[This giveaway is now over. Here’s an update]
Hey guys, as is the tradition, I’m giving out 20 Steam Keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 5 this Christmas.
I assume that many people following this news already own the game, but it could also make a good present for a friend of yours.
For a chance to win, leave a comment below about what you’ll be doing this Christmas, and make sure to fill in the email field, which will only be used for sending you a key if you win.
I’ll be giving out the keys on the 23rd of December, so you have until then to enter.
If you would rather receive keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 4 or Bullet Heaven 2 instead of EBF5, please let me know in your comment.

Yo EBF team! This Christmas I did Ligma! Gimme the game pls! Love you! ♥♥
I own the game!
The most important,when the EBF6?
For Christmas, I’m spending time with my friends and family. Some of it will be through online calls, but that’s OK!
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I own the game. Love it!
Honestly, If i had a key, I’d give it away on a stream probably. So why not just let people here have it.
Happy Holidays People.
I’ll play some new games in steam
Well, spend some time with my family, and then play video games with my best friend lol, merry Christmas to everyone and good luck, and thank you very much for the wonderful saga of EBP.
We don’t have christmas here but we’ll be doing a christmas giveaway in our little discord server. Meŕy christmas everyone.
I will stay at home and watch tv.
My only real friend is in the hospital with covid because their parents believed masks are just a ‘control tactic’ and brought a virus home for the holidays, so I’m probably going to spend christmas bingewatching The Last Kingdom again.
im gonna spend time with family, and play some computer games like everyday,Matt your games are childhood for me, but i never played full version of EBF5 ,would be really grateful if I win a giveaway. Merry Christmas xoxo
I’d love to be able to get a key to the steam of EBF4, I loved every bit of the work put into 5 and am happy to see you still going strong.
Within the week around Christmas, with some help, I plan to try and ninja a new washer/dryer combo unit in for my grandmother as a surprise gift, as both of hers are in dire need of replacement.
I will make gingerbread for the first time, then give it to the homeless people. I hope everyone have a cosy Christmas
I’m likely to be hiding in my room because I’m shy
On Christmas we will be inflating a giant inflatable so my two year old and I can play on it! Bounce house go!
I’ll probably be sleeping on Christmas… until the night time. Then I might speedrun Adventure Story and get some WR’s haha
Just recently started replaying EBF3, on itch.io, it is quite cool to see how the the EBF games have evolved, frim a small flash to a whole franchise. Hoping to complete by Christmas.
On Christmas eve I’ll have a family dinner, and after celebrating it at night I’m not sure what I’ll be doing tbh but I want to be with my friends for a bit at least and greet their families here on the neighborhood.
Christmas tree decoration here, Christmas celebration at home, Classic.
But the chances of winning are 1,000 of 1.
(Sad nyeee noise)
Forgot to say this in my previous comment. I usually do not celebrate Christmas (non-Christian family), but this time it may be different, maybe I’ll do with a friend’s family or something. But aside from that, I have a lot of college work to do and I’ll probably hit the gym a few hours.
This Christmas I’ll try to improve my storywriting skills, brainstorm plots, vibe with my family, and play the previous EBF games while in my free time!
Because of Covid, my family can’t go anywhere to have fun like last year. But that won’t stop my family and I having some nice board games with each other.
This Christmas I’ll be traveling to meet my family, with whom I was unable to spend time last year courtesy of illness. Leaving in a few hours, actually. It’ll be the first opportunity to see my new niece since she was born in early November, to visit my grandfather’s grave since he passed this summer and a long-awaited reunion with my youngest sister who was overseas at college. Hope you all enjoy the holiday season, as well, and that the forthcoming year is filled with cheer!
I want to write my stories during the holidays or at least brainstorm’ em, and then try out the other EBF games when I have free time. And maybe even vibe with my family.
Reason to waste 3 weeks of life
This Christmas I will spend at home with my family. And I would like to win the game
I will be spending Christmas at home. Will binge watch some of my favorite Christmas movies with my family.
I suffer from covid so I will lie down and cry and eat fruit and play your games if he has enough strength;)
For the first time, I was the one who organized the Christmas dinner, I will eat turkey with my family and exchange gifts, I hope everything goes well and you have a good time 😀
I’m gonna spend my Christmas hanging out with friends and then on vacation in Florida.
A friend will come visit me and maybe watch some movies and have dinner with my family.
The only game missing from my collection is Bullet Heaven 2 😀
Gonna be hanging out with family then pass out from eating too much food
For Christmas, gonna shopping around, then playing some games, including BH2 and EBF4, probably 😛
I will spend my day in Christmas with my clients and piles of papers. Coolest xmas ever!
I will spend my whole christmast stay at home and play monster hunter or some turn base games because of quarantine i cant go anywhere and i hope next christmast gonna be better
My Christmas is going to involve creating a save state w/ family at the building where save states are normally made. A round of gacha is sure to follow. Afterwards hit points will be recovered with stat recovery items and maybe some relationships will hit ‘A’ rank. Somewhere in all of this I’ll need to dedicate some AP to make progress towards class advancement. Good luck with the grinding and nat5 encounters next year everyone, and Happy Holidays!
We plan to spend with family, I will cook I am from Latin America (Mexico) I will do something traditional from my country called tamales xD and charro beans, is what I will be doing preparing everything with my brothers and my mother also some dessert something called chocoflan will be easy but good
il’l be visiting my family doing the average things on christmas because i dont know what else to do
Well, Christmas morning I will be going carp fishing and then off to try and get a COVID test once stores have opened. With any test luck I will go visit family that evening/next day.
Not much, tbh. I still love the days off tho
For Christmas, I plan on going to just spend it watching movies and playing video games with friends. Also if I win I’ll like to recieve Epic Battle Fantasy 4 instead of 5.
Going to go see the new Spider-Man with my mom. Weather permitting anyways haha
I’ll be having fun with friends, dancing drinking. just the normal but with the xmas excuse to reunite them xd
Can’t say that I really have more detailed plans than “Stay home, eat food, play games, enjoy a bit of time off work.”
My friend and I used to race through the earlier EBF games. That was many years ago, and since then they’ve stopped playing games for the most part, especially since as far as they’re concerned Flash is 100% dead and the old games are unplayable. I want to gift this to her for her birthday alongside a challenge to a race through this game ❤
I’ll be doing some apologising to people about not getting them presents as I’ve been trapped in the southern hemisphere thanks to the pandemic and FORGOT THAT SUMMER MEANS CHRISTMAS HERE.
Also, fan of your work since I was thirteen, good to see you’re still making games!
I’ll be hanging out with friends and family over the holidays. ^u^)/
I’ll probably be by myself, playing online games with my friends.
Spending this Christmas just playing some games and relaxing in a tub.
I will spend this Christmas drawing, playing with my brothers and eating with my family. Sadly this time I will not eat much because I got food poisoning some days ago but I will try to enjoy this ad much as possible
Also I will like a bullet heaven copy if is possible
I will celebrate Christmas with my family and eat candy together
just chilling out with family and hopefully working on that giant game backlog
No idea, but if I win I’ll be playing this I guess haha, it looks cute
I’m gonna be playing lots of epic battle fantasy of course 😉
(But seriously)
Exchange present i guess
Will be going over a friend’s house for Christmas, I couldnt see my family in California for the second time these Christmas’ (Last year was cause of Covid stopping all flights) as my work didnt approve of my time off. Its how it is i guess, exchanging presents, watching some anime, and having a good time despite everything!
Love your games Matt and hope you have a good Christmas 😀
I would begin with basic stuff. So I will spend some of that time with my closest family, especially with my grandma. Christmas is the time when my family bakes the best cakes so I will enjoy them as much as I can. Well truth is that most of Christmas break I will play on pc. I’m the kind of person who strives to get all the achievements in games I own. Coincidentally currently I’m focused on making 100% in EBF4, though beating godcat and those boss marathons on epic difficulty still keeps me away from achieving it. Unfortunately I will also play League of Legends and test my sanity… Hopefully I will hit better rank at end of this year.
Well, mostly likely what I did every other christmas, spend it with my family, just us together and talking about the past and what we will do now. But this year it will be a little calmer a little quieter because both of my parents just got infected with The Virus so here is that.
Happy holidays
I will be staying the night of Christmas eve at my fiancé’s parents house to open presents nice and early in the morning. Her nephew is still young enough to believe in Santa so he is extremely excited for everyone to be there.
Taking an online winter class on cognitive science.
I’ll be spending my Christmas practicing my art more. This year I’ve improved so I’m looking forward for next year too
as always ill be spending my time with my family
Ill probably spend this Christmas locked at home without visiting much family due to the covid spreading again in my country
I plan on giving the key to a friend of mine, I already have the game so it’d be nice to give a fit this year
Hi, I’ll be chilling at home with my family (for obvious reasons), but we already have the christmas tree and decorations set up. I also helped my mom bake some cookies today!
Regarding the giveaway: I’d like to recieve Bullet Heaven 2 instead, because I already own EBF5
Merry Christmas!
I will spend this Christmas with my family watching some movies.
I’ll be doing the usual fare with family. First a nice, big breakfast of biscuits, eggs, bacon, and gravy in the morning, then we share gifts. We may do our own thing afterwards until close to dinner, where we have Thanksgiving mk II, and afterwards we watch a Christmas movie. This year is either National Lampoon or Elf, depending on which one we watch on the Eve.
This Christmas, I’ll be producing a labor of love my family cherishes the most – creating eggnog. It’s a hefty process, involving separating 40 yolks from the whites, not scalding almost a gallon of milk, and not scrambling the eggs via tempering – but something I both loathe and look forward to every year, just given how good the end result is. Aside from that, I’ll probably be eating far too many cookies and watching a Christmas Story on loop throughout the entire duration of the day. There’s also the whole gift opening thing ( I’m hoping for a rice cooker :] ) which kicks off the day, though I’ve struggled with finding good gifts for either of my siblings this year – hopefully my little brother likes the cheese-making kit I’m getting him since he expressed vague interest in that a few months prior. Hope all of you get to enjoy a merry holiday yourselves! :~)
My family decided to ditch traditional meat and try something different. We are going to have homemade Katsu Chicken rice bowls instead!
I’m going to spend all Christmas with my partner and her family. We will be passing through a strange new year’s eve, after that.
I think ill spend the xmas (the 24th here) with my core family, and on the next day, have another xmas with just me and my roommate whos family kinda sucks so I get to give him a nicer holiday by just being there. Ofc we’ll have food and everything!
I’m planning on spending Christmas with my family and cat and will be very excited if I were to get a key for EBF5
I will be traveling a few states over to see some family, hosting a Christmas party with a bunch of friends, and enjoying my free time! I’ll probably chip away at my Steam library and study Spanish and Japanese, the two languages that I enjoy learning. Have a good Christmas Matt and Ronja!
idk, i guess i will just sleep. Little sad but truth.
I’m going to spend some time with my friends and family and probably play some Pokemon BD/SP in the meantime. Also, making sure to stay safe out here!
I’ve been a fan for 10 years (been playing since I was 8 years old with my bro), my childhood has been awesome mostly cuz of this game I swear to God… Anyways.. My hope is to win the keys of “bullet heaven 2” because I haven’t tried this series yet.. Would be a cool beginning
My man, just wanted to tell you that I’ve been a fan ever since EBF4 came out when I was younger. I remember playing that game non-stop and being very confused at one of the Beholder’s attacks (the ”Censored” Natalia one). I was very hyped to play EBF5 and I must say, seeing how it turned out and re-playing some of the earlier titles, I can see you have grown a lot as a game developer and I hope you still keep going. Thanks for all the amazing experiences and merry Christmas!
I will be enjoying some games on my new Switch and be with my family, probably play some board games!
I’m gonna be making music and pixelart for my friends during grinchmas
I will most likely be trying to 100% Costume Quest on Christmas because of the special achievement needed. I won’t be able to spend Christmas with the family this year so gaming is all I have haha. Anyways would awesome to win as I always wanted to give this series a shot.
Happy Holidays,
Big fan long time from Vietnam, Im a man of little words and also not very good at English but I grew so much form the last decade playing your old game, follow you since then, i recently found out that you still making the game, you don’t know how much i excited to play it but I haven’t started yet. I may not win this but surely who getting the key will be very glad to play your game.
I will be spending this Christmas working on self-improvement and tidying up my House to make it look better as well as cleaning my room.
For Christmas I will be going to grandparents house where bunch of relatives will be just celebrating. Nothing much really. Maybe after that spend time with my cat.
Spending Christmas with family and friends and doing a secret santa with them!
Unfortunately I’ll be spending my Christmas working although It’s work from home! But hopefully while I’m working I’m playing EBF5 😉 also I would like to thank you Captain for your never ending perseverance on working on making this game better! I also appreciate you for always connecting with your fans, I hope you dont change and more power always! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Captain!
Please do leave NoLegs Santa socks for christmas.
^ o ^ v
I’ll be spending a few days back home with my mom, grandmother and some cats.
Going to move to another shared apartment after that, moving around christmas sucks
Ill likely be staying either home or up at the neighbors and probably helping cook, eating food, and opening gifts from my grandparents.
As long as i remember, we have always spent christmas at my grandparents house where the whole family gathers, so we’ll be doing that again.
I’m a long time EBF fan and when Epic Battle Fantasy 5 releashed, my good friend watched me play and fell in love with it too. Then he bought it and played it and now he is currently as big fan as i am, so if this gets picked for the giveaway, i’m planning on giving Epic Battle Fantasy 4 to him as a christmas gift. He would have bought it already but his money situation has been a not so good for a long time
Merry christmas and keep up the good work with the amazing games you have entertained me with for years!
I will be going home from my mos school! I plan to just chill with the family and enjoy being home after dealing with bootcamp and combat training!
I’ll be spending Christmas staying at home with family and rightfully so ? All of us went down with COVID earlier this week with the new variant so blankets and lots of TV here we go!
I will spend my christmas with my couple, playing games and watching movies! Hopefully playing EBF5!
Probably just trying to meet up with a psychiatrist so I can start to transition to female in this hellhole country (England lol)
I’ll be spending it with my girlfriend, but also with my brother who’s in town from Washington.
I’ll spend my Christmas working on getting my college life straight, and getting an excuse to treat myself to better food!
I will spend the holidays with my parents and my 2 brothers at home. It won’t be special but still be nice.
I’ll spend it with family, and maybe the homies
Will be spending time with distant family!
I’ll be spending some time with my mom, she had a tough year so i want to comfort her.
I will spend my Christmas with my family, especially with my visiting sibling staying for the holidays.
If I win, I would like a steam key for EBF4, thank you!
Will be doing a family reunion in the countryside at my grandma house
I will spend my Christmas with my family. Eat a nice meal together and just enjoy the christmas time together
I’ll be spending time with my families on christmas proper, then I’ll visit my friends, and play board games for a whole week.
If I win, I’d like to get a Bullet Heaven 2, because I don’t have that yet, and I want to play it with my boyfriend.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays for all!
I’m probably spending time with all my cousins, it’s a shame im the only male one besides my dad…
This Christmas I will be spending time with my father, mother, cousin and grandmother. Hope I can win since I’ve tried out the game on a cracked version and logged around ~30 hours in a week. I’ll buy the game with my Christmas money if I don’t though. XP
If I’m lucky and the roads are not closed like it happens occasionally for Christmas, I’ll be spending my time with my mother at home.
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
Thanks for making awesome games, and marry christmas to everyone. And i don’t really need a free key. So good luck to everyone else 😉
I’ll have dinner with my family and then probably watch anime all night
nothing special. unfortunately
i’m gonna drink a lot of tea and eat many of kurniks on christmas 🙂
im going to study for my exam right after christmas
I’m gonna spend Christmas with my family! like we do every year B)
I will just be staying at home this Christmas with my family and play some games, and maybe continue working on the demo for my visual novel.
For Christmas i will give the key of Epic battle fantasy 4 to African children.
Will be spending Christmas with my parents only as most of the other family members cannot make it. It sucks but I’ll make up for it by cooking something fantastic for the 3 of us.
This Christmas, i’ll be alone on my house (was a tough year). Eating a lot of tasty goodies while i’m finishing the 100% achievement on Steam for EBF 4 (and if i win also EBF5). I wish everyone a Merry Christmas and an amazing new year! <3
I think that we’re just gonna be watching some movies and playing some games!
I can’t really go outside due to fear of the Myanmar government so I’ll probably spend most of my time indoors playing games with my friends. It would be nice to give my friend a copy of EBF 5 so he’ll have something to do over the holidays.
Gonna be spending xmas alone watching cute vtubers.
Perhaps gonna watch some christmas movies like “the Matrix Ressurections”.
For Christmas I’ll be eating turkey with my family they really like turkey, I don’t like it that much but seeing them happy makes me happy too!
I’ll spend this christmas with my family in a chalet we rented in the mountains for the occasion (sorry for my bad grammar i’m french :/ )
my brother will come to my house probably and probably make a mess. Tho if I get the key he will probably start playing ebf5, I told him when I was 10 and flash games were a thing that ebf was an underrated jem (alongside many other flash games). I loved the game and it’s characters (specialy Lance). It feels good to see that the creator and the fans are still somewhat active.
probably gonna play games all day, bruh
For Christmas I’ll be continuing the tradition of being the one who consumes most of the Christmas ham at the dinner table, and maybe a bit of Gunpla building while I’m at it.
Also, a steam key for EBF4 would be pretty nifty instead. My friends need to go a step back before they enjoy 5!
I’ll spend Christmas visiting my relatives living half across the country, seeing some of them for the first time since the pandemic, the rest of my holiday vacation I’m going on dates and being lonely while playing games
I will spend this Christmas with my Mother and probably go back to playing video games. But I’ll enjoy the times I make for family.
Honestly I’m just going to play rpg maker games like the Lisa games/fangames or some other rpg with good turn based mechanics like epic battle fantasy or OFF
I’m going to spend Christmas with my family. And then I’ll play EpicBattleFantasy5 if I win)
I want to rest in this game
I’ll be spending this Christmas with my parents and the family of a close friend. Years ago I met two people on Omegle, one is now my girlfriend and we are sending each other gifts this week. The other person I met is a friend I introduced to the EBF series, he already played 3 & 4, so I’d like to gift him EBF5. I’m quite excited for this holidays and I hope I can give this gift to my friend.
Your games helped shape my childhood. It’s because of them that I have a stand-alone flash player on my computer.
I’ll come home for my semester break until next year!
Might as well finish EBF5 while I’m home >:) (just bought it last month)
I bought an ebf 5 as a birthday gift for my friend. I’ll be waiting for elden ring with playing ebf in this Christmas.
I’ll be coming home for Christmas from college for winter break. I’ll finally get some free time after a long semester of exams and projects. Never played Epic Battle Fantasy before though, I just found out about it a little while ago, and I can’t believe I missed it back then.
I’ll probably be baking with friends!
I will spend christmas with my family and we are going to have dinner altogether 😀
I’ll spend this Christmas with my family. And maybe after the fireworks, I’ll play some board games with a friend.
Voy a pasar Navidad con mi familia, espero poder disfrutar del EBF4 si es que llego a ganar la llave, desde ya, muchas gracias por esta oportunidad ??
