Author Archives: Matt Roszak

Epic Battle Fantasy 4: Converting Save Files

Hey guys, Epic Battle Fantasy 4 has been updated to version 2, which adds a lot of new features, including a new saving system. Unfortunately, save files from version 1 cannot be automatically loaded in version 2, but they can be loaded with some extra steps.

Option 1 is easy: shoot me an email at [email protected], and tell me where you were in the game, and I’ll send you a save file with a similar amount of progress. This will be a .meow file that you can open in the load menu, by clicking on “Load Backup File”.

Option 2 is to return to version 1 of EBF4: If you’re using Steam, this can be done from the Steam client by going to Games > Epic Battle Fantasy 4 > Right Click > Properties > Betas > select Version 1. This will download the old version of the game, and your old save files should work as they did before the update.

Option 3 is to convert your old save file: This requires finding the old files, and putting them into a new folder. If you haven’t played version 1 in a long time, it’s possible that your old files no longer exist in the correct format for this method. If the following steps do not work for you, try option 1 or 2.

Your old files will be saved in a folder similar to this one:
“C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Macromedia\Flash Player#SharedObjects\[some numbers]\localhost”

The exact path will depend on your operating system, but the final folder will be “localhost”. You should be able to find the folder by browsing there, or by doing a full system search for “EBF4”. The search results should show you some .sol files, such as “EBF4autosave.sol”, “EBF4file1.sol”, “EBF4misc.sol” (medals file), etc. Select all of the EBF4 files in the “localhost” folder that you want to transfer, and click “Copy”.

Within the “localhost” folder, create a new folder called “Epic Battle Fantasy 4.swf” (it may already exist), and paste the files into that folder.

And that’s it. Epic Battle Fantasy 4 should see the files when you restart the game. (Make sure that you have empty save slots when you do this, or your old files will not appear!)

Pro tip: If you are strongly attached to your save files, I recommend using the new Backup Save feature in future, which allows you to name your files and save them to a folder of your choice. You can even email them to yourself so you can access them from any computer.

EBF4: Sound Effects

Hey guys, in my last post about Epic Battle Fantasy 4, I mentioned that I would be replacing some low-quality sound effects… well that turned into quite a big task – It’s taking about 3 days. I’ve been replacing the worst offenders, but also balancing sound effect volume, and making sure multiple sounds of the same type don’t play at the same time. In the end, the game is going to sound a lot more like EBF5 than EBF3, and you should be able to play it quite comfortably with the sound effect volume up high, where as before this would have been painful due to the massive volume fluctuations.

Anyway, I’m sorry that I’ve not been working on the EBF Collection – I’ll get back to that when I finish this EBF4 update. I’m also working on some private stuff behind the scenes, which is taking up some of my time.

EBF4: List of New Features

Hey guys, here’s a list of what’s going to be in the upcoming Epic Battle Fantasy 4 update. This update aims to extend EBF4’s shelf life by adding many quality-of-life features from EBF5.

Most of this stuff is already finished, but it’s all going to require some testing before it goes live.

Here’s the changes:

  • Removed the Steam DRM – the game should now run either as a .exe on Windows, or as a .swf file anywhere you want
  • The Steam overlay works now – this makes it much easier to take and share screenshots
  • Replaced the saving system with EBF5’s: a new type of .meow file is used, and .sol files are no longer used (unless running as a .swf)
    (Your old saved games will be converted from .sol files to the new .meow files, and the old .meow files will remain unchanged)
    (You’ll also have access to the old version of the game on Steam, if you ever want to go back)
  • Added a confirmation prompt before overwriting save files
  • Added the option to delete save files
  • Added the backup save feature from EBF5 – you can now backup, name and share your save files
  • Added the Zero difficulty option, which offers no challenge at all
  • Added similar resolution and window options to what EBF5 has (up to 1080p, Best Fit mode, etc)
  • Added the option to re-send medals to Steam by clicking on them in-game
  • Added the option to delete all medals from the main menu
  • Added the option to reset all stat boosting items if you want to apply them differently
  • Added the ability to close most menus by right-clicking anywhere
  • Added buttons to quickly select different players in battle
  • Added buttons to quickly access the forge menu from the equips menu
  • Disabling background animations also disables screen shaking now, which improves performance a lot

  • Smoothed out the formula for enemy damage scaling over level 32 (no more sudden spike at final boss and Battle Mountain)
  • Changed the summon power formula so that summon damage does not increase slower at level 33 and above
  • Reduced player MP growth over level 20, to prevent nearly unlimited MP
  • Foes drop much more AP towards the very end of the game, making it much easier to max out your skills
  • Foes have up to 12% less HP in the Temple of Godcat and onwards to Newgame+ (again to speed up the pace)
  • Party buffs, heals, and status effects now apply to the backup player too
  • Buffed Sacrifice, Bubbles/Bubble Blast, Hyper Beam, Gaia Seed, Syphon, Debilitate, Dispel, and changed Dark Flare
  • Soul Arrow no longer copies stats that are lower than yours
  • Some unfair foe attacks have been nerfed (Flame wraiths only use death on hard mode now, etc)
  • Many low-quality sound effects have been replaced with sounds from EBF5

  • Fixed the rough edges on text shadows – the UI looks a bit smoother now
  • Fixed a major memory leak issue that slowed the game down during long sessions
  • Fixed an exploit where you can use the summon power variable for other skills
  • Fixed some typos in equips and skills, making some broken effects work correctly now (better Power Metal healing, etc)
  • Fixed some broken foe behaviours and incorrect bestiary descriptions (Green Bush, Black Dragon, etc)
  • Fixed some scaling issues in the Endless Battle mode (summoned foes are at wrong level, limit break charging effected by difficulty, etc)
  • Fixed the alternative animations for Mighty Oak and Praetorian not being saved correctly once acquired

EBF5: Animated Avatars

Hey guys, I’ve made some new community collectables for Epic Battle Fantasy 5 on Steam: animated avatars! You can get these using Steam points or something – I dunno, I don’t really pay attention to that stuff. There’s other item types I could add, but it all seems like a lot of work for a feature that I don’t personally care about (and Valve ain’t paying me extra for it). Anyway, they will be available soon once Valve approves them.

I figured I’d share the images here so you can use them for whatever you like.

EBF4: Maintenance Update

Hey guys, I’m working on a quick, but long overdue, update for Epic Battle Fantasy 4, that fixes some major issues.

That includes fixing the memory leak, a few skill effects that didn’t work as intended, some unfair enemy attacks, and the unbalanced way that enemy stats scale after level 32.

The game will also use EBF5’s launcher, meaning that it’ll be DRM-free, the Steam overlay should work now, it’ll have a few more resolution options, and the saving system will be a bit more reliable.

Anyway, how do you guys feel about the enemy scaling in Newgame+ and Newgame++? Is it still beatable on Epic difficulty? I could keep it quite similar to what it was before, but make sure it doesn’t affect the original final boss, as that seems to be the unfair part. Also, the old formula seems to make easier difficulties even easier on Newgame+, and I don’t think that was the intention…