Category Archives: Cat Cafe

Cat Cafe Dress Up Mode

This is pretty much the same thing as that “Cat Maker” I posted earlier, but with a new interface. I’m a bit worried that the buttons might be a bit small on devices with small screens, so if that ends up being the case, I’ll have to rearrange things a bit.

dress up

He looks happy…

Anyway! The main thing to notice here is the “Screenshot” button! Click that and you’ll get a wee JPEG of your cat saved to your device! This is a feature that a lot of my previous games would have benefited from. Unfortunately, it’s a lot harder to implement if the game is running in a web browser. For security reasons, Flashplayer can’t create random files on your computer, without help from some external PHP code (or something like that). So this is a feature that the web version won’t have, but will be available on your mobile device instead.


This image was made by the app.

Cate Cafe Main Menu

Been working on the main menu for Cat Cafe.
It’s nothing too fancy, but I think it looks quite good so far.

I’ve also been playing around with some more Android features.
Turns out that it’s pretty easy to use the “Menu”, “Back”, “Search”, and other buttons. They’re basically treated like keyboard keys.
I shouldn’t rely too much on them though, since different Android devices have different buttons, but it’s still handy to have them.

Aspect Ratios

Implemented GUI scaling in Cat Cafe! That’s a first for me.
The game now automatically moves stuff around depending on the aspect ratio of your device, for anything between 5:4 to 16:10.
I’ve also been playing around with graphics optimization, and have got the game running quite fast, even on slightly older devices. Hurray!

aspect ratioes

Cat Cafe Progress

I’ve implemented the basic mechanics in Cat Cafe.
It’s basically like whack-a-mole and a matching game at the same time. Cats pop up and you drag the correct drink over to them.

Now I just need to work on the scoring system, frenzy mode, menus, upgrades and achievements, and hopefully I’ll have a fun game when that’s all done.

Development’s going swiftly so far, but I haven’t had anyone test it yet, and I’ve only tested it on one type of phone, so there’s obviously going to be a lot of extra work when it gets to that point. But so far so good!