I’ll be hopefully spending it with my family watching old Christmas movies. Praying for snow. Would love a key for Epic Battle Fantasy 4 to make the holiday complete :p IF THE MATT PLEASES
allez voir ma famille que je n’ai pas vus depuis longtemps et me reposer ^^ bonne vacance à vous tous
I will hopefully have some contact with my family. I’ve been very detached from them for a while, it might be nice.
If I do receive one of the keys, I’ll be giving it to one of my brothers.
i will pass my christmas with my family and friends, we are going to play final fantasy 14 together.
i would rather receive an epic battle fantasy 5 key
I’m going to be spending my Christmas spending some time with family and playing a few games with some friends.
I hope I can win.
EBF for life.
Do we have a chance to see all EBF part on android port?
This Christmas my wife and I will be telling our families that we are pregnant wit h our first child. Love your gmaes.
for christmas I’m going to go to my grandmother, move to a new apartment and buy myself a new pc
This christmas I’ll be spending some quality time with my girlfriend, making sure to drink loads of hot chocolate and to just generally have a good time. I hope you’ll have a wonderful christmas too Matt! This also goes out to everyone who reads this!
For this Christmas i will be gettin gifts with my family
I liked ebf for a long time and want to show my friend what he is missing out on
One of my friends never played ebf and i want to show him how awesome the ebf series is
Will be chilling at home with family for the first time in a while and applying for research and internships in the meanwhile. Also looking forward to meeting up with old friends and my boyfriend over the break! 😀
Hey Matt! I only discovered your games last year, but I am already in love with the series as a whole. I’ve even made some ideas for new content like equipment, enemies and even brand new players! Anyway, I live in the Philippines, and as you probably know we just got hit by a really nasty typhoon. I had to go four whole days without internet, and of course I’m writing this as soon as I realized I was back online. I’m gonna spend my Christmas time with my family, probably fixing up any more damage caused by the storm. Thanks for taking the time to read this, and please send the key to my brother’s Steam account, since we share it.
I’ll be spending my Christmas finally relaxing, as the combination of school and internship left me with next to no free time until then. Afterwards things will go back to being relatively calm 🙂
Hey Matt- Over Christmas I will be going sledding on this massive hill by my house, hope you enjoy the break too :).
Gonna spend this Christmas year with several of my friends alongside watching movies. It’s gonna be very exciting as we haven’t seen each other in a long time.
I would be with family I guess, but itll be worth it cause of gifts.
I’ll be spending my time with my family and my friends after so many stressful exams. I’ll finally get a break and have some fun.
I will spend this Christmas with my partner. I am really excited to spend time together with family.
I’ll be spending time with my friends and family! Sleep a lot too. Bullet Heaven 2 would be awesome <3
I am going to spend this Christmas with my family and online friends. If I am picked I would rather receive a Epic Battle Fantasy 4 key.
Revising for my exams, and probably having a hot chocolate with my brother on eve’s day.
Spending it with my parents and playing games with friends
Ebf5 Please!! I’ve been with this series for as long as I remember and I really want to try it out. Played the flash games for ebf3 and 4, but I’ve kept myself off 5 just so I can experience it fully!
I’ll be spending it with my buddies who’ve invited me over for a Christmas party over at theirs, beer n all. Have a good one, man
I will spend Time with my family at home and gift presents to them and open mine from them! 😮
Playing EBF5, if all goes well! Thank you, Matt 😀
That aside, I’ll be spending the holidays with my family, they’ve not seen me in a while and I’m just returning from a few courses I’ve been taking to see them for Christmas. Thank you for the giveaway 🙂
Christmas is the time for family gathering and present unwrapping. It will be full of foods, chats, hangouts and nintendo switch games for me and my family.
Playing games with my boyfriend and eating a yummy dinner my mom is cooking
Spending it with my family 🙂
Studying for finals because they hard
playing video games with friends
Studying for finals
Enjoying with parents
Try to finish my wishlist,go visit old friends in games and speed the rest of the day with my cat.
Gonna spend Christmas with my mom, but I’m spending all the days around Christmas working. Four days before, three days after. Retail is like that 🙁
I will spend this christmas sitting in a room, playing videogames, alone.
I will play a lot of ebf5, though. Just wondered if i can get a key for my internet friend. Big fan of yours matt.
hanging out with my girlfriend and her family while finishing up on our ebf5 playthrough
I’m probably going to spend Christmas playing games, watching movies with my family, and opening presents
I’ve been playing this game since ebf1, as a kid. it’s pretty sick growing up and seeing this game evolve through the years. Id really like to play the latest addition to the series, as id love to see the new additions to the game, and once more have fun with ebf!
I will spend this Christmas with my girlfriend for the first time.
Hey! I would really like a key for EBF5!
Im not doing anything this christmas cuz my mother lost her job and we are not spending on anything!
My brother told me about EBF4 on 2016 and ive been amazed and played it on a free website!
If i could get the key!I It would be a dream come true!
This Christmas I’ll be playing games online with my friends and also celebrate it with my family. I’ve been a fan of your games ever since I was little, and had tried almost all of it. Excited to play more of your works. Merry Christmas and have a happy new year!
I’ll be spending Christmas with my seperated parents.
Also I’m gonna play some games I got from XBox Game Pass 3-month subscription and sort out my Steam library.
I would be trying to get a Christmas Victory Royale in Fortnite.
Happy Holidays!!!
I’ll be spending my time with brother and his girlfriend’s house for doggos and friends so It’s going to be enjoyable 😀
For Christmas, I’ll be online playing games like usual. Whoo hoo!
Forgot to add that I already bought EBF5, so I wouldn’t mind one of the other games. Any one would do, up to you 🙂 Thanks!
I will spend this Christmas with my friends and family, and I plan to give them a great gift. By giving them all a memorable experience giving each one of them a gag gift to go along with their actual gifts. Nothing better than sharing a laugh with friends, with a memory that’ll last a lifetime. Hopefully everything goes well!
I’ll spend this Christmas with my final exams and assignments hahaha.
I will be playing board games with my family, specifically Clank or the Lost Ruins of Arnak
To be honest, mostly nothing but play genshin,honkai and learn japanese.
I don’t celebrate, but I’ll be enjoying my Winter break by catching up on my gaming backlog, reading stuff, and maybe doing a little writing.
For Christmas, I will hibernate.
For Christmas, I will be drawing as much fanart for all my friends as I can and hopefully being a happy person
I’m going to bake a cake for Christmas, and play through some old games I saved on my hard drive. It’s pretty quiet and peaceful here.
Gonna be hanging out with my family after not being able to last year because of covid. I’m super excited to see them all again, listening to some classic music, exchanging gifts ect.
Hi Matt, I’m a Brazilian fan of your games, and I would love to receive the EBF4 for Christmas
I’ve almost finished EBF5, I have a lot of fun with these games and they sure make my day better! Thank you very much!
I’m gonna be just hanging out on X-mas this year, tbh. Not very exciting but holiday celebrations and the like just stress me out.
Oh, and I’d prefer a Bullet Heaven 2 Key.
I will work during Chrismas. btw i love your games.
Take care and Merry Chrismas.
I will be spending it caring for my grandparents while preparing Christmas dinner. I don’t really need much else to be honest but I loved your past games from newsgrounds.
I’ll be spending the holidays in a guesthouse in the Austrian Alps that I visit almost every year. The guesthouse sits on a plateau with nice meadows and seven lakes, and you can climb mountains or ski there in the winter.
I was going to go to see family for Christmas, but both sides of my family cancelled due to the pandemic, so now I do not think I will be doing anything
For this Christmas most likely I’ll just be spending it with my grandparents and other family
I’m going to be spending my Christmas working and taking care of my wife who is recovering from a bilateral mastectomy due to cancer.
sorry for the duplicated reply, my internet is not good. And i dont know how to change my profile picture, because that picture its from a while ago.
I will spent christmass with my family after very long time, i wish everyone would be ok, and probably, i will play videogames with them.
I wish everyone in this post have a nice christmass with the people they love and like, and you too matt
I will spent christmass with my family after very long time, i wish everyone would be ok, and probably, i will play videogames with them.
I wish everyone in this post have a nice christmass with the people you love and like, and you too matt roszak.
Just spend some time with family, probably just games and nothing else
Not easy to say what I will do this Christmas… Probably “nothing”. Yep, COVID. Damn. I’ll be alone in home, isolated. Hopefully, maybe I could play EBF5. Maybe.
A hug to everyone and … Take care of your health!
For christmas I’ll be babysitting a baby puppy and unfortunately will only be home for the day of.
I will spend my christmas with my family, like the usual, cant wait for the dinner. B)
i would like EBF 4 as i already own the 5
Hello, for Christmas i want to play with my boyfriend and finally do some races in video games, maybe even a bingo race, i also look foward for my christmas family diner,
my grandma is pretty sick, but i hope we can see her this years
Happy Christmas Everybody !!!
if i get the key i will give it to my boyfriend, love the game to pieces and really want to show it to him
anyway toodles, kisses from France
Just spending Christmas on my own, as usual.
This Christmas I will be busy finishing all deeds in my hometown, in preparation to finally move away from my parents. I’m both nervous and excited, but hopefully everything will go well and I will be able to make this year’s final holidays special for everyone nearby, because who knows when I will be able to visit them again?
i ll be spending my chirstmas at my friends house and we ll play some table games probably^^
Invited a longtime friend without a familiy over to play boardgames with.
I’ll spend Christmas with my friends. Having a party, playing lots of games and having a sleepless night. And perhaps I’ll play EBF5 if I win ;D (sorry for my bad english level).
I mostly will spend time with family this Christmas and if i had a chance to win i would give away the key to my best friend so he can try out the awesome game ive been talking to him about. 😀
Probably i will play games.
I’m probqbly gonna just stay in with ny family. Nothing special, but very special.
Most likely, I’m just going to relax with family. Rarely does my family do anything like go to a theme park or something on Christmas Day, and I like that.
(I would prefer a key for EBF4)
Hi ! Like the majority of people here, I’ll stay at home with my family. And maybe buy some games on Steam. Happy Christmas to you and Ronja !
Hi Matt, I’m a player from China. Although there are many exams in college on Christmas Eve, fortunately Christmas is on Saturday, and unsurprisingly this Christmas should be spent with friends again. In fact, I’ve shared this my favorite game with friends, even though they prefer apex. (I would prefer Epic Battle Fantasy 4)Hi~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
By the way, I wish you a Merry Christmas in advance!
My plans for this Christmas are basically the same as usual: Stay at home with family. No real plans, or even ability to go out anywhere due to work. Instead, mostly gonna be doing what I usually do.
Hey! Gonna spend my christmas with my girlfriends family (I invited my family if they wanna come spend it with us too.) Big christmas plans coming up, Christmas sauna, food etc. Gonna be a lots of fun this Christmas.
Things are tough this year and I´m barely out of depression but I´ll work hard
my friends have been quite generous too so I was hoping to get them something nice for christmas, and what´s nicer that EBF?
hope you all have a good christmas, if you don´t do christmas then have a nice day anyway
I’ll spend this Christmas with my family
Just like many others who posted here, I will be spending this Christmas and New Year preparing various dishes(russian salad yeah) with the family, and what’s more important, have quite a fun time with the family. Probably, play a bit too. Simple, but because of this – good, isn’t it?
I’ve got so many plans it’s not even funny.
First things first, i need to finish an animation project, because deadline is coming xD
Second, i’m going to play board games with family, while eating cakes and cookies i’ve been preparing for… almost a month already.
I’m also visiting my grandma for a day or two and having a sleepover with my firends i have not seen since summer holidays, because we’re going to collages in different parts of the country and we have no life outside of studies xDDDDDDDDDDD
If i will have time i will make like a christams art giveaway, one or two free commissions. I also want to play some computer games, because i had no time to do so since, yup, summer holidays. Probably the darkest dungeon, but if chance allows, it will be EBF5 😀
Is it a bit too much? Probably, but my my monkey brain went “free time” and suddenly i’ve got plans xD
i will be chilling alone since i dont have a gf and im lonely asf
I’ll be studying
I will be relaxing in my pool with my family on Christmas day as it is summer right now in Australia! I hope it’s a hot day otherwise the pool will be freezing! Other than that, I am just going to be spending a lot of time with the family as that’s what Christmas is all about in my opinion. Hope you have an amazing and merry Christmas!
Hello from Mother Russia! Of course, I will drink vodka and play video games with my pet bear. And of course, my PC work from nuclear reactor energy, coz I have one in my basement obviously UwU.
Aside from jokes- I`ll just try to survive -30c frost while playing near my pretty overheated pc 😀
Probably going to play games, trying to get more stars for achievements in Epic Battle Fantasy 5, and using Microsoft Teams (my school is using that for online classes) to talk to my best friend. She’s like Anna to me being Matt (a.k.a. only friends, same hobbies etc.)
(I actually want a key to Epic Battle Fantasy 4)
She would unironically say stuff like “uwu” and “nyan”, so let’s just leave it at that when it comes to what kind of person is she.
When it comes to stars on achievements, I have a star on the EBF1 simulations, all battle arenas, enemy rush, mini boss rush and boss rush (with all the achievements you would get by fighting those mini bosses and bosses). So I have to try mega boss rush, arcade rush, 2- and 3-player boss rushes, and the final boss (i won’t try the glitch yet).
PS. My savefile is broken, and I don’t have the companion cube, even tho I already opened the chest that’s supposed to have it. Can I somehow modify the savefile, or is it straight up impossible for a guy that knows nothing about coding? (If it’s the latter, can you somehow fix this in a patch or something? When upgrading to v.2.0 all the chests that were already opened and their contents got changed, it gave my savefiles the equipment that was supposed to be there.)
Check out the EBF Discord – some of the modders or mods there can help you hack your save file and get the missing equips, if you ask nicely.
Sorry about the trouble.
Im just wanna to chill and take a break from this stressful life. And play games.
I’ll be spending time with some distant relatives I barely get to see, looking forward o3o
Hi matt! I come from China.
In fact, many Chinese have a examination in Christmas.
My friend 曹宝 is very nervous about the exam. And I hope he can have a good grades.
Maybe I can send him a game as a gift.
Merry Christmas! This Christmas, as we do every Christmas, my family will be at my grandmother’s house. We always get together there for different holidays throughout the year, play games, and catch up on any good stories about funny memories. I have also already spent time with a bunch of my friends from college and we had a big Christmas gift exchange. Anyway, once again, Merry Christmas! <3
Well, just got breakup few month ago so probably going to spend christmas with my online friend tho
spending christmas with my family back in california that i haven’t seen in 3 years 😀
This Christmas I’m sticking with the usual. Most of my extended family live like 5 states away, so I’m just chilling with my parents and siblings.
On the off-chance I get picked, Bullet Heaven 2 would be fantastic! I’ve 100%’d the free version and it’d be interesting to try the new levels. Your games made up my childhood; keep it up Matt!
I was just broke up with my girlfriend. :(( So I will spend this Christmas with my roommates in the university.
Christmas is here and I have zero plans ahead, probably stay at home, eat, sleep and re-learning Japanese and brush up on my rusty French because my basics man, they are all gone.
Been a big fan of shoot-em-ups, specifically touhou, tho I would like to experience playing with mouse more, so were I to win, pls giv BH2
hey matt, thanks for making epic battle fantasy. i remember playing ebf3 a lot in my childhood and came back to the game years later to finally beat it. since then, ive purchased ebf4 and ebf5, (thank you so much for the update you released to 4) and loved them all to bits. i sincerely hope you have a wonderful christmas, and a happy new year. i know ill be spending a lot of time with my new wife and meeting new family this holiday season, spend yours with what you love most too, matt.
Merry Xmas everyone! This Christmas I am gonna spend with my family, at our home. My brother got another child so at christmas I will become Godfather. There will be baby christening for both of his Children. I would like to get Bullet Heaven 2. I already got EBF 5 and it’s very good game. Well Done Matt and good luck with next games. With every game you are better at your job. So if you give me EBF 5 key, I will share it with someone as a Christmas Gift.
I’m probably going to be spending time with my family while wearing truly terrible sweaters. Happy holidays!
Stay home and think about my future
I’ll be working overtime, and gaming with friends. Not a bad way to spend my holidays, though.
Happy Holidays!
Merry Christmas, man! Hope the holidays are gonna be great for ya.
I don’t have much going on myself, aside from, like, a dinner with my family-in-laws.
If I had something I hope would happen, it’s for everyone to have a great time.
I’d prefer to get Bullet Heaven 2 to branch out some from the original genre, and since I already own EBF5. I’ve played the heck out of this game, and it’s been real fun! Definitely love all the references, history and details packed into this game. You can tell there’s a lot of love in here, and lots of promise for the future as well.
Hope y’all have a great time, and hopefully next year will have better stuff coming for us.
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all! Love this franchise and I’m excited to see what else you make!
Honestly, playing my new switch oled will be the main thing. As well as some all round good food and drink!
What I will do at Christmas I will eat very delicious food with my family and I will wait until 12:00 pm to open the gifts that my parents bought me and well after that play with what they gave me Feeling the happiest in the world
I will spend this Chrismas with my family and study for upcoming exams as I am a first year collage student.
If I win, I’d prefer a key for EBF4 since I have already bought EBF5.
Merry Christmas to both of you!
And Merry Christmas everyone!
Bit random but I love Phyrnna’s music a lot by the way vw<
Hmm— I messed it up somehow?
>Bit random but I love Phyrnna’s music a lot by the way
I literally cried fighting…
Ehh— No spoiler so
I cried a lot beating up a yellow cat!
(Ahh, can’t have komoji I think)
Ah, truth be told
I still call EBF 5 my favorite game
But I thought people would think I’m some little kid talking about some free flash game so
I decided to change it to Summer Pockets yesterday!
Speaking of which,
I think I would be reading Rewrite+ during Christmas!
And maybe play some Ryza 2 or Rune Factory 4∼
Ryza 2 is incredible by the way,
I highly recommend it!
Ah, I also need to write a little bit but I digress
I don’t need the giveaway so good luck everyone!
Again Merry Christmas and have a good one!
Oh yeah, God was a tear jerker for real. The music was the real kicker there, plus it wasn’t too hard of a fight, so it didn’t really break the immersion. Still, the whole situation for the crew and the whole world being at stake, with everyone on earth basically having no hope anymore.. it just paints a very sad future for the crew. Even then, it’s still very exciting and attention grabbing. Great game, 10/10, even if the story gets thrown at you a bit more at the end.
In this Christimas, I’ll probably be studying. Because of the pandemic, my college is now in online format, so is easier to pass the courses (I passed all the calculus, yayyyy \o/). So, beeing easier to pass, I’m with a lot of courses, more than I’d be if the college was presencial, lol. Therefore, I have to killing myself studying, even in holidays . It will worth it :D. I want to finish my college soon to get married. Anyway, sorry for the text, I had to get it off my chest. greetings from Brazil! ^^
Grinding leetcode for interviews, maybe play ebf5 with a friend o.o
I’ll spend Christmas with my family that I haven’t seen in over a year because of the pandemic, as we’re all vaccinated now (it took a while because i am from Brazil) we can have a nice meeting for old times’ sake.
I forgot to comment, I preferred EBF 4, I just bought EBF 5.
Going back to Maine to see some family, hoping to see my 93 yr old great grandma. Maybe face to face because of reasons but something.
I’ll probably be doing a whole lot of nothing. But that’s nice sometimes lmao
I’ll be meeting up with some of my college friends for some gift exchanging and holiday dinners it’ll be fun, but It’ll be a long drive for me.
