I’ve been testing the Epic Battle Fantasy 5 Battle System for a few days now, and now it’s on version 0.6. If you haven’t played it yet, check it out and help test things.
The link is up above, in the header.
I didn’t tell everyone about this earlier because I needed to fix the obvious bugs first, but now it should be quite stable.
did 11 waves, no problems finded, but i love the option to choose between one or more targets, but i have one question, how does hunger work? because it happened once and matt eated something and i think he skipped the turn, but it’s a random debuff or what? also i saw him eating, then he had the debuff/buff icon of hungry and the turn after that he was back to normal
also, about captured enemies, will they stay in the summon menù for the rest of the game? so we can collect a big amount of summons?
It’s great!
I remember in EBF4 we were given the “special” option where we can customize which character gets which skill, I quite enjoyed that option; so I was wondering why that is not available now.
Definitely looking forward to this game’s official release. I’m liking all of the fresh new mechanics, the new strategies, and the fact that enemies are capturable. Only question I have is whether or not it is intentional that laser turrets are uncapturable.
:smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: :love: :love2: :stars: :meh: :bleh: :sick: :scared: :shades: :wut: :skull: :phone: :phone2: :coffee: :bacon:
cool :stars: :bacon:
i want to play this game sooooooooooooooooo much :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Game is looking really promising, I enjoy trying out different combinations and armor sets for maximum potential. The only issues I have come across is that the female Magical Skirt’s ability to summon a Slime Bunny is little to none, with only one slime after 14 waves of foes (not 14 turns). A similar problem with the pet Fairy trinket, It’s ability to cast auto-revive seems quite low as well, with only about 2-3 auto-revives casted (Without Defend). Seems like not worth wearing the fully upgraded equips when they do not provide the buffs as often as one would hope.
How to play demo
back to the top of the page, below the logo, below the line that have ” home, about/faq,…” there is a line said ebf 5 demo, click it, it quite obvious but for some reason people missed it
only work for pc, if not workin, check yoour computer or internet connection
how do you try it
i tried it, wave 37, GG WP :yay: :yay: :yay: ^^
I don’t know if this is an important bug but sometimes the idle item bubbles flew off the screen and became ungrabable after I killed an enemy, they pick up themselves short after but still, not sure what causes it tho.
I tryed it out, think you really did well in making nolegs
I was the first one :hurray: