About Myself
Yo, I’m Matt Roszak, also known as Kupo Games. (previously kupo707, or matt-likes-swords) I’m a 34 year old indie game developer from Canada, who lives in Glasgow, Scotland. My family is mostly Polish.
I’m best known for creating the Epic Battle Fantasy series of turn-based RPGs, and their spinoff titles, Bullet Heaven and Adventure Story.
My work could be found on Kongregate, Armor Games, Newgrounds, and many other websites. But now that Flash no longer works in browsers, you should buy my latest games on Steam or Itch.io, or use BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint app to play my older stuff. Epic Battle Fantasy 5 is also available free-to-play on iOS and Android, and I’m planning to port more of my games to mobile in the future. (though I’m not enjoying working with the Google and Apple stores)
Some of my oldest Flash games currently work in-browser using Ruffle, a Flashplayer emulator, and those games can be found in the Browser Games section of this website, along with games by other developers. But Ruffle is a work-in-progress, so Flashpoint is still the best way to enjoy them.
You can contact me at: kupo707 AT hotmail DOT com
Or just leave a comment on this website. I try to read all comments on all accounts that I control, including Discord, Twitter, Facebook, DeviantArt, Steam, Kongregate, and Newgrounds.
My Current Projects
Here’s what I’m working on in 2025:
- Hidden Cats is a cute hidden object game for Windows and hopefully mobile too, eventually. With some luck the game will be finished this year and published on Steam.
- I’m fed up with most social media, but I’m quite enjoying making content for YouTube and Newgrounds at the moment, so expect more videos.
- I’m somewhat active in the Ruffle community, helping out here and there. Excited about Flash games getting some attention again.
About this Website
My partner Ronja often manages the fanart posts on this website, and replies to user comments. Most of the other content is posted by me.
You can see who posted what at the bottom of each post.
On this site you’ll find:
- My oldest games, which work in Ruffle.
- Cool Flash games by other developers.
- News and updates relating to my games.
- Previews and demos of upcoming games.
- Miscellaneous art that I do.
- Fanart from players.
- My opinions on games that I play and other stuff.
- Boring blogs about what I do in my free time.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What will you do when Flash dies?
A: Flashplayer no longer works in browsers, and I haven’t changed anything that I do. I stopped making browser games a very long time ago, and mainly make desktop games. Plus, as Ruffle is developed, it will be able to run more and more Flash games in browsers once again.
Q: What software, programming language, or game engine, do you use to make your games?
A: I use Adobe Flash. CC2015 is my favourite version. I now use Actionscript 3 for programming. I used Actionscript 2 for Epic Battle Fantasy 3 and earlier games.
For Bullet Heaven 2 and Cat Cafe I also used the Starling and DragonBones frameworks to get some hardware acceleration in there.
Hidden Cats is being made specifically to run in Ruffle.
Q: How do I make games?
A: I studied Computing Science at University, so I’ve got some programming, project management and design skills from that. There’s plenty of resources online too, so just do some Googling. It might be worth getting a book or two on the subject as well. O’Reilly’s Actionscript books are pretty good, and also the ActionScript 3 Bible.
What language you learn isn’t too important, because most of the skills will be transferable. Just go do some programming in whatever language you like or have available. Make some prototypes. Draw and animate some stuff. You can practice on some user-friendly engines like RPG Maker, so you can learn some game design without much programming. There’s tons of options, but I just use Flash, so I can’t recommend much. Flash is expensive so you’ll have to pirate it if you’re a noob – or just subscribe to Adobe Creative Cloud for a month or two. It’s outdated but still viable.
Either way, it’s going to take you years of practice to make anything decent with any engine. That’s the important part.
Also, check out my dissertation for an in-depth look at the development of Adventure Story.
Q: How do I send you fanart that I made?
A: Just post it somewhere public like DeviantArt, Facebook or Newgrounds and send me a link to it on any site that I use (DA, FB, NG, Kongregate etc…). If it’s good I’ll feature it on my blogs (or even in my games!).
Q: Why do my save files keep getting deleted in Flash games?
A: This is caused by browser privacy settings, and tools that delete cookies. Just make sure you don’t delete cookies. Use Google to find out how to change the settings on your browser, or whatever cleaning tools you’re using. Bullet Heaven 2 has an option to backup your saves in a text file, and EBF5 will have that too.
Or you can just buy the Steam versions of my games to avoid this problem!
Q: Are any of the characters in your games based on real people?
A: Just Matt, Ronja, and some of the boring NPCs.
Got any other questions? Just leave them in the comments.
Hey Matt, your About/FAQ still lists your current projects being from 2023, instead of your actual current project(s) from this year! Letting you know, in case you or Ronja wants to update it.
I plan on doing a marathon stream of all your games on Steam, and I would like to know the order in which they were released. Could you let me know?
I grew up playing epic battle fantasy games on my dads computer among other flash games like, champions of chaos and madness games. I got the EBF games on steam a couple of years ago. Just saying thanks for putting so much detail into and making such fun games in general.
I’m from Poland<:
Is there a place were i can submit a portfolio? An are you taking it?
how can I contact you about making video games thanks
Hey Matt, I like your music and arts and want to use some. You published some of your Music in the Open Bundle a while ago. Have you released art, maybe from ebf 3 as cc0 too?
Ciao ,
Vedo il tuo sito web www. kupogames.com ed è impressionante. Mi chiedo se ci sono opzioni pubblicitarie disponibili sul tuo sito come guest post, contenuti pubblicitari?
Qual è il prezzo se vogliamo fare pubblicità sul tuo sito?
areyo dadar
since there is no guide for EBF5 (which is sad) i’ll ask here
is there a way to get to the left of crystal cavern i am stuck and want to reach it
also is it possible to fix EBF3 guide on kongrate it can’t be run by ruffle nor supernova extension
i have been playing your games for a long time now but im wondering is it possible to have a cross save with mobile and pc or is that just way out of the scope of the project. love the games and thank you for your hard work
from a random aussie
ey matt can you add a dark mode option?
Hi matt, i’m come from VietNam and i’m a big fan of epic battle fantasy , sorry because my english is too bad. but i have played your game since i was 7. your game was my world and i really loved it. I finally found you on there!! thank you for your game, your hard works.I just want to ask if there will have EBF6 in the future ? And i just wanna thank you. hope one day, i can meet you somewhere out there. THANK YOU, FOR EVERY THINGS <3
whos ronja in the games?
You’ll need to look around Greenwood Village in EBF5 for answers.
How can I move my EPF5 saves from Steam to Android?
it may be a dumb question but is it possible to see a free weekend in one of your games on a weekend?
Maybe EBF5 someday.
This maybe a dumb question and I may already know but EBF ON CONSOLE
I have a problem trying to buy EPF1 un the play store saying that the transaction has been canceled, and I have contact whit google and they say that iy have nothing to do shit mi account or google itself, what can I do?
Hello Matt, could you help me make a meow file for EBF5? My old laptop was destroyed.
You should ask on the EBF Discord server – someone there can send you a save file with a similar amount of progress.
I think that the ideas of the fans will give you ideas for game concepts, and I hope that you will be fine, I apologize if I interrupted. Good luck, From Timur
oh hi matt, i’m come from VietNam and i’m a big fan of epic battle fantasy , sorry because my english is too bad. but i have played your game since i was 8. your game was my world and i really loved it. I finally found you on there!! thank you for your game, your hard works. I’m so sorry that adobe flash no longer works. but now Im a programmer and i know how to play all part of EBF once again. i just wanna thank you. hope one day, i can meet you somewhere out there. THANK YOU, FOR EVERY THINGS <3
OMG, Im VietNamese too =)) Game này hay quãi ò chơi từ hồi nhỏ là thấy hay rồi lớn lên mò tải lại chơi vẫn cuốn, còn có thoại tiếng Việt nữa đỉnh vcl mà tui thấy ở Viêt Nam ít ai biết. Gameplay đồ họa đều dễ tiếp cận thích thật sự
so the gravestone was true…
Didn’t this same thing happen with EBF5, and then he ended up making EBF5? I’ll still hold on to some hope, I just wanna play another game with the gang all here…
damn that’s heartbreaking. i love these type of rpgs and it’s very hard to come across i would actually support the development of ebf6 money was a problem for the development of one and i know many feel the same. but if not then i thank you for making such a great game with great characters
excuse me, actually i dont know why you dont want to make ebf6, might you explain it?
since i played it in 2019, i did always want to find another this kind of game but failed. your games are so remarkable, i cant wait to play more
Me and my 13 MILLION FRIENDS was wondering if there is a for US to play EBF5 for free
You can use BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint.
Hi Matt,
Epic Battle Fantasy is one of the most nostalgic games in my life, I’ve been playing them since I was a little kid. Now I’m in my mid 20’s, and figured I would play the games on Steam again. After finishing EBF3, I moved onto 4, and remembered why I couldn’t finish it the last time I tried to play it. My computer for whatever reason just wasn’t able to handle 4, and it would slow down and lag, no matter what settings I had it at. So when I tried playing it again today, I ran into the same issue, and figured I would just have to skip it and move onto 5, which runs much better on my PC. Then I saw this THIS year, you had literally done an update to a 7 year old game I used to play on Kongregate after school. I downloaded the v 2.0 beta, and the game runs fantastic on my computer now. This series wouldn’t be the same without a developer who cares so much about the product that is put out, and I just want to say that your work doesn’t go unnoticed. Thank you for some of the best memories of my childhood 🙂
Thank you,
-Matt :p
Thanks! Glad the EBF4 update is running well.
I’m a professionally trained writer, and I noticed a few spelling spelling errors in the game, if you’d like to know please message me, they’re repeated in a few places.
Love the games so much! Thanks for making them with so much love!
Thank you for sharing.
How far are you with the EBF Collection?
its in the top right corner of this website. as of writing this, supposedly 85% done, probably has some base code done. but i dont know, im not matt.
is there a beta for the ebf5 android version and if there is how do i get acess to it
Not ready yet, but when it’s ready, my Patreon supporters will get it first for $2.