I’ll be going down to Utah to meet up with my brother and his in-laws. We might go shoot some guns or ride around on the ATV, I dunno yet.
I’ll be spending Christmas with my family, and going to my Grandmothers house for dinner! I already own ebf4, 5, and BH2, so if I get the steam key, im gonna give it to one of my friends who doesn’t own the game 😀
I’ve been setting up a little projector theatre in my family’s house, we plan on watching a movie or two come Christmas day.
I will fight the anxiety I’ve lived with this year after going through some difficulties which has made me afraid of stepping outside of my home, forcing me to stay away from my family and friend, and only talking to them with messages and calls. This christmas I will fight these issues with all my strenght and try to use the impulse to start doing everything I have left undone this whole year I’ve been on hold.
Good luck to all of you 🙂
I’ll be playing games with my friends online, one of them is a girl who is called Ana, and she is cute like de EBF Anna, she also like RPG’s and i want to give EBF5 for her
I won’t celebrate christmas, so i will spend it on school, probably doing homework.
Thanks for doing great games Matt.
I’m gonna be spending my first christmas day at my own house with my family and girlfriend, then the 2nd day I will go to my girlfriend’s family and celebrate there with gifts~
Would love EBF5 because my girlfriend loves tactical yet cute games.
I’ll probably be spending this Christmas continuing to write a story I started about an rpg world with societal failures that mirror our own.
(bullet heaven 2 would be cool)
Bullet Heaven 2 i have collection all games
I will spend this chrismas with my family ?
For this christmas, all of my family write a christmas letter. I think will be funny .
I would probably want Bullet Heaven 2,
I will be all alone, playing video games :/
I will be doing a Christmas get together with my friends. We call it Pitmas because we were all in our High School Marching Band together in the same section, the Front Ensemble which is also known as the Pit. We didn’t get to do it last year because of covid, but we are all vaccinated now.
I will stay at home with my family playing games and doing other things
I will be with my family playing a lot of games
As I always do for my Christmas, watch “Home Alone” with the family and friends, get gifts and just have a great time!
Will probably be spending most of the christmas period at work unfortunately >.<
For Christmas, I will be spending time with family and with my birds probably make a special treat for them as a present. Also, I can’t wait until Bullet Heaven 3 comes out I hope it goes well.
I will be spending this Christmas with my family 🙂
Chilling like a vllian
I will spend my christmas with family doing some recipes
Sleep in. that’s literally it.
As always, Christmas with Kevin…
xmas time
I’ll go to my family, make shure everything is okay for my lil sisters with their horryfing almost-stepmother.
We’ll have a big big dinner, watch The Muppet Christmas Carol as a familial tradition and we’ll open our christmas gifts at the christmas eve, cuz we’re to impatient to wait XD
All of you have a great time for the holidays ! ^^
Well, I’ve ran through this times something like 5 times already, and 2 more after the 2.0 update, but after streaming it so much, some friends became interested in it. If I could gift a key to one of them, that’d be nice.
And if I don’t win, guess I’ll still buy it for em as a christmas gift !
We’ll be staying home for x-mas. Gonna be making Gooey Butter Cake for dessert after a nice ham and sides dinner. Then probably nerding out with games after~
Neste natal, além de ficar com minha família, vou querer jogar bastante EBF 5 e quero muito poder platinar o jogo que eu gosto tanto, também quero platinar todos os jogos dessa empresa que gosto muito como EBF 4, EBF 3 entre outro jogos muito legais que ainda estão por vir, se por um acaso eu ganhar o sorteio quero ganhar o Bullet Heaven 2
para ter uma experiência de um jogo diferente com os mesmos personagens que gosto ( o meu favorito é o Matt, o rei das espadas), tem uma coisa que eu queria que tivesse nos outros jogos da franquia seria tradução em português-Brasil, por que acaba que não sou muito bom em inglês e seria muito mais fácil eu jogar na minha língua nativa,
mesmo se eu não ganhar o sorteio, fico feliz de fazer parte dessa família <3.
Vou deixar um texto em português e outro em inglês, para ajudarem vocês na tradução 😀
This Christmas, in addition to staying with my family, I want to play a lot of EBF 5 and I really want to be able to platinize the game that I like so much, I also want to platinize all the games from this company that I like a lot like EBF 4, EBF 3 and other really cool games that are yet to come, if by chance I win the lottery I want to win Bullet Heaven 2
to have an experience of a different game with the same characters I like (my favorite is Matt, the king of swords), there's one thing I wanted to have in the other games in the franchise would be Portuguese-Brazilian translation, because it turns out I'm not very good at English and it would be much easier for me to play in my native language,
even if I don't win the lottery, I'm happy to be part of this family <3.
I'll leave a text in Portuguese and another in English, to help you with the translation 😀
I’ll probably be spending it with my girlfriend and her family. We’ll see how much of it I actually spend with her rather than on the gifts she got me, but hey, you get me games for christmas and I’ma play them!
I will be gaming on Christmas
I’ll chill out with my family and watch the dawn of Christmas eve
I will see again my girlfriend after 1 month because she lives far away from me and spend my time with my family!
I met her with video games during covid confinment and it would be cool to show her this game I like to play 🙂
relax with family and play game
I will spend this Christmas with my family
I will spend this Christmas with my family. If we didn’t go out for lunch, probably play video games, watch youtube, or learn how to code.
Im gonna get a lot of presents and im gonna open them 😀
I will rest as always
Probably going to spend this Christmas with my family and friends. It’s a great opportunity to hang out with people I haven’t seen for quite some time.
Spending some quality time with my family, what else?
Well, I’ll spend my Christmas day in my family place with my relatives which we will gather and share the feast. And when I win the price, I’ll complete the medals on ebf5 which I still trying for it hehehe. 🙂
Imma wait for Steam Sale to buy EBF4 and finish the pentalogy. Unless… *wink wink*
This Christmas I’ll hopefully be meeting up with my parents and my siblings to do our count to midnight. Maybe play some board games since we cant do that often and drink a bit.
For Christmas this year, I will be opening presents and eating lunch as usual with family at my grandparents house. Do not worry, for my entire family is vaccinated and sensible precautions will taken to minimize the danger of Covid-19 affecting us. If I win this giveaway, then I will give EBF5 to my sister as a Christmas gift.
I will visit my acquaintances and eat dinner with them, have nice moments with my family, give them gifts, and probably saying “happy christmas” to everyone i know.
I’ll play games like as PUBG or Terraria in Christmas as always.
I don’t partake in Christmas celebrations, but I will be playing games with friends and having a good time.
I’m going to play games with friends over the winter
I really love this game.
I’m probably going to sit down and try to 100% EBF5, because I an legally required to self-isolate for being in close contact with a COVID case :/ At least I’ll have something to do lol
Ah,the celebration. It is always fun to hang out with family,having family’ time.
Normal day, normal life.
Yes, we can’t have a party ,But merry christmas.
This warned me. I’m going to replay EBF5 for I didn’t reach all achievement.
By the way, could I see EBF6 before I dead?
I’m mostly going to be spending time with my family and have fun with all my cousin’s coming over.
make more and more coffee because my cafe will open in this xmas
I will probably do nothing interesting cuz im a loner and an introvert too. But i wish i can play EBF4 . I probably just play my phone and doing daily stuff
well, to be simple and short, i will be spending time at home with my family, (we used to go to my grandmother place, but situations made them difficult now Dx!), also im gonna prepare lots of pumpkim with cheese tortellini and ravioli :)! ALL handmade! XD with some hallaca too xp!, and my father is gonna come too, wich makes it even more special o3o!……….and thats all, a chill xmax.
I will be reading and writing fanfictions all day while trying to avoid any social interactions with family menbers i din´t even remenber i had
Not much of Christmas for me this year. Work catch up from Covid but, my family promise to leave some food for me when I come back.
A friend who moved away is coming home this Christmas so I’ll get to spend some time with him and the rest of my buddies. I’ve been looking forward to this Christmas break all year.
Two of my friends have been incessantly recommending me this game, so I hope I win the giveaway for an excuse to actually try it out!
I want the keys lmao
I like beef
Christmas tree shopping cart jousting. Trust me, it’s as dangerous as it sounds. Lives will be lost in this battle but the winner will receive a $20 gift card.
I’ll probably just have a dinner with the whole family and my cat
I’m gonna spend christmas with my cat! oh and family, i guess.
have fun with family at home
drink some alcohol and eating
Need to build up the steam backlog with the new sales.
Im having two christmases lol.
Im probably gonna spend my christmas gaming! My friend is getting a new PC, so i think it will be fun hanging out with him.
I think im going to work, not sure though , but i would like to be at home with my family this day if i can
what i do every day plot more way to show my girlfriend affection.
I’ll be going to a family party and enjoying some (late) chanukah food. I’ll help fry up the latkes and see my cousins.
Mano without wanting to offend more because your night is so heavy?
Nothing much, just studying
I’ll be celebrating with some family for Christmas! A steam key for EBF5 would be amazing, I loved the game when I played it on Kongregate
Love your games would love to give a Key to a friend since I already bought it on steam
Visiting family for the holidays. I get to see my 5 year old nephew and 9 month niece whom I haven’t seen in several months. As for the celebration, the entire family will be chowing down on some all you can eat Korean BBQ until we can’t move and then finishing it off with some mead from Lost Cause meadery.
My family and I will be performing the ancient Jewish ritual of going to a movie and having Chinese food on Christmas. We know it’s a stereotype but it’s a fun stereotype so we kinda make a thing of it. We see some family friends, go see a movie with them, then all go out for Chinese or Thai food. I’m assuming we’ll do that this year but we haven’t made any plans quite yet. Once we get home, I’ll probably relax with some Bullet Heaven 2. (hint hint)
I’ll be spending with my family, and problably playing some Pangya or Ragnarok..
I’ve been a fan ever since I was 8 this is by far my favorite rpg series in my life I stood and watch you grow in popularity and watch as your characters grow and expand in their world sadly I was never able to truly finish EBF5 and I want to finish my childhood and I wish you a merry Christmas.
Ill be studying for my physics exams at univerity, while hitting up my old childhood game EBF that I fell in love with back in the days.
This time I will go to my cousin’s house togheter with my part of family. There is new generation of us, so we want to spend as many holidays as possible, maybe we even will have normal, prepandemic Christmas one day.
Thank You for all Your work and sorry for this not sending this PL translation to BH2 yet. Flash still works funny to me ?
Second comment-sorry, I forgot the e-mail xd
This time I will go to my cousin’s house togheter with my part of family. There is new generation of us, so we want to spend as many holidays as possible, maybe we even will have normal, prepandemic Christmas one day.
Thank You for all Your work and sorry for this not sending this PL translation to BH2 yet. Flash still works funny to me 😉
Roooaaad triiip!!!
This christmas I’ll be attempting to play more games in my backlog!
I am going to be driving to the other side of my state to visit family. We have an interesting game set up that is a murder mystery like game. Hope everyone has a Happy Holiday!
I’ll be working at Walmart Christmas eve, and Christmas day I’ll be up at 5AM to stop my youngest brother from giving my grandfather a heart attack, but the presents look big.
If I do win I’d like a key for EBF4 though, everyone I know already has EBF5.
Merry Christmas! I am finally able to spend some time at home with family after being stuck at college campus for an entire year.
Since I leave far from my Family and Friends for my studies, i’ll be alone thoe Holydays, but were gonna call each others and spend some times on Minecraft , I think !
Honestly, for Christmas I’ll be hanging with some of my friends (online, of course, too terrified to actually go amidst the never ending pandemic). Besides that we’d probably play Uno or Fighter Games online and generally have a good time.
ill be with family, having a good time.
Stuffing my face full of carp, that´s what!
Oh, and spending time with family, i guess.
I will be spending the holiday snuggled up with my partner watching our favorite TV shows 🙂 Thanks for all your great games
I will be just making rubber hoses after rubber hoses after rubber hoses for christmas for my school requirement.
I’ll be spending it with my family, watching Donald Duck at 15:00 on Christmas Eve.
Assuming that my family doesn’t drag me off to do something on Christmas eve, I plan on getting in a discord call with a good friend of mine, she’s pretty much been alone for every christmas due to her sh***y family situation growing up, even more so that she’s living on her own now. I hope to do what I can to make her night special.
Hi! I’ll spend Christmas with my family and the one of my boyfriend, it’s a good excuse to spend time together 😀
Probably just gonna spend time with family
most likely going to be playing a chrisms special session of a jojo rpg im in
Bullet Heaven 2
I’ll be spending Christmas with my family. That’s it.
I’ll be driving 3 hours away to watch a bunch of unforgiving children open presents, then stuffing my face with a bunch of junk food and passing out for the night. By the way, amazing game you have made here!
Stuffing my face with ham, falling into a food coma and then gaming the rest of the evening
Hey Matt, gimme this key plzzzzzzz
EBF4 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
PS: i’m Brazilian sorry for writting badly in english.
I’m going to expend all my time with my family during Christmas.
BUT, if i have time, i’m into doing speedrun of EBF4 😛
ill be studying for my unversity exams.
This Christmas I will hopefully try to finish ef the first tale (visual novel) and spend time with the family.
This Christmas I will be visiting my cousins and spending the holiday with them. After that I’ll be spending the New Year’s Eve with my friends
I will spend Christmas drinking hot chocolate with my family.
This christmas? Probably working, honestly, but that’s probably fine! Gift giving can come a few days sooner or a few days late.
I’ll probably learn a lot biology, and play GTA or Rocket League with friends in my freetime
Nothing much just gonna hang out with my family a play some switch games
Probably gonna spend it playing some multiplayer games with friends, like Jackbox and Gartic!
I’ll be spending time with family this Christmas. My aunt and uncle are visiting so we’ll probably be playing some board games! Happy Holidays to all of y’all out there, best wishes to you in this season.
This Christmas i will spend playing videogames, maybe even EBF5 on steam if i get one, :DDD
I’ll be spending the Christmas time with my grandparents, playing either this or Metroid Dread or maybe Pokémon Brilliant Diamond
(Alternate key, surprise me) I’ll be spending this Christmas doing just as much house work as any other day, because my parents don’t believe in relaxing during holidays.
I will spend time with my family. Also, I will save up some money to finish my steam wish list.
I’m just gonna be real here. Used to have an annual Christmas meetup with friends and we sing karaoke and exchange gifts. Some stuff happened to me along the way and I feel a bit ashamed to meet them this year. Probably gonna just play games all day this Christmas. Would greatly appreciate the key so I can keep myself occupied this Christmas.
Don’t feel sorry for me.
Have a merry Christmas everyone! Cheers!
hola felis navidad
Currently visiting my family for Christmas, will be spending the Christmas with them. Relaxing , enjoying nice food and having fun.
Also goin to send gift to my friend ofc , two if I get the key 😀
I’m going not only to celebrate this Christmas with my family, but also to wish my friend a happy birthday, I hope we can surprise him 🙂
Will be sitting on my bed (with several fans blasting at my computer of course) playing games as much as humanly possible… when I’m not working. Thanks for some wonderful years of games and memories as well, Matt! ^^
i’ll be spending time with my family this christmas and meet up with them for the first time in forever. would like an ebf4 steam key instead of an ebf5 key
Im going to be spending some time with the family! I’m now living in Minnesota so I gotta see what the family here is up too.
Have a nice Christmas too.
I have all EBF games but a bullet heaven key would make me happy 🙂
Thank you for your work, im fan of the world you created.
For this christmas i’ll just spend time in my house, thinking of an awesome christmas dinner to cook
Hello, I will sit at the Christmas at the computer and play your favorite game because there is a winter event
I’m hoping I can reconcile with my family this Christmas. like when I was a kid and I played Epic Battle Fantasy games on the browser. The 5th chapter is the only one I didn’t play yet for the mainline. So… yeah, finger crossed, maybe I’ll be lucky that I will be able to get my family closer and win the giveaway, who knows.
this christmas i plan to enjoy it with family then later (roughly next month) visit inlaws for a late second christmas
For this year’s Christmas I’m planning to spend the most of my time with my family and friends, reading some books and, of course, playing my favorite video games! In conclusion, I’ll try to relax and enjoy as much as I can this winter! 😀
On Christmas i will suck, because i am SIPM-sniper monkey
I’ll play all xmas night at ebf(if you give me a key for it) 🙂
Gonna spend christmas with my family and probably spend time working on projects.
Epic battle fantasy 4
I’m gonna be celebrating the Persian holiday Shab eh Yaldah on top of christmas with my family and an assortment of colleagues and associates of the family. Probably gonna replay EBF5 again in the space between those holidays as well
This Christmas I plan to spend it as a family telling the fact that I cannot leave home at those times, things that help nobody escape!
Bullet Heaven 2
I will be doing a secret santa with all of my friends and exchanging gifts with my boyfriend:)
I will be going to California and spending time with my family.
This christmas I’m gonna be heading down to my mother’s house for a few days. I plan to make her my special japanese curry, and we’re gonna go see that new spiderman movie. I’m not big on marvel stuff, but its something to do, yaknow? If I get a code, I’d like it to be for Bullet Heaven 2, I keep meaning to get into Shmups, so I hope that could get me around to playing all those Touhou games I have on my hard drive.
For this Christmas, I mostly plan to catch up with the games and movies that I missed from the previous months and spend time with y family. Hopefully, build some more model kits as well.
I will be spending it with the family 🙂
i will most likely spend like how i normally do
i would like to have keys for ebf4&5+ bullet heaven 2 if possible
if cant get more than 1 game. i would like to have ebf 5
Won’t do anything out of the ordinary; don’t really care about Christmas.
Im spending this Christmas with my family in Arizona, there’s like a Christmas light drive thru-display that we’re going to go see. Seeing family is always nice!
I’m going to spend Christmas with my family eating Panettone and celebrating Christmas in an incredible way, sharing gifts and playing all night long, seeing my cousins that I haven’t seen in a long time and most importantly, be happy and bring happiness to my family.
I’ll be trying to spend as much time as I can with family and enjoying the weather of the season. I hope you have a great holiday as well 🙂
btw: love your games been playing since EBF1.
I’ll be spending times with my friends and family, most likely playing games and having dinner. I’d really like to have this, would make the day even better!
Not sure yet – still a week left, after all.
(Would prefer Bullet Heaven 2.)
I am pretty sure i will be spending this chrismas with my family, chilling, relaxing, having a good time and also wishing our lord jesus christ a happy birthday.
Just gonna be staying home with my family.
I already have ebf5 but would love to complete ebf4 again on steam this time.
I’m planning on meeting my entire family and organizing a christmas evening together! We haven’t come together in a long time, and we’d all like to talk and meet each other! I’m really looking forward to it, should be fun. I also hope I’ll get to win this giveaway, I really wanted to gift ebf5 to my old good friend for quite some time, we’ve been friends for a really long time, and one of the very firsts things I shared with him was actually ebf3, almost 9 years ago.
I’ll likely mostly chill, but I do have some events I might go to. I’ll always have my cat though
(already have 5, so i’d like a bh2 key)
I’ll stay at home, with my parents, playing videogames and surfing on Internet
This Christmas I will be spending time with my family after being at college for the past 4 months.
Gonna visit my GF
On christmas i will be with my family , and of course with my cat and dogs! while on 31 dec i will be with my friends to celebrate and have fun!
