Lance’s medkit is cheaper and better, It always heals my team full without any effort. So i think you should focus on Natz’s magic attack
        Noleg wastes enemy’s turn?, i think it’s too rare. I would rather put target flair on Matt + samurai armor then defend, tank wave 1 and hit hard wave 2

        1. NubslayerEX

          Yeah, I always thought Natz was the magic attack dealer, Lance the support, Nolegs the finisher, Matt the Tank, and Anna the buffer/debuffer (because you can rely on her for freeze and etc)

          1. Mrs.Alfonse

            Uh i dont think the same way as you or others.. i used Nolegs for berserker tank, Matt for magic dealer, anna and matt as damage dealers, and well natalie for the buffs debuffs. is not the best way but i cleared every boss except Expansion and final boss, is the way you play that is fun, no using matt tank or anna and lance support, you have to play the way you want. (btw its my opinion no rage-comment) :yay:

          2. Tyler

            Natalie never does as much damage as I want her too, I havent had a chance to purchase the much needed magic steriod items in order to make her damage worth anything. Its usually matt hits for 30-40k, no legs gives him haste, he finishes the current target off and natalie handles any damage done, or debuffs and repeat

          3. gimmethegepgun

            Natz is really bad at single target damage compared to what you can pull off with Matt’s or Anna’s elemental abilities (120 strength spells compared to 200 strength attacks, and unlike the previous games the elemental attack abilities are 100% elemental, so they don’t fall behind when combining high elemental weakness with an elemental-weakness status). She’s also a lot worse than Lance at single target or AoE damage, though Lance uses cooldowns so depending on the enemy’s elemental resists he might not be able to keep firing effectively.
            The reason to use Natz is for AoE damage every turn (Matt and NoLegs use a cooldown for a weapon-elemental only AoE, NoLegs’ bounce attacks only really work out if the enemy is going to die from them, Anna has a cooldown-based weapon-elemental or inconsistent effects with her elemental arrow AoEs, and Lance has cooldowns on all of his AoEs, and may not be able to match elements effectively due to that).

          4. HamFantasy

            Matt is the slayer of titans.
            Zerked-Soul-Eater-clone Matt along with a bottle o’ lager means enough damage to take most things out in a few hits…oh, that’s for bosses. To make him a pure Tank is to waste his natural Glorious Berserking Method skills.

    1. HamFantasy

      If you have 4k and are healing for 20k, you should be replacing whatever is boosting that with something more versatile.

      1. Cody Neumeyer

        Am i wrong to just run Matt as a tank tho? the guy can’t die. I just equip him with whatever boosts his stats and resistances the best, and use the angry face and space suit so he becomes a target with regen and insane Defense. I honestly prefer using Anna, Lance, and Natz as my main dmg dealers. Bc Lance can do aoe, Natz can do single target holy, and support the team with huge buffs, and then Anna just pins the stragglers down with unending status effects and crippling. Still don’t know how to utilize no-legs tho. Kinda just switch him in to use encore, pop 9-lives, and berserk whatever whenever I need ’em.

        1. HamFantasy

          EBF4 Matt should never be a tank.
          EBF5 may be an okay tank if you have NoLegs as your main offense.
          His largest assets are still Temper and his Attack though, and NoLegs is very squishy.
          That said, the Target Flair does help somewhat with Defend+Target.

  369. cortesej2

    Can anyone tell me if the patreon beta is still active? If it is I’m gonna go buy it right now can’t wait for free beta to come back up xD

    My favorite relatively obscure references were ffix main characters weapon in the shop and maka from soul eater chilling by the windmills

    I only ended up finding 5 chests from the flower combination puzzles anyone find more?

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      The beta that’s up on Patreon is a bit older and has a few more bugs, but it’s still available, yeah.

  370. Steinar Snorri - Joe

    I can’t remember for the life of me the name of the game that the movable zombie clown statue is from. Can anyone please tell me?

  371. bigboimmmmmmmm

    Hi bro. When will this be back online? Also please tell me we wont lose any saves we had because I am far into the game. Thanks for reading this. :yay:

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Maybe in a week or two. Your saves should be fine as long as your browser doesn’t delete your Flash cookies.

  372. Alex Chanc

    Ah man right when I wanted to try to make no legs surrender, flirt with natalie, tire out anna, and seduce lance you close the beta.

    1. NubslayerEX

      Heres some help!
      Nolegs: Use a water attack
      Natalie: Make everyone in the party lovable (From One Of Noleg’s Skills)
      Anna: Idk about this one
      Lance: Destroy his tank, then lower him low health until he spams unload, then use Natalie’s 7th Heaven
      There you go!

        1. PotatoeChisps

          Well, no. You just get a medal. The game has the same cutscene either way. As for Anna, you lower her health until its pretty low, then just spam defend or skip your turn. Eventually, she gets too tired to fight and boom! Medal achieved

          1. Vigorswig

            Actually, you have to give Anna a few status effects like weak, tired, and maybe cursed. Then she gets exhausted.

  373. Treesus

    So some criticism here folks please don’t crucify me it’s just my opinion!
    ➡ One, Matts moveset alone kinda negates everyone elses. He has a move how for every element and his naturally high physical attack is just the stat tacked on to emphasize this.
    ➡ Move cooldowns. Never been a big fan of them so I kinda have my bias but there is a reason. In RPGs the main thing about leveling up is that you get stronger. Don’t get me wrong this game does a great job with making leveling up rewarding but when you take out MP you sorta lose some of that. Especially with moves that boost stats like Temper and Reflex that now have a cooldown so to get any benefit at all out of them you need to get them to max level.
    ➡ The problems with the skills Legend and Unload. These skills are already just okay for damage as far as I’ve ever seen and they already give debuffs to the characters that use them (Legend gives the Tired effect for a few turns making Matt’s accuracy and evade even worse, and Unload reduces Lances attack for a few turns so again, pretty damn bad), Couple that with i believe the five turn cooldown, and you make a move that’s already not worth it to begin with that much more useless. I get they’re supposed to be basically their ultimate moves, but honestly their downsides outway their benefits every time. Debuffs and cooldowns for mediocre damage at best. I suggest honestly either making these moves do a lot more damage to make the consequences worth it, or getting rid of the negative status effects after using said attacks.
    ➡ Make Anna more of a standout character! Right now she’s basically Matt. but favors evade and accuracy over defense and health. This is not good! Her skillset also used to be something that made her stand out, specializing in poison, wind, and earth moves respectively (I know she also has her thunder, ice, and water arrows but theyre really just there to give her some elemental use), but now with Matt having every element under the sun Anna is just Matt at this point.

    I am still super excited for this game, having it be a prequel to everything is bold but honestly amazing. I do hope some of these bigger issues (Matt’s element coverage and Anna’s now forgettable role) get fixed though. Reply and tell me what you think :3

    1. EBF killed my social life

      I’ll admit I haven’t checked spell availability and just gave Matt all physical spells, but same goes with Natz having the ability to get all magic spells. You can move around special skills freely without losing levels or costing AP, so making various builds are easier than ever. Though Matt tends to be the best with most physical spells, they could see use on any character they are available on. Also, giving Matt all elements doesn’t negate everyone else, it just makes Matt your main physical damage dealer. Buffs, debuffs, utility spells and healing need to be distributed to other characters. For example, my build across characters are: Matt – main physical dealer/tank, Natz – main magical dealer/heal, Lance – sub dealer/main bomb/thunder dealer, Anna – status/debuff/main bio dealer, Nolegs – clear/utility.

      I’m was pretty sure that the negative effects of Legend and Unload were removed in this game, as they now have cooldowns. Legend has a shorter cooldown of two turns. More than the written damage, these moves can cause a final attack depending on the weapon used, and they also carry whatever status effect you have from the weapon or flairs. Also, Unload has a distinction that it’s a physical skill on Lance, and changes targets on kill. Cooldowns can be lowered with items and the Absolute Zero limit break.

      Debuffs largely separate Anna from Matt. Their spells do around equal damage, (Matt tends to be higher because stats and equipment) but Anna has much deadlier status effects. When Matt inflicts chill, Anna freezes. When Matt staggers an enemy, Anna stuns. Weaken and dispel are both very powerful against strong enemies, and Anna is the only one who can reliably inflict both. She is also still a beast with poison and earth damage. She also has the only healing spell with no cooldown, with bless attached on top. As she rarely does magic damage, she is a great Enfeeble carrier (though other builds can be made). Another distinction can be made in the way of equips, in that Anna uses female armor and bows while Matt uses male armor and swords. As equipment have more unique effects than ever and the stats for weapons are extremely varied, you may like to use Anna over Matt in many situations.

    2. StatiZkyZ

      About the Matt and Anna thing, they are COMPLETELY different if you think about it.

      You should never underestimate Anna’s elemental arrow, she got a pretty high chance to stun, freeze, or dispel. She saved my behind many times when I’m cornered when Matt’s brute force is just not enough. Apart from that, Anna have a pretty strong heal WITH bless and no cooldown, VERY useful in capturing foes with Bow Whack, and as far as I know, the one character that can deal a big amount of poison damage with her bow (That can make Leaf Blade appear) and Combo Shot. In the early and mid games, she’s also the only one that have an AoE wind skill (Apart from Nolegs, to a degree) and later, can buff evade.

      Plus, with the new Invisible status, Anna can at least do something with her magic attacks. Granted her magic attack is nowhere close from Lance or Natz, but she’s better then Matt and have more magic skills available to her. Heck, one of her Limit Break is magic based :smirk:

    3. Someone

      About Lance’s unload, it is not his ultimate move, just a move to show off how cool he is and makes use of accident attack buff. Who the hell plays through EBF4 then now is building Lance as a Physical damage dealer ?
      His magic’s devastating

      1. HamFantasy

        Well, Unload has some niche benefits when clearing low level foes or trying to get that status chance (cough EBF4 Mammoth cough). Also, don’t people sometimes do “All Magic” or “All Physical” runs? People are crazy like that. I’ve seen someone make a Matt Mage.

  374. Loyal Fan

    So far, I’ve loved pretty much everything about the beta. That said, I do have a few stray observations I’d like to bring to your attention. There may be a few other things of note, but I don’t remember them at the moment, but if I do I’ll comment again. Thank you in advance for your hypothetical patience if I had to comment again.

    1. At Lance’s castle, when *SPOILERS FOR THOSE STILL PLAYING THE DEMO* you free Natalie and the girls, and the witch girl opens a food shop at the little coffee table beside her, I came back to the castle later in the game to loot any treasure chests I might have missed before, and I tried to interact with the painting of coffee, hoping to get a coffee from it, only to find the table was still a food store, even with the girl long since back at her house in mystic woods. It looked a little silly having a store with nobody manning it there. If this is an error, maybe consider making it no longer a food store when she leaves the castle. Maybe I’m just picky, but if it’s intentional, maybe give an explanation as to why there’s still food there and who’s still getting paid from it and why the party can’t just steal all the food.

    2. I mentioned this above in a reply, but *SPOILERS ONCE AGAIN. DON’T READ IF YOU WANT TO GO INTO THE BETA BLIND.* in the portal to the glitch world, specifically the one outside of the achievement building steps, one of the enemy encounters is a little vague. The glitch that one hit KOs, and takes random damage gives off the impression that it can be captured in a box, leaving me a little confused. It has no name, and it can’t be scanned, even when you use the scan feature, so given how it clearly plays outside of the games usual rules, it was confusing for me whether it was supposed to be an encounter I just needed to survive, beat, or if capturing it was, in fact, an option. If it is uncapturable, I might suggest adding character dialogue that states as much, or just putting the red box symbol on the enemy. Alternately, if it can be captured, same concept where a hint or nod that capture is possible might be nice so that players aren’t confused as to what their goal is. You wouldn’t want players killing it if they want all the captures, and you wouldn’t want frustrated players throwing a box at it for hours if capture is actually not possible. I get that it’s supposed to be foreign, and you have to navigate just how it works yourself without guidance, but in this instance you might need to bend that just a little bit.

    3. *YOU KNOW THE DRILL. SPOILERY SPOILERS AHEAD* Odin is a little confusing for me. I’m not sure what he means by the five super bosses in dungeons. Does he mean the optional DLC dungeons? Is the slime cat portal to hell just one big final test only available if you have all the DLC, effectively making it a huge tempting tease? If so, Odin’s dialogue doesn’t give that impression at all, something that’s kind of confusing given that the NPCs blocking the optional dungeon’s make in clear that they block optional DLC areas. If Odin’s dungeon is only accessible with those completed, his dialogue probably shouldn’t imply that accessing hell is possible in the core game. Alternately, if the hell dungeon is accessible in the base experience, maybe a dialogue tweak that makes that clear is in order. Either way, the requirements of accessing the final slime cat should be clearly defined so as to avoid confusion.

