Christmas Steam Key Givaway 2!

This competition is now closed!

Hey guys, it’s time for another giveaway!
I’m giving away free Steam keys for Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and Bullet Heaven 2.

If you’re interested, leave a comment about why you like the Epic Battle Fantasy series and what you’d like to see in the next game. How winners are chosen will be a secret again, but honesty is quite important. You should also mention which of the two games you want.

Make sure to fill in the email field correctly so I can email you the prize if you win.

Last year I got 722 entries and I think I gave out around 30 games. The more people that enter, the more I’ll give out, so get your friends involved!

This giveaway will probably run until the 26th, so you have until then!

531 thoughts on “Christmas Steam Key Givaway 2!

  1. Arcterran

    Yeah yeah I know I’m late, no was never interested in a key, Prefer to throw money at people who deserve it πŸ˜€

    So Anyway I was playing EBF 3 since I never got around to beating it, It’s not bad but that pacing AGGAAGGAAAGHGAH! I remember why I didn’t finish it the first time through…The game itself isn’t bad, it really isn’t but MAN I’m feeling the brick walls…

    Anyway I wont’ rant here about it, but it did remind me of something I really enjoyed in EBF 2 that I missed quite a bit from the others, The perk progression style! IIRC you earned different “Perks” or even outright abilities (Auto-revive, counter attacks) depending on what you did and it usually made sense. Cast thunder spells and you can get a perk that makes them more awesome, getting hit a lot gives you defense ability options, ect.

    Yeah it kind of existed in 3 and 4 with item forging, but i dunno….guess it’s a taste thing (never been a fan of forging systems, but it’s not too bad here as there is better payoff)

    I dunno, figured this was the best place to post it. Your game, you know what you are doing.

  2. dont matter

    Its late to win a prize, but i dont care about that really… I wanted to say that your EBF games are awesome for one major reason, there is no Random Encounters; Random Encounters spoil for me even great RPGs such as Final Fantasy because if i want to explore the godamn map or GOD FORBID i get lost in a big map i know for a fact ill have to face enemies every 5th or 6th tile and that just feels like a time wasting grind that i dont even enjoy.

    Besides that, the different types of enemies, equipment and spell trees always make battles a strategic thing, and not just SPAM ULTIMA… and thats what makes RPGs fun, having to use your head to beat strong enemies with a plan. :stars:

  3. Saltran

    I really love your games, all of them. (english isn`t my lenguage)
    I played at first EBF2 with a friend and we played it like a 2 players game so he was Matt and I was Natalie, when we end the game we looked forward for the EBF1 but it was bugged in “” so we didnt played it.
    A few years ago I was looking for RPG games and I watched one called EBF3, i thought like “Hmm I remember this name”. And when I check and i saw that Lance was a third character and the game was not “only combats like EBF1 and 2” I was really hyped. I mean, i had never been more hyped about a Minigame that actually y knew it was more than a Minigame. I played EBF3 several times and I did always the same: Do the whole game except the Final Boss, yes, i had never defeated him.
    But this time I did not forget the name, and I was checking several times if EBF4 was already relased and when it was I played I like a crazy, and i have to say that Natalie :love: is the best character, also I know that she can not be the strongest.
    I know that this event is closed but it doesnt matter. Maybe you dont read this I have to write.
    Thanks for all your job, I will insta-buy EBF5 and I hope someone hire you, because you are good man. Saludos and happy new year. :shades:

  4. TwistedSavant

    I’ve been playing the EBF series games for a few years now and i’ve loved playing them.
    I found EBF1 one day just looking around for random games. What drew me in was the detail and simplicity in an enemy wave based game. I Googled for it later that same week and was shocked to see that there were two other versions of the game. I was more than happy to play through EBF2 and was taken off guard at the looks of EBF3. I was instantly in love with EBF3 because it was a type of game ive seen a million times over but in a way i’ve NEVER seen done. I ended up playing through a third of the game in one stretch. I was more than excited when EBF4 come out and played through most of the game in one go through. To date i’d say EBF3 is my favorite in the EBF series. (I can’t wait to see how EBF5 turns out though!)

    As far as the Bullet Heaven games go however i’ve never played them personally. I’ve seen clips online and the game looks amazing. (I just don’t have the money to buy it myself πŸ˜₯ ) I’ve been a long time supporter of the creation of these games and would love a chance to play Bullet Heaven myself.

    I (like everyone else) want to see more Nolegs in the game. I mean, it’s NOLEGS! Everyone’s favorite questionably part slime cat!

    Keep up the good work, Matt. We’re all here to support and play the amazing games you make! πŸ‘Ώ :bacon:

  5. Taha

    I dont hope that im to late. my parents wont allow me to BUY steamkeys and I really like this game. <— actually im begging πŸ™‚

  6. ashilikepi

    So I was playing random games and looking for RPGs, going across websites and looking for flash games that interest me, and then I found Epic battle fantasy 3 on kongregate, and the characters and art style interested me! After finishing the game, I wanted to see what other games you have made, and every game was beautiful to me, with the varying abilities and the art style. I think what you should add to EBF5 are enemies that appear in areas at later times in the game (say after defeating the godcats in EBF4, more enemies would appear in the areas of the game, like high level bushes or turtles in the forest for endgame challenge) Or maybe references to the other games as a tooltip for some weapons? I’m just spitballing here. On the off chance I win one, I would like EBF4.

    Thank you for the opportunity!
    [email protected]

  7. AvatarofDiscord

    Hi there, I am a fan of your work on the Epic Battle Fantasy Series and I wanted to toss some suggestions about things that I think would be cool in the next game (I know this is past the giveaway but I still would love to say what I like about the series)

    First off I loved the second game and I kind of wish there would be a mode in the 5th game which is like a mini game where you go through enemies and gain special abilities to help you go through them (Like in EBF2) but give people a hard choice on the abilities (Like fix the abilities so people can spam the same moves over and over to go for the strongest abilities in the game)
    Secondly I love the sidequests in the 3rd and 4th game, but I kind of wish there was some more variety on the sidequests (Such as hunt down a creature/mini-boss for a special summon or rare item), also it would be cool to see some of the summons from EBF1 and EBF2 make a return (Or make new redesigns for EBF1 as the summons was just mostly characters from other series) as NPC’s, Bosses, or Veteran summons :hurray:
    Lastly I kind of want to see a new hero and/or a rival, make the rival someone we want to smash his head in, or give the team a new person to join the team (I’m thinking of a paladin (White mage and Knight) or a Merchant/Alchemist :hurray: (Uses items and money for attacks or something like that)

    I really love this series and am excited for more great content in the future

  8. suprim

    I like the game Becaus of its arrmors wepons is a thin that i love about the game and the nwe character in fbf4 was great adition to the game so thx for that great expiri
    Thx agean :love: :love: :love:

  9. Ognjen Aleksandric


  10. Ognjen Aleksandric


  11. OldManTheKid

    i like EPIC BATTLE FANTASY because i am a poor guy πŸ˜₯ i think its a good reason to give me the key for EBF4

  12. Angelo Celo

    EBF4 I really like the skills, I really like on how they battle, I like everything in these game that’s why i bought this on steam
    even though i finished it 3 times on kongregate i still bought it on steam
    I wish that you’ll finish EBF5 soon cause my hands are itching to play EPBF5 ^_^ <3 Keep em commin God bless you Kupo ^_^

  13. William Noto

    :scared: Man, i guess im too late.. i didn’t see your post on Facebook until now, sorry!

    I’ve played EBF since i was young , i played EBF2 on the first i play EBF , that game looks so fun and hard until i search in the youtube for the walkthrough :yay: until when the
    EBF3 was coming out, i was very like it , because i love RPG and MMORPG games and looks like it little easy, Im playing Bullet Heaven too, but im didnt complete it dont know why. After waiting of years , finally EBF4 is coming out , WOW, i was soo very excited ! I was very very like EBF4 , its was so good and nice , And with more ally. and the boss is looking so hard, but i can beat the bosses.

    Since i love EBF4 so much, owning EBF4 ( steam version ) might be very nice. Although the game is way more hard but the stories and the game are enjoyable and its excellent!
    Keep up the good work , EBF Team! :yay:

  14. Daniel Vonderhofen

    I haven’t played in a while ever since beating ebf 3 but I love the series for its simple rpg style and the way modern jokes or refrences have been put to keep the game around current time while staying in the realm of fantasy as well

  15. Kini Bara

    Though this may be over already, I might as well say why I loved the four games so much. These games had exactly what I want in games, from the gameplay to the comedy. I sometimes had to think how to kill a boss and other times I knew exactly how to kill them. I would go back to the game to complete side quests which were oddly fun and other times I’d go back to take out those secret bosses that I never knew existed. Sometimes the game was too easy and others it was too hard. But, that’s a good thing to me. The game has always been challenging at different points and other times it was just plain BULL- *cough* Sorry about that. Adding new quirky characters were one of the best things if I may say. I loved Matt and Natalie’s personality and the uh… ship? I guess? And how Lance is just trying to hook up with Natz for literally no reason. Ana was my favorite character for her abilities and character itself. She had one of the best utility and damage when compared to the rest of the characters (to me at least). She had the multiple elements which she can use which was one of the most useful things ever (AND SAWBLADES!!! WHO GAVE THIS FOREST LADY SAWBLADES?!?!). Ana is one of the better characters for killing bosses obviously because of this making her useful and best gi- *cough* best character personality. Since I’m out of stuff to talk about, I just wanna say… MAKE NO LEGS THE PERSON WHO NEVER GETS HIT (SPEEEEEEEED)

  16. Gustavo Jusino

    I’m not entering this comment for the thing, the giveaway, but to say something. What happened to the first panty you get in the game because I can’t find it where the walkthrough says it should be. I searched every place on the map and can’t find the last panty to get the medal in the game. Where did you hide it? ❓ ❓

  17. Kevin

    Ah sh*t, i hope, i’m not too late.
    Hi, Matt. I’m Kevin from Germany and i love your Games since i discvered EBF2 on Kongregate!
    I love your games, especally the EBF series because i think your style is awesome and i love the way how you made yourself as a character.
    I think if i’d make a game, i’d do the same thing. I like every game from you, i think they are very fleshed out and well made for a newcomer Indie Dev like you.
    I love the soundtrack as well!
    …Well, i hope i’m a winner, since my dad died this christmas and the times aren’t easy for me, but i’ll stand and fight my way through this!
    I’d like to get a code for Bullet Heaven 2, since i downloaded EBF4 in the second i discovered that it exists on steam.
    Keep up the good work and my best wishes for your future! :yay:

  18. Julie

    Ahh sorry for this late entry I didn’t see your post on Facebook till just now! >/////<

    I've played your games on Kongregate ever since you released "The Kitten Game" and EBF1. You've improved every game you've released since then, so eventually you got me addicted to EBF3 :love: . I didn't think it could get any better than that, but you proved me wrong by your release of the Bullet Heaven series and EBF4!!! :stars: I love the quality of your games. The fact that you give each character personality and depth is so amazing because it shows your passion put into making these games. And of course, I love the artwork! But the best thing for me is probably your story lines. You are definitely my favorite independent game designer, which I know is not an easy job! I get super pumped every time you let us have a sneak peak of EBF5 in your Facebook updates. I LOVE YOU AND YOUR GAME SERIES!!!!!!!!!!!! :yay:

  19. Asad

    :love: :love2: :stars: THE reason why i love this game is the fact that,
    1: i love rpg games
    2: I love rpg games that are turn based
    3:This game has everything i want and need in a game.

    I’ve played all 4 fantasy games as well as bullet heaven 1 and 2, i love everything but one thing that i would like is i guess more abilities or maybe a combo move involving 2 different characters. πŸ‘Ώ lol

  20. EyelessT

    Hi, honestly this game seemed to me one of the best I’ve played.
    For things like easter eggs from other games or series. I find it funny the faces they put on receiving damage or in history. Especially when you play with a click on boobies 7w7 :hurray:

  21. dare

    Hi I really like the game of Epic Battle Fantasy and I would like to win. I wish you a very happy new year
    Sorry if there are spelling mistakes, I do not speak English

  22. James

    I like how you guys want a free steam key for the game (( Thank you Epic Battle Team ( you guys just keep on giving and I appreciate that ) )), even though the game is on sale for less than 4 DOLLARS!!!!
    Whatever, do the giveaway, these cheap peeps man :bleh: :bleh: :bleh:

  23. E_bone_E

    i vary mutch love youre games
    the first game that i played was epic batel funtasy 3.3 AKA bulet haven1
    that game made me intrested at youre ather (ausome) games
    and laste thing- its hard to me to think on only 1 reson whay i love this seres becuose… i have a lots of resons and to muthc to write (and sorry for wrong spelleang)

  24. Chronon

    I haven’t played any of your games before, but they look really interesting and I’d love to buy one given the chance. I don’t actually have a steam account yet but I should have one soon, and you’ll definitely be on the list of creators that I look to buy from.

  25. Kelly

    I’ve played the EBF series since I was young. I would challenge my brother in the first two, and we would see who would complete it fastest. It was fun to “compete” against each other, but then the next two in the series came out. We are really into RPGs, so when they came out, we were surprised. We played separately, using our own devices, yet together, at the same time and room. We had different styles in fighting against foes and bosses. My brother likes to buff himself during fights, and I like to upgrade Natalie and company’s (Natalie is bae, Natalie is queen) stats, hats, weapons, and outfits.
    I like how we have to eat now. It takes away one of their turns, so I can’t just attack my way to victory, I’d have to think more. Also, adding NoLegs is great! I always wanted to play him. Me and my cats-are-better-than-dogs complex or whatever. I was that person who liked to use my SP to use NoLegs. If you had to add anything, I’d say you should add more Natalie and Matt action. πŸ™ My fangirl heart… please ….
    I own EBF4 so owning Bullet Heaven 2 would be nice. Touhou games are hard but enjoyable with the right person playing with you.

  26. Wellwater

    It’s taken me a while to write this, since most of the things I wanted from EBF5, like better use of all party members, improved scanning, and a way to turn off jiggle physics, have already been promised :shades: … and the new monsters, new gear, skill consolidations, and new graphics are a very nice cherry on the top! :love:

    But I think if there’s one little thing I’d like for EBF5, it’d be a way to keep track of roughly where you can use key items that haven’t been used there yet. Like a way to tell if there are unsmashed rocks in an area on the map (assuming something like the hammer) or where there are gold blocks if you have a gold key. It just seems like one of those things that’s often more about meticulous recordkeeping or obsessively rechecking than about skilled play.

    As long as you keep up the good work of witty, self-aware dialogue, careful and varied encounter design, and general spit-and-polish, there’s not much that can go wrong, I think!

    (I would like an EBF4 key, please!)

  27. QwertyStan

    Scrap my comment about never beating any of the ebf series i just beat Akron on epic and all 60 achievements!

  28. PlaytechAqua

    I would actually prefer to throw more money in your face than getting it for free, but well human greed :smirk:
    Been with the series since the first game in 2009, found out about them when I have an old pc so I can only play online flash game for fun, both the 1st and 2nd game was really enjoyable, but it wasn’t until the 3rd game that make me love the style and lore that you have created in these games. And I always love adventure in fantasy games like this, exploring places and seeing new things is very fun. Also you said honesty is important so I guess Natalie boobs is something I really love too :love: really take me by surprise when I found out you can click on them in EBF1.
    Please don’t adds way more main character than needed in later game though, too much can make each character hard to present them self and even more time will be needed to add depth between new and old characters to be balance.
    Well I hope EBF5 will be ready soon, and if I win then Epic battle fantasy 4 code pls.

  29. Narange

    Hi Matt! :smirk: I am in love :love: with your work and things that I like of EBF games are their original soundtrack, extra content like secret chambers or FanArt gallery and the relationship of characters ( my favourite char is Lance :shades: ). I want to see customizable chars in the next game :stars: . I think that it’s a good idea. Well, I know that this is one of most short comments XD :neutral:, but I couldn’t say anything more, I am not good at this. :wut:
    The game I would like to have is Epic Battle Fantasy 4.
    Have luck!

  30. K' Dash

    First of all: Thanks for these wonderful games :stars: Really enjoyed playing EBF 1 – 4 and I still enjoy it :yay:

    I love the Gameplay (turn-based fights, weapon searching, Upgrading equipments, riddle, jokes and puns, references to other games :yay: etc.). I even love the characters/heroes and the weirdness :yay: I were so happy when I saw that EBF 4 appeared on Kongregate (I immediately woke up my brother xD He shouted at me for not waking him up earlier)

    I especially think that you created an excellent game ( I would have said ‘excellent for creating it alone’, but it is excellent in every way ❗ )

    I personally wouldnt want to change anything, because it is already perfect in my eyes trying to make perfection better would let into :skull:

    but anyways I would like:

    – more EPIC weapons and skills
    – Maybe another Element ( ❓ ) (Example: Aether (Ghosts, Spectres, Souls —-> Only capable of magic attacks, Immune to physical attacks etc.) or maybe even Time Element (“Deja Vu” as an enemy and other time based Phenomenoms —-> Duplicate (especially for Deja Vu), Slowing down of course, Time stop (freeze effect without double damage, but reducing Evasion afterwards ?), Increase own evasion, Aging (Would like to an old Matt and Lance xD I cant think of an effect exept evasion reducing) etc.)
    – NO Skills that take turns to work and are able to be interrrupted ( would destroy the fun )
    -NOT so deep dialogues (It would destroy the unserious atmosphere)
    – More Jokes definetely

    Thats it (I think)

    I know it is too late but Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :hurray: :yay: :yay: :yay: (I think I wont write you during New Year)

    K’ Dash

  31. AAAA

    The Epic Battle Fantasy series as a whole didn’t start for me until I came across EBF3 on Newgrounds, and to say the least, I found it enjoyable. Of the things I enjoyed from EBF3 onwards would have to include, overall, the characters (designs, personalities, and interactions), and the classic JRPG style gameplay–and I only found those to improve in EBF4. More than that, though, as someone who’s always wanted to try and make their own (non-terrible) JRPG, this series is one of the things that keeps me reminded that it is possible for one person to make a quality game. I suppose you could say that in a way, the EBF series is an inspiration.

    As for what I want to see in EBF5, well…more of the same overall, I suppose? More interactions between our characters, more ways to murder enemies, more engaging bossfights.

    (P.S: for keys, I want the BH2 one. I already bought EBF4. ^^;)

  32. Marco

    I bumped into Matt and Natz in “Epic Battle Fantasy 2” and, following them throughout their epic adventures, I’ve become a huge fan of the serie. Engaging and dynamic animations in battles, excellent playability, divine soundtrack, lighthearted humor and tough challenges: that’s why I love your games! Last but not least, I like how you draw slimes (so cute).

    In the fifth chapter of the saga, I wish it were possible, in postgame, to fly over the overworld (with Bullet Heaven’s tools) in order to move faster and reach secret areas.
    I would also appreciate:
    – NPCs with more important roles (maybe even fightable);
    – More puzzles (not required to finish the game);
    – Phrynna’s cameo in the game;
    – An exclusive ‘Catnip’ item to boost NoLegs stats and moral;
    – An invisible armor set for Natalie.

    Forget about the last one.

    I’m also looking forward an EBF tower defence game, but there is no hurry!

    If I won the key, I wish it was for “Bullet Heaven 2”. Merry Xmas! :yay:

  33. joao carlos

    Since I was little I’ve been following the whole history of epic battle fantasy, and I love all the jokes in the game. Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4 were thrilling, with creatures of various elements and very strong bosses. The characters have been growing since epic battle fantasy 3 when Lance has arrived, and in Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Anna has entered the team, and in the future, Nolegs will enter the Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I like everything in EBF and I love even more the whole exciting story of the Game (if it was not clear I would like to win for EBF4). I would like to see in the next EBF5 game an exciting story with various adventures and emotions. :smirk: :smirk: :smirk:

  34. James3363

    I have always loved the EBF series and been playing the game since EBF2. to be honest i’m not sure why I love the series so much. nor do i know why i have beaten EBF4 8 times now. something just keeps drawing me back and I still find the games fun. I already own both EBF4 and Bullet Heaven 2 so if I won these they would be going to my friend who is constantly helping me with my problems. I owe them quite a bit for all they have done.

  35. The_BlazeMan

    Ahhh, Epic Battle Fantasy. I first came upon your series around three-four years ago, when EBF4 was rather new. It was really, one of the best games I have played. The best one on Kongregate or other related web-game sites, for sure. I had never played Final Fantasy, and I’m not even *planning* on playing Final Fantasy, because Epic Battle Fantasy just feels better. The art style is really excellent, as well as the music. The turn-based reminded me of Pokemon, and I just loved the battle mechanics/strategy/whatever-you-have it. I wasn’t really into anime that much, but when I replay EBF4, I notice a whole bunch of anime references and anime culture stuff, haha. It’s what sets it apart as an indie game. The creator gets to express himself however he wants, and that’s what creates the main charm of EBF4, I think. I keep going back to it. It’s really a wonderful game. Thank you so much for making an amazing series. :hurray:

    I could go on and on about the features of the game, but really, I like all of it, so there’s no need to really mention any of it. But I’ll do so anyways. Battle Mountain. I battled surveys and dumb stuff to get it, and I don’t regret a bit of the work that I did. It enhanced my experience, and since grinding doesn’t have (much) impact on its difficulty, it was a challenge.

    Again, you’re an amazing creator, and I strive to be as talented as you, so I can make something like this as well! Keep up the awesome work! :yay:

  36. DoyoFroyo

    The EBF series hits all the core elements of classical RPGs while managing to avoid the pitfalls of modern freemium RPG games. In that sense the series stands alone as one of the few defenders of what made the golden age of RPGs so great, while still moving forward and staying up to date.

    Something to add to the game? Well I’d love to see some multiplay aspect added to the game, but perhaps keeping the game singleplayer is part of the charm. A huge market with buy/sell prices depending on the player would definitely atdd more interest (something like the market in GW2). There’s a lot of dimensions to touch on with RPG genre games, but the charm of EBF has always been sticking to the essential core elements. (EBF4 key pls, and Merry Christmas!)

  37. Dragnalio

    :stars: Matt’s giving giveaways :stars:

    First of all, Merry Christmas everyone :yay:

    I love the cool characters and their unique personalities (still wondering why Matt is still alive after the headshot :shades: ), equipment skills (the ones that occur between turns), beautiful shading, ice block puzzles (I wish there’s more coming), and don’t forget about those fourth walls *sheesh*

    I hope the new series got a new character or a custom character (or maybe both :stars: ), not gonna recommend job change system as it would probably break the game (in a bad way), a permanent stat/skill/item bonus for clearing the new “dungeon” system would be nice, and the defend button needs some love πŸ˜₯

    I’d love to try playing the 4th EBF with the Battle Mountain and stuff
    Keep the surprises coming, Matt :yay:
    Thanks for the time you spent creating these games *thumbs up*

  38. Shinmyoumaru

    I’ve liked the Epic Battle Fantasy series ever since I found the second one on an old website I used to play on when I was little. Seeing the series still growing actually feels great to me… I also love how it brought characters from other games I loved to death such as the elephant from Achievement Unlocked, Sushi Cat (another favorite), and even the little Chibi Knight :yay: (in variants of course!).

    I’d like to see a way for NoLegs to learn certain enemy skills by studying/scanning them enough times, or by surviving a certain number of turns when said attacks are used. In the fourth game, Natalie said we should “nurture his talents”… Considering NoLegs has learned Legend in it’s cat form by studying Matt and the Cat Soldier enemies, I wouldn’t be surprised if NoLegs can also learn Temper (Matt & Lance get angry really fast, perhaps learned from those hand-like enemies that can flip the bird as an attack that inflicts Berserk or more, as well as learning how to berserk enemies?) Morale Horn (certain Trojan Cat enemies use this to boost Morale, attack and defense. Would be great to give NoLegs a suicidal support role when you know your about to die horribly :sad:) , some form of Unleash, and perhaps even going so far as to learn things such as Dispel, Syphon and other status dealing moves by wearing certain gear while surviving attacks… Nurture his studying power and he may or may not turn the enemy’s powers against them! :shades:

    I’d like to get Bullet Heaven 2. I’ve seen my friends playing both the original and the second game as well as a few other bullet hell games, as well as Jigetsou Kitsetsukan, one of the free games you mentioned a few months back! :yay: It’s fun, and considering what some of the boss mechanics are I bet I can take a good shot at defeating them all… either normally or with masochism because of boredom. πŸ‘Ώ Well, Merry Christmas to you and Ronja! :bacon:

  39. Preston

    when I first found epic battle fantasy 3 it was the best game I had ever played on even now 5 years later I still think it is an awesome game and I can’t wait for the next one to come out. I loved the part in EBF4 where you got the achievement for collecting all those panties for that old man please add more stuff like that.

  40. Yasmyn

    I remember when I was a kid, I saw my sister played EBF1 for the first time. I thought that Matt was a girl because his blond long hair, but I realized that he was a guy because of his name.

  41. Feilakas

    As a guy in my 30s, I grew up playing jRPGs on my Sega and Nintendo consoles.
    The EBF series is a tongue-in-cheek love letter to that era but at the same time a pretty funny series in and of itself.

    Also much respect for releasing EBF3 on Steam for free, it acted as a sort of demo for EB4 for me, shortly after the forest area I stopped playing and went to buy it πŸ™‚

    I would for sure love another game in the series, preferably seeing it add yet another playable character, maybe this time making it something unique like Chrono Trigger’s Robo (assuming the two guys/gals combo stays as is).
    Also don’t shy from experimenting with wacky weapons either, I LOVED seeing the Dean Razorback being used as a weapon. Put a smile on my face πŸ˜€
    For story and bad guys I am not too worried as the variance has been pretty great thus far and I don’t foresee it waning anytime soon.

    Once I’m done with the EBF series I’m also wanting to try the bullet heaven series as well.

  42. Yuri

    EBF is one of my favorite series of all time, and to be able to see it grow since the first game (yep, I was there), was amazing. It was awesome to see the series develop in different ways as well, like Bullet Heaven and Adventure Story, and I really hope you keep developing and improving the series further, in different and bigger horizons.

    For EBF5, I want to see new fun characters, like you have managed to do in all games before it (especially 3 and 4 ofc), with the same awesome sense of humor the games have always had.

    As for the Steam key I want, I’d love to have Bullet Heaven 2, as the first one is one of my favorite bullet hell games and what really got me into the genre, and I really want to experience the game to its fullest.

    I’m really excited for EBF5 btw! I’m sure the game will be awesome.

  43. Davy

    I love the EBF series mostly because of the characters and how the equips you earn throughout the game don’t become obsolete after some stage in the game, no! They became more useful than ever in the late game!

    And what i want to see on EBF 5 is a Military Organization (Just like Lance’s) with a crazy general that has a huge rivalry towards Lance’s Army and want to be the greateast tyrant of the whole world! It would be amazing having another human boss with a Militar-theme πŸ˜€

  44. Gino and Phil Valecchi

    Hello Matt :smirk: ,
    I can still remeber the days me and my little brother Phil spent on Kongregate, always searching for new fun games to play. One of these days, we discovered a game called Epic Battle Fantasy III. For us, it had everything. We love leveling and upgrading stuff, we love the fights against little slimes or giant bosses (that really gave us a hard time now and then), we love the memorable and epic music and the hilarious character designs and dialogs. When EBF 4 was finally released on Steam, we already had our PaySafeCard ready, because we were both excited what you had in store for us this time. And even after all these years, i believe 5 or 6 years, it was awesome. It is impressive to see all the development you made in your games. From the “simple” but fun EBF 1 to the masterpiece EBF 4, it has been a great time. We also enjoyed Bullet Heaven. It was fun to see all the EBF fellows in a Bullet Hell game, a genre that we didn’t even know before.