Matt I always thought your EBF games were one of the best designed RPG games I have played in my entire life, there is always something refreshing about the games that no RPG can replicate, it’s nostalgic, simplistic, but so fun and detailed. I keep thinking that if I wanted to make a game, I want it to make it in the design and style that you have, and the music from Phyrnna is beautiful too, I hope you would not mind if I used some of your art and assets to make a game.
hey um quick question, will there be an epic battle fantasy 6? i know that if there is then its prob at the bottom of the to do list, but i do want more of the ebf games, cus, you know, they´re fun. also if there is a 6th one, i do have a character idea.
so in the 3rd game there were 3 player characters, the 4th game added a new female, and the 5th game added a new male.
i think if there is a 6th game it should add another new girl, so that its even, 3 boys 3 girls and all that. however i do think it shouldnt be a normal girl, but a monster that you capture. seeing as how the 5th game added both a nonhuman player and a foe capturing system i dont think it would be out of place for a monster girl. she could maybe have a lost of buff-debuff skills, and also stat affect skills, but also a few martial art type skills, making use of her claws/tail/whatever. i dont really care about the story of the character, how you add her to your team, but i do think that there could be a lot of cool interactions with the other dinguses. maybe she could be good buddies with anna, because they both are nature lovers, she could maybe like lance because they both hate the environment, she could be friends with nat because they both use magic, however you think would be best, i do really want both another ebf game, and for it to have a new nonhuman girl.
dl;dr, i love your games, i want an ebf6, and i want it to have a monster girl as a 6th player character.
Ebf6 is not going to happen. Matt themself said so in a comment above this.
i like the concept though.
well who knows for sure? 🙂 🙂
Can you make a EBF dating sim?
Hey matt,do you know any of the tools that are used to mod EBF4/5? i was thinking of making a mod of the game and i cant really find any other place where i know how to mod those games
Also, Love to hear from another Canadian, Cheers from p.e.i
I didn’t know where else to leave this message, so here we go!!! I discovered EBF3 when I was much younger (maybe 11 or 12 i want to say?), and fell in love with the game. I played EBF2 and 1 out of curiosity and was very impressed by a series of flash games that managed to be create such a fun gameplay loop and at the same time have so much replay value. I remember playing the EBF4 beta on Kongregate and being so excited for the next installment in the series. The game came out, i played it, loved it, but years passed. I got older. Not until recently, I discovered this series again with EBF5. and I completed it without hesitation. Matt, you son of a bitch :0 I don’t know how you and Phrynna manage to do it but without question you make some of the best rpg adventure games I’ve ever, and still continue to, play. This is a series of games that will live on and continue to inspire many. I used to spent hours (I’m not joking HOURS!!) just looking at the concept art of EBF2 on my computer and thinking of creating my own characters and creating my own game. Those years are long gone, but I still remember this series and what it meant to me as it did to so many others. Long live EBF!!! I will always be supporter in anything you do my friend!!!
I an not sure why editor in EBFwiki doesn’t working
however, about Cleaver:
“Godcat Sword Style: Five-Headed Dragon Strike” respects
“Nine-headed Dragon Strike” from “Rurouni Kenshin”
I experience lag in my game which is also adressed here https://steamcommunity.com/app/265610/discussions/0/558754260442035051/ apparently there was a fix but download broken?
Also i reached the desert (10 hours in) and i should have gotten lance’s saw skill, but i never did? Did i ran into a bug or am i missing something, can my save maybe be altered to have it, if that’s possible?
Playing steam version btw.
Oh, that fix didn’t really work, and I don’t think I have that copy of the game anymore. If the stuff discussed in that thread doesn’t help, then you’re probably out of luck. Sorry about that!
I’m not sure why you don’t have the Saw skill – have you checked a walkthrough to see where it is located? I don’t think there’s any bugs that could make you lose a skill.
hey there matt! i purchased EBF5 on steam when it first came out but since then i’ve switched computers to a mac. is there any way i can get the files? i can provide proof of purchase btw! also, my mac runs on catalina 10.15 so is EBF5 compatible with that?
I’ll shoot you an email.
Dear Matt, I just wanted to say that the EBF series is most definitely one of my favorite sets of turn-based RPGs I have played in a while. It really does make me sad that I won’t be able to just hop on your website and allow the little flash icon to load those sweet, sweet games for me. I really wish that Flash would still be available after December, 2020. Thank you for all the great games you’ve made over the years, especially EBF. Hope you’re doing well. – Kirsten
Hey Matt, just dropped by to say thanks for all the fun and games! I got introduced to the series over a decade ago with EBF2 and I loved the first three games! Unfortunately, I haven’t got the chance to play 4 and 5 yet, but I’ll rectify that soon enough. Your games really put a smile on my face.
I wish you luck on your next endeavour!
Hi, how are you Matt?
I have a question about Epic Battle Fantasy 5:
Is there a crucial difference between the free version found on Newgrounds and the paid version of Steam? I mean, in the sense that if the free online version is incomplete or something like that.
I have nothing against the idea of paying for the game, and in fact, your excellent work deserves it and it’s a great way to help you to develop more games, besides Patreon. But what happens is that my computer works with Linux (the Mint distribution, in my case); and from what I see it is not possible to download the game in this OS or in Mac.
This gives me another doubt: in some possible future, do you plan to create a version for Mac and Linux? or is this technically impossible because of the way all your games are programmed?
That’s all for the moment, I wish you a lot of success and happiness!
– Carlos
P.S. I like the hat you’re wearing in your biography picture. (^‿^)
Here’s a list of version differences: kupogames.com/2020/01/21/ebf5is-live-on-kongregate-and-newgrounds/
Steam won’t let you download the game on Mac and Linux because there’s only partial support for these. The installation folder does contain a full Flash version which you can run with a Flashplayer of your choice, on any operating system (there’s also Flashplayers included in the folder).
If you buy the game on Itch it will let you download it on any operating system, with all the files you need to run it on Linux being included in the download: https://kupo-games.itch.io/epic-battle-fantasy-5
Oh, I didn’t know you had a version available on Itchio, ha, ha. So, as soon as I get the chance, I’ll get the game from there. Thank you so much for your help, Matt. Again, I hope your career reflects success and a bright future! °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Hello I want to thank you for creating such a great game like EBF. Will there be part 6 of the game? Ten years ago, I played this game when I was a kid. The game’s soundtrack reminds me of my childhood. Hope you will continue to part 6 and always support you.
I don’t have any plans for new games at the moment.
next ebf game will be all made out of pixelart XD
EBF6 when??????????????????????????????
EBF5 has only been out for less than a year, and it’s still getting updates. Why are you asking about EBF6??? Also, it’s been made clear in-game as well as from him that there won’t be another EBF.
question 2, for the new character is a boy named drake, the class is a lancer , the adventure it start with matt and drake can you make it?
question 3, what game did you inspired to make this beautiful game?
last question can we have more abilities and more equipement on this game with secret and easter eggs ?
hello matt! can i ask to you to do epic battle fantasy 6 with another character in the game, can we have this in the web site for free?
can we have italian language because this game is also played in italy.
thanks for give to me a fantastic childhood.
Add Some Extra Things When You Use 0 AP To Beat The Whole EBF5,Somebody Have Done It Now…………
No because that’s just unreasonable for those that want to be a completionist. They can get credit for achieving that
Hey, Matt! I just fell in love to your games! Owo
So, I have a two qustions.
1. In EBF5 are many of clickble parts on some enemies (and of course Natz, ehehe). So, what do you think about make Squid’s eyes clickble? I think – a little things like clickble parts is very important, so there is nothing bad in making more of this curious secrets.
2. I have many ideas for enemies, so I will be happy if I can somehow show it to you. Who knows, maybe you will like some of this and add them to next games. Or maybe not, who knows 😉
P.S. sorry for bad eanglish
You better be sorry, that “EANGLISH” was TERRIBLE. Sorry for the rudeness and its English not eanglish. I hope he puts one of your “many ideas for enemies” in the game.
Also I suggest you should bahahaha instead of ehehe.
P.S. I am very sorry, but your English was just so terrible.
WR Any% 4:34 EBF3
Hello, I’ve been a huge fan of this ever since I found it back on Newgrounds. I was wondering, as a streamer who is trying to get back into streaming if I could use your game on my channel. I would of course give credit to you. but I love the game and wanted to ask before just using it ya know?
Yeah, that’s fine.
Awesome thank you so much!
This website uses images of your creations and their characters, and also introduces Epic Battle Fantasy. 🙂 It seems that Japanese people are also popular!
Please visit the website below.↓
Dear Matt, I love you so much and I have a fantastic time with ebf5
I’ve been buying it for 2 months and I love it
But I wondered if there is any plan to take the game to any console, such as Nintendo Switch
sorry if my english is bad, i’m using google translator as support since i have my rusty english
Maybe mobile.
I, (George Hanks) legendary gamer, 2020 Congressional Candidate for FL District 13, Multi-World Record Holder/#1 Rank, 4.0 GPA Student, am going to claim another world record on this game, for killing all bosses in 1 minute (or less) in epic mode. I am going to submit it to the Guinness Book of World Records, therefore proving to be indomitable once again . I currently still hold the world record for Injustice Gods Among Us on the PS4. This will be the 80th world record I will claim.
You rule George Hanks (legendary gamer)
oye matt como hiciste en ebf3 con cierto item, npc y entre otras cosas que tienen parentesco a otros anime o vídeo juegos, ¿existe una regla o una ley para diseñar cosas inspiradas de otros animes o vídeo juegos?
si es así me podías explicar es que me gusta tanto tus juegos y quisiera homenajear tus juegos
Oye Matt como hacen los apartados gráficos de los Personajes, Enemigos, Objetos, Mundos y Jefes de Mundos. es necesario aprender de una universidad de arte profecional o siguiendo un artista por sus vídeos?
