Author Archives: Matt Roszak

BH2: Bugs

Here’s a bunch of bug screenshots that I’ve saved while working on BH2.
Stuff like this happens when I mess up some conditions, and the game creates bullets or foes when it’s not supposed to. Things get out of hand and usually some cool visuals result.

Next demo coming soon! Just tidying up some small issues.bugs

Ups and downs

Hay guys.

Haven’t done much game developing lately. Broke up with my girlfriend recently because it wasn’t working out. It was probably for the best, but it happened at a very bad time. It’s the middle of Summer, I’ve got the house to myself, and no one to hang out with. Being single again sucks, and I haven’t been taking it very well. I need high self-esteem to function. D:

On the upside, I’ve done a lot of positive things to distract myself from all that.
I ran 10km for the first time, which is much further than my previous best. I didn’t think I could make it, but after a while the pain just stopped, and I kept running. I was pretty sore the next few days, but for a few hours after the run, I felt invincible. The best part was how badly I smelled. It was the smell of victory!

I also played through Luigi’s Mansion 2, and New Super Mario Bros 2. Pretty fun games, though nothing particularly new or amazing. Gonna try my first Harvest Moon game next.

My chili peppers are doing well. I’ve finally got Scorpion and Ghost peppers coming in. Haven’t tried them yet, but I know  that I will regret it when I do.

Another thing that’s been getting me down is that all of my fans really want another Epic Battle Fantasy RPG, and don’t show as much enthusiasm for any other projects I do. I know that bullet hell is kind of a niche genre, and I don’t expect Bullet Heaven 2 to be anywhere near as successful as EBF4, but that still makes it a lot less fun to work on. EBF4 was very lucky with the front-page features it got on Steam, and I’m not confident that BH2 will have the groundswell to do the same. The way things are looking now, BH2 is going to be my second biggest project (bigger than EBF3!), so it’s taking a bit of time, and is looking to be kind of risky.

But whatevs. Hopefully things will pick up a bit when I release the next demo, showing off multiplayer features, and all of the enemies. Maybe everything will be fine. Either way, it’s nice to work on a completely different type of game.jellybomb