    Sadly, we didn’t get the chance to play Bullet Heaven II yet, so if you want to give us a code we would be very happy :smirk: .
    But code or not, at this point I would like to say thank you for both of us, we will continiue to support you and your work (even though we spoiled ourself waaaaay to hard with the EBF 5 stuff, but we couldn’t resist πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ πŸ˜₯ ).

    Merry christmas and happy holidays everyone :yay:
    Gino and Phil

  45. Tsuchikure

    Honestly, I love this series. I have no exact reason why, but I’ve been playing it ever since the new release of the third game and I loved it, causing me to go back and play the previous games on Kongregate. When I heard a fourth was coming out on Steam, I jumped at the chance to get it. And I don’t. know. exactly. why.
    The lighthearted humor, the strategy (on higher difficulties, at least,) the team WOMBO COMBOOOS that you can pull off on an epic, yet extremely difficult boss fight to destroy its face all felt so satisfying for the last several years while I have been replaying the game(s).
    I’d love a chance at that EBF4 copy to try and get a friend to play it. Especially since it’s Christmas. I’ve felt rather lonely being the only person I know who likes this game, or this series of games. :stars:

  46. Olli

    Hello Matt Roszak,

    im writing this reply because i really want to be one of the people who receice the steam gift codes.
    My name is Olli and im from germany, thats why i wanted to apologize if my english skills arent that well. There can be gramma mistakes and maybe the tenses are wrong. I hope you can understand this. :yay:
    First i think its really important to say the truth because i think that a lot of these people will lie to you to get one of the steam codes.
    Im of the opinion that i will tell you my true story with your game series.
    Three years ago i came into contact with your game series, especially with the epic battle fantasy series. I started with EBF4 because it was new and i was curious what the game will be like. To be honest i hate games like that because you cant even move and there arent any cool fighting action scenes.
    But the truth is that EBF one of the games which catched me and i will never forget. When i started the story it was cool to see how precise you worked on this game. I like the story, four epic characters fighting vs monsters and gods in form of cats :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: . The music is epic and im a big fan of the skills because epic skills form an epic fight. :stars: .
    Furthermore the game is quite varied which is good.
    I thought the game was so cool and :hurray: EPIC :yay: that i decided to play the predescessors of the game series. And after all it was a great idea because its really important to understand the full story.
    Maybe you noticed that im really interested into the EBF series and that i just played the free version of EBF4 thats why i wanted to write you my opinion of your work.
    It would be really cool if you could choose me to get one of the EBF4 codes and im really :smirk: sorry about my english skills.

    P.S.: Maybe there arent many people who say this but im of the opinion that you re one of the game publishers who are really abitious on their work and that you re one of the game developers who makes the games what they should be like……………………. EPIC!!!! :shades:

    [email protected]

  47. zamuel

    i like the ebf series because, well, it has plenty of action, unique characters with their own witty quips, and overall it’s just epic, it started out as just a game where you hack and slash through anything and everything then turned into what it is today, but you don’t need my opinion, theirs already 455 comments and counting saying that. as for additions, i feel that you are doing well so far already, so nothing from me. i hope you stay well throughout you journey and have a merry chrismas :yay: :coffee:

  48. Satoshi

    Epic Battle Fantasy series has always been a fun time-waster for me when I get bored and need something fun to play. Between the little jokes and references and the well thought-out mechanics of the gameplay, it has and always shall be a joy to see a new installment in the series. The Bullet Hell spinoffs are fun as well, though I admittedly haven’t played those for very long due to them not being RPGs (my favorite genre).

    What I’d like to see in EBF5… For one, perhaps yet another party member to join the cast? I would like to see more character development within the party though, since those moments are one of my favorites in any form of story. Then again, perhaps it might not fit the nature of the series? Eh, food for thought.

    As someone who’s currently in a game development course, I greatly admired the work and dedication you have put towards making these games. Thanks for all the good times, and Merry Christmas.

    PS: If you couldn’t already tell, I’d prefer EBF4 over Bullet Hell 2, though I wouldn’t mind either.

  49. Sasu

    Okay, so I am interested in Epic Battle Fantasy 4, gonna start with that.
    Now to the long story, so you have something nice to read during cold evenings :D.

    I would start by the very most general thing. I like Epic Battle Fantasy series already just because it’s turn-based strategy JRPG (not really sure if I can use J in there, but it seems ok to me) and I love turn-based strategy games, if they have some RPG in it even better. There are many things that made your series matter of the heart to me. First of all it’s 1 of my Childhood games (played your first game when I was like 10?) and the graphics, the strategies, skills, equips really looked like a lot of fun as it also reminded me some games I used to play on Playstation 1. That might be what really got me into it actually lol. But at those times, your games were really hard for me, because you know, my thinking wasn’t that much strategic and I rather had fun trying out skills, equips and stuff instead of trying to win as I also didn’t know much english and didn’t know what all those things actually do lol. I still remember how I suffered fighting Zombie Hydra in your Epic Battle Fantasy 2. And the first time I played Epic Battle Fantasy I was like – oh hey, I know this guy…. and this girl looks like they are from Brawl Royale! Could it be the same game dev!? And it was lol.

    Well anyways as of right now, what I really like about your games is how much effort you put into them and it’s really pleasent how you improved everything over the course of those long 10+ years. I like the generic attributes of your games – the elemental and status weaknesses/resistances, variety of different enviroments consisting of foes with similar weaknesses/resistances, but also how you always put in some mobs, who have exactly the opposite stats in order to make the game harder and force you into changing your equipment mid-game. I also love your hidden jokes that are in the game and those “oh-so-hard-to-find” hints and least, but actually the best all the refferences you put there on your previous games/animes :D. I also always find the description of your medals quite funny lol. And another one thing, prob the last one. I love the music, which perfectly matches the fights and really gets you into thinking about the best plays you can make during your turn. With this I want to say that I really do appreciate Phyrnna’s work on the music and I hope she will co-op with you even on this one~

    And what I’d like to see in EBF 5? Well I’d like EBF 5 to bring us the best out of EBF 3 and EBF 4 and something new to it. That being said I’d really like if some buffs would heal on the turn of cast (like regen in EBF 3 for example), more status effect that increase elemental damage alongside more flares, which gives your weapen effect of that status (For example using Dark-element bow on Anna which causes weakness and she then deals 50% more damage) and more combos of those. More armors with variety of effects and old EBF 3 Casual shirt back, it was strong af ;-;. Well and ofc, I want the casual stuff you know, swarms of foes, EPIC BOSSES, Godcat Summon, new skills, new equips, new animations, new stages, new possibilities! Also yeah, I think you said you will be making an item that removes debuffs, great idea, also more anti-debuff skills would be great. And if there will be no longer any mana, just cooldowns, then either buffs strictly set to characters or all buffs optionally for anyone. Same for debuffs actually. I also don’t really like the debuff resistance on enemies, so either I’d like to not see it anymore or give the same option to players. And other than that ofc SWORDS, MORE SWORDS, EVEN MORE SWORDS, some guns so we don’t discriminate Lance since I like him, and ofc some Staves, Bows and lil’ swords so we also don’t discriminate anyone else. And also more refferences to all kinds of different stuff! ^^ And it’s already long egnough, so I’ll end it here, your games are always awesome anyways, no need to worry about it.

  50. WeirdoNinja

    For first, I am sorry for my bad english, I am from Poland.
    I love EBF series, I started playing this when I was 10 (I am 14 now), but in my opinion, EBF3 and 4 were the best, because here was:

    – Freeroam
    – Upgrading equipment
    – Different enemies
    – Awesome magic attacks
    – Cool boss fights

    In EBF5 I hope, there will be more content not only for Steam players, also normal players who don’t buyed this game.
    Generally, I love this game, and I think I can win this code, cuz this game is awesome!

  51. Dan777

    When i first saw this game in my childhood (around EBF3).

    I felt in love in the graphics,stats,balance and this is how i became obsessed in Role Playing Game or Turn-Based.

    I played Matt other games and checked out his FB for news and amazing fanart (that’s normal , right?).

    Then i saw that the sequel to EBF3 has been released namely, EBF4 and i got so excited to play the game.

    And it was great or rather it was even better and if this keeps going (PLS).

    Matt will gain many things in his journey and obstacles to make us players happy and creator himself.

    But i really wanted to have the premium content to keep on playing the battle mountain and more adventures. ( πŸ˜₯ )

    But i believe that Matt will keep getting bigger and stronger has he strives to make us all happy and he will never give up to create new ideas for his future plans and maybe just maybe this 2017 EBF5 will be more amazing and surpass the other EBF games that he has created for the past few years.
    (BTW his EBF games or created games is still better because make this games is really hard if a normal person created this so give him a cheers and a beer -ingame- for making this games)

    (I want rpg rather than bullet hell so EBf4 :smirk: )

  52. kittysans3

    I like so much ebf4 beaucuse have adventure and the battles is so nice :love: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :phone2: :phone2: :bacon: :stars: :stars: :shades:

  53. Lance Knight

    The EBF series is an absolutly amazing saga full of interesting concepts and ideas mixed nicely to create a wonderful game. The soundtrack of the game is perfect in all situations (boss battles, travelling, cutscenes etc.) and I would like to see similar soundtrack in the next game. Also the relationship between characters in the EBF series, especially EBF4 with Anna involved makes the story and game much more interesting to play as there’s a clear goal for all characters. (Matt: wants loot, Lance: wants Natalie, Anna: wants the jewels back, Natalie: wants everything) . And best of all, the gameplay of the game. The RPG turn based playing style is a classic yet a masterpiece which has really shined throughout the games as there are multiple things you can do and you have to make right choices to strive through battles such as blocking, healing, attacking, fleeing etc. P.s: I love what characters say when they die/respawn or get attacked. Also, unlike EBF1 and EBF2, EBF3 and EBF4 had the mechanic of moving around in a map allowing you to gather items and find secrets. This made the game much more entertaining as they are more things to do after beating the final boss such as complete achievements and find secrets. In EBF5 it would be really good to include more secrets and achievements to allow players to continue playing even after they’ve finished the main storyline. The art style is simple yet amazing and the detail on different items/weapons makes the game more interesting and strategical. (Hmm should I use the Sword which gives 20+ HP? Or the pink one because it looks cute? Hmm…) Overall the EBF series are fun yet challenging to play and I can’t wait for the release of EBF5. If possible it would be amazing if I may have the Bullet Heaven 2 steam key as I haven’t played the second game and would like to explore into it more. :smirk:

  54. Tobyy

    hey there Matt,

    what i loved most about the series is ist development until the awesomeness of a map
    which was by far the smartest idea to create a whole EBF-universe. :shades:

    What i would really enjoy seeing is that maybe the story could lead to some troubles and dispute between the characters, which
    leads to a “temporary leave” of certain characters. :stars: They won’t be available for battles for some time until they reunite due to a
    gigantic boss :scared: or moment where they have to. And a love-story :love2: would be a marvellous addition to make things even more exciting.

    The steam key for EBF4 would be awesome

    Merry Christmas

  55. Isabela

    :yay: I love everything about Epic Battle Fantasy (1,2,3,4) :

    -art style with higher graphics

    P.S If i win a Steam Key Giveaway, i want to have EBF4. :stars:

  56. Alan

    Merry Christmas Matt

    Anyway, I loved EBF3 after playing it on Newgrounds. It has nice animation and creature design, with a good variety of settings and monsters that are suited to their environments. The humor fits well, and the character interactions are enjoyable and the cutesy designs very appropriate. Plus, having a solid and varied skill tree for the 3 characters kept the game interesting, and the use of damage types along with resistances/vulnerabilities added some tactics rather than span highest damage attack, heal, repeat.

    The gameplay issues i had with it were that some of the powers didn’t have much utility (maybe its just my style of playing, but some of them seemed to be significantly less useful than others and not worth the point investment). I also had the need to grind a few times because the enemies (a couple of bosses) were too tough when I reached them, being able to do around 30% on a single hit. Otherwise, there was the occasional issue of lag or framerate drop, but that was pretty rare.

    Honestly, for a free game, I found EBF3 to be outstanding RPG.

    I’d love a key for EBF4, seeing as I haven’ yet had to check it out.

    Keep up the great work and happy holidays!

  57. E.

    I’d love a key to Epic Battle Fantasy 4.

    Just got into the series this year with Epic Battle Fantasy 3, love the series sense of humor! Its been a blast to play. It would be awesome to be able to continue to play this wonderful, clever series. :yay:

  58. anavn


    Started the series with EBF1 and played all the games you realised since. Am a great fan of your work and love that you try to give us cool updates on the games and your life on this Blog and the Facebook page. Just wanted to thank you for making some great games and to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    I already own all the games so give the key to someone who needs it instead πŸ™‚


  59. Pablo Melon

    Hello Matt !
    2 years ago, i discovered a fun game at Kongregate. I tried Epic Battle Fantasy 4, but then decided to start with the 3. And the serie didin’t disapointed me.
    Indeed, Epic Battle Fantasy 4 introduced me to RPG, with their multitude of status effects and hard bosses. Now, i’m motivated to buy Bravely Default, which I probably wouldn’t even have looked at without this. Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is the best Flash game i’ve found with Martek RPG, and i have the feeling that contrarly to the second’s series, the first’s one won’t end before a long time. Bullet Heaven also introduced me to Bullet Hell, and Touhou, which is now one of my favorite games ! I also low how fun the 2 games are, and how epic they are ( after all, you made 2 cats one of the best final bosses ever !). The music is among one of the best game musics, thanks to Phyrnna.
    I’m totally hyped for final fantasy 5, which will probably be the first one i buy. :stars:
    I don’t really know what i want to see in Epic Battle Fantasy 5. I’m a bit disapointed by the removal of some of the monster families, so you could maybe make them come again in the payant version ? However, the game still looks great ! :love:
    If i could get a key, i would choose an EBF 4 one.
    Goodbye and Merry Christmas !

  60. Felicia

    Heya from Belgium here
    This giveaway has given me more of an incentive to write up and tell you great creators what i wanted to for a long time regardless :smirk:
    I have loved these games so much, i discovered it on Kongregate when searching for more fantasy-esque games and the first title I saw was EBF3 and MY GOD did i play the everlasting hell out of that game :love: :love2: ! I played it waaaaaay too much to the point i stayed up a little bit too *cough 5 am* late playing the game in the first playthrough, the characters were fun , the dialogue made it hilarious whilst also so self-counscious at time that not a lot of other games had yet or delved deeper into. The gear switching in combat and all the grindy aspects were openly welcomed as i did like some strategy mixed with “well if it fails, try beating up a thousand slimes and come back as the slime overlord” Which is exactly what I did on subesequent playthroughs. After a while i thought “damn a game this good must have awesome “no-life” players with sick highscores: I want to see what they got on me” and there i saw insane numbers on all stats… except the “highest damage in a single hit” wasn’t that far out of reach, and lo and behold: I became a no-life for a week and reached max damage in one skill… 3times (because ppl caught up to me :c) fairly easily though everytime by using the stat food 60 medal over and over. After that I had played it so much I clicked on the creator’s name and wanted to try out more of that stuff and get references the characters made to previous games but when i played EBF1 and 2 I have to admit I only got halfway. The games weren’t bad and i laughed at the goku stuff when watching a playthrough but I myself didn’t like that the game HAD to move forward and there was no real grind. (side note that occured to me: I also took a bit of extra too much time listening to the music a few times, especially knowing it’s composed especially for it!, one time i even encountered a tune on a more NSFW game and I nearly instantly wanted to defend you, creator(s) of this beautiful game, before i was stopped in the game itself where they said the music was legally allowed to be used by you guys… which made me love you even more)
    Then later came EBF4 and boy i watched the news updates, i saw teasers i wanted to play it SO BADLY :stars: , that and i wanted to see it and helped it on steam greenlight too because the game deserves it. I loved the DLC package we got later on and there too i tried to get all medals all achievements, high stats, everything, over and over and over. And there too i got a highscore, but not for that long, but yet again though: for highest damage dealt. i loved that you could strategize a way to still get a highscore even though the max levels in both games were twice your own level just by some thinking :yay:
    Now Holiday season is approaching and a month ago i told my brother about the game and he played and finished EBF3 in an amazingly short time as he also loved it so much ; now and then requiring my help for stuff though, but then when he wanted to go to EBF4 on steam he didn’t want to invest in it which saddened me as i wanted him to experience the game too himself.
    I don’t want to flaunt this much (which contradicts that i’m writing this but just read me out here :tongue: ) but i’ve had to go to a psychiatric centre twice for depression(one year in between both) and coincidently both of those times (there was enough time between therapy to squeeze in some gaming πŸ˜‰ ) These two games had sucked up a lot of my time there (usually a month of being really into it) and coincidently both of those times where the times I achieved the highscores in the 2 games. And i just want to point it out that even though it’s “just” a game the humour, community, fun and sillyness and the amazing feel of recognition, achieving and reward when you win against a hard boss on epic or you don’t get all your buffs despelled and subsequently can do an amazing turn you set up for or getting a highscore made me feel truly happy and , in part, was a thing that helped me like myself again as well, showing me that i could still have fun and i could still do and achieve goals i set for myself. Thank you πŸ™ πŸ™ πŸ™

    As for things I would want to see in the future:
    In the main series games i would love to see some way to protect against being despelled as a sort of ability so when you go nuts on the buffs for a tough fight, you shouldn’t have to switch out of defensive clothing to just not lose all your buffs in a flash of sadness πŸ˜₯ . Besides this: Just more humour, more silly plot , epic looking abilities (and quotes with them ~) and practically anything you already would be doing most likely whilst having fun creating the follow up game to an amazing series.
    ps: always give all the Bacon :bacon: to Matt, to hell with balance!

    Thank you for taking your time to read this Happy Holidays and please never stop having fun doing what you do
    Sincerely Felice Devroze from Belgium <3

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      I’m not 100% sure, but I think the Bless status protected you from Dispel. It will do that in EBF5 for sure.

  61. Tahj Rouse

    First off I would like to say THANK YOU these games of EBF have been absolutely amazing from the humor to the game play to the story (favorite is humor). When I first saw EBF I thought it would be just a generic RPG but once I first started playing I was blown away at how amazing everything was. The first day I started playing EBF I couldn’t stop I played it at any giving time I could and eventually beat the first two that were out then when three came along I 100% that game as quickly as I probably could have. Personally I would like to see even more funny skits and more epic bosses. I could say much much more but I don’t think you want to sit through that so all in all from the bottom of my heart THANK YOU.

    P.S. keep going in the direction you’ve been going and dont lose site of that direction :smirk: and I would like to have Epic Battle Fantasy 4

    Sincerly Tahj Rouse

  62. Joseph Halpern

    I would like Bullet Heaven 2.

    My favorite part about EBF is the combat mechanics. Battles always seemed fair and skill-based rather than being a function of RNG. I would spend tons of time figuring out my strategy to defeat bosses on epic difficulty in EBF4, and even went so far as to not see 100% completion as a drag because I felt rewarded by doing everything,

    I can’t wait for EBF5 . I hope I can get the same amount of challenge as previous games, with maybe a LOT more awesome bosses.

  63. nore

    Hi! I am a little boy form Taiwan.(Taiwan no.1! XD)
    I saw EBF 1 and 2 from now already for several years.I was less than 12 years old
    I play that on the Internet. I love it! Then i saw 3 sale on steam.I told my brother I had to buy this game or I would die!XD
    now I am 16 years old.I want to buy EBF 4 but my mom wont let me buy it.So maybe this is my only hope to have this game. πŸ˜₯

    I like the kind of game monster and its abilities, not just have Goblin, Slime those things seen.
    There are also skills of the player group. I have never seen turn-based RPG has so many abilities, the Ultimate visual effects are also very gorgeous

    As for the disadvantages …..well, nor is not.
    Although the fighting screen is very cool, but when the player moves or explore the screen is not.
    This is the only pity I feel.

    I hope that in the next game to see more interesting skills
    , Action modules and more great story!I like to know the story of a game.
    It is just like I’m in the story :yay:

    If I’m lucky to win the free steam key.I want EBF4. :hurray:

  64. KnightTheNinja

    I have always loved the EBF games for their fresh style to a worn out genre. Don’t get me wrong, i have always love turn based RPGs, but these ones take the cake for comedy, art in my mind. It is a truly epic game. I would love to get EBF4, but another thing i have always loved is how the original games are free to play.

    Thank you for the wonderful games, and keep up the stunning work!!

  65. Veradux

    I like the ebf series because they are very fascinating , it was very nice that in the third one the game added the open-world feature , the dialogues were sometimes very funny and that on higher difficulties you actually needed to have a strategy , find out the most useful skills and so… :stars:
    I love Phyrnna’s music for those games especially Estavius and Fallen blood.
    In the next games I would like to see if possible more secrets, puzzles and maybe something like a temporary teammate that would join the party only for an area or quest and give some plot details from time to time. :hurray:

    And, because it’s that time of the year I wish you Happy Holidays. :yay:

    (I am interested in Epic battle fantasy 4 :smirk: )

  66. Gabriel

    It’s really funny how I come here once again, this exact moment, this exact feeling. I was one of the chosen ones last year and I have really enjoyed playing the extra content since then! I’m doing my 2nd/3rd playthrough to unlock last few medals and then face the marathons, all the way Epic Mode! I’m proud to say I’m a completionist in your game. :stars:

    I didn’t decide to come here for anything else, I already have a key (I chose Kongregate!). It was only gratitude and love that brought me here. I really love your games, I’m a big fan of yours and I have a friend who is even tired of hearing about how I love EBF, how Lance is funny, how it’s the best flash game hands down! Haha. :yay:

    I’m here to wish you a Merry Christmas and tell you that I would love to give you a hug right now. I hope Maxi is resting in peace in Dogs’ Heaven, together with Goddog. After all, if dogs weren’t that awesome, they’d not mean gods backwards! Screamer is now my favorite skill. And you’re my favorite indie game developer! :hurray:

    I’ll be forever your fan, you are the best, Matt!!! You are a Legend whose games are a true Charm, you indeed have a Lucky Star and EBF hits everything like a Hyper Beam. Needless to say, I have a Crush on Natz, she just pierces my heart like an Arrow Rain! <3

    PS: I love the big red mushroom innuendo at Ashwood Forest, mainly Matt, Natalie and Lance's saying. I've always knew that Lance was a big guy, but not in that way. Hahaha! Poor Anna, she is just so pure. lol πŸ™

  67. Froakidier

    I really loved Epic Battle Fantasy, especially as a kid I always enjoyed the 2nd one… and the funny and lewd jokes about Natalie’s boobs. XD. But, Epic Battle Fantasy 4 sparked something in me — it was Anna. I always loved bow and arrows and archery and since Anna has those exact qualities, it was nice to see a character in my favorite game to have my favorite weapon choice.
    Bullet Heaven… I liked it but bullet hell games wasn’t my thing because I usually got distracted and zoned into somewhere else.
    Adventure Story was really nice since it added some gravity into the game, but I died a lot.
    Having the key for EBF4 would be really nice as I can experience the game a little bit more instead of watching gameplays of the game (and they weren’t even that fun). Right now, I’m playing EBF3 (I’m stuck on the orb part and I can’t find the other orb… I hope it isn’t a bug or anything), and it’s really nice to see the game again. Having another purpose to play EBF4 would be a really nice Christmas present for me, and I would hope to show some appreciation with this message.
    Merry Christmas, Matt. :3

  68. Rumber

    Yo Matt,
    well as for why i like EBF, its just an allrounder
    The jokes, the relatable characters, the gameplay which can be easy…or…”Epic”
    This counting for EBF3 and 4
    i have played the first one’s as well but never as in depth as the Main Titles
    Same goes for Adventure Story and Bullet Heaven (Im not good at side scrollers πŸ˜₯ )

    As for what i want to see in EBF 5

    Probably as many people already said ^^ dont change too much of what you have been doing, its all well
    And i cant wait to see NoLegs, im already in love with his Kit. dunno if you gonna give him some more dialog
    but i belive you gonna find the right way ^^
    So as for that, id like the key for EBF4, that be nice
    Also, Merry Christmas Dude :hurray:

  69. Weeman04

    The story of Me and Kupo Games.

    I used some Html to make this so if you can see it go here
    The First Day
    The first time that I found these games was a few years ago when I found EBF2 on Kongregate. I then played it untill i could beat it without dying.
    Two Months Later
    I have beaten EBF2 and found EBF1. So I decited to play it until I beat it. No mater how long it took or how hard it was(It was realy hard).
    Nine-Milion Years Later
    Six Months Later
    I have finaly Beat it.I fealt like I have just climbed Mt.Everest.After I beat it I literly ran around the house screaming and jumping up and down.My Mom thought that I had been eletecuted or broke something… or everything, But that is beside the point, so basicly I had a bunch of fun from then on playing all on of your games. Now EBF3 is out and it is so different from the other two. I like it even more.
    Many Months Later
    I am still playing EBF3 and i am now trying to beat it on the hardest mode(Epic).I feel like I need to repeat TRYING.And I have decided that it is the best one in the series so far.A least it is my favorite.
    A Few Months Later
    I have showed all three of the games to my friends and they all loves them to. Then one of my friends showed up to my house at 7 in the morning and told me that he clicked on ,what we all thought were ads at the bottem, and it turns out that it takes you to their website Kupo Games. When I went there I found BH and we took turns playing it until we beat it.
    For a Year or Two… or Three After
    I stoped playing Kupo Game for a reason I dont remember. The last one that I remember is playing BH.
    Two Months Ago
    I decided to get on Kongregate and play some of the old games I used to play and I found out that you had made two more games BH2 andEBF4, so as a loyal gamer I decided to play both of them and honestly I was impressed because I thought that I wouldn’t like them because i dont like most of the games I used to anymore.
    Oh wait I almost forgot why I made this. If I win I Would Like to get the BH2 Expansion Pack or the EBF4 Expansion pack for my 14th birthday tommarow
    and is you are sceptical i am only 13 right now and my birthday is 12/24/02.
    If you still aren’t convinced i also love to program small things like this in my spair time.Which for me is now 7:30 – 11:30.

  70. Zaptoshi

    I’ve been playing the EBF series since the first one back in the old days on Newgrounds. Even before that I’ve seen Attack of the Black Mages and played Battle Royale. I was pretty surprised how the series changed by EBF 3 with the overworld and other stuff like that. Hearing that EBF 5 is in production, I’m excited to see what changes have been made since the beginning. I hope you get some more praise than before for this awesome game. :hurray: :stars: :hurray:

  71. PiePeter

    When i was just a wee lad, i stumbled upon Newgrounds and found this game.
    I was always into fighting games and a game called ‘Epic Battle Fantasy 2’ stood out
    I still remember getting stuck on Lance xD
    Eventually i realized this guy had some interesting video’s named ‘Attack of the Black Mages’
    Loved them all.
    I patiently waited until the third came out and it trumphed the second one majorly: Actual rpg elements ZOMG :love: :love: :love:
    Even installed Cat Cafe when it came out xD
    My favorite character is NoLegs
    The fourth game was the best, and so were Adventure Story and both Bullet heaven games πŸ˜€
    I wish Matt a good christmas, a happy new year and for him to get the praise he deserves when he releases EBF5

  72. Shad

    Hello , i really like your games i started with them on kongregate 6 / 7 years ago ( don’t remember ^^ ) and i think they really are good , your first games were free but there still was more content that you could buy that wasn’t useful but still it helped you develop the games more and create new ones that was support then i saw your facebook and decided to follow every new things you do so now i’am actually waiting for 1/2 years for EPIC BATTLE FANTASY 5 LOOKS SO COOL ^^ i support you bro .

    ps : Bullet Heaven 2 could be good to get if possible :shades:

  73. lunarim

    I’ve literally just purchased ebf4 on steam cuz I want to support kupo games and everything you do.
    The Epic battle fantasy series is one of the best to have made my childhood awesome and got me into RPG games and the fantasy and the jokes are all perfect to me.
    So when I saw this I just thought it would mainly be a good opportunity to thank you for your amazing work, for your care and interaction with us the players.
    and also because the steam expansion is the only version i’ve yet to play and complete over 10 times ^^ just cuz its so addicting and simple and fun.

    what i would like to see on ebf4 is immense variety in skills, items and their effects, cuz i think one thing that made the other games to simple were those,
    adding diversity to the skill menu in terms of effects on specific types or elements of enemies.
    ooh ooh
    perhaps a mode in the future that would allow us to fight online in an arena, or a twist in the story where the team splits and we fight natalie cuz either lance or matt stole her panties and anna is just trying to help calm them all down
    thanks for everything!
    hope others get their keys :smirk:

  74. david

    for me the best thing in ebf is art desing,programing and characters(personalty’s,desing)

    lance is my favorite
    so thats all :smirk:

  75. Garagon

    Hey Matt !

