Hey guys, I’ve not been working much lately because Ronja’s come down with Rheumatoid Arthritis a few weeks ago, and it’s gotten severe quite quickly. I’ve been looking after her because she’s got the joint mobility of a 90-year-old, and that’s no joke.
Basically Rheumatoid Arthritis is an autoimmune disease that swells up and stiffens your joints, eventually leading to massive permanent damage. It’s mostly middle aged women who get it, but it’s not rare in younger people either. It’s incurable, but treatable, so regular medication will usually keep it under control, with only a few side effects if you’re lucky, and most patients will have mostly normal lives. If left untreated, you’ll end up with misshapen hands like the ones I posted yesterday.
Ronja’s starting her medication now, so she should be well enough to look after herself soon. The last few days have been incredibly painful for her, but her joints should loosen up in a day or two and our lives will hopefully be back to normal soon, except for the regular visits to the doctor.
So that’s about it. We’re interested to hear from you if you know anyone with RA.
:smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: :love: :love2: :stars:
:meh: :bleh:
:sick: :scared: :shades:
:skull: :phone: :phone2:
:coffee: :bacon:
Wait that doesn’t work, now I look like an idiot. But in all honesty, I really hope she feels better soon.
Oh no! Well you’ll have my prayers. Best of luck to you and Ronja :yay:
I’m sorry to hear about the RA disease.

I hope that Ronja will get better soon.
I hope she gets better soon
best wishes for Ronja!
hang in there guys
I know one person who has Rheumatoid Arthritis, and having it isn’t funny. Many things you do as always you can’t do, or you have to find another way. Writing or painting is a pain, very problematic, but fortunately possible and it’s easier when the time passes (I’m writing this basing on that person).
I hope she will get better and she doesn’t have to deal with these problems, really. I believe in that
Thanks! We’ll have to wait and see how it goes.
Jeez… well, at least Ronja will be able to tell when it’s gonna rain or something. If I recall correctly, you were going to use some of Ronja’s art for EBF5, right? It might e hard to draw… My deepest wishes, to the both of you. Just stay Determined, and you will get through this.
Was that just an undertale reference? Anyhow, I hope she gets well soon, though we can’t do much on the web.
What is Ronja to you?
And, I hope she gets better soon, I hate to hear about people in pain.
Ouch, that sucks. I hope she gets better soon.
I am really sad now. T.T
Well, I hope she gets better as soon as possible.
Me too, thanks!
Me too. I hope she gets better. My prayers to you.
You as in both of you
I’ve been following your tweets about this. I don’t have RA, nor do I know anyone with it, but I’m glad that you both seem to have it under control and have access to a doctor and the proper medicine. I really hope everything goes well for both of you and that it stays well! Take all the time that you need and want to care for Ronja; we’ll all be here rooting for you both from across the web! :yay:
I truly hope shee gets better and that this doesn’t take over her life, but can be dealt with. I hope it gets better real soon.
Yeah, me too. Thanks!