Author Archives: Matt Roszak

EBF3: final new features list!

Hey guys, I thought I’d make a detailed list of the changes in the Steam version of EBF3.
Se here it goes:

New Options:
• There’s a new options menu which includes sound, game speed, fullscreen, and window size/resolution.
• The new resolutions are a bit higher than the original one, but they’re not quite HD.
• Game speed let’s you play at double speed if your computer is fast enough – useful for backtracking or grinding.
• There’s also a “Frameskip” setting for slow computers – this will always run the game at normal speed, and skip a lot of frames if it has to.

New Features:
• There’s Steam achievements!
• The Steam overlay works! (You can easily take funny screenshots with F12)
• There’s a foe wave counter in battle now!
• Scanned foes’ information can now be viewed at any time during your turn – like in EBF4.
• Minigame achievements are noticeably easier.
• Text pops up when a status effect is inflicted – like in EBF4.
• The party heals faster when walking around later in the game.
• There’s more useful tips scattered around the menus and tutorial.
• Jpgs and music are uncompressed now, and the battle backgrounds have a higher resolution – so some things should look a bit better.
• There’s more fanart in the gallery now.
• There’s no ads or links during gameplay.
• Tiny interface improvements here and there.
• Lance’s general defence buffed by 10% – he died too much and I don’t think this was intentional.

New Content:
• None.

Misc stuff:
• Steam doesn’t even need to be running to play the game – it’s completely offline and standalone. (But you’ll have to turn Steam on later to upload your achievements.)
• The links and credits on the main menu and ending and have been updated – EBF3 is just a big ad for EBF4!
• The old graphics quality option is gone, because Adobe are stupid – I’ll add this back later if they make it possible.
• The game is Windows only for now – but I’m considering Mac support (and for my other games too). I’ll just need to get a Mac first, and I really don’t want one.