Hey guys! EBF4 is 60% off this week to celebrate the anniversary of its Steam launch!
The time went by really fast and everything went better than expected! That’s pretty cool.
Hey guys! EBF4 is 60% off this week to celebrate the anniversary of its Steam launch!
The time went by really fast and everything went better than expected! That’s pretty cool.
Dude! Awesome… So awesome man. I can’t even draw, much less imagine! Good stuff! :stars:
Also, the more practice you have, the better you can draw! Good stuff. Really!
I wish I still had money in my steam account 😥 I might try my hand at drawing nolegs though :yay:
Have any tips :wut:
(I am kinda nervous that it won’t look too good though) :scared:
Don’t draw any limbs!
Haha. I can’t draw either. You’ll be fine!
I hope so 🙁
I just submitted it to DA
Can you send me the picture please? I really want to see dude!
My email is justin.xinyu.zhou@gmail.com
Here’s a link (sorry if it doesnt work or if its against the rules) http://giwtrut.deviantart.com/art/Nolegs-518015414?q=gallery%3Agiwtrut&qo=0
well time to wait for the discount to end you deserve full price friend
You could always buy two copies instead and give one to a friend! 😛
Could I have the extra copy? :hurray:
what about buying 2 copies at full price and give another to a friend
Wow, time really does fly!
Great job, man! It’s good to see people succeed; you’ve deserved it, man!
This may be unrelated, but I just saw that TINY smiley face at the bottom of the page :ooo:
Huh? Where is it exactly?
Oh… never mind! What’s it for any way?
Who knows? It’s a nice little easter egg though 🙂
It’s a wordpress tracking image. It allows to count views of posts, browser usage, viewers’s localisation… These are usually invisible 1 pixel image, but in the case of WordPress, the tracking is official so they chose a visible micro smiley instead.
Hey, I’ll drink to that. Here’s hoping that Bullet Heaven 2 is as much of a success as EBF 4! Cheers! :stars:
I just realized. This game was released at the exact date of my birthday. (25th of Feb.)
Matt, you give you the best presents. :stars:
Happy Birthday man
OMG! Thank you so much for everything you ave done, making my life so much better with your games. Hope Bullet Heaven 2 will be as much of a success as any other game you have developed! :bacon: :love2:
Grats on the anniversary! Bought a copy of EBF4!
Best regards to Halcyonic Falcon X for making the awesome music as-well :stars: !
Ahh, those were wonderful times. Gives me nostalgia remembering how I anticipated the release. I bought a game on Steam only to vote for your project’s Greenlite. Checked updates every day.
Wish you only success, Matt, you’re my hero! 🙁
Thanks, dude!
i just reached wave 91 on endless waves (level 54 team + no cheats) is that a record? 😀 (i can send the screenshot if you want to verify)
Woah. It’s been a year already? Time does fly…
Indeed it does. I wish I could buy it… 😥