I think art is quite easy to learn in your free time.
Just practice a lot and do whatever tutorials you find – there’s tons of them online for free.
Or just copy the style of artists that you like.
Cool.. Thanks for sharing
Hey, I made a lego Heaven’s Gate!
(It’s a little worn, but still good against foes)
That’s pretty cool.
You need to make a pirate guy hold it now!
Is there any possibility of a Switch port? Or is that not a thing? It’d be neat to have this properly portable (my laptop can only run it on low reliably).
Mobile is more likely, but that might not happen either.
I am at the end of the game and after I captured snowflake, battle animations just stopped. They only continue when attacked, healed, and when attacking, but there is no idle animation. It was working before but now it’s not. How do I fix this? ❓
Change it in the options.
This is a bug where the option gets changed sometimes.
Check that Link Matt, He’s Copyright ur Original Soundtrack EBF5 at youtube.
He just want get some viewers with ur Original Soundtrack. 😡
Happens all the time. Nothing I can do about it.
so is matt and nat gonna date ?
i really want to see they become a couple ❓
i’m koren
thank for translation!! :love:
i love your game I will always cheer to you!! :stars:
(When will make the EBF6? I can’t wait ! :stars: )
ebf6 isn’t coming and I think it’s unreasonable for ppl to ask. ebf5 is still gettomg additions
Hello Matt,
I’ve always wanted to draw art for games, and I figured that Flash would be a good place to start due to how easy it is to manipulate vectors. I stumbled upon your old “How to draw ice with Flash” tutorial and your newer youtube video where you draw a game console. They really helped me get started and thank you so much for making them. However after drawing in Flash for one month I came across 2 major questions and I’ve figured you’d be the best person to ask since you are really experienced in drawing with Flash. First, when I try to convert lines to fills, my fills sometimes just dissapear. Is there any way to solve this? Second… what would you recommend to someone that is new to drawing? I know practise is important and that you practised a lot to come this far, but I am uncertain about what I should learn in order to practise it. I am interested in what important steps you took in order to become so good at it.
Sorry If I am asking for too much. You’ve always been my inspiration and this would mean a lot to me 🙂
Looks like you’ve discovered how buggy Flash’s drawing tools can be. Convert lines to fills works very badly, and the only workaround is to select smaller parts of your image and convert them separately – better memorize that hotkey. Adobe should really work on fixing that, but I don’t expect them to ever get round to it…. so it’s best to avoid using it if you can.
About learning to draw – just copy art that you like until it eventually turns into your own style.
– Matt
The free version link seem to work fine now.
We had a bit of a problem, but I think we fixed it!
This is more of a issue report than a reply (because i don’t know where i should do it ^^) . Apparently, the FREE version link is being directed by hackers (here is the redirected link: https://rxshop-24-online.com/ ). This site is apparently a scam online pharmacie site (check a website review here: https://drugstorereviews.com/rxshop-24-online-com-reviews/ ). I don’t know if it happen only to me or not… but i doubt it. I’m also assuming the steam version don’t have this problem, but i’m not sure…
This website might give you some information about malicious redirects (i can’t guarantee if it will help you or not, but who knows?): https://www.wordfence.com/learn/removing-malicious-redirects-site/
Anyway, excellent game. Good luck with the V2 of the game!
hi Matt,
I just stumbled across EBF4, and I like it! 🙂
will you be porting EBF5 to the nintendo switch?
greetings from bavaria
hey matt what if makes EBF is Modable
Hi Matt! The last game you made was great and i’m lovin’ it. But will you bring back (from dead) Goku in one of your updates? I just really liked him as a main villain is the Final Fantasy Battle animation and final boss of Brawl Royale (insert Canti and Goku flashbacks here :skull: ) and first Epic Battle Fantasy.
do you plan making this game mobile? on android and apple??? ❓
Hello Matt,
I am a huge admirer of your animation and game-styles.
About epic battle fantasy 5, can you convert it to work for android and mobile? It is possibpe to do this and the game mechanics will match fine and if you used HTML scripts, then it should be no problem but if you used adobe, then it is a problem because adobe is not mobile friendly this is why mobile stopped using it and all of the browsers have HTML built-in.
I hope you read this and consider because this is age belongs to mobile
Hey Matt, I’m a huge fan of you and your EBF games, and thanks a lot for all those great works!
Yesterday I emailed you about the beastiary in EBF5, hope you have received it. I forgot to scan Anna during the battle and then I’ve never had a second chance to do this in my playthrough of 60+ hours. Is there any way to encounter her in battle again, or would you consider putting bosses into some challenge battle like the gallery in future updates?
Look forward to your reply :stars: :stars: :stars:
no more ebf after 5?
I don’t think so
You are awsome bro , nice EB5 , see you EB6 , always suports for you :love: :love: :love:
my english so bad 🙁
Hey I’m wondering, are the steroids boost based off the base stats or the total stats you have?
Hi Matt!! :smirk:
Well i wanna ask if Valhala neon will be nerfed… i am lvl 49, farming snowflask, and i cant kill that tank in mega boss ruck in epic, it heals more than 1million hp each turn, i guess a nerf on the turn heal should be apropriate, like 20% less heal. 😥
sorry, its Snowflake and Rush*
quick question on the web version when is it exactly going to be released .Side note: great work on the games i’ve played them all and they are all brilliant hope you make more .
Not soon, probably in around 2 months.
i tried to email you for the ebf5 files (as i’m playing on a mac) but it wouldn’t let me. would it work from your end?
Matt what song did you use for the death metal limit breaker?
It’s in the credits under Additional Music.
So I’m in the hospital right now with my mom. She may or may not be dying, and does not currently know where or when she is. She needs constant attention while she’s awake so she does not accidentally hurt herself and prefers that I help her instead of nurses. But I’ve been playing EBF5 while she’s asleep, so I have been able to keep it together enough to take care of her when no other family is able to be here. I just wanted you to know that your games have more impact than you probably see on message boards comment sections. They’re fun, of course, but sometimes fun games make a lot more of a difference than you might think. Thank you so much.
Thanks, I appreciate it! I hope for the best for you and your family.
Hey Matt!
Is it possible to install epic battle fantasy 5 in android? :wut:
Kind of.
EBF5 will come out 2032, hm?…
Hey Matt, do you like the Soul Eater anime? There’s some references in your games, but im not sure… ❓
I was play beta , it’s so cool , so hope you make 2 more DLC like Battle mountain
Always support you , i love your games , EBF was my childhood <3
from fan boy Vietnam :smirk:
hey Matt, im nearing the end of the playing the beta and im having trouble finding the last few keys. im missing a coral key, a gold key, and a diamond key.
unless they are in the extended version, idk where they’re at. helpful hints would be appreciated! :stars:
i love the game so far, and can hardly wait for it on Steam :love2:
Bom dia
Quanto vai custar o EBF5 no Brasil ?
Hey Matt, I was wondering (sorry if someone already asked) are you also gonna put the premium EBF5 onto GOG, Or will it just be Steam?
Maybe, but it would be a little bit later than Steam.
If I may ask, is there a particular reason as to that?
Hey , i like the storyline a lot , is there a posibility to make an animated series based on the games ?
Is there a possibility of EBF5 coming out on console? I’m not much of a PC gamer but I own a PS4 and would totally buy it on there if it was on there.
Hi Matt. I didn’t really know where to put this, but one of your “head stomper” discord admins asked me to change my discord avatar because he didn’t think it was appropriate and gave me 10 minutes. I just left the server for the time being because I was busy and didn’t want to take the time to find a new picture yet, figuring I’d just rejoin later. But now I’m getting invite invalid and I’m pretty sure he banned me! Is there a way to get unbanned? I can’t even contact the guy about it because he didn’t pm me or anything he just said it in public chat.
I’ll pass this along to the mods. Not sure what exactly “invite invalid” means though.
They can unban you but you need to change your picture – it still shows us the old one.
“Invite invalid” is a generic error discord gives for bans, expired invites, etc.
I tried restarting my discord client so I think the profile pic will be updated serverside now if they look at my profile. It should be an anime girl with swirly eyes.
Hello Matt
I am a big fan of your games and intend to make web games myself.
I see you are using flash, which I myself have used for fun to create small animations. However I wonder, Adobe is going to kill off flash by 2020. So my question is: Do you think there is a future for web flash games, or is it best to try other engines such as Unity, if I want to distribute games to popular sites such as Newgrounds?
Flash probably won’t be viable for web games, but it still works fine on Steam and mobile.
After the Realese of ebf5 are we gonna have some updates that add some new content and bug fixes ? ❓
i hope this wont be the last epic battle fantasy game
I have a question. I’ve always wondered, how do the characters always loose their equipment between games, do they sell it? Do they get robed? Or maybe they put it away in some vault for safe keeping? ❓
Uh Matt could you make your games on steam be compatible with MacOS operating systems? I use a Mac in favor of a PC for performance issues, but otherwise I cannot support your games without MacOS support, so that would be just excellent for Mac users.
I won’t be officially supporting Mac, but there will be a simple workaround – you can just grab the Flash version of the game from the installation folder, and that will run on any system. (but you won’t have Steam features like achievements)
Problem is Apple make it hard to publish for them – and it’s their restrictions that mean I can’t make a Mac version from a Windows PC. But I’ll see what else I can do.
I’ve asked on this before, but just wanted to inquire about clarification; so in the files of the Steam version there is a flash version which can be separated out and run independently (presumably via flashplayer)?
Does this apply to both EBF4 and EBF5? I’m not personally very tech savvy, though one of my college friends is a Comp Engineer who can most likely walk me through it.
This is true for EBF5. I’ll try to make it easy to use.
Hi Matt,
first of all I want to mention that I played Epic Battle Fantasy 4 a lot and I really love this game, esspecially the music! Thank you for this game 🙂
Unfortunatley a bug occured: When i load my saved game, I see the environment, but not my character. In addition I cannot move at all.
Can u help me with this problem please?
ARCTICBASH (same name on Kongregate)
A few people have reported that bug, but I still don’t know what causes it or if anyone found a solution. Sorry about that.
hi Matt,
i have not had frequent updates in a while from you. What’s going on ❓ Will you be alright ❓
I am definitely playing EBF5, but recently games are becoming paid-only, im worried your game will become paid only. Also, i thought i’d say this to you, but Flash is losing support and you might need to change work program to keep up with your games
Flash is only being phased out in browsers. There’s nothing to stop it running on Steam or mobile.
Hey Matt! I wanted to comment for a couple reasons. First, I love your games, and find them to be easily among the best flash games I have played.
More to the point though, I wanted to ask about mac compatability. I’m a mac user, but would like to purchase EBF4, and EBF5 once it comes out on steam. This both because I want to see the additional content, and because I want to actually pay for a game I enjoy as much as EBF.
I’m not much of a computer person, and am reluctant to try and run a virtual machine, so I wanted to ask if you have an intent to release either game in a Mac-compatible format, or if their exists a way to make it Mac Compatible?
Thanks! :yay:
EBF4 won’t run an Mac right now, but EBF5 should have a simple workaround to get it working (though might not have full Mac support either).
What simple work around?
The game runs on Mac, using the Flashplayer projector. Only difference is no Steam features like cloud saving.
Steam won’t let you download the files on a Mac, so you’ll have to email me.
so the busty mage doesn’t exist?
Also , I love the work , keep up the good work ! :hurray: :yay:
:wut: 😐 I have just a little question . In EPF4 , the characters are Anna , Natalie , Lance , & Matt . ( Also NoLegs in EPF5 . ) If so , then what are their , Full names then ? (Respond by replaying to my question BTW.)
Matt, My friend have a trouble translating “The Rapture” in your EBF5 from English to Chinese.(In Oxford English Dictionary,it is ’a feeling of extreme pleasure and happiness‘ ,)Could you tell me what you mean ❓
……Well,this is another question.There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes.When my friends try to traslate Greenwood Village into chinese,the following results emerged:“绿之森村”(We know you hate the piracy, but in EBF4, that is greenwood’s translation.I think most Chinese like this. ps: By the piracy, EBF4 is more popular with Chinese stutends. objectively increased EBF4 sales on the steam.),”绿源村”,”绿木村”.“绿野村(It is reminiscent of the Wizard of Oz.)”
Which one do you like? :yay:
kinda off-topic here but for those who want to change avatar this is the site that work with the system: https://pt.gravatar.com/
:smirk: :coffee:
:yay: ¿volveran los dioses gato? :stars:
Matt what if 21 element at EBF 6 and that element name was gun/bullet, blunt, blade, laser, plasma, thunder, acid, bomb/explosion, nature, emp, healing, death, water, ice, earth, fire, wind, holy/light, dark, magic, and pure (sorry for bad english)
Matt what the ■ □□ -□□□ .¬ ■□■□■■■□□ -□□□ .¬`□ means ❓ ❓ ❓ :wut: :wut: :wut:
2032!?!? :ooo: my dreams have been crushed 🙁
Will Epic Battle Fantasy 5 be available on gog.com or anywhere else besides Steam?
Humble store is most likely.
how much extra content will the paid version offer compared to the free one in EBF5?
I’m just thinking what about making tank cannon as an available skill for Matt?It could merge with machine guns to make “tank” a skill like bullet hell but with blast element.tank cannon could deal more damage to a single target and deal less to other fores,while machine guns still deal damage to multiple targets
Do you or did you have merch? :wut: :wut:
Like i could swear there was a no legs cup somewhere
The merch was kinda crappy so I scrapped it for now.
Hey man, I am… so hyped for EBF5. And now that I stream I can’t wait to play it on there! The previews alone look amazing, and I’m still hyped after the battle demo and those new touches you added compared to game four.
Keep up the good work! :stars:
You should definetly add some ebf mech to the store, I’d gladly buy a shirt or something to help support my favorite indie game dev!
hey, can I use songs, charaters, and weapons in my game.
Don,t worry it will be free exept or dlc which will will not include music and charaters except easter egg, a gravestone. please reply to me by going to my channel called thy nuker. plz anwser by commenting. :smirk: :hurray:
I was wondering if you were planing to do a recreation or a rebuild of EBF 1&2. The reason why I am asking this is because of how they could be improved apon and, if you really felt like it, expand apon the lore of the EBF universe.
Plus they are kind of built in a style that kinda bugs me to be honest.
is EBFTD going to become a thing, because I would play that!
I actually have a request for EBF 5 and wasn’t quite sure where to put it.
Often in the previous games I have wandered around and though, “This would be much better if I could sit back and use my Xbox controller for this…”
So I was wondering if you could add Xbox controller compatibility like in Bullet Heaven 2, ’cause that would be great!
i thought both matt and natalie were based on real people
( i thought natalie was ronja )
I just remembered playing your series and love them. EBF4 was tons of fun for me and if I PC gamed again I would buy the premium. I was wondering is there a possibility that you could develop the games for the Nintendo switch? I would love yo support you on there.
hey matt , where did you learn to draw and how can I draw well on the pc just like you ❓
tell me plz :smirk: :smirk:
ignore the second post*
hey matt , where did you learn to draw and how can I draw well on the pc just like you ❓
tell me plz :smirk:
Hey Matt, are you gonna be at the Montreal Expo Gaming Arcade (MEGA) next week? just asking that ’cause you ‘now, it’s gaming convention.
Hey Matt, any chances that your other games would get published on Steam? (other than the ones already there of course)
Matt a question when you think you end up epic battle fantasy 5 :wut:
Cool,Im canadian too (no surprise there, Canada’s huge and i live up north),yet then again im pretty much everything,my ancestors traveled a lot i guess,tho seriously i found out i’m armenian,german,french,australian the list goes on
Hey Matt I wanted to ask if phyrna has a role in the series of games
Any Chinese Translate space to let me have a part time? ❓
oh forget something, im Malaysian. Im senior student, can doing in December.
I wonder who is the final boss for EBF5 ❓
Hi. I saw that NoLegs was in Indie Game Battle, so I thought I’d inform you of what happened lately with that game
http://www.ticgn.com/ticgn-originals/r-c/ryans-corner-the-downfall-of-indie-game-battle/ :bleh:
Haha, I saw this coming right away when I played the game and saw how bad it was.
I warned my fans not to buy it unless they liked testing very unfinished games.
Hi i just wanted to thx you for creating such an amazing game series, playing it was a blast.
Cheers from france
2032 really? That’s a 20 years project right?
how i do to marry with you? :love: :love: :love:
i hope i can play it on armor games 😀
A couple of questions:
Have you ever considered using Patreon? It seems like you’re not really the starving artist type (at least these days), but a lot of game creators have been using it to supplement their income. I know I’d be willing to send over a few dollars a month, especially since your games are free to play.
Secondly, is EBF5 likely to have the same (Windows-only) issues on Steam? I know there’s still some time in which they could make it more accessible, but have you heard of any changes on that end?
Yeah, I’ll probably stick to windows again. BUT the .swf file will be included in the installation folder, so if you don’t care about Steam features like achievements, you can run that file on anything.
i have a suggestion, why don´t bring back the damage points you do but staying with the max damage you do but changing the color to blue, green or red
srry for bad english :yay:
Is your secret alias tj kirk/ the amazing athiest.
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheAmazingAtheist. :wut:
the new EBF 5 will be free to play or we need to pay to play? ❓
yea, theres an error regarding the mighty oak in EBF5 demo :tongue: hopefully ypu see this
Honestly i’m not readied to throw money at you for my EBF5 so i’d rather to wait for a bit longer and play loser version 🙂 but i WILL play the prenium.
What programs do you use to create your games :smirk: ❓ :wut:
some words of inspiration.
you know why you aren’t getting as much money?
because we are all saving it of ebf5. I honestly have no idea how much it will cost me to get my hands on this game but it will always be worth it.
were waiting for you.
although you shouldn’t rush things for us we want the only the highest quality from our main man, Kupo
you’re the best. :yay:
I am a huge fan of all the EBF games! EBF4 being my favorite! I am super excited for EBF5! And I hope you keep making them after 5! I look forward to playing them for years to come :yay:
I do have a question for the steam version of EBF4 (which may have been answered but I may not have seen it) I let my cousin play the game on my steam and he filed all my save files? Is there a way I can delete them???
Will ebf5 aviable vor mobile (android / etc.?) :phone:
would be nice… (I hope you didnt get this question too often 😐 )
maybe i can help (I’m not doubt your skills, just your time ^^) im “new” ❓ at programming but im learning (my favorite engine is unity ^^ (pls no hate :wut: ))
(I now c#, js, html, css, very small parts of java ^^)
bad englisch -> I’m german… so…. sorry
btw what I like in ebf is the art(style?), story, … hard to describe for me…. the whole game :yay:
now my little brother play ebf4 xD
when i have more time i will try bullet heaven 2 ^^ and play the steam version of ebf4
Good luck in programming, styling etc… ^^ :coffee:
Maybe someday? I dunno.
the 2032 thing for ebf5 wasnt right…………………..
i hope it is 2017 and your like 60% done
so 2018/2019
2032 is like 15yrs from now 😡 :scared: 😥
2032,realy ?
References to the previous EBF will be you they present ? ( And a french language ? :yay: )
Using English in game is helping him to become WAY more popular.
Hey Matt maybe you have already answered this, but do you work on these games by yourself? If so you appear to be pretty successful for a one man developer (according to steam spy anyway) and I’m surprised different studious haven’t sought you out or perhaps they have and you refused to maintain creative freedom. I look forward to this new game and hopefully it’s a hit.
Check out game credits for details!
Is EBF5 literally coming out in 2032? Matt Roszak, This is not funny anymore. Atleast make it 2020 instead.