    I’m french (fries) fan of your games since EBF3. I discovered EBF3 when I was twelve years, and I loved the graphism, the system of battle, monster (Akron is so badass) and history. I didn’t understand all of dialogue but when my english was more enrich, it was a second discovery (and I learned more english vocabulary :yay: ). Then, I discovered your others games : Adventure Story, EBF1 and EBF2, Mecha Dress Up, Bullet Heaven. Finally, when EBF4 and Bullet Heaven 2 was translated in french, I was happy and I could enjoy entirely games. Plus, my parents don’t want buy thing on internet, so I can only play free games, but I would like complete your game entirely (like EBF3 on steam).

    I would like to see in the next game an other Adventure Story, because platform is my favorite type of game and secret areas in EBF (behind a tree, rock,…) with secret treasures or secret monsters like the bug in EBF4 because I like it :hurray: .

    I think I finish, I don’t post often commentary (only here and for EBF5 foe competition) but I follow your works and I’m in a hurry to play EBF5 !

    Bye and I’m sorry for mistake πŸ™

  76. LiddelKid

    I ran into ebf 1 three years back, and I loved it. It was a blast to play and when I learned there were two more games, I got giddy, and hunted em down. I was delighted to learn that they were just as, if not more fun. *Then* when I learned a fourth game had come out, I once again got giddy, found it, and played the heck out of it. It was a lot of fun and was a great way to blow off stress during my free time. I absolutely loved all the stat effects and systems and combos that you could do (in ebf 4 i managed to get the rock boss in a loop so its weakness element was the same as the strongest elemental attack of the next character in line and it was glorious to watch its health melt), and all the weapons and armor are really cool. If there was anything in the new game I’d be excited about, it’d probably be like set up combos or something??? Cause like using the stats you can set up combos like cause rain then zap tf out of em, but like what if there were designated team moves, or at least direct bonuses for casting a skill after another. I geuss i can see this causing some people to focus only on those combos, but I mean you could put like cooldowns on team attacks, or make the buff deteriorate the more you use it so like you use it three times in a fight and you get no bonus damage, but like two fights later you can use it again. Its just an idea ive had in my head for a bit cause im a sucker for wombo-combos

    I’d like a key for ebf 4 because, even tho i beat it, I’ve always wanted to try the death mountain thing, but I just never had the cash. I really want to try all the cool extra stuff sometime, so I’d really like it if i got a key. Wish I could support you more cause I love your games, and I love your artstyle. Keep up the good work :yay:

  77. NewAqua

    [Key for “Epic Battle Fantasy 4”]

    I like this game (and all EBF’s series) because I love foes and main characters, solve puzzles, get medals, find secrets and itc.
    Generally, I don’t like strategy games, but this game impressed me.

    In “Epic Battle Fantasy 5” I want to see more puzzles, secrets, quests, secret foes and… official translate into Russian language (if it’s possible).
    Best Wishes, NewAqua.

  78. XChaosX

    i like the epic battle fantasy series because the protagonists are really dumb which leads to various hilarious moments =)

    i really liked it when they got food poisoning by eating weird things lol

    ebf is also silly and fun and dumb which is why i like it more than those depressing depressing seriousserious games where you have to kill your friends who turned evil and sad things like that

    i want to see the protagonists doing really stupid dumb and funny things in the next game!!! make them get food poisoning again!!! lol =)

    if i get lucky and get steam keys, please send me the epic battle fantasy 4 key

    thank you and you are great for updating ebf3 even after six years!!!

  79. Aaron-kun

    I really like the EBF games :love2: . I played multiple different turn-based RPG games but the EBF series were one of the only ones that stood out to me. They are fun and I enjoy the comedy in them. I like how the game was set up and all the characters were funny. I still have yet to get to the final boss for EBF4 but I am really looking forward to it. I don’t know what to expect in EBF5 but once it comes out, I’ll be sure to play it. I hope EBF5 and any of the other games in the future are more fun than the other games :yay: .
    PS. I’m hoping to get the EBF4 steam game key :stars: .

  80. Sileniful

    I just love EBF4 because it humour, found it originally on kongregate and played the hell out of it there, after seeing that theres a steam version i went and imminently bought it <3 BIG THUMBS UP FOR DEV :love: :stars: :yay:

    1. Sileniful

      oh yeah, what i would love to see in the next game would be CATS :stars: always more cats :love: and id like Bullet Heaven 2 <3

  81. mauking

    I have loved this game series from the time i had found it originally too the time now where i have played though it like 8 times (still haven’t found everything in it i think and cant buy the full game only have Kong or Armour games versions) but every time i play this game it just makes me smile with the characters and how well this game is made.
    Hoping with the newest one i can git some relay nice story line and well that special stile of plot that only EBF has.
    PS: there pls be tones of cat memes again that just is the icing on the cake that makes this so grait. :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:

  82. zari griffin

    first of all i love the epic battle fantasy games. i been playing them since i was in elementary school. my favorite character is matt because he’s a sword freak just like me. i love the turn based battle structure and just how addicting it is. i love the humor of the games i find myself dying at every joke. i can’t wait for the fifth installment to come out for i can enjoy another grand adventure.

  83. booyah10

    I not only like but love the Epic Battle Fantasy Series. I’ve first encountered it on Kongregate around the time EBF 3 was released. I a a fan of RPG games so I took a shot and tried it. I really enjoyed it. From the puns, the art work, the story telling, they were all very enjoying to see. The music is also one of the things very enjoyable in the series. It’s really cool that it changes depending on the battle, scene, or simply place on the map. After finishing the game once, I tried EBF 1 and EBF 2. Then I played all the games on their hardest difficulty. The series ate up my childhood but I have no regrets. :shades: Then EBF 4 came out, I played it immediately. After class, I’d stay in the library just to play the game hahahaha. :love2:
    Again and again on varying difficulties.

    What I would like to see in the next game is a nice continuation of the story. Since you have been continuing the saga since EBF 1. I would also like to see more parodies of other works since that is one of your strong points (in my opinion). More damage! More enemies! More buffs! More fan service! More insanity!

    I would like a key to EBF 4 if I win. Merry Christmas to you and to the whole community! Happy New year everyone!! :yay:

  84. Rapid (and insane) fanboy

    Heres my reasons!!11!!!!1111!1!

    1. Catz!! :ooo: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :tongue: :ooo:
    2. Bewbs LOLOLOLOLOL
    4. KAWAII
    5. Its a good game that has a lot of talent put into it and is filled to the brim with easter eggs and jokes. Plus it has a good soundtrack and an easy to learn combat system.

    And thats why I lieks it Matts!1!!!11 GIVE ME GAME NOW.

  85. Xavier Sanderson

    Haha, I used to play the EBF series a lot a while ago. I remembered it today because I was thinking of the fun games I used to play (like Red Alert and Age of Empires) and I figured I should check if EBF5 was out and here I am. If you released EBF5 on Steam I would be looking for some dope profile backgrounds (not joking, I’m using an EBF4 one that I snagged off of the Steam market).
    If the RNG Gods are in my favor, I’d like a copy of EBF4.

  86. Shin

    Perhaps it’s the jokes and funny characters that keep me playing. Or the fact that it didn’t assume the player was completely stupid and have a tutorial. Honestly, I love it because it’s challenging. Nowadays games become more and more action oriented. While that’s perfectly fine, we don’t have many throwbacks to the rpgs of the olden days. The few throwbacks we do have rely on gimmicks and story line to hook in the player. This game ignores that, having few to none gimmicks and taking its story as seriously as it does with Nat’s breasts. To be purely honest, I’m only 11 and I got reeled in at EBF4. And you do sequels brilliantly. Instead of continuing or closing some cliffhanger from the previous game, the fourth installment pretty much starts anew introducing Anna as a lead character. If there was one thing I had to list as my favorite part of the game, let it be this: The bosses don’t have some glaringly obvious and easy to exploit weak spot. They’re everything a decent boss should be: a hard to kill enemy that tests the character’s strengths. Also, :love: :bacon:

    1. Shin

      Oh yea. I forgot. If I win, can I have the steam key for EBF4? And I’d really like to see NoLegs not as an off-character, but having a true role to the team.

  87. Miguel Muscat

    Well I like…everything the series.
    EBF 3 was probably the game that got me into RPGs after which i decided to try the others which I found kinda hard but were pretty fun at times.
    I especially like the wide variety of status effects in the games and how they affect one another and aren’t just there on their own (I’ve yet to see this feature in other RPGs). I’d love to see more status affects and see them work with each other for example a stagger during a person is weakened will cause them to be stunned for a turn or something.
    Not to mention the music is AMAZING! :stars: !
    The monsters feel well done in the way they are animated, their abilities, their model greatly drawn very creative and the new monsters look real cool.

    Keep up the good work can’t wait to see what EBF 5 has in store.
    (If possible I would like Bullet Heaven 2)

  88. Corso Roberto

    Hi Matt
    The first game I played was EBF4 (it’s probably the first game I played on Kongregate), but after that I HAD to go through all the others. It was incredible to see how the series developed and evolved, with each game getting more complex and bigger than the previous one, all while keeping all the recurring elements (jokes, abilities, references to the past games or to other series). The spin-offs are great too. In my opinion, this is what distinguishes the EBF series from most (if not all) the other flash games: the fact that it grew from a simple sequence of fights to a full series of game, even expanding from the classic RPG to other genres, developing over the years, and with a costant care from the author.
    And each and every game is a jewel on its own, because of the funny and different characters, the comfort of the menus, the charming story, the GREAT MUSIC :stars: .
    If I were to be chosen, I’d like to receive EBF4.
    Please make a passionate italian fan happy :yay: (which also means “sorry for my bad English”)

    PS: maybe I’m late, but I’d like to see in EBF5 another fight against goku. Maybe you have to gather the dragon balls and then you can access a secret post-game area and resurrect goku, and fight him from the normal form (which may use the Kaio-ken and the Spirit Bomb) to th SSJ3 (please do not consider SSJ god :bleh: , there’s only one “god”, in two forms…)

  89. fady eg

    I am excited for EPIC BATTLE FANTASY 5
    cause all the EBF SERIES WAS AWESOME
    ALSO it is improving every year
    but my parents refused to buy the steam version :bleh: :bleh:
    though I enjoyed the free version it :love:
    I know you cant give everyone so if you cant give me EPF4 STEAM version I would ENJOY EBF5 STEAM VERSION :yay: :yay: :yay:
    I hope to see EPIC BATTLE FANTASY 10 IN FUTURE :stars: :stars: :stars:
    hope to see EBF5 soon :shades: :shades:

  90. Necro Toy

    (English isn’t my first language so some sentences may have a srtange form. I’m sorry about it, but I hope you’ll be able to read it)
    hello kupo, I started to play your games last year and most of them are really funny. rpg, bullet hell, platforming, all what I love. the comment is quite big but I won’t need the key for EBF4 and bullet heaven 2 because I already bought the 2 extentions but if you want to see what I think about the sery (in positive like in negative) and what I ‘dd like to see in the future, you can read it (and I’dd be very happy). more over, there are 2 videoes about games in the buttom of the comment that you probably ‘dd like but also with a gameplay you could add in your future games.
    no about your 2 questions. :hurray:

    why do I like the Epic Battle Fantasy series? ❓

    Well, I see a real progress between each game:
    For brawl royal, we have nice animations but the gae play is realy poor. πŸ™ (for a first game it’s not bad. my acctual first game won’t be realy funny neither I think)
    For EBF1 , we see a real gameplay. yes you sart max level and yes there is to much actions I didn’t use. but it’s a real game and even now I sometimes play it because it’s short but funny. :hurray:
    For EBF2 , probably not to much improve compare to the first one, but the idea of the minigame was cool. the two characters were more equals (not all the power for Matt) . and the music of Phyrnna, what a pleasure. :bleh:
    For EBF3, big change. a hole map created, a system of leveling developed. Realy epic battles anf really funny bosses (exept for the octopus, sorry. but the dragon was really fun). the minigames were funny too. probably the real start for a great rpg sery. :stars:
    For bullet heaven 1 … a little too hard for me. I like bullets games but for this one, I was stuck in front of the secound boss. I didn’t go further. sorry. πŸ˜₯
    For Adventure story, the game with wich I discover the sery. A pure pleasur. it is quite, funy, easy to play, ennemies and bosses had all there unic point, all like each world and each level. maybe the hardest to creat but one of the funniest I played. :yay:
    For EBF4, the story is more developed but I’m sad that we lost the mini games. also the difficulty is more crechendo and bosses were more strategic (what a nightmare against the robot before I discovered I had to water it) but the main “problem” I had was in the scenario … CATS. there were a lot of cats in EBF3 and when I played it, I thought the final boss would be one. and in the game where the final boss is 2 cats, the wher cats only in the jungle and on the top of the mountain. apart that, it was a very cool game. :smirk:
    bullet heaven 2. that’s the bullet games like I love them. creshendo, waves are dangerous but not impossible, a real pleasure from A to Z. and probably, you are realy good for coding it. :stars:

    what would I like to see in the next game? ❓

    For EBF5, I first d’like to see some minigames again. then, I don’t know what is the main story, but even if scenario isn’t the priority of the game, make in sort there isn’t any contradiction in it. to finish, it’s more an idea for the future than a real recomendation, but I’m fan of a saga named “mario and luigy” which is a game a little like EBF and FF but where you can dodge attacks and making more damage by performing some actions on your pad. here is a video where you can see what I’m talking about. :smirk:

    for a future game (simple Idea), I recently played a game called rabi-ribi which is a mixed of megaman and bullet hell. I’m wondering if you could creat a game like this. it should be a peace of cake for you. and a real plesure to play for us. a little video again to show the game (you’ll love it). :love2:

    it was a pleasure to share it with you and I hope it will be usefull for you. good luck for next and merry christmas. :bacon:

  91. FireLord6127

    I would like Bullet Heaven 2 (for steam[of course]) and i just LOVE the entirety of it BUT i most love :love: the Bullet Heaven part :yay: :yay: :yay:

  92. Dequoi

    EBF3 was my first turn based RPG that I actually enjoyed, even though at the time I didn’t realise how important stat buffs or defending was and I may have stopped playing my first playthrough when I was unable to simply outlevel the bosses. I was surprised to see it on Steam years later, and downloaded it. Now that I had a rudimentary understanding of basic tactics, I finally figured out how to beat the game. Then afterwards I checked the in-game ads and saw that you’re selling special cut versions of your later works on Steam and I was happy that some random Flash developer who made a game from my childhood is making a profit from his work. Although the fact that I’m entering a giveaway for a free copy of EBF4 kind of ruins the sentiment a lot. At any rate, what I would have liked for EBF5 is something that’s already in game: A change from the mana system. It really DID feel too inconsequential late game, the only punishment being to spend one turn to instantly refill your MP because you can easily afford the best MP healing items. It’s a pretty original idea too, at least from my limited experience of RPGs. Keep fighting the good fight!

  93. kb720

    EBF is one of my favorite game series! Each episode (especially 3 and 4) is big enough to keep me entertained for a long time, but small enough in scope that I don’t get overwhelmed. It’s the perfect balance between open-world and railroad storytelling. In EBF5 and beyond, I’d love to see a less complicated scanning/viewing enemy information system. The one in the past games has been good, but a little bit clunky to use. (I’m interested in the EBF5 steam code :D)

  94. EmpireXD

    EBF Series is my favorite , I played all them and tried to beat in Epic Mode or at least Hard , its bring the old battle system that was forgotten by the current games , awesome characters and soundtrack , the diversity of weapons , status and enemies dont let the game be boring , traduction for a lot of languages , VERY DETAILED ART THAT MAKE MY HEART BEAT . Sorry for this , And also bring the ” Spin-Offs” Like Bullet Heaven and Adventury Story .

    Like the name said EVERYTHING on EBF its E.P.I.C ❗
    Merry Christmas, Bye

  95. Alex

    I love the EBF series because it has a good humor in my opinion, is VERY entertaining to play, and it’s a small enough game so I can play it anywhere I like which is wonderful. What I’d love to see in the next game (and I’m not sure if you actually did because I try to restrain my self from seeing too much stuff on the next game) an equipment set that focuses on summons and sacrafices crucial attributes for summon power? I doubt it will be a thing, but it would be pretty badass if it came into play in my opinion. Ty for the games you’ve given us. (Never beat Brawl Royale XP)

  96. Oke

    Hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS!
    So, the reason I like the EBF series….well i think that every aspect of the game made me LOVE IT! It was one of the first RPG games I played. I played first the 2nd game and after some time I became obsessed with it. I think that the main reason was because it is easy to follow the plot and every character was original and had its own personality.
    And i love cats like no legs and all the kawaii little slimes!! :love: :love:
    I have played bullet heaven as well but I suck at it so I prefer the EBF key! :yay:
    For the future I would love to see epic mode become REALLY EPIC and some cooler specials and armor.
    Also i ship lance and anna so much :stars: :stars: :love2: so I expect more in EBF5!
    I hope i get the key :shades: btw sorry for my poor english :smirk:

  97. theyellowlynx

    I feel like in the next game maybe give a few more characters the revive. if i dont want to play natalie its juts wasted, and also the healmore ability was soo useful that if i want to swap no legs for natalie i will loose so much on that healing and reviving

  98. Solomon

    Personally, EBF marks a key role in shaping my life, and I couldn’t get by a single day without a dose of it.
    I overally feel that EBF5 should contain enemies like the spirit, whom have the ability to resurrect. What I’m saying is I want more monsters with set buffs.
    (I pick Bullet Heaven 2, as I already own EBF4 on steam.) πŸ™

  99. Equinox


    I have played all the EBF games, and i think all people is agreed on one thing: The chapter 3 is a total reconversion , in the good side of the term.
    You do a great job and you prove that a game dont need to have realistic graphics to be good.

    I love EBF because its a Final-Fantasy like game, and a really LOVE final fantasy (espacially 9, 10 and 12), and there is a lot of funny references who give a humoristic side to the game. I simply like the battle concept (turn per turn) and the well animated (and rapid) spell animation (i insist on “rapid” because FF9 got some long animation … even if its beautiful, at a moment its annoying).
    You give more use to the bads effects than FF… All boss are constantly immunised at all effect… not in this game. In epic difficulty, it could give a strategic advantage.
    Finally, the stories are simple, but good ^^ maybe a point to upgrade πŸ˜‰

    In the next game, i hope you balance some of spells and elements… In EBF4, the Only water spell with got utility is Geyser (and the water Arrow) … i think the Water spells merit better than a wet Arrow and the geyser ^^ .
    Then, spells like fireball, or iceshard become pretty weak at a point, maybe add an another tier-spell or a balance with the levels ?
    Now, i hope you make a great story ! In those type of game its primordial.
    Oh, and a last thing: the musics of the premium pack of EBF4 was awesome ! I wait maybe to much from Phyrnna but her music give a rhythm to the game, and make it better on all point πŸ™‚ . So maybe more music to this type in the “campaingn” of EBF5 ? After its my mind uh ^^ :p

    Thats all ^^ sorry for my English with is… bad xD . Good luck with your game ! πŸ˜€

  100. ZgurosM

    I was convinced that RPGs weren’t the type of games I liked, I gave every Final fantasy a chance, and every time I got bored after 5 minutes of playing them, but when I first played Epic Battle Fantasy 3, It somehow was something different. I only played that game because it didn’t have an active turn-base system like the final fantasy series. I think I know why I like this RPG and I don’t like others, maybe it’s the fact that the animations are a top priority, you can easily see that a lot of effort is put in the graphics, and maybe this is something bad, but I also like that the stats aren’t visible to the players if they don’t want to see them, every time you level up, in other RPG they tell you how many stats you gained, but in EBF3, you simply level up and nothing seems to chance, your character becomes stronger and that’s it, you don’t know how, but they do. The last thing I consider I love of this series is the skill learning system, I can’t explain that, I know a lot of similar games with the system, but yours is the only one I truly like

    Well… Something I liked to see in the next game… I don’t really know, I guess I would like to see the same that I been seeing, and some new features that surprise me, but I wouldn’t really dislike the game if I just see the same EBF4 but with a new tittle, I guess I would like the next game to surprise me and nothing more.

    I guess that’s all the reasons I would like EBF4 πŸ™‚

  101. Michael Pan

    I started playing Epic Battle Fantasy 4 when my friend showed it to me, and I loved it. I tried out Bullet Heaven and didn’t like it to much, but I wanted to play more EBF, so I played Epic Battle Fantasy 3. Over all out of the three, I would say that it took to long to upgrade and the stages felt more like chores to upgrade your heroes. Epib Battle Fantasy 3 was cool and over all a good game, but I LOVED Epic Battle Fantasy 4. It was lively, the game didnt hold your hand but it wasnt so hard it was boring, and it was WAY longer than Epic Battle Fantasy 3. I really hope these traits follow on to Epic Battle Fantasy 5. This is why i would absolutely LOVE to get Epic Battle Fantasy 4 on steam. Thank you, and keep doing what your doing. Thousands of people play your games, and you get virtually no bad feedback. I hope you keep doing this until I die. (Or until I don’t have time to play the games anymore I dunno :smirk: )

  102. sureman

    What I like about EBF? It would be much easier to tell you what I don’t like. 3 & 4 are nearly perfect. I like the music, the action, the adventure, the epicness (hence the name), the challenge on higher difficulties, the overall flow of the game, the anime like graphics, and the feel I get while playing (I can’t even describe it). Maybe it was just a coincidence of being in the right place at the right time for me, but I played EBF 3 for the first time just as I discovered anime (and anime is life), so I fell in love with EBF 3. EBF 4 might be better but 3 is still my favorite game (not only from the series, but games in general). The only thing I don’t like is they only have four difficulty settings, so I can only complete them four times before it becomes totally the same. If I had the full version on Kong, I could complete EBF 4 two additional times (per difficulty?) plus the battle mountain. If I don’t win, that’s okay. As I said before, I will buy the games to support you after I get out of the student loans.

  103. Deividy Marafigo

    Hi Matt first of all wish you a Merry Christmas, and sorry for English errors and bad grammar. :wut:

    Well in Epic Battle Fantasy what I like most are the songs, just fantastic and fit very well at the moment, for example Fallen Blood is amazing and looks great at all times of the fight. :yay:

    In Epic Blattle Fantasy 5 it would be really cool something like “sets”, for example, the pope’s suit, in addition to normal statistics, would have some extra status if the costume was fully equipped. :stars:

    (Oh, I wish the steam key of Bullet Heaven 2. Because Bullet Hell is so much fun). :smirk:

    I’m a big fan of Brazil, and I hope EBF5 is great as EBF4 is ^ – ^

    (Sorry again for grammar errors).

  104. Thibaut

    SIMPLE BUT FUN ! Keep your games that way. Epic Battle Fantasy 4 would be an awesome christmas gift ! Much love and keep up the good work !

  105. Klemens Huber

    Hey :),

    I first started to play your games when Epic battle fantasy 2 came out. I loved your games since. But my absolute favourite is Epic Battle Fantasy 4, it is just pure genius. It would be one of the coolest x-mas gift ever, if i would win. Keep developing awsome gmes πŸ˜‰

    Best Regards,


  106. Koizumi

    I simply adore the interactivity of the characters and their personality.
    I’d like something retarded like a “limit break” of Lance’s :Big Magnum:
    Also TITS :3
    Overall making a game with a battle systems that’s already well know and kinda old this fun deserves every bit of praise.
    I rate 11/ :bacon:

  107. Kay

    i like ebf because i like RPGs…
    and i found the first game in flash, played it, loved it :love2: , when the second appeared, i was much happy,then i come to the blog and saw the development of the third game…
    and the fourth…
    i really love ebf, and i want to congratulate you kupo.. its so rare that a browser game to became this sucess…
    (sorry for bad english, i am a brasilian)
    also.. i want bullet heaven 2, because ebf 4 i already have!

  108. Stephen

    I have been playing EBF since the first one came out, and I still believe this is one of the best RPG’s out there today (Which is why I would love to get EBF 4 on steam)

    Epic game-play? check.
    Great plot with humor that brings the whole thing together into a masterpiece? check.
    Tons of side quests and other adventures to have after you beat the game? check.
    Tons of skills, equips and items? check, check, and check.
    And last, but not least, Tons of hilarious and also vicious enemies to fight? check.

    Needless to say, EBF is an amazing game series and I will have nothing but good things to say about it now and forever. Not to mention I got 3 of my friends hyped about the series as much as I am! :hurray:

    Now, as for what I would love to see in future games: Seeing all of the different previews, I think a great thing to add to the game is having 4 players on screen. Doing this could add some clever new battle strategies to come up with.

    Thank you so much Matt for everything you have done, and will do in the future! πŸ™‚

    Merry Christmas to all, And to all a great… well, christmas. :yay:

  109. Eskil "Zacroxx" Nyberg

    5 years ago, when my friend first showed me Epic Battle Fantasy 3 I fell in love. It was basically my introduction to RPG games, having played nothing but simple mobile games in the past. I spent about 40 hours, being the noob I was back then, just trying to complete the game. I wasn’t the completionist I am now back then, but I returned later, right before Epic Battle Fantasy 4 was released to try to complete it. Eventually I gave up, since I still was quite bad at games in general. However, I was soon notified about the release of EBF4, and I got right into it. I completed the game three times, but eventually I got tired of playing the game. However, I returned to it regularly and replayed it, until I heard it was on the Steam Greenlight list. I voted for it, and soon enough it released. I purchased the game some time after the release though, but as soon as I got my hands on it I went full on completionist and eventually had everything in the game, except some of the grindiest achievements (i. e. third chapter and 30 million damage). I plan to have them completed before EBF5 is out though; so wish me luck with that. After I completed EBF4 to the point where I was satisfied (which rarely is before 100%) I figured I might as well complete EBF3 on steam as well. It took me about 26 hours of in-game time, including AFK time, to complete the game to 100%.

    I’d love to code games much alike how you code games in the future: relatively independently, but I’m no master at art. I can use Photoshop and After Effects relatively well though, so it’s something I can do. I’m extremely good with computers as it is, so I’m probably headed into the coding and computing business in the future.

    I love the EBF series because it perfectly pins down what I want to see in an RPG game. A bunch of equips to collect, skills to upgrade, areas to unlock, achievements to achieve, quests to complete. Fun puzzles that you’re hinted at, difficult boss fights that you need to adjust equips for (this is what most The Legend of Zelda games are missing). It perfectly suits my completionist personality. The unique humor you’ve put into the games were basically my introduction to English humor, and reading those dialogues still amuse me as much as they did back then. I love the art in the games, the creativity you have put into making it be just as you wanted it. The EBF games are amazing, is as conclusively as I can put it.

