Monthly Archives: May 2018

Fanart: Anniversary

Here’s some fanart from Lost Pyromaniac to celebrate the EBF Discord‘s first birthday!
Running that place has been interesting. Mostly things go smoothly, but sometimes making people get along is tricky. It’s got over 4,000 members or something like that, but probably less than 100 regular users, so it’s managable.

It’s a useful platform for debugging and getting real time feedback while I work, and the EBF memes coming out of it are fun.

Anyway, EBF5 battle dialogue is done!
I’m fixing bugs now and soon I’ll have an updated battle demo up, which mostly just adds dialogue and achievements, which will drive you crazy because there’s no save system in there and you’ll keep seeing them over and over. A few days after that I’ll have the boss demo up for Patrons so they can test those out for me.