HAHAHA dude its not its for people who are impatient also its 50% done ya dingus :shades:
Oh, So Matt Roszak was just trolling? Good God. Because if it was actually 2032 I would actually wait my ass for it.
Hey Matt,
Are you selling Epic Battle Fantasy 5 on Steam? I purchased the 4th on Steam, and want to support you in your future endeavors.
Will it be traditional 4-way directional movement or are you gonna try with 8-way directional :wut:
hi matt if you do read this i just want to say that i LOVE you’re games there challenging and long like final fantasy which sadly i cant play but hey now i have an idea you’re the best and relax i may not be patient but i know that it wont be coming out for awhile and i can understand a Hyades so relax and enjoy you’re day :yay:
Was wondering if you were aware of this
If not, I thought you should know.
I’ve noticed that too, it seems that ‘GG Droid’ has countless flash games available for download. No idea whether they have permission or not, but my guess would be no.
Have you ever thought about adding a multiplayer aspect to EBF5? There are a few ways that could be done to create a PvP experience in EBF5 if people want it. Even if you don’t want to add PvP, what are your thoughts about adding a Co-Op aspect to the game? Both of these ways could increase the game population and make for some more fun playthroughs, overall increasing the enjoyability of the game.
Is it real that EBF5 will come out at 2032? It was only 1,5 years and the 50% of the game is done! :wut: 😡 :wut: :scared: ❓ :ooo: :tongue:
Can’t tell if you’re joking or not.
2032 is obviously a joke, mostly aimed at impatient people who constantly ask “when’s EBF5 coming out? I want it now!” and such.
You’re right, Matt is making solid progress with more than 50% done. I would guess a release within 2-3 years, though it will probably be sooner than that.
That’s my estimate allowing room for setbacks and so on, as well as not getting my hopes up for an earlier release.
Your games is awesome, but it’s a long time to wait, untill EBF5 comes out. I’m a BIG fan and love all of your games!!!! :yay: :love: :shades:
Will all the ebf be on mobile (i hope so) ❓ ❓ :smirk:
:scared: it looks difficult to program mobile applications ;w;…
😥 😥 😥 😥
:scared: did anyone else notice the tiny smiley face at the very bottom of the page? or was that just me?
Spoiler warning
So I finally beat EBF4 a couple days ago…..My god that fight was absurd and difficult, and it was on normal! Matt you really do enjoy bringing out the most destructive things in your games. Akron was challenging, but even with a level cap I still managed to do it with a strategy and a well balanced array of items and abilities. It was glorious when I finally killed that demon.
I then made it a duty to finish off Godcat, but then I saw the wave count and was very intimidated, especially with the strategy to complete the bestiary of running away after registering The Creator. I thought I’d be fine………but everything changed when The Destroyer attacked TwT That thing….my god was it annoyingly difficult. I had to rethink and replan everything……..then came that glorious moment when I reached BOTH of them and cried (much like Lance X3). I did it though, I beat both of them (BARELY!) and beat the game! It was glorious, but it is what the Godcats say that intrigued me most. I’m hopeful that we will see them again, but maybe as allies or summons possibly :hurray:
I don’t know what you got planned Matt, but I can’t wait to see that bar hit 100%! Your games are a fucking gold mine and I’ll gladly pay the price to play them! You deserve it after working so hard to bring these games to life
Thanks! I’ll try not to disappoint!
I’m sure you won’t Matt. Your games have been beyond amazing so far. I have zero reason to believe EBF5 will be any different 🙂
:scared: Is there a way to buy Humble Bundle (EBF4) using only steam funds (Im on a tight budget D:)
Oh nevermind i kinda realized its no longer on humble bundle (Is there a way to win a free steam key though) :ooo:
hey. The lance of creation and the staff of destruction if we could get them what would they do I’m just curious because you have LITERALLY no chance of getting them?
Hey Matt, idk if you will read this but I found some kind of a game breaking bug in EBF4, maybie you don’t really care about fixing it, but if you do tell me how to send you the photo I took.
EBF4 is so old now that I probably won’t fix it, unless it’s something simple. You can email it to me at kupo707[at]hotmail[dot]com.
is hard to learn programing? beacause i will create my game :stars: i will make my dream true and could i put matt ,nattalie ,lance and anna (nolegs is with matt
PS: i love your game :love:
Learn programming is nearly not even abit different from learning a weird langauge. so if you learned english or others stuff you can learn to programming AS LONG AS YOU KNOW HOW
I discovered your game Epic Battle Fantasy 4 on steam one day and when I was gifted it, immediately fell in love with the game’s charm. It was amazing, hilarious, cute, and challenging (still haven’t beat it at the time I write this though). The characters were entertaining and the flow of the game wasn’t too disrupted by difficulty that it was unfun. The amount of content and functions that game had definitely made it worth the price.
Eventually I found the third one, EBF3 on steam as well, and have fallen in love with that as well (though that one I beat #datfinalboss ). It was truly beautiful, and this lead me to wonder why EBF1 and EBF2 weren’t on Steam. I went to Newgrounds and tried the games out. While they had their charm, it didn’t flow the way 3 and 4 did. I still would play them though, as they weren’t bad games.
Now comes the point where I reached this site and am overjoyed at the idea of an Epic Battle Fantasy 5! You are a truly talented person, and I will patiently (but also eagerly) wait for this new game to be released. I will be giving the other games a try to see what they are like, but as of right now I am on an EBF obsession! 🙂
Thanks! 😀
Hello again. How will you find the pictures I send. You can see me post directly? ❓
Hey! Matt Roszak… I have played your games in sequence since my childhood (epic battle fantasy 1,2,3,4) you have made a great game. This game remained my remembrance. Music, game characters, and their special abilities. Great game design. Meanwhile, I’ve always created pictures of your game and I can still send it if you want … I play and play the game (I have my game book). So I love your game when I was young. I’m still enjoying it. My favorite character is Natalie. I would love to hear from you. good bye… :yay:
Hello, you should post the art on somewhere like DeviantArt if you want to share it!
Hello Matt Roszak. I uploaded the pictures to DeviantART. My DeviantART username: Kai377
I took the pictures separately. There is the order of these pictures, but I got mixed up. You already understand :smirk: . This Epic Battle Fantasy 4 notebook game. :yay:
hey im really satisfied with your games.please rape that EBF5 shit.gl hf :stars:
will we meet god cat again also any early boss disgens and if we do see god cat again it would be cool to upgrade the creator and destroyer also i noticed the lance of creation and staff of destruction any significance also whats with the smiley face at the bottom. 👿 👿 👿 :yay:
Which university do you recommend for a computing science course?
I don’t know where you live.
Just look up the best ones. Also try not to get into massive debt!
It’s true that you can learn all of the content in your own time, but a good university will make it so much more worthwhile, as they will have experienced researchers, industry contacts, and just a high concentration of smart people together which you can learn from.
How long does it take to animate and make each of the interactive flash of players, foes and spells?
Really depends on each specific one. Players take a long time, like 2 or 3 days – and they’re not even being made from scratch.
Your family is mostly Polish. :yay: (I’m from Poland and I love your games. They are awesome :hurray: ) (I’m sorry if I wrote something wrong)
The EBF game series is superior
:bleh: 😐 :meh: :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: 🙁 :love: :love2: :stars:
Hey Matt,
So, I was wondering, how would I transfer EBF4 save files from computer to another computer? I have copies of said save files (EBF4file1.sol and etc.), but I’m not quite sure where to place it from there on out. Currently, I’m not looking for a transfer to Steam (that’ll be sometime in the future), only computer to computer.
I was also wondering if you happen to know of any specifics about how Kongregate saves their game data, specifically EBF4. I have an EBF4file1.sol file within my assets.kongregate.com, but it doesn’t match up with the one in-game when I play it on Kongregate. I.e. I have files: “EBF4file4.sol”, “EBF4file6.sol”, and “EBF4file7.sol”. If I’m thinking what I think it is, then save files should appear in slots 4, 6, and 7, right? Well, that doesn’t seem to be the case in my situation. Instead, it appears blank with a save file that is irrelevant in slot 1 (top left spot), or something of the sorts.
Sorry If I repeated this question even if you’ve answered it already. I couldn’t find much help to me when looking around (maybe I looked in the wrong places?).
But I appreciate any kind of help that I can get. I’ve been a fan of EBF4 for quite a while now, playing it back from 2013. Since I’ve finished the game back then, I’d like to reload that save data (which I cleverly backed-up). Although it’s nice to replay the game, I’d like to see what I was doing from back then.
Again, much thanks. :smirk:
The easiest way IMO is to make a save file on the new computer – and then do a full system search for that file to find the save folder, and then put all the old files into that folder. Restart the game afterwards.
Hey, I am a freshman at Milwaukie Academy of the Arts. In it we have this class called arts lab where we have to research a topic we come up ourselves. I want to be a game designer when I grow up so I asked how do game designers view make games now versus when they first started making games. I was wondering if you might help me finish my project by answering that question. You don’t have to but it would be greatly appreciated if you did, thank you. :smirk:
-Damian R. Ford
Email is nclack not nclackl, my mistake
Sorry, that’s too much of an open-ended question, I’d have to write an essay.
I mean that’s what I have to do to some extent. Could you name just one thing? Or is that difficult as well? Thanks for the response btw.
-Damian R. Ford :yay:
Hey Mattematics! How does EBF 5’s cutscenes look like? Like EBF 4 or EBF 3? :wut:
MATTematics. Hehe. :yay:
Awwww there is a little smiley face at the bottom of the page 😀 :yay:
Why is EBF3 marked as for Windows only on Steam? It works just fine on my Mac.
Cause it’s a .exe file.
