Legged NoLegs 2 Replies I mercifully gave some legs to NoLegs the cat.I’m playing around with Clip Studio Paint now, while the previous drawing was still made in Flash.
Page December 4, 2021 at 3:18 pm Wh-WHY???? Why would you do that? It’s just so wrong! Even Akron hates it! … and this doesn’t fit with anything else you’ve shown… now I want to draw NoLegs with actual legs that would fit NoLegs, as if Godcat never took them away. Loading... Reply ↓
So cute
Wh-WHY???? Why would you do that? It’s just so wrong! Even Akron hates it! … and this doesn’t fit with anything else you’ve shown… now I want to draw NoLegs with actual legs that would fit NoLegs, as if Godcat never took them away.