    In EBF5 I want more equips, more gameplay, more everything (but keep your art style). I would love to see new systems and mechanisms to adjust to, so that the game proves significantly challenging. I would also love to see an even more challenging area than Battle Mountain was (honestly, after collecting most of the equips and skills and having most characters at level 30+ I was able to fly through the end of Battle Mountain without any deaths). Most importantly though, I want a game that you and Ronja enjoy designing, animating and creating. I believe that as long as the author of a game enjoys making it, it really can’t turn out too poorly. I’m not too hyped about the idea of the ability to change the core looks of the main characters, but I guess I’ll just ignore that ability unless it turns out I like it more than I expect at the moment. Perhaps, you could add multiple game endings like Undertale did? I guess this would change the feel of the game quite a bit, and I’m not expecting a pacifist ending, genocide etc. but rather a completion-percentage based ending? Like something special happens if you defeat the final boss when you have 100%, or when you’ve completed a certain side-quest. Also I’d like to see a “force-epic” option in the beginning of your gameplay, that maybe could be toggled on during the game but never toggled off. It would unlock the ability to get some achievements (i. e. defeat XXX in force-epic mode).

    Also, sorry if dates/times aren’t accurate. I’m basically going off of gut-feeling for them, but they seem accurate.

    I would love a key for Bullet Heaven 2, as I most definitely would enjoy playing it. A spare key of Epic Battle Fantasy 4 to my friend would also be awesome, although I would honestly rather get a key for Bullet Heaven 2 (since my friend isn’t as in to RPG games as I am).

    Thank you so much for everything you and Ronja do.

    PS: Sorry for not using the emoticons, but I’d rather not use emoticons basically anywhere. I prefer what you can create with simply your keyboard, e. g. <3, o.O etc.

  110. Nikola Jaric

    I would like to enter for BH2, as I like your games.
    WHAT I LIKE: Everything!!!! Your games are perfect! My favourite is EBF4, and on strong second is Adventure Story. I have all of the games in SWF format (minus EBF4, BH, and BH2 as I have EBF4 in EXE and BH & BH2 won’t work in SWF) on my PC and I have to tell you, everything is AMAZING!!!!
    WHAT I EXPECT: A sequel to Adventure Story :yay: We fans need that!!
    On top of that, I’m constantly thinking about what is EBF5’s Final Boss. Some hope it’s Akron, though that’s impossible! We BLEW HIM UP!!!!!!! Aaaand it’s not Godcat as we earned Her trust. Plus, we collect the Jewels as we have seen in your Quest items post! Possibly for a cat at the temple to do the ritual….
    About NoLegs’ Limit Breaks I imagined him turning into one of the Godcat, depending on the Limit Break. A NoLegs minigame wouldn’t be a bad thing. Those equipment effects rule! It’s good that you used Matt’s thief personality as a Skill!!!!
    my email is [email protected] ^_^ Bullet Heaven 2 PLEASE!!!!!!!!! :stars:

  111. Henfero

    I think I started playing your games when EBF2 was out, I loved the game and played it a few times. When I went to play it again I saw that EBF3 was out and the overworld feature was incredible to me. The way you progressed in the game was perfect, sadly I did not buy the dlc since I didn’t have money at the moment. EBF4 was even more amazing, but I never used Anna for some reason (Maybe because I liked the original trio best). EBF5 is one of the few games I always check for updates on the site. (I would like EBF4). Sorry fr any spelling mistakes :smirk: .

  112. Geege

    I have played every incarnation of EBF and all the spin off you’ve made. This is one of the only RPGs that I have returned to over and over again to replay because of how great you’ve made it and how many different combinations you can run through the game. The fact that I find a new way to run through the game each time makes it that much more enjoyable. The music is also some of the best I’ve heard in a video game at all, I still to this day listen to tracks from the series and in fact I am playing through EBF4 as we speak with a whole new build. I have poured countless hours upon hours into this game devising strategies and figuring out what I should be doing and when. It provides that perfect level of skill and challenge that I look for in a game. Games like this are the reason I decided to pursue a career in video games. The way you can just create this world, full of great memorable characters, distinct and stylish weapons and armors, and the occasional meme for good measures is amazing.EBF5 is one of the few games I am actually hype about and I’m following the development on each update to see what changes to look forward to.

    I wish you all a happy holidays and a merry Christmas, and here’s to more EBF in the future!

  113. TehNecr0

    So I was introduced to the EBF series from a relative while browsing random flash games on some random sites. I started from the first game which was already years ago. Over the time I played through the series as they released, I slowly came to enjoy the games not only because of the evolving gameplay, but also because of the story that connects through each game in the main series, and later the music that was used (same respects to Phyrnna). When I started focusing on the story throughout the games, I was just surprised that it started off as some random adventure. I mean sure it was more or less the same in the prologue of EBF3, but it tells us that it takes place some time after the events of EBF2. The same happens when transitioning to EBF4 from the previous one. I’m one to enjoy a story within a game because it’s the reason why RPGs exists.

    I want to be able to keep playing games like these because I believe that flash games can become great again like they were 10-15 years ago, when they were just as popular as the game consoles of that generation.

    I do look forward to seeing what could happen in the 5th game. Perhaps you could try adding battlefield elements that change depending on the area you’re in (i.e. random blizzards in snowy areas or ash fall inflicting burn in volcanic areas). Of course, these would happen in certain parts of the map so the gimmick wouldn’t repeat itself from the beginning of an area to the boss.

    That being said, I would enjoy having Bullet Heaven 2 if you select this. Otherwise, hope to see EBF5 at its best when you feel it’s truly ready.

  114. I Am Curry

    I’ve been following with you for years now, from your original animations on Newgrounds to every game you’ve released thus far, and every time I’m always blown away by the creativity and silliness of what you do. I’d love to see some reference to the Goku fight from FF battle. The animation is older, but undoubtedly your style and still very silly. I’d love to get a copy of Bullet Heaven two, as even though I’ve never been particularly good at Bullet Hell style of games, I still enjoy them very much.

  115. Henrik

    I have played EBF from 1 to 4. I liked them all very much!! when i was little i found epic battle fantasy 1, i played that many times a row… Then EBF 2 came. i played that many times πŸ˜€ then 3 came, i was so suprised for that you can have adventure and collect diffrent things and kill enemys. Then EBF4 came…. I have played that a lot in kongregate over 40h. and then i wanted support! so i bought steam version EBF4 and i have played that over 20h. I hope EBF5 will be so awesome and epic! i cant wait!!! i guess i spend time for that over 100h πŸ˜€ :stars: :yay: BH2 could be fun… and that is my first bullet hell game if i win. Good luck all, i think i cant win πŸ˜€ i have so bad luck with give away thing. never won. πŸ˜₯

  116. Brad


    You are an amazing person with an extraordinary set of skills. From the minute that I started playing EBF I knew that I would become a fan for life, and that was over 10 years ago, and here I am still browsing your facebook and twitter feeds getting excited over the latest news involving you and the EBF series. What you have created, and what you will create in the future has left such an impact on not only myself but on countless other people. Your art style and humor is wonderful, and the references you make are even better! The level of dedication you have put into all your games ranging from animation to character development and from dialogue to OST is plain to see. I love your originality and I hope that you continue to do what you do going into the future. I am thankful I had the opportunity to enjoy your games and I wish you the best during this Holiday season! I just wanted to give thanks for all you’ve accomplished over the years and this year especially, and I hope Saint Nick sends some good tidings your way as well!

  117. Ekoshin

    Jestem Polakiem, ale postaram się poprawnie przetłumaczyć cały komentarz na Angielski.
    PoznaΕ‚em tΔ… grΔ™ (Epic Battle Fantasy 3) przypadkowo, wszedΕ‚em na stronΔ™ z grami i mi siΔ™ wyΕ›wietliΕ‚o. Od razu pokochaΕ‚em tΔ… grΔ™ (sΕ‚odkie potwory, grafika w stylu anime i do tego RPG :love: ). PrzeszedΕ‚em jΔ… kilku krotnie na dwΓ³ch poziomach trudnoΕ›ci
    ChciaΕ‚bym ΕΌeby Epic Battle Fantasy 5 byΕ‚o dΕ‚uΕΌsze od swoich poprzednikΓ³w i bardziej rozbudowany system misji.
    JeΕ›li wygram, chciaΕ‚bym Epic Battle Fantasy 4, poniewaΕΌ mam juΕΌ Bullet Heaven 2
    I’m Polish, but I try correctly translate comment into English.
    I find this game accidentally, I open website on game. Immediately I fell in love with this game (cute monsters, graphics in the style of anime and RPG :love: ). I completed this game many times on normal and hard difficulty.
    I would like to Epic Battle Fantasy 5 was longer than their predecessors, more powerful mission system. (I translated this at google translate)
    If i win, I want Epic Battle Fantasy 4, beacuse I have Bullet Heaven 2.

  118. Matthew

    I like the series because it’s just different in multiple ways, there is much more comedy or just fun talk between the characters than others, it also feels more beneficial to have all of the characters alive too than others because of the buff and debuff and varying healing system, the music is also pretty cool and I also used to play EBF on some old flash game web sites like Kongregate or (maybe) Armor Games but it getting a Steam version made it more “monumental” I guess, the artstyle is pretty nice too and it’s pretty hard not to mention the boob joke that you seem to be keeping up about not leaving 100’000 comments on the medals. Also we sorta have the same name so that’s barely something. I hope the next game is just as witty and I also notice nolegs getting more attention so that’s good, I’d also like just as epic boss music but I don’t think that much is up to you. I already have EBF4 so I choose Bullet Heaven 2.

  119. SkyDrive

    ν•œκ΅­μΈμ΄μ–΄μ„œ μ–Έμ–΄κ°€ λ‹€λ₯΄μ§€λ§Œ, κ·Έλž˜λ„ μ’‹μ•„ν•˜λŠ”κ²Œμž„μ΄λ‹ˆ μ‹œλ„λΌλ„ ν•΄λ³ΌκΉŒ ν•˜κ³  μ˜¬λ €λ΄…λ‹ˆλ‹€.
    이 κ²Œμž„μ„ μ’‹μ•„ν•˜λŠ” 이유λ₯Ό μ„€λͺ…ν•˜λ €λ©΄ μ œκ°€ 이 κ²Œμž„μ„ μ‹œμž‘ν•˜κ²Œ 된 μ΄μœ λΆ€ν„° λ§ν•΄μ•Όκ² λ„€μš”.
    μ΄μœ λŠ” κ°„λ‹¨νžˆ, 유튜브 λ™μ˜μƒμ„ κ²€μƒ‰ν•˜λ˜ 도쀑, μ‹€μˆ˜λ‘œ κΈ€μžλ₯Ό ν‹€λ¦¬κ²Œμ¨μ„œ κ²€μƒ‰λœ λ™μ˜μƒ 쀑 μš°μ—°νžˆ 이 κ²Œμž„μ„ λ°œκ²¬ν–ˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.
    와, μ‹€μˆ˜λ‘œ κ²€μƒ‰ν–ˆλŠ”λ° λ­”κ°€ μž¬λ°Œμ–΄λ³΄μ΄λŠ”κ²Œ λ‚˜μ™”λ„€? ν•˜κ³  μž μ‹œ 보기둜 ν–ˆμ£ . ν•˜μ§€λ§Œ, μ œκ°€ μ—¬νƒœκ» 봀던 νƒ„λ§‰κ²Œμž„ 쀑에
    μž κΉλ΄λ„ μž¬λ°Œμ–΄λ³΄μ΄λŠ” κ·ΈλŸ°κ²Œμž„μ€ μ²˜μŒμ΄μ—ˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.
    κ·Έλ ‡κ²Œ 이 κ²Œμž„μ˜ μ œμž‘μž μ‚¬μ΄νŠΈλ₯Ό 찾아보고, ν•˜κ²Œλ˜μ—ˆμ£ .

    첫 인상뢀터 μ’‹μ•˜λ˜ 이 κ²Œμž„μ€ μ•„λ‹ˆλ‚˜λ‹€λ₯ΌκΉŒ, μ—­μ‹œ μž¬λ°Œμ—ˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.
    μ—¬λŸ¬ 창의적인 νŒ¨ν„΄, κ·€μ—¬μš΄(:D.. πŸ™ ) λͺ¬μŠ€ν„°λ“€,독창적인 BGM, 색닀λ₯Έ κ²Œμž„ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ—μ„œ 많이 λ†€λΌκΈ°λ„ν•˜κ³ ,
    λ„ˆλ¬΄ μ–΄λ €μš΄ νŒ¨ν„΄μ— ν™”κ°€λ‚˜ κ·Έλ§Œν•˜κ³  싢기도 ν–ˆμ§€λ§Œ,
    왠지λͺ¨λ₯Ό 쀑독성(재미)에 계속 ν•˜κ³ μ‹Άμ–΄μ§€λŠ”, μ „λΆ€ 클리어 ν•˜κ³ λ‚˜μ„œ λ‹€μ‹œν•΄λ„ μ•ˆμ§ˆλ¦¬λŠ”
    그런 κ²Œμž„μ˜ μƒˆλ‘œμš΄ 맛(?) 에
    “μ •λ§λ‘œ 이 κ²Œμž„ μ œμž‘μžλŠ” μ²œμž¬λ‹€” ,”μ–΄λ–»κ²Œ μ΄λŸ°νŒ¨ν„΄μ„!”,”정말 μ°½μ˜μ μ΄μ‹œλ‹€..”
    ν•˜λ©° λ†€λΌκ²Œ ν–ˆλ˜κ²Œμž„μ΄μ—ˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.
    (그리고 고양이 캐릭터λ₯Ό ꡉμž₯히 μ’‹μ•„ν•˜λŠ” μ·¨ν–₯κ³Ό λ§žμ•„μ„œμ΄κΈ°λ„ ν•˜κ³ μš”! :love: )

    κ·Έλ ‡κ²Œ ν”Œλ ˆμ΄ν•˜λ˜ 도쀑, μŠ€νŒ€μ— 이 κ²Œμž„μ˜ 정식버전이 μžˆλ‹€λŠ” κ±Έ μ•Œκ²Œλ˜κ³ ,
    λ°”λ‘œ 사렀고 ν–ˆμ§€λ§Œ, μ „ 아직 μ–΄λ¦°λ‚˜μ΄(16μ‚΄) 인데닀가
    λΆ€λͺ¨λ‹˜κ»˜μ„  이 κ²Œμž„μ„ μ‚¬λŠ”κ²ƒμ„ ν—ˆλ½ν•˜μ§€ μ•ŠμœΌμ…”μ„œ μ‹€λ§ν•˜κ³ μžˆλ˜ 쀑에, 이 글을 λ³΄κ²Œλ˜μ—ˆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€.
    κ·Έλž˜μ„œ κΈ°νšŒμΈκ°€?!! ν•˜κ³  제 이야기λ₯Ό μ¨λ΄…λ‹ˆλ‹€.

    μ œκ°€ λ§Œμ•½ 이기게 λœλ‹€λ©΄, Bullet Heaven 2 λ₯Ό κ°€μž₯ 가지고 μ‹ΆμŠ΅λ‹ˆλ‹€..!


    I am Korean, so I have different language, but I try to try it because it is my favorite game.
    To explain why you like this game, I have to tell you why I started this game.
    The reason is simply that while browsing YouTube videos, I found this game accidentally among the videos that were mistakenly written incorrectly.
    Wow, I accidentally searched and found something interesting. I decided to take a look. However, during the barrage games I’ve seen so far
    It was the first such game that seemed fun even for a moment.
    So I went to the creator site of this game and it was done.

    This game was good from the first impression.
    There are many creative patterns, cute (: D ..: sad:) monsters, original BGM,
    I was angry at the pattern that was too hard, I wanted to stop it,
    I want to continue to addictive (fun) somehow, I do not get tired again after clearing everything
    In that game’s new taste (?)
    “This game maker is really a genius,” “How do you like this pattern!”, “You are really creative ..”
    It was an amazing game.
    (And it ‘s also a favorite of cat characters!: Love:)

    During that game, I noticed that Steam had a full version of the game,
    I tried to buy it, but I am still young (16 years old)
    I was disappointed because my parents did not allow me to buy this game.
    So is that a chance ?! I write my story.

    If I win, I want Bullet Heaven 2 the most!

  120. dood

    I remember stumbling upon EBF4 when I was just willy nilly searching for a turn-based rpg on steam. When it first caught my eye I watched the trailer and I thought this is exactly what I was looking for and after playing the game I say that it was indeed the perfect pickup. Few of the things that I loved about it is the visually colorful art(the cutscenes are my favorite parts), a non-serious, wacky and humorous story/dialogue, various references to things like video games, anime and TV shows and last the item drop system that you could use to upgrade your equipment(got tired of the linear just buy/get a higher level weapon/armor that a lot of rpgs do).

    As for what I want to see in the next game I just wan’t the cutscenes to have the same artstyle as the ones in EBF4 because I personally find that as short and lacking in animation the cutscenes were they are still fun to go through each time I play the game.

  121. Reyals

    So why do I enjoy EBF? It’s quite simple – it’s a very VERY polished game in a genre that I personally just don’t see a lot anymore. Turn-based RPGs are hard to find and one with as much effort put into it (e.g. the idle animations, the amount of variety in personalities, characters, foes and weaponry as well as the countless little jokes littered around) just don’t exist anymore. To be honest, I might not have been too impressed with EBF 1 and 2 because they were a little to “on rails” for me but with EBF 3 and 4, wow. They both had very fleshed out strategic gameplay that wasn’t restricted to one single playstyle and never felt boring with the little character interactions with everything not to mention a solid storyline. The music in both games was also top notch and just felt right for the situations you were in which added that little extra polish to it. But what was the best part? It was a free flash game that had more quality than many many other paid games out there.

    And what am I looking forward to in EBF5? I’m actually interested in how the story’s going with godcat down and whatnot. That and more development on the strategic gameplay to allow even more different playstyles whilst still feeling challenging at the same time. That and some more awesome music and weapon/armour designs (I’ve resisted the urge to look at the new armour designs and everything that’s been posted just so I can get surprised XD). Oh and of course more NoLegs!!! As for the key I really want that EBF4 key (bullet hells are the bane of my existence :’D).

  122. comaloider

    Why do I love Epic Battle Fantasy series? There’s a lot. I really like the progress you have made. Like EBF 1 and 2 were good already, but then EBF 3 came out, and with it, the improved story, new character that I’ll love forever, and I (and with me many many others) thought, okay, that’s it, this is not gonna be topped, but EBF 4 has proved us all wrong. The story got even better, the new character (and the tag-style battles you could make) was a nice addition, and the best, an entire religion based on cats! Also, characters with… real characters! That’s rare nowadays (at least I feel like that)! Then there’s the music, I still think Phyrnna should be hired in some big gaming company, because the music is just bliss, but on the other side, I’m glad she is not, because it makes your games a bit more unique. And I can’t forget about all of those small details (boobs, tentacles etc.). But the main reason why I love EBF is simple: it’s a Flash game, and look at it. It’s perfect.
    What would I like to see in a next game? I’ll leave that for you. It has always worked so far (but if you really want to know, more pets and cats please).
    I don’t think I have to mention that I would like an Epic Battle Fantasy, but here it is, just in case. I like Bullet Heaven as well, by the way, but I would most probably destroy my computer if I try to beat it.

  123. Lord Arugula

    Hey Matt! I have always been a fan of RPGs and when I found EBF3 all those years ago, I was thrilled. I loved the artwork, the music, the fights, and so much more. The series was funny at times too. The first in-game achievement I would get would be from Nat’s boobs. I especially like the boss fights! They were the right amount of challenging to be enjoyable and not be frustrating or annoying. Then when I found out that EBF4 was out, I was pretty much glued in front of my pc for hours. But that darned sleep! Since Four, I have been keeping up with your work every once in a while and am glad I found this amazing series.
    In EBF5, I would really enjoy a storyline with a lot more depth to it, rather than the simple “enemy tries to destroy/take over the world” kind of story.
    I would be really grateful if I got a key for EBF4. Thanks, and keep up the outstanding work!

  124. Chaotic Chris

    Epic Battle Fantasy 4 has been my favourite game ever since I came across it that fateful day on Kongregate. I was having trouble keeping myself entertained with life. I was running out of games to play. This game that I just happened to come across has literally changed me as a person. All of my life I felt as if the world worked in two ways: good, or evil. It was rare for me to find a game that had the antagonist as something that was not purely evil. I was tired of that cliche game mechanic. Before I met the final boss of Epic Battle Fantasy 4 I would only keep playing for the hilarious dialogue and lovable characters (Lance is my favourite of course). This team of completely different personalities was so bizarre that it just seemed to work flawlessly. The humor was perfect, as well as the gameplay. This was a game that was free on Flash. It’s rare nowadays to find a game that includes such an amazing balance of humor, gameplay, story, music, and graphics. Now, i’m not going to type this thinking that the graphics were current-gen console style, but this was a free Flash game. The graphics were very admirable for a game such as this. After playing this game and fully enjoying it, I decided to go back and see the other 3 games this developer had created for this series. Again I was astonished. The only thing more stunning than 4 free games in a series was the lack of popularity this series had. Sure, it has a fairly decent amount of fans as the time of this reply, but I always felt like this deserved much more. MUCH. MORE. Every time I have someone listen to the music of this game they open their eyes a bit more and ask me where it’s from. I’ve been listening to music my entire life, but Phyrnna has been the best composer out there. Matt Roszak is definitely lucky to have such talent and such talented people to help him create incredible games. This entire reply is an understatement for what this game really is. It feels like something innovative. It feels less like a game and more like an experience. The best experience. 11/10

    (P.S. I would like to enjoy my favourite game Epic Battle Fantasy 4 in its fullest form please! I really hope you read this even if I don’t win. I want you to know that everything about the games you make is magical.)

    1. Chaotic Chris

      Oh and about what i’d like to see in the next game… some sort of reference/easteregg to Phyrnna maybe? Other than that just do what you do and it will be more than perfect.

  125. Jetrin Wichienwidhtaya

    I remember years ago when I first played EBF2. I was together with my brother and we’d each play as one of the characters. When EBF3 came out I played together with my brother and my friend. I have many fond memories of the EBF series and would love the chance to own EBF4 myself.

  126. Trueking

    I’ve followed the game since the beginning and absolutely loved it. I loved how the games were silly and lighthearted and eventually offered great strategy and wide areas to explore . I think every time you release the game, your skills and games improve and get better and better with each release. It’s nice to see a developer who has not fallen into the “it’s all about the money” category and just care about making a great game. I can not wait to play EBF 5. :tongue:

    I would definitely bring back some minigames. Sometimes even a simple game can break up the monotamy of battling constantly.
    Bullet Hell 2 would be nice since I own EBF4. :sick:

    And thank you for creating a game that has made a lasting impression on us all and good luck on future projects! :stars:
    :coffee: for the all nighters you pull

  127. CosmoSkyMaster

    i love the simple yet engaging action that takes place during the battle, the little details that appear when certain conditions happened, like when both math and lance die and nats says something about them not being man enought, i like how the game develops but would wish some kind of compound attacks under certain conditions between 2 or more char, i would like to recieve ebf4 :stars: .

  128. Sugarbun

    while we’re having this Christmas spirit going let me take the time to say thank you. thank you for creating these games for creating this community.
    I have ALWAYS loved these games and always will I can’t wait to see what EBF5 is like and with that I wish you a merry Christmas! :yay:

    1. Sugarbun

      ack sorry forgot to say some things :scared: but anyway, the game I would like is EBF4 and as far as what’d I like to see in the next game I’d like something to make secrets a bit easier to find like an item you could get anyway that’s all from me bai ~

  129. Ramin

    I remember finding EBF1 on newgrounds a long time ago, and just how interesting it was. Flashy animations and cute characters (and hard as hell boss fights). Then I played the sequel, which had more stuff and the third character. Yet it was rather simple, just several battles that I could get through (or struggled through) .

    Then the third game came out, and it was a fun RPG adventure. It was fun managing resources to get spells and abilities, and was a lot of fun playing through the stages. Part 4 was everything like part 3 but better, and having a fourth member added more for strategy.

    I’ve been watching the development of EBF 5 pretty carefully, I can’t wait to play it.

  130. Deikeilol

    The whole series since I started to like it a lot although as I do not speak English it made me a little difficult to read the dialogues of the first 3 games even having finished the fourth game I still play it as I find it very funny its history the bosses by That’s what I want the steam key for epic battle fantasy 4, I really like the effort they’re putting on the 5-it takes to make the game worth it. Thanks for these great games and Merry Christmas :smirk:

  131. Onim

    Heya. I have played EBF since the first part and i am still in love with it !
    I am hyped about the fifth part of EBF ! Keep up the good work .
    But since i already have EBF4 i would like to have Bullet Heaven II.
    :love2: :love: :yay:

  132. Mando Jetii

    I’ve loved EBF ever since I discovered EBF3 on Armor Games some years ago. I prefer the EBF3 & 4 gameplay style over the repetitious combat of the first two games.
    What would I like to see in the next game? There are a number things that might be cool. You could bring back the NPC generator from EBF3, I liked that. It would be cool to have some hidden characters to unlock, such as HFX or maybe some of the more humanoid bosses. What would be really cool if it could be implemented is a custom player character system where the player can create their own character (with one of the existing classifications) and join the party; that would be awesome, though I know it might be hard to implement (being able to create a cat character would be a bonus :yay: ).
    I already have EBF4 on Steam, so I would want Bullet Heaven II.

  133. Lumamaster

    There are honestly so many reasons that I love the EBF series as a whole. The lighthearted humor cracks me up even to this day as I go on my first Epic difficulty playthrough of EBF4, and the gameplay along with story are just top notch. The music by Phyrnna is always great to accompany the game, whether it’s in the overworld, regular fights, or the boss battles! It all comes together to provide me with a huge and enjoyable game experience with just the right amount of humor, running jokes, and fourth wall breakage to weave well with the story!
    That being said, I’d like this trend to continue in EBF5 and onwards, as its what I enjoy most about the series as a whole. That being said, changing things up and taking risks is never discouraged! Perhaps you might nail a new system and its extremely popular, or it ends up falling flat. Nonetheless, I have faith in you Matt that you’ll give us something great with EBF5!

    P.S. I already got EBF4 in the last giveaway, so Bullet Heaven 2 would be nice if possible.

  134. Crystelix

    I remember finding EBF on Newgrounds and playing the hell out of it, then as time went by I found out that you were making more of them. The pure simplicity and fun of the games made me come back over and over again. I would check your DeviantArt and google ways to see if EBF 3 was up at like 3 in the morning. EBF 4 would be nice :yay:. Hope that EBF 5 will continue the tradition :yay:

  135. Discord_Lexia

    I’ve loved Epic Battle Fantasy since it was brought to my attention when 4 came out. I love the music and the humour. To be honest, I don’t really think the game needs to change. The gameplay is entertaining, the characters are good, the art is fantastic, and the music is incredible. I’m actually a bit hesitant towards Epic Battle Fantasy 5. It seems like so much is changing. There’s a new art style that makes the things I’ve gotten used to look completely different. Many things that I have fond memories of from your games are going away forever, like clays. I’m sure I’ll love it when I play it, but right now what I want is just a few more nods to the old games. Sure it has to be something new, but you can’t forget your roots. That’s why I liked Bullet Heaven 2. It seemed all about remembering the past, and turning it into something new, something fresh, but without discarding the old. Epic Battle Fantasy 5 just doesn’t seem to have that. It almost seems like you’re embarrassed about the games I love so much.

    So if it isn’t too late, the answer to the question, “What I’d like to see in the next game”, is this. I’d like to see the old familiar faces in a new adventure. Maybe bring back clays. Add the Sol spear back in. It just seems like 5 is turning out to be a cold and emotionless steel facade.

    But I’m sure I’ll still love it.

    Nolegs <3 πŸ™

    1. Discord_Lexia

      Oops sorry forgot to say. I already own EBF4, so if you decide to give me one, Bullet Heaven 2 would be nice. :smirk:

  136. Calder

    Been playing EBF since the first one.
    I think what makes EBF more enjoyable than the average flash RPG game is the art, and fluidity of the animations. Every drawing just seems so smooth and fitting for the type of story being told. Even though the characters/foes don’t have insane resolution/a billion pixels, I can still grasp a lot of details and information from their movements.
    Also love the small details like idle animations and constant bounciness. :yay:

    Game request: EBF4

  137. Uriel

    What I like about the EBF series is how it keeps true to the original RPG formula, and still stand unique, mostly becabuse it combines many of the traditional RPG formulas, making something new and fresh, then you add the awesome art style you have and your crativity for enemies, bosses, maps, puzzles and even comedy. :shades:

    Even so, you still have made spin-offs that also have that touch of uniqueness and your art style, and I belive they’re just as succesfull as the main series. (Adventure story was my favourite and I hope we get a second one.) :love:

    EBF is one of my favourites RPGs I ever played, if not the NΒΊ 1, I have liked it ever since It’s begnnings and I cannot express how thrilled I am for the fifth entry with what you showed us so far. :hurray:

    Also, sorry if messed up my writing, I’m Argentinian. :smirk:

  138. Souwan

    I really enjoyed playing EBF1 and EBF2 on Newgrounds after watching that final fantasy animation you did. It offered tons of JRPG elements with similar humour and it was tons of fun for me! When you released EBF3 with a world to explore, damn was I impressed for a flash game! :love: EBF3 and EBF4 were fun to explore and I loved all the side quests and hidden chests. I’m more of a completionist in games so I’d love if there were even more secrets in the upcoming games as well as more character interaction! I’d love to play test if you need someone. :stars: Anyways, I hope the best in the production of EBF5 and Happy Holidays matt-likes-swords! :shades:

    Game request: EBF4 (I’ve only played the web version so I’d love to see what the exclusives are :stars: :stars: )

  139. Omega

    Why i like EBF… well it’s mainly the art that made me play in the first place. What made me stay was the humor and gameplay. I started with EBF1 and then started EBF2 right after finishing the first one and then EBF3 and 4. I absolutely love turn based games as well as having a choice in what skill i can level up. The music is also some of the most catchy and never gets old how many times i play through the game and i always find myself laughing at the same jokes. I’ve completed EBF3 and 4 more times than i would like to admit… but if i do win then i would love to have a key to EBF4.

  140. Andy Kishin Asura

    EBF Series….Hah what i can say about it? It was my first rpg first “Bullet hell” game…and the game who introduce me in a lot more of games…Lance was always one of my favourite characters :shades: !!! MattXNatz my favourite ship :love: ! And Anna my favourite girl character! i played ALL the games of this serie even i buy the game with my own money! and i got just 14 years 😐 ! Anyways you and your EBF Serie is my…my real favourite serie rpg…and i played a LOT of rpg’s :smirk: ! EVEN WHEN IM WRITING THIS IM HEARING EBF4 SOUNDTRACK! Fallen blood and Under my skin are my favourite songs of EBF4 so far :yay: !!! and when you interact with your own fandom! that is just! wow! you are my favourite indie developer… :hurray: ! Oh! and i love when you use the references! i love it! :stars: …So now what i want in the next game? whats about some minigames? Meow Meow, Phyrnna (AKRON :scared: !!!!!) for the people who buy the game? like something away from the lore, the main history and that…like…premium characters this time! but actually i really want to you use your awsome mind! heh :yay:
    Why i want this chirstmas key?
    I dont think if i deserve the christmas key but i just wanted to share my opinon with you! heh anyways…you ALWAYS do a good…no a great…NO A PERFECT JOB :stars: !!!!
    Anyways…See ya!!! im gonna to still following you! even if i dont got twitter or something like that 😐

  141. Quinn N

    Who hasnt gotten the steam version of the game by now? EBF and Bullet haven are two of the best games I could think of

  142. Mejestik

    I discovered the game on Armor Games and it was the first game of its kind that I had played. I fell in love with the play style and the humor. The achievements kept me coming back because i’m a sucker for fully completing games. Cant wait for EBF5 to come out!

  143. Ryan

    I like how the characters inter act with each other so funny.
    I LOVE the battle system.
    I just Love the art style not too flashy like modern games but too retro a balance.

    ebf1 was a nice start, ebf2 polishing up on 1, 3 was AMAZING,
    and 4 is SPECTACULAR!
    As for the side games I haven’t played to much of them.
    But I will if I have time!

    My friend showed my ebf3 and I was hooked on the series ever since.
    I LOVE how the equipment shows on the characters.

    IF I win I would like Epic Battle Fantasy 4

  144. Herorik (Darryl)

    Epic battle Fantasy 4
    + Okay artstyle
    +Beautiful music.
    +Easy to understand Toturial
    +Multiple Difficulties.
    +Free to play version
    -The music is repetitive
    -Some jokes are very immature
    -If you don’t read dialogue, you wont know where to go.
    Bullet heaven 2

    What i’d like to see in Epic Battle Fantasy 5:
    More stratagies.
    Speedrun mode
    Reason why i want a free key:
    I’d like to send a gift to my friend.. he’s quite depressed and a mess.
    I don’t want to put full details here, but if you wanna know email me.

  145. Louisann.B

    Well I haven’t been playing this franchise for long but I can say that it’s one of my favourite games that I’ve been playing so far. Both the story and the quests got me really into it and if it isnt for my parents I wouldnt stop playing plus the battles are really engaging.. (and as you can tell or I wouldnt be typing this im intretsed in the steam key aswell cx)

    :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

  146. Jeffrey Wee

    The EBF series was the first RPG I had ever played. I still remember finding this gem of a game, and how many hours of fun it has given me. There is quirky dialogue, fun characters, and an engaging battle system. In future EBF installments, I hope to continue seeing fun characters, cool battle skills, and more secrets! (EBF 4 key plssss)

  147. Benjamin Jackson

    I love the epic battle fantasy series because it’s funny and cute. All the accessories and enemies. Also in the next game you should give nolegs a legendary item that gives him legs >:). I know this comment isn’t too big or hearty, sorry, I suck at coming up with stuff to write.
    But if you do for whatever reason choose to give me something, ebf4 would be cool πŸ˜€

  148. Devon Cornelius

    Well, the whole EBF series has been a pretty fun ride to go along with for the past few years. In addition to the story, it’s always nice to have a little semi-hack-n-slash (Lookin at you, Matt…) action with your RPGs. Not to mention a lot of the artwork is amazing.

  149. lmnoo

    oh geez i missed the last giveaway but atleast i made it this time :yay: im way 2 hyped for ebf5 i just re played ebf 3 and ebf 4 (web version). just to get the hype on even more :stars:

    (P.S i need dem dlc >:3)

  150. Alen

    I always loved RPG games, from the turn based ones tu the hit and run based, and this one is includet in it. It was always fun to play and with a nice story to boot it up it gives you somthing more than just random killing.

  151. Nano

    I played all my childhood EBF3 and I have always loved the dbf game series, when I was young I love all the combat skills (because dmg ) but now I realize how lovely is the exploration and how many details they put into the games (also phyrna did a wonderfull job making the music ) I donΒ΄t know if I deserve it but I would gladly acept the key

    PD: Lance is the best character :stars: :hurray:

  152. Jonas K.M

    Matt and Phrynna!

    What I felt first time I played your game

    I Just want to say that you both are doing great and you both inspire us who play your game Matt with Phrynna Music skills. I started playing when you did Brawl Royale in newgrounds and it was funny even tho it was short back then I thought that Matt would have a rival that is the red mage until I saw Epic Battle Fantasy which was a whole diffrent kind of game πŸ™‚ I found it very hard and and entertaining I didnΒ΄t have a account for medal in newgrounds but made a account later on and kept looking on your page until you make more games :D!

    Comments about your games and story

    (Epic Battle Fantasy 1 – 4)

    the series is so incredible and so lovely the background music the effects all of it as you develope more with your skills its like when you played mario bros on nes and as it has developed to mario bros 3 nes so big diffrents and better thats how I feel from your game its even better and better the character is funny and well made. I canΒ΄t wait to see more from you both!

    (Adventure Story)

    you made a wonderful platformer the game was so good πŸ™‚ I wonder how the next Adventure Story will be like maybe you can play two players with Noleg,Nat or Lance. it was well made not op even if you choose to focus in one thing cuz the bosses was so well made in balance!

    (Bullet Heaven 1 – 2)

    made me have so much fun when I played the Bullet Heaven 2 with my bro as we luagh to each other when one died or helped the other. its even more fun then other shoting arcade games!

    Final Words
    When I played this game I was thinking back in how well you have been doing with your skills and wonder sometimes if I ever can do something like this xD I have so many idees but I donΒ΄t have any knowladge when it comes to programing I tried to do a game on Scratch but it has so many bugs (I made a platformer two player game) it was so hard to do it so I understand a bit how many hours and idees you must have done to make such a wonderful games!

    As a gamer I wish you the best and I think one day you will become even bigger as all your games have been such a huge sucess and still enjoying the older games you made! πŸ™‚ Maybe you could do a special Anniversery thing or Collab that when you clear the first game then you earn something special on the next game and the other etc…

    I donΒ΄t do this becouse of the free games on Steam! (but if I get it I would be very happy as I love your games πŸ™‚ !)

    I want people to know that they should all try your games and its fun! πŸ™‚

    Best Regards


  153. Darakudemon

    I love the series because it’s so quirky and funny. It’s simple yet complex, it really carters to a lot of different people. I’d love to have EBF4 since I have played that one yet.

  154. Yosu

    EBF was a nice refresher when I started with 1. It was something new to me at the time, although it was pretty challenging on the hardest difficulty. I don’t think I ever ended up completing 1 or 2, but I probably should one day. It was with 4 that I really spent hours and hours in the game, trying to do pretty much absolutely everything. Let’s start with the good stuff:

    I like the tongue-in-cheek aspect of it all. I mean, the game is called Epic Battle Fantasy. I guess if I’ve spent this much time playing it, this part is obvious. The characters all seem to have actual personalities, rather than being carbon copies of characters from other games, or characters from the same game. My favorite’s gotta be Anna, though.

    Although the combat is nice and fantasy-esque, this is where a few of my problems come. Since I play on Epic difficulty, there’s a prevailing defensive strategy (keep all buffs up all the time) that I tend to end up using every fight. I try to deviate from it as much as possible, but it’s hard to validate not using when it’s so damn good. I also tend to never use all 4 characters and end up just using 3, which feels almost distancing from the unused fourth character.

    That being said, I really like the idea of changing equipment mid-battle while ‘losing’ a turn to try and gain a leg up on your foes. Feels strategically nice. I also like that bosses are a pain in the ass on epic, feels like a ‘true’ battle, where experimentation is needed in strategy to defeat it (especially the battle mountain ones!).

    Oh, and the music is amazingly fitting. Fun fact, the opening theme on piano is one of the reasons I decided to take up piano at all.

    Essentially, I just overall love the feel of the world and characters of EBF. Instead of a same-old RPG series, it’s almost post-same-old, where it’s enjoyable because of its self awareness, charming interaction between characters and fun turn-based shenanigans (cosmic monoliths ;_;).

    Ideally, since most of this was about EBF4, I would like Bullet Heaven 2, as I haven’t got it myself, and Bullet Heaven 1 was pretty good (and I feel like Matt’s gotten quite better at the game-dev thing).


  155. Shaedric

    I played so many flash games, but the Epic Battle Fantasy Series was always the most memorable. I enjoyed all of them, and I will enjoy the next one a lot. I’ve always wanted to play the EBF4 steam version because I felt like I need to play it again. And what better way than to contribute to the production of games with buying it. So I would be so happy if I win the Epic Battle Fantasy 4 Steam Key.

  156. Murderkarp

    Man, I don’t want to make a massive list of things I love about EBF, but I will, I love the characters and the world. I played them both back on Kongregate, and had to play them again. I’m still trying to 100% them both. Anyways, what I would like to see in EBF5? Hmmmm… Some more post-story content would be neat. The part I hated about the games is more or less having to stop at the end. At least EBF4 has NG+. Anyways, if I’m chosen, I would like the Bullet Heaven 2 key. Good luck to all other fans, and happy holidays Matt and everyone.

  157. Vesp

    Even if the chances might be slim the trial is that counts for me :stars:

    Honestly i started to enjoy your games when EBF3 was on the Newgrounds page and it catched me. EBF1 and EBF2 was for whatever reason meh for me cus it hadnΒ΄t this RPG like feel and was more some sort of strange Boss Rush mode for me without of a big story (or i was to stupid to understand it).

    EBF3 was then the part i started to like your game and i played it several times through (only cus my save always vanished after some weeks everytime) but i never bothered about it cus the game had his own charm and really stood out during these times where true RPGs that are made with heart (instead of “we need to develop an RPG for the yearly correctness)) and fresh ideas.

    Altough it still shows that it doesnΒ΄t need to be ultra-high-end-mega-crisp graphics to make an game good itΒ΄s the contend and the effort that was put into it. If i also consider in that you basicly offered these games for free it impresed me even more that you not started to charge sooner for them. Anyways i replayed EBF3 on Steam now again for some rounds and this means something already if you can return to a game no matter how old it is already.

    What do i wanna see in EBF5? Well simple said i wanna have the “feeling” of the time and effort you have used for creating it. I may be no developer/creator or whatever but i think that the drawing, programming and stuff is a lot of work always with expectations what the “consumer” would like to see and maybe should recieve an change/overhaul. For me the most important part is that you keep your path you have chosen and not try to try to create something totaly new that wouldnΒ΄t really satisfy you Aside from that maybe some extra area that is available when 100% is reached where you “show off” some parts of your development time like ups and downs, drawing attempts/ideas you keept/changed etc. You can kinda call it an “Developers diary” in the game then to reward the player who reached 100% to show something from your developing time.

    Cus i own EBF4 already in my Steam Library i would like the Bullet Heaven 2 Key if i should be chosen (if some sort of miracle would happen here :hurray: )



  158. Psychotic Gamer

    i played all the Games of this and beat everysingle one of them on Epic this series is my childhood this is the only few games i enjoyed myself so much that i completed EBF 3 on epic twice i never beaten a game twice here is what are the things i love about this series :love:
    1-i love the humour i didnt understand it when i was a 10 years old now that i get the jokes im loving the humour and jokes
    2-i love the gameplay this series got me into RPGs yes i never played RPGs until i played EBF 3 which makes sense because of my country (Fuck turkey for not supporting video games for a long time)
    3- i played this series when i was 10 years old i had tons of fun memories Thats all the reasons i love this series
    i looked up how to get pervert achiement when i was 10 years old (now im 17)
    Pig molester is my favourite achiement due to how fucked up that is XD
    Δ° personally like to have Epic Battle Fantasy 4 bullet heaven is too hard for me XD :yay:
    happy new year/Merry christmas Matt Continue making great games! ^-^ :yay:

  159. Owen Francis

    I could write a long list as to all the different features that make me love this series, but to keep it short these are my favourites:
    1) Solid turn-based RPG mechanics. Rather than trying to do something different in a time where almost nothing is original, the games focus on doing the base mechanics better than everything else.
    2) Characters personalities. Every time I think about the series I can think of a fun moment when one of the characters said something.
    3) Battles do not feel repetitive thanks to enemy diversity, surprise effects like retaliations and the characters idle back chatting.
    4) Very little need for grinding. Thanks to the way treasure is put behind some enemies, by the time you reach the boss your usually strong enough without having to do a single battle that you were not going to do anyway.
    5) Music. I could waste a lot of my life listening to the sound track and it would be time well spent.
    I could go on, but I’ll finish by saying that cats are awsome :yay:
    As for ideas for the next game, I think it would be fun if there was a couple of skills that worked completely differently – maybe something that has a random effect all the way from massive damage to the opponent to instant death for the caster, or perhaps 10 random status effects on random characters. Perhaps there could be a skill specific to a particular boss or enemy?
    Currently I’d prefer the EBF4 steam key.
    Many thanks for being awsome and doing this giveaway!

  160. Ethan

    at first i only heard about this series because of EBF4, but after that i tried the other games and god, i liked them all :yay:

  161. CJ

    I love the Epic Battle Fantasy games great to just pull up on a long road trip with the family and enjoy it offline I would love to get Epic Battle Fantasy 4 on steam I really want to try out all the exclusive content and bosses

  162. Klaus Mayr

    I love it because of its humour and because it teaches us the truth about cats. When I had to do duties like cleaning my flat I even left the game running because I wanted to hear the soundtrack and I was not aware there were mp3s within the games folder. (insert facepalm here ^^)
    Step aryhythmic to confuse the worm… having read the first two Dune books this was one of the best jokes I for me. EBF 4 is even more fun than Randal’s Monday.
    You won’t believe but I needed a guide to complete the pervert-achievement.

    I have purchased Bullet Heaven mainly because i wanted support Kupo Games and was really surprised that I actually do like it. There’s even some kind of story and dialoques… unlockable stuff. And the awesome soundtrack makes it even more enjoyable.

  163. Wesley Koning

    Already own both games and played them to death :love2: , They’re awesome and way better than most AAAAAAAAAAA Games. So I’d love to win and give these keys to some friends that I know will love it :stars:

  164. Ibrahim Kara

    When Δ± was 8 years old we bought our first computer (2008) and i didnt know anything but some little games on the internet like mario, fire and water, electric man and other kind of games and one day while Δ± was in newgrounds Δ± found brawl royale. As soon as Δ± started playing it I fall in love with it . I kept on playing games on the internet ’till 2011 and by that time i had already finished Ebf, Ebf2, Ebf3 but after that i stopped following the game cause its been a while since Ebf3 came out and Δ± had some problems with the school so Δ± wasnt able to follow updates about the game. In 2013 I founded steam and started playing there and stopped playing games on newgrounds and such. After a while Δ± was trying to find a good game on steam to play and Δ± found Ebf 4. First of all Δ± was really shocked and happy because Δ± never thought there will be another one. It reminded me good old memories so Δ± bought it ^^ . Im in this giveaway for the Bullet Heaven 2 and Δ± dont care if Δ± win or not because Δ± might be able to buy it later but without your efforts we wouldnt be able to play a game this great. Thanks for everything Matt I’ll be waiting for Ebf 5 too πŸ™‚

  165. Mart H.

    I just love the epic battle fantasy games. and the thing that must happen next game MUST be more nolegs…. MUCH MORE NOLEGS :shades:

  166. William Harvey

    i really love how these games ares very unserious and the character interaction is great . I hope the next game has more summons and eqiupble items (peffred game to win EBF4)

  167. Gameplushy

    I really like your series because the chracters are very interesting, funny and have all very different form each other.
    For EBF5 (Which I’m really hyped :stars:), I would like a good interface, not some blue rectangles like EBF4, maybe something transparent or stylish, IDK.
    (I prefer a EBF4 steam key, I already have bullet heaven 2)
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    (And happy EBF5 too :yay: )

  168. Arantir

    Well if I were to say why I love your games so much I would have to start with how well everything fits together. Gameplay, mechanics , music and humour. I am well aware how hard it is to make something as amazing as your works so I can’t help but feel impressed and grateful that I got to experience that. I also love the fact that with each game you added something new which made it more interesting than the previous ones and I really appreciate that innovation. I can’t wait to play EBF 5 since every game was enjoyable experience so far and I hope that you will be willing and able to continue your work afterwards. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :yay:

  169. Kylecrane1999

    I’ve spent my entire childhood playing the EBF series, I love the series because of it’s unique story it had funny moments, serious ones… The artwork is so amazing, most of the characters were awesome, I’ve played turn-based games but so far none were like EBF, These series has marked me it has entrained me and made me happy in the sad moments, I got addicted to it! It has thought me that no thing’s is impossible and that all you need to do is keep trying until you reach your goal! What I want in the next game is an other great story with memorable moments and maybe easter eggs and events updates, I would like a steam key for EBF4 since it’s my favorite game so far in the series… well I would really be happy if I earn one, I hope that you will choose me anyways I wish you luck making EBF5! :yay:

  170. Aquilo

    Hey i’ve been loving your game since 7 years old; I really love the universe you have created and the work you are doing for EBF5. For me alle the EBF are the reason why i love RPG today, they were the first RPG i played and i still think they are one of the best! Even if i finished EBF4 on kongregate and armor game i dont have much money to spend on steam … so i’d really like to get an access to bullet heaven 2 or EBF4. All the little joke , the different player etc i love them all, i even started to learn english with your game ( well i know there is maybe much mistakes in this text :scared: ) that’s it even if i dont get an access good luck with EBF5 your doing a great job !


    The EBF Franchise i Beloved by me for several reasons

    First of all it provides a glimmer of hope in the online game market against the backdrop of mediocre Clicker games and pay to win FTP games

    Secondly the humor in this game is absolutely amazing and although some may not like it, i think that the mixture of crudeness and intelligence really brings it together

    thirdly the gameplay itself is Something i am desperately craving constantly. The party management and item upgrading and searching are a rare thing to see any wear and this game delves into this perfectly

    But i really love it because it shows me that it is possible for a single game developer to design something without the help of a big name studio. Matt you are my hero. :hurray:


      Hey couldn’t you just artificially boost your chances of winning by putting multiple entries Matt? keep track and disqualify (if you so choose) of usernames and emails that are used more than once.

      just for fairness sake

  172. ScobraCK

    I never liked turn based strategy style like EBF has before. Somehow I thought it would be hard and time consuming to play. But after playing EBF 4, which is also free(which is why EBF series is the best) so I could drop it if I wanted to, it was different from what I expected. It was challenging, but not hard so you need to grind to get through something, and the RNG was just perfect.(Well RNG was just siphoning monoliths really….). …………………………………

    Sorry, I’m saying only the good parts, not making it up but making it sound better, sugarcoating it? I guess. I would love to buy the game myself but some problems won’t let me, so I just wrote the top part for the free game :smirk: . I wish I could help you by buying the game, as making a game is hard, but still I hope this feedback? might help you.

    The thing I want to see in EBF5 is maybe the game creator, (you, if you are reading this …how should I call you Mr.Matt Roszak :wut: ❓ ) as a secret boss for getting all medals or something. That will be fun to try……… (wait, if so I might have to get the pervert achievement also :scared: ……, it’s all for the game….. :shades:

    By the way the main reason I want it on steam will be to play it on different computers without losing progress…..
    Thank you for the free games, not just the giveaway but for your games being free to play. Thank you for your hard work. And Merry Christmas
    (Obviously I would like EBF 4.)

  173. TechFreak17

    Why I love it? Because it brings me back to my young self playing awesome rpg’s on my PlayStation. I remember sitting for hours on end in front of a screen, having the time of my life playing games like Final Fantasy (VII, VIII & IX), Legend of the Dragoon and Chrono Cross. :stars:
    EBF Makes me feel like I went back in time and i’m enjoying that same warm feeling again. It’s just an awesome series, with a lot of heart and a lot of comedy. :love:

    I’d love to see more areas that you can explore just for the sake of exploring. As in… they are not needed to progress the story itself BUT add depth to it if you do explore them. In those areas there could be small pieces of lore or backstory that we could learn or some hidden/well placed easter eggs… something of the sort that makes us happy that we visited said area, without feeling “forced” to go through it. :hurray:

    I’d love to win EBF4.
    Even if i don’t win the game, i’m still pretty happy that you continue your amazing work and keep making a lot of people happy with these games.

    Thank you for your awesome work,
    TechFreak17 :smirk:

  174. Alfexx177

    I love EBF 1-4 also the 2 BH games. I really love the art styles. It really helps me be inspired when i try and draw. I also love the enemies and allies. They bring are pretty unique from the other games I played. I feel that they really belong to this type of game. :stars: :stars: :stars: I especially like the weapons, spells, and all the armors. But i mostly like the boss battles, for me its pretty challenging and fun , that`s why i replay the game in every difficulty :shades: :shades: (I have no life πŸ˜₯ ).That`s mostly why i love this game, i cant say any bad things about this game , and im really excited about EBF5 (especially No Legs :yay: :yay: ).

  175. creative dude

    I want EBF 4 .I completed not full version on kongregate and always wanted to try full version πŸ˜₯ , so please can you give my EBF 4 full version. ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
    p.s merry X-mas :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray:

  176. Renardfeu

    My first game i played was ff7 on ps1 and since then i loved played rpg style games, when i first played epic battle fantasy i only saw the 3rd one and i loved the jokes inside and all the 4th wall breaking and stuff. I already bought ebf4 but i’ll love another one to give yo my cousins who spend his time on stuff like rpg maker but thinks its not worth spending money for the game and hence i would like to spread it to him so he could enjoy it.
    Maybe im being optimistic but its the first time im following a creator and not a game itself ( appart from the ff series ), the ideas you have and the style you got really attracted me and i think ebf can become big in the futur
    for what i would like to see in ebf 5 i cant really say much, i mean saying ” a ebf 4 but better ” would be like wtf, its like asking an “undertale 2” it can be hard to stay in the same style while meeting the expectation of the people, what im trying to say is that whatever the game is and what the change is, i love the game because of the story, the art, musics and everything around it, we have so much rpg around that trying to be original is very hard so dont push yourself too much yo

  177. Nick

    EBF3 was one of the first flash games I ever played and is still one of my favorites.
    The characters, the world, the npcs and enemies. They all give this vibe that no AAA games these days can.
    Goofy and fun, yet still a serious contender. Plus the gameplay reminds me of Final Fantasy X (which is my favorite video game ever) so that’s a huge plus. :yay:

    For the next games, I just want you to keep doing what you do. The EBF series is already magical and awesome. More of that please. :stars:
    (EBF 4 please, love you long time <3 )

  178. Koro

    I have been a big fan of EBF since EBF 1 first came out. I loved ( and I still love :love2: ) everything about it! It’s music, characters, humor, combat, and ofcourse, Natalie :yay: .
    I was so excited when EBF 3 had towns and exploration, and EBF 4 is just perfect! I really can’t wait for EBF 5 it looks amazing :stars:. Keep up the good work :yay:
    Love y’all!

  179. linas

    I love the game for its referanced and comedy.
    so far the 4th game was my favorite.
    id love to have it on steam πŸ™‚ :stars:

  180. Zach AS

    Why I like EBF series is because there is a lot to explore and there is a lot of enemies to battle of. Also, there is a lot of equipment and a lot of unique characters you can try. I can’t wait for the fifth to come out. It looks so awesome and the graphic become way more better. And also, there is some new enemies and bosses, new equipment, new skills, new map, and new character (i think..) to try! :stars: I would love to win the steam key for EBF4 and BL2 you gave to us. Because, you know, you can save anytime you want, play whenever you want, and buy premium packs if you want, and update when there’s some fixing things and new things come out! Playing EBF series on christmas would be a great time to play! :yay: Well, that’s all from me. Thanks.. :smirk:

    Best regard from me,

  181. Diego Portela

    O jogo de vocΓͺs me fez lembrar os meus tempos de infancia, quando eu tinha o meu NES e SNES jogando a sΓ©rie FF! histΓ³rias, referencias ( :stars: amei a referencia do missingNo :stars: ) e um pouco de zoeira xD, o jogo me faz sentir que estou participando da narrativa :love2: :love2:

    Oque pode ser melhorado para ficar ainda mais Γ©pico??
    Que tal adicionar 3 finais? ruim, bom e secreto. Ficaria muito bem interessante iniciar um novo jogo. :yay:

    Eu jΓ‘ tenho o EBF4, mas caso ganho uma key! eu daria de presente para um amigo xD


  182. rens gouman

    i would love to get bullet heaven 2 seeing as i already have EBF3+4.
    your games are great i love the humor, play style, graphics and the music go Phyrnna keep it up with that.
    and i dont have much to do this Christmas so this game would be cool to play and i can play it with my friends when they have time.
    and i cant wait for EBF5 i will buy it directly when i see its out on steam. :stars:

    so i hope i win the game

    with kind regards,
    Rens Gouman
    :shades: :shades:

  183. SaΓΌl Ciryure

    I really love EBF because the history is really nice, i love the character and the graphic design is so nice i would like to draw like this :stars:

  184. Gary

    I remember finding the original EBF way back when and loving it. After playing through all 4 games the thing i like the most about the series, honestly, is its charm. The interactions between the characters, the dialogue, the art style, the music. All of it just oozes charm which just appeals to me a whole lot and have enjoyed the ride each one has taken me for!

