Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is around 30% done!
That’s less than I would have liked, but I think it’s for good reasons:
• I spent a lot longer on battle animations than in previous games, and IMO it looks much better.
• Took some time off to re-release EBF3.
• Ronja’s health issues. (she’s a LOT better now)
I think progress will speed up once I start programming things – a lot of the code will be recycled from EBF4. Also the world map graphics will be in the same style as EBF4, so I’ll be recycling a lot of those too.
Oh yeah, I just remembered, do you realize you didn’t upload the guys animation testing thing??? I would really like to see how will hair dye apply to NoLegs :yay: :yay:
Kupo, I have one question…

Slime Cats (EBF4) or Warp Crystals (EBF3) ??????
slime cats! :hurray:
:stars: :stars: :stars: cool
Take your time. I’m sure anyway it will come out to be worth the wait.
Good job so far 30% isnt so bad also how many bosses/areas will there be and can there be more dialouge and cutscenes? i liked the style from the last game and i think ebf5 should have a demo of sorts like till the first boss :stars: :stars: take as long as you want and like animal crossing new leaf its a good game and it took like 4 years also like animal crossing mayby the npcs can move around to give a bit more lift to the game also can they blink? but pls keep up the good work and i cant wait for ebf5 also I WANNA SEE REFERENCES TO UNDERTALE!!!
He says he’s gonna be putting several references to Undertale in the game, since he really liked it I think.
Talking of cutscenes. Sb. did realize those clickable Oppai from Natz in EBF3’s cutscenes? :yay:
There is sth. I’d like to ask about skills. Could some more skills like “Unleash” be implemented?
– For Lance magical skills I did kinda miss sth. which triggers the status/weapon effects from weapons. “Hyper Beam” took 2 rounds so it wasn’t always the best choice to distribute status effects by the weapon. The weapon effect didn’t trigger at all.
– For Natz. I hope her “Spectrum” skill stays, but like her basic attack it might need a guaranteed bonus spell activated, since we spend mana for it it also should be more reliable than a basic attack
– For Anna, she really lacks some form of “Unleash” skills. While her combo shot is still useful for physical, sth. with magical properties might be great, actually I also think a magic typed “Unleash” might fit to Anna better than a physical one and also might open up a magical build Anna.
And: Will “Soul Arrow” stay? I don’t like how “Soul Arrow” overwrites all buffs we have, it might be better to recalculate the buff changes so that just the difference will be applied. Maybe also add the counter part “Dark Arrow” which transfers any harmful conditions from Anna to the enemies aswell, just an idea.
– For Matt, I think his “Unleash” skill is fine. It just needs some boost for power when it’s about triggering the weapon effect and/or status effect
And might we get some items which are particularly strong when using “Unleash” typed skills? Like having a flair, which particularly increases the power of them?
Also I hope there is a comeback for items which say for example, “Boosts the power of Snipe” or sth. similar. Especially for those items which have a rare usage like “Revenge”, which was actually missing for the Soul Eater sword in EBF4.
This is just a small collection of thoughts which you might want consider when it will come to the programming part in the future.
I like the dark arrow idea.
That’s a decent speed.I have experiences waiting for other games to be published and the average time is 3 years.
der massa qwassa der… porque hablo asi? porque tengo cancer :v
look matt i dont care if it takes you 17 years (well yes i do if it takes that long) you spend your time working to make it the best game you’ve ever made :yay:
30% isn’t bad! Considering all the new, amazing, bomb-tastic features you’re putting in the game this time (Hair dye, matching outfits, actual accessories, tons of new animations, Lance has an actual pistol, Hair physics, voices in battle, Unisex equips – I hope this is still a thing, weather, more premium/optional stuff, cooldowns instead of MP, new treasure chest/equip system, new buffs, new backup system, new character – Don’t even get me started on Nolegs OMG!!! :stars: :love: ) I think it will be well worth the wait. Really hoping for a Battle demo like you did with EBF 3 and 4 if anything. :yay: :smirk:
Whenever I hear things like “Oh the game isn’t out yet?” or “Sorry, we just need more time to work on the game” or some such, I always break out the Twilight Princess argument! We waited FOREVER for Twilight Princess, and when we got it, it was pure friggin’ gold! Take your time on the game. I’m patient, I can wait for perfection. It’ll make it that much sweeter when it does come out. Besides, I’d love to see Phyrnna get a role in one of these games (New Partner? Summon? … Boss?) :tongue:
Between Breath of Fire 3, Final Fantasy Tactics, and replaying EBF4 in Epic Mode right now, I’ve got plenty to keep me going. Make dat game beautiful. :stars:
Don’t worry about taking more time than usual. It’s for a good reason, and you’re still giving out regular updates.
30% is still (almost) a third of the final product, that ain’t half bad.
That 30% took almost a year. That IS pretty bad.
But you gave the reasons for it yourself. Ronja had health problems, you updated a previous popular game of yours, and you’re making sure that THIS game looks better.
Also now that you’re recycling some stuff from EBF4, progress will speed up pretty quick. Don’t worry too much about it.
That’s fine though, I’d rather wait 3 years for a good, well polished game rather than waiting 1 year for a rushed incomplete game. I think most fans would agree, too.
That being said, it would be great if you released a beta version once you’re like 60-70% done, so that your fans can test it and critique it before it’s actually released.
EBF4 was made in a year and wasn’t rushed.
Well, with a lot of breaks during development I guess.
Remember that AAA games take 2-3 years to make, and that EBF is way better than most of those games.
You’re doing great, keep it up :yay:
Beta-testing appreciated, yes :tongue:
This. I really don’t mind long development.
I still hope that that mana still takes place in EBF5
Take your time man haste makes waste or whatever. Enjoy livin or some shit pally.
wow 30% done keep up the good work. take your time :smirk: :smirk: :yay:
how long is the game gonna be? is it going to be longer than ebf4?
Main story should be a similar length. More optional/premium areas though.
I hope everything goes well with you, and Ronja.
Please don’t rush the game too much. But do keep us updated as well.
Aaaand idk what else to type. Have some cat emojis. :love2: :love2: :love2: :sick: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
1. For your own sake, but also Ronya’s, stay healthy
2. Make us feel the time is worth waiting
-> Better animations can be worth it
3. Don’t stop listening to your fan and players base
To say in short: Keep up the great work! :yay:
Thanks for keeping us up to date