Bullet Heaven 2 is 67% off in the Steam shoot-em-up sale!
The sale lasts until Monday.
Bullet Heaven 2 is 67% Off!
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Bullet Heaven 2 is 67% off in the Steam shoot-em-up sale!
The sale lasts until Monday.
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is 75% off and Bullet Heaven 2 is 50% off in the Steam Summer sale.
My birthday is coming up soon so I can use the money to buy myself Legos.
Creepy Ninja recorded himself setting some of the highest scores in Bullet Heaven 2, against the bonus bosses on Heavenly+ difficulty. Check him out for some top-tier gameplay – he’s done a lot of videos of the game and he’s really good at it.
Hey guys, I did my first ever Skype interview! Check it out!
This YouTube channel previously covered Bullet Heaven 2, so we had this lengthy chat about it and other stuff.