Category Archives: Thoughts and Opinions

How to Win Friends and Influence People

I recently read “How to Win Friends and Influence People” by Dale Carnegie, and I totally recommend it to anyone who has to deal with people for a living. (so just about everyone)

The short version of the book is: Be polite and empathetic towards everyone you meet, and show a genuine interest in them. Avoid arguments and be very sensitive and understanding when trying to change someone’s mind. Admit it when you’re wrong. Remember that people are emotional creatures, and that they’re motivated by their own pride and desires more than anything else. Make people feel appreciated and important.

Although the book is mainly set in the context of business transactions, I think it’s quite useful in just about any type of relationship, and I’ve been figuring out a lot of the lessons on my own over the years while dealing with people online.

Here’s some of my favorite quotes from the book:

“Remember that the people you are talking to are a hundred times more interested in their wants and problems than they are in yours.”

“Don’t criticize people; for they are just what you would be under similar circumstances.”

“Remember that we are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion, bristling with prejudices and motivated by pride.”

“Be hearty in your appreciation and lavish in your praise, and people will cherish your words even long after you have forgotten them.”

“Nobody needs a smile so much as those who have none left to give.”

“Abilities wither under criticism; they blossom under encouragement.”

“It takes character and self control to be understanding and forgiving. A great man shows his greatness by how he treats little men.”


Independance & Minecraft

Scottish Independence:

You guys outside of the UK might not know or care, but Scotland could be a real country soon!
Everyone’s getting really passionate about it and the vote is looking to be very close at the moment.

Most of my highschool and uni friends are in favor of independence, because they think the Scottish government will make better decisions for Scotland than the British government has done so far, and I mostly agree. Scotland currently controls education and healthcare, and well, those things are arguably handled much better than they are in England. (Education is still free in Scotland, while prices are going up in England). Meanwhile, England is making some very unpopular decisions in regards to immigration policies, European Union membership, and military spending, which most Scots disagree with.

On the other hand, voters against independence are generally people who are satisfied with what they’ve got, and don’t want to take any risks. Which is understandable, I suppose. The UK government is obviously trying very hard to convince Scotland to stay, with some rather patronizing and fear-mongering ads.

Anyway, no matter how things go, one side is going to be very pissed off at the other side.
Personally, it probably won’t make a huge difference to me, since I get paid by US companies, so my job or currency isn’t threatened at all.


I’m both nervous and excited about Microsoft buying Minecraft/Mojang.
For $2.5 billion, they’ve gotta have some serious plans for it (a sequel?), but at the same time, MS could totally mess this up, as they’ve done with Rare in the past. At the very least, development on Minecraft should speed up with a bigger team behind it, and I think that should be quite interesting.

Also, I think this makes Notch the first indie game developer to become a billionaire…. impressive.

Somewhat related, I’ve been talking to a local community centre about starting some sort of Minecraft club for kids! That could be an interesting experience if it goes ahead.


Now that my brother’s moved out, I’ve got a spare room! I’m thinking of building a gym in there, because there’s not much use for it otherwise.

I recently inherited a bench and some weights, so I’ve started doing a bit of lifting, and it’s pretty addictive! Plus it’s something I can do even when the weather’s crap, unlike running and cycling.

Chili Peppers:

Recently my Scorpion chili plant produced a single fruit! I’m not stupid enough to eat the whole thing, but I’ll try a bit at some point. Unfortunately it’s not the record holder anymore; new varieties are developed too quickly!

Not sure if I mentioned it earlier, but my Ghost plant produced like 5 peppers, and I ate half of one! It was definitely worse than anything I had ate before.

Anyway, that’s me crossed growing chili peppers off my achievements list.
I’ve grown 12 types of peppers in total, and have had enough of them.

Time to find a new hobby!

2014-08-29 19.19.47-1

This thing will melt your face off.

Madness: Project Nexus 2

Hay guys. Do you remember Madness Combat?

Well, Krinkles and The Swain are working on a new Madness game, and it looks like a huge step up from their previous one. Check out the trailer:

I usually don’t like promoting Kickstarters, but I make exceptions for developers who have helped me out, and the Madness Combat series has been a huge inspiration when I started animating. If you guys remember, my earlier games and animations were pretty violent, and some of my very early animations copied the whole floating-arms style. So now you know why. Back when I started, Madness was the coolest thing on Newgrounds.

Anyway, if you were ever a fan of the series, or just want a good game to play, you should chuck some coins their way on Kickstarter. They’ve got 2 weeks left and still need a little push. $15 will get you a copy of the game.

