Category Archives: Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is coming to Kongregate!

Hey guys, I’m finally getting round to putting EBF5 on Kongregate, and Newgrounds soon afterwards.

It’s gonna be equivalent to Steam version 1.5.2, minus all of the Deluxe features – which means no bonus dungeons, challenge modes, Newgame+, etc. Also all the recent balancing changes won’t be in there. Which may be good or bad, depending on how you feel about them.

Anyway, it’ll be out some time next week! Maybe Friday! Maybe earlier!
Sorry that it took about 6 months longer than I originally planned!

This is gonna be a pretty rare game – it’ll only work for 11 months before browser Flash is discontinued!

Updated Comment System

So yesterday I updated the EBF5 beta on Steam to v2.0.7… but there’s a couple of big bugs in it that I need to fix ASAP. I’ll try to update it again in the next day or two, so it might not be worth playing until then. It’s getting close to completion, but each update has unwanted side effects!

In other news, I found some more options for this website!
• I changed the site comments to appear in order of newest first, which seems to make more sense than oldest first.
• I’ve disabled the need to enter a name and email when you comment – but it’s still useful if you want to be notified of a response.
• When making a comment there’s also an option to subscribe to the site mailing list.
• You now have the option to like comments! Too bad there’s no dislike button…
• I’ve added infinite scrolling to the main page, so older blog posts load automatically when you reach the bottom.

Let me know what you think of these new features!
I haven’t tested them much.

Maybe it’s time for me to update that very old header image, and figure out how to get those NoLegs emojis working again…

EBF5: Ace Medals

Hey guys, I added some stars to your medals.

I made some changes to the EBF5 challenge modes, and the game should now be beatable with all of them on.
If the last 39 medals are acquired with all challenges, no cheats, and epic difficulty, then you’ll “Ace” the medal and get a star.

Apart from the extra condition of challenges, these are activated exactly the same as normal medals – you can cheat a bit by only turning on the challenges for boss fights, waiting until the boss rushes, and you can even grind for some of them. Beating the entire game on max difficulty is definitely not required, and would take you a very long time indeed.

But anyway, that’s just another thing you can keep yourself busy with. You don’t get anything other than a star, so don’t bother with this unless you like painful difficulty.

For anyone who’s already tried the challenge options, here’s some major changes I’ve made to them yesterday, coming soon in the next update:

• 1,2,3P modes: Mimic chest surprise attack disabled, all enemy status chances reduced
• 1,2P modes: foe HP reduced appropriately in bunker
• Limited foes to one counter-attack to player’s AOE – order of foes in battle can be exploited!
• Challenges that raise enemy stats don’t have full effect in the Battle Arena
• Changed Foes Attack First to not affect the first wave
• Death works normally with Combo Cap on
• Genesis now revives backup
• Less Player Resistance no longer affects status resistance
• Nerfed some Foe Remix arena battles
• Many damaging boss summons made slightly cheaper, many other summons improved somewhat
• Some overpowered foe counterattacks and stats nerfed

EBF5: Balancing Challenges

Hey guys, here’s an amusing video by areaofmobeus about playing EBF5 with all challenge options enabled. I think he’s one of the first to attempt this, and he’s come pretty close to beating every boss.

I’m using his feedback to make sure the game is actually beatable in this form – some of the stuff in the video has already been changed, such as foes countering the weather!

Looking for German and Simplified Chinese translators

Hey guys, hope you all enjoyed your holidays.

I took a few days off work, but I’ll be polishing EBF5 v2 for most of January – there’s still some balancing, bug fixing, and translation work to be done.

I’m looking for volunteers to translate the new v2 text into German and Simplified Chinese. To qualify, you just have to be fluent in the language, and be familiar with the EBF5 game and existing translation. If you’re interested, please shoot me an email at kupo707 AT hotmail DOT com.

You’ll also need Google and Discord accounts for Google Docs and general chatting. (I realise this may be a problem for people in China… I’ll have to consider what can be done about that)

The previous translators are still around on Discord, but have very limited time at the moment. There’s no concrete deadlines, but it would be nice to have the text done in the first two weeks of January, giving us the rest of the month to test it. Overall there’s not that much new text – if you’ve played the v2 beta you’ll have a good idea already.