Even on Facebook someone’s using your content 😡
Also is the girl with the blue hair a new EBF character or just for bullet heaven ❓
:meh: She is the chick who does all …or atleast some ogf the music for all the EBF games :l guess mat wanted to make it more obvious she is important :ooo:
you know …minus the early games :coffee: :smirk:
Where/Are you a pirate just like Matt or is that just a coincidence ❓ 😐
Maybe it’s just an interest or he wants to reflect a piece of his personality in this character. I for example like the medieval topic and I think it’s not that much uncommon that pirates share the same area of interest, even if those are in different ages. It’s just a thought, but maybe he just likes it medieval while also beeing interested about pirates, just like me.
(Translation via Google Translate, sorry if there are any errors in the text)
Hey I have an idea for EBF5 could have a temple / cemetery where have a ritual, and to complete it will be necessary items of any kind and how many you want.
After completing their items with a portal will open, and it will have enemies based on used items, their level will be based on your and items used.
Have a boss and a chest the boss is based on the item more “rare” you put in, the chest gives you items that improve stats (fixed amount) and 20% more items than the original amount used.
Enemies will not drop anything besides XP, all the loot is in the chest, which can only be opened after defeating the boss,
You can exit the portal at any time, but lost ALL the items you used in the ritual.
Example of a portal: were used 100 snowballs, and 5 Elixir of life, will have several goos and snow and variations shrubs, and some spirits, Angelic Eyes, Chimeras Bears, and the boss will be 1 dragon strong gold.
I think it would be really cool, will have a variety of enormous challenges, you can multiply your loots, obviously will have a limit, something like 10 portals to every 6 hours. Well that’s it. :yay: :yay:
Do you use a tablet for your art, and if so what kind of tablet do you use?
Cintiq 13 HD.
Hey Matt. I was just playing EBF4 on Kongregate today, and I noticed that the Acid Skill is no longer in the game. I was wondering if thats a glitch or if it was removed for some reason. I’ve opened every chest in the game, and the one specified in the online guide (in the puzzle room after the Praetorian MKII fight) contains Titanium instead of the skill. Just wanted to get some clarity on the matter. Thanks.
Yeah it’s a bug.
Hi I’m a long time fan of yours since EBF2. Is there a difference between computing science and computer science because I’m taking an IT course and before you came up with the EBF series what would be your preferred occupation? :smirk:
Pretty sure there’s no difference.
When will the game actualy come out?
:wut: ❓
Like :wut: When is BEF actuly comming out?
Hello Matt,
some thoughts I’d like to mention for EBF5.
1) Weapon skills are sometimes unrelyable for triggering. If you’d like so, would it be possible to add Flairs which guarantees triggering the weapon effect from a weapon? Of course at the cost of offense(maybe like -30 Phys/Mag Attack?). And if not solved by Flairs, maybe adding more skills which might trigger those weapon skills guaranteed might work well too. Status effects caused by weapons aren’t included.
2) If it’s in your intention, maybe telling us the exact chance of triggering a status effect or weapon skill could be great. If I didn’t see wrong, also all skills seem to have a different behaviour in applying those effects, just like Matt’s Windslash does trigger such effects at much higher chance or so.
3) Probably interesting to add skills, Flairs or weapon effects which fill up the Limit Break bar without the need of taking damage?
4) Giving immunity to a status effect might prevent equipment which cause this effect beeing applied might be good? At the moment even if we have an immunity to an effect like curse, using the gear which might curse the player are still working. I’m aware that it might be partly too strong, but just to mention.
5) Those randomly summons caused by equipment are sometimes unrelyable. While I don’t think there needs something to be changed necessarily but sth. like in 1) mentioned might be used for such summons aswell maybe. Or maybe make those skills additionally 1 level stronger(or 50% stronger if it’s a damaging/healing skill) when using the skill(if the character has this one) without waiting for the effect.
And another side note I’d like to add:
I’m wondering what happened to the Acid skill. I did complete the game with just 1-2 chests and 1 secret missing and I’m really wondering if this skill got either removed or moved to another location. If there’s any info out about this skill, please link it to me, thanks.
And to come to a conclusion, good job so far, making EBF so much challenging and interesting to discover in terms of character builds and strategies. Wish more of such challenges will come with the next EBF game(and probably more). Good work and thanks for reading.
Thanks, I agree with some of those ideas.
Also the Acid skill is gone in the Kongregate version because I think I accidentally changed the treasure chest it was in. Whoops.
I have a possibly interesting question for you.
Of all the Epic Battle Fantasy games, which one do you think is your favorite to make?
Your… Kidding about the next game coming out on 2032, right? Right? oh, wait, what am I saying. You probably are.
its so funny how so many people are reacting to that joke, im sure it will be done around mid 2018
Hello Matt, I have an interesting question.
How did you meet and start working with Phyrnna (or HalcyonicFalconX as she was previously known)? Epic Battle Fantasy 1 used songs from other media like Final Fantasy, so how did you ended up having her working with you starting from Epic Battle Fantasy 2?
(And here’s just some random gushing about her songs. Her songs are awesome. :yay: )
She offered to let me use her music. It was good so I accepted.
I’m still pondering if the 2032 is a joke or not. If it isn’t then damn, but in any case let me get to th point.
I found one of your games on Armor Games when I was 8, being the small child I was (and still am) I didn’t understand what have the shit they were spewing out was. Now that I have turned to live a life of memes I understand every god damn joke. Not only that but I decided to 99% your game, cause I can’t buy that shit (I really want to though) I’ve wanted to find some shadow vs player artwork but I can’t find any, I’m no good at drawing so I can’t do it. In any case, let’s hope that our Kupo707 stays alive and doesn’t die till 2032! And if he does then shit… Don’t die on us man and that art work in the game looks really nice so far. :yay:
Will Anna be in Epic battle fantasy 5?
Can u teach me how to do EBF game?
Have you ever thought about doing a EBF roguelike spinoff? I just thought it was a fun little idea.
Is it possible that the 5th EBF game will be random and have memes and references and lots of randomness like in the first two EBFs? (1 and 2)
They had meme references like (Fight da powa! and BOOM HEADSHOT!) but the 3rd and 4th games were taken more seriously. :/ 👿
Anyone else think Lazarus should make an appearance?
He’s awesome. :shades:
i really hope some of the older characters make an appearance, it would be really cool
Omg I meant Catch & I meant Would 🙁
I Faqing Love, Love, Love your game!!! :love: :stars: but if I could request one thing, it would be for a line of new inventory items called “Boomerangs, that you would buy at a store, & would come back to the hero, but the ctach is that you can only use one per round, or match or battle, one of those, perhaps something like that. The use wood be for those times that you need some kind of special damage, but only have a few elements at your disposal at a time. There could be different kinds of boomerangs too! Like the basic Wooden Boomerang, Frosterang, Flamerang Electrang, Bomberang, Steel Boomerang(stronger version of Wooden Boomerang). I really hope you will consider this post, please!!!!!!!!! 😥
I meant EBF5.
Waiting for EPF5 to come out will be the most painful wait ever. :sick:
bioms :wut:
I’m making an RPG in RPG Maker MV, and I was wondering if I could have some of your characters appear in my game. I’m not sure how big of a role they would have in it, whether I would make them full party members or just give them some side-roles, but I figured I should probably ask you first, since they are your characters. I also have no idea if I’ll ever release the game commercially, it probably won’t end up being good enough for that, but I might as well try to make something decent with it. :meh:
If you do allow me to have them be in the game, I’ll do my best to stick with their personalities as you’ve portrayed them in your games, and overall have them stay true to themselves. Hopefully you’ll let me use them, but I understand completely if you don’t want me to. :hurray:
(I’ve done some more creationizing of it, and I would probably like to have them be full party members, Anna and Lance especially, so I guess there’s that :smirk:)
emote why 😥
matt please look your contacting e-mail!!!! :smirk:
2032…. :sick: :scared: 😥
i just want to finaly play it and i dont have any money iwanna make a youtube series about it pls
EPF5 IS COMING IN 2032 i know that just i joke :meh: right ❓ ❓ ❗ :wut:
my kong name is menji15 and it was 1 week ago
Yeah, there’s no record of any purchases by you. I’m pretty sure your purchase was never completed.
It’s wonderful to hear that you’re making the 5th Epic Battle Fantasy! I absolutely loved the 4th game! :yay:
Small request but do you think you can make the 5th game have an online save on armor games like you did for the 4th game? :hurray:
Thanks XD
go throug
and yes it did
i did that on kongregate and it dont work ;(
So you definitely got charged twice?
What’s your Kongregate username and when did you buy it? I’ll look it up.
kupo i did buy the bullet heaven pack twice and i still dont have the content pls help;-;
Where did you buy it? Are you sure the payment went through?
Your games are amazing keep up the great work :stars:
porque vas a terminar el juego en 2032 :scared:
hola matt rotzak mira tu juego me encanto desde que lo juge me cambio la vida fuelo mejor del mundo
y poreso te admiro me isiste llorar con la canciones nunca pude jugar el modo premium pero no importa
necesito que completes EBF5 lo quiero jugar y una pregunta porque si te llamas matt porque no creaste
a matt primero 🙁
hey some EBF5 releasedate?
2036 :scared: :scared: :scared:
Matt I just wanted to know why you don’t add any characters from Brawl Royal,some of your old animations like attack of the black mages 5 or ones in your old EBF series as bosses,NPC’s or just people mentioned in the game :stars: also bring back Mog
dont tell me godcat is back to destroy earth
yea or no ❓
Hello? :yay:
I am a person who enjoyed the game in Korea. :smirk:
You are scared of EBF will be popular in Korea :love: , But
This is why people does not know English. 🙁
This does not absolutely derogatory English.
English is still above those in and joins for those who want a fun game.
I’ll let you know the three Koreans will watch the game
1. The design, effects, play time
2. Did you use the Korean?
3. A lot of popular people know?
Please add a Korean.
I’ll buy more games 10 times
This translation will be strange. I’ll translate it.
So please enjoy as players simply add one Korean.