Propably will spend Christmas time with friends and family like always
Also Matt
Thank you for creating my childhood
I hope your games will be as important to kids from this generation as they were important to me when I was growing up
You are an Epic Legend <3
I already have all the games so far, but i figured i would say something.
I love these games, and i’m really looking forward to the next one.
Will eat Yule log with friends and family !
I’m going to… play videogames, including EBF5/4 and BH2. I’ll also be listening to music, because I like music..
Hopefully I do not have to work my Job on Christmas and Christmas Eve! So I can be at home and spend time with Family & Friends.
i will stay in my house and do EBF
I will probably spend Christmas with my family. And I’ll try to finish EBF5 on Epic difficulty when I’ll get some time for myself. I already failed to defeat the final boss 9 times 🙁
Have to work…
Spending time with family!
Nice game, and happy Xmas~
As a student, it’s important to prepare for the final during Chirstmas lol
I’ll probably be wasting time doing my university project.
Ill be visiting some family out of town.
I’m going to one Christmas with my dad’s family and another Christmas with my mom’s family. Both are going to have a great Christmas dinner. One nice thing we do at my dad’s Christmas is a Pollyanna, where one person gives a gift to someone and gets a gift from someone else. The person you give a gift to is figured out after we have our thanksgiving dinner, so we don’t have to buy presents for everyone in our huge family. Either way, I’ll be enjoying Christmas with my family as I usually do.
I’ll hopefully have my cousin to hang out and catch up with this Christmas.
I’ll be running some Dungeons and Dragons (5th Edition) for my sons & friends, who are playing through the a Forgotten Realms campaign. We’ll also play a few boardgames, probably Small World and Ticket to Ride but also maybe Defenders of the Realm and Middle-Earth Quest (one player get’s to play as Sauron the Invincible while the *hapless* other players are the adventurers who foolishly believe they can beat him !?!? MWAHAHAH*). In my downtime I’ll be playing some Epic Battle Fantasy 4 (on NG+) and really hoping I win a key so I can try out Epic Battle Fantasy 5 woot!!
Many Happy Returns to you & yours this Christmas, and thanks for all the cool times in EBF4 🙂
*Yes, I’ll be playing Sauron. Again.
probably playing some table games with my family and enjoy time together
i would like Epic battle fantasy 4 key
probably playing some table games with my family and enjoy time together
I am going to spend my Christmas with my family
I’ll be chilling with my 4 siblings for chrismas and boasting holiday jams.
Binging all the Home Alone movies on Disney+, with a nice cozy blanket and food.
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH.That’s really fucking great,man.I cant wait for the Xmas
I´ll be doing plenty of things. To start, next Saturday(not this one sadly) all my family and me will go to the north of Spain, and do sky, ice fishing(if possibly) and possibly many snowmen among other things, and of course enjoy the snowy mountains scene, for three days. After that we will pass another 3 days in a countryhouse my uncles reside in. We will make cocktails, popular dishes and also celebrate my Dad´s Birthday, which was born the day JUST BEFORE the last of the year. We will also pass the first day of 2022 there, opening the gifts and enjoying each other company. After that I will just have a good time with my friends once I´m back,a whole free week for me, and prepare for the job once everything is done.
We will also a lot of desserts, which is one of the things I love of Christmas in my family.
I’ll probably be spending time with my family, and having a nice christmas dinner with them. I have play EBF 3 4 and would like to have part 5 as well. Ease god let me win this. Thabk ylu so much Matt.
Don’t have any plans yet.
I will help make foods and cookies with my mother, then going to my father’s place to eat at the 24th of December. After that I think we’ll be going home, playing some tabletop games and having a dinner.
I’ll be visiting family in New York this year, and hopefully getting all the achievements in EPF5 soon after!
my family is hosting a big christmas party so gonna be having a lot of fun in that
We’ll be having a big Christmas dinner! Can’t wait!
gonna have to miss out on most of the enjoyment since i have finals starting soon
Eating with family, enjoying with music and playing video games
studying hard for finals and maybe enjoy with friends
Working on my own game and spending time with my friends, enjoying a good plate of chicken with potato and gravy
Going abroad to see my parents after a while and spending a lot of time with them
having a lot of fun with my family
This christmas i will be obviously spending time with family and eat food.
Studying for my Basmh exam, if I’ll pass I will join a computer science unit in the army.
I’m just going to enjoy a meal with my parents
Going to watch some movies.
Oh, Bullet Heaven 2, please.
supongo que me pondre a horrar para algun juego nuevo y algun trabajillo extra en clases para suvir nota
Prepare for the exam
so busy.
I really want my friends to try it
I’m planning on heading south to my family’s place in Florida in a few days. It’s going to be a long trip, but it’ll be worth it!
Probably stressing out for exams
Well, I’m looking to spend Christmas with my family. Havent seen em In a while ever since I started working in another state!
I’ve got a friend that can appreciate a great RPG. I’m sure she’ll love this, if I could get it. If not, then hey, I’ll probably buy it anyways. 🙂
K, Matt! I was like ‘why do I need this giveaway when I already have whole EBF collection?’ at first, but yeah, then I realized that it’s a perfect chance to charm 1 of my friends with your games. So I’m in! If I win I’d like to get EBF4 then XD
Merry XMas! I wish you GL and a billion strikes of inspiration next year ;P
And as for me and my plans about XMas… Well, bc in my land we have a calendar of events which differs from widely accepted, then… There is a chance I’d work on the 25th even tho it’s a Saturday. But if looking from the other side, our team gonna finish our new snow groomer which’d help a lot of people to jump in on the holiday spirit so it’s OK ;P And we’d get our weekends a bit later 😉
Play EBF5,it’s my favorite game 🙂
This Christmas I’ll be catching up on my gaming, spending a little time with some loved ones, and thanking Satan for all the wonderful things he has blessed me with. I’d love to add playing EBF5 to that list.
Thanks and Happy Holidays,
Merry Christmas! I am a Chinese university student, this year is my first time to spend Christmas with my classmates. Epic5 brings me not only my own Chinese, but also the sparrow’s rpg, which I have played several times without boredom. I also want to recommend this game to my classmates so that he can also experience the adventure story with matt. If you don’t give it to key, I will also recommend it to the other three friends as a Christmas present.
I will spend this Christmas with my family, working on my thesis, and playing with my cat ^_^
Spending time with my girlfriend that I’ve finally gotten this year :’))
Play lots of games, of course!
I’m Russian so we don’t get the December Christmas, but we celebrate New Year with same passion, which probably i’m gonna spend with friends or family. As of Christmas, I’ll be on my night shift :\
I’ll be spending my christmas with my family. As per tradition I’m gonna be baking some sweets for everyone on the morning of 24th. Quite possibly my friends will join me on discord at night to play games together as our little christmas eve. Much love to everyone and happy holidays!
Spend the day with my family, as per tradition. Also probably hang out with friends and play some games with the remaining time. Holidays are very exciting! 🙂
I’m a boring South American, my man. My christmas will be lunching with my dad, sending a prayer to mom and then spending the rest with my wife and our 3 cats.
I’m going to cook us a bird, fruit rice, and some other goodies and then watch Disney xmas movies all night till we pass out from cider or wine. That sums it up.
I prefer a Bullet Heaven 2 key as i’ve got all EBF’s already. Thank you and merry xmas, Matt.
Looking forward to spending time with my family, having a great relaxing time eating a wonderful Christmas lunch, watching awesome Christmas movies and playing with presents.
I’ll be spending it with my girlfriend. Our dating birthday is on the 24th, so we usually like to spend it together. And obviously, eat, play games and all that good stuff.
I’ll be drawing, playing games and spending time with my family at my grandparents home, this year I decided to gift some drawings to my family ( •̀ ω •́ )✧.
I’ll be alone, playing games, like every year.
I will spend this Christmas with my dad, brother, and grandparents. Probably will also play video games and finish watching breaking bad.
I will be spending christmas with all my family (around 20 people), I think it’s about time for a family reunition.
PD: If I were to win the key I would like it’s for EBF4 since I already have EBF5.
Going to spend this Christmas with my family.
i want bullet heaven 2
I’m gonna give it to a pal of mine
Spend my time with my family and homies.
i might gonna play mission in snowdriftland bonus level and upload it on my channel.. also working on some new baba is you custom levelpack too! would love to have bullet heaven 2 though since i already has ebf 4 and 5 🙂
Playing the EBF5,of course
I’ll be working from home and watching some tv with family i guess 🙂
this christmas i will be with my best friend (J) we will be playing uno dark and drinking wine the game key (EBF5) will be for her also happy christmas to everyone whos reading this comment
Hey Kupo, been enjoying your games since EBF 1 on newgrounds and kongregate. Happy holidays!
(Would like to get bullet heaven 2 key, My friend already owns EBF 4. :D)
Ah, but of course this holiday season will be spent digitally illustrating, like it always is for me! I do hope you have Merry Christmas. I found your projects very innovate and influential when I was younger. If you ever need additional illustrative efforts, feel free to reach out 🙂
I think I will be spending my Christmas with my family.
I already purchased EBF5 as soon as it launched so I would prefer EBF4 as I am a big fan of the series and I want all the games.
Keep up the great work Matt!
probably just going to play games and eat food with family after getting christmas gifts
bullet heaven 2 would be great to play and recieve
This holiday I’ll be catching up with some University courses and celebrate Christmas at our grandparents house 🙂
Hoping to hang with some friends and family this Christmas.
I’m going to a friend’s Christmas party that will last 3 days
I will probably just be at home wirh my family having some great food and relaxing. Since I am from a pretty christian family in Germany, we will go to church before celebrating.
I’ll finish what I haven’t done this year
And i want Bullet Heaven 2!XD
Will work on this day.
I don’t know what I will do at Christmas, because I come from China, so I may finish a process of my own film that day. In addition, I hope my friends can also play EBF. A key can promote this process
hard works then eat and play with my love old games
I’ll be going to my uncle’s and be forced to socialize with my family. I will do my best to enjoy myself.
I hope to be able to play EBF6 this Christmas.
Gaming night with my buds.
At Christmas I will go to my family.
We’re gonna stay home but some friends with kids are gonna come over in the morning.
It’ll be a quiet Christmas for me this year as the new variant is going to be rampant in London, It’s not all bad though. I get some time to play some video games and relax before I have some of my university assignments due in early January.
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas Matt. Stay safe! 🙂
Plans for christmas for me will likely be me and my mother just relaxing at home after how stressful the last few months have been
All i want for Christmas is games???
Not stress about school for a while I hope.
I will spend some quality time with my family ~
Finally getting to see my sister after my niece was born ~
I’m spending some quality time with my family since last year we had covid before christmas and it was just a mess. This christmas will hopefully be better than last year.
if I win i would like EBF4 please.
I will be… studying… Mostly focusing on Databases and Server Frameworks during the time frame of Christmas. I’ll also be painting and renovating my room somewhere sometimes in between (I’ve been saying that for literally the entire semester, it’s just so busy). Honestly, the real vacation for me will start after the January examinations. Student life I guess.
I will finally have some time to relax, spend time with my family, do christmas treats, and spend time with my friends. I’m really looking forward to it! :)))
In the days leading up to Christmas I’ll be working on a Minecraft animation for a community collab and maybe playing some games I got during a sale at the beginning of the month (Robot Wants it All and Ori and the ____ games). Animating is hard! I have no idea what I’m going to be doing on Christmas day. My parents usually plan a family trip and this time I have no idea what we’re doing or where we’re going. I don’t ask because I don’t generally like travelling. I’d much rather stay home and play video games with friends but I guess I can tolerate a family trip once or twice a year lmao.
I already have EBF5, but I’ve got some friends who are interested so if I win I’ll just give it to one of them.
Plan: Successfully confess to crush on Christmas!
This Christmas I would be at my laboratory, sadly.
There is a project essential for my graduation and I am still working on it.
I’ll be celebrating this christmas with family and friends! Here’s to another year, that will hopefully be less stressful! 😀 Already got both my closest friends to play AND THEN buy EBF 5, so I’d like to get an EBF 4 key if possible.
Spending time with my family and girlfriend! We’re gonna be exchanging presents and having a barbecue! 😀
Will be spending Christmas with my girlfriend and her family.
I’m from the Ukraine, and we usually spend Christmas with my family. So I will not break tradition and will celebrate the holiday with my relatives, and then I will play games all evening. I would like to get EBF5 as a present)
Seasonal blessings to you good folks !
I’ll most likely be spending Christmas with my family at a ski-lodge. We’re gonna rent out a cabin, drink lots of hot cocoa and probably binge-watch all those classic childhood Christmas movies I grew up with.
If someone’s spending Christmas alone, remember that the EBF community is there with you from the mutual joy of the game !
Probally I will working this Christmas and spending some evening with family. This end of the year will be very busy and I hope I can spend enough time with my family.
I will be spending time with my family as I always do. After that, I will most likely play games.
If I somehow win, I would like to receive EBF4.
I will be playing games with my brothers and friends, such as Terraria, League of Legends and such. However, if I am lucky, I will be playing EBF5, seeing who can finish the game the fastest; saving me 30$ on a Christmas gift ;P
This Christmas I find myself abroad in a new country, far away from my family and friends. Though while I will be ‘working’ over Christmas my job involves spreading good cheer to many isolated people and families this Christmas (Covid). In all honesty it is very fulfilling and a great privilege.
This will be truly a disaster in my life more than some kind of happy holiday. Very hard year, left almost alone to live in this world, because deaths everywhere. No money, no fun, no love for me this Christmas and New Year, so I will be just sitting at home, maybe rewatching some good old movies, and, probably, just living through without any bright celebrations.
Just spending time with family.
I had a lot of fun playing Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I was happy to play a game in Korean for the first time in the series, and although I am not good at English, I wanted to enjoy other series on Christmas. The game really suited my taste and it was fun.
I don’t have any big plans for Christmas, but I’m planning to spend it with my family.
I’m sorry if the meaning is different by writing a comment using a translator.
Watching anime, playing games, eating delicious food.
If the victory is mine, I would choose Bullet Heaven 2!
I’ll just be hangout with my family and relatives. :3
I’ll be spending Christmas cooking and baking with my family. We’ll also be having the neighbors over to play cards and board games since we’re all fully vaccinated.
Could you please send me a key for EBF4 instead if I win?
league of legends 🙁
I’ll be spending time with the family as I won’t really be going out all that much with the ongoing pandemic.
Gonna spend time with the family. Good vibes with good people, that’s what it’s all about 🙂
Well, I have a speech competition on Xmas, so there’s probably no celebrating activities on my schedule.
At home with family, as always.
I don’t actually celebrate christmas, as I’m a muslim. I will, however, be singing in a choir for a small gathering in my school on the 26th so christmas day would probably be spent for rehearsals
Hi Matt, I’m going to be chilling at home and trying to beat ebf5 hell mode and celebrating with my family. I wanted to introduce my friend to ebf5 over the break, I showed him the soundtrack and he really vibed with it, so yeah!
I don’t need that ,get the money to finish the ebf collection
I want to collect it for my collection
Having christmas at my sisters house with my family.
I’ll be jerking off like te bad girl i am >:3
go with my girlfriend
Hey Matt, I love your games! I’m gonna be spending time with friends, family and those I love for Christmas. Now I already own the game, but I wanna introduce one of my friends to the series. So send me any of the keys you’re offering, I don’t mind whichever one you send. But whether I win the giveaway or not, you’re still a fantastic developer. Keep being awesome!
Hi Matt, I’ll spend this Christmas with my family seeing my brother for the first time in a while and enjoying our time together as a family, maybe playing on my sister’s switch. Also doing some boring reading I have to do for uni. Happy holidays
I plan to watch Christmas movies while preparing a chicken casserole for a dinner I’ll be attending. And if I win one of the giveaway codes, I’ll gift it to my brother so he can try out EBF5. :3
This year for Christmas my father invited us over for a ‘pizzafest’ (his words) at his place. Sounds fun, right? First year I can afford presents for all my folks and pals too, but a key would make it a little easier on the wallet lol
It’s summer down here in New Zealand ; too warm really for the big Christmas dinner, but we eat it anyway; end up feeling like the party when they ate the slimes in the forest in EBF3.
I will be spending Christmas with my family, nothing unusual for most people I hope, though in my case it’s a bit unusual because we don’t get snow here
This month I covered another person at work on another shift. So I didn’t get to spend time with the wife and my toddlers. I’m going to make up for it. Also take a couple me days to decompress and play a couple games.
Finish my assignments, perhaps throw a party with my family and friends (or maybe not because pandemic), EBF5 rush with my cousin and definitely playing games all night with my friends on discord. Its been 2 weeks since my last touch on any game, so many tests and assignment @_@ I already own EBF5 so I’d like to receive EBF4 key if I won <3
I will spend this Christmas with my partner and her family in a family party for the first time.
Hello, I will celebrate this Christmas with my family, like every year haha…
I already have all three games purchased, but I am interested in getting the EBF 5 for a good friend of mine
My friends and I who didn’t get to do a Halloween party are combining the two by watching Nightmare Before Christmas in our unused Halloween costumes!
Ok so you know that scene in the santa clause where the dad takes his son for Chinese on Christmas when he burnt the turkey? Well it’s like that with me and my dad except I’m 21 and we already did presents last week.
I’ll be celebrating Christmas with a big videogame party, mostly because of the Pandemic. Will spend a lot of time Jackboxing, but will be happy to share the fun of EBF5 for my other pals!
I’ll probably be spending time with my family, and having a nice christmas dinner with them. Nothing more, nothing less (:
Also i would probably want Bullet Heaven 2, since i already own EBF 4 and 5 on steam (;
HI Matt i am from Malaysia and we dont have winter here but we do celebrate Christmas is kinda weird but i will surely be playing ebf5 i still have many medals that are not unlock anyway i hope i get the key <3
I’ll be staying home but heading to the Big Island after Christmas day! Thanks for all the work you guys put into this game!
This Christmas, i’ll of course be spending time with my family, but also with my long distance relationship partner all the way in Canada. And i’m Brazilian! We love to screenshare on Discord, even watching each other play games, and i’d love to introduce him to the Epic Battle Fantasy series. It’s been a childhood favorite of mine for a long time (RIP Flash), and I think he’d have a blast playing it. That would be a really fun Christmas!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and thank you KupoGames for making such great underrated gems.
honestly im just gonna eat food and tilt in dota 2
I am travelling back to my parents house to spend the holidays there.
Probably nothin’ much, working, playing games on my free time, hanging out with some pals, the good ole’ stuff.
Also, studying a little bit.
For this xmas I’ll be playing some online games with friends 🙂
I’ll be with my relatives in Costa Rica for Christmas, which means I’ll get to spend more time with my grandma 😀
Play games
I want to receive keys for epic battle fantasy 4
I will be just preparing the exam
Playing with my grandma cat and giving him some a christmas hat it looks cute
playing some web games , play minecraft .not that much stuff
i like ebf cause from design art and more likely the cat
Im looking more about EBF collection games as they are different with other games that i have played
As a player from China, though Christmas isn’t a tradition in our country, but I still decide to send gifts to the ones I love.
What 2022 will be, I’m looking forward to it.
Well for this Christmas, I’ll just be spending time with my friends and maybe my extended family if they do anything. Classic Christmas things I suppose
Pretty much just rest up and get some sleep.
Spend holidays with family, chat with friends online or play games.
