Author Archives: Matt Roszak

EBF4: Mobile Almost Done

After a few months of work, I’m testing EBF4 on a mobile device for the first time! (my smashed Note 8)

It works as well as I had hoped – might not need any additional optimization. (almost identical to Steam version)

Like in EBF5, there’s the occasional stuttering due to garbage collection, but that’s pretty much the main noticeable performance issue.

Most of what’s left is to add Google services like achievements, in-app purchases, ads, cloud saving, and application rater. With some luck most of that code from EBF5 will be re-usable.

EBF4: Version 3 complete!

Epic Battle Fantasy 4 version 3 is live for everyone now!
And the Steam store page has been updated to show off its new widescreen beauty, and some of the new weapons.

Please leave a review for the game if you haven’t yet!

Here are the details about the update.

I’m gonna take a break this week and get back to the mobile port next week. (69% done)

If you missed it, last week I was making a bunch of new EBF5 icons for modders to use in their projects (scroll down to see ’em) and the winners and runner ups of the EBF Valentines Art Contest also look awesome.