“If its good I’ll feature it” Ya know how rude that can sound to people who’s art isn’t ‘good enough’?
oh no, in this current EBF4 version, god cats is so strong , stronger than the old version a few year ago. i want to fight fair with them( my team and god cat’s team are lv 33 ) but i can’t. they hit me almost 1 hit and i die @@. I have fought to wave 7 but it was my limit . is this possible to fight god cats at the same level??? 🙁 T_T 😥
It is perfectly possible to be at the same level as Godcat. It just requires some strategy. General rules of thumbs for these boss battles are:
1. Make sure you have buffs on all your players, especially on epic. Most important ones are Defence and Mag. Defence.
2. Equip equipments that provide protection. These could either increase defence/mag. defence in general, or increase resistance to certain elements. For this battle specifically, it might be wise to prepare 2 sets for all players, one that resists holy and one that resists dark.
3. Use limit breaks when needed. They’re there to give you an edge in battle.
4. Use items if needed.
5. Make sure all equipments are at level 5.
6. Make sure to use stat items. They make a huge difference.
If you’ve ever faced any of the battles on Battle Mountain, especially the marathons, then you’ll discover that Godcat has nothing on those battles.
After who you have that surname? ❓
Can you remove the changing difficulty during the game? it seems that players are using cheat in the game and they can not prove their veteran whenever they can easily change the difficult level. so it will make the game more boring and don’t have much challenges. i hope this will be applied to EBF5 ( sorry for my bad english).
This is a very good point ^^
Well, that’s what the epic medals are for. Of course, I’m referring to the “Beat ____ on epic difficulty” medals, as those medals are not to be taken lightly. In EBF3, I must say that playing through and beating the game on epic wasn’t as hard as EBF4, as you didn’t really need to have too high of a elemental resistance against most foes. In EBF4, without some elemental resistance, you’ll take some heavy (really heavy) damage, especially from bosses. But those epic medals aren’t to be taken lightly, especially those for Battle Mountain.
hey matt i have an idea for ebf5. you should make voice for the charater (not include NPC) cause some other flash game i played the character have voices and it was awesome and because i like to hear the conversation between the character the jokes, the sarcasm,etc… :stars: :stars: :stars:
Hi Matt, do you use any IDE or you program directly from flash?
Why not flex?
2032!? I don’t think I can wait that long… :scared: :skull:
EBF 5 NoLegs’ ears are fun to wiggle please make everything wiggle (hat, hair, ground, entire screen, etc.) ❓ ❓ ❓ ❗ ❗ ❗
Nice job.
and i know there was something wrong with “Roszak”
Pozdrowienia z Polski 🙂
in ebf 5 can you make a story how matt and natz meet each other? :stars: :stars: :stars:
Hey matt can i ask you a question
If ronja is your girlfriend then what is the relationship between you and phyrnna?best friend?
Heyo matt i have played your game and i have a few idea for ebf5
Some players have skill to turn into deity- like warriors
combo limit break that use limit break bar of more than 1 player
Give lance a weapon element limit break like the other 3
and finally more usable item like bomb or shuriken :love2:
:hurray: Love EBF ~ ! I really want to know what’s the music’s name means “Estavius” , it’s best game music i had ever listened ~!
:stars: :stars: Majestic beard is majestic. :stars: :stars:
P.S.- Bought the EBF4 – totally worth it.
Hello Matt i just wanted to say at my school im doing an interactive media course which is game design and learning about different game companies and one of the tasks i have been set is to write on a small independent company so i decided to do Kupo games as my Indie company to write but there some information i haven’t been able to find from the research ive done so im hoping you could answer them directly the 2 questions are How much revenue do you earn from your games and where does most of your revenue come from? undoubtedly most of your revenue comes from your games but do you have an outside source of revenue like a job etc thank you for reading big fan of your work and will defintly be buying bullet heaven 2 when its out :yay:
I’m not gonna tell you how much I earn, but I can say that it’s all from games, and most of it is from sales on Steam, with a decent amount also being from sales on Kongregate.
Most of the revenue used to be from ads and sponsorships from websites like Kongregate and Armor Games, but those aren’t very effective anymore and don’t bring in much money. Sales are the way to go these days.
Ok thank you for answering :yay: I can finish my assignment now ^^ good luck in the future of your games I will continue. Supporting you and buy any that are released I look forward. To bullet. Heaven. 2 and whatever. Game comes next perhaps Epic battle. Tower defense :ooo: Or a return. With EBF5 :love: Thank you for all your hard work
I made a Terraria character that I created to look like Lance as best as I could. Here’s the link to the pic:
He has all three of the mechanical minions summoned, The Twins, Deadly Sphere, and UFO, His pet is a Dinosaur (I feel like either him or Matt would choose a dino for a pet), he’s riding the UFO mount and is firing one of the most awesome guns in Terraria, the Megashark!
That’s pretty cool!
Thank you! I even made one of Anna.
Here she is. She was difficult to make but I think I came pretty close to her likeness with this one. Her pet is a sapling and she has the magic quiver on her back and the bow she’s using is the Pulse Bow, a bow that turns arrows it fires into bolts of energy that bounce off of walls.
I’ve manages to make Matt and Natz as best as I could on Terraria. There wasn’t a dreadlocks hairstyle so I went with the one that was closest to it for Matt. As for Natz, I used a hair style as close to her’s as I could, it’s just a bit too long. Also, there isn’t really a shorter dress and there weren’t any boots similar to her’s that would work. And the Cat pet with her was my attempt at making a version of Nolegs but it’s normally a black cat so that’s the closest I could get it to Nolegs’ fur color.
Matt: http://imgur.com/Jd4WbBU
Natz: http://imgur.com/ePll1pa
Nice one!
Oh yeah, I forgot to ask if you wouldn’t mind putting it on a Fan Art Post. I’d be honored if you did. :yay:
+Matt Roszak Hi Matt Roszak, you are the best creator of role-playing games! and you can speak Portuguese (Brazil)? because I’m having to use Google translator to talk to.
+Matt Roszak Hi Matt Roszak, you are the best creator of role-playing games! and you can speak Portuguese (Brazil)? because I’m having to use Google translator to talk to. :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: :love: :love2: :stars: 🙁 😐 :meh: :bleh: 😥 :sick: :scared: :shades: 😡 :wut: ❓ ❗ ➡ :skull: :phone: :phone2: 👿 :coffee: :bacon:
O melhor criador de jogos de RPG! :bacon:
all expressions at once! :ooo:
Heyo, Matt! Just wanted to stop by and take the time to say how much I appreciate your series! It’s really freaking awesome. In preparation for Bullet Heaven 2, I’ve taken the time to try and get as many medals as possible in the first Bullet Heaven. And then, if you start to work on Epic Battle Fantasy 5, I’ll gladly await its release!
Just so you know, you’re the only one to have me hyped for a flash game! (And then I may get the Steam game if I can scrape up cash)
:bacon: – :love2: – :coffee:
Keep at it, Matt!
Hey, seeing that you like swords, Matt, I thought I might make a suggestion for your RL. There is something called the SCA which stands for the Society for Creative Anachronism, basically the people there relive medieval life with things like feasts, art, and of course, swordplay! Technically what they do counts as fencing, but instead of using flimsy sport weapons they swing swords you wouldn’t want to get hit with, even though they won’t be sharp, and some people even fight with full plate armor on.
I’m not telling you that you have to learn how to use a sword (although learning actual techniques is pretty awesome, and turning them into attacks for your games would impress most people, and the grapples are boss) but I figure even going and watching (they will ask you to dress up for it so you don’t spoil the atmosphere just by being there) would be something you would like.
Last thing is you live pretty far from me (you can probably tell since I said armor instead of armour) so you would have to search for events on your own, I can’t tell you what’s going on in the UK aside from the fact they will be there.
Actually if its just swordplay you’re interested in HEMA would be a better organization than the SCA since HEMA is guaranteed to be using actual techniques
Maybe the guy in this video can explain things better than I.
Is the series gonna end at one point?
Your Epic Battle Fantasy games are Epic. I am an game designer. Why dont you make an MMO game or multiplayer game or a game with online ranking list?
You have to search about Accel World, SuperMechs, CardHunter. I also love Heroes of Storm, Hearthstone. You watched High School DxD.
I will design my latest game and send you. It will be a card and map based combat game.
hello matt Might update the guide Epic Battle Fantasy 4 PD: I do not speak English
Oh, so you’re sort of Polish? That may explain “Roszak” :smirk: Or maybe not, i don’t know, but it looks like a polish name
Yes, I’m from Poland.
Btw. I freaking LOVE your games :love: :love2:
Yeah. Thanks!
you are tied at second as my favorite game developor that means you are awesome :yay: :hurray:
i like idle games so if you make one you could reach the top spot. you may not like idle games so you might not want to make one but just my 2 cents
hey Matt, I just wanted to say that I have some ideas for EBF5. Let’s start with new elements. Snow. It simply freezes the enemy. I mean freeze, it is not like ice. Ice makes enemy can’t do anything for 1 round and snow slows enemy. It will make their evade worse. Second, Acid. I think there should be a difference between acid and poison. Poison status effect lasts longer but acid’s do more damage. And third it will be earth, wood or something. There should be 2 different elements. One is Rock and the other Earth. Rock is the element like Matt’s attacks and the Earth is like Anna’s attack. Maybe there can be more elements but I dont have more ideas. And for elements, magical and phsyical attacks should have differences I think. And if the attack is phsical, the surronding of the element image can be different color like yellow and the magical’s can be red for example. I really want to see the character’s difference. Matt is OP with phsyical rock attacks, Natalie is OP with magical holy attacks etc. And I think the new game needs more characters. I have a character idea where he is a crazy scientist and he is OP with acid and status effects. We need like a lot new characters and maybe we can have them at the half of the game. There should be 5 characters in fights I think. For the supports, I have a really nice idea. Support characters won’t fight but they will make some of your elements better. Let’s say it is Anna, your earth and poison attacks will be better and evade will be higher, Natalie will make your magical attacks and magical defense better etc. And maybe characters only for support like Nolegs. Maybe they can deal damage when all of your characters turn is finished. And then we need story like Matt and Lance will fight because they both love Natalie and one of them will leave the party and come back later at the end of the game etc. And I want a new game after the end of the normal game which you will have all of the skills max etc and fights will be a lot harder. And please, make EBF5 a lot longer because I really love the series. I play at least 1 hour in one sit. Thanks for reading my ideas. Please reply me if you read that.