My birthday is on the 20th which is really close to christmas and I think I’ll be watching the new Spiderman movie that day. I think for the rest of my time I’ll be spending time with my family and playing video games. (Also, if I get selected, I’d rather get a Bullet Heaven 2 key)
Happy holidays everyone! ❤
Family christmass can’t be beat. Merry christmass to all and to all a good night(totaly original……).
I’ll hopefully be spending Christmas with my brother’s family in another state 7 hours away. It will be the first time I’ve seen him and his house since he moved from one coast of the US to the other early this year.
I will be introducing my girlfriend to my family, very excited to see how it goes!
Working, playing coop with a friend, reading all the unread books that I’ve bought this year, playing singleplayer games.
Will be spending Christmas with my girlfriend. Ordered a Christmas spread. Hoping to eat good food and relax.
My family and I will be eating some meatloaf at night! During day I guess I’ll be buying games nonstop.
This year I will be with my family, and a couple of days after, I’ll be playing with some friends I’ve met on the internet a few years ago, then finish it up with some secret santa fun 😀
I already own all your games, if I happen to win the key, then either EBF4 or 5 would be great for a friend of mine, then I will gift him the rest
Merry christmas and thank you for everything! Looking forward to EBF6 <3
I will eat dinner with the family.
Hope you all have great christmas days.
I’m going to Georgia to visit my family over there!
I want to receive keys for epic battle fantasy 4 as my Christmas present
Unfortunately my mother has to go back home to support her mother this Christmas so my Father, Brother and I will be having it at home but, we’ll all still have fun and make sure to call her as much as we can!
I will spend this Christmas with my family in my Father’s house
I will be gathering with the family like usual, looking forward so so much to meet them again!
I’ll be having a nice Christmas party with family that we usually have every year! always a wonderful night with lots of joy. good luck to everyone that enters!
going out with the boys
I’ll be studying for exams ?
I’ll spend time with my family and my cat. If I win I want a key for EBF6 pls.
I’m Korean, so I used a translator.
I already have the game on Steam, but I’m applying to gift it to my sister.
for christmas im going to be spending it with my family, we have a tradition of taking a few days to cook some of our cultures food so that we can enjoy it while we all hang out together and or just enjoy some good food
been a long time fan for epic battle fantasy so i would like to enjoy the steam version of ebf5! but i wish luck for everyone else wanting to get a steam key too ❤
Play games with Nashiki friends.
I’ll mostly be taking care of myself, and playing your games.
I’ll be spending Christmas with my Family, as well as my best friend and her daughter.
Really looking forward to it :3
To be honest, I’ll just be spending Christmas with my family – a simple celebration, maybe with some sweets and hot drinks, and watching Netflix and chill ~
For this Christmas I plan to take my parents to dinner at a luxurious restaurant for my new job, and of course if I win the key I will give it to a good friend who wants this game but does not have money to buy it.
I’m a Buddhist, so I’ve never taken Christmas too seriously,
but I’ll probably be following all the photos of IKEA sharks celebrating Christmas on Instagram during the holidays.
Merry Christmas?
Spending Christmas morning with the fiance and our two cats, Enzo and Miss Lady J! Then we are off to my fathers for a French/German brunch of croissants and smoked German meats . Schinken is so GOOD! Then some more family and friends coming over for presents, spoil my second cousin rotten! (he’s 6) Then Prime Rib dinner for all. Sounds super fancy but it’s only 8 of us. Go big or go home! Merry Christmas Everyone! Keep Happy & Stay Safe!
I myself have all 3 copies, but i know some who would enjoy it!
I’ll probably be spending time hanging out with my friends and playing random games on steam
If possible, I would like to receive a Bullet Heaven 2 key instead
ima be chilling in on a trip with far family i havent seen in quiet a while.
To be fair i can’t wont do anything on christmas, sadly i have quarantine, meaning i can’t go to my grandpa for christmas.
Im probably going to be spending time in Christmas like I usually do, just with my family and having fun, and even if Im having a bad time with life, I still stay positive thanks to you Matt! Bless you for this series!!!
If I get the key Im giving it to a friend who also really loves EBF too and is playing through EBF3 rn.
Ugh. Honestly, I think I’ll spend the whole holiday period just looking for something to play…
If i somehow get a key, id’d be nice if I could get EBF4.
I do plan to hang out with my mother and sister for Christmas, as well as my grandparents, and because my sister is almost a Christmas person as she was born two days before then, I’ll be celebrating her birthday as well! I will do my best to make it as awesome as I can make it for her, and make sure she gets epic gifts!
Marry Christmas everyone!
I’ll be home alone as usual…
You just gave me an idea for what to ask my wife for my birthday. I’m gonna ask her to get me EBF5 if I don’t get lucky. Thanks Matt.
I’ll be spending Christmas alone – but at least my family won’t be there
I’ll be bing chilling with some friends and family. playing alot of games with the bois and eating foooood :DD . if you some how pick me that’d be lit I love u matt, and I’d love a BH2 key I’ve actually never gave either BH games even tho I’ve played through all the ebf games 2-3 times respectively xD
Probably going to my grandma’s house
Not a planning kinda guy so maybe i’ll just watch Christmas related stuff or whatever happens to, well uh, happen.
I will be trying to catch up with my studies and hopefully manage to meet with some friends 🙂
Merry Christmas!
I’ll be hanging around at home with other friends that aren’t able to be with their families for Christmas for one reason or another. I just want to be there for them.
I’ll spend about half of it attending to family obligations, then come back for New Years’ and have a wonderful time for the rest of the holidays.
Probably eating Chinese food and watching movies, as is Jewish tradition. But hopefully it falls through due to COVID. I’d rather take the time for some Bullet Heaven 2, as I’ve recently finished EBF5.
This Christmas I’ll be heading down to Ohio to be with my older brothers and family and spoil my nieces. And I’m looking to instead receive a Bullet Heaven 2 key.
Already own the game, but this would be a great way to introduce some of my friends to it. This chrismas I’ll probably be at home because you know why, guess I’ll go back to playing minecraft or something, I don’t know.
Probably switching between having fun with family, and reconsidering my life choices
I’ll be with my family this year, playing tabletop games (such as Terraforming Mars and Killer Bunnies) and eating whatever home-baked cookies we haven’t eaten yet
I am not a fan of the holidays. Most likely, I’ll just relax and watch some TV series.
Just going to spend some time with the boys for the christmas maybe try some new things out while I got my small break.
merry christmas in advance, this christmas i’m gonna be at home as usual lmao i’m starting to think this mess will never end
Spending Christmas with my family back at home! Probably some baking, cooking, and maybe drinking
first time away from home because of college so my friends and I are kinda spending it all together
I’ll probably be spending it with my brother who came back from the Navy after 6 years!
I’ll spend this schristmas with my family (I have a really big family)
I will try to at least spend some time alone or spend it with my family this Christmas, I really need to at least take a break from this work…
Since I already live with the family, I’m gonna spend Christmas chilling at home, playing whatever I buy from this year’s Steam Winter Sale
i’ll be spending time with my family and chill most of the time
anyways good luck everyone!
I am going to be spending my Christmas hanging out with my brother for the first time in 2 years since he left for college!
This Christmas I’ll probably be at home with the family. I don’t have much of that but hey, not like you can go out as much with the whole covid thing
This christmas will be spent at home with my family, and maybe some friends over. I hope you, and everyone reading this, has a merry christmas!
I’m not a big Christmas person, but it is 2 days before my birthday so I’ll give it that. Mainly will be working on drawing my manga series and chilling with friends :3
I will be catching up on all the games I wanted to play but was too busy to this semester. And potentially giving my best friend a copy of EBF5 if I win UwU.
I’ll be visiting my dad and just trying to relax since I have to work the day after unfortunately.
I plan to spend a lot of time to relax after a stressful school year and try picking up new hobbies, and making a bunch of art and animations for my friends.
I’ll be sleeping, probably.
Probably playing Rimworld while waiting for food to cook. Been playing a heavily modded game, eventually going to go to space and make a massive space resort while launching nukes down on the peasants.
I will be hanging out at home with my family. Having a wonderful dinner and hopefully spending time with my friends online this christmas.
If possible I would enjoy a Bullet Heaven 2 code.
I’ll just be browsing the steam sales again after i spend some time watching my little siblings open some presents.
I’ll probably spend Christmas with my family, and then stay up late to play any good games I find during Winter Sale. (If possible, I would rather receive a Bullet Heaven 2 key, thanks S2)
Playing games and chilling with my friends. Epic Battle Fantasy 5 would be great, yes
enjoy some rest and compose myself, fill my batteries for the coming months
love your games, you are doing an amazing job.
Cheers and happy holidays to everyone
I will be getting THE mega fat and gsmin’.
I would just simply hang with my family, it’s nothing special but it’s still the spirit of Chrismas
For Christmas, I am going to work on my social skills for our family gathering and not embarrass my self this time 😀 Happy holiday !
I’ll be practicing archery with my in-laws! I haven’t touched a bow for almost 20 years, so I’m excited to try again!
We’ll probably go to the province to visit my mother’s side of the family. I wonder what sort of fighting has happened there since last time.
Since we moved down to Texas, will be celebrating with aunt’s family here while we face time those that remain in Minnesota.
On Christmas I’ll be trying to learn subjects as fast as I can to pass the exams…
If I’ll win somehow, I would like to get EBF4 instead
I’m going to spend Christmas with my Grandfather and family as my grandmother passed early in December! We’ll be doing lots of cooking, including a traditional Italian Christmas Eve feast of seven fishes.
I will have a family moment like every year for sure 🙂
I’m going to spend christmas together with my mom and my grandpa. My grandpa has cancer, but he was allowed to spend christmas with us, so I’m going to pick up my grandpa a day before christmas
On Christmas I’m heading down to my Grandma’s for dinner with her and my mom. I get worried about them both sometimes, especially since last time i ledt then together Grandma chokeslammed Mom into a counter in self defense.
I will be spending Christmas with my mom, and hopefully my friends as well. Looking forward to the yearly tradition of watching the endless “A Christmas Story” marathon. To anyone reading this, hope you have a merry Christmas and happy New Year.
I will be spending christmas with my my family and meeting with my sister wchich I haven’t seen in a long time. Most likely I will likely try to convince my another sister to try out new games.
I wish a mery christmas and a happy new year.
If I get to win a key can I have EBF4?
Im gonna have a big dinner with my family and then on christmas day I’ll see my dad and I havent seen him for months. Im also going to pay a visit to my grandfathers grave so he isnt lonely on christmas
Spending it with my girlfriend, we’ll be watching some Netflix and drinking hot tea on Christmas Eve. Hope you enjoy your Christmas as well, Matt!
I have been playing your games since I was 6, I didn’t really understand anything, but I really enjoyed the games. Growing up I followed the series, starting with EBF3, then 4, and now 5. These games helped me grow as a person and made me realize my dream of becoming a game developer.
I wish you a Merry Christmas, and Godspeed on the current projects
I will be spending time with family and drinking something with my friends. Happy holidays!!!
I probably will spend Christmas with family and friends, happy holiday folks
I will spend Christmas on the pc with friends playing as I always do, greetings from Argentina.
Well, I’ve recently had surgery on my spine due to scoliosis in order to correct my spine, so I’m guessing I’ll spend Christmas recovering at my house along with my family and maybe have some extended family over for the 25th. I doubt I’ll do much else.
Resending the comment as I forgot to put the dot com at the end of my email. Sorry about that.
My birthday is also in December, so I’m still going to be busy playing new games. I’m playing monster hunter at the moment and it’s really fun. I’ don’t think I’m doing anything specific, but I’m going to celebrate Christmas with one side of my family and then again with the other which will be fun. Merry Christmas !
Well, I’ve recently had surgery on my spine due to scoliosis in order to correct my spine, so I’m guessing I’ll spend Christmas recovering at my house along with my family and maybe have some extended family over for the 25th. I doubt I’ll do much else.
I’m not really sure what I’ll be doing for Christmas, I assume that I will be spending time with family and hopefully will be able to hang out with some of my closest friends during that time.
I’ll be taking the opportunity to finally relax and do things I wanted to do when I was too busy with life.
Play games, hang out with family more, read books. And watch a lot of anime.
I will be smoking da good shit with da fam and opening presents
I’ll spend Christmas with family, playing videogames and stuff. And staying warm and safe in my home, no leaving it. I’ve always been a fan of playing EBF, in fact as i write this comment i’m trying to 100% EBF3. Epic difficulty’s a pain in the butt though, but that’s okay, i just need to git gudder.
For Christmas I’m picking up my homeless bud from the deep south out of an abusive family situation and offering her a job at my workplace. Together we’ll mutually help each other – family isn’t always your blood. People need to stick together to survive. I do happen to game when I get free time but my primary concern is designing a game right now and this looks right up my ally, in fact one of my game design members recommended this page to me. Thank you in advance if I happen to be selected.
Somethings will always be the same and the 12 days of D&D must go on. Aside from that I’ll be with family and friends until the new year.
Well, I will stay with my family, I think it’s the best way to do it.
Hope next year will be much better for me…
i love your works and i want a Epic Battle Fantasy 5 key !!!
I will spend Christmas with family and friends
I’ll be visiting friends at Christmas. Hope you all have a great one!
Gonna spend my christmas playing games! Since it is a long weekend, I’ll be sure to relax before working again on the 26th!
Im going to spend christmas with my friends and family. We have a “invisible friend” thing going on between the main friend group and i’m still talking with my partner about spending new year’s together or not uwu
This is my first Christmas with an actual job making actual money, so I’m gonna be splurging on a crapton of gifts for all my friends. Gonna put a big dent in my finances even with work, but screw it, friends come first!
I will spend christmas with my family, and visit my relatives. I would spend it with my girlfriend if I had one.
I am gonna spend my Christmas with my family and trying to be together as a family 🙂
I will spend this Christmas with my friends and family. My friend will be happy if I give him such a gift in the form of his favorite game
I would just like to finish the year alive, I know that life doesn’t want to give me anything for reasons I don’t know, but I shouldn’t pressure anyone.
I just want to continue with my family, I know that I will not have anything else.
Maybe I will play some games with friends. Spending time with my family is a thing I don’t do enough though. Christmas is the best moment for that ! =)
I’ll be spending Christmas at home and taking it easy; its been a busy year! I’ll be celebrating with the family a bit late, but I’m excited nonetheless. I might draw something a little festive for Christmas as well :3
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas, Matt & Ronja!
I’ll spend time with my family at my grandmothers place. Hopefully it’ll go as peacfully as ever, ’tis a time of peace afterall.
Merry Christmas!
As every year I will celebrate with my family, homemade sweets, dancing and playing music toguether.
During Christmas, i will build some snowman with my family, then we will play some games later in the day.
I and the team are probably going to continue to work very hard to make hundreds of thousands people happy by packing and sending them a very wanted presents (for New Year also) which they have ordered in all Europe. That warmhearted feeling when you and the team dream themselves as Santa Claus and the elves…
Merry Christams one and all!
This year I got some gingerbread houses I will trying to put together. Last year we had a Christmas tree one that looked like a snowy mountain by the time we used all the icing.
For Christmas I will be spending time with friends and family and probably being the person to shovel the driveway at the same time
Hey fellow Matt,
Bit of a lowkey Christmas this year. My older brother and his wife and kids are staying for the week, either at my place or my sister’s. We’re gonna hang out, make food, exchange presents, and generally just catch up.
Hope you’re staying safe and having a good one
I will spend this christmas with my cats and dogs playing with them alot. I will also have family over and he will exchange gifts like we do every year. its gonna be really fun!
I just want to say a big THANK YOU to you. I have played all the EBF games since I was a little kid. Thank you so much for creating such a rich, diverse world filled with various funny and engaging characters that I grew up with.
For this Christmas, I am going to spend it with my gf, as my parents are far away. It has been a long two years of lockdown with COVID, and I hope you and your family are safe.
Take care!
This Christmas I will visit my grandparents and spend the holidays with them, eating typical foods of my country and the traditional Christmas turkey, I will also visit some friends and launch festive rockets with them.
I don’t have much money but I am still enjoying Christmas with my loved ones and I hope everyone has a happy holiday.
Sorry for my bad English
Oh and I already bought the game a few weeks ago (wonderful) and I would like Bullet Heaven 2 if it’s no bother <3
I’m spending Christmas with my family going to make cookies and sing songs.
I own the game already so if I won the code, I’d give it to one of my friends because, I mean, it’s a good game, and I’m all for more people trying it.
I will be bored all christmas and stay inside playing video games. If it snows ill go sledding and ice skating with friends. I wont actually be bored as i will have many friends to talk to lol.
Taking a break from school and enjoying time with my family!
I spent a lot of time on flash games. Years ago, my dad brought me a computer and he taught me how to use it. After a few hours, he was surprised that I had started a typing game on a website, and that website called Armor Games. Until now I still can’t teach him how to play video games. I don’t really want him to play, but he always stands behind me watching me play, he likes that. Merry Christmas dad, I love you.
Going to be spending some time with family, first time in a while because of the pandemic
Spending quality time with my parents, cousins, or whoever is gonna show up.
Excited for EBF6 if there will be one!
I’m honestly going to spend Christmas alone, my family is going on a trip and I’m staying home alone by choice, but it’s ok! Because I’m going to marathon Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I would accept the key to Bullet Heaven because it’s the only one I don’t have, merry christmas guys!
For this Christmas just spending time with family and girlfriend and enjoying our time together watching a movie or talking about the year.
I would prefer to have Bullet Heaven 2 since I have the other games already hope everyone enjoys their Christmas as well.
i will do the same i do every year
cook with my mother, play some games and then have a nice meal with my family
I’ll be opening presents with my family which we didn’t start doing until last year when we moved to TN, and after that probably having a movie night with my friend, we’re planning on watching Die Hard (old movie ikr)
I would spend this Christmas with people in my family that is still alive at the house.
I will spend time with my family, and give a cool gift for my mom and my dad! heu… and have a big dinner in mygrandma house and support the aunts husband family who are REALLY ANOYING!!!! and… mzybe play epic battle fantasy 3… for the third time… (or ebf 5 for the first time if you give the key!)
Gonna spend christmas with my mom, this year got really rough for us in October. I wanna keep being there for her y’know
I will be going to my grandmother’s. I will also be joining a white elephant.
I got over a hundred hour in ebf5, the game is great. i would love to play bullet heaven tho
I’ll most likely be heading down to Florida to visit my grandparents for Christmas, as per tradition.
I’ll spend my Christmas with my mom, eating a delicious meal and later on, spending a good time playing a videogame with my friend.
Ill be playing monopoly and eating with family, and later having fun and a really good time with mah friend marota
I will play games, sleep, eat and enjoy the snow outside the window
I will be trying to go back to my old hobbies, like drawing and painting, and I will spend time with my parents and brothers, it sure will be fun!
I will be celebrating whit family whit a bbq, and mby go eat whit some friends before christmas.
I would prefer a key for bullet heaven 2 though since i have all the ebfs
I will have some vacations in another house, in december 24th me and some friends will make a party to celebrate
il be with my family at diner table make jokes laugh maybe spend some time setting fireworks if we get snow after that play game with my mates have good time with them well that pretty much it
I will be spending time with my family, and if I win, I will force them to play Epic Battle Fantasy 5!