    4. This isn’t necessarily an issue per se, but I was curious as to what the DLC dungeons actually offer. Will they have new monsters (and by extension, summons) beyond just a new boss/rematch redux? Are there new treasures and gear to find? What’s the full experience and incentive to get the DLC dungeons? Also, are the DLC dungeons the reason why some achievements don’t ask for all of some things, like the final chest achievement requiring opening 400 chests, the gear achievements asking for 100 something different pieces of equipment, or the final capture achievement requiring a capture of 100 different creatures, rather than requiring everything be found, scanned, or captured? My impression was that having a specific number will require players to get almost everything, but will still allow players to get all of the achievements in the base game without the need to buy DLC if that’s their prerogative, a goal that should be in the core experience of the game, if it isn’t already. People might get mad at the game if they find they can’t get the final room in the achievement building without DLC, effectively making the base game not the full game. DLC should always be supplementary and optional, not integral to accessing the full experience of the game. (Sorry if this last point sounds patronizing. I don’t want to sound like I’m talking down to you if you already know that, but since it’s a little ambiguous, I figured it was worth mentioning. You’re an awesome dev who’s undoubtedly a smart man on the topic of general game rules of thumb, and a big inspiration to me, who also wants to make video games some day. Keep up the awesome work man! Much love from a fan who’s been playing your games since EBF3 on Newgrounds. :stars: :stars: :stars: )

    1. cortesej2

      The red capture box is the hint if something is capturable or not, you don’t need an NPC right next to the monster saying “hey check out that capturable glitch right next to me golly gosh gee wouldn’t I be sad if I didn’t capture it”

      I will say that the glitch and missingno were both the most annoying captures in the game, I definitely wouldn’t mind if he changed how difficult they were.

      1. EBF killed my social life

        When I first saw the glitch, I had a moment of doubt myself. But yeah, everything without the red box next to its name can be captured. Hell, if the final boss doesn’t have that box I’m going to try and capture that thing.

        In regards to actually capturing them. Focus on debuffs more than just health. Putrid worm always helps, and Debilitate and Enfeeble also work with full effects. Use the Viking Monolith to grant you that extra turn if you need more moves. Also, I don’t think the glitch takes random damage; I’m not 100% sure yet, but when it’s a Metal Idol it takes physical non-elemental and magical elemental damage, and the opposite in Mud Slime form.

        The extra content is not DLC (Downloadable content) per se, it will be in the premium versions on the web and by default on the steam version. As to what will be in them, I can only give educated guesses. From the teaser releases and missing Bestiary icons, it seems the only new enemies in the dungeons will be the alternate versions of bosses and their respective summons. The frost hydra will likely be present, probably the second boss of the Redpine dungeon. The Temple of Hell will likely contain the five Evil Characters as well as additional challenges. From the Battle Mountain in EBF 4, there will likely be boss rushes and an endless battle. New treasure will most definitely exist, probably hidden behind the hardest puzzles. I’m fairly sure I’ve collected everything and there’s a few holes in every equipment screen, so we can assume those are exclusive to the paid content. There are also a few quest slots and skill slots that are empty, but I’m not sure if any of them will be filled.

        Matt has also said about adding new and returning foes to the game in later patches, though this may not be exclusive to the paid version.

        1. gimmethegepgun

          NoLegs Voodoo Doll is also great for capturing things. It gives them -50 evade and bad luck, both of which greatly improve your chances of capturing them (and it does no damage so you won’t accidentally kill them with it either)

      2. Loyal Fan

        No need to be rude, but I got you. I think it was the not scanning that threw me off, since the achievements mention scanning and capture as somewhat synonymous in terms of seeing an enemy properly. If I couldn’t do the one, I don’t think assuming the other was impossible was too hard a leap of logic. I was also reminded of the faux Godcat fights in EBF4, where you just had to survive x turns. Combine that with the OHKO of two part members every turn, and I pondered whether the goal was just to win.

        All that said, I don’t think a nudge in the right direction wouldn’t be too out there imo, especially given how Natalie gives the player tips for just about every other aspect of the game. Maybe some quick character banter.

        Lance: What is that?!?
        Matt: Can we enslave it?
        Natalie: I don’t know if we should. It seems… beyond comprehension. It could destroy the world or make us look like that or something.
        Matt: That sounds fine as long as it works for us.
        Natalie: You’re hopeless…

        1. Cody Neumeyer

          i dunno, the character seemed to just want to get out of there during the fight. Not to mention it could manipulate their thoughts and bodies, so I don’t think they would even bother trying to capture it lol.

  375. L. Clemings

    Just a small thought on the balance. I got partway though the creepy forest, and though I am not sure how redonkulous the enemies are in the late game, I will tell you that the weaken status effect is IMO too good for boss fights. Assuming you can at least survive a boss for 2-3 turns, (not hard with proper defense setup) that status will cut a bosses damage by a lot, and keep it low. If he ever buffs himself to get rid of it, you can use that little bot to flip his stats back and further debuff it into the pits of weaksauce. They don’t even get a resist stat down roll for it, unlike normal stat down skills like bind, flare, or debilitate.

    Main reason it seems so overpowered is because Anna has a very high status inflict chance with her holy arrow, (it is her niche after all :P) and almost no enemy, let alone boss has had resistance to it so far. Maybe the further you get into the game, the more they resist weaken and the 2 other stat down per turn statuses cursed and tired. (also, very funny little joke for the status icon of tired, love it!) Idk if that is the case, but I hope so, the status is making even epic too easy.

    Maybe give bosses % chance resistance to status down effects, or make them have reduced turns, so you have to keep reapplying or focus fire stacking them. Just my 2 cents.

    Also tyvm for your content throughout the years. Been a fan since my edgy middle school days, where newgrounds was thee place, and everyone was trying to one up each other in offensive, awesome and badass flash games. I know how ya feel like your behind the times or whatnot, but tbh, the current thing for ‘free’ (rip) casual gaming is smartphones, and most of them are watered down cash grab garbage. Stay awesome Matt, and don’t let filthy normies drag you though whatever may be ‘cool’, true hipsters/nerds know that niche/indie games is where real creativity and fun still is.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Thanks! Yeah, I need to double check that bosses aren’t too easily defeated with status effects…

  376. Fanboy#3

    There’s currently a little pause whenever you flee a battle, just after you run out of the screen and before it fades to black that feels off for some reason.

  377. David

    I found something quite interesting but i don’t know whether it’s a bug or not. After i had visited the second equipments shop (the one with the alchemist bow) i returned to the first one (the one in the hope harbor) and the latter’s goods was replaced with the former’s. The same thing also happened to the ingredients shop. As a result it seems impossible to buy everything at the first shop.

    1. PotatoeChisps

      Instead of the first equipment store being replaced by the next one, it was the other way around for me. There were no new items in the shop, just equipment from the first. The only thing that changed was that there was some empty space at the bottom of the text-box. The material shop was working alright though.

  378. Raza

    hmm , when upgrading skills , and u reach the max level of a skill before it transforms into another skill ( for example natalie fireball before it becomes firestorm ) it becomes grey EVEN tho you have enough AP to upgrade it ,
    other than that no bugs till now 🙂 , also if you do miss catching a boss , will there be a way to face off against them again ? :hurray:

      1. Ragnamune

        Of what I played so far, I’m absolutely adoring it. :love:

        As for boss captures, I’ve worked out a system to hunt badges a little easier.
        Win the fight in Epic Mode. ➡ Reload save. ➡ Refight & capture said boss on lower difficulties. :yay:
        At least that’s what I do. :hurray:
        I’m just itching to see those optional dungeons since the ice area felt way too short. 3 screens wasn’t nearly enough for me. 😥
        Lastly, I’m praying there’s a sound test to listen to all the BGM like there was in 3 & 4. The battle themes are stuck in my head! :stars:

        Damn these emotes are addicting… :scared: Keep up the work, my good man.

        1. Az0rius G4m3r

          1) It’s possible to capture a boss on Epic if auto attacks/summons, or miscalculating attacks (not accounting for crits, etc.) don’t kill it first. Remember those debuffs/ailments!
          2) There’s a ladder in the Ice Cave’s second room…
          3) If you look at the medals, there’s one about a “secret soundboard”…it HAS to be in there somewhere!

  379. idkjustheretoreportsomething

    Hey Matt !
    After over 40 hours of playing the beta, I can totally say that this is my favorite EBF so far, I love all the changes made.
    However, something weird happened when I captured a green pixel : it replaced the slime bunny in my summonings bar and totally deleted it from my available summonings, I had to re-catch the slime bunny to be able to summon it again :/

    By the way I noticed something, idk if it’s intentionnal or not but when a foe has several charges of a neutral status effect, like 9x wet, and you attack them with a skill that activates the effect with several hits (like Anna’s combo shot), only one charge of that status effect will go. Same goes for staggered foes, if for example Natz uses thunderbolt, every hit of the skill will be a critical hit, which wasn’t the case in EBF4 iirc. I find it more practical but also maybe a bit less logical.

    I also loved how creepy you managed to make the caves containing the jewels. Are the characters speaking in morse code ? I thought of translating them online but was too lazy to entirely re-write the text box.

    Anyway that’s all I had to say for now, I will definetely buy the steam version !
    Greetings from France ~

  380. ceiling fan

    Only just found this while the beta is down. It has all the story, right? I’d like to test it out, but I feel like I won’t enjoy the full release as much if I already know large sections of the game. Should I wait or try the beta first? ❓

    1. oreokitkat

      beta progress will hopefully be transferrable to the main game when its done so no need to worry for spoilers you probably wont need to redo the game as long as you don’t delete cookies or backup files if you choose to create them :phone2: :coffee: :bacon:

  381. Loyal Fan

    Oof, beta is offline, and just when I was almost done with the last area. I hope saves are compatible. Ima be sore if I have to re-collect everything again. I might just wait for Steam release in that event.

    1. Loyal Fan

      Nice try, but us filthy peasants need to pay like every one else.

      (I know, I want to get cracking on those bonus dungeons too. 😥 😥 😥 )

  382. mjakub17

    This is bug when wraiths always surrender in first turn (flame and leaf), and fallens berserk too?

    1. Cerith

      It’s a result of the Celtic Cross staff for Natalie. It causes ghost/spirit enemies to either berserk or surrender.

  383. cortesej2

    Any advice on the 10 million damage medal? My highest is 3 mil with Supernova. I got over 10 mil with a summon but it didn’t count :'(

    1. HamFantasy

      You’ll need to set up a specific situation. Pick one of the foes in the first area who are healed by an element. Debuff their defenses and heal them if needed, max out the nuker’s Magic/Attack and fire away. Also, I’m pretty sure the *final* damage achievement is meant to be acquired after multiple playthroughs. Y’know, because otherwise your are spending weeks on end trying to be strong enough to dish out that much damage.

  384. Mrs.Alfonse

    Found 4 Glitches zones i dont know if there is a 5 zone but i like the glitch bosses. :stars: :stars: :stars:

    1. Loyal Fan

      I’ve found the one at the swamp, and the one at the achievement building. Would you mind telling me where you found the others?

      Also, would you happen to know if the unscannable OHKO glitch can be box captured? It can have boxes thrown at it, and it doesn’t have the red box sign during the fight, but since it’s properties are outside of the normal game, it’s hard to say. @Matt Roszak, might want to clarify in game if attempting this feat is a fruitless task or not.

      1. Mrs.Alfonse

        I can tell ya but, i am spoiling the game but ok,(1) first glitch zone is on the fan art building in the stairs of the building you will see an error, (2) In the castle where you fight lance once you cleared the zone outside of the castle where you can see a tower inside is the second glitch zone, (3) this was a very tricky one of the swamp areas before fighting the boss, (4) in the ice lands where you can see an illuminati eye, (5) final glitch zone for now is in the Armory shop in the final area before the cosmic monolith.

        i tried to catch glitch but you cant no matters what you use or what method you cant catch the glitch enemy, but you can catch the pixel enemies.

        this is considered as spoiler so is not my problem if you read it. :shades:

      1. Loyal Fan

        Any advice on where the candle is? Is it in the last area (Rapture)? I haven’t found it yet, so I can’t fully explore the Mausoleum yet. (Don’t tell me where the gem is I KNOW it’s in their some where.)

  385. bobby jo johnson

    Has anyone tried to kill the slimes the ninja trains?
    Cos i spent half an hour poison stacking them until they surrendered

    1. Valentina Moon

      just hit each of them once and use the capture box, actually you can do this with many foes to finish battles easier

  386. CHC

    Matt/Mr. Roszak

    Just thought I’d bring up that both EBF5 and the Battle Demo seem to run way, *way* better with Hardware Acceleration turned off in Flash Player’s (not Chrome’s, Flash’s) settings; with the option turned on I was having serious performance issues with basically any multi-attack animation, but with it turned off the worst I’m seeing is the occasional minor hitch. I haven’t got the slightest clue about how to benchmark this sort of thing, but feel pretty confident in saying this isn’t just a placebo after a few hours playing the battle demo with HW acceleration both on and off.

    I was one of the people who had massive problems with EBF4’s Steam release being basically unplayable, so if there’s any possibility of a toggle (or a separate .exe or whatever SWF –> exe conversion allows) for EBF5’s paid release I’d be enormously grateful.

    (PC is using a Ryzen 5 2600 CPU and GTX1070 GPU. Maybe it’s an AMD CPU thing?)

      1. JPx0999

        gente ola,oi kupo sou um fan brasileiro q adora ebf4,bh2 e AS mas eu tenho uma duvida tipo:

        1:quando sai a tradução?
        2:esse 97%não sai desse numero pois vc ta traduzindo?
        e sabia q eu criei um amino de ebf4 mas e em portugues

  387. Persona

    Hey Matt,
    Is there a way to have the face effects and dark-bleed-whatever for statues stop after beating the glitch? I beat it twice, and both times I later reset the save to before the battle to avoid them, but I still want the items in the zone. I didn’t mind the first couple of screens, but after 5+ hours of it randomly cropping up (most notably in Redpine), it got unpleasantly redundant. Maybe a filter in the options menu? Also the Latin book in the Steroid Shop in Redpine I’m pretty sure is wrong. I didn’t spend the time to translate, but to my knowledge “-ing” isn’t an actual Latin word ending. Other than that, great job. I enjoyed playing the game, and am anxiously awaiting the final boss.

    1. EBF killed my social life

      By Latin, do you mean Lorem ipsum? That’s a common form of placeholder text. Basically, it’s a programmer’s joke. I believe it’s not actually proper Latin, but rather a scrambled bunch of words from a Latin text.

      1. Persona

        For me, it got to the point where it was annoying. Especially since, like I said, there wasn’t a way to turn it off. I would be going through random areas to find an npc, for example, and would have to talk to literally everyone in the zone, as I couldn’t just tell from the face who it was.

    1. HamFantasy

      It retcons everything else.
      I’m guessing it is a different world where moderately similar events took place.

  388. Vigorswig

    I started a new save after “beating” the game, And went to the 40 Medal room in the gallery. While talking to the NPC, it showed Anna, Lance, and Natalie talking even though I hadn’t even gotten past the Natz Intro Fight.

  389. Enslaved By Freedom

    Screenshot of an error while running this on chrome:
    C:\Users\Eier\Downloads\FireShot\FireShot Capture 2 – Public Beta I Kupo Games – http___kupogames.com_public-beta_.png

    Migth be of some use :tongue: 😐

    1. Cody Neumeyer

      yeah, the red and green crystals were much more challenging to find. I like how he scaled up the trickery with first introducing that a hidden passageway can be behind something, and then scaling up by doing it again multiple times at once to try and throw you off.

    1. Hercules40

      The boots are in the Forgotten Ruins.
      1-Find the room which has the 3 altars and 4 chests blocked by locks, it should be near the top right of the ruins.
      2-You will see at the wall a 3X3 grid with a pattern, memorize/write down the pattern/code.
      3-You will find 9 altars in a 3X3 grid at 2 screens to the left of the room with the wall code.
      4-Place the flowers in the altars following the pattern on the wall ( the flowers are a common drop, but there is also a chest on the area with 9 of them).
      5-A chest with the boots will fall down nearby.

      To get the ocarina, you need the raft, since it is in a chest located on an island. I forgot which island, but it wasn’t hidden.

      1. gneiss

        can you help me? i cant seem to find the raft somewhere. ive been looking around for about an hour now. I think i may be stupid or just plain blind

    2. EBF killed my social life

      The ocarina can be found in the hidden room with two chests in the Mystic Woods treetops. The flute is what can be found on an island.

        1. Eduardo

          In the area with a snail,and 2 treasure chests,just go out (south) and look behind a big tree,you will find an entrance :yay:

  390. EBF killed my social life

    The Pixel Popper weapon has a status resistance, Heavy/Light. In keeping with other equipment, this should have increments of 20% per level, but it instead increases by 10%, like an elemental resistance. Is this intentional?

  391. Xinrick

    Does anyone else have a problem with just how many times one enemy has dodged attacks? Cause seriously the enemies have dodged on a heavily consistent basis and I’m not even using inaccurate attacks or buffs being added

    1. EBF killed my social life

      You can check how likely you are to miss by comparing your accuracy and the enemy’s evade. If the evade seems to be too high, try buffing accuracy or lowering evade. Bind, Lock On, the Putrid Worm and Nolegs Doll summon helps.

  392. Waitwut

    How do u guys get the ” Make Lance surrender by exploit his weakness ” ? I need to get that medal…….

    1. EBF killed my social life

      I believe the conditions are:
      *The Valkyrie needs to be destroyed.
      *Lance is at a low hp. (I use the point where he spams unload as a guideline)
      *Natz uses the limit break Seventh Heaven.

      This is clued through the dialogue that happens when you use Seventh Heaven but the conditions have not been met.

  393. CobaltSpear

    So, I’m not sure if this is a bug, or if I’m just lucky, but I’ve noticed when fighting the Fallen and Wraith type enemies, a lot of the time they just automatically surrender as soon as they enter the field. I can’t tell if this is supposed to happen or not, and it makes capturing some of them annoying, cuz they surrender as soon as the enemy turn comes up, and when a new wave comes in, they all surrender automatically.

    1. EBF killed my social life

      Check what items you have equipped. It’s highly likely that you’ve equipped the Celtic Staff item on Natz.

  394. oreokitkat

    After you give the dog to the kid, and kill it, she says that you are a dog killer, but if you leave the room and enter again, she acts as if the dog is still alive wth :bleh: :phone: 👿 :bacon:

  395. nolegsfan

    do you only get wood from chests
    also I was wondering if you can get all of the equipment without paying

  396. Dark_Forces48

    i got to the mystic woods and everything was really fine.
    two things though:
    1. the second time i opened up the game, music error 1 suddenly filled my screen with the specific text. i had to restart the game to remove it
    2. i really like full screen, but the quality just drops
    thats all, im still gonna look out for some other things

  397. HadoDado

    Here’s a bunch of things I’ve found out that will be helpful in completing Epic difficulty for the whole playthrough later on when the game is finished. I won’t go further than having four party members (after freeing them from Lance) because I’d spoil myself too much, and redoing everything would be a hassle, without further nonsense, let’s present what I have.
    Most rules that have been changed will be in plain sight, so I won’t mention things like that (like MP no longer existing, cooldowns are the next hot thing right now).
    Now that we have 5 playable characters, that means 5 limit breaks we can save up for those really nasty fights where we MUST use everything at our disposal to win (especially in Epic difficulty). Unfortunately, focusing on the 3 playable characters that you control first still seems to be the way to go, here’s my reasoning: the other 2 playable characters don’t get as many stat items unlike the 3 you use first, and the steroid shop (stat item shop) in the farmer market only sells for these 3, I’m sure there must be later on a steroid shop for Anna and Lance (if there isn’t, big mistake). Also, the flairs that summon, and give beneficial status effects randomly (I think these are the only flairs affected), will only activate for those that are on the frontlines; this means that you’ll need at least 1 or 2 fixed characters that must never be swapped in a fight to make the most out of those flairs, otherwise their potential will be wasted (the clock flair that gives you haste is a godsend). By the way, this isn’t only limited to flairs, it also applies to equipment that can also summon and give beneficial status effects randomly (again, I haven’t wasted too much time confirming every single one, but I did bother to check a few), this also means that this equipment being given to backup characters will be a waste of, once again, potential.
    These things were probably the same way in EBF4, but now that we have 2 backup characters, this has finally started to matter. Also, Matt, NoLegs and Lance will need to share armor between the 3 of them, unlike Natalie and Anna which will only have to share between the 2 of them.
    Finally, I can understand that eventually once you reach near a certain point of the game (late game perhaps?), these things will not matter as much and you should eventually focus resources on every single playable character because their limit breaks and other moves that have cooldowns will also need strengthening (swapping them in so they can use their long cooldown moves, then relegating them again to backup).
    So basically, at the start and middle of the game, this information will need to be considered. Late game and end game this will not matter as much anymore and you’ll mostly be free to do as you wish, I did this because a tactician needs every single bit of knowledge to temper their playing method, and basically, Epic difficulty’s been kicking my vulnerable and unknowledgeable behind.

      1. Luxord

        i have actually done everything in epic, (i’m on the 3headed zombi hydra) and is not that hard, i had to cheese the game sometimes cause there are some really hard monsters and the noleggs voodoo doll + zombie hand is kind of broken for those battles, but so far the worst boss for me was the defenders on lance castle and they are not bosses xD. Snowflake and glitch boss weren’t that hard but man, those defenders, if you dont lvl up to their lvl or further they are a pain in the ass.

        But the game itself is really well done, i’m enjoying it so much and is the best in the saga.

  398. ZA

    I found 11 warrior’s guild tickets. Not sure if that’s done on purpose or if there’s an extra one on the map.

  399. NubslayerEX

    I need to find a way on how to get that Anna Badge where you don’t “kill” Anna, can someone teach me how to get it?
    😡 😡 😡

  400. cortesej2

    Hey guys, so far love the game especially the pokemon/summon aspect. So far up to Boss Poseidon I managed to catch everything including glitch to this point. I’m wearing helmet, armor, and flair upgraded to max that increase catching rates. I managed to get Boss Poseidon to 800 hp and he’s still tossing my attempts to catch him immediately upon crate landing on him. So my question is, is he bugged? Has anyone caught him? Also could you add a false swipe attack to help with getting monsters hp really low if that’s what my problem is. Dude has 500k hp getting to 800 is tough let alone lower xD.

    P.S. Matt is my hero :love:

    1. cortesej2

      My bad I realized he couldn’t be caught cuz he was buffed, soon as I dispelled him or inverted his buffs he was catchable…a false swipe would still be sweet xD

      1. StatiZkyZ

        Anna’s Bow Whack is possibly the best ‘False Swipe’ in the game, as it has low power (And it actually decrease it’s power if you upgrade it) and can force enemies to surrender, making it MUCH easier to capture monsters. :yay:

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Yeah, the Grand Gallery is kinda supposed to be beaten using cheap tricks as it’s nearly impossibly otherwise.

  401. Solomon M

    I’m having a moment at The Rapture where the stat boosts for Anna (could work with others too) are INCREDIBLY displaced.

      1. Jason Dang

        I think I’ve had a similar error. Occasionally, instead of a character’s stat (de)buffs and status effects being located directly above their head like they should be, they will be much farther right than intended. I don’t know why it happens, I’ll try to see if I can find a specific cause.

  402. Warchild

    Sorry to say, but you changed too many things, most of which reduce my enjoyment of the game, so I wont be buying EBF5 now, so glad you had this for us to see. I quite thoroughly enjoyed EBFs 2, 3, and 4, as they are examplary JRPGs, despite their flaws. Generally speaking, EBF4 had more strategic depth to battles than most modern JRPGs, which was excellent, so I really wanted to like this one, too, and was prepared to buy it.

    For starters, the combat overhaul really is terrible. MP management was something that mattered all throughout EBF3 and 4, even into post-game on Battle Mountain, and meant actually thinking about which skills to upgrade (thus increasing their cost), and which to hold off on raising until you had more MP to cast them with. Now, you can just blinding upgrade them, without any worry or care, removing that level of strategic planning.

    Why oh why did you think adding a pokemon catch system to the game was a good idea? Sure, add extra RNG and frustration for the players, they’ll love you for it. You add some of the worst parts of pokemon to “increase” the depth/length of your game?

    What’s with the “manually collect the loot orbs” idea? Like the excessive increase in “secret” hidden items, all this does is add tedium at best. Some of us were happy to get keyboard support, but then you go and layer as much mouse-requiring actions as possible on top of it, rendering it pointless.

    Thanks for making EBF4, just wish you’d changed less.

    1. Warchild

      Forgot to add, the stat food change. Making them character-specific makes them pointless, you might as well have increased stat gains per level, and removed them entirely. In EBF4, who you gave what to mattered, here, it’s just needless extra clicks to “apply” food that can’t go to anybody else. More strategy removed.

      1. Vigorswig

        I thought the changes made the game less of a spam fest by making you actually think ahead of the current turn. Also, the MP meter sucked. :bleh: If there wasn’t a cool-down system, you could just have Matt buff himself once, use Encore on him, and keep spamming encore on Matt so he can use Legend or what-ever else twice per turn. (or more with cherry blossom weather and pocket watch flair) Allowing the player to just cheese their way through most of the game. 😐

        1. Warchild

          Maybe I’m in the minority here, but I never used stuff like Legend/Unload/etc, I always used the appropriate Elemental Skills.

    2. FileFighter

      MP management almost never came into play, even on epic difficulty, save for some of the bosses. I’m not going to miss it.

      For the pokemon, I kinda agree it’s not very enjoyable, but at the same time it being there doesn’t take away much, since it’s very easy to reliably capture everything you don’t kill accidentally.

      Finally, the loot orbs autocollect after a few seconds, so at worst they are just obnoxious (which they are btw, I wouldn’t mind them gone), but you can’t miss loot by not mousing over it.

      1. HamFantasy

        I think the loot orbs are put in for 1. aesthetic and 2. to help people who are farming a foe. In EBF4, Wasps drop HP boosts and can summon more allies. However, you can’t tell if you have gotten any Honeycomb unless you finish the fight. As such, loot orbs let you know that you have gotten that rare drop before the battle ends.

    3. StatiZkyZ

      Mana makes the game very cheap, even in EBF3 and 4. You can spam strong spells everytime if they are MP in this game. Who wants Nolegs having 9 lives every turn?

      Catching monsters is very optional, and the monsters who have very useful spells are not that hard to get (The voodoo dolls, slime bunny, rescue dog, etc). Seriously, if you can’t get even these monsters, then you don’t understand the game.

      “Manually collecting the loot orbs” is just a little aesthetic gimmick, you won’t miss them if you don’t collect them.

    4. StatiZkyZ

      Oh, forgot to mention, if you get a monster to surrender, which is not hard at all, it’s guaranteed to capture it.

    5. StatiZkyZ

      Making a monster surrender gives a guaranteed capture, and it’s not hard to get a monster to surrender at all

    6. Matt Roszak Post author

      There’s almost no RNG involved in catching, unlike Pokemon. The MP system did almost nothing and most people agree. You don’t have to collect the loot orbs, they collect themselves. You don’t have to use keyboard, it’s there for if you want a more retro experience where secrets are harder to find, it’s not the intended way to play. Stat boosters aren’t strategic in this game, true, but in previous games they would permanently unbalance your team if you used them wrong. I don’t regret any of these changes.

  403. Alan444

    Matt I’m stuck at hope harbor and I can’t get to the boss, the block I’m supposed to push is always blocking my path, please help. ❓

  404. errorsoferrorvania

    what’s the song that plays when you get into a battle with a cosmic monolith / the song when you fight lance?
    just asking

  405. luis

    this si soo great no gluits :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: its great :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon:

  406. anonymous

    To be honest there needs to be a way to escape the omega dragon area as well since currently i’m trapped and can not escape that specific area as the omega dragons are too tough.

  407. Dark_Forces48

    wierd bug…
    music error 1 texts filled the screens… i can’t see much… even though im in a dfferent place in the map… it just wont go away 😐 😐

  408. Z2

    It came out pretty perfectly in just about every way that I’m not about to talk about. I noticed that there are extras of several of the quest items, which I assume is intentional, but not knowing whether or not it only applies to some of them makes me very confused about whether or not I have everything for a given area; and having the extras is a little awkward as well. Holy Water in particular gated two other quests and took me a long time to find (admittedly for reasons that were my own fault.)

    One other thing I found odd is the black temple in the lava area near the end. I eventually noticed that it had a pirate flag near it, something that was only the case for ‘other paid version only’ entrances, but the fact that all of those areas had an NPC to communicate why you couldn’t get past there while the temple only had an ambiguous gate had me spend an embarrassing amount of time trying to open it.

    Some other brief things I noticed:
    The first place I encountered Shroud was in one of the glitched areas, and I had a tough time separating shroud from the data simply being unreadable. After attacking with wind I had no idea whether the glitching was intentional or unintentional. I figured out later that it was intentional; but using shroud in that area to begin with seems excessive.

    Two of the orbs used to open the final area (green and red) can be placed back on the platforms they were first recovered from after you take them, and two of them can’t (brown and blue). That’s really weird; and if there’s no puzzle resolved by putting them back then it would be nice to just make it impossible for all of them to be put back. If there is some kind of puzzle involved… I give up.

    Even on epic mode, Snowflake is kinda pathetic for a bonus boss. I’m not sure he’s supposed to BE a bonus boss, admittedly, but after all the rigmarole to get the three stones from EBF4 and the genuinely creepy atmosphere of the bonus areas the bonus area was a massive letdown… even though I AM a huge fan of the game referenced.

    Capturing monsters is fun, and honestly sometimes the most efficient ways to win some battles, but the fact that you can lose some of your monsters and can’t catch extras is really inconvenient. Probably unavoidable, admittedly, but having to catch a slime mouse, craft it, backtrack to catch another slime mouse, turn it in as a quest reward, and catch ANOTHER slime mouse so I could actually use one left me some time to think about how nice it would be to get to reuse them or catch extras. Some kind of monster trader NPC who exchanges specific monsters for equips would be a good way to make use of that mechanic, but I understand it’s probably far too late for that and was just kind of thinking out loud for a moment.

    Not a gameplay thing, but trying to play the fourth wall breaks for drama near the end and in the final glitch area felt kind of… unearned. Like, I’ve been around to play when they were new all five games and spinoffs. At this point I feel like its far, far too late for the game to try and act SERIOUS about its own style. That’s just a personal nitpick, though, and I only bring it up because like I said; everything I don’t specifically mention is just about perfect.

    I didn’t use lovable much out of personal preference, though, so other people might be right about it ruining balance.

    1. Z2

      Also I feel I should ask: Is there only one Left Sock and Right Sock in the game, thus requiring you to choose which quest to complete that requires them, or did I somehow miss two items?

        1. Z2

          How? I didn’t give them to the old guy first, and the other guy isn’t returning them. I assume I’m checking the right other guy, anyway, you can’t tell which quest was given by which NPC after you complete them.

      1. EBF killed my social life

        If I remember correctly, a pair of socks can be found in Matt’s house at the start, then another pair can be found separately in Greenwood. There should be one inside the old man’s house and and the other in the material/food shop.

        1. Z2

          Ah, okay. I found one sock near mats house and one sock from the old man’s house and they formed a set so I had no idea what was going on.

          I didn’t realize you could push the bush in the material shop.

    2. Matt Roszak Post author

      Thanks, I think I’ll address a few of those issues. Especially the orbs and temple stuff.

  409. Sicarius

    What happened to “enemy scaling with levels”? I thought that was a pretty good idea, and most of the people who were against it just hated the concept and never tried it before. I’ve been playing awhile, and I noticed enemies felt tank-ier on normal difficulty than the enemies on EBF4’s epic difficulty, and when I looked at the stats screen I noticed I was 3 levels below the enemies, consistently, and that was including going after all the enemy blocked chests and secrets.

    It feels like it was supposed to be scaling, then it was changed at the last minute; the progression just feels off compared to how it was in the previous 2 games, were I never noticed this come up. Please, at least add an option to turn on enemy scaling.

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      What area are you in where enemies are such a high level? There’s the occasional battle like that, but most foes shouldn’t be more than a level above you.

      1. Sicarius

        It was the start of the forest, right after getting the axe; I was around 19-20, and most enemies were 22-23. I think I understand why the spike happened; the hammer and axe open up a lot of areas in old locations, which contain some enemies. Though, they’re all at the 22-23 mark, so I’m not sure which I was supposed to start first. After clearing out all those areas, then going back to the forest, I was at the right level and the following poison swap area felt natural.

        There was another small spike after going into the frost level; the first screen was fine, but after the screen with 2 paths (monolith on bottom and a large ice area on top) all the enemies were around 2 levels above me, and I was getting destroyed. But then I just ignored them, went top and left, and those enemies were at the right level, and then going back the previous foes were right again.

        tldr; getting a new tool means new, optional areas with enemies, and the level curve assumes you go there before continuing the story.

  410. Nolegs

    hello, the jewels if they are, each one in a village, hidden in these areas: 1. sapphire of dreams: equipment store, port hope.
    2. ruby ​​of death: house to the right of the farm, greenwood, is hidden behind a library
    3. Emerald of life: Redpine cemetery, one of the tombs moves it and opens the door to the catacombs, it is inside. :Hurrah:

  411. ebf nerd

    I think that the jewels from ebf 4 are in the towns but I have only found the sapphire of dreams. I need help finding the other two

    1. Nolegs

      hola, las joyas si estan, cada una en un pueblo, escondidas en estas zonas: 1. sapphire of dreams: tienda de equipamiento, hope harbor.
      2. ruby of death: casa a la derecha de la granja, greenwood, esta escondida detras de una libreria
      3. emerald of life: cementerio de redpine, una de las tumbas muevela y abrira la puerta a las catacumbas, esta a dentro. :yay:

  412. TheTronlight

    when Natalie uses an ice spell for the first time she says that it is affective against dry foes too but dry effect icon description says the opposite :wut:
    it’s a small detail so idk if anyone notised.

    I really like the game anyways :yay:

  413. Lung Lloclla

    Please, at the time of selling it on Steam, publish it in all languages ​​at least in Spanish and Portuguese, I am a big fan of Spanish speaking and many of my colleagues too, we would really appreciate it :yay: :yay: :yay:

    1. BlackoutSampler

      go out of the fortress and go right, there is a wall of breakable blocks that prevents you from going to Greenwood, use the hammer you got in the fortress to break through. You can also backtrack to get a few more items with the hammer.

  414. hunterp

    i am really perpelexed by the 2 chests in the cell in the area with the first propelling tiles. Does anyone know how to get them ?

  415. Sense

    The music is… i don’t know… good and all but…
    I think it doesn’t fit somehow. It’s the first thing i noticed and it didn’t let me go.

    Well, this is what a beta is for, right? Feedback.

  416. EBF killed my social life

    Was doing a replay to work on the EBF lexicon, and… what’s this, a sweet remix of Those of Us Who Fight for the player character battles? This game went from a perfect ten to eleven. Now if only Twins of Duality returned for hydra…

  417. DanzTheLittleWriter

    There’s an original PlayStation in Anna’s house, an Xbox in the Iron fortress and an NES in Matt’s house? I Bet Natalie has a PS4 or something like that :smirk:

  418. BlackoutSampler

    Welp, now that I’ve gotten to the “end” I might as well give my review.

    I was kinda worried about the cool-down system at first, but between the summons and the sheer number of skills you get I never feel like i’m scrounging for options. So kudos for the simple yet brilliant system you made there.

    As for the game itself? Loads of fun. The Iron Fortress was a bit of a huge difficulty spike, honestly it is where I broke down and just played on normal for the regular fights. But the worst offender has to be the Bubbler DX at the door. thing killed me more that any other boss. period. not even the Secret Bosses game over-ed me as much. Afterwards, the pace evened out very nicely till Posideon, who you know is kinda a wimp already.

    The only potential real glitch i found was that the Cat Coccon doesn’t get any benefits from haste. I don’t know if this goes for all ‘double strike’ bosses since I didn’t test it on Chibi-Knight but it might be something to look at.

    I’m tempted to say you need to nerf the Vanilla Revive, since ever since I got the ability and maxed it out, it never rezed for anything less than max Hp, which might be the point, but it makes it kind busted compared to the other rez options (coffee doesn’t heal for much, Expresso is damn rare and expensive, Nine Lives only revives for the same amount as coffee and is bound to that 10 round cooldown, Genesis is a Limit Break) I don’t know if you should though. I do know I became far more careless when I received the skill than before I had it.

    No-Leg’s Star Blast totally needs a buff though. Ever since I got the ability I’ve been nothing but disappointed with it. Especially since Viking Lord No-Legs does essentially the same thing but consistently. (Viking Toys + Viking Hat = Insane Non-Elemental DPS). Star Blast doesn’t even kill the Glitches without help.

    Storywise, I like it. Not only does it do Meta-Humor right, but the simplistic setup works well in getting the characters to interact with each other. And the simple interactions are really where the writing shines. Talking about new skills or new armor with each other makes them feel like actual friends. I even like the ever shifting NPCs and the bit at the end where they all show up to help. It is rather sweet and encouraging.

    The ‘Puzzle’ side can be rather rough though. Especially the ‘spot the pixel’ type that go on everywhere. I know I never found a couple of the Key Items until way after I beat the zone. Hopefully the Bonus Dungeons have more Block Puzzles, ’cause hot damn can you make a good block puzzle. But please, ease up on the random ‘secrets’ I don’t like rubbing Matt’s face all over every random object just in case it contains a catche of crafting items. It is not my jam.

    So for a Final Score I’d have to give it a: “10/10 too much water”

    Godspeed you Crazy Diamond!

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Thanks! Yeah, the dungeons definitely have less hidden chests and more really hard puzzles!

  419. Dark_Forces48

    i have been waiting for this… for such a long time!!! :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:

  420. Loop_Stratos

    Why does the story feel very… non-continuity with EBF3 and 4?

    Only got to the part where Natalie returns though.

  421. Haza

    I think we have a problem here. If EBF5 is the first meeting date of the characters, then why the first limit break of NoLegs is God cat? (
    Sorry for my bad english) ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓

  422. Kiri

    If I had one word to describe the whole series, its charm. Every game has just charm oozing from every hole.

  423. Leonard

    i’m find one strange think WHO IS SPOILER ❗ ❗
    after get the sapphire of dreams i’m find a strange symbol at te Lance castle outsides who places me in one 8-bits world with items and i receive a achievement but,
    after come back to the world the npc’s has an bugged face
    it’s an error or just a secret the bugged face?

    1. Cody Neumeyer

      What you encountered was a ‘glitch’ it’s completely intentional, and as you progress you’ll find glaring tears in the world. By defeating glitches, and encountering more, These will only reoccur near the finale of the game.

  424. NoLegs

    Let me change the name of my captured summons in the managing menu, not just right away after captured REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

      1. lnl

        how?I still stuck over there,and I took nearly 5 hours to find it even unlock the secret area accidently.

  425. Wexcop

    If you use sushi cat on a mirror the reflection damage will hurt the last person it healed instead of Nolegs. Is this a bug or meant to be?

  426. Julius

    My only regret is that you can’t jiggle Natalie’s breasts during 7th Heaven 0/5, jk,
    but honestly, the effort and care you’ve put into this game is evident even if it’s in public beta. You can tell that thought went into this game, the strategy is the most intricate I’ve seen the EBF series get, and I love it! :hurray:

  427. QQinfinity

    Absolutely loved everything that was available in the beta. Currently, my progress was just after I defeated Lance, and I’m not quite sure where I should be going or doing, I found Anna’s hometown and got the ax.

    One thing I had a bit of a problem was the battle difficulty. It was set on normal (100%) and yet I felt like I was trudging through hard (150%) for almost the whole time. Every single enemy felt obnoxious because they didn’t die soon enough, especially because they end up dodging more than they should, NoLegs hits multiple times and he often only lands one hit; Matt and Natz only hit once but their damage output is crucial and what do you know: they ended up missing the attack. In contrast to that, a good hit or two will kill my characters since they don’t dodge (NoLegs still dodges, but dies easily); I could chalk this up to just me being bad at the game though. I’ve been consuming stat boosting steroids on the spot like the good little RPG player I am, but still find the characters to be too weak; maybe because I haven’t grinded. Buffs and Debuff skills are no longer as easily available and powerful than they were in previous games, which I’m still trying to grow accustomed to, but currently failing.

    Another thing I felt was the lack of customizable equipment during the early game (before Lance joins, and even after Lance joins, he barely has any weapon to use) I really didn’t manage to find any good combos that would make my life easier with such a limited selection, but I have yet to play very far yet so I suppose I’m just biased.

    And thank you Matt. Your games are great, and I am happy that I have come upon your games. And bless you. :hurray:

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Did you fight most of the foes? Enemies should be the same level or a level above you most of the time. I might get hard if you’re skipping battles.

      1. StatiZkyZ

        Actually, I encountered the same problem, most notable in the Iron Fortress, and it’s worse cause you have to rely on mostly items to heal.

        There enemies in the room with the monoliths are weirdly weaker then the previous areas, who are around 4 levels higher then my party, and I didn’t even skip battles.
        And speaking of battles…. jeebus, this game is MUCH harder then EBF4 on epic at where it is now.

        1. Knokke

          I know it has been a while since these replies were posted, but why did you need to rely on, mostly, items to heal in the Iron Fortress? First, you had Anna who knows “Refresh” (or whatever it is called at the beginning levels). Second, you could’ve quit to when before Natalie was captured by Lance and then unequipped all of her skills and even swapped her armor to what you thought may have not been useful based on Lance’s character in previous Epic Battle Fantasy Games.

          1. Knokke

            I know it has been a while since these replies were posted, but why did you need to rely on, mostly, items to heal in the Iron Fortress? First, you had Anna who knows “Refresh” (or whatever it is called at the beginning levels). Second, you could’ve quit to when before Natalie was captured by Lance and then unequipped all of her skills and even swapped her armor to what you thought may have not been useful based on Lance’s character in previous Epic Battle Fantasy Games.

      2. Minaly22

        Turns out I had to tone the difficulty down to zero (25%) to actually play it to the end. So I suppose I can safely say that this game’s difficulty is basically like shin megami tensei 3: nocturne, where everything is just trying to kill you and you are desperately clinging to life. The regular foes are sometimes more terrifying than the bosses, and some bosses simply are so obnoxious that no amount of strategy will get me through until I tone down the difficulty. There are upsides and downsides to this. Thankfully since we automatically recover hp/mp when out of battle, I can just take a quick break and look through the menu before fighting again, every fight is challenging and very engaging, but not always rewarding because AP is a scarce resource and money/material for healing items and forging is hard to come by. It is also very exhaustive after a while, when non-stop difficult battles one after another is forced upon you when you’re trying to progress through an area. Going back to a previous area to farm and train is almost always required without toning the difficulty down in the option. Most notably, is the high evasion of my enemies and my low accuracy that doesn’t allow any of my hits to connect as they should that is very un-fun. Money is invested into accuracy steroids for everyone (and whoo was that costly) but it’s not helping as much as I would like. I always have to keep Anna on the field with the bind armor (having Natalie wear it is NOT optimal), and if enemies end up dodging that auto-bind, I will have to cast a bind manually, and then they dodge that one too, and bind has a pretty lengthy cool down… Had to bring in no legs voodoo doll, ah, such a good summon.

        Anna is very powerful in this game, currently, I think her skillset is perfectly fine as they are right now. Matt is also ‘great at doing his job’ as long as the team sets up for him and allow him to hit things hard. These two are the only ones I think don’t need fixing. Anna can set up with her various elemental arrows, her elemental coverage is amazing (except that very very weak wind magic attack). Matt also has amazing elemental coverage, great single target damage, and his skills have a high chance of inflicting secondary status (wet-dry-chill etc.) for other teammates to follow up.

        Natalie is pretty weak for some reason, her magical powers seems very diminished. Her regular fire-ice-thunder magic hits like cotton balls, but if you decide to stick the extra magic spells on her, she transforms into a magical power house. Also, AoE spectrum is a really wonderful tool, especially when paired with a holy weapon. No legs is jumping between good and bad depending on how high his accuracy is and how reliably he can hit his targets, as well as very dependent on enemy elemental resistance: if no legs’s water-wind-thunder-light-dark is resisted, it’s often better to swap him out. The panda bears in particular give no legs a lot of trouble.

        Also, I think Lance needs a very big buff. He is my least used character, and for very good reason. Unless I gave him the extra elemental spells that have no cool down, he is basically a sitting duck since every innate ability he possess has a cool down. His staple, the reliable fire-electric-dark skills cannot be used consecutively, and I wish I could just shoot the enemy with the weak single target version of the skill instead of doing something else (like casting extra skills and support buffs, which once again, everyone else but Lance would benefit more from it) to pass the cool down until I can attack with anything but the twin shot that barely does a scratch.

        Don’t worry, the game is still fun; it’s just difficult. :sick:

        1. Matt Roszak Post author

          Not sure why you had so much trouble, did you skip half the battles and have very under-levelled characters?

        2. Knokke

          I know it has been a while since these replies were posted, but why did you need to rely on, mostly, items to heal in the Iron Fortress? First, you had Anna who knows “Refresh” (or whatever it is called at the beginning levels). Second, you could’ve quit to when before Natalie was captured by Lance and then unequipped all of her skills and even swapped her armor to what you thought may have not been useful based on Lance’s character in previous Epic Battle Fantasy Games.

    1. Mep

      Kill his tank, get him low health, then use 7th heaven. If it doesn’t work, his health wasn’t weak enough, I think.

  428. EBF killed my social life

    Starting off, I was sort of worried for EBF 5. As I followed the progress, I was overwhelmed by the many changes to the traditions and gameplay of the series. The removal of MP, introduction of cooldowns, expansion of the story, and the list goes on. (Make Lance great again)

    Well, I never should have doubted.

    EBF 5 is one of the most fun I’ve had playing games recently. From finding cryptic clues from dialogues and objects to contrasting biomes that are placed incoherently, this felt like playing the best parts of old RPG games put together. The improved artstyle makes the overworld colorful and lively, and I often find myself pausing to enjoy the scenery. There is a great sense of adventure and exploration, and even backtracking feels fun and rewarding with secret areas and loot. One of the best parts of the game is going treasure hunting; there are many cryptic and confusing methods of finding treasure, but soon you’ll catch onto the game’s tricks and have a hell of a time putting the pieces together. Going back to EBF 3, the equipment gains many new effects as you level them, giving you more incentive to upgrade your items and making it all the more satisfying. Even minor things like foe and item descriptions have been improved greatly. A lot of personality has been attached to things that were previously generic fantasy elements.

    The combat system, which I was worried about the most, is the best it has ever been. The equipment have a lot more special effects than before, and combined with some very unique spells and a ridiculous amount of summons, the player has a bigger arsenal than ever at their disposal. While the combat is complex, its not very complicated; its very intuitive and easy to learn, unlike a lot of turn based games that try to overcomplicate things. Its very satisfying to find that combo of items that just seems to make you an unstoppable killing machine, or watch as the enemy helplessly pummel a character that is impervious to their attacks. New mechanics like capture and surrender always have you thinking about your next move, and on-defend effects make way for very interesting tactics. The amount of variety in combat feels like the game would be replayable just to test different equipment layouts.

    The few quirks I have with the game has to do with difficulty and balancing. There are certain bits of difficulty that seem out of place. I found the guardians in Lance’s fortress and Lance himself to be disproportionately harder than the areas before and after, though this may be associated with learning curve. I found that a lot of attacks just seem to downright wipe your party when comboed. On the other hand, Poseidon felt very underwhelming; I think it has to do with a low amount of used elements, and the surrender threshold for minions being too high. I found them surrendering at almost everything, removing a lot of the potential danger in the fight. Another thing is the universal weakness to bomb, which can be exploited to death with Lance. The Grand Gallery seems to require pretty solid understanding of the game and strategy, though its excusable on basis that its an optional area. Same goes for a lot of the pixel fights.

    Combining certain equipment makes the player able to cheese certain fights, even significant ones. One such example is the defending gives Morale + Auto Revive + Target combo, which makes an invincible wall that blocks at least three hits. Using a turn to defend is less of a disadvantage now, due to items and skills that give Haste. Once syphoned, monoliths can do nothing against this combo, and due to the existence of a 200% syphon summon that targets all, this is not very difficult to achieve. Two minibosses with reliance on single target attacks can be cheesed with this method, namely Snowflake and Ultra Chibi Knight. A lot of the cosmic monolith fights feature only themselves as the main foes, so they are hit pretty hard as well. Similar effect can be achieved with the invisible status effect, which outright denies any physical damage.

    Due to such a vast amount of different gear setups in the game, I’m sure expecting all of them to be balanced is unrealistic and unnecessary. People find ways to break games all the time, regardless of developer intention. Also, it is true that finding and using these broken combos can be entertaining at times, much like playing games like Binding of Isaac. Nevertheless, I hope that the final boss/dark players are as uncheesable as possible. Also, give the cosmic monoliths some love. I wanted to see those guys restored to their former glory, but most of the time it feels like a glorified punching bag. Perhaps complete syphon immunity (if only for higher difficulties) or accompanying enemies that dispel or purge debuffs would help in some way.

    Towards the end, enemy diversity and placement adds to the feeling of diminished difficulty. In a lot of the early to midgame areas, you often find foes that have a suboptimal amount of shared elements and weaknesses. This adds more strategy to the equipment you give to different players, whether you should change equipment during the fight and which enemy to focus on first. As you near the end, it feels increasingly like just spamming Fire/Dark resistance, Holy/Water attack. I found myself hardly changing equipment even when outside of combat. Going back to EBF 4, mage dogs and birds had a large influence in the final area due to having some absurd elemental alignment. Thematically, it would be weird if other enemies just started appearing in this area, so I guess its really just something that needs to be accepted as is. At least we don’t have a ‘bomb is the universal element, kill all things with tank’ situation.

    If I were to summarize the EBF series to a friend, it would be: ‘A parody of the turn based RPG genre, but a great game in its own right’. They were always great games, each becoming better than the last, but they stayed in the territory of parodies. Its clearly one of the most fun and entertaining games of the genre, but it had little to offer as its own, and felt like the best possible version of a generic RPG. EBF 5 is the best parts of all of the EBF games and more; it has a world. It has characters. In sticks to the basics, but there are also layers of complexity weaved into the deceptively simple system. It has its own atmosphere, asides from just jokes and laughs. This game constantly has me wanting more, and I can’t wait to face the final boss and the exclusive dungeons.

    1. EBF killed my social life

      Umm, text wall. TL;DR, game is great, some equipment balance is questionable, Poseidon is a pushover.

    2. Matt Roszak Post author

      Thanks for the review! I’ll definitely be tweaking Poseidon to make him harder, and balancing other things in general (like nerfing lovable status).

  429. Nolegs

    Hi Matt:
    I wanted to say that the game is very good.
    I have already progesed enough in the game, reaching the area of ​​the Final Boss.
    but there is something that seems strange to me …
    I have not found the boots to walk in the clouds, and i found so clouds in the Rapture area and the Forgotten Ruins area. :wut:
    So I ask, where can I find it ???
    Sorry, for the bad English, I am Spanish.
    from 0 to 10, I give you a 10 :smirk:

    1. Luxord

      Las botas estan en la zona del forgotten temple en la cual tienes que poner un codigo, si colocas el codigo que esta dentro del templo de esa misma zona :yay: :yay:

  430. Leffe

    a weird glitch happened and i lost the skill from the build my house quest guy. Some help matt please? (i refreshed my page didnt take screenshot 🙁 )

  431. Hinxer

    Alright, I have reached the final boss on epic difficulty and I have to say that this is the best game out of the entire series, it has so much content I don’t believe I can access it for free! The soundtrack and the storyline is great, though I need to list some things that were weird for me.

    Through my entire playthrough I defeated every single foe on the way and got almost every medal, I know that on menu it says that some balancing is not done, but I have to mention some things.
    The Cat Cocoon fight was extremely hard for me, even after finding most of the secrets up until this fight, maybe I had wrong weapons and armor, but I found this fight the most difficult out of all main bosses.
    The opposite was with the Poseidon, Before fighting him I tried to beat the optional 4 wave fight for the spiked boots, that destroyed me, but the Poseidon was really easy to kill with proper equipement as Matt with a few icebergs.

