Here’s more fanart by MikalaMouse.
In other news, sales of EBF4 are starting to dry up on Steam. I can’t really complain since the game is almost 5 years old on there… but if you own the game and haven’t left a nice review yet… you could maybe… you know…
Squishy Natz and squishier Beholder! :hurray:
I’ve already left a positive review of EBF4 on Steam, featuring a bunch of alliteration. I don’t suppose that stops me from coming up with another, possibly BETTER review, does it

well okay if insist, I will make a review of ebf4
7,8/10 -IGN
“Too much water”
pls… fix my game because i cant play anymore
Would buy it 5 times, and leave 5 positive reviews. But I’ve got a mac.
I have over 300+ hours on it, of course I will
The Devourer found hin new form and home

It could actually be that the sales are lower because EBF5 is coming out soon. People are probably just waiting for EBF5 to come out because the assumption is that that’s better. like if i had bought and played super mario bros back in the day, and i heard that super mario bros 3 was coming out. i probably wouldn’t immediately go out and buy super mario bros 2. i would just wait for super mario bros 3 to come out so i can buy that.
What! It’s 5 years?! How time flies! :scared:
piss* :ooo:
“Revenge is a dish best-served calamari.” :shades: :coffee: