Monthly Archives: June 2024

Steam Summer Sale!

Hi Folks!

The Steam Summer Sale is on and that means you can get EBF Collection and EBF5 for 50% off, and EBF4 and BH2 for 70% off until July 11th 10AM Pacific.

Sing the song of our beautiful games to your loved ones so they, too, can experience the Fantasy of Epic Battles, and Heaven of Bullets! Leaving reviews for games you liked helps us a lot so don’t forget to like and subscribe and hit that bell button leave reviews on Steam!!

Hidden Cats: Half Done

Matt’s Hidden Cats has 40 levels now! That’s around half of them done.
Which also means the entire game is also somewhere in the ball bark of 50% done.
If you missed my earlier posts – there’s gonna be a lot of EBF lore in this game.

You can find all 10 items in this screenshot – click it to see a bigger version.
(This is Easy mode btw – which doesn’t require a lot of interaction to play.)