I will be sitting with my family, spending time with my closest friends, watching a movie and just enjoying holidays. I hope that everything will be fine for you at Christmas and that all your dreams will come true! And there is one main thing i will say. If you want to be happy just enjoy your life! Your unknown internet friend,
I’ll be chilling with my dog like usual
I’ll just spend this christmas with my family and play some games as usual
Im going to be hanging out with family and enjoying my winter break trying to catch up on my sleep schedule and going to play some games well I’m at it. (:
I will be attempting to improve my baking skills this Christmas
I’ll be replaying EBF3.
It’s become something of a Christmas tradition for me ever since 2016 when I finally finished an Epic difficulty playthrough of EBF3 for the first time. I had struggled with the final boss for days (no doubt because of me falling for the Soulzerker meme) but I finally beat it on Christmas Eve. Still one of my favorite games for that alone.
I’m going to spend Christmas with my family on behalf of my mom and New Years with my dad’s family
I will spend this Christmas with my family and trying to get some sleep.
I’ll be (Hopefully) playing EBF5 on steam, one of the best gaming experience I every witnessed on Newgrounds, and dying to find out what the DLC contains.
I live with my brother and we are celebrating our last Christmas with a tree and wrapped presents this time. Usually we just hand them over but we are doing it right this time. I would love to get EBF5 because it would help me get a start on my new steam account cause I’m not a pc gamer like that.
I’ll be enjoying possibly my last christmas living with family and obviously eating ’till i explode and playing not-so christmas spirit games because yes
For my Christmas nothing out of the usual, family getting together, nice to get everyone back together when we’re all off to college.
I will be drinkin beer
I will spend time in a family diner, nothing special
I would prefer an EBF4 key since i did that one on Kongregate only. Medal hunting 😉
I think I’ll spend most of christmas visiting various relatives.
My family already had a big get together for thanksgiving, so it’ll be a nice quite Christmas at home with just us.
For a given value of “quiet” thought, what with my five year old little brother running around.
In the off chance I do win, I would prefer to get a key for Bullet heaven 2. I already have EBF4 and EBF5.
I’ll be spending it with my kids, I can’t wait, I’ve been without them for 3 years and they’re about to finally move back in with me next month. If I do win I’d love Bullet Heaven 2, I already own EBF 4 and 5 and I love them!
I will spend this Christmas with my family,hoping for lots of happiness and presents
forgot to say i would prefer EBF4 code, i already have EBF5)
I’ll just spend Christmas with my family!
(I just finished playing EBF4 and I loved it, so a key for EBF5 would be an awesome Christmas gift!)
Merry Christmas everyone!
I’m gonna stay in my uncle home to enjoy christmas and have a good time with my cousins
I’m just planning to get ready for my classes, and spent the rest of the time with my family and friends and just chill.❤️
I will be trying to create a game with my younger brother most likely, gonna give it a try.
My girlfriend is visiting from out of state so we can spend Christmas together.
I probably want to get as much sleep as possible, since I’m never gonna get any over this last college semester.
This Christmas i will just be safe at home not playing much and enjoy.
( google translator)
I have known this series for a long time, I played 1 part from a flash player. I was pleased that part 3 came out in incentive and it was possible to save the game normally, and not be afraid that the browser cache would reset the progress. When EBF5 came out, I immediately received a discount coupon, and I immediately bought it without hesitation, knowing that it would be a Masterpiece. Yes, and support the Author. A good story game, in the classic genre JRPG + music in the game is perfectly matched.
If by the code, I don’t even know who to give the game to (there is only one friend in my thoughts, but not the fact that he plays this, although sometimes the genre of games must be changed so as not to burn out). If I could choose, then I would choose the mobile version. Yes, it has not come out yet, only Beta from which I send screenshots to my friends, and I will advise all my friends. Because now there is no Full, Finished Game on the phone. And so that you don’t have to watch forever ads or donated garbage dumps … let’s not talk about sad things)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!)
Sadly, the Russian text does not work, and the meaning of my message is distorted ((
♫♫ On the 1st day of Christmas Matt_Likes_Swords gave to me… ♫♫
♫♫ Hopefully a BH2 key ♫♫ ^^
Seasons greetings and all that. ^^
(Clarification, just in case: Would like Bullet Heaven 2 if I win.)
On second thought….
A friend wants EBF5, so if it’s ok, I’d like to change my desired prize.
Would make a nice gift for them.
I will spend this christmas with my family. And maybe spend at least 1 hour playing games.
This Christmas I will stay home to celebrate with my family.
Just spending it with my family, our Grandma is coming to visit. So we are just going to chill. (EBf4)
will spend christmas with family most likely and ofcourse to be gaming
This Christmas I’m going to get fat with Christmas food hehehehehehe
I’ll be spending Christmas with my mom and watching movies with her before a nice Christmas meal.
Along with the normal Christmas day being with my family and opening presents, the week after we will be having a Christmas party with my cousin’s
I already own the game but I would like to give my brother a copy for Christmas.
Spend time with myself,
get some rest,
try to take care of myself
and get through with some things in my life
also if possible I would love to get bullet heaven 2 instead of epic battle fantasy 5 since I already have it
thanks a lot Matt, your games are kind of comfort games to me and when I just get lost I start relaxing on a new EBF play through or going back to older games
I will complete all the achievements in EBF5 while I wait for EBF1 and EBF2 to be on steam to finish them again and spend some time with my cat and my family.
I’m gonna spend my Christmas with my boyfriend and mostly do stuffs together so we’d have more memories together, he hasn’t play any ebf games yet so I’d love to play it with him soon
My family always goes up to Pennsylvania to spend Christmas time with my relatives. We lost several members last year, (non Covid related) including my grandfather and his elder sister. I will be spending a lot of time with my grandmother, and she will be watching her son’s cat too. In total, there will be 8 of us, including the kitty
Spending time with family, thanks for the giveaway 🙂
Yo visitare a mi familia y realizaremos un intercambio de regalos como todos los años, le pondremos trajes a los perritos y después de las fiestas festivas comenzare a trabajar para obtener más experiencia y seguir buscando una oportunidad mejor de empleo, así Felices días festivos…XD
Gonna go visit my grandpa then celebrate Swedish Christmas with my girlfriend! Hope everyone has plenty of Christmas cheer!
(Also if I actually am chosen I am hoping for an EBF4 key. I already bought EBF5 on steam and loved it.)
I’m jewish, so probably nothing
I’ll be hanging out with family for the first half and taking a class over the second half. Looking forward to all the holiday sweets. I’d prefer a BH2 code as well!
Im gonna spend my christmas with my best friend, well we don’t actually have anything to do except playing computer games cuz we have no snow, but eh we’ll hope for the best
I will be hanging out at home spending time with my family over the winter break. As well as making some fond memories together.
I will be spending time with my family and friends, playing some games and doing Christmas college work
I’ll spend all of Christmas at my house, if I win, I’ll prefer a Bullet Heaven 2 key
I’m going to spend this Christmas with seemingly ~20 people, around half of which I do not even know the names of @_@. Still going to be fun because our dining table (unsurprisingly) cannot fit 20 people so we have to set up a bunch of tables in a long row outside on a tarp which is a pleasant change of pace. Going to take a while to pass food down though!
I would appreciate Bullet Heaven 2 instead of the EBF5 key, I have a mate who really appreciates bullet hells and they’d love it!
I’ve been interrogated by my mother to fill out a wish list of physical items my family and friends can get me for Christmas.
It was HARD! I think buying for others is sorta easy enough… Everything I want I would either buy myself, or wouldn’t ask for because its pricey. She was okay with my last few wish lists which were just candy but wanted t’ get me something else this time, hahah.
Hope everyone is having a lovely winter (summer for those south equator), and a happy holidays. c:
This Christmas, I’ll be talking with family, hanging out with friends, and reading manga or what not. I also have recently began the journey to get all achievements for EBF4 as I felt that would be enjoyable!
Will finish up my code projects while waiting for EBF 5 to release on mobile.
I will spend Christmas with my family in the Christmas Eve, and spend the rest of my time finishing my EBF 4. I hope i can win this giveaway to play EBF 5!
I love your games 😉 you game helped me in the Childhood :3
I will be binging shows/movies (probably the Witcher) with my family while home from college and reconnecting with friends, mostly to play games.
I’m pretty sure that would be spending Christmas alone again, not much is going on except work and games.
I’ll be opening gifts with my wife and roommates.
This Christmas I’ll just be hanging out with friends, drawing some stuff, and working on a project of mine in RPG Maker. I like this time of year because it’s the best time to get cozy and do nothing (with an excuse! :3).
I’ll be spending Christmas with my family and lovely fiancée. I’m hoping to surprise her with Skyrim for the Switch, since that’s basically her favorite game.
I will rest as always, draw stuff I like, watch series I have in my list and spend time with my family .
i’ll be playing EBF5 if i win ;))
I’m going to be staying home and opening presents with my nuclear family, including my sister who’s flown in from the west coast.
hello, i will have fun with my family and friends and will have a happy time
I’ll be taking a friend from Brazil to see snow for the first time and teaching him how to ski! Also, I’ll be making a lot of art for friends and family.
I’ll be spending time with my old highschool buddies. Playing games and getting shitfaced.
Gonna play some games with friends and cook food with family.
I will be doing some coding over Christmas!
I’ll be doing deadlifts all christmas B)
I want read H.P. Lovecraft’s book with my partner this Christmas night,I’ve been looking forward to this moment for a long time
In christmas i will stay with my family and travel to another country
Hello matt I hope my favorite creator are enjoying the holidays
I’m going with my old parents this Christmas and all my aunts also come
We’ll cook a entire pork owo”
My brothers and I want to make some anime dishes with some parts xD
We expect to be a great day
Im going to be spending my christmas with my family, eating good food, relaxing and playing bridge. (also if i win i would prefer a key for epic battle fantasy 4 instead of 5)
Well, considering yesterday I started getting COVID symptoms and I’m still waiting for my free PCR to arrive, I’m going to be at home entirely alone with no one but my cat as I’ll have to continue to isolate. Second year in a row I can’t spend Xmas with my friend. Yay!
For Christmas I’ll probably just chill at home with my family after church. Not much to do with COVID still being an issue.
For this Christmas I will most likely being spending time with my significant other over Discord. We sort of recently got together and I love them so much, although I probably annoy them with how much I tell them that. I did have the idea of trying to get the key for EBF5 for them, but they probably would not play it without me, they are not that big into RPG’s. And I already have EBF4, so I would prefer Bullet Heaven 2. But I’m still happy with anything. I’m very excited for this Christmas, and I hope you have a happy holidays!
I’ll prolly spend this Christmas hanging out with my family, especially with my cousins. Hopefully will get the chance to hang with friends from Discord too!
I think I might be your dirtiest fan, since I never bought any of your games (P.S. I never bought ANY games) and yet I finished all your EBF games in Epic mode + All Achievements (Except BH series and Story mode, since I have a rotten potato laptop. One more reason why I might be your dirtiest fan) and I’d like to become an even dirtiest fan by participating in this giveaway so I could just play modded EBF5. Will I become the official dirtiest fan? There’s only one way to find out *wink *wink.
I’m spending alone lol, will probably watch Elf though 🙂
Spending the festivities with the family, and would attend a wedding of my cousin. Leading up to then play games with my friends.
hopefully I’ll be on VC with the boys and playing Gartic or stockpiling on Steam games
I probably won’t be doing much of anything, outside the usual watching my younger siblings with my folks. Unfortunately some expenses came up recently that caused me to dip into my personal holiday fund.
During xmas I´ll be doing the same as every other day. games, manga and anime. oh and maybe the usual stuff like giving out presents and spending time with loved ones.
I´ll be spending it with my family at my mom´s house.
HI! This christmas I’ll spend some time in family,a nice time that is. The pandemic really affected us and we just want some peace and quiet with good food and nice decorations adorning our house. Hope to see your awesome work for many years more, good luck and happy holydays!
Silly me forgot to say that I already own EBF5, So if I get chosen I would really appreciate a key for EBF4 instead!
Hopefully have a relaxing Christmas and take my sweet time getting used to the outside world again
I’ll spend it chilling at home, chatting with people over Discord while watching streams, truly, the comfiest night.
Going to be spending some time with Family, and soon after I’ll be traveling down to Minneapolis to see some friends I haven’t seen in a few years, It’ll only bee a week but it’s going to be nice to hang out with them again.
I forgot to mention that I would like the key to Bullet Heaven 2 instead, Ive already got EBF5. Sorry about that!
I will be spending a lot of time with my family, each year we do a secret Santa mechanic and give a gift to who we got, we all go to my uncles house and eat my moms legendary chipotle spaghetti and since we all love it, we wait for it desperately. I wish you all the best of luck for the giveaway and merry Christmas!
I discover the game last week and it seems pretty fun !
I’ll just go seeing my family and I will receive my RWBY’s jacket, I’m so happy ^^
Kaz here. What I will be doing in christmas? Playing with my Girlfriend, but she doesn’t have a copy of EBF, any part.
I’ll be traveling with my family to the mountains in the Patagonia, so I guess it’s going to be christmas and chill haha.
Gonna play games like Inscryption and EBF since they’ll be time off.
EBF5 is a masterpiece btw thanks for making it.
My boyfriend’s gonna visit right on Christmas, so we’ll happily spend time with each other for about a week.
gonna be Santa and gift the ebf5 I’m about to get, of course
Spending The holidays with fam, playing games with them 😀
Happy Christmas Kupogames 😀
Oh oh oh !
Can’t wait for Christmas ! I’ll be having some surgery for an ingrown nail, right after removal of an old crown on my tooth that got infected this week.
So yay.. happy end of the year \o/
Well if I could get my hand on an EBF5 key, I could ‘force’ a friend to enter this marvelous universe :p If it’s a gift, he can’t say no !
Happy holidays to you !
I’ll be just chilling and talking to friends and hanging out playing games with family, and for the giveaway ebf5 would make a great gift for a friend! love the ebf games and much love to everyone! Merry Christmas y’all!
hi! as a brazillian, (we don’t have snow) im gonna see some youtube videos and eating some food! with family, and chatting with friends!
(if i win i would like to get bullet heaven 2, cuz i alr have eb5, trying to finish epic mode lol!)
I’ll be visiting my grandm and hopefully finishing up the remaining EBF4 achievements and buying EBF5 if I don’t manage to win.
I’ll be spending time with family, and be taking a break from mountains of schoolwork lol.
For Christmas I’ll be at home with my family, exchanging gifts on Christmas morning before heading up to my grandparents’ house to exchange gifts with my whole mom’s side of the family. I’m hoping to get EBF5 so I can give it to a friend for Christmas because I really like these games and want to share them with others.
Visiting family for the Christmas 😀
Happy xmass bro! And i hope u will make EBF6 plz…and 7…and 8….
As a Chinese student, I need to study at Christmas. I already own EBF5. I want to give one to my friend.
This Christmas, I’ll be spending time with my family, including my brother who I don’t see as much lately, so I’m looking forward to that
This christmas i’ll make some cinammon rolls, it’s the third time im trying to make them because my older ones were kinda ugly, so ‘ill try again this time to make a good looking one. I’ll also be on my grandma’s house, my family always spend christmass and new year there. Before going there, i’ll be playing games,a terraria mod just came out with an update (calamity mod), also waiting for an update of a pokemon fangame called reborn, which is very good and i recommend it. This will be my last year without really thinking about my future so i just want to do what i enjoy while i can.
there’s actually more that i want to write but it would be too long of a comment
(obs: if i receive a key i would like it to be from bullet heaven 2 because i alredy have ebf 5. Also anna is my fav character lol)
Christmas Morning, will likely be home with own family members, ham will be the Christmas dinner. Afterwards will likely have other relatives and friends visiting too. Don’t exactly have any presents in mind to receive, and more just in the mood to gift.
I will try to make a ps2 emulator work, last time i was not very successful
-if i win i would like Bullet Heaven 2
I’ll be spending time with my family, eating good food & playing video games ?
I will be visiting friends and family this christmas. We will be playing boardgames together and drink tea. Also the present opening, that will be fun. If I happen to win I would give the key to my friend, since I love the game and always wanted to play together.
I’ll be spending Christmas with my Dad’s side of the family on my uncle’s new ranch!
Christmas is my fav season of the year, love getting new games for my collections. Since i already own EBF5 i’ll want a EBF4 key
Playing Axie as backup just incase I don’t win a key XD
and probably cooking/baking for the family.
I will stay with my mom this christmas, and spend the night watching movies with her. We always celebrate like this, because it was always just me and my mother <3
Also, i already own EBF4 and 5. I would like to have the bullet haven 2 🙂
I spend christmas working for 15 hours because i need Money ;w;
What I shall be doing for Christmas is getting to spend time with my family, and hopefully being able to complete my animatic for my dnd group.
I will be spending time with family for Christmas and giving treats to my 3 adorable bratty pitbulls
I just gonna stay at home (because of covid) celebrate with my family and my friend
For Christmas, I’ll likely be spending the time with my mom, watching her enjoy her gift I was able to get her this year and vice versa
I’ll be playing epic battle fantasy during christmas, and going skiing. I really want to try the mobile version.
I would love EBF5 for christmas to finish my colection of steam games of basicly anything colection GG to the winer.
I’ll spend Christmas with my family and probably get myself about 175€ of novel to read through the next years.
I’m gonna be with my family on Christmas, and this year I’ll be helping with dinner.
I’ll spend Christmas with my family and hopefully see my gf.
I’ll be celebrating with a couple of friends, having laughs and streaming dumb stuff we find during the winter sale and overall just having a jolly time in the festive times.
bullet heaven 2 pleas : )
just sitting here waiting for the Eschaton while I smoke a bowl
I hope to see my girlfriend studying abroad this Christmas. I haven’t seen her for two years because of the COVID-19。
I will be spending it with my family and playing my games like normal.
bullet heaven PLs
I’ll be celebrating with family and taking it easy.
This Christmas I’ll be doing an early lunch with my mom, as per tradition with her, and then doing an early dinner at my friend’s house with his parents. My family doesn’t have a lot of holiday traditions left intact, so he extended a hand because I’m more invested in the holidays than the rest of my family.
So, the fact that I have my Birthday on Chrismas rules the day, so I invite my family and just have a good time.
I plan on spending my first day off of work in 31 days (Christmas) with family as I always do. I will be a good timw to catch up with them fter basically living at work for all this time.
I have a friend who don´t know about epic battle fantasy and i want him to enjoy it. Epic battle fantasy 5 will be a very good present.
Also, i follow the series frmo my childhood with epic battle fantasy and ebf2 on the pc of my mother´s office, keep going what you like matt!!
I’d love to finally play this on my own volition! Saw a friend play this years ago and I wanna give it a try myself! ?
I’ll surely be doing some coding and going out with my family at this christmas, I cannot travel, but who needs it when you are happy with your beloved ones? ^^
For Christmas this year, I’ll be moving across the states with a friend to be with friends I haven’t seen in almost 4 years. One of the friends actually enjoys NoLegs the Cat, and thinks he’s utterly cute in the battlefield animations, on well as the artwork and music.
I would enjoy the day with my family and enjoy playing games
I’ll be playing Spiral Knights, a mmorpg game where you play as a Knight that got stranded and gets recruited to protect Cradle, the planet, and the city of Haven, there’s a even going on’ that provides very good weapons that makes us go up a big snowy cliff and defeat one of the hardest bosses in the game
I will do this Christmas is to be with my family, for me there is nothing more important than to see my family happy, on the 24th I hope to go out for a walk with my family and have a great time, besides I want to talk by video call with my girlfriend since It is from another country on the 31st it will be like the one that I will like the most hehe because surely there will be a party at my house only my family will be there and I am not sure when the video call with my girlfriend will be
I’m gonna visit an old time friend I haven’t seen in a long time.