    For something to see in the future, id love to see something along the lines of more customisable abilities! maybe linking two abilities together to get the attack of one with the element of another. or to create some wacky new ability.

    Id like a chance to win bullet haven 2, as honestly, ive never played the bullet haven series before!

  185. David the Sloth

    EBF is a series that I feel is great union of old and new. It has the simple to understand combat system that still allows for plenty of strategy and depth, awesome attack animations and cool character and monster design, while also have it’s own style and personality. It feels like a love letter to old JRPG’s while still holding up on it’s own. This is a game series that too few people know about, but that can only change with time and exposure.

  186. Alexander Wayne

    Well, the main reason why I love Epic Battle Fantasy is the fact that it is so awesomely thought-through. I always start at Epic difficulty, because I just LOVE the challenge this game provides. In this difficulty setting, I am very often totally screwed, but I know, that there is ALWAYS a way out of that – I just have to figure it out. There aren’t many games where I actually have to think, and that’s why this game is one of my top favourites. Of course – Phyrnna’s lovely music is a great part of why I love this game as well. Seriously – you two make the best team ever. :love:
    Furthermore I love the puns and the artwork. After Portal 2, EBF4 is my most favourite game.

    What I’d like to see in the next episode? More enemies, more skills, more everything. Just… MOAR. :hurray:
    Perhaps a way to directly affect how some skills work? Like – choose which version of a skill player wants. One version would cost less mana, other version would be a little amplified, or something like that. :ooo:

    And the game I’d like to win would be EBF4, so I could give it as a gift to my best friend, since I’m sure he’d love your games. :yay:

  187. RagingHeart

    I started out with EBF1 and loved how we had lots of things to choose and not get lost with them. EBF3 was a huge rework with the new game system and it was even more awesome to get all those weapons and skills from scratch. It also feels good to deal devastating blows with AoE skills *feels good*

    Also clicking Natalies titties, that is enough for EBF5. Also make evil Natalie do something with her titties. Yeah they are that good :stars:

  188. Jared

    I first found Epic Batyle Fantasy on Kongregate closely after Epic Battle Fantasy 4 came out. I saw there were four games and decided to start from the beginning. I really enjoyed the style the first game was done in and was excited to hop into the second. I was not disappointed. It was the same visual style with a proper OST, character dialogue that was humerous, and an awesome final boss fight. Then I played the third and I was amazed at the drastic change in gameplay. I enjoyed the game a whole lot more with the characters being more witty, the story being better, and the music also getting better. I enjoyed the skill system and I still play the third game from time to time.

    Then the fourth game… At first I didn’t like it as much as the third. I enjoyed the story a lot more and I liked the inclusion of Anna, but I didn’t really like the locations or music as much the first time I played it. After getting it on Steam when it was released, I started liking it more and more to the point where it is my favorite out of the series. It’s just made so well.

    With the fifth game, I think it would be nice to bring back the rooms from three that became unlocked after completing a certain amount of medels. I enjoyed that in three and found it a nice little reward for doing the achievements.

    I would like Epic Battle Fantasy 4. To be honest, this will be sent to a friend so I can get him into the series.

  189. Renel

    I really liked Epic Battle Fantasy series ever since i saw it somewhere lying on the internet (I saw the 3rd one first). It was a fresh unique experience from all the other games I have played, considering the amount of comedy in such a story-oriented game, unique way of finding and killing monsters, the lovable cats, and more. There is so much I want to say about this, but I am sure that you will eventually get tired from Reading Simulator 2016 Christmas Edition. If you can really keep up, continue reading the next paragraph.

    I liked how if you lose, it was COMPLETELY your own fault. You always had the option to run away from a fight, recover and renew your tactics. I also liked how each character is relatively calm in their adventures to defeating a great evil, and when they finally get there, they go into a panic of “WHY THE FUCK ARE WE DOING THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE” only to be reminded of a legitimate reason why (EBF4 Reason: “Cause a little girl with a bow told you so”). The RPG series had some unique mechanics that set it apart from other RPGs, namely the unique status ailments, secondary effects from ailments (ex. freeze increases damage taken), Instant attacks when ordered to, be a coward and run away from fights with 100% chance of success, the idle animations, Backup systems, balanced spells, “Interactive” characters (I’m talking about Natalie), just the right learning curve, a solid Experience curve, Bosses that actually feel like you have a chance to beat on the highest difficulty, tons of Secrets, equipment with primary,secondary, and even tertiary effects (I’m talking to you Crystal Bow), and so many more I already forgot them while typing this.. πŸ˜₯ Now, in the Bullet Heaven games, you would spend hours on that game trying to beat the boss,more completing the achievements, and whole lot more hours trying to beat it with the hardest settings. All those beautiful patterns in the sky makes you want to touch them, but you know its bad for your character. I couldn’t even beat the first level without losing life in the highest difficulty (not because it’s hard, I just have a horrible PC and I also suck). I don’t have much to say about the other games (Adventure Story, Brawl Royale, etc.) except that they were great and had great game designs. Now I hope that you will still include some of the best things of EBF4 to EBF5, like the Alchemist Bow and Arrow Rain combo, Unique Limit Breaks, unlearning skills so that inferior skills are placed on other characters (Heal on Natalie and Healmore on Anna at the same time), fun and unique ways of owning monsters (Cloudburst, Freeze all opponents with some kind of attack, then Hyper Beam them for maximum damage), Auto-revive (So i can Kamikaze with Nat while she has Auto-revive), have a way of reviving every character if ever they get owned (I have huge OCD whenever I see the EXP bar) and so much more awesome things from this series.

  190. Bladesinger

    Matt (if I can call you that), I seriously love just about everything you make. Since I first played Epic Battle Fantasy like eight years ago or so (I played it with my brother multiple times) I have been inspired by your creativity. I’ve never been much an art person, but half of what I drew when I was little (actually probably moreβ€”and this is still my scene) was swords and staffs etc because your designs in the EBF series were so cool! To be honest, I didn’t play through much of EBF3 at all. For some reason I just didn’t like it as much. It felt kinda claustrophobic I guess? Like the interface. That’s all I can really think of since I haven’t tried it in a while. BUT EBF4 is one of my FAVORITE games. (I have 73 games on Steam, and EBF4 is one of eight games to earn a hallowed spot in the “Legends” tab in my library haha) I played it a couple times on Kongregate and got the premium stuff and then when it came out on Steam you gave me a key! I was really happy about that. If you choose me as a winner of this giveaway, even though I already have it, I would prefer to get another Steam key for EBF4β€”not because I don’t want to play Bullet Heaven but because I want my friends to enjoy EBF too! I would let my friend have the key bc I just love that game so much I want someone else I know to enjoy it as much as I did.
    Anyway, on Steam I got every single achievement for EBF4 and played for I think 78 hours total! Ugh, I love the art style so so much and the whole whimsical vibe of the story and its references and everything else just made it such an enjoyable experience for me. The only thing I can think of that I actually disliked is how easy it was to imbalance the characters. I never found Lance that useful and beyond that even Anna wasn’t as useful to me as Matt and Natalie. I think I remember you mentioning something about making the characters more balanced for the fifth installment, though, so I’m glad that’s happening. And ooooh yeah I loved the soundtrack! Phyrnna makes some pretty great stuff. I actually learned A Walk Through Nostalgia Ending Version on the piano a few weeks ago πŸ˜€ I love that song. For the next game, I’m really excited for the new battle effects and armor etc that you’re developing, and of course I’m really excited that NoLegs will be a playable character! I love it.
    Something that I always look forward to in any game that I play is the maps. Maps have always fascinated me and the different environments in EBF4 (and your other games) were fun to explore, especially since because each map square wasn’t revealed until you entered it, each new area was a surprise. So I hope in your next game you put as much care or more into designing fantastical environments for us players to enjoy.
    Omg I just noticed the tiny little smiley face at the very bottom of the page that’s so cute
    Finally, one more thing I would love to see added into EBF5 is abilities, like in EBF2. I don’t remember if they were actually called that, but I think it was every time you cleared like five levels, you got to pick a passive trait to add to each character. It’s kind of a lot to add in when you’re so far into development but that sort of customization that would further set apart each character and let you customize your fighting style more is really something I love to do.

    Anyway I think that’s all I have to say. I really hope you continue on making more games after this (I can’t imagine you doing anything else tbh)! Thanks for the opportunity, though, and merry Christmas!

  191. Anonymous

    You know, I always did like these games. Of course, it wasn’t until a few years back until I actually started playing them and enjoying them due to my more mature mind than when I first discovered them. They always did feel like a challenge, and to this day I still haven’t legitimately beaten 2’s final boss. I think one of the best parts of the game is the dialogue. I always did have a weak point that could be attacked for massive damage when it came to outright silliness, and this series has never at any point taken itself remotely seriously. Hell, even the characters themselves are pretty much made to counteract each other’s personalities and sometimes even unwittingly troll each other simply for the lolz. I also love how you’ve given them the power of genre savviness plus medium awareness and in some cases the ability to break the fourth wall, which has led to some of the best burns and call-outs I’ve ever seen. Another thing I like is how the game is pretty much a gigantic parody of classical RPGs and how the characters themselves point out just about every cliche’ they see (well, except for Matt’s extreme density when it comes to romantic affairs, which I’ll admit is pretty much required for someone in his position). One thing that I’m interested in for EBF5 is the new cooldown system. By creating this, you’re taking a step away from traditional RPGs and I’d love to see how you handle it… and how the players themselves handle the fact that they won’t be able to spam Legend or Judgement anymore (by the way, I will be expecting the characters to comment on that fact. Do NOT disappoint me). Quick question though: did you remove Swift Slash? Because that was pretty much Matt’s only natural way of hitting multiple opponents without using Ragnarok and I’d be pretty sad to see it go, not to mention the huge disadvantage Matt will now have against groups. Either way though, here’s to a Merry Christmas/Happy Hanukkah/Both/Whatever it is you celebrate (I’m not that educated in the ways of the world, apologies) and if I end up being one of the lucky ones by some one-in-a-million chance, I’d like a key for Bullet Heaven 2. Happy holidays!

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Swift Slash has been replaced with the sword-throwing attack, which might be a bit weaker. I don’t want Matt to be good at attacking multiple targets.

  192. MaxM

    well, EBF is a pretty “traditional” turn-based rpg, but what I think really stands out is the art style animations. the story was always standard hero saves the day style but filled with interesting jokes which makes the mostly-linear plots much less boring. one thing I would really like in EBF5 is more interesting mechanics but you have already given me quite a lot of new ones. But I am always hyped for more.
    Also, I am the guy who asked you for a permission to set up a blog for the Chinese fans. Its going decently and we’ve been transferring your blog contents to the Chinese fans. so in case I get lucky, a BH2 gift will be nice. since we can then do another giveaway at the Chinese blog to get more attention and we’ve just given out some EBF4 recently.

  193. kevin david

    :skull: -BAD ENGLISH ALERT- :skull:
    I’m from Argentina
    But EBF series are one of the most amazing games i ever played :stars:
    If i have money, i will buy EBF4, but i will like to get one of the giveways to enjoy this game from my childhood :smirk:

  194. Luiz Felipe

    Well, i started off ebf series with ebf3, and turned out that i liked it so much that a flash game became my favorite turn-based rpg. Then when ebf4 came out, i was so thrilled, because i never had the best type of computer, best hardware and so on, so i could only play flash games on my browser. Ebf 4 turned out to be the turn-based rpg that i see as a example of a really good game of that genre. Everything about this game is really good, and nowadays it isn’t easy to find a so well-made game that don’t cost like, R$ 150 + (also i’m brazilian, so sorry for my poor english). i’d like to have EBF 4 if i win the giveaway, thanks !! :smirk:

  195. Meowstress

    I would love EB4 for the reason that it really has a lot of call backs towards JRPGs in addition to having great references and gameplay! :love2: :love:

  196. ChaosSorceror_Davidicus

    I’m gonna get lost in the sea of applicants here (and technically, I already have both games), but I’d really like to get Epic Battle Fantasy 4 for my sister, if possible. And being poor, this would make an excellent “stocking stuffer” as it were.

    Why do I like the EBF series? Well there are probably too many things to count, but to narrow it down some:
    + The music is some of the best I’ve heard, better than some triple A titles. Phyrnna’s work is pretty spectacular stuff, to the point where I’ve driven my brother mad playing the songs over and over again over the years. I strongly suggest she becoming either a playable partner, or a summon in a future title. If not for all her hard work, than for Fallen Blood, the best song to grace my ear-holes. :love2:
    + The visuals are spot on. I can’t think of a single design in the game that I questioned. If it looked doofy, it still felt like it belonged in this world. If it was badass, it was justifiably badass. The Godcat-mobiles were as threatening (as a final boss should be) as they were hilariously silly (as I’ve come to love about this series). :shades:
    + The gameplay mechanics are pretty tight, the point and click mechanics work well for casual playing and players, but the battles can get so challenging (curse you battle mountain mob waves) that I’m still on the edge of my seat, an inch from my monitor screen. πŸ˜₯

    + Lastly, and probably only second to the music, the turn based combat. I was a HUGE Final Fantasy fan. I grew up with Rydia and Cecil in FF4, and challenged Kefka in FF6. I first learned about RPGs through the likes of Mario RPG and Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. I honed my skills on games like FFTactics and Disgaea. I just grew up loving RPGs. However, over the years, things have gone in a radical direction that I just can’t get behind. FF15 looks like Kingdom Hearts swallowed Assassin’s Creed and seems to host a bevy of FF13/Type-0 rejects. Games have long since drifted away from turn based combat, a system I loved and admired. There was a certain set of rules and mechanics to it that people don’t seem to relate to or care about in gaming. Sure there is still strategy and even newer, more advanced combat stratagem that can be employed, but it isn’t what I grew up with, it isn’t what I liked about RPGs. The last one in the FF series that I felt was new, but still had that turn based soul was FF12 (which was an amazing game, make no mistake). So one of the big reasons I love your series is because it gives me a huge wave of nostalgia, while still being new and interesting. I’ve been with ya since EBF2, and I’ll likely continue supporting you til I die or you give up (or if you go in a direction I can’t follow, but shhhhhhhh). :sick:

    If I had to choose something new for the series. I really enjoyed the Dark Player battles, but felt that it was a tad out of place that you fight one or two with minions summoning. I think that that isn’t anywhere near painful enough. I would love to see a proper 5v5, bare knuckle brawl against all the heroes and all the dark players. The dark players have what you have, can use items like players do, swap out with each other, pretty much everything the players do, but against you. And you gotta basically Dark Link yourself and fight that which you’ve created. THAT would be awesome. Hopefully not unlikely, but awesome. :scared:

    1. ChaosSorceror_Davidicus

      Yay! Merry Christmas to you too, Mr. Roszak! :love:
      I’m sure my sister will love it. She’s more of an achievement hunter than I am. I typically just enjoy playing games, so she might hunt all the achieves.

  197. KrispyKooki

    Been a fan ever since EBF2. seeing the evolution and improvement in every category possible, the warm feeling I get for every joke and win, playing each game to completion (except for the spnoffs) All I can say is thanks for all the good times and great games that me and my friends enjoyed and HAPPY CHRISTMAS :yay:

  198. King Sum

    The reason I love the EBF series is because I kinda grew up with them so they have a special place in my heart. Also the music is some of the greatest I’ve ever heard in any game, tv show, and albums. Finally it’s because the games are so unique and fun and just plain awesome. If I get a key I want one to EBF4

  199. Sombres

    I enjoy the jokes and the style. The technique variation improved a lot, too, always feels good to play. I usually dont care much about dispells and buffs, but seeing the higher difficulties being possible with their help was so wonderful. I just like the way this game does things. From fighting kitties to clickable boobies, I just feel happy I played all of this.


  200. Easton Allred

    I found EBF back when only number one was out. I played but i didn’t finish it, i thought it was fun, but i wasn’t very good. Then number two came out shortly after, and i was excited. i played this one much more often simply because the quality was better. I still couldn’t beat either of them as turn based is not my strong suit. Flash forward a couple years or so, my friend told me about this game he was playing epic battle fantasy 3. what he described was an “exploration” game where you ave silly and cute graphics on the overworld, but more serious and cool ines in the fights. I thought he was wrong about the title or that this wasn’t developed by you simply because the world map idea wasn’t in the first 2 at all. So i checked it out, and i was impressed. At this pint i had been taking video game design in a career tech in addition to my highschool classes and understood the base fundamentals of flash. I was impressed with what i found. Not only as an experience but in the ingenuity of it. The art style the dialogue the jokes, the equip system it was all so good in my opinion. and i played that game a lot. I also went backa and replayed the other two . I beat them while slowly progressing with the third one. I played them ALOT. i memorized several scan entries bits of dialogue the location of certain chests exactly. One day as im replaying the third for the millionth time, i noticed the forth one had been released. I was beyond excited fro it. a couple months ago i found this sight, and by extension the creation of EBF 5. ( i haven’t spoiled many of things so im REALLY excited to se what you do with it). I love EBF’s art style it humor, the mechanics. every detail screams not just that its quality work, but that ounces of care and hard work were put into them each weapon icon, accessory enemy everything. I love ebf for those reasons and many more.

    P.S. any tips on writing game ideas and concepts

    I have a small understanding of how games are built in 2D nd 3D, so i appreciate the art style and understand all the effort that went into making these games, and i enjoy ames that show they have effort put into them :scared: :scared: :scared:

  201. Dan

    I’ve been playing your games ever since I found them on Armorgames several years ago. The first one I played was EBF 3, and I loved it. The battle system was what drew me in the most; I loved watching entire waves of foes disintegrate under Natalie’s magic, shaving big chunks of health off bosses with Matt, and shooting things dead with Lance. And that feeling of invincibility when you have just the right equips to get over 100% elemental resistance and take no damage is the best. Of course, I love the trio themselves too. Neither they nor the actual game take themselves too seriously, something that seems to plague a lot of modern RPGs. It’s just a fun time, pure and simple. I’ve bought a lot of things on Steam, but EBF 3 & 4 are two games I play consistently. I was happy to be able to support you by buying the games on Steam, so even if you don’t bestow a copy of Bullet Heaven 2 upon me, I’ll probably buy it anyway hahaha. Thank you so much for your efforts! :hurray:

  202. Desca

    I really enjoyed all the games you made. Both the action-packed first EBF games and the storytelling of the last ones. I also have my share of fun completing Adventure Story and playing the first Bullet Heaven.
    I love the classic RPG/pop culture references you make, all the easter eggs and constant jokes.
    I also really enjoy Phyrnna/Halcyonic Falcon’s work. The music is amazing and engaging.
    I haven’t played Bullet Heaven 2 much, just a couple of levels. I’d love ot have the full version with all characters and complete that game!

  203. Azguarde

    I have been a fan of traditional turn-based RPGs my entire life. Played Final Fantasy until they ruined it with 12. Played all the Dragon Quest games I could get my hands on. Pokemon? Yes please, played ’em all. Hell, I imported JRPGs that had english available (never got around to learning japanese, keep meaning to). Nowadays it’s becoming harder and harder to find good old fashioned turned-based fun. Either they mess it up with “real-time combat” or some other stupid gimmick, or you’re stuck with bad story and poor dialog. True turn-based gameplay is about strategy, planning what you’re going to do and when. It should have an engaging story, fun mechanics, and relatable characters. The Epic Battle Fantasy games have filled a need in me recently, after I found them on Kongregate. Fun, engaging, true turn-based combat. Everything I wanted to fill my free time. So needless to say I would LOVE a copy of Epic Battle Fantasy 4. Your games keep getting better and better, looking forward to what you do in the future, and thank you for all you have done so far! :yay:

  204. AWildTse

    Hmm. I guess my only reason would be that it would be fun? Haha. I was a huge fan for rpg’s and it caught my eye that there was such an expansive rpg as a flash game (EBF2 and 3). When I was a younger teen playing your games I was just fascinated by how the game was put together and what story would develop. Oh yea Bullet Heaven was pretty fun too. I definitely liked the ironic pun made from the genre Bullet Hell. Touhou was fun, and Bullet Heaven was definitely a fun way to relax (because it was a little toned down in comparison to Touhou haha) Hmm if I get chosen I’d prefer a copy of Epic Battle Fantasy 4, but if not I’ll end up buying it anyways after the full game release haha. Have a nice day and Merry Christmas everyone.

  205. Eyeofpie

    I like Epic Battle Fantasy because it’s epic, it’s fantastical, and there’s battles.What more can you want in a game?
    I discovered the series with the 3rd game, which I thought was such a breath of fresh air compared to the majority of flash games, which are often more like shallow timewasters. I also liked how it sort of contrasted the Mardek RPG series, being a bit more focused on action. Playing the 4th game always brings me back to the time when Mardek 3 and EBF 3 came out, which is a nice bit of nostalgia.

    While I generally like the games as a whole (3 and 4 a bit moreso than 1 and 2), one of my favorite aspects is probably the way that battles aren’t random, and you can see them coming. It creates a feeling than most battles are deliberately designed, rather than just a slew of random enemies. Another more minor feature is the grid-like, square map in EBF4. I can’t really explain why, but I always liked that map system in games like Minish Cap and A Link tot he Past, so it’s nice to see it included in EBF4.

    Anyway, I would be pretty grateful if Santa left a steam key for EBF4 in my stocking for Christmas this year. Well, maybe not literally because you’d probably email the code instead of mailing a physical key… or are you going to send the key to santa, then he prints it out and puts it in the stocking? I’m sure you’ll get in touch with him to figure it all out.

    Merry Christmas / Holiday of Choice!

    I don’t really know what specifically I’d like to see int he next game. I liked the way EBF4 expanded on 3 with new enemies, characters, equipment and items so, uh, just do that I suppose?Or maybe rather than adding new characters, you could add in alternate weapon sets for each character which change the way they play? Just spit-balling here.

  206. Razor ↄ3:

    One of my friends introduced me into the series from EBF1 and it was fun. I like RPG games and this fit my style. The customization was really good that I only kept Matt as a ninja throughout the whole EBF3 and 4. In my opinion for the new game, I don’t care. Surprise me with what you got :D. If I do win (which is not likely) I would like a key for Bullet Haven 2. :hurray:

  207. Your boy Robbie Rotten

    I like the EBF series so much because of the art style and how much you can optimize character builds and change the roles they play instead of having one character be for only DPS or only healing (ex: Natz does have healing skills, but can still do a lot of damage). I like how self aware the game is and the humor that comes through in breaking the fourth wall as well. It’s a small map, but the game is still really fun and challenging. If I were to win, I’d prefer a copy of EBF4. Keep up the great work πŸ˜€ – Kyle

  208. Silas Oliver Torup Bachmann

    I love the game for its music and the whole tone of it all, and want to more skill oriented combat as in there is a slider and if you hit the middle of it you do 20% dmg.

  209. StatiZkyZ

    Why I love the EBF series? Multiple reasons:
    -) The art. It’s simple, adorable, epic, amazing, all of them in a game :hurray:
    -) The difficulty, especially EBF 4. It’s not too easy that players got bored, but it’s not too hard that it’s frustrating. Right in the sweet spot :love2:
    -) The characters. Oh, I LOVE the EBF gang. They’re dumb, smart, maniac killer, tree hugger, sword loving, fan service-y, tech freak, adventurous, and most of all, funny :yay:
    -) The references. I don’t think I’ve seen any other game with THAT many references to popular games before. Bonus points for implementing it to the character (Lance’s minecrafting accident, etc).

    I’m hoping I would get EBF 4’s key. I’ve played the web version OVER 5 times, and I would certainly do it again for the steam version :stars:

  210. Jean Pierre Chica Campozano

    I have played this game since i was a child, and im like it. It has the most reference about any game i played, and that make this game awesome. Also the style of the game, that you make a big game and free, well the firts three but you have your needs so…
    Also the next game should havw another reference of the new games that came out like breath of the wild, or some of super mario.
    I apoligize about my english, because im from Ecuador and well here is hard to learn english. Thanks for make great games and dont stop making it.

    1. Jean pierre chica campozano

      Sorry i forgot to say that if i win i want to play the full version of ebf4 the best game, i cant wait for the 5 πŸ™‚

  211. Zer

    Why I personally love the Epic Battle Fantasy games? The nostalgia. I can still remember myself as a young lad, seeing Epic Battle Fantasy 3 on the front page of Kong and giving it a try. Getting sucked in hardcore and just outright gaming. Older, when Epic Battle Fantasy 4 came out for Kong. Since then, I’ve played EBF4 through over twenty times, and it’s still fun. While I have grown, the games themselves show the creator’s progression as well. Expanding into a world map, changing the core dynamics, and even re-doing the whole game for the upcoming EBF5, which was originally a joke around the EBF4 Kong chatrooms. The slew of Matt Roszak games just showing how he has progressed, overlapped with everyones’ own memories through the times.

    Epic Battle Fantasy was a commitment, and I have more than payed my dues.

  212. RJ

    Ever since that day on Newgrounds when EBF2 was released, I’ve never hated an Undead Three-Headed Dragon more in my life. Insta-death and the ability to revive each other? Better make sure you blind them or else. They don’t even have eyes! (Seriously, how did you balance that thing??)
    It was the first time I’ve played an RPG on Very Hard Mode and actually enjoyed it. You’d think that having 9999HP would make things easier except if you’re not prepared be ready to revive over and over again until the Hot Chick KYUN~’s. Oh, and it was totally fun spending over 3 HOURS reaching Lance just to get NUKED and lose all that progress again. The sarcastic Game Over ‘hint’ is my favourite part: “People die when they are killed.” …Thanks for the helpful hint.

    But seriously, your monster designs and the flashy effects is what sold me over. The over-the-top attack animations and the classic turn based combat reminded me of a time when that was all you really needed of a flash game. Simple yet very effective. Ever since then I’ve thoroughly played the rest of your games and had so much fun. That unique charm you have is what inspires me to occasionally draw my own stuff. And if I had to put my finger on what I love most it would have to be the limit breaks; swords and magic is what defines a series and in my opinion you do it the best.
    What I want in EBF5 is more interactive objects. Clicking Nat is fun and all, but wouldn’t it be nice for example if you found neat little easter eggs in the midst of combat?
    Like searching a rock and an ore appears, popping bubbles during the bubble spell, poking an enemies eyes makes it flash for a second, you know little things that could make clicking around fun.

