Hey guys, I think the site update is done now.
Let me know if you notice any accidental changes to the site – it should look exactly the same. The only difference I’ve noticed so far is that the emoticons look a bit different, so maybe I can fix that later.
The software running the website has been updated by a few years, so I’ll have to play around with it and see what new features it has. Maybe I’ll add more stuff at the right side of the site.
Anyway, since Halloween is coming up, here’s some EBF5 pumpkins.
I’m getting close to a lot of milestones, so that progress bar is gonna jump up a lot soon.

god look at that damage on the top T H A T S A W H O L E L O T O F D A M A G E :scared: :scared: :scared:
Are there any plans about NG+ with the next or the update thereafter? They do not need infinitely scale in levels but maybe foes can get some steroid-like upgrades the more runs you start in NG+, ideally balanced around the lootable steroids during a playtrough and some potentially buyable ones.
What, no candy corn? The most delicious and beloved snack on the planet bar none?
To me, candy corn gets super old super quick. :I
It was sarcasm, it all needs to be burned.
Some emoji icons are missing(404 not found), but most of all, there are not Nolegs.
The site is still HTTP only. The HTTPS port is using sslv3, which is terribly outdated.
72% but you can’t finish it before 30th November.
Toby BTW, is releasing Chapter 2 in 31 October.
and talking about chapters, fortnite has it too
i dont want to maek you mad, kupo, i just want to let you know ok¿
why are you telling him that if not to try to rush him –
Development takes time, especially for singledevs. He does have a life, yo.
Take ya’ time, kupo, your games are far more than worth the wait ^.^
i don´t like the new emojis 😥
but jack is coming back?!
and more fights in evil no legs arena?
a drawn area? ❓
Kupo! Change them back! 😥