I’ve been following a few EBF5 Let’s Plays during my breaks, I often just have them playing in the background. Here’s some of the ones I’ve enjoyed so far.
Jman37X (English)
Sir TapTap (English)
Staszek iGRAszkowski (Polish)
Manderby (German)
Su amiguillo Soac (Spanish)
FoL.ExEスタードック信者ちゃんねる (Japanese)
모험가 길드 (Korean)
And here’s some fanart by Otawse.
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And thankfully, Christmas gave me what I wanted. EBF5 on Steam! :stars:
I’ll definitely be making am LP just as soon as I figure out why half of these bosses & medals will be torturing me on the road to 100%.
I take it that ultra chibi knight is part of the boss rush? Accidentally killed her with an auto summon.
my print :stars:
https://prnt.sc/lt4r29 :stars: :stars: :stars:
aw, I aint on there :bleh:
oh well, they must have better software or something that keeps the videos interesting, mine are uncut and unfiltered (mostly because I don’t got adobe premier
Matt knows that I exist.
*Fangirl scream* :stars:
i played the steam version for a while and I’ve reached the “new game+”
but there is a problem… for some reasons.. it seems that all foes LVL is same as the “new game” meaning that i found myself fighting the foes as lvl 36 vs. lvl 2 foes
please fix :sick:
This is correct.
Here’s an EBF5 LP by this minor YouTuber Dom Gorka (here). I’ve been following it and giving tips the whole way (so far)!
I have an important bug you shold know about (I don’t think this is the best place to post it, but whatever)
When fighting the Valley boss (trying to be vague to not spoil others), the game repeatedly crashes. Does it happen to others as well?
The game never crashed beforehand and it happens apparently at random. Once was when Absolute Zero was summoned, another time was just before I shot a Nitro Blitz, or when I summon Jotun.
Really looking forward to the bonus dungeons and secret ending, and I hope that the issues with the Steam Beta are resolved soon, though they won’t stop me from playing the game thoroughly this Christmas Break! :stars: :love: :hurray: :phone2:
Congratulations for your work ! I’ve been following EBF5 for the last 3 years and i’m really enjoying it so far. So congrats and a big thank you !
Same here! I actually completed the beta before release, and got the deluxe game on my birthday, ~2 weeks after release! :stars:
I wanted to just leave a general message about EBF 5 as I only now just bought the game, but I wasn’t sure where exactly to post it but since I didn’t want it to drown in history of old posts…
I love it. Really like some of the new mechanics, even though I’m yet to see it all, only about to fight the second boss. Taking it slow just because I want the experience to last a little longer… Only wish there were more abilities for the characters still.
Back when I first played the fourth game I was concerned there would never be a fifth one considering how big a game it was to make for one person. I found this website when I heard you were making the fifth, and the bar in the corner was at around 35%, if I recall correctly.
Glad to say I was not disappointed. But brings me to my natural next question. EBF 6 When? :stars:
I waited years for the fifth, I’ll wait more for the sixth.
You’re the only independent developer or creator of anything that has truly made me want to throw money at them while I could enjoy the content for free as well. That might sound a little odd or pompous of me but I genuinely admire your work so much I want to do my tiny part to allow the world to enjoy more of it.
I love the EBF series, the humor, the story, the strategies, the simple yet complicated visuals and pieces of audio effects even, I love how it’s tied together. Special thanks to Phyrnna for the numerous masterpieces in the series, like the perfect sauce for the perfect steak. All of it has inspired me a lot. I always wanted to create similar things myself. If only I had the talent to support the imagination. It’s a rare combination to have both, let alone with the devotion and determination to bring it all the way through. With great admiration and a hint of envy, Bravo.
…If EBF 6 ever does get into the works, do let us know if you accept any more ideas. I’ve accumulated plenty over the years. Mechanics, equipment, status effects, npcs, quests, attack patterns, combinations I always wished were in the game. I would surely have submitted some of them when you were looking for fan ideas for EBF 5, if I just knew how to draw any better than a six-year-old.
Also, make a post if/when you visit Finland again. I’ll totally be scouting about for an autograph.
For me this is only game even when compared to games made by more than one people that I am willing to pay for even if I could get it for free. There is just one problem. I don’t have credit card for steam. (or anything else really) Also he has been in Finland? When?
His spouse is Finnish I believe, and they’ve gone to Finland a couple of times to visit family. He’s posted pictures from a Finnish amusement park before, Linnanmäki.
The same year I’ve been there as well
If only I’d known, I’d have me an autograph already :meh:
:smirk: i am a cinese player,EPIC was great
BUT,where is Auto battle?
always nice to see lps of the game. just gonna leave one more here for those interested. https://www.youtube.com/user/ArachCobra/featured (english)
te odio.
Hey, so enjoying to see my videos listed! Saying Hi to all coming from kupogames!
is that a jojo’s reference?
It’s an Overlord reference.
Pandora’s actor is that you
I’ve purchased EBF4 but have yet to receive the offer that gives me a discount on EBF5. Is this coming out later or is this a bug?
When did you purchase it?
All the coupons were sent out a week ago. You can always ask on the EBF5 Steam forums if anyone has a spare coupon for you.
I purchased it 1-2 years ago!
Wait good news I found it! I swear it wasn’t in my inventory before :ooo: ty for the assistance
If I have over 30 hours of playtime after one week of launch, is it considered addiction?
It’s rather called actually enjoying a game :yay:
i have 81 hours so far ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Enjoying the fruits of labor, huh? :yay:
I do absolutely not want to get spoilered though, so i better wait till I’m done with the game myself before watching others try it, so fair warning the following might be spoilering some information, though I doubt it’ll actually predict something.
So in any case: I’ve just realized something… I think “Party Hard” is an achievement i got in the Beta for getting all five party members together. Now one thing set something off in my head. I’m currently about to grab the ladder… and i don’t have the achievement yet… and then i was like: what if you get one more party member? What if Chibi Knight is actually joining you later? (Since like all future party members couldn’t be caught, but it also makes sense for non-party members if they are recurring ofc)
So like what if Phyrnna is actually gonna join the fray? Chibi Knight is female, so much i know already, and from the achievements i know you’re gonna encounter her 2 more times… like if that is ACTUALLY Phyrnna… that would be the most unpredictable and probably best plot twist ever… hehe however i don’t really see that happening despite her being in bullet heaven, she doesn’t seem the sword type… still would be really nice tho, haha. I mean it’s not the only possibility for her to appear.
One thing is for certain though, Matt. I can’t wait to see what else you hid in his game, like there is SO much to encounter, looking at the achievements almost made my eyes pop out. And the development between the characters… really sweet so far. Really excited to see how things play out. The game’s been all i’ve expected and hoped for, and more. Words can’t describe how hyped i am to get on with it. :hurray:
Beats previous parts by far… and that really is saying a lot. :ooo:
Rewriting the story into something just a tad more serious is exactly what it still needed. Now it’s absolute perfection. The art, the bosses, extra content, secrets, characters, hype, excitement, the music. So much of which is hardly featured in HQ games these days. Honestly, a job, never done better. Congratulations.
Damn, turns out Steam just appears to be not displaying some achievements properly… in game I own the achievement. There is a few select ones that steam didn’t realize I have… :bleh: and I here I thought it was a new party member.
You can re-send achievements to Steam by clicking on them in the in-game medals menu.
Was a total five of them. Thanks!
Good game! We need an online version! :v