I saw this already. Stop posting it.
sorry dude. I thought u didn’t see that. Please forgive me master
Hi Matt :hurray: , I recently created a song meant for a tribute for the EBF series :hurray: :hurray: . May I take pictures from the game as a background and post it on YouTube and give a special mention to you? :stars: :bacon:
Thx Matt :stars: :stars: :stars: :love2: :yay:
love yu matt :3 i wait for epic battle fantasy 5 :yay:
So you’re sort of polish… I’m polish, then i know why you’re awesome 😀
hi! gay a my epic battle fantasy 4 is cool :smirk:
HI Laura! My name is Laura :yay:
my epic battle fantasy is ok,a crictal cave :shades:
When is Bullet Heaven 2 gonna come out? ❓ I’m playing #1 on Kongregate and I got to level 15 in two days!!! Make BH2 harder and longer plz 😐
What a information of un-ambiguity and preserbeness oof valuable experience on the topic of
unpredicted feelings.
A chill ran down my spine when I read this sentence: “After that I might start working on Epic Battle Fantasy 5!”
WTG man, love the EBF series. waiting for 5. wanna minecraft bro, i play FTB, whatever pack is new/runs. Realms is alright…but FTB is better.
there’s this weird glitch when u can’t stop playing….. totally awesome games, best flash games in internet!” :stars:
keep up on amazing work bro! :yay:
lol Meh too 😀
wait my name on english means matthew, lol !
this cool guy never disappoint his fans you canbet it 😉
What you have a beard! In EBF you have no beard…………….lol :wut:
By the you’r awesome. :smirk:
By the way you’r awesome*
when will EBF TD and EBF5 come out? :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :hurray: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut: :wut:
Can you make a new character in EB5 ❓
Gamers love you too, and your games!
Though that Eyeball boss looks positively evil.
I subscribed to you on youtube :yay:
wow, i mean i still sometimes devote my soul to kupogames and probably will continue the rituals and stuff when EBF5 is out but i mean you seem to love it even more then me… then again i do keep it more on the downside (dont show it too much), but its cool to know that there are people like me who really like his games!
Look at my name… ebf written all over it! 🙁 :yay:
i think BH2 broke my pc have a lot of lag for me! 😐
Your Awsome ❗ ❗ :yay:
You’re my favorite game developer ever, can’t wait for Bullet Heaven 2. I was appalled to see only 47 comments on your about section, so I figured I’d contribute. I’m rarely anyone’s fanboy, but you’ve definitely earned it from me. I just wish I could work with you in some way, that would be awesome seeing as I’ve been studying to be a game developer. If you were hiring, I’d probably end up devoting my days to mastering it so I could be hired by you XD
No, I’m not going to apologize for fawning over you. Keep up the good work!
Just like you I am not really anyone’s fanboy (actually never, not even for Matt.), but EBF4 is one of the 7 games I actually like, and for that Matt, I congratulate you.
BTW, this is my expression for most other games, :bleh:
love the games, i loved EBF 1-4! cant wait for EBF5!
bullet heaven :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars: was AWESOME!!!!
Are you going to make Epic Battle Fantasy 5 ❓
“and a sequel to Bullet Heaven. Maybe. Possibly.”
Please do. :stars:
bullet heaven 1 is very easy MAKE bullet heaven 2 more hard!!!!!!!
:meh: I”m such a noob… I can’t even pass the 2nd level :bleh: .
Your wonderful :love: :yay:
Hi, um, Mr. Rosnak? I really love your games, stumbled onto them on Kongregate and decided to come here to check out more cool stuff ^^
…I’ve played EBF1, 2, 3, and 4 (I didn’t finish any except 4…one and two didn’t have a story mode and #3 had glitch keys 😐 ) But I REALLY love EBF 4 and when, after many weeks, I finally beat Godcat and discovered the ending…well, I was a bit bummed out, you see… 😥
I’m sorry for all the, erm, ‘jibberjab,’ but I have a major favor to ask of you? I know you are really busy with lots of other stuff, like that awesome sequel to the Bullet Heaven game, but perhaps when you are finished with that you could maybe make an EBF 5? I’d literally jump for joy!! :yay:
But it is your choice, since you devote so much of your time, Mr. Rosnak. I would really be ecstatic about the pentquel…? :ooo:
OH, also, Mr. Rosnak, sorry to, uh, bother you continually 🙁 but I play Mineplex as well! I am usually on server 11, and I at times just dwandle about at the Hub. If I got the chance to see you I’d probably fangirl :love: lol, but I won’t bother you, since I practically wrote an entire essay on how awesome you are to me already in the comments here >_<
Well, it's nighttime for me, so goodnight!
I’ve been perma-banned from Mineplex for teamkilling. Was worth it!
LOL! That’s awful tho 😥
got permabanned from Scratch for EBF4 fanart! 😥 It’s like they don’t like me… ❗ nolegs icons are adorbs!!! (ps, i’m a girl :yay: ) I also have soooooo many fanart drawings everywhere… :stars:
I tried to be you for a living Bio… but there was not enough info… 😥
how do you make websites Matt i want to make one
matt do you have ps4? ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓
obviously. he created games 4 the system… (at least a ps3) :yay:
is their an EBF5 in the future ❓ :wut:
Canadian…. my lord i live in Canada
also ye be livin’ in Scotland eh lad?
well here’s a fact about me i am 75% Scottish
wow first i tought that you are chinese or Japanese when i first played ebf4 ❗
sir if you do not mind if you ever make epic fantasy battle May I suggest you add a new player who has weapons like giant ninja stars but whether woman or man. and final boss can be a super human god cat owned by weapons of all players and all their skills or just improved cat god. and heads of each area may be the bosses of their games like zombie goku, Valkyrie and akron, thanks for your attention.
sir if you do not mind if you ever make epic fantasy battle May I suggest you add a new player who has weapons like giant ninja stars but whether woman or man. and final boss can be a super human god cat owned by weapons of all players and all their skills or just improved cat god. and heads of each area may be the bosses of their games like zombie goku, Valkyrie and akron, thanks for your attention. :smirk: :smirk: :smirk: :yay: :yay: :yay:
Do you speak spanish? :yay:
Oh yeah also been looking forward to that TD game ever since I saw some ‘concept art’ for it.
Might be waiting quite a long time still…
Yeah most likely with all the stuff going on.
The future looks pretty neat. A couple spin off games after the steam release might be a good transition to whatever you’re making next, like what happened from EBF3 to EBF4. I’d like more emphasis on a Adventure Story sequel though. :smirk:
Umm… Matt, why you don’t tell your birthdate? I wonder what that if how old are you, not only in years but also months and days… ❓
Sometime in August… 😐 now I’m curious… ❓
im yer fan :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
:love2: :love2:
I’ve played the game since I was 6… :ooo:
Me too… and I’m a girl!
I just love that beard U got there :smirk:
I LOVE YOUR GAMES :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2: :love2:
Gotta say, when I first saw that pic I thought ‘He’s a hippie!’ :scared:
He isn’t a hippe. Any ebf long-time player would know that!!! :bleh:
You have yellow hair like in the game didn’t you, Matt Roszak?
He used to have orange spikes. :tongue:
:yay: :hurray: :ooo: :love: :love: :stars: :stars: :shades: cool
Hello everyone! :yay: I would like to ask KupoGames,are you going to more elements and enemies in EBF 4 Steam version ❓
23 years only?! Hell, I’m 22 and have not a single game ready developed! Man, I have to get my shit together!
My parents are in their 40’s and they have not developed a single game. Plus you need a ton of special skills. I have one. Master an art! 😐 Trust me. I’ve mastered 2. :shades:
Dat face…. :smirk: :yay: :hurray: :ooo: :tongue: :love: :love2: :stars: I LOVE IT!!!
He’s like,”yo! :hurray: “
after this make the epic battle fantasy series for the iphone and stuff :smirk: it might take a while though
i love jer hair :hurray:
i love youre hair :hurray:
I’m a hardcore fan of your art and games :yay:
Is it just me or is that picture of Matt really funny :smirk:
I like the hat! :stars:
Lol, nice beard. Keep growing it and I think you’ll like quite like a Nord from The Elder Scrolls series. :yay: Never knew you were Canadian. :ooo:
Also Matt do you think it would be a good idea to add a forum section to this website? Might be cool :shades:
:love: :love: :love: :love: :love:
The suspense is killing me :ooo:
Well,can’t wait for the game. Still want to beat a cute boss too. ; )
Your arts are impressive too. I suggest that status effect had it longer effect like real life.
Maybe some weather effect that interrupt attacks or giving advantages? :stars:
You develop great games Matt, I’m sure you’ll come up something amazing in the future:)
He already has come up with many amazing things lol
Like the Epic Battle Fantasy series for example
He’s Canadian. Plus, He’s wearing a hat… of himself :smirk:
:wut: Himself?
matt in the games is based off of the creator matt himself,he put a hat identical to the one he is wearing in the photo above in ebf 4,and maybe the other ones (i have not played ebf 1 and 2)
himself? ❓ :wut:
Im french too :shades:
But he isn’t that famous so only a few know him :/
but I think the Steam games will help him grow :coffee:
not too many know about steam either
Actually, Steam is the largest, most popular PC Gaming platform in North America and Europe.
Huh.I guess not a lot of mainers know about steam since no one I’ve met has known about it.
By mainers,I mean people from maine.
I love you!!! :love: :love: :love: