The first playable demo of Hidden Cats & Dogs is now available for everyone.
Download it here for free and try 6 random levels.

The first playable demo of Hidden Cats & Dogs is now available for everyone.
Download it here for free and try 6 random levels.
Got some sad news. I heard from Tom Fulp that Felix Wiesner (Wiesi), the guy behind Miami Shark, Ultimate Crab Battle and other Flash games, has passed away.
That sucks. I really enjoyed getting the Newgrounds medals in the shark games back in the day. Wish I got to know him better.
Go play his games on Newgrounds!
(some of them are featured on this site as well)
Hiya Folks,
The Yogscast will be streaming Epic Battle Fantasy 5 today as part of their Jingle Jam charity gaming event. Make sure to tune in to the stream (and donate!) for Kirsty and Lydia playing EBF5 at around 1PM GMT. EBF5 will be happening during the Cutest Chums segment, which begins in about an hour.
You can fin more information about who Yogscast are and what Jingle Jam is on the official Jingle Jam website.
Hi Folks!
Here’s a post form last week that we couldn’t get through due to some issues with the website:
“In the midst of taking some time off for summer, we’ve managed to catch some kind of super cold that’s knocked us out of commission for way longer than we like. The weather is beautiful and we’ve been stuck inside consuming a pile of paracetamol, cough syrup, and ginger tea. To kill the boredom we’ve been playing loads of Hidden Through Time, and it’s been such a perfectly casual game for this week – definitely recommend it for everyone.”
Here’s some lovely fanart of the EBF gals from MIXTURE_030.
The Epic Battle Fantasy Collection Trailer is up on YouTube.
Please wishlist the game on Steam and buy it when it comes out.