Hey guys, Twitter was just banned in Brazil!
Brazil is one of my biggest markets, and I’m more active on Twitter than anywhere else, so I figure I’d mention that I’m also @KupoGames on BlueSky.
BlueSky is basically the same as Twitter, but not owned by a Nazi billionaire, and not overrun by bots and shills yet. Kinda cool, but I don’t have many followers there yet.
You should consider following me there, even if you’re not banned from Twitter!
In return, here’s an unrelated photo of some pigeons my mum made.

After reading this post I wanted to comment purely to say that I whole heartedly agree with your decision and actively support it.
Thank you for being such an incredible person and creator.
Somehow so many of the replies here are vile and I hope you understand that it’s a very small group who are vocal and not a lot of us. Thank you and continue with your incredible work, Matt!
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Thanks for helping the Nazis.
So let me guess the creators of this good game probably voted for Biden and support Kamala. Elon musk is a billionaire he doesn’t care what anyone’s opinion is. That being said they destroyed one of his kids with this insanity now days where kids can choose their sex. He is really mad about it and not playing ball with the globalists (what sane person would).
X being banned in Brazil has nothing to do with Elon musk it has to do with a tyrannical government trying to censor speech ect. Everyone seems to forget or never read the Twitter files… Twitter was basically a leg of the government and censorship program before Elon obtained it. If you trust any government at this point you are delusional. Want to talk about Nazis? The Nazis blindly followed along with the “program”/”government” without question. The term Nazi being thrown around at people actually taking action when the covid lockdown vaccine bootlickers were acting like Nazis. Remember they were telling everyone to mask and vax or be exiled from the public space which makes how much sense if everyone believed the vaccines actually work? Idk the term insanity comes to mind though. What happened to when the people cared about each other and freedom not what leader is going to screw us more?… No matter what you believe in videogames always brought us together. let’s just keep videogames free of politics. I stopped playing halo when they had the whole support black lives matter on the home page. Where did all that money go lol a mansion for an already rich person. Politics destroy videogames and it’s community. Let’s start a new party the VG “video game”party of unity!
Take your pills, grandpa. This isn’t the place for conspiracy theories.
Also, the creators of this game don’t live in the USA.
I’m 30 and aware of what’s going on in the world. You say conspiracy theories like what I said isn’t true. Stop throwing that cliche term around like it holds up at all anymore. Wait if you watch CNN or fox ect you prob think that way still brainwashed by a television. Yea well if the creators aren’t from America they can stay out of American politics Elon ect. Make good games.
Hi, brazillian here.
Your games were part of my childhood, and the references you put there were partially responsable as my initiation to the animanga culture for me.
That is.
I came from a conservative “christian family”, from a region that someone from the US would call something like a “red state” (who votes for candidates who sell their image with “conservative ideals”).
And people here in brazil (leftist progressive “liberals”) plaster the region I come from, with the politico-ideologically ressignified/bad faith revisionism terms “nazi”, “nazifascist”, “hehe those southern christonazis”, “patriotários”.
Germans, italians, jews, spanish, west-ukranian-russian-overallslavic families, came to live in the southern regions of brazil (as well as argentina, uruguay) since the 16th century (no prussia yet, no germany yet, neither nazi).
Those articles and documentaries associating people of germanic descent like me, as “children of nazis, this particular landowner was the son of nazi official escapee because we are saying so”, are high ordinance misinfo that worked out and spread like wildfire (and there’s no “refutation” to the wildfire, how to refute perpetrated rumours? how to catch all the feathers from the cushion, scattered in the wind?).
You plastering the term “nazi” to refer to the rich billionarie “big baddie” guy, goes in this same schandefreudian spiral of though.
The supreme-court guy who banned twitter in brazil and put manifestants in jail, is the same who is being worshiped and clapped at by the left who call the place I come from “nazifascist”.
That just says.
If you were to ever come to brazil
You would socially mingle with the “progressives” here, and shares these very schandefreudian views.
As the “videogame community” internet celebs here, with high viewer rates and algorithm-follower rates on twitch & youtube, also “came out of the wardrobe” as leftists.
Along with the floridan company’s Artix Krieger character, Matt’s character overall theme (sword-warrior guy with supernatural battle-warrior powers) still one of my favorite “media” characters.
Don’t kill him.
Few months ago I had a rabbit-hole surfing over your other statements on such borderline-political topics, I regret doing it and “completing such puzzle” of discovering your thoughts (online is where a person’s real thoughts are, secured behind a computer/phone screen you can type your real thoughts, your real opinions).
I still will play your future EBF entries and recommend them to the streamers I watch, with that pang of pain of knowing the person behindin this is the “ehehehe so you have these thoughts? racist, these worldviews and opinions? nazi, bigot” person.
Don’t know your heroes, they say, huh?
Best regards.. I guess
I’m not interested in the political situation in Brazil.
I call Elon a Nazi because he’s recently been inciting race riots in the UK, been using Blood and Soil rhetoric, and he’s got financial ties to fascists like Putin and the Saudis.
Not interested the political situation in brazil, huh?
I guess then you also might not be interested in the political situation of venezuela or cuba
Also not interested in afghanistan, yemen, iran.
Not interested in middle-east illegals taking into europe (as you’re polish, your borders succesfully closed, and don’t give a single f)
Then per chance, you seem very interested in “freeing palestine”, what could it be huh?
And “saudi arabia must be nazi”, what could it be, huh?
Didn’t find your interest in bolivia, but because twitter likes to associate that one print of elon responding apropriately that one random troll tweet with a “yeah we be couping, deal with it”, it would perk up your interest, like brazil’s supremecourt “owning elon” did, huh?
How convenient, very mr. honesty.
Ah yes,
Your character, Lance
He does not pass the superb intellectual and “gaslighting-doer” image of someone who would strive for that idealized ‘4th reich’ and a ‘tripartition out of every continent’.
So a possible “mEsSaGe” (that you tried to covertly imply in your social medias, not in the game,
gladly) that he is a “100% full nazi bad example, if you like him you nazi too” kinda fail here and people will still like him for how “based” such character shitty unhinged takes are.
So far, you did a great job in never escalating this “so youre nazi’ rethoric of yours, inside EBR (that i discovered that’s how you think, by rabbit-holing your social medias months ago, and in social medias it’s your true self who’s speaking through the keyboard).
I’m still one of your market afterall.
Keep up that pace and don’t ruin your masterpiece that EBR is, for anyone out there, with those personal political takes you left public.
Even when you think a “filthy neo natzee billionarie bootlicker on the interwebzz” will be playing your games.
I mean EBF*
I have no idea what you’re talking about. None of what you said relates to anything I’ve said. Are you hallucinating?
What aboutism the purest form.
Btw take meds schizo.
You should be more careful with that term.
All you’re actually accomplishing by misusing it is legitimizing Actual Literal Nazis.
Elon aren’t a natzi he is just an attention whore who’s do everything for that “precious” attention be it good or bad.
I hope his next move will be going alone to Mars an never comes back.
If only Elon’s pace to colonize Mars was as great as Elon’s power to decolonize Earth, humankind would be actually moving forward. The only thing Elon is threathening to do is make our one small step on the Moon be our last and only footprint in space travels.
Brazil – the country with the world’s fifth largest number of internet users…a big loss
I’ll be real with some of the writing and jokes in your past games I was worried you’d be stuck in weird edgy internet opinions, so I’m glad to see you recognise Elon’s bullshit!
love the pigeons too, they’re adorable
I do like edgy humour, as long as it’s actually a joke/satire and not just a real opinion in disguise.
The characters in EBF are definitely not good role models, and I hope this is clear to most people.