Author Archives: Matt Roszak

Blog of 2014

Hay guys, here’s a summary of my year! I think I’ve got less to write than usual because most of my year was dominated by a few big events. Anyway…

• I played a lot of indie games on Steam in order to learn from them. A lot of otherwise great games seem very short or unpolished, and I feel that’s where I can do better than them.

• Made a bunch of new game developer friends as I prepared for Epic Battle Fantasy 4’s Steam launch.

• Watched a bunch of classic movies that I should have seen a long time ago, with my favorites being the Rocky films. My favorite TV shows of the year were The Wire and Six Feet Under.

• Launched EBF4 on Steam! Sold very well on the first day (18th on the bestseller list)! No major problems on launch, just a few minor compatibility issues for some people. I guess this is the event that defined the whole year for me.

• Started working on Bullet Heaven 2! It quickly turned into a much bigger project than I originally intended, but that’s probably a good thing. Aiming for another Steam release!

• Playing around with new Flash features, including gamepad support and hardware acceleration through frameworks like Starling and Dragonbones. Planning to stick to Flash for a while, cause I still enjoy using it.

• My Ghost and Scorpion peppers finally grew up and tortured a few people. I think I’ve gone as far as I want to go with those, and I’m gonna start getting rid of my plants slowly. Grew 12 types of peppers in total!

• EBF4 was featured in Steam’s Community Choice during the Summer Sale, which resulted in a huge number of sales! This was a pretty awesome and unexpected bonus!

• Dated a girl for the first 6 months of the year. She seemed pretty cool at first, but we really didn’t click that well. The breakup still really hurt me, even though things weren’t going well. At least it was a learning experience.

• Did a bit of hillwalking when the weather was nice. Managed to set some new fitness records: Cycled 62km in a day, and managed to run 10km.

• Volunteered at a community center for a while. It was kinda fun to meet different people but I got bored of it eventually.

• Scotland almost became independent and I got interested in politics briefly. Instantly lost my interest afterwards, and regretted wasting my time on it, as usual.

• Collected some gym equipment in my spare room and started doing a bit of lifting.

• My favorite book this year was “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. Changed my views on how to treat people and build relationships.

• I’m getting a bit better at driving, but I still suck at a lot things, like parking in tight spaces or driving in bad weather.

• Played a lot of 3DS games and bought a WiiU! Not a fan of the WiiU console, but the games on it are great! My favorite games for the year are Smash Bros 4, Bayonetta 2, Mario Kart 8 and Final Fantasy Theatrhythm: CC. Games used up a big chunk of this year, because I had a lot of catching up to do.

• Started seeing another girl! Looks like things might turn out better this time!


Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, everyone!

For anyone who hasn’t noticed yet: You can find Santa equipment in EBF4 in December. 😀

I’ve just been playing WiiU with the family. New Super Mario Bros is a lot of fun with 4 people who dunno how to work together. 😛

My girlfriend is away to her homeland for a few weeks so I’ll finally be getting back to work soon!898063505_xmasebf4

BH2: More Levels

Only got the last 2 worlds left to make!
But I’m making this post now because I won’t be working on BH2 for a while…
Smash for WiiU and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire should be arriving today, I recently got a Minecraft Realms subscription, and I’ve started seeing a really cool girl.
So uh… not much time for work now!gearsicebomb bonesspidersfire