    Also there are a few things I’d like to mention (possibly bugs?)
    -When a player in backup dies with revive stat, they will respawn but will lose all buffs and debuffs
    -The glitched player icons sometimes stayed on my menu even though I left the secret area and went to other areas back and forth (I think that’s the way to fix the glitched icons and black cubes on npc’s after leaving the secret for the first time?)
    -The medal for getting 150 equipement items bugged for me and I got it randomly in redpine after walking into the graveyard

    With all of that said, I still had a blast and I wait for the full release to launch on steam, this has to be one of my favourite games of all time! Thank you Matt for the 43 hours I spent on this amazing game! :smirk:

  432. hunterp

    did anyone catch the first boss ? i trieed to but acciddentaly killed it and now i have to try again…

    1. Az0rius G4m3r

      I feel ya. I called it the “Jotun of Sorrow” after the second time (both were on Epic and I rather often almost died to its surprise Dark attack)!
      Inspired partly by the Jotun enemies in Persona 3 (+FES/Portable).

  433. Kiri

    Hay, so when the full game comes out will we be able to reload the saves from the demo or will they not work because of the missing data like the final boss? :wut:

  434. EBF killed my social life

    The games tells me I’ve spent 47 hours, and I feel pretty satisfied about my quasi-completionist runthrough. This is the time taken to play through the entire game in Epic, then backtrack with newfound gear and key items, then finish up all the loose ends including completing all secret areas, capturing every foe and finishing up quests, then finally going over every space in the game to find any remaining secrets. I don’t have much time now so I won’t write in too much detail, but I am amazed by how massive the game is. This is clearly the largest, hardest and best of the series, and the time and effort Matt put into this game really shows.

    I’ll write a more detailed review once I have some free time.

    P.S: Even after all that, I still couldn’t find one coral key. If anyone has found a coral key in a particularly memorable way, please help me out here.

    1. Hedge

      Unfortunately, I forgot where I got the keys.

      Hell, I’m still missing a coral key, golden key, and one of the keys used for the forgotten ruins.

      1. BlackoutSampler

        Did you find the secret room in the treetops? I think there is a key there. Also there’s some rare stuff in the haystack of the barn in Greenwood. That said, I don’t remember where all the keys I found were myself.

        1. Hedge

          The Greenwood barn has been pilfered through.

          Which secret room in the treetops did you mean? The tiny one where you enter from the back? If so, I already got the chests there.

          1. Hedge


            I found the last gold key and coral key. Just missing that one key that opens the lock in the forgotten ruins.

          2. EBF killed my social life

            Where did you find that?

            The only diamond key I remember the location of was in the treetops, next to something that reminds you of the forgotten ruins area. Otherwise, I have no idea where the last key could be.

    2. Hedge

      Okay, so, I found my last coral key in the first area. The house with two floors. The top floor has three beds and I found the key under the middle one.

      My last golden key, I found in the last area with the acid tiles and cloud tiles. There is a cleverly hidden switch near the top-right. Use your mouse if you can’t find it. Press it and it’ll cause a chest to fall down.

      Hope that helps!

      1. EBF killed my social life

        Welp, hitting myself in the head now. I knew it had to be somewhere sea-related, so I went over the entire port several times, and visited the very house, including the top floor, and did a thorough check at least three separate times. And I missed it on all three. Well, thanks for that. I can finally sleep in peace.

        1. Hedge

          You’re welcome!

          As for what you said, did you mean that tiny cat idol near Anna’s house?

          If so, it appears I got that diamond key.

          1. Hedge

            So, after watching some walkthrough videos, I definitely got two of the diamond keys. The one in the painting in Lance’s hideout and the one beside a statue by Anna’s house. I don’t remember where the third one was located.

            I have yet to find the final diamond key and if anyone else knows where they found a diamond key, let me know. Thank you.

  435. Sanat

    The gameplay is quite solid- I still love all the variety in weapons and enemies, even when they’re of the same class! I wish minigames could have been reintroduced, but this is still excellent.

    Only things I’d really want changed are the title screen piano/flute sounding odd at parts, and the dialogue isn’t quite as funny as before (Less dialogue is fine if it means there’s a higher quality).

  436. yrtart

    Getting an error when I try to create a backup file. Guessing this hasn’t been implemented yet or something? Or maybe it has to do with being in incognito.

  437. Joseph Howard

    Wasn’t there a feature that creature types you already captured would have a gift icon next to them when you fought them next in battles? I’m not seeing it…

  438. Mongoose

    Map stopped updating at the Ice Cave… I reloaded around the same time, so don’t know which was the issue.

    1. Mongoose

      Also, would be nice to be able to see funds from the buy screen not just the shop screen. Also ta screen showing the bonus from steroids? Just had some fun tonight, may start over and start putting a log of thoughts together.

  439. EBF killed my social life

    I was stuck for an hour.

    I just had to go up.

    I feel really stupid now. (you’ll know what I mean…. or maybe not.)

    1. BlackoutSampler

      I think I know what your talking about, and yeah, there isn’t that much indication to go up there. Also, I can’t figure out the boss in that area at all. The weather doesn’t help at all.

      1. EBF killed my social life

        If we’re talking about the same thing, you should be able to take it out in one turn with appropriate buffs and debuffs. It’s harder when trying to control your damage to capture it; I ended up resorting to double monolithing. It seems to need a fair amount of debuffs to capture as well, as it evaded capture when it had just several hundred health remaining.

        Its mostly the same deal as EBF4, but its minions have either physical or magical absorption, depending on the creature it displays. If you’re looking to clear, it helps to reset until both minions are the same, and use limit breaks/snowflakes, but I think a one turn kill is the most reliable method. The boss can be pretty unpredictable, best to kill it quickly before it takes control. Even with morale+9 lives spell, it still finds ways to wreck your party.

        1. TheJazMaster

          I’ve found while trying to get the 10M damage achievement:
          Cleaver + Berzerker + Temper/Genji Armor + Debilitate + Enchant + Lock On= One shot kill. You probably need much less than that though. However, you don’t get the achievement because it kills the glitch before you can deal the full damage

          Black Hole + Dark Gown + Dark Bobble + Dark Tooth + Lock On + (Cardboard Box + Enfeeble) + Invisible + (Dark Gown + War Paint + Hoop Earrings) Defend on the Stone Idol Glitch will get you the achievement

          It’s a pain to pull off though

  440. Jeffrey Li

    The battles in the grand gallery are wayyy too difficult. I know they scale to your level and whatever, but some of the battles are extremely unfair.

    1. EBF killed my social life

      Some of them are pretty bad. It helps to check resistances and throw out limit breaks and high cost summons, you regain them fairly quickly due to the ridiculous damage you take. One of the would-be hardest fights, the four plants, can be killed in one lucky turn with the zombie hydra for example(coughsavenloadcough).

      Also be mindful of the types of attacks they have, sometimes having one player with appropriate resistances, aggro and revive makes for a total cheese.

      1. EBF killed my social life

        I forgot, ‘weak’ enemies can often be captured even near max health if stunned or frozen. You can use the capture mechanic as an inevadable removal, paired with anna+eagle eye.

        1. BlackoutSampler

          A lot of the ‘weak’ enemies get wrecked by Ninja Suit + Angry Face Badge. Early monster magic attacks are pitiful, and they mostly just try normal attacks. So you can basically laugh as they all dogpile the invisible person.

          It’s how I beat the Mammoths as well.

  441. hi lolol

    sorry for spamming but another bug is when you do an attack the numbers don’t show the real damage. a blue creep did 2000 damage to matt, which should be 1/3 of his health, yet it only did like 1000.

    1. CatCandy

      The skills are bonus skills. Go to the bonus skills menu and you should see them.

      Hope this clears things up. 🙁

  442. Mep

    I keep having an issue pop up where when a box showing items pops up (receiving quest, finishing quest, opening a chest), it immediately disappears without me doing anything. I haven’t had any of these properly show up so that I can actually look at whatever it’s showing.

  443. James

    Bug: The Matt and Natalie doll summons, which buff attack and magic attack respectively, are listed in the summons menu as “attacks one” when they should be under buffs and heals.

  444. Ragnamune

    One thing that throws me off is whenever I go to learn a new skill is that they are all dimmer. Makes me think I can’t learn them yet. 😡
    It would be nice to see a skill that’s learnable be highlighted to make it noticeable instantly, rather than have to hover over to see that I can learn it. :smirk:

    1. gimmethegepgun

      It appears to be caused by the upgrade to the skill changing the skill’s name. If the upgrade does that, then it will always be greyed, even if you have enough AP, which is really annoying.

  445. Lasse

    Hi Matt
    Awesome to see this now :yay:

    I just found a minor bug:
    I notice that that total amount of medal just shows: “-” instead of the actual number, then going to medal screen from front page.
    What I did:
    – Went to this webpage.
    – Clicked on the slimes 101 times.
    – Clicked “Medals” button.
    – I see that I got one Medel/Achivement. The one named “What game?”.
    – I see my total in upper right corner is “-”
    What I expected:
    – I expected my total to show: “1”

    I will be looking forward to play this game for real

  446. Kiri

    I think the anna fight was just stupid random, I can’t do over 1000 dmg per turn to fight the random heals when she evades 70% of the time and heals 900 from the med pac s and heals herself 2000, also when she kills me in one hit but that’s not here or there :bleh: . But other than that it’s really good

    1. Kiri

      Just as a side note, I had no trouble with the cyclops boss and the enemies of the area next to Anna, I just had trouble with Anna and that was it

    2. BlackoutSampler

      I didn’t have too much trouble with her, she is definitely a difficulty spike, but not impossible. Stacking Poisson and Earth resistances recommended and the Putrid Worm Summon keeps her from dodging.

  447. Ivan

    NoLegs commentary is the best XD. Cant wait for this game to fully come out, It seems like it will be a lot of fun. :stars: :stars: :stars: :love: :love2:

  448. Knives

    I think the game is lacking in earth skills.
    There seem to be only 4 earth attacks in the whole game so far (Anna’s log, Matt’s earth sword, Gaia Blossom and the limit break)
    The log/sword skills are powerful but they lack a multi target ability while Gaia Blossom can be multi target when upgraded but it’s kinda lacking in damage.

    Another thing is that there are no good magical bio abilities, poison gas/toxic are only used to poison enemies but their damage is really bad. I’d suggest bringing back the Acid skill from the last game (as a bonus skill maybe) as it was very powerful. Also it’s kinda weird that the element is called Bio while poison gas is just pure chemical gas and toxic seems like that too

    1. Lance-a-lot

      Gaia blossom is indeed a weak spell, but it’s the only one, that gives foe tired status (pretty usefull against foes with huge debuffs resistance)

  449. Mari

    After exploring the forest a bit i went back to the starting area and visited the slime cat and then went to the grand gallery where if i go out of the area i can get to the market which i don’t believe i’m meant to be able to get to yet

    1. Mari

      apparently i was only one screen away from getting to town normally anyway so it probably isn’t much of an issue since people will probably want to do the forest anyway and even if they didn’t the forest is pretty short and mainly a learning to play area anyway

    1. MorganRue

      The Neon Valkyrie medal is for blowing up Neon Valkyrie. The Lance medal is for pacifying Lance via Natalie.

  450. BlackoutSampler

    Cripes is this game difficult. I’m pretty sure this is the hardest of the 5 games so far. So might as well share a few tips I figured out so far while playing this.

    1: Revives are heavily limited, You will find yourself out of coffee constantly, and the vanilla Revive Spell is rather late in the game, however, you do get a few options before then. NoLegs’s Nine Lives revives everyone in the frontlines and grants Auto-Life for the rest, and Naz’s second Limit Genesis also revives everyone. don’t be afraid to use either if a few allies are dead.

    2: switch characters constantly. Cooldowns reset in the backlines and characters will heal as well. Lance especially favors being tossed in and out since he is kinda flimsy and has a lot of cooldowns.

    3: Don’t forget to manage your summons, especially before bosses. Sometimes just getting the right summon on the field can chunk Epic level bosses down to half in a few turns.

    And on a side note, if the Cat Cocoon ever gets the Haste Status, It will still only take two turns, instead of 3 or 4. I don’t know if this is a bug, but it makes the Ninja Cat summon pretty helpful for the fight.

  451. EBF killed my social life

    It seems that when there’s only a single enemy left, the targeting automatically goes to single target only (spells that have the option to target one or all targets can now only target one). This doesn’t matter too much, but it seems when said single enemy has lovable status, it is impossible to use any version of the spell, including the multi-target version. Is this intentional?

  452. Philip Strickland

    I can’t attack Natz, when i choose a skill or press attack, the thing on a enemy to attack won’t show up

  453. Godlenfox

    this is so hard to get stone head and sapphire please help me im trying to get it for 1 hour 🙁 i need to complete Maya imposibble Quest 😥 😥 😥 😥 😥

  454. Potatoaster

    I’ve made it as far as No Man’s Land, and it’s working great so far! I’ve only picked up a few gripes so far:

    The dialogue boxes for the loot contained in chests normally disappear when you move, but they also disappear if you press a key that results in you travelling into an obstacle (usually the chest). This also happens when using the mouse controls, but you’re clicking out of the dialogue box at that point, so it’s less big of a deal.

    Going back to Bessie (the friend dog quest NPC) after leaving her quest shows her with the Rescue Dog, which can be fought again. Her dialogue doesn’t change if you capture the dog (I haven’t tried to kill the dog outright yet).

