Author Archives: Matt Roszak

Mecha Dress Up & Brawl Royale Mobile

Hey guys, I’m doing two very quick mobile ports of Mecha Dress Up and Brawl Royale.
I chose these two games because they needed very little changes to work on mobile – I finished porting Brawl Royale in 1.5 days, and it looks like Mecha Dress Up will take around 3 days.

I’ll be charging around $1 for each game. Keep in mind that these are the new versions of the games, with the same features they will have in the EBF Collection on PC. Brawl Royale has 4 new difficulty settings, the option to skip many animations, and timers for reaction times. Mecha Dress Up has color-picker functionality and a few new accessories. Oh and both games have new soundtracks!

Anyway, I needed a break from EBF5 – the mobile version is finished and tested, but I need to implement ads and in-app purchases for the full version, and I’m a bit stuck on that. I’d love to just stick a $20 price tag on it and ship it, but I don’t think that approach would do well on mobile. That only works with very well known games, so I gotta get my name out there with a freemium game first.

As for these small games, if they do well I could port all of my old stuff to mobile. EBF1 and EBF2 just need to be translated from AS2 to AS3, which shouldn’t be too difficult as they are fairly short. EBF3 would take a while longer to translate, but I’m sure it would work great once done. Cat Cafe needs some very minor changes to work on newer versions of Android, so that would probably be the next game to do. Bullet Heaven 1 and Adventure Story may or may not be tricky – I’d have to test them out and see if they run smoothly. EBF4 would be a lot of work, comparable to EBF5, so I’m not too keen to do that one any time soon. Bullet Heaven 2 should be fun to port – it runs pretty well without any changes, and I think the porting process will be quite quick for what is a fairly large game.

But I’m only gonna do all that if people show interest and buy the games as I port them.

I’ll let you know as soon as the games launch, but at the moment, the Google Play Store is being quite unpredictable in how long it takes to approve games for release. Brawl Royale is ready to go but is waiting for approval.

Who knows how many days we’ll have to wait?

EBF5 Mobile: Optimization Hell

Hey guys, there’s not been a lot of development news from me, as I’ve been working on super boring stuff. I made some changes to the battle animation system in EBF5 mobile so it would use less memory and stutter a bit less. Does it run better? A little bit. Was it worth the trouble? Probably not – I spent like two whole weeks on it.

At least I now know what kind of optimizations are worth doing when I eventually port my other Flash games to mobile. Getting rid of all filters and unnecessary animations, and using cacheAsBitmap as much as possible, are the main changes that make a huge difference and aren’t very hard to do. But trying to improve memory management to reduce garbage collector stutters is nightmare if a game was not designed with that in mind from the beginning. Hopefully my other games won’t suffer much from this anyway, since they’re not as big as EBF5.

I’m currently playing through EBF5 again and making sure all of the changes work correctly. I’m still changing puzzles and secrets to make them a bit easier for touch controls. Since the player doesn’t have a cursor, there needs to be other visual hints. I’ve ended up putting a lot more effort into this port than I originally planned, so I hope it pays off.

Anyway, I’m almost done and I should have a new beta out in a couple of days. Jump into the EBF Discord if you want to be notified and maybe get an invite.

EBF5: Tough Love Mod

Hey guys, the amount of new content in Feit-Neo’s (aka LightningLaser’s) EBF5 mod is growing. In earlier posts I showed off some of the new status effects and new skills, and this time I’m showing you some of the new weapons in the mod. Each player gets 4 new and fully functional weapons. As you can see, they’re mostly based on weapons that have appeared in various places in the EBF games, but many of them have never been usable. On top of that, a lot of old weapons have been rebalanced too.

It’s not finished yet, but you can try out the mod using the patch files found in the #ebf-mod-archive channel on the EBF Discord.

And you can chat about Mods in the #ebf-mod-discussion channel.

Alternatively, you can wait until the mod is finished, as it’ll be distributed as a Beta Branch of EBF5 on Steam, which would make it very easy to opt-into and install.