I’m planning to spend this Christmas with my family and friends, watching movies and playing games.
Happy holidays everyone!
I already have the ebf5, I want the ebf4 because I have a great time with the 5
I’d probably just chill with my family. It would be cool to have the full version of EBF4 to keep me occupied for the holidays.
May beat all BOSS in epic to get achievement?
I am glad that get happy from this game.
This year ill be enjoying my new PC hopefully but also fun time with gf and my family 🙂
i would love bullet haven 2
I’m probably gonna be working on Christmas ;(
But otherwise I’m gonna try and relax and drink a ton of egg nog
I’d prefer EBF5 if I win. Hope you have a merry Christmas!
I’ll be relaxing at home and playing videogames. If I somehow win a Steam Key, I want it to be a Bullet Heaven 2 key.
Spending time with family via zoom again, probably and hoping to get the newly released FF7 Remake for PC sooner rather than later.
I will probably be gaming lmao
I will be playing games with my family.
This Christmas I will be enhancing my skills regarding 3D, 2D, and Music production, mostly to help my friend in his game creation career, and probably play Epic Battle Fantasy 4, as it is my favorite in the saga.
I’ll be having a Christmas dinner with my family
Happy Holidays! I look forward to your mobile ports on the game but no hurry or pressure on doing so.Lotsa’ us been following since early 2010s and its only fair we give back to someone who has done so much for our childhoods.Well wishes and happy holidays!
Having dinner with my extended family and wondering if I’ll get the code or not.
I’ll be spending the latter end of december at home with my family as per usual here…
I’m not a fan of big parties anyway, so it’s all good.
I’m leaving the state to spend time with my mother and grandma! I haven’t seen either of them for a while so I’m excited to be able to see them again. A bit disappointed that I can’t spend the whole time gaming and being a big monster, but that’s how it goes sometimes.
I will go on a family vacatio ^w^
I’ll be grinding apex with friends and spending time with family
Heh, I will spend the new year in a family circle, as well as with a friend in discord 🙂
I congratulate everyone on the upcoming December 31, new year from Ukraine!
Will be playing Christmas themed Skribbl
io and among us with friends.
I will be catching up with my relatives 🙂
For this Christmas I’m gonna be visiting family and just relaxing with loved ones 🙂
This Christmas I plan to spend time with family and hang out with my slowly growing twitch community!
Hi Matt, I’ll be in my house this Christmas, I’ve been away for around 2 years so I’ll be nice to see my old house again, happy holidays from Colombia ( ^u^)ノ*.✧
Funny that YOU ask
I had a bucket list upon which one of the top five things are to introduce a good friend of mine to the game and game series.
She saw me playing one day and really loved it (especially NoLegs lol). But as we were kinda coming in hot on the final exams before december, I couldn’t get her into it just then, so we made a plan (i kid you not, I have screenshots) that I’d teach her the game and all the others =D
my idea of a fun christmas lol
I’ll probably be eating waaay too much during the holidays, then proceed to try and lose weight until summer time hits.
i Will Be Gaming and Gambling my money away on CSGO Tournaments
Probably gonna eat food and play some games or something
This Christmas I’ll be visiting my fiancé’s family
Hi Matt, I am a fan of your game series since epic battle fantasy 2. I loved the story of EBF 4, it is my favorite. I also love sundtrack, I listen to them on my Mp3 (It’s very old, I know haha). I really would like some EBF 4 or EBF 5 key to have the maximum experience, since I have always been a free player for economic reasons. Greetings from Venezuela! ^^
I will be studying for the exams
Will try to win EBF5 with full challange
Just spending time with family and loved ones
I will visit family, my uncles, and probably (if i am quiet) draw something about christmas! oh and maybe invite my crush to my home xd. sorry if u dont understand something im using google translate XDD
I will be spending time with my boyfriend on Christmas! He’s visiting from Texas!
This christmas i will be visiting my family who lives in another state.
Will probably be relaxing with my long distance boyfriend and gaming.
I’ll play with friends and stream it sometimes, we’ll have fun as usual. And I’ll be with my family as well.
Trying to finally finish EBF5 :3 have had it as a Christmas tradition each year, never gotten to do it..but this year I shall!
Visit family, work on art. Also playing video games with my friends.
I’ll be spending it cozily at home with the family 🙂
Nothing big. We’ll listen to some music, enjoy the festive atmosphere… simple stuff!
I will go out with friend and try to make the most of it. Also playing a lot of DnD with them XD.
“what you’ll be doing this Christmas.”
Nothing special for me. Get up, work, sleep, as usual.
I assume I’ll be role playing on the 24th with my best friend and eating true Christmas meal from Ardèche on the 25th with my boyfriend’s great-parents~
The elf on the shelf is a lot of work but totally worth it. My daughter loves it
Spending time with my family! And also playing the piano.
I don’t know what the future holds for me if we’re being honest. I was expecting to go to a friend party but that went down the drain so…I guess I’ll stay with family!
I really love blue whales.
I’m just doing the generic meet with family members I haven’t seen in person in some time to celebrate the Chinese new year.
I’m going to look forward to the pord for android, wanting to give a friend the epic battle fantasy 5, to finish my beautiful projects inspired by you and your games. and finally be finally happy at Christmas
I will be with my family like every year. In Germany we get our gifts on 24th December and not on the 25th. On 24th we will eat mostly Fish and get our gifts in the evening or afternoon idk what it was. On the 25th Day my Sister come too us with her familly. We switching this tradition every year so next year we go to my sister. On 26 th December we go mostly with everyone too an Chinese all you can eat Restuarant but this and last year Covid-19 canceled it so i guess we will be just at our home and this day would be the same like every day in the year ? i hope everyone here and especially you Matt will have a good christmas.
Lg Yu, The Fluffy Goat
It’s been a very difficult year. So I will celebrate christmas with my family in complete comfort
Probably just playing some games, watching videos and having some good food with my family
I’m going to be with my family for Christmas, helping out my parents getting everything ready and wrapping more presents. I’ll also be hanging out with my friends both from high school and online, playing games like Minecraft, Realm of the Mad God and Don’t Starve Together. Aside from Multiplayer though, I’ve still yet to get all of the Achievements for EBF4, so I’d like to get back to doing that.
P.S. If I am chosen to get a Steam Key, I would like Bullet Heaven 2 as I already have EBF 4 and 5.
Christmas again, oh well. My family was never lucky on health things, so every year we’re sadly less people having fun together.
As every year, we’re placing our christmas tree together, while parents are cooking then having an amazing dinner while chatting and having some fun. After that, everyone goes to sleep and I’ll start a new game (that I’d love to be EBF5!) until I’m sleepy enough.
Hey Matt! Hope your Christmas will be great!!
I will be spending mine with my long distance partner who is finally coming back here!! I missed them so much, because we haven’t met since last summer, and the thing which makes me happiest is spending time with them. Now spending time with them IRL!! That makes me 20 times more happy! Being able to hug with them, cuddle with them, sleep with them (the wholesome way), and in general just having them there next to me irl just makes my life better. It will be the best, and I only wish that other people who deserve a Christmas as good as the one I’ll have, will get one. People like for example *cough cough* you. 😉 lol Anyways, marry Christmas and good luck on your amazing game development!! 😀
Ps. I would like a key for Bullet Haven 2 if I win. XD I’m not gonna lie, getting that key would make me happy since I’ve yet to play the game, but I really just wanted to wish you and others a marry Christmas and share my happiness with everyone! 🙂
in my circle of friends, im the only one who doesnt have a gf lmao probably i’ll be on my own in Christmas playing video games but i think i’ll okay coz i have my family.. it’s just i’ll miss the bois when they’re busy with their own lives. BEHEHE. to anyone reading this and to kupogames, i wish u a happy merry Christmas! and a hopeful new year! have a good one bois
First off I’m going to have to rush to get gifts for everyone but after the important work I’ll be downing eggnog and quiche until I can down them no more. It will never be the same since my grandfather passed this year but he wouldn’t want that to stop us from feeling the Christmas spirit.
i play ebf 5
playing league, EBF5 (?) or being sad
not to much, safe at home and play EBF
Visiting some friends i havent seen in a while and them playing with some friends while we chat on discord.
Thanks for the chance!
This year it’s family time but divided into four meals spread on six days with different family members for each meal.
Have a nice holyday!
If I’m able to go visit my family , I will cook a dinner for my family and stay with them as long as possible.
I am still dealing with my exam. Winter is tough to get over, hope you will develop more amazing games!
Oh boy it’s that time of the year again…
First of all, thank you for celebrating this festive season with the community and the great content you have delivered throughout the years (everybody liked that). About what I’ll be doing this Christmas, definitely not going anywhere outside except for my front yard since I’m still homestuck for now. On the plus side, I get to be with my family a whole lot longer now since I don’t have to go to school ten hours a day on average. My mom got diagnosed with Covid just about a week ago unfortunately, so now our lifestyle is a bit different but I’m fine with the change as long as we’re all healthy. Till next year, I’ll enjoy the coziness of my home.
Now there’s a truth got to be told – I don’t have EBF5 yet. I had a good friend telling me about your games and so I’ve been following ever since. I love the community and also the creative people in it. Sadly I don’t have the sufficient amount of money to buy the game so I thought to myself that it wouldn’t hurt if I enter the giveaway at such an appropriate occasion like this. It’s okay if I don’t get anything, others probably deserve it more than me, I suppose it will be a very hard time on your end to decide.
Well that’s enough with the small talk, I just wish you a merry christmas and some good time with your family and/or friends. Hopefully 2022 will be a better year for everyone.
And to anyone who read all of this, thanks for stopping by.
I will be spending Christmas with family, having a big feast.
I will be playing video games and nothing much to be honest.
Me and my dad will most likely visit my grandmother in another town for Christmas and some more family from my father’s side, my grandma has a bit of an acid tongue… but Christmas is Christmas.
I’ll be participating the Christmas Party in our college!
(And waiting for EBF6 ofc) I want Bullet heaven2 pls~
Gunna be chilling with family for christmas, might give the key to my dad if i win. He’d love a game like this.
Hey Matt!
Awesome to see another giveaway in the Christmas spirit – it warms my heart. I actually won a giveaway 2-3 years ago, so it’s fine if you would rather give the key to someone else, but I still wanted to say hi in this thread!
Over Christmas it’s a lot of studying but also spending time with family, for me. We’re experiencing the potential for a lockdown in January here in Sweden and I want to take the chance to at least say hi to my relatives before we are forced to spend more time away from eachother. As for my studies, I’ve recently engaged in a bachelor’s in engineering and theoretical physics – so it’s heavy stuff. But studying is fun too!
Hope you and everybody in your surroundings are doing well these days. Best regards from a long-time fan,
i’ll enjoy with my family as always but even more this year for luck on the next year, i wish you guys good luck.
I’m just gonna hang out with my friend as usual I guess!!
I’ll be trying to buy some games on those christmas promotions, and i’m deinitively going to have a good time with my family drinking something and eating cookies. I hope that next year i directly pass on school like this year, that was pretty difficult.
i’ll go watch spiderman no way home for christmas and enjoy with my family
I’m going to celebrate Christmas, but I’m more excited for new years cause I’ll get to see my girlfriend when I go back to college. She tried to come up for Christmas but she was told to stay last minute so no Christmas miracle lol.
I’ll probably be staying home where it’s warm, and use the break off from classes to hang out more with my online friends. I’ll maybe be on the grind, grinding games like EBF5 and others. I doubt I could visit relatives since COVID, but I’m definitely going to celebrate Christmas.
Well, we’re still in lockdown. Been 8 months since the last time I went to school. I will do the end of 1st term test for 2 of my subjects, enjoy the Christmas event in one of the games I’m playing. Probably go outside for a night stroll or something around my neighborhood or some random place that feels great to walk. Or whatever.
Christmas night last year I booted up EBF4 and started playing it again after, like, 1.5 years of not playing. Didn’t managed to finish it on AG before the 13th of Jan came though.
probably gaming
im gettin that key
On Christmas I usually sit down in my living room with all my family. My family isn’t very religious but we still believe in the joys of Christmas. Sometimes we even make delicious homemade cookies.
That’s all my family really does. Have jolly good Christmas, and a happy new year
Eat, game, sleep and repeat @.@
This is gonna be my last christmas before I hit adulthood *stress*
You may think that means I’ll be doing something special but nope we’re doing the same thing we do every year. I’m a sucker for tradition.
Wake up in the morning, eat some christmas cereal, open stockings. And then we can open presents when my parents wake up :D! Only one every hour though so we take more time to enjoy each present compared to if we opened them all at once.
Just a very chill christmas overall with the family 🙂
The day after christmas though I’m having a music night with my friends over Discord so that’s exciting
I’ll be mostly relaxing at home with my family. And study for the university exams in February. Unfortunately it’s too cold and quarantine won’t let me go somewhere else, but since i’ll have my family, i am fine with that.
I am going to be staying at home with my mother and brother, and celebrate Christmas with TV shows and happiness, hopefully!
I don’t own EBF5, but my boyfriend does and from what I’ve seen, it looks quite fun, so I would love to own the game and see how I do.
This Christmas, I’l be relaxing from my usual routine, hanging out with family and friends. Oh, and after this, I’m going to doctor ’cause some minor health problems.
As per there is a lockdown here i wud be stuck here with my sister and probably spend christmas without much preparation but wud be some quality time to enjoy
I’ll probably be getting the booster shot if that’s available where I live
100% gonna go to work, cause that all i have left, some time alone is good cause u have nothing to loss anyways
Because in Viet Nam not many people are Christians so we just think of it as an ordinary day, perhaps with some more outdoor activities like eating out or going shopping at the evening (but seems like this year it would be much less exciting due to obvious reason). This year I think I would just stay at home and chill with my friends.
This is my first Christmas moved out with my fiancé, so I’ll be all over the state visiting family. It’s a huge change, having to start buying things for everyone and managing funds. But it’s been fun!
I would probably wind up doing nothing of value for Christmas this year, but hey, at least there’s a Secret Santa I took part in.
prob gonna be screwing around with a bunch of friends followed by a hearty night of good ol gaming
I’m flying to go visit my girlfriend and her family for Christmas! It’ll be my first Christmas apart from my own family which is a little sad but I’m also excited for the adventure!
Just probably playing games. There’s not a lot of things for me to do during Christmas, many friends are just gone with their other friends for Christmas, meanwhile I’m stuck with my family. Which isn’t actually that bad, really.
looking through steam sales to spend money I got from gifts
I’ll probably chill and play games, as I always do : )
A nice relaxed Day with my Family. Drink some Hot chocolate or mulled wine. And unwrap presents. ♡♡♡
Would prefere bullet heaven2. Thanks for the raffle
Hello, for Christmas I’m gonna travel to my grandma’s house with my family to visit her and my aunts and cousins and have a Dinner with them, then travel back to another city and visit my cousins for New Year.
I’ll be playing games with my friends and family 😀
To be honest, I’m not a Christian by the way, I’m a Muslim and I really wanted the Steam Key Christmas giveaway, but If you ask me what will I do on christmas this year is simply spend my time with my family, friends and myself whether is eating with my family, playing games with my Friends and be alone spend a Me time do some Drawings, play Videogames, or pray to God wish that I win this Giveaway and hope I got the EBF 5. I really like your Games, It’s part of my Childhood memories and I still want to play your games till this day and so on.
Probably relaxing with my family if I’m free of work.
Hello, Matt. I wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year!
I will spend this year’s christmas eve with my family, as we do every other, and share a simple dinner together. My mom works at a supermarket though, and she will be at work both this holiday and in the new years, meaning that she’ll be back home late. I wanted to give a gift to my sister, since I couldn’t buy her anything during her birthday because we were short on money. She likes EBF, and has wondered what the deluxe version of EBF5 is like, so, I was hoping I could surprise her with giving her the game as her christmas gift. Thank you for your time!
Christmas this year isn’t as fun as it used to be for me, but it surely isn’t stopping me from working on some of my Terraria drawings. I’ve recently got an ipad so I’m planning to hone my digital drawing skills further. A full version of Bullet Heaven 2 would be nice to try out with my sis though, I’ve already played its web version and did almost everything I could think of in EBF5. Anyways, merry Christmas(and happy new year)
I just have Final exam in the morning then go to the church at night (●’◡’●) When i get tired i will go home and listen to EBF music :v Btw, i really like the Halcyonic Falcon X nickname
I’ll do what i always do, play games with family, enjoy christmas and go bowling. Would totally be playing EBF5 too if i get it but anyway good luck to everyone.
Eateing, playing, sleeping, readinig and watch TV.
Merry Christmas anyway.
would love to battle this Christmas.
I’m currently eating peanut butter, thx for the giveaway ?
I will be playing a new game that my friend has given me and just hang out with my friends later in the day. I would prefer ebf4 instead of ebf5 because I already played that one.
Get piss drunk, play games all night and pass out whenever my body shuts down.
At christmas i wasnt planning on doing much then just having an nice meal with my family and chatting about the most random stuff.
we will probably just gourmet with eachother.
Every Christmas in Argentina, we get together (me and my brothers) with all my uncles and aunts at my grandmother’s house, we have a barbecue and eat as a family. At the family table we are sure to talk about politics and football..
After 12 o’clock, we go out with my brothers to visit those loved ones we didn’t get a chance to see during the day. Afterwards, we get together with our friends and go out to party.
I will be with my family, have a little fun and studying for my finals and presentations.
I will be celebrating both christmas and my grandma who turns 70
This year we will be watching some movies and hanging out. I will also get to play Xenoblade Chronicles for the first time.
Continue learning to draw and probably finish up some Games on my backlog.
I’ll dye my hair blue so i would recieve christmas with a new look, also we’ll have a dinner with just my mom and brother, well also my cats.
This Christmas i will probably celebrate together with my family eating freshly baked Cookies and drinking copious amounts of wine. I know, alcohol is no solution for any problem, but this is sadly the only way my parents, siblings and i have found to enjoy a harmonic and fun Christmas eve, as we are normally an insufferable bunch of know it all’s and better’s, so much so that a normal dinner with more than 4 people at any given time can lead to an all out hour-long discussion war.
And for all reading this, i wish you a very happy Christmas!
I’ll invite friends over for new years eve, and I’ll spend christmas w my family !
Im going to be a game developer so i will practice more c# for unity
Playing games and getting ready for my finals
This year would pretty much be a repeat of last year. Presents, good food, maybe a film festival.
This year I plan to Spend the Christmas Day with my family, and then at night drive around my city offering hot prepared food out to the homeless community and those who had to work all day instead of taking the day off.
We’ll be having some other English teachers over to our apartment in Japan for Christmas and awaiting the birth of our little girl in February.
I’ll be relaxing with a campfire like usual
I dont know :/
I shall be spending time with family as usual.
I wish you all a splendiferous winter holiday this year.
I’m gonna work on my internship paper..ahah..
And also my IT paper. And my website paper, and my comms’ paper and and…
Hi. I think im stay home with my family, and giving a lot of love to my nieces… and i will play with them 🙂 my english is not good, so i can’t text more 🙁
Stay at home for most of the day with my family, play video games and making an avatar for vtubing
I won’t do many things just stay with family and friends, doing christmas stuff and other things study for school too.