    In the interim between Anna joining your party and Natalie returning, Anna’s possible set of quotes upon summoning a monster include one referencing Natalie’s disapproval towards the enslavement of foes, even though Anna hasn’t met Natalie yet.

    That’s all I’ve got for now. Keep up the good work Matt!

  455. Mads

    Only significant issue I have encountered so far; Seemingly I don’t gain and XP or AP from defeating foes at the forgotten ruins

  456. Kanti

    ! Warning Spoilers Ahead !
    Once you reach greenwood village after beating lance and adding him to your team a few strange things are unlocked (this isn’t a glitch).

    First of all you can find the thief that was previously blocking off the armor shops secret entrance and then going back can get the chest next to the shops owner.
    This is when I noticed that the fridge at the back of the room can be moved to give you a ladder going downwards. After descending this ladder and fighting through the enemies there you come to a gathering of 4 NPCs all wearing stone masks standing around a chest containing the whitefall stone from EBF4 now labelled the Sapphire of Dreams. Talking to the NPCs will cause them to talk back in morse code.

    The following are the translations of what they are saying.

    Shopkeeper after exiting the underground area : Welcome to die.
    Bottom left NPC: Pizzagate Is Real.
    Top left NPC: I Am Error.
    Top right NPC: Welcome to die.
    Bottom right NPC: How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren’t real.
    Nice troll Matt.

    1. Cyanide236

      I know it is 1 and a half months ago, but to anybody else that looked at this, these are the other translations:

      Redpine Graveyard (Emerald of Life):
      Top right NPC: All our base are belong to you.
      Bottom left NPC: Hell awaits you beyond the door of time.
      (Don’t forget the treasure chest on the right side of the screen which you can get to using the ladder)

      Greenwood Village (Ruby of Death):
      House owner after exiting: Welcome to die.
      Top right NPC: Donut tell anyone about this.
      Top left NPC: It’s a secret to everybody.
      (Don’t forget the treasure chest on the left side of the screen which you can get to using the ladder)

      1. Guni986

        can you explain where to get to the back of the shop in repine thought the other entrance(the one where u leave from the top not from outside) so i can get a chest and see what does the npc have to say thx

  457. BandanaDee

    “I’ve Spent Practising This Shot! – I Wont Miss!” -Anna
    But You Can Miss Spelling Errors.

    1. Az0rius G4m3r

      The latter reminds me of a battle quote from Yukari in Persona 3. Kinda makes sense, since they both wield bows.

  458. BandanaDee

    Hey, Matt
    I Was Thinking That Using Fullscreen would be great but when i did the quality drops.

  459. Pianos

    Is there a way to capture a foe when you’re too strong to only hurt them? Like I forgot to capture a Stone Idol, but every attack I’m trying to use kills it instantly.

    1. piono

      Like what Matt said, the water slike summon is useful here if you’re overleveled, but if you’re at the appropriate level, you can use the putrid worm, as that one has a reasonably weak attack as well, but ALSO debuffs evade to high heck.

      If all else fails you can turn the difficulty up a few notches if you’re playing on easy or normal or for some reason Zero, as that’ll greatly increase their health and thusly allow you to get them down without immediately killing them easier.

      1. Pianos

        No, I’ve been playing on Epic haha.
        I think it shouldn’t be a big deal. I’m just a bit of a completionist and want to capture all the foe types, and to make sure that it’s not unfairly difficult to do so, balance-wise. I think it’s fine.

        1. HamFantasy

          How about all capturable foes have a chance to be captured in any condition, but it is abysmally low unless it is weak

  460. Pianos

    Looks great so far!
    My only complaint is that when I go to fullscreen, the game crops in a weird way so it doesn’t have the same quality that it would when it’s not on fullscreen (I’m on a MacBook laptop, btw). Would it be possible to tweak so it naturally crops right?

  461. Akherone

    So even when I have all volume muted, some skills from Anna still make noise, namely “scan foes” and “capture foes”. Not a major bug or anything, but just thought I’d put that out there.

  462. Lance's # 1 Fan

    im finally at the lance section :yay: , but I found a glitch when entering the main hall 👿 , there is a certain spot on the left wall near the spikes ➡ , it doesn’t show land to walk but there are a few walking squares that are behind a wall :wut: . I dont know if you meant that to be there matt, but I just wanted to let you know :bacon: .

    ALSO YOU SCARED ME SO BAD WITH LANCE TAKING NATALIE!!!! :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:

    Cheers Matt :coffee:

  463. Knives

    I got stuck in the fight against Lance (the last fight with him and the tank)
    I ran out of coffee and some other items and it seems to be impossible to get out of the fortress and buy more without defeating him first since he blocks the exit (and there is no teleport slime inside)

  464. Icedagger

    Dialog from Undertale Sans in genocide detected ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ ❗ :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo: :ooo:

  465. Chris

    Not sure if this is supposed to happen, but after every battle ends (like in Hope Harbour) the area title “Hope Harbour” appears again.


    There’s a glitch when talking to that “Helmut” guy. If you talk to him after losing Natalie, she will still say her line. :wut:

  467. Banana

    I’ve played the beta for a bit and reached the part where you get Anna. The game worked smoothly for me so far, but I encountered two bugs: first of all, I couldn’t give Red Creeps a custom name. I tried to type things but nothing happened. In addition, I gave bessie a dog and then fought and recaptured it, but Bessie continued talking about it as if its still there. Anyway, thank you for this great game!

          1. SomeGuy

            Hi I was unlucky and got the bug that didn’t trigger the thief to move. I was wondering if I could still use this save file in the full version because I’ve done almost everything else.

    1. Doru

      Scratch that, it does change but is limited in colors, which isn’t a bug. It would be nicer if it changed on the map sprites though.

  468. Laspandrea

    About the new cooldown system: it’s ok that all cooldowns reset on death?
    I mean: start a fight, use a skill with five turns cooldwon, win the fight. Then I start another fight, that skill is still on cooldown and I die. So I load my last save and there is no more cooldown.

    1. Ark

      I have been playing the ebf series since as long as I can remember, I mostly play them for nostalgia now but now that there’s a fifth coming out I’ll be super happy to play it. Ssoooooo excited

          1. Person

            When you first use piercing shot with Anna, she says,”I’ve been practising my whole life on this shot.” Notice that there is a typo in practicing.

          2. Tanaka

            ACTUALLY, “practising” is not an error. People who are used to the English vocabulary would use practising instead of practicing. (such as the same with woolly and wooly) :yay:

          1. SOMeDuDE

            :yay: :hurray: :love: :love2: :love2: :stars: :meh: :bleh: 😥 :sick: :scared: :shades: 😡 :wut: ❓ ❗ ➡

          2. SOMeDuDE

            :yay: :hurray: :love: :love2: :love2: :stars: :meh: :bleh: 😥 :sick: :scared: :shades: 😡 :wut: ❓ ❗ ➡

        1. Guni986

          idk but besides that WHERE THE HECK CAN I FIND THE MILK cause i didnt know how many milk there was and i thought there was only 3 then i get a quest saying i need 4 but i dont know where to find this

          1. LikeIdunno

            You don’t need to reload! The glitch respawns. It and Snowflake are very good for grinding.

          1. Megaboom123456

            how did you catch snowflake i got his health to like 110 and put bad luck on him and gave lance all capture gear do i need good luck or something ❓ also hears some bacon as a congratulations :bacon: :bacon: .

      1. Tanaka

        [I’m using your reply so mine can be seen faster]
        So, Matt, I found a weird thing. :meh: After defeating and capturing Snowflake, I went back to the ??? area after opening the Door of Time. He was back there, and I ended up fighting and capturing him again. Are we supposed to be able to fight bosses again or is it just this one? Is it cause he’s optional and wanted a rematch?

      2. Odinjr

        I was at the cyclops boss, doing some things, but apparently the save erases itself for me/on free version AND autosave & backup file don’t work. :bleh: :bleh:

      3. matt_fan

        im sad because in 2020 dec. flash will be disabled so we wont be able to play it :sick: 😡 ❗ :skull:

    2. Just Some Guy

      EBF 3 was the best time in my childhood, got lots of good memories, I didn’t play EBF 4 really that much, it feelt like something I dont know to this day was missing. I have been playing this game for about an hour and I do REALLY like the changes.
      1. The enhanced combat interface. Making the battle FASTER and has a better flow with the instant switch player option; normal attacks and tactics like defend under the recently used selection etc.
      2. The removal of MP and implementation of cooldown is a very radical step but it makes you I think more tactical in combat and less spammy.
      3. NoLegs!!!!!!!!!
      4. Not P*kemon. SP has become even more important with a LOT of options of totally organic free-ranch not-at-all-enslaved summons.
      5. The shortcut between the equip menue and the forge wich also serves as indicator for the material availabilty is kinda nice.
      6. :stars: :bacon: But the best of all changes are the new stat items, in the previous games it always seemed to me at least like you had to unhealthily stack the stats onto some of your players and ignore others. Here in this game yoou literally cannot do anything wrong to stat skill your players, it feels … I dont wanna say easier but more relaxing (to me) that you do not need to make some insane minmaxing calculations, it is not a math game. :smirk:

      1. BandanaDee

        Same, i feel like i played ebf3 when i was like idk 7? idk and i still play this and it’s weird how a kid plays a game where there is a person who is a nazi, and has a big breast.

        1. Guni986

          Lol Same here i remember finding this game when i was around 1st-3rd grade. Ever since then I’ve was a fan of the series and revisited the other 2 games ,EBF and EBF2, preforming them from easy to normal to hard etc. Loved the game and the story concept that the game itself had and when ebf4 came out I was like :smirk: :hurray: :yay: :stars: :love: :love2: . Then here we are EBF5 I played though the whole beta and i can tell you many major awesome improvement made or well it feels like it like the cdr system and too lazy(im air-headed right now lel) to name the rest. But tbh the sad part for me is that I wish I can relive the experience of not knowing the game and playing it once again and so on. 😥 . Its been a long journey for Rozark and made me real sad,well id put depressed but the only thing that came was a tear in my eye and my heart felt a sharp pain for a sec, when u read a grave (thats all i can say i will not spoil you guys you must find out for yourself). I hope Rozark can make more games and if possible keep on using the same characters again because I love the story development. Though cant help but wonder when i was young how come many people haven’t ever heard of this game ever. Then I realized not everyone has same interest ect. but I think this game needs more notice than its been receiving. Rozark I may still be a bit too young to support your games financially(like on stream sorry 😥 ) but I hope the best for you and your ability to make these awesome games.

      2. hi lolol

        i played ebf3 when i was 3 my brother let me play and i didnt know what “easter eggs” were yet.

      3. agentr9154

        In general im glad I don’t have to actually do any calculations.Also,yeah,in EBF4 especially it was really spammy for attacks.Like it was more strategize in the beginning of EBF4,but the moment you got the good spells and upped them to max,all it was was like ‘ JUDGEMENT another attack or buff,another attack or buff,JUDGEMENT,’ repeatedly spamming judgement especially.I like the cooldown form,it makes it so no matter how far in you are,you still need to strategize a bit.

        I doubt Matt in game likes Nolegs much at this point.Nolegs in cutscenes seems to be the major one who embarrasses Matt in game.

    3. Just Some Guy

      the cat sniper summon is really OP instant kill for 12 SP… it says low accuracy, never misses, is that a bug?

      1. HamFantasy

        Low Accuracy affects the chance, if you have high accuracy or the foe has low evade then the attack will still hit.
        It’s just (PlayerAccuracy-FoeEvade)/100. Or the other way around, I’m not entirely sure.

    4. hioo

      is the beta version only playable till lance join the party? I can’t seem to open the door of his hideout :scared:

      1. Just Some Guy

        no, you must find the right way, look at the map, it usually shows you where you have to go next, I’m walking around with lance for over 4 hours

          1. okay

            In the room with the 2 jails, use the mouse to enter the jail on the left and activate the switch, it will open the gate and let you get out of the castle without battling Lance, although you need him to progress on the story.
            Here’s a screenshot of the room, indicated with an arrow (sorry for shitty resolution):

            Hope this helps :yay:

    5. Just Some Guy

      some thoughts on damage:

      ➡ mat’s as always the OP dmg dealer basicly no support skills
      ➡ anna is akin to mat, but has overall weaker stats… maybe I just found the wrong STAT foods
      ➡ nolegs in his assassin role deals nowhere his damage which is compensated by his support skills true to his rouge archetype and makes a good healer if you want to steal nat’s heal skill
      ➡ lance can deal a lot of dmg but every ability he has of simular power has a CD but the choice to cast it as a spicy AOE, I do understand that mat has very weak AOE and only attacks physically
      ➡ nat has terrible damage as spammable skills have a max power of 140 compared to anna and mats 190, why? I know she has a few support skills but nothing of the scale to reduce her power this much so again: why?

      ➡ but mat seems like a MUST PICK if you dont want quick battles with lance only beeing there to debuff physical defense of enemies to make mat hit even harder
      ➡ anyone else have that issue, what am I missing or am I just not seeing the greater picture and need glasses?

