Author Archives: Matt Roszak

EBF5 Writing & Matt Fanart

I’ve written some 12,000 words of dialogue for the main characters so far.
When that’s finished, adding in NPCs and item descriptions will get you enough words to fill a small novel. I won’t have much to show until I put all the text into the game and test it out in context though. I’ve got some new triggers planned for battle text this time, including reactions to enemies running away, silly equipment, and capturing foes.

Also here’s some fanart by Generic-Heroine.

EBF5: Writing Notes

I got a ton of responses to my last blog about EBF5’s writing, so here’s a summary of what I’ve heard:

• A reasonable amount of Flanderization/character quirks is good
• Character personalities shouldn’t change much (they won’t)
• People like the writing silly, but a few serious moments are good
• Hint at relationships forming, but not too much
• More backstory and motivations for each character
• More world building and lore – characters should figure it out, not already know it all
• Some internal conflicts between the characters, but also give reasons for each pair to get along
• People like the sound of multiple endings, so I’ll give that a go (to a minor extent)
• People like the in-battle dialogue/reactions, are sad that it eventually runs out (will do more)
• Don’t forget about things established in previous games (the universe is almost the same)
• Try to tie in some continuity with previous games (alternate universes, yo?)

Your concerns have been noted.

EBF5: Writing Feedback plz

Hey guys, I’ve started writing the main character/story dialogue for EBF5, and now’s your chance to to tell me what you want to see there.

Some criticisms of my writing in the past include:
• EBF4 took existing character quirks and focused a bit too much on those. (see Flanderization)
• Bullet Heaven 2’s dialogue was a bit too silly in general and didn’t have a real plot – people seem to actually like a concrete plot, even if it’s quite shallow.
• A lack of character development in general, especially when it comes to relationships.

I think I’ve mentioned this before, but EBF5’s story is not a continuation of previous games. All the characters are starting at level 1 and meeting each other for the first time, and they’ve all got homes now. So I think that already guarantees there’s going to be more character development than before. Whether everyone likes how it turns out, who knows? But I’m aiming to have all of the characters grow and act a lot different by the end of the game. (Maybe also some small variations on the ending depending on how you play the game.)

Thoughts and expectations?