It will be regular stuff this year, family visiting and eating stuff, sharing the wafer, talking, etc. No idea at whose house this year; maybe at home, or at some of the extended family’s. The COVID restrictions aren’t as strict here as in some other countrie.
…Though honestly I am not an outgoing person so I will likely spend some of that time watching stuff online with friends. God I’ve watched more anime than usual this year thanks to them, we’re currently at the end of Season 1 Monogatari.
I’ll be going to work :P. Need to get in some extra hours so I can take more time off to help my Robotics team in the future. Hopefully after christmas I’ll be playing board games with my family! As that’s what I filled my Christmas list with this year. Other than that I’ll be playing games with friends and rocking my new Christmas themed Nolegs Pfp drawn by a friend.
I wish everyone a happy holiday!
Studying for finals
I’ll still be searching for a job most likely, spending some quality time with about half the family (14 of us all out in the yard together for the first time in forever is getting me excited) and creating various tailored guides for friends on a few games we all play. Hope you, whoever is reading this, have a wonderful Christmas as well.
im stay home with my family, and we decorate the house, we will visit my grandmother
I’ll Will play some rpg board game with my friends this game epic battle fantasy inspired me to play RPG more because epic battle fantasy showed me that RPG IS a really cool thing to play, That’s why I’ll Just play RPG game boards, and spend time with my famíily If everthing Goes right
Gimme dat gam pls
I’m not really sure what to do, spending times with family and deadlines but in Christmas mode I guess XD
This will be the second year I can’t go home for Christmas, due to this virus and living internationally.
So I’ll be spending Christmas on zoom, chatting with family about the year gone by..
..and playing and sharing games with online friends while I wait for the turkey to cook.
Happy holidays everyone 🙂
Playing video games with friends
I will punch cats
More Final Fantasy 14 and possibly enjoy a normal dinner with family
a wild tiny one appeared.
been lazing around at home, these days.
Repairing some electronics, being semi-sad about not having a good PC and probably playing the pirated ebf5 on my XP potato because my dum butt bought it on Steam because I didn’t know you’re also on itch when I bought it. Maybe also experimenting a bit more with what games a xp toaster with 256mb of RAM I got off eBay for free can play, playin some good ol’ GTA 3, Tomb Raider AOD and so on on the controllers that Windows 10 is too dum to even show in the devicemgr… And upgrading my moms Laptop to a SSD because the sshd seems to be dying.
We’re going to see some relatives that live a few hours away for lunch, then coming home. Big christmas dinners aren’t really things we “do”.
This christmas i’ll probably finish the games i’ve been too busy to play all year
I’ll be going on a vacation, near my hometown, but on a boat!
On Christmas’s Eve, I will study for the upcoming semester tests then maybe watch some anime XD. On Christmas night, due to the pandemic, I may just stay home and spend time with my family. We will have dinner together and I guess watch a film.
P/S: If I win the game I will grind it with my brother during the new year holiday ;)))
I’ll be with my parents or with my entire family for Christmas chatting and having a good time.
P.S. could I get Bullet Heaven 2 key if I do get one because I already own EBF 4 and 5 :D? Have nice holidays everyone.
Hello. I will be reading several books I got at my school’s book fair, and studying my interests more now that I will have the time.
I’ll be at home, spending time with friends and family, probably belting out Christmas songs with my sisters for a good hour or two. Hopefully we’ll get some nice atmospheric snow, not too much but not too little. Hot cocoa is a must, but making some festive food is gonna be interesting this year, seeing as we have more space to cook in now.
Whatever happens I’m hoping it’ll be good, a nice little break in the middle of the madness.
I’ll pass this Christmas with my family this year, but I don’t know if I’m happy with this, since we have a lot of “problems” and I would like to not have a crisis this year…
I’m gonna spend Christmas at home with my family, thankfully! We usually go have dinner with my parents’ friends but it’s always so boring and lengthy, plus the only good food we eat is the one coming from us, so now I get to relax in my house and eat all the nice food! Plus, after dinner, I’m gonna chill with my best friends over on Discord! It’s gonna be a nice day 🙂
Christmas is not really a big event in my country :3 and how unfortunate is that ill be having college final semester exams during christmas too so i guess im just gonna study my best in order to pass the tests. Its a cold winter and just like ordinary gamer, i have no gf besides me to warm me up 🙁 so i probably just gonna replay some ebf 5 to kill relax with different mods and extra difficulties instead of whining about having no gf interested in me xD
Oh btw have a good christmas too Matt. If you’re Santa, pls don’t note me on the naughty kid list, but me like to try ebf4 though i already have played part 5 but never actually got to own part 4 :>
I will be spending time with my family and cook with my mother.
I’ll game with my homies.
Playing Games, Doing Online Work, and Celebrating Christmas with Family.
I’ve played this game like 4 times through on this website, and I’m damn well gonna do it again.
Going to be abusing stall tactics on various games instead of studying for exams woo
I would probably be sending out letters to my friends and spend time with my family
This Christmas I will be done with my finals and will return to playing EBF5 but this time I will have received my free key and will therefore not be playing a pirated version of the game stuck on an older update
This christmas, for the first time i will not be playing trombone in the church orchestra and i can relax and listen to it instead. Also helping out with a church lunch, and then a lot of gaming probably, can’t wait to have a relaxing one.
This Christmas I’ll most likely be playing games, the usual really.
I will spend time woth my family but my school is greedy and only gave us 10 days off
Cant go wrong with staying at home with the family, enjoying the cool weather and drink copious amounts of tea, the proper way to celebrate christmas
For Christmas, I’m staying over at my parents house down in Florida. The tree has already been decorated and put up, but one of these days I am sure we will be making cookies and decorating those as well, as that’s a long standing tradition in our house. Since we can’t really visit any other members of the family thanks to the distance, we’ll probably at least give them a call so that we can wish them a merry Christmas and such. Very simple sounding plans because they are simple, which reminds me I need to do last minute shopping as well for christmas, as is the tradition.
I will spend this time wtih my family.
I’ll be doing a lot of gaming with my boys!
Hanging out with my frinds, who I haven’t seen in months!
Studying ’cause it’s fun!
Drinking alcohol with my relatives and celebrating Christmas while exchanging very lit gifts!
Gonna build huge plans for 2022 (not really)!!!
Also, since I have both EBF4 and EBF5, I’d like to get Bullet Heaven 2
I’ll be having christmas hoping that next year it will be a better year, Christmas is so fun actually. The food and just hanging out with family makes it very special.. I send much love from Argentina to everyone involved!!
Ah geez, it’s really dumb that my first comment here is just me trying to win a giveaway, huh? Feels real selfish of myself, but… Doesn’t look like I’m planning to stop
Hm. Actually, I think this is my second comment here. My first comment was under a different name though.
As for Christmas this year… Not actually sure! My parents debated on maybe going to the mall on Christmas eve, or to an ice skating rink, but those ideas were both shot down due to the sheer amount of people who will be there on Christmas night. Not even sure if they’ll be open Christmas day, even.
Our family doesn’t exactly do big things for Christmas. Our apartment is too small for a Christmas tree, and we don’t exactly need to give each other gifts when we do just fine giving each other gifts every other day. Honestly, it’s mostly other people that give us Christmas gifts, to be honest! Ah, that reminds me of how, when I was a kid (and still to a degree, now), I was too scared to ever ask for Christmas gifts because I was worried about it costing money. I didn’t want my parents to spend money!
Uh, steam winter sale is coming up, so I’m undoubtedly going to buy some games then. Just which one, though, is a mystery. I only know for certain that I’m planning to gift Celeste to a friend. I have a feeling they’ll like it.
The only constants in my Christmases throughout my life was the good food that would always come out of it. Stuff that was usually reserved for fancy occasions. My parents also used to go to church for Christmas every year, but due to COVID, I doubt that will be happening this year. Maybe the good food will still be there, though.
Ah geez, I think I’m writing too much. Well, best time as any to stop. Regards, and have a good winter.
For Christmas I’ll be working mostly! And going back to parents for a bit. Also online with my boyfriend~
This christmas we’ll be visiting my girlfriend’s parents for the first time since I lost the use of my legs in a work accident almost 3 years ago. Travelling has been difficult, among many other things, but she really misses them so I’m going to make it happen one way or another.
Spending time with family and friends and being excited for the presents
Honestly I never do too much for Christmas besides stay at home for most of the day with my family. We typically have cinnamon rolls, bacon, and sparkling cider for breakfast as well and drink from a chalice at night while saying what we’re thankful for (kinda like a Thanksgiving type thing).
I don’t really have much plans for this christmas. (nothing big at least)
– i got a new sewing kit given by my sister which i absolutely love and i’ve been making miniature clothes for my figures
– i think i’ll be rewatching some old anime i liked like lucky star, gurren laggann, and deathnote as well as watching some more recent ones
– i haven’t done a lot of gaming recently but i think this’ll make a good gift for my friend who likes the persona series
As every year I’ll be spending Christmas together with my family, eating a fuck ton of amazing food and exchanging presents with each other!
It’s nothing special but it does still feel special to me and also gives me short breather before uni starts again ^^”
Hi! i will just be taking a break from school and play video games!
I think i would love to get ebf5 to give it to my gf! would be really nice!
for christmass
im going to divorce of my wife
and have more time to play videogames
idk if this valid for win the game lol
I’ll just be staying at home with my family, it’ll be a little different from usual, but it’s for safety reasons, still just happy to have who I have that can spend the holidays (Everyone has that one family member everyone hopes cancels but it would cause a lot of issues not to invite, and they can’t come this year for safety reasons, so that’s a big plus!)
With the upcoming Christmas I should have more ideas for them EBF fanart 🙂
In all seriousness, I’d love to hear each of my friend’s stories for this Christmas. We don’t really celebrate it here, but listening to others of what they do in Christmas is very interesting! I’d spend more time with my beloved family though.
Don’t celebrate Christmas so probably not much different.
I already have mine but i know a friend who i can give it to, still think you and your games are awesome ?
I would probably be spending my whole day running around the school theatre, making sure everything is going smoothly since I ended up being the planner. And after that, go out with the boys somewhere if any of them are free. Hopeful for a successive show. (If I manage to get selected could I get a key for EBF 4? only played the web version sadly)
I will be studying for exams
Well, this Christmas will be so calm for me this year it’ll be weird.
So i think i’ll keep my usual way of living by streaming every night and just enjoy family the 24th and 25th.
I admit that since i have all your games already, i’ll probably either gift it to a friend or have it won in a raffle for my special 100 follower stream in January
I’ll just be with my family so we can spend some quality time together. Covid had stopped us from doing a lot of stuff throughout the past 2 years but we’ll still be looking to have as much fun as possible!
On Christmas, I will practice drawing art with my tablet, a Wacom Cintiq 16, that is probably coming this month. I will also work on my GameMaker: Studio 1.4 project and publish the next update of it by New Years Eve. You can find an outdated version of my project here (it is called “Carl Mod”):
It would be fun to get a Steam key for EBF5 because I am planning on playing all of the EBF games in order, starting with The EBF Collection (including Bullet Heaven) when it comes out, then EBF3 and EBF4 (I already have the latter in my Steam library), and then Bullet Heaven 2, and last but not least (literally) EBF5. That challenge can be fun. I do not have a website, by the way. Good luck.
Pass the time with family in the house, for protection against the virus, watch christmas movies and series, or just movies and series, and play ebf4 if i win one of the keys (I alredy own ebf5, so I would prefer ebf4)
This Christmas I will be studying for the PE Exam and probably going to spend some time with family during it as well.
Playing Persona 4 golden again because i havent played for months
I’ll be having Christmas dinner with my family! My dad and grandpa can’t make it, but I’ll be taking them a plate of Christmas dinner and a slice of pie the second I finish eating. ^_^
Merry Christmas, everyone!
invite everyone in my family to join my birthday on December 24
I’ll be mostly helping my mom in the kitchen. Between baking gingerbread and making dinner, it usually takes up the whole day.
Hey Matt, won’t be doing much but hanging out with my family and enjoying a sweet feast myself, might try to also get some of my goals from last year done last minute as is the procrastinator’s way XD
Hope you have a nice Christmas ^-^
I’ll be spending time with my family! On 24th, we’ll be making foods for Noche Buena (that we’ll surely not finish in one sitting). Then on the next day, I’ll be with my little sister when she visits her godparents. Other than that, I might just be resting as I’ve been working on university works for the whole month.
Happy Holidays, everyone!
Gotta work on a mod and attempt to cook something for Christmas. Hope that I don’t get any presents, since my family has a habit of gifting each other pointless or redundant things lol
We’ll be driving to my grandma and afterwards me and my sister will visit my father and his family. 😀
I’ll spend the morning at home, and then go to my grandmother’s to eat and give gifts to my extended family.
I’ll be gaming, as per usual
enjoy the weather and relaxing mostly
This Christmas I will only stay at home due to the impact of the pandemic, but I believe that my family and I will still have a peaceful and happy Christmas together. Merry Christmas everyone.
I’ll be most likely doing our normal stuff, that is:
– Bother my mom that I’m hungry and that I can’t wait any longer
– Eat. (My favourite part of Christmas! I love food, though I don’t look like it)
– Open the presents
– Watch some christmas-related movies, such as “Opowieść Wigilijna”(idk the english name)
And after all of that, we’ll get back to our normal daily life.
Taking care of my mother and hoping for a better year
i’ll be spending my time in christmas with my family, Maybe this year we will go to some place nice.
I’m just seeing my family this Christmas c: I think we’ve had a lot this year, it’s time to rest and recuperate before facing everything else that’s coming our way
I’ll be spending christmas celebrating with my family and playing games,probably
I’ll be spending time with my girlfriend at my place, then together with her family, then with mine. Probably going to a restaurant right before Christmas. She’s a gamer too, maybe I could get her into EBF5 after Christmas 🙂
I will be studying this Christmas as I have my finals coming and maybe spending some time with my family.
I don’t really celebrate stuff, so probably nothing special.
i dunno, i only planned to stay in and study for my next uni course because econometrics can be quite troublesome
I’m going to be spending christmas with my parents and brother as usual, we all enjoy each other’s company and have a mix of Danish and American traditions (because my mother is Danish and my father American) so we dance and sing around the christmas tree and eat turkey or duck for dinner.
Ideally, I’ll just be staying home with my family for Christmas, with no outside guests or such. My country did not initially handle the pandemic well and is still suffering from a lack of a good response to this day.
For the holidays I will be staying at my girlfriends parent’s house. After dealing with Covid for around a month, really looking forward to finally getting out again.
This christmas, it’s the first christmas i’m spending away from my home country since moving to England. My roommate will be heading over to spend his christmas with his family, but since I don’t know them, I won’t be coming with him and instead invited my elderly neighbour for a christmas dinner. She too, like I, has little to no family to speak of, and i’m preparing a vegetarian christmas dinner table for her to hopefully give her some christmas cheer. we also both love cats, so we can talk lots about that too.
If I by chance win a key, I will be giving it to my friend Jacob, whom I met recently, as he started taking a liking to turn-based videogames and I’d love to share this series with him in it’s most glorious form (the latest installment :D) and it’d allow us to play the game together (same time, but seperate, we’ve started doing that a lot and it’s been quite nice.)
Also merry christmas to you, and good job on the phone ports this year! <3
Merry Christmas!
This year I’ll be furiously trying to get all my uni work done before Christmas 🙁 but we’ll also be taking my dog for a long visit to the beach as a Christmas treat for him!
I will be enjoying and celebrating with my family.
Will just be studying and chilling with family this Christmas lol
Already own EBF 5 so BH2 would be nice
i’m going to to be playing videogames and performing live sets on second life
I will go to my grandparents’ house in Quezon City (all cities I said here are from my country, Philippines) and also their relatives in Makati City to celebrate Christmas.
i have alternate universes to create… and an orb to ponder
much obliged
I’ll be chilling at home coding, watching anime, and grinding whatever roguelite/roguelike I’m currently in to.
I’ll just do nothing & hope that my bio grade stays a passing one lmao.
This Christmas will be the first one that i won’t be spending with my family but will be with my gf ;D we have played together all your games except 4 and would really love to play EBF4 more then anything in our vacation 😀 just sit back and relax anyways keep up the good work we all love you in the community and appreciate all the work and effort you put in much love send from greece <3
This Christmas is a lowkey one for me. Just do some gift opening with the family, play some games, & get whatever my grandparents got me this year (it’s normally a giant check so I can spend it on whatever I want but a recent text makes it sound like it might be something different this time). As for days around Christmas, starting to plan out a day to watch the new Spider-Man since my family loves that superhero (the first Raimi movie was my first ever superhero movie). The nice thing is if I win a key it will make for a fun gift for one of my fellow RPG loving friends as a bonus gift outside of the online secret santa we do.
I’ve been together with my boyfriend for around 9 months now but we’ve hardly seen each other because we live in different states and I travel often. For Christmas and New Years, I’ll be going to visit him and just generally spend some much deserved time with him. I’ve gotten him a little dog plush as a Christmas present since he’s been wanting a dog for awhile now but cant due to circumstances.
I guess I will spend my time being with my friends because I don’t really celebrate Christmas, actually lol. They always keep me happy, and I appreciate having them in my life.
I’ll be playing ebf5 prorobly
Not gonna lie, I’m probably gonna spend another year in a discord call during Christmas with friends that I met online a couple of years ago, but I have a blast with them and they make my holiday seasons a blast.
Don’t know if I’ll even have time for gameing but I’ll be going to college abroad this christmas 😮
Buying games
Ill be at work…
Merry Christmas everyone!! And I know I won’t be able to enjoy this holiday much because I’m having a lot of final to take :(( Just hope my mom will cook something special 🙂
Getting the booster shot, then visiting the family hoping to not feel deathly ill from it.
This year the virus stops us from doing a lot of stuff, but we will still eat together with our family, listen to music, and enjoy the warm night and gifts.
I’m gonna be staying home, and for the first time all my relatives are coming here instead of me going there.
I honestly have no clue what I’m doing this Christmas
Probably just gonna play Yakuza
I’ve love your game since I saw Epic Battle Fantasy 3 on some browser game website. I just want to tell you that your work is amazing and your games will always has a special in my heart, you are wonderful!
I bought EBF4 because i love ur games. Take my money and make EBF6 ?
France power
For Christmas this year, while we cannot visit Family due to COVID, my Parents, my Sibling, and I will be having the best at-home-holiday we can together~ I’ll probably celebrate with my friends online as well, and overall I just plan to make the most of the holiday season, without putting my own life, or the lives of my family members at risk~
Most likely driving to multiple houses for different family members lol
ima stay in home for community safety
I’ll be visiting family this year, although the family gatherings have been getting smaller every year, as everyone gets older. Most of the kids are know going to college.
Happy holidays to those who read this!
I’ll be celebrating two times this with multiple people, so it will be interesting X)
I’ll be spending my Christmas split between 2 activities;
Hanging out with my family and spending quality time with my closest friends
I’ll be relaxing with my family for Christmas – a nice and relaxing time, where hopefully as little happens as possible
Finishing up my steam backlog, like always
I will spend this Christmas with my partner and his family. We just moved to Denver this year and I’m excited to spend more time with his family!