Here’s a drawing I did for Ronja for Christmas.

Here’s a drawing I did for Ronja for Christmas.
Hey guys, the Christmas Key Giveaway is now over, as today was the deadline for entering.
In the end, I gave out 45 Steam keys, with most of those being for EBF5. I ended up giving out so many keys because much more people entered than I expected – the post got over 1,100 comments, which is more than any previous year. Me and Ronja spent a few hours reading all of those comments!
If you are a winner, then I have already sent you an email (check your spam folder just in case).
Otherwise: Better luck next year!
I hope you all have good holidays and that Covid-19 doesn’t ruin your plans too badly.
Finally, here’s some festive fanart of NoLegs, by PathologicalLurker.
[This giveaway is now over. Here’s an update]
Hey guys, as is the tradition, I’m giving out 20 Steam Keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 5 this Christmas.
I assume that many people following this news already own the game, but it could also make a good present for a friend of yours.
For a chance to win, leave a comment below about what you’ll be doing this Christmas, and make sure to fill in the email field, which will only be used for sending you a key if you win.
I’ll be giving out the keys on the 23rd of December, so you have until then to enter.
If you would rather receive keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 4 or Bullet Heaven 2 instead of EBF5, please let me know in your comment.
It’s been a while since I’ve made any original creations in Lego, and I’ve forgotten how long it takes.
I made this character out of some leftover parts, and wanted to make a vehicle for him. It ended up taking up half my day!
When I was a kid, it was fun making Lego characters and assigning stories and power levels to them.
So I thought of this guy as the CEO of a large company. Even though he’s a killer robot, I added some vanity features a real CEO might have – such as the sparkly throne, and private jet engine. If I had the parts, maybe the vehicle would have been made of gold too.