    (Haven’t bought Bullet Heaven 2 yet.. :stars: )

  213. Flashyhero

    The EBF series has been something I’ve played since elementary school (primary school). When I was younger I was like “woah, this game looks cool.” The multiple weapons, the skills (I liked Natz’s the best as a kid. They were flashier, what can I say?), the music (which has only gotten better), and the actual fights made the game feel pretty damn epic. I remember liking EBF 3 because of how the gameplay improved by having an overworld and NPCs (all subjective, of course). I remember liking the new character, and EBF 4 upped the ante by improving on the music, gameplay, and how the battles felt.
    In EBF 5, I’d like to see the above points improve. I look forward to the status effects and affects. Can’t wait to see what role Nolegs takes on.
    If I won, I’d like an EBF 4 steam key.

  214. The_Setup_Wizard

    TL;DR: Your series rocks, the art and music rock, and you’re a proper legend. EBFIV please.

    Well, i love the art style, the mechanics are simple yet well thought out, the music is heavenly, the story is fun, the characters are individually good yet bounce off each other perfectly, the humour is tactfully planned so as to never leave the player’s mind, but never be too obnoxious, and the tons of references make the world seem familiar yet unique, like it’s the fusion of Final Fantasy, One Punch Man, and Hideo Kojima. Also, i tried getting into FF6, and it was neither as user friendly nor did it have as punchy an intro as the EBF series. I still respect the story and lore, though. I just prefer reading a wiki to it. EBF has too much charm to appreciate from a wiki.
    I’d prefer Epic Battle Fantasy 4, if you do choose me.
    Thank you for your generosity towards any of us. Stay well!

    1. The_Setup_Wizard

      Also, forgot to mention it, but your series got me playing a JRPG with EBF3, having not played one since my dad’s Mega Drive emulator for the PC had Phantasy Star IV. So, EBF3 was the first JRPG i ever beat! And EBFIV was the third. The second was Sonic chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood. In other words, you’re better than the entirety of Bioware.

    2. Matt Roszak Post author

      FF6 is one of my favourite games! Or at least it was last time I played it. Maybe it’s aged badly.

  215. I Be Smart

    Matt, I have been a long time lurker on this site (and your newgrounds account when I used it) and the Epic Battle Fantasy series holds a dear place in my heart, because it was the catalyst of my love for turn-based RPGs. I stumbled onto your Epic Battle Fantasy 2 and I fell in love with the gameplay. Epic Battle Fantasy 3’s release made me love the series even more. The inclusion of the over-world and the tons of secrets made had me and my brother complete the game multiple times. I thank you for all the work you have done on this series, and for introducing me to a genre with such greats such as Chrono trigger, Dragon Quest, Suikoden, and Persona.

  216. DarkBlaze63

    I have loved this series of games ever since I played the first one, I loved he old school rpg feel it gave from its battle system, and this love only increased when I played the third game as it really felt like a true rpg with the overworld and skill sets and the variety of weapons and clothes for each character, but also the humour which you dont really get with other games of the genre. The fourth game was a further improvement on the series and still is the best flash rpg I have played.

  217. zak moss

    I love epic battle fantasy because it has a great story, amazing jokes, sounds,etc. In ebf5 i would LOVE to see a martial artist as a playable charachter on the steam version

    Please, if i win, i would like bullet heaven 2 please :smirk:

  218. Justin Hamilton

    I’ve always loved the EBF series since the moment I discovered it browsing Armor Games one day, and in particular I’ve loved how it can either be incredibly accessible or a great challenge with the difficulty options. As for what I’d like to see in EBF 5, a bigger overworld, more content, and just.. More EBF in general would be awesome. If I’m chosen, I’d like a copy of EBF 4, as I’m currently doing another playthrough of the whole series and having access to the premium version of the fourth one would be great.

  219. Black Mage

    I already own both games but in case I won, I’d like a copy of EBF4 to give to my brother. He hasn’t played a lot of the series, but maybe I can sell him on it. :p

  220. Draconix

    I love the characters, I love the story, I love the music, and I love the puns and the attitude.
    I’d like to win the Epic Battle Fantasy 4 because I still haven’t finished it once on Kongregate, and I want to do it the proper way with all the extra stuff.
    Also, I’d like to see a way to bring all my characters into battle at once (or at least a way to level them at once) because my perfectionist screams every time one of my characters gets left behind or gets ahead of the others.

  221. CelestOrion

    I’ve been a fan of the series since EBF1 on Newgrounds, was really excited when the games began to release on Steam, since I’m able to support you by actually BUYING the game instead of playing free versions. Sadly, I’m broke as hell, but if I had a chance to get Bullet Heaven 2, I’d be all over it.

    Hope progress is going smooth for you in regards to development on EBF5, the games are great time-killers!

  222. xvio

    I’ve played EBF i-iv and greatly enjoyed the humor, references, and Phyrnna’s music is no doubt a great plus. The rpg aspects of the games were all great and hit home to the mechanics of the classics. It’s interesting to see you build on those mechanics with every game. Now while rpgs are a great genre, I would have to consider myself to be a bigger shmup, rail-shooter, and bullet hell fan. I grew up playing staples like Ikaruga, Raiden, Gradius, and R-Type and then fell in love with 2hu, eXceed, and the like. The idea of playing a game with your artstyle and humor sounds like a tasty cup of tea that would make me want a refill or two. I would appreciate receiving BH ii. Keep making great games ❗ ❗ ❗

  223. Norticus36

    Hey there Matt! I still have a faint memory from my childhood when i randomly stumbled upon the very first EBF game, which i have really enjoyed playing, but somehow forgot about it for a while, so you can only imagine my joy when i found out that there were sequels to that game. Played EBF3 countless times, was really hyped for EBF4 and kept following your deviantart for infos. And i was right to get hyped about it! It was a really enjoyable game with the return of the so loved adventure map and familiar mechanics of the previous games, but with even more variety! I’m a proud owner of EBF4 ever since the first discounts on christmas. It was a really awesome gift for myself, and i’d like to gift this game to one of my online friends this year, so if somehow i end up being selected i’d like to have another copy of EBF4.

    The only negative element in EBF4 was the backup system, even though you put a lot of thought into it, i’d rather have all of the characters on the screen at once (its only fair since there are a maximum of 5 monsters in one wave – why not have the same limit for players?), but the fact that backup characters didnt gain group buffs from skills made it a non-viable strategy for me on my Epic playthrough. I’m aware that you are improving it in the next game, which im really looking forward to.

  224. Fusania

    I would like bullet heaven 2 if I win! What I love about the game is the characters but also the enemies and the environments they are all so unique and different. I would love to see new environments and enemies in the next game which you have already delivered on! I am happy with how the game is turning out and cant wait to play it! :love2:

  225. MrDrk

    EBF was the saga that introduced me into the RPG way before I got to know any Final Fantasy (I had heard about them, of course, but never played). I fell in love with the saga the moment I began playing EBF3 listened to Enter The Woods by Phyrrna. That song allowed me to get inside the story and made me enjoy every interaction between Natalie, Lance and Matt. I took 3 days to complete the three-headed dragon battle and another 2 for the battle with Akron. When I was in class I could only think about this game. I enjoyed every single minute I spent with it.

    I already bought and completed Epic Battle Fantasy 4 too a couple of years ago, so I would go for Bullet Heaven 2.

  226. Red

    Hi Matt. Well I knew your series existed since a few years ago when I played games on Armor games a lot. Back then I never really got into it, hower when you put EBF 3 on steam for FREE!! I thought well why not. So I got it and the awesome soundtrack that Phyrnna made for it. and well before I even started it I thought….I just have to know what happened before this game. So I played EBF 2 and loved it. And now I’m partway through 3. I like all the references you put into it from other games and/or shows (such as Kon*ta :shades: :yay: ) anyways I guess I’ll wrap up. So far I’ve really enjoyed your games, please keep up the good work, and I’d like EBF 4.

  227. Stian

    Still remember playing number 1 and 2 on kongregate, and number 3 was a huge step for the series!
    I really enjoy turn based rpgs and the humor in these games have been neat as well, looking forward to ebf 5 :yay:

  228. Alexander Wong

    Epic Battle Fantasy is one of the first flash games I played when I was scrolling through Armorgames when I was younger. I enjoyed the RPG playstyle and the quality of the work. The story is also interesting and I played Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and 4 a least 3-4 times already, and try to raise the difficulty of it each time I beat the story. I would like to get Epic Battle Fantasy 4 if I do get to win. If I leave a suggestion for the next series, I am thinking about pets for each character or like a new small companion next to No Legs. Thank you for the work and this wonderful game and I can’t wait to see what EBF5 has in store for everyone!

  229. Fly or Die

    The EBF series, when I discovered it, was a majorrrrrrrrrr trip down nostalgia lane. My childhood consisted of playing fantasy-based flash games (AdventureQuest, anybody?) and final fantasy, and EBF was a beautiful combination of those two things — like seeing an old FF game come to life as an internet flash game. The feeling I got while playing EBF3 & 4 was amazing, and (honestly) not something I’ve felt from anywhere else.

    I’ve played both EBF4 and BH2, but EBF4 is the game that I really fell in love with. Keep up the great work! πŸ™‚

  230. Aurelious

    What I like about EBF huh, back then in my childhood this was one of my favorite series to play (which was 1 and 2 since 3 wasn’t out yet) but ever since I’ve heard 3 came out, I was always entertained about how so many references you’ve made that came from anime or games, which possibly gave you the motivation or inspiration to add more things to the series.
    When the fans grew, I feel like the effort you’re putting in is also growing and really that’s what it should be all about, giving your fans what you like but at the same time keeping what you really want in the game because you put so much work into it.
    As for what I want to see in future releases, how about returning old characters you’ve made back in the past or ones that never got in because it just didn’t feel right so its something you’d want to improve later on. If we’re talking about game mechanics, I’d be interested to see team combination attacks consisting of all three characters doing an ultimate combo at the cost of using all character’s special gauge (of course the sub’s gauge doesn’t get used) but that just gives another idea of support specials or combination.
    I’d like to have Epic Battle Fantasy 4 since I’m really terrible at shooters πŸ˜₯

  231. JobLobber

    I Want Epic Battle Fantasy 4. hey dude, ive always enjoyed the EBF series :love: because its always been a fun RPG :yay: with the characters, weapons, and especially the skills. ive always loved getting a new skill and testing it out in a battle to find out what it does ❓ and the weapons and outfits youve made have always made me think about what i want to invest my materials in, and i really like it because you earn your stuff. its not just farm coins, buy better stuff, farm coins, buy better stuff. you have to go out in the world and FIND them. also i would like the leveling and XP gaining for getting skills to be a bit faster, i would go through 10 whole battles and not even be able to buy or upgrade a skills… also maybe a dubstep weapon. good luck to ya on making EBF5. your fan -Ricky

  232. Anthony Angulo

    This series was one of the first rpg series on newgrounds i’ve started playing. I remember the hype when epic battle fantasy 3 was coming out. Its a series that i enjoy playing from time to time. The second one is my favorite but the 4th one added so many new things and it was a real game and now the 5th is coming out. Can’t wait goodluck fam.

  233. WalrusesFTW

    The first time I ever saw EBF was on newgrounds sooooo very long ago, and have followed the game series ever since. I’ve enjoyed these games when i’m lookin for something to play, that reminds me of that good old rpg combat, has some goofy characters, and the most badass battle cat to have ever lived. Something I’d Like to see? maybe a little minigame like the nolegs cat battle one from ebf2? :love:

  234. Golat

    I remember way back when, i was just looking for random flash games to play on a game website bored out of my mind. guess which one i happened to see then played for the next few months on repeat? epic battle fantasy, the original one, then came epic battle fantasy two. by then i started following you on Deviantart, always exited for the next update. regardless of me winning or losing, i hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and keep doing what you love. :smirk:

  235. Griffinbob1

    I like the Epic Battle Fantasy series because not only have you been super nice by having pretty much all of the game for free but having a classic but different rpg experience. I think EBF5 looks like a huge improvement to EBF4 by adding small little things like weather and new status effects. I think that one thing that would help EBF5 is some new things to do with the blocking mechanic. Blocking is a pretty boring move that is almost only used the much further levels against charge abilities. I think blocking could be changed a bit by having different armors effect it in different ways. Things like having it so if officer’s coat is equipped you have a higher block percent towards dark moves. Maybe some armors gives small buffs when successfully blocking an attack. Another feature that might be cool is as you upgrade things in the forge more particles and effects come out of the weapon when using it.

  236. Rawrinator

    i found both games while browsing a few good web games to play. i soon got hooked. I really got into rpgs and bullet hell games from these two. i would like ebf4

  237. Andrew, Do I Have To Put My Last Name

    I found epic battle fantasy 3 a while ago with my brother. we both got instantly hooked. My brother and I played for hours and once we finally finished I we felt great. That series got me hooked into rpgs. Bullet heaven, i also found awhile ago. now i play more bullet hell games like it. i really want both but i got to say bullet heaven 2 due to the replay-ability. :yay:

  238. Rempertu

    I love that this series isn’t obsessed with taking itself too seriously. It’s willing to joke around and be a bit ridiculous from time to time. I’ve played tons of rpg’s over the years, and yet this series has remained my favorite.

  239. ImNw

    i like overall all saga of EBF and some other games and animations you made because involve a lot of funny comments or references to other games/series,etc so merry Christmas to u and happy year 2, i like EBF 4. W8 for EBF5 and keep doing and excelent job

  240. Tre Martinez

    When it comes to the EBF series, its just the kind of whimiscal, and silly kind of game that is refreshing. Compared to all the serious and bloody kind of RPG’s, its relatively new for me in person, and has an excellent story, and finds ways to make fun of everything in the best way possible. Even the reason for cats not having limbs were explained! Its just such a great series, and i am excited to see what the future holds! For what i want in the future games… Im not completely sure, because the games cover most all the bases that i could think of. Going for EBF4 if possible, and have a nice holiday! :smirk:

  241. Marek

    Well… This year I’m giving a chance for BH’2. Nothing special from me, just a standard words: I love your games, waiting for EBF’5 ( :yay: ), keep doing your awesome ,,arts” and marry Christmas to you, and all who is reading it right now :smirk: ( Aaaaaa, this new EBF will be great! Poorly, Lance won’t have his revolver πŸ˜₯ By me, that was the one of better things in him. But… Anyway, I’m talking too far away from main sentence :scared: END :smirk: )

  242. Chrysphylax

    I love this series a lot, and am panting in anticipation for EBF5, along with the beautiful soundtracks it brings πŸ˜€

  243. enriquevonyork

    EBF4 is literally my favorite non-grand strat game of all time. A couple minutes after I started playing 3 1/2 years ago, I was hooked. I hadn’t played EBF3 on AG because I was 12 and expected it to have some kind of pornographic element from the pic of Natz in a tiger dress, but man was I wrong (I mean, there was a little bit of that, but the game was good enough that it didn’t matter). So when I started playing EBF4, it opened my eyes to how great games can be. I loved the mechanics, the min/maxing, and I remember feeling so proud of myself for noticing that you could hit Crystal Golem 3 times each turn so it would always use an ice attack. That was the joy of discovery that games are supposed to give, and EBF4 did it brilliantly.
    Even more than that, it kindled my love of video game music. Humming along to Faerie Breeze when I was slaughtering the jungle’s wildlife was really the first time I had actively thought about the music I was listening to while I was playing a game. That gradually became my favorite song – whenever I felt stressed or anxious, I would hum a bit of Faerie Breeze in my head and feel more relaxed and confident. When I was practicing some of the music for my school’s orchestra, I noticed some of it felt familiar, but I couldn’t quite place it. Then it hit me: that phrase was almost the same as the chorus in Weshdoor Concert. When I realized that, I spent way too much time of my practice sessions trying to figure out how to play the actual Weshdoor Concert part, but the music Phyrnna wrote – and the game it’s within – was too amazing to let go.
    I’m not even sure if I’m asking for the game here, or if I just want you to see how much I love your games. I don’t want it for the soundtrack – I already bought EBF4’s and BH2’s on iTunes, but I feel like any more time I spend playing your games is more time I spend falling in love with them. I guess that’s why I want the full version (either is fine). So I can spend more time enjoying one of the best games I ever played.
    Also btw thanks for linking to that one Extra Credits video a while back (The one on how developing games is hard and “ideas are cheap”). Seriously, those guys are one of the best YT channels and thank you for introducing me to them.
    I feel like I’ve rambled way too much about my life story, but suffice it to say that I really love your games. Thank you, and thank Phyrnna.

    1. enriquevonyork

      If you need a specific game to pick, I guess I’ll go for EBF4. Thanks again for actually setting up these giveaways, especially when you give most of your games for free anyway.

  244. Colin

    This is a fun thing to talk about. And I can still remember back when I played EBF1 back when I was in middle school and not actually beating it till months later after returning to it, rolling the dice with death during the Hydra fight in EBF2, going to the more traditional RPG style that was EBF3, and that ride continued with EBF4. Anyways, I’d say the reason why I like EBF is simple really: I just find it charming. And I can’t think of any other reason really, I just simply find the games to be fun, simple, and entertaining. EBF just satisfies my desire to play a more traditional RPG without emulating a Final Fantasy or Dragon Warrior/Quest game while also having the same attraction (to me at least) as the Pokemon games where I just want to play it when I know a new one is on its way. And then there are the BH games that that I just enjoy because I like Shmup’s and Bullet Hells and I get to play as the characters that just grew on me.

    Finally, I honestly can’t think of what I could possibly want in EBF5, I’m just waiting patiently for when the game comes out so it can steal a good chunk of time. I really just want to play it.

    As for which game I’d want if I actually win? I’m an incredibly indecisive person, so I’d say just flip a coin on it. I’ll be satisfied with either game really.

    Anyways, keep up the good work!

  245. Hardgone

    EBF serie is very good .It s an orginial game EBF u can t find much of game like EBF . I like the gameplay , the different terrains , the creatures . EBF 1-2 were worst than 3-4. Exploring and getting 100% in this game is hard and thats good . The game has good graphics , u are 1 working on this game and the game looks beautifull , i can t imagine how much work u have to do to create a good game like this alone . Im waiting with impatience for EBF 5 .( EBF 4 key)

  246. 246vipfreezeray

    I’ve been a fan of your work since EBF1, i love the humor and the characters and the animation is amazing, some of the best I’ve ever seen.
    I would love to play the paid version of bullet heaven 2, i had so much fun completing the free version and i feel like I’ll have more fun playing the paid version.
    I would love to see some new and shiny magic and swords for Natalie and Matt.

  247. brimstone nightmare

    well where i start i found EBF3 one day i played because its about RPG i love that game style that you select for the game , i really really like it , sadly i wasnt able to complete it , then i notice that you were developing EBF4, and i was really excited because , i knew that the next game will be way better , i was waiting , until you release it , still i was not able to complete it , i was thinking to buy it but in that time i dont have an steam account , time ago i saw you make a n giveway i was thinking if i should enter , but for reasons i forgot about it , then i know Bullet Heaven 2 , you really do a good job , that game was my favorite , the enemies, the music , even ,i enjoy every time i falied , that title was my favorite from all , and again i cant buy the game on steam i really want BH2 because i wanted to fight the extra stages and the new boss battles
    i hope this time i win something at least the BH2
    P.D : have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :hurray: :smirk:

  248. Dinolambrix25

    First time I try Epic Battle Fantasy was Epic Battle Fantasy 4 when I was looking for a new game to play. It was the first time in a long time I really enjoy a web game because it had great combat, bosses that challenge you by changing how you play at that point of the game, and characters that you can really enjoy with out having to find there backstories. the thing i want in the next game in party members that died during battle and never got revived get exp base how they did/how they live for for that battle so they don’t fall behind to much.(I would like the EBF 4 steam key)

  249. master5000

    I love epic battle fantasy because when I was bored I was looking for games in kongregate and I found the EBF saga in which I hooked a lot to give it back (except the epic mode) is one of the first RPG I have played and I have hooked so much.
    I would like to introduce changes of language since I am Spanish :yay:

  250. Thunder

    I’ve played almost every game at least once. since the second game, I’ve enjoyed the music (well the original music at least) and the mechanics are good. i really enjoyed controlling characters that are level 99 fighting through waves of enemies. the third game i just loved. a new party member, the ability to walk around an open world. finding loot. the little references and bits of humor sprinkled through the game. it’s always nice to play through the game again and find something new. yeah. the plot is simple, but plot isn’t everything. in the fourth game, it was a near master piece. the music was so lively and cool. all the new skills (while all not useful) were cool. Anna was cool and kinda replace lance for me. the map design was nice, but i didn’t like the whole key blocks. i’d much rather fight a big wave of enemies or a strong a monster. i never got to play any of the side content like battle mountain, but oh well. if i do happen to win, which i doubt, i guess i’d like epf4 and five when it comes out if that’s a choice. if not, i guess bullet heaven 2. as for the fifth game. i want all the characters to be a bit more useful, as i felt Anna kinda replaced lance. she could do earth attacks, poison attacks, water, thunder, and ice. yeah she can’t do bomb, but she does get a weapon that uses bomb as an attribute. she can also heal like lance can. i simply want every character to be useful in more way then one.

  251. Pankace

    I played EBF for the first time with some friends who had found it when I was in third grade and I fell in love with the game. Now whenever I play it I feel nostalgic but I usually only when I don’t have access to many other’s since I have fallen in love as well.

  252. MrBobSaget

    EBF has honestly been the best video game series i have played to date, the art style had the most effort i’ve seen, and i have never seen a glitch ever (excluding glitch boss :P) you put serious thought into every action, even the smallest bit of grass probably had you thinking, “eeeeh should i really put it there?” each enemy was thought out to the smallest detail, you provide multiple playthroughs with new ways of playing each time, and the games aren’t even close to easy to beat. No one has probably been more happy to see this game rather than your entire fan base :love2:
    And know you are struggling to see if the fans will be pleased by this new idea you have, this new baby you have no clue what to do with, believe in yourself, and believe in the fans, everyone will accept whatever you do as the best and will enjoy it, no one has really gotten this much praise out of me to be honest :scared: and well i feel happy to have this game series to play with along with it’s community that is extremely friendly. πŸ˜₯

    Ebf4 was soooo much damn fun, been wanting to tackle the freaking battle mountain so long , but i am pretty much broke :bleh: i hope you have a wonderful holiday and a merry christmas along with new year.

    Hope you get everything you ever hope for in life :3

  253. Gerald Pitts

    i love all the EBF games so much ive played and beat every one and have gotten every achievement in them, they remind me of final fantasy thats why i love them so much, the graphics are amazing, the story is perfect every time, i cant get enough would love to win but if not thats fine too <3 keep making amazing games

  254. Tony

    I love Epic Battle Fantasy for so many reasons. I love the music, the simple gameplay. I love the subtle (and not so subtle) humor between Matt and Nat. I love the small details, like dialogue when just passing through an area, or the blurbs when getting hit by tentacles. I’d love an EBF4 key, so I can finally find out what I’ve been missing out on that’s not in the free version. Thanks!

    I’d like to see more interaction with the actual map in EBF5, like EBF4 does with the hammer and axe.

    also, can’t forget screamer dog <3

  255. Sal

    Well to be honest the first time I came across this series was way back in 2009 I believe? And I actually liked the game (It was the original EBF) I also remember thinking Matt was a girl XD But I didn’t play it as much becuase back then I was like.. 10? And I sorta sucked at RPG’s.
    Fast forward to around 2013 and I remembered this game existed, so I searched for it, and I the first link was Epic Battle Fantasy 3. I played it on Kongregate and it was the best game I’d come across (As most flash games I’d played at the time were pretty simplistic) I liked everything about it pretty much, the music, gameplay(obviously <.<) and even the dialouge, it was just a great game.
    Later on I played EBF4 which was an even better game by quite a margin, and it fixed a few problems I had with the 3rd game (Not being to see enemy weaknesses with an "AoE" attack, to just mention one). And at the time it was my favorite series, and it still is!
    Ah, as for what I'd like to see in the next game, it's already implemented it seems, as I actually wanted to be able to change their hair colors :smirk:
    Well, this got a bit long it seems XD If I get the key I'd like the EBF4 one
    And even if I don't get it, I'd like to thank you Matt for making this awesome series πŸ˜€

  256. l-alchimiste

    Wonderful game, please try it for “MacOSX” otherwise I could not buy it…

    News equipements sounds good

  257. Polenen

    I really enjoyed the EBF series. I started playing the third on kongregate along time ago and binged about half way through. Ever since i’ve loved the games. For me probably the best part is the amazing humor and dialog, music, and art. The story isn’t great but it is there so you still have somthing to do. I really like all the achievements, ranging from really challenging and skill basses to grinding to simply clicking on natillies boobs.

    1. Polenen

      I forgot to mention this but in the upcoming game I really liked the idea of more status effects and an emphasis on using them and debuffs/buffs. in ebf4 it made a huge difference but some things (like burn, poison, and dodge) weren’t very usful the majority of the time.

  258. Trishock

    Hey, I’ve been playing your games since brawl royale all those years ago. The work you do is amazing and your games are just so much fun. This giveaway is a really kind gesture of you so thanks so much! :stars:

  259. SilverAlphaWolf

    i’ve been playing the EpicBattle series since i found your animations on Newgrounds when i was like 14, ive loved the art style and the silly antics of the characters as wwell as the weapons and spells they wielded in battle, every game i’ve played always reminded me of the clasic RPGs we all grew up with and loved, mainly the older classic Final Fantasys, and in all honesty i like your games much more then the newer FF’s out there, i love your stories and how stupid yet thrilling they are for what they are, God cats and magic demon monsters the crew just -happens- to fight you stumble upon or just do it because they were bored, all ofthat has kept me playing for ages, and even in EBF5 i’d love to see more of it, see where the group travels next and what monster or creature becomes the next wall in they’re random paths, honestly. i want to see even more of the world your creating and the story that comes with it,

    and if possible i’d like bullet heaven 2!

  260. Chauchau

    I’ve started playing EBF3 back in 2008 and instantly got hooked onto the series due to how it’s a fun little rpg series with a simple but great combat system. I have already bought EBF4 (twice: on kongregate and steam) as well as BH2 on steam but I’d still like to get a key for one of my friends for EBF4

  261. darki

    The one thing that definitely sold me on the game many years ago was the combat. It provides you with many options to a single situation, and that opens up a world of possibilites. The sheer amount of equipment and skills, and the difficulty of the boss fights, always makes me discover different strategies. It’s complex and varied while maintaining a fast pace.
    As for what i’d want for future games, you’ve already delivered! I made a comment some months ago talking about how much i wanted stat buffs to be less nescessary. While the combat is varied, the buffs are always required no matter what. Thankfully, you already talked about how you plan on changing that, and i’m extremely hopefull!
    Since i already have EBF4, i’d love to play Bullet Heaven 2. :hurray:

  262. Andrew

    I’ve seen my brother play through EBF 1 and 2 and fell in love with the series, but the first game I played was Brawl Royale and kept trying to beat zombie Goku relentlessly. I then started playing through all your games, EBF 1-4 and Adventure story and loved every single one of them, and with EBF 4 adding on Battle Mountain and the dark characters, I knew right then that when EBF 5 comes out, I will be buying it on day one. Keep making the games the best you can and I will always be a fan of your work :yay: :stars: And the version I would love to have is Bullet Heaven 2 πŸ™‚

  263. Ethan Zhang

    When I was approximately four years old, my brother introduced me to a game called Epic Battle Fantasy. I was absolutely intrigued by the game’s art and mechanics. I was immediately captivated by the game. Later on, when I had found out that Epic Battle Fantasy II existed, I immediately began to play it, and I was completely impressed by it. It was much more better than the first one. Then, Epic Battle Fantasy III had came out. At the time, it truly felt like a game that could be published to the public and would make loads of money. The battle system was quite similar to the previous EBF, but the navigation aspect of EBF3 was amazing. When I had heard that you were in the process of making Epic Battle Fantasy IV, I was extremely excited and I viewed every teaser and watched you announce the completion percentage of EBF4 every time you did so. When the beta version of the game came out, I quickly hopped onto my computer and began to play it. Now I’m here, watching you create Epic Battle Fantasy V. It brings me great happiness when I think that such a meagre game could become such a large game with an enormous fan base.

    Thanks Matt, and Happy Holidays!~ :stars: :love: :stars: :love:

  264. George

    Wanted to be part of the giveaway, would be nice for christmas.
    Epic Battle Fantasy was one of the first Flash games that I really fell in love with. Made some art inspired from the series.
    I’ve sort of been a follower of your work for long and as much as I loved your work, I fell flat on enjoying your latest projects. Now that I finally have some free time, I would love to continue the saga that you have created. EBF4 is the game I would like but that is not necessary, I just wanted to let you know that you are a big part of my childhood gaming.

    Have a fantastic day and good luck to everyone.

  265. Mujtabaa Muhammad

    I love your games Matt, I’m hopefully going to be going to Full Sail University and make games of my own. I haven’t ever had a role model, but I think you’d be the closest to one. I hope I can make games very entertaining and interesting while having that sense of uniqueness like your games. I’ll always be supporting you, :stars:

  266. TheCookie

    The reason i love the series is that it is an unique RPG, probably the best i have played so far. i think i played the third game 7 times now and the forth game 5 times, but only the free version on kongregate. it has great characters, a great story, great fighting aspects and a nice world.

    I would like to have an interesting story like the other games + a interesting world and of course No leg as a playable character :3

    i would like to have EBF4

    Good luck to everyone else btw πŸ˜€

  267. Mimel4

    I have played the first 3 EBF and bullet heaven 1 and I loved every one of them, the art style is great and the character are pretty funny. Rpg being my favorite game the epic battle fantasy series was all I hoped for ^^ I would like a bullet heaven 2 key if I win the giveaway

  268. christherenegade13

    the reason why i like the series is because it just seems to me to be masterfully made I loved the way it worked and how it was for ebf4 for any improvements on ebf5 i think that certain foes should have repelling resistances not just absorbing let’s say the foes in ebf3 but they reflect it instead like the magma slime and the ghost thing but let’s try having that one foe like before that was a repelling force also i would like if i win the steam key the ebf4 steam key

  269. Stefan Kriechmus

    I’m not interested in a key for my own…
    I’d like to tease someone who isn’t sure about playing the EBF-Series… I’m already teasing him for about 5 months or so…

  270. Kisheen

    Epic Battle Fantasy was one of my very first flash games which I fell in love with! :love: All your art and design improvement has inspired me that if you can just start, then anything is possible and you can continue to chase your dreams. Epic Battle Fantasy is a great game and I wish to support you and whatever media you produce. Happy Holidays Buddy! :yay:

  271. Battery

    Loved the EBF series so far, and cant wait to see your hard work sgown in EBF 5. Just started a steam account a few days ago, and either of those would be an awesome game to get first!

  272. ArtemiyX

    Hi Matt (or Kupo)!
    I like EBF series, aside because it’s an enjoyable saga, also because I like the relation between the characters as their designs, and it reminds me of my childhood, owing to I used to play your games (and I still do) at that age.
    I enjoy the excellent quality regarding to the graphics, soundtrack and design. EBF’s climax is, undoubtedly, original, and the love and effort that you offer in your games is something that drives me crazy. Carry on like this and don’t change! You’re the best!
    Then, something that I would like to see in the next game, is something never seen in other EBF games. But, if I had to say something, I wouldn’t. I prefer it to be a surprise. Although I would have loved that there was a foe made by me. However, I know that now it’s impossible due to the contest has finished and I didn’t share my foe’s ideas (I didn’t actually get to draw them, oops).
    Don’t worry about that, just keep in mind that I will follow you ’til the end, and in the next contest (I hope that there’s any), I will participate.
    The game I would like to have is Epic Battle Fantasy IV.
    Good luck with everything, and regards from Artem, one of your most active followers, even though I don’t usually comment anything. πŸ™‚

  273. Feng

    I like the EBF series because I love rpg turn-based games. I think the EBF series is really well made and it’s one of my favorites series of games. There isn’t much i’m expecting in the next game because to me the games are already perfect. I’d prefer EBF4 and i’m really looking forward to EBF5 :love: :stars:

  274. PatrΓ­cia

    So… Where do I comment again? :tongue:
    Kidding.. he reason why i like EBF series so much is.. uh everything? I mean I like RPGs and I pay a lot of them but I finish only very few of them. Thats because after some time they get boring, everything feels the same, backgrounds are repetitive etc.. But with your games I dont have to worry about those things because when I open an EBF game I know for sure there will be tons of artwork, lots of spells, hidden treasures (I live for those), million foes to fight. Basically its practicaly impossible to get tired of your games. I realise making such a game takes a lot of effort, and I am glad you are getting the appreciation that you deserve for it. Please accept this token of virtual appreciation from me :bacon: .
    In the next game I would just like to see all of the things above, I dont think I can come up with anything innovative to add. One thing though, thats maybe just my problem, but I kinda always forget that Lance exists :scared: . In other words.. I dont use backup like ever.. As I said thats just me, but maybe it would be interesting to add a way to play all characters at once and make the foes stronger when doing so.. I dont care if that gets into the game though.. Ill love EBF regardless :smirk:
    Have a great Christmas!
    (Also Id like EBF4)

  275. Gearwrath

    About 6 years ago I discovered your EBF series and played around with it a few times, not really knowing how much there was to it. I didn’t beat the first one, almost finished the 2nd, and then found out about the 3rd and convinced myself to beat it. It was exciting to play because I never have played any turn based rpgs, but I was familiar this was based off of Final Fantasy’s system in a sense. Anyways, I fell in love with them and came up with a cool idea to have my brother play as one of the characters as well. It became a 2player game for us and we maxed our skills out as we chose, aiding each other however we could and coming up with cool catchphrases. We became the characters. Eventually we went back and beat the first and attempted it on the hardest difficulty, never beat it but it was still fun. The 4th game recently came out and I played all the way until the god cats, haven’t beaten them since but i’m determined to go back and play through and beat it before EBF5 (which means i still got some time). I already got another friend hooked into the series who played Final Fantasy as a kid himself. Anywho, Happy Holidays to you Matt.

  276. Clader

    I like mostly everything in the EBF series.
    Fan of this humur , the graphics aren’t “ultra mega high definition 3d photorealistic …” but still good and cute.
    Game library nowadays don’t have new game with this classic but fucking good gameplay.
    Always good to play after finish it some time.

    Only bad point : EBF5 Hype , i already want to play it πŸ˜₯

    ps: I prefer EBF 4 (not fan of shoot’em up ) :yay:

  277. Sebastian

    Hey, Matt! I’d really like to play Bullet Heaven 2 because I already have Epic Battle Fantasy 4. My favourite games of your series is actualy EBF3. Why? Because at the time I played it 6 years ago it got me into programming I remember thinking “I would love to be able to create something this caliber” now, don’t get me wrong EBF4 is awesome, but since the first game of the series I played was the third one, it stuck with me. I’m currently playing it on steam but I can’t since I don’t have much time (I already finished it on Kongregate but I want those steam achievements) Also you are my inspiration on creating games. Hope you never retire, to keep admiring your work! :yay:

  278. metalders

    I kinda understand why you won’t re-release EBF 1, but I think I would be nice to release EBF 2 along with EBF 5.

    Except if you’re gonna have copyright problems…

    1. Stephen Wu

      I’d really like to have EBF4 because it has been the best RPG I’ve ever played. I found EBF3 when it first came out, and I have completed both games numerous times, due to their great replayability. The series as a whole has a classic RPG feel to it, something which I’ve never found since.

  279. nolegsfan

    its been awhile since I’ve played EBF1 that was my first rpg game ever and i loved this series and i also fell in love with the side games like adventure story and cat cafe (even if its ded) i really hope i get the steam keys and maybe show some of my friends this game you’ve made a master piece Matt and we love you for it :stars: also i really wanted to get the dlc for bullet heaven 2 πŸ™

  280. ragnarok

    reason why i want 1 of the steam keys?



    and explosions, nuff said, don’t care much about staffs or bows :I

  281. RenΓͺ Druziani

    I’m brazilian and I’m a beginner GameDev.
    The first time I played EBF, I didn’t fiinish ’cause I’m lazy. But after finished EBF4 once, I played 1, 2, 3, 4 again, 3 again, Bullet Heaven, 4 again xD
    I don’t know how to put it in words… I like everything in the saga… every little thing, cause even the smallest details are amazing.
    I love your art style so much, it’s so clean and funny… it’s hard not to get amazed with.
    The characters concept … whoa! There’s no way to not love them. Matt, Natz, Lance, Anna (my fav :love2: )
    Even the NPCs are funny, GODCAT (I love Godcat).
    The whole story and plot always surprise me, because they are well developed…
    The HUMOR, dude, I can’t count how many times was laughing while I’m playing. Every joke and pun that amuse in the right time.
    I know the music is made by Phyrnna, but I REALLY REALLY love the sound track of every game. OMHG it’s amazing.
    Every boss fight is so epic.
    I like so much the element system by percentage, it’s intuitive and very useful.
    The many attacks and equips, for various combinations… wow!! :stars:
    So many times I showed it to friends and said: “PLAY PLAY PLAY, IT’S AWESOME!!”

    I’d like to say much more, but I don’t know how :bleh: Sorry if the english is not quite good.
    I would like Epic Battle Fantasy 4.
    And thank you for bringing me such happiness.

  282. Thommy

    I don’t really want to win because I already own EBF 4 and I’m not much of a bullet hell guy but if I do win for some reason, another EBF4 key would be nice so I can send it to my brother, he loves these kinds of games too!
    But really I’m just here to tell you that the moment I noticed Golden Sun references in the EBF series for the first time (Gonna be honest, I don’t remember which I played first… 2 I think?) I got way more interested, after that came the art style and the genuinely funny jokes and just the good, old fashioned RPG gameplay.

    Like I said, I already own and have enjoyed EBF 4 for a while now. And in the next entry in the series I just want to see more Golden Sun references because GS and GStLA are my favourite RPGs (and maybe games) of all-time, and the fact that you took the Catastrophe summon and made your own version of it in your games is just AWESOME! πŸ˜€

  283. Kum

    It was summer 2013.My computer was dead and all i had was a shity laptop that could only play mincraft so i visited armor games site i hopes to find something to play and I found something so beautiful that my child mind was blown away.And what i found was EBF 4 it was turnbased RPG it had complex combat and bunch of enemies to kill awesme soundtrack and bunch of jokes it was all i ever wanted from an trunbased RPG so I played it whole summer.In EBF5 I want more boss fights like crystal golem and that boss fights have more waves whit more forms like the god cat and more awesome soundtrack.Well if you didnt get from my previous statement i would rly like EBF4 and i hope that EBF5 comes out soon.

  284. Podeste

    Hey, I was a big fan of Epic Battle Fantasy 2 when I discovered it the first time, and EBF 3 was very good too. I still didn’t test EBF 4, but I want to if I can.
    Cheers !

  285. Matty Maskman

    I hung alot around Newsground when i was younger and admired the animations and games i found there, i remember with fondness the day i found EBF. I found the artstyle appealing and the humor was perfect. I didn’t get all references, but i’ve filled in the blanks over the year and every time i found another thing i remembered: i got a little tinge of nostalgia. And i also a certain bouncy thing was just the funniest thing ever. :stars:

    Now, i wanna say that i already have both games, but i’d love the game key for EBF4. Cause i wanna share the experience with my brother, and he is just the right type of nerd trash to love these games.

  286. DoctorSpade

    They’re all just pure awesome! The humor, the fighting, even the puzzles. Ironically I’ve never actually finished any of them (the ones with a story I mean)… Notdoppler always messes with my save >:c
    But yeah Anywho. I think 5 seems great. New character means tweaks to the system and more abilites, and that means I’m happy~
    Aaaaaaand If I win, then I would like EBF4
    So I can finally finish it * ^ *
    Have a good day people~!

  287. Jozsef Korosi

    Merry Chrismas everyone!

    I like EBF3 and EBF4 , as like both Bullet Haven games. I really like this cute looking artstyle, and that kind of humor what the games provided. Also like the music. Its inspire me before exams, relaxing me after hard work days. I like that i can customize our heroes gear in wide range but they also have own personalitys. Nowdays if somebody say that turn based 2D RPGs and bullet storm like games are extincted i always give them these examples and say: They are not.

    It’s hard to say something about what i would like to see in the next games. Maybe a new map, new adventures, new challenges like Arena, but keep this turn based combat system with this kind of humor. Include some story elements. Maybe a new hero, but it’s not so important. New bosses.

    I like RPG games more then BHs, also EBF5 coming soon, so I going to pick EBF4. :shades:

    (Sorry for my english. 😐 Keep up the good work! And Happy holidays!) :hurray:

  288. MrBaaata

    I donΒ΄t know what to say; I’m here for the freebies :wut:
    Joke appart; when I first played EBF2, I didn’t know what I was doing. It was with EBF3 that I really got hooked to the turn based RPGs, I loved the character design, the ingame references and the skills. Played it a bunch of times, getting all I the equipment I could and testing diferent combinations. Then EBF4 came out. God, I just loved it. But I couldn’t get the premium content because I didn’t have a credit card, or other means to buy the game. You’ve done a great work with all your games, from game mechanics to lore and character design. I hope everyone can keep enjoying all your games, and the new to come (I super exited for the upcoming EBF5 :stars: )

  289. [email protected]

    I started following Matt back when i watched “One More Final Battle” on Newgrounds. After that i watched the rest of his works and then started following him so that i’d see any new stuff he produced. Brawl Royale was alright, but EBF 1 and 2 were great. So when EBF 3 came out as a full game, I absolutley loved it. Adventure story and bullet heaven were pretty cool too, but i liked the EBF turn based combat more. And then EBF4 came out, and i bought it on steam first chance i could get because of how excited i was to play it.

    It’s kind of hard to say exactly what i like so much about the series. Maybe it’s because i’ve been playing them for so long that i feel so drawn towards them. It’s nice following a creator and watching their skills improve over time. I’d be lying if i said the game was absolutely perfect in every way, but it it defenitely has it’s charms. HalcyonicFalconX/Phyrnna for example, her music is absolutely gorgeous which is pretty vital to a game with turn based combat, you gotta have good background music to make the monotony of combat more pleasant. The sillyness of the games as well, it’s a lighthearted adventure were going on. No need for big plot, just a simple “go here, do that, solve some puzzles along the way”. It all makes for a very pleasant adventure with nice music and an all around good time.

  290. Furan

    I have played EBF games since the first scrappy one, and I have loved every one of them :yay: (even though I got frustrated at some points, damn some bits were hard πŸ˜₯ ).
    When Bullet Hell came out I really hoped that it was not a good idea with a bad outcome :scared: . And I got a really good game, with very high replay value, like the others EBF games ❗ .
    I’m really happy that the EPF project has become this big through these years. It started as a simple and fun gameplay, and it was heartwarming to see it becoming a bit more complex each time. :ooo:
    I would really love to have EBF as a christmas present…! It would be a funny surprise to get the game from the developer itself :stars: .
    Oh, and Anna is the best character. :smirk:

  291. Julen Puertas BaΓ±os

    I like “EBF” because it impresed me back in the day. Years ago I used to play almost nothing but browser games and the first instalment of the series caught my eye because how much it resembled “Final Fantasy”, because I found interesting the feel of playing with two carachters with their skills already developed and because all the references to diferent games and series. Years later, when I already had played the second game, I was very surprised to see the improvement that there was with the third one, having a map to explore and fully resembling a JRPG with almost everything that these have. For me it was the best browser game and I became fan of the series because of the amount of work and dedication I felt that it had. I noticed the huge improvement that was with the music too. I love listening good OSTs and take into account when I hear a particular good one, and that was the case with “EBF3”.

    Reasons I like about “EBF”:

    – I like the flash style of the game, specially the fact that while being so kawaii (something I don’t like) sometimes it can be really creepy like with Akron and the undead enemies and dark spells.
    – Music is beyond awesome. It’s better than the OST of lots of non indie games that have whole studios suporting them.
    – The characters are funny, have good dialogues and cool abilities (specially the limit breaks).
    – Variety in equipments (which have good designs too).
    – Monsters are very cool, have interesting (but sometimes annoying) abilities and you need to adapt the strategy depending on the team you are facing. Bosses are even better, it is impresive how hard they can get to be and defeating them is very rewarding.
    – You don’t need to be a genious to solve the puzzles.
    – (In EBF3 only) Badges had an actual purpose to be collected, not just for fun nor for filling.
    – Natallie’s tits bouncing.

    Things I like about “Bullet Heaven”:
    – As with main “EBF”-s, the music.
    – Enemy and bullet patterns. I love the fact that there are both types: regular patterns like circles or spirals, and irregular patterns whose bullets don’t seem to follow any clear order. I also like the fact that these types of patterns appear together at the same time.
    Both these things make the game a great audiovisual experience. Really, there may not be as many reasons as for the main saga, but these two things combined provide a great experience that is at times very relaxing and beautiful and another times very frenetic (a quality I love in a game), and both are enjoyable. There are not many games that can say the same.

    Things I would like to see in next games:
    – Phyrnna as a playable character.
    – Less importance to the elements. It would be harder to make unique weapons for the characters that way, but I thing that there are just too many elemental attributes and that all of the weapons take too much advantage of them. I would like to see them still having importance but being more limited. Maybe that loss could be compensated with more status effects and the weapons being oriented to them. Anyway, I don’t like having more elements aside fire, thuner, ice, holy and dark. Poison could still be there while not being an element, and water spells still could have importance by wetting enemies to damage them better with ice and thunder.
    – More unique roles for the party. It is good to have more than a character that can heal and things like that, but I would like to to feel the characters more unique, like Phyrnna being the main healer, Natallie the elemental spellcaster, Anna the Summoner, Matt being more explicitely oriented towards defending the party and Lance towards the attack. And there still could be space for some of the other characters having healing abilities aside Phyrnna, or a couple of fire spells for Lance.

    If I win I would like to purchase the “Bullet Heaven 2”.

  292. Milli

    I like EBF series because the games are easy to understand, but hard to master.
    You managed to have the epic feeling of bossfights without having to build up to it with dull fights. Even tho the characters were epic to begin the simple “leveling” system after each fight felt rewarding.
    In the later games you managed to make even easy encounters fun and managed to create a game with an interactive crafting and progression system without needless grinding.
    The art and music which I’ve always enjoyed tremendously is just the icing on the cake.
    I’m looking forward to EBF5.

    I’m entering for EBF4. Even tho I have already played it on Kongregate I’m looking to adding it to my steam library and re-earning all the achievements for my friends to see.

  293. Jake Denton

    I really did like what Anna brought to the table in terms of attacks in EBF4 and how she covered the more nature based elements, I look forward to seeing how NoLegs comes into this :yay:

  294. BluePaw

    My favorite thing about Epic Battle Fantasy has to be the characters. I loved reading their dialogue, remarks, etc. while playing through EBF4. Each character’s personality really stood out in the group which made them, in my opinion, work well together. I’m really looking forward to meeting NoLegs as a playable character in the 5th game! :smirk:

    What I would like to see in the next game… This is going to sound weird, but you know how the cut-scenes in EBF4 were designed? They were in a sort of colorful construction paper art style. I adored this style of story telling and sincerely hope it returns in the next game. (This style may have been in previous games too; I don’t remember). I actually wish the whole game looked like that, but I know that’s not going to happen since you have already made so much progress on the models and animations.

    I think that’s about it from me. Good luck on the development! We’re rootin’ for ya!

  295. KytoDragon

    I found the Epic Battle Fantasy series on Kongregate and really liked it (especially the 4th). It had a consistent and pleasing graphic and sound design, was easy to pick up but still had depth in its combat system and had very interesting and funny characters. Of course large amount of cute enemys is also a big plus :smirk: (EBF4 key)

  296. Alex Sun

    If I’m being honest, I would prefer the Bullet Heaven 2 Steam Package, but I don’t really care either way. This just seems like a good forum for saying what I like in this series of games.
    My reason for liking this series is rather simple, I like the variety of elements in the game. I am very happy that in the upcoming EBF 5, every character will have access to all elements. Natalie was always my favorite character because she could use every element (except poison, but Toxic, [and Acid, if I could find it.] made me feel better) so she felt very much like a master of spells.
    Either way, I am so ready for EBF 5 to be released. Do your best, Matt!

  297. Kilfyre

    I love how satirical the games are and I also love the music and design. I honestly am not very good at these games however as I have not beaten a single one of your final bosses yet (even on easy). However, that doesn’t stop me from buying the games (I bought EBF4 over the summer). If I were to win the jackpot and win one of the two games you are offering I would like Bullet Heaven 2 to give to my brother who likes that sort of thing.

  298. Todd Clark

    The Epic Battle Fantasy series has always been one of my favorites. Over-the-top abilities and characters, wacky humor, and interesting takes on classic JRPG tropes make them fun to play. More than that, You as a developer want to make each one better than the last, rather than use the same formula simply because people like it. If there’s anything I’d like to see in the next game, it’d have to be more synergy between abilities, such as: physical attack buff x and healing received buff y increase Drain healing xy. Or 100%+ fire resist, burn effect on ally, equip that causes berserk when burning. Those kinds of things are always fun to try out and build strategies around. On the off chance I do get picked, I would love a key for EBF 4. I’ve wanted to see what the expanded steam version is all about, but haven’t been able to.

  299. Silent Shadow

    I enjoy the Epic Battle Fantasy series because it is cute (especially Natalie), I get most of the referential jokes, it is a rather easy to understand turn-based RPG, and the wide variety of equipment of attacks are quite nice. I also like the variety of bosses, the increasing number of enemies in each game, and the funny cutscenes. I am also amused by the players’ comments upon entering certain areas or talking to people.

    I would like to see more Bomb, Wind, and Water attacks in the next game as there are too few of them in EBF4 compared to Fire, Electric, and Ice. I would also like to see a boss that looks like Cthulhu.

    I would greatly appreciate a key for Bullet Heaven 2.

  300. Josh Tian

    I’m 15 now and I can’t remember a single year that I haven’t replayed epic battle fantasy 3 or 4. I was never all that into RPG Style games but ebf4 really stood out for me. I’m not sure whether it was the funny and relatable characters, (Lance you perv :yay: :yay: ) or the intrinsic battle system or the way the game never really ended that hooked me. Maybe it was a combination of all of them. The ebf games really re shaped my preteen and teenaged years because they provided a serious sense of joy. I can still remember getting smashed by the dark monoliths in the third game, losing to goku on my first try, trying my best to defeat the beholder before Natalie gets raped (I failed) and getting knocked down to hell by both godcats. I would be honored even if you came and read this comment. Even if you don’t gift me a steam key to epic battle fantasy 4, epic battle fantasy 5 will be a great enough gift for me anyways. Happy Holidays buddy :stars:

  301. John Rook

    As a random feeling, I checked facebook in two weeks, because I *sometimes* find something interesting, and I didn’t even have to scroll down to see your facebook post about this, and I think it might have been luck nudging me to write a… review of sorts.

    I began at EBF2, on NG, it was more or less the first game I can remember playing when I got a computer with internet access, and I enjoyed it, probably for no particular reason, maybe it was good, maybe I was easily impressed.

    EB3 came out, and I enjoyed that quite a bit more, with more freedom of movement, and more stuff to do in more ways.

    When the next installment came out, I was quite hyped for it, missed quite a lot of social interactions and school work to binge-play it, with the *only* disatisfaction being that exp of the party was always *slightly* different, and not absolutely even, because party members were back at a time.

    For me, EBF is a classic of flash gaming, and I’m not sure I want to play it again, I feel that my enjoyment of it is pure nostalgia, that it would hold up with games with a larger production budget, yet…… I did play it time after time, returning to an empty save, starting over again, and enjoying myself.

    To be honest I don’t think I’d want to get the key, I’d want to buy the game, so I would play through it with intent to finish it, I just want to thank you for doing what you do :smirk:

  302. juan vega

    Personally I like the characters the most Lance, Natz, Matt, Anna, and Nolegs. They have a amazing sense of humor and they have come so far since EBF1 and their fight with zombie Goku. I only wish the best for Mr.Roszak and his characters in the coming year and for many years to come. :yay:

  303. alex

    in the first case we need a map.Epic battle fantasy 3 doesnt have a map.the map will not contain the secret pasages. a new buff will be very interesting for ebf 5 and you can decide what will be of course. a new element is a HARD ONE TO ADD BUT I THINK YOU WILL BE DONE WITH THIS.oh sorry it was on caps lock. i will dont write more because you have more hundreds comments to read. THINK OF WHAT I SAID OR YOU WILL :skull: . Nah just kidding

  304. Curtis Chan

    What I really like about the series was how it engaged me. I’m a picky player on Armor Games and sometimes I can’t find games I’m interested in. When I first played Epic Battle Fantasy, I got hooked because I found myself really enjoying it and really invested in it. I love the characters and their personalities and I love how the game works out, such as moving around, leveling up, and fighting different enemies. Because Epic Battle Fantasy 4 was online save on Armor Games, that allowed me to spend as much time as I want on the game as I wished.

    It would be nice to fight new enemies and explore an even bigger map, but mainly, I would love if the game had an online save feature on Armor Games again, like Epic Battle Fantasy 4.

    Thanks for everything! :yay:

  305. Matt Smith

    Liked EBF2, loved 3 & 4 (2 of my favorite games on Kongregate, actually). I’d love to get a copy of EBF4 on Steam for Christmas. :yay:

  306. Cole Bahe Capen

    I have always loved the Epic Battle Fantasy series for four big reasons. The first is how much nostalgia the series gives me for the old turn based JRPG’s I played growing up as a kid, which drew me into the series to begin with. The second was how solid the gameplay has always felt. Whenever I die or lose, it rarely feels cheap, it feels like I lost because I wasn’t strong enough or smart enough to handle the scenario, and I’d have to go back and rethink my plans and come back. Third, is the music. Phyrnna has always done a fantastic job with the music in this series. And Fourth, the character and monster designs have always been phenomenal. I especially love the later games ability to change your characters outfits. So that’s why I love this series. :stars:

    I am interested in an EBF4 Key as I’ve never gone through it’s premium content, and I’d like to try it.

  307. Devin de Vries

    Holy shank it’s busy in here. XD

    I’m not entering this giveaway (Since I own both games), but wanted to wish everyone in here the best
    for the holidays. Merry Chrismas everyone and may the Steam Sale and this giveaway be in your favor! :yay:

  308. Jimbillybobman

    Really these games are just fun to play, and I enjoy how strategic they can be.
    I would like them as a Christmas present for my brother since I’m a poor peasant

  309. Ethan

    Sorry, I didn’t really answer the second part of the question which is what I want to see in EBF5, and as much as I love everything about it, my favorite part is the art, the animations for the characters and monsters and just the way they look. I love the adorable ones and am impressed by the bosses and more evil creatures. Well, I might be a bit shallow for loving how this game looks more than anything but it really captivates me. So thank you for putting so much detail and thought into your art.

  310. Doobious Maxius

    Well Matt I applaud all of the work you have done with your games. You allow your games to be freely played and allow people to buy them if they want. If I could give as much as you do to your community I would but sadly all I can give you is my output on your games right now πŸ˜₯ . I’ve really only played your EBF series and its a go to game when I get sick of others. The EBF series really suits my style of RPG I want to see and play. Its simple to learn, yet very vast and in-depth. If anything out all of this, just know that what you are doing is amazing, and your work really shows through. I’m excited for EBF 5 and cant wait to see more stuff you reveal about it. Best regards and Happy Holidays.