Project Nexus 2 has already been Greenlit on Steam, and the guys behind the series have a long history of successful projects, so I’m sure this will turn out awesome too. Either way, I think they deserve something for all of the free content they’ve created over the years, and I’d like to see where they can go with this.

EBF4: Steam Sale Results

Yesterday, Epic Battle Fantasy 4’s group won the Community’s Choice vote on Steam, meaning that EBF4 and the other games in it’s group were selected for a huge discount lasting 8 hours, and featured on Steam’s front page. It was smart of Valve to bundle EBF4 with Final Fantasy 7, as fans of FF are very likely to enjoy EBF too, so I got a chance to leech some players from a very popular game series! 😀
votechoice1This little bit of luck turned out to be huge for me, because in just 8 hours, the total number of people who had bought the game on Steam had almost quadrupled!

So I’ve got a huge number of new players, many of which probably won’t even have heard of EBF before, and the response from them has been pretty good. Besides a few technical problems, no one’s told me that they hate the game. So that’s cool.

Sure, many players who buy games in Steam sales won’t actually end up playing those games, but that’s fine, it still works out to a lot of extra fans (and cash!) that I wasn’t expecting.

I’m not sure how Valve decides what games get featured, but I do know that not all of them get a chance, so I must be doing something right. (EBF4 was also featured on the front page in Europe, the day after launch)

So it looks like I’ve got a good future ahead of me on Steam, and hopefully getting a game through Greenlight won’t take 6 months next time! 😛

Steam is now my primary source of income (with Kongregate premium sales being second), and what this means is that I’ll definitely be focusing on larger games with paid content, rather than completely free web games. But I’ll continue to make free web versions too.

And yeah, I’ll probably make EBF5… someday.

So Good They Can’t Ignore You

Just finished reading So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport, and his career advice mostly lines up with my personal experience.

The book’s advice for finding work that you love is to build up skills through years of *deliberate practice*, until your skills are rare and valuable enough to afford you control over your work. Being good at something and having connections will give you more opportunities and make your work feel more meaningful.

It tries to debunk the idea that boldly following your passions will lead to satisfying work. That approach won’t work if your skills aren’t valuable enough to support you, or earn you enough autonomy to enjoy your work.

“Working right matters more than finding the right work”, as the author puts it. The most interesting and rewarding work lies at the cutting edge of your field, where there’s room for new innovations, and plenty of consumers looking for those innovations. But to get there you need to have a strong knowledge of what you’re building upon, and you’ll need to be able to specialize in a small area that few others do.

Anyone who follows the indie game development scene will know how many new developers fail to make a living off of their passion, because they jump on the bandwagon without enough experience, or with unreasonably high expectations.

In my case, I didn’t consider doing game development full time until I was consistently making good money off of it, and it took me a long time to get there. Before that I spent a lifetime on learning how to draw, 7 years playing around with Flash and animations, and 4 years getting a software engineering degree – and not getting paid for any of that, but instead gaining skills and reputation. At first the effort wasn’t deliberate – game development was only a hobby – but after highschool I became more serious about looking at career options, and started measuring my progress and setting goals.

As I’ve learned recently, the most useful skills were often the ones that were the toughest to learn. I didn’t endure through University because I enjoyed learning about design patterns or project management, or because programming was my “passion”; I did it because I wanted some valuable skills which would make me a better game developer, or at least get me some other job if that path didn’t work out.
(Though I did begin to enjoy University once I gained control over my 4th year projects, which was only allowed because I had plenty of game dev experience by then.)

For a while, I became complacent with developing medium-sized web games, and stopped making an effort to improve my skills, opting to stick to what I knew and what was easy for me. Luckily, the market for web games started to shrink, and I was forced to look at the long-term viability of my career. I started looking at developing games for other platforms, including mobile devices and Steam, and although the process of adapting was difficult, I’ve gained a ton of valuable experience as a result, and feel more confident than ever. I’ve begun to make an effort to network with other game developers, to do more research on current market trends, and read boring textbooks. Most people never see the work that goes on behind the scenes.

Anyway, I think the main message to take away is that if you’re comfortable with the work you’re doing, that means you’re not challenging yourself enough, and you probably won’t get to where the most satisfying jobs are at. You should always take time off from being productive and instead squeeze in some time for research and practice, and concentrate more on what you can offer to the world, rather than what the world can offer to you.

Anyway, enough ranting from me.