Category Archives: Events

Flashplayer is Kill

Flashplayer is kill – Flash games will (in most cases) no longer run in browsers starting yesterday. In case you haven’t heard yet, some alternatives include BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint Infinity app (I’ve tested it, my games work on there), the Supernova plugin for Chrome, or the Pale Moon browser. I do think Flashpoint Infinity is the simplest solution though – once you set it up it’s really easy to use. I think it’s Windows-only though.

Ruffle can already play a lot of ActionScript 2 games in browsers, including Epic Battle Fantasy 1, The Kitten Game, and Mecha Dress Up Game. The games actually run much smoother than they did in Flash! Newgrounds has Ruffle enabled for games that work with it. I’m excited to see the day when Ruffle can run ActionScript 3 games – a lot more people could potentially play Epic Battle Fantasy 5 in HD without lag! If you have any spare money lying around and want to preserve Flash games, I really encourage you to donate to the project. (you can also donate your time by reporting bugs and stuff)

You’ve also got the option to buy my latest games on Steam and, which include a lot more content than the free versions. And in a few months, the Epic Battle Fantasy Collection will be available to purchase too, which will include ALL of my older games with slight updates.

Anyway, here’s some EBF5 art that Ronja made. Very cool.

Play Expo & Classic Foes

Hey guys, me and Ronja will be exhibiting Epic Battle Fantasy 5 and Bullet Heaven 2 at the Play Expo in Glasgow this weekend. This time I’ve got the full version of EBF5 – not just a demo, and we’ll also try to get some 4 player games of BH2 going. It’s not a big event but it’s still lots of fun.

In other news, I’ve finished updating the animations for the classic foes that are coming back to EBF5. The animations haven’t changed much, but I’ve balanced the sound volume, added flee animations, and fixed other little things. I’ve already spoiled a lot about the update, so I’d like to keep which foes are coming back as a secret. But so that you don’t get your hopes up, I’ll tell you that there’s no final bosses. If you really want to see the full details, they’re up on my Patreon.

So that’s 23 new foes and 27 classic foes confirmed for the EBF5 version 2 update, with many of those being bosses or minibosses.
expo photo 1

EBF5: Foe Competition Runner-Ups

Hey guys, here’s 4 foes that I strongly considered using in EBF5.
They don’t win anything, but I’d like to share them with ya’ll, since they’re pretty cool.

The main issue with these is that I just couldn’t imagine them being as interesting to fight as the other foes I picked. Some really unique attack sprites could have helped.

My main consideration when picking winners was “Do I really want to animate this?”, and usually that means the design has to feel really fresh, and be something that I wish I had thought of. I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for until I see it, I suppose.

Anyway, I hope everyone had a lot of fun with their pixel art, and thanks for participating. I’ll probably keep playing around with the retro style in future.

Poss by Silkmoth:
1 (1)

Goblin by Alan900900900:
hroom by Ploomutoo.


Frog by Matvey:


EBF5 at Play Expo Glasgow

Hey guys, me and Ronja will be exhibiting EBF5 at the Play Expo in Glasgow on the 9th and 10th of June! They’re nice enough to give free tables to small local game devs, so I have to take advantage of that. It’s our first time exhibiting, so we’ll probably embarrass ourselves. I wonder how many fans I have in Glasgow… probably enough for at least a few people to recognise me I hope. Mostly I’m expecting the kinds of comments I get on YouTube: “I remember EBF3, I didn’t know the series was still around!”

The timing is a bit unfortunate, as I’m in the middle of moving and would also need a bit more time to finish the EBF5 beta. I’ll probably just polish the Battle Demo a little bit and make it more presentable. It would have been nice to get feedback on the beta, but oh well!

Anyway, the Play Expo is pretty cool. It’s not as big as some of the events in England, but it’s got a lot of fun stuff to see like classic consoles, arcade games and pinball machines, and can easily keep you entertained for at least a day. If you live near Glasgow, you have no excuse not to go now.