      1. Treesus

        Well the way I see it (And the way I built each character)

        ➡ Matt has high defence and high attack with high damaging single target skills, but you can see that his evade and accuracy aren’t the best (So hes the high damage tank character)
        ➡ Anna is the same way but favors accuracy and evade over defence (The low defence high attack sweeper character), even though she does have moves like Refresh and Reflex, unless you decide to change her into a healer like I did (give her a lot of HP stat boosts and transfer healmore to her), you really just have a more speedy and accurate Matt.
        ➡ Lance is kind of a special case to me (I havent really done a lot with him) but he seems to have decently high damage group attacks, but he suffers from all of his AoE attacks being Bomb, Fire, and Thunder based. And I get he has the Medpack skill but it really doesn’t do much compared to Refresh, Healmore, and Heal.
        ➡ Yes Natalie kinda needs a damage boost considering her whole thing is to be the mage character, but her benefits outway her negatives. Her single target skills (Ice Shard, Thunderbolt, and Fireball specifically) are still powerful and their AoE counterparts are still very effective especially when you start raising her magic attack with stat foods. Shes also not as limited with the elements of her attacks as Lance is, as she is equipped with Fire, Thunder, Ice, Darkness, Holy, and Water (if you choose to give the Water attack to Natalie instead of Lance) and with her spectrum skill she can have another element of your choosing depending on the staff she equips.

        So yeah, some characters (Im talking specifically Natalie and Lance) need a damage buff. I would kinda like to see Lance have higher damage AoE attacks due to his background and just to make his character useful really. Like some seriously high damage natural bomb attacks considering no other character except Natalie if you choose to give her Blast (and Matt now in the current game) actually has any good bomb attacks.
        Hope this helped with any confusion! :3

        1. Ray W

          my own build for wiping out waves of enemies
          ➡ Nolegs. buy steroids for his attack and evade whenever possible. throw on the genji armour set and that katana toy, with a certain set of equips, you can defend, get +30% evade, +70% attack, brave, and auto-revive (his defense and health are brought down by equips) in a pinch, he can revive his whole line, or boost everyone’s evade with reflex
          ➡ Lance, primary setup, dump points into his bomb skills, turret, and debuff defense skill. use equip loadout to maximize debuff (got to -80% defense on monsters with no debuff resist) or use bomb skills to set up stagger, whichever is on cooldown. bad statuses on play, or the team is wounded? medpack. I swear, medpack has always been better that healmore to me, due to it getting rid of most statuses.
          ➡ Anna, the lynchpin. with debuff evade, encore, and her multi hit skills, you can set up hits on flighty foes, or get a first turn hit in.
          with these 3 alone, you can set up a nolegs attack chain with +70% ATK on enemies with -80% DEF first turn, with nolegs safe for a second turn to hit the next wave.
          for mid to long battles, is where i bring in Matt and Natz
          ➡ Matt, the masochist, set up with equips to make him targeted on def, he draws most attacks, and takes them in stride, regening as they come in, and hitting with a powerful draining counter attack, buffing others with defensive buffs as need be.
          ➡ Natz, the jack. Natalie fills all other rolls needed, she can set up walls of auto revives, heal in a pinch, buff herself or anyone for a magical attack, hit hard with her spells, or start inflicting crazy statuses on the enemy. usually dressed in mammoth, for those sweet summons.

          there, I just took the same team, but turned their roles on their heads.

      2. 074

        Interestingly, I found character usability to vary depending on which point in the game you look at them from. As for how I viewed the characters and their in-game performance, i have the following thoughts there.

        ➡ Matt’s our main again, and honestly, this is his best showing in the EBF series. He’s not really much more than a straightforward damage-dealer, but he does what he does well, especially running off of his high stats. There is literally zero reason to give him anything that keys off of his magic stat, to be honest, but…again, that’s keeping in line with how he’s been since EBF3. Protect is nice, but it’s not as good as it was in prior EBF entries. Perhaps for the better, though.
        This all changes once you get the Soul Eater. To be truthful, this is easily Matt’s best weapon throughout the rest of the game once you fully upgrade it. He’s inflicted absolutely crazy damage (courtesy of the then 200%, now 180% attack boost) and it cements him as a mainline damage dealer for the final areas, nevermind the parasitic healing. To say that Matt becomes a complete monster in combat at that point is probably an understatement, as he usually does enough damage, especially when buffed, to match two party members’ output. The defense loss and auto-curse do balance this out at least, especially in the later parts of the game where it’s easy to get absolutely murdered.

        ➡ Nolegs…i’m honestly not sure what to think of him. He’s good for hitting a variety of less-common weaknesses (including Wind, which i find him better for than Anna more of the time for reasons that will be detailed on later). I’ll probably play around with some of his other equipment setups, but he occupies a weird space in the design. One that definitely fits him and doesn’t overlap, but is definitely odd. Long story short: he is an evade tank, which is quite effective in theory, and he does have some weird but effective skills. In practice, it’s hard to tell because it’s hard to determine if enemies have sufficiently low accuracy for it to matter.
        Of his skills, aside from his elemental attacks, I found Sushi Cat and Nine Lives (I would call it a panic button but i’ve used it too much for it to be that at this point) to be mainstays. Star Blast is good in theory, and is going to likely be your first multitarget attack, but unless you go out of your way to set him up as a caster (and to get use out of that, you’re going to want to throw extra magic on him), the cat’s not going to be getting much out of it. He’s great at clearing out weakened enemies and powering through to soften up stronger ones. Not so much a boss fighter, but amazing for randoms.

        ➡ Natalie’s…hard to form an opinion on as well, but for different reasons. She’s a straightforward caster, and her greatest asset (aside from 7th Heaven, which is still objectively one of the best limit breaks in the series) is the fact that she has the most consistent multitarget damage in the game, bar none. Four multitarget damage skills with no cooldown, allowing her to select the flavor of AoE death she wants to inflict upon enemies. She gets good single-target options, too, between Rainbow Blast, her holy and basic dark spells, and the staffwhack (remember: Natalie’s basic attack has a 100% chance to proc whichever spell her weapon can cast). She doesn’t *quite* get the same level at magic that Matt does with physicals, but she’s there for versatility and consistency than power.
        One thing of note that I feel does get overlooked a lot with Natz here: Syphon is insane. She can, at a 250% base rate (resistances to status are multiplicative), absolutely destroy any one target’s ability to do anything beyond basic attacks. And some of them don’t even have that. She’s the best option against monoliths, hands-down, and it is wonderful. Kudos where they belong for making status continue to be relevant in the game here.

        ➡ I felt Anna was the best character in EBF4, and she makes an amazingly strong showing here as well. Everyone else caught up to her as far as raw power goes (she felt easily gamebest in 4), but she gained some very desirable additions and upgrades to her skillset in exchange. Bomb Arrow and its dispel are very welcome, and while I miss the creative gimmick Sacred Arrow had in 4, she’s much better equipped for crowd control here. Spark Shower and Frost Flurry are godsends when they come, allowing her to lock down problem enemies as necessary, and the way her elemental arrows work when multitargeted is both fun and quite effective versus larger groups. Her damage isn’t even bad! But she is so good at that lockdown that it’s pretty much all I did for a majority of the midgame onwards. Her damage falls behind once Matt gets the Soul Eater upgraded, but that’s a given for anyone.
        As an aside, the Sharanga is nuts. Lack of special abilities or not, the raw stat bonuses put everything else Anna has access to, to shame. Even considering it’s fairly well-hidden, I never stopped using it once I found the thing. I think I only switched it out to the Eagle Eye for Cosmic Monoliths, and kept it on any other time. It even makes her magic that much better. Overall, I still think she’s the best character, and even if not, she remains my favorite on some level.

        ➡ Not going to lie, how horrible of a person Lance was was…jarring here. Like, holy damn you did not back down from that. I feel he is consistently undersold here too as far as effectiveness goes. His gimmick is kind of a fun one; his skills are damn effective, and he can do a bit of everything, but he’s got cooldowns for all but his most basic of skills. Furthermore, his gear forces him to specialize; he doesn’t get anything like the Sharanga, so Lance is forced to either do physicals well, do magic well, or do both decently. To that extent, he’s not going to be as consistent for damage most of the time as any of the others are; he has to cycle through his spells or attacks in such a way that he gets the best output. Weirdly bursty. This hasn’t stopped him from doing ridiculous damage when brought to the forefront, and he feels like the most difficult to use.
        For those having difficulty with him, it is worth keeping in mind which of his abilities are physical, which are magical, equipping him for whichever you want to specialize him in, and also setting him up with a weapon and armor that boost two separate elements. That can allow him to cycle between his magic attacks without having to drop to something that isn’t boosted. And if you’re stuck with desired skills on cooldown and nothing else for him to do, don’t be afraid to swap him in and out as need be. Swapping is instant and cooldowns tick down in the back row.

        That’s my current thoughts on everyone at this point in time. I have more to add later but I feel this was a fun addition to the game lineup.

    6. redbaronace19

      i got Natasha from it too back in 2009 when i played epic battle fantasy believe it or not in school elementary before they were concerned about what was on internet webistes i found it on FRIV.COM :shades: :smirk:

      1. Just Some Guy

        I hope this comes back online soon, I just figured out how I want to set my skills and my stat food.. aaaaaand it’s gone. Nat really needs a damage buff tho, she has almost every element in damage but it is to low overall for THE mage. 😡

    7. Aelytra

      I have come to almost the end of the game, I did everything epic mode but still missing some medals, I created a backup file and deleted the medals thinking it would give me the reformat medal but it didn’t, luckily i had my game saved so I didn’t lose anything. I have also defeated the 3 mega bosses one is the chibi knight, the 3 headed zombie hydra and snowflake in the forgotten ruins, but i cannot find the 3 headed blaze hydra. Once i activated the portal in no man’s land and killed those 2 bosses stated before the end screen came up and i couldn’t go anywhere beyond the to be concluded message. I see a ! on the fire ball but there is no physical way to get to it. I am lost and trapped and don’t know where to go beyond this point so I did some quests on the side. Please I really need help i tried everything and went everywhere on the secret dungeons and all around the map but I cannot find the 3 headed blaze hydra boss. I even completed 5 glitch levels, 1 of them being in redpine town where you can’t do anything. Please help me, where do I go and how do i find the 3 headed blaze hydra?

      1. oreokitkat

        you kill the blaze hydra to get the fire orb, it should be blocking it, if its not then use the slime cat to re enter that should work 🙂 :smirk:

      2. Klaus Kristensen

        Not sure if you are still playing or if you found out yourself, but to get the reformat trophy you need to defeat the Glitch super boss. He’s found in a glitch dimension in Redpine village after having cleared all the other glitch dungeons (you have to go north in the last dungeon to get to him, which people might not realise, since all the other glitch dungeons wrap back to the same screen when exited)
        On another note, could you help me find the last jewel for the forgotten temple? I have been searching for it for days and feel like I’ve searched every single tile in the game for secrets

    8. Tommi Katila

      Games great, just like I expected 🙂 One thing kinda bothers me tho, I think all the players should have more lines during combat. Reading the same lines over and over ruins the jokes real fast and adding more takes very little effort. Also, I m 100% sure this community can help with the voice lines if creativity is the issue 😛

      1. Cody Neumeyer

        There’s already an obscene amount of voice lines. Depending on the enemy you face, and the clothing and moves each character uses. The game was intended to be a straight playthrough with no repeated fights as exp gain is primarily scaled higher the further you are. So when you fight the same enemy more than once, and no new interactions occur, then new voicelines will most likely follow.

    9. Zeemvel

      Playing the beta 0.9, currently at the point where I just got the 5th character (being vague to avoid spoilers ;)).

      The gameplay is fantastic!

      One thing happened: I lost a savegame at some point. That is, I rotate a manual save between all 7 manual slots. I saved right before a battle. I failed to capture a monster in the battle so quit to main menu and tried to reload the save. But that save slot was “empty”. Which should be impossible because it has been part of the savegame rotation all the time. So it somehow lost the save. The auto-save was still good though.

      1. Klaus Kristensen

        It could be a bug, but it could also just be that you accidentally clicked “Delete” instead of saving. The delete button is on the save button and not really emphasized to much.


      someone recorded for final boss and spoilers and the user were as i remember epf prev or something. he made video for all other bosses also. (check youtube)

    11. Hanan Ricketts

      God someone please tell me where the quest-giver who needs bottled milk is! I’m almost done the game but I can’t find them! Thanks.

    12. Sim

      there is a bug at rainbow river my game crashes when i try to open the two treasure chests that are next to each other can you pls fix that?

    13. Tanaka

      I LOVE THIS REMIXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!! :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :love: :love: :love: :love2: :love2: :love2:

      1. Name is tay

        I couldn’t save in FireFox but I can in Chrome. Been happening with other flash games too, not sure how to fix it.

      1. Anonymous

        cah di uo grvur wfrueacgn wg8rancgyhf vtgy78hr9 evywrn8v ewy7fgndry 7ewvnarwehn8 gwga8gyfsonhhggydsshjhhhhhghuidfs9vyhenm89 dhtunsdyv

        to save it????


    14. bart degryse

      is it because it’s the free version ive don’t get full benefiets? or is it a bug, if matt hit’s like 15k dmg in pieces on a monster with 12khp but doens’t die, what is this…?


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