EBF5:Leftover Foes

I made some more types of cats and another slime. I remember people really liked translucent slimes, so I felt there should be at least one in this game.

Although the foe competition is over, I’ve picked another winner.
It’s Federico Sosa with his Kamikaze Cat.

I forgot to do this one earlier.

kamikaze cat

EBF5 Current Foe Count: 144

29 thoughts on “EBF5:Leftover Foes

  1. IlatsS

    fun fact: if you click attack 6 before the animation from it ends he stabs the enemy appears before them runs backwards like normally dissapears and appears behind them and stabs them again

  2. Yougbin

    umm… the foe design and animation is good, but rising sun flag on headband could be a trouble.

  3. Thrynity

    Thought it was a Wind based slime…
    the cat should have an attack where their throw their “shield” to damage without die 😡
    I noticed that they damage their allies on death… as they are cat, be sure that killing 2 cat wont kill the 3 other :shades:
    the Ninja cat defences should be more a “evade” buff against multi-target attack, because cats are victim ^^ :bleh:

    1. Thrynity

      Lance is a total Pervert and nathalie is aware of it
      and in many moment, we clearly see that Nathalie love Matt, but matt seems to be to idiot to notice it :love2:
      like the moment she say “it’s that all i am after all this time past together” (or something like that) when she is introduced to Anna

      1. Leroy

        Thx but me thinks that she likes lance because she pulled him away from his old girlfriend in ebf4

  4. Leroy

    Hey Matt can u make a monster or boss based off of undertale’s sans gaster blaster’s or can u make it a summon ❓

    P.S. Or as a joke make Flowey a summon :stars:

    1. Billy The Honourable

      Parody’s are stupid if they’re in a game for non-funny reasons. It just looks like someone’s “stealing” a concept if it’s deliberately based off of someone else’s character alone.

      1. Leroy

        Fine funny reason for Flowey Anna was picking flowers and picked Flowey.

        Ghaster blaster reason Matt wanted to eat it but since it was bone decided to keep it until he found a way to eat it.

  5. ShadowDream

    Heh, that Attack 5 of ninja cats felt like a reference to TF2, and that kunai looks pretty similar. Would be cool if ninja cats would get a temporary HP increase and heal to half or more HP for damage dealt on backstab.

  6. ping

    You could maybe pun it up by changing the name to “Kamikatze” – Katze is cat in German. :3

    1. Matt Roszak Post author

      Meow Meow’s owner doesn’t want him in the games anymore – people were starting to think he’s my character.

      1. Leroy

        Awww man :bleh: meow meow was sooo cool wish his creator would let u use him again 😥

        P.S. Is god cat still watching u if so are they pissed u keep killing the kitties ❓

  7. michael

    btw i like how the kill cat expoleds and damgages the other foes this would be cool with other enimies that explode

  8. Spirare

    Bug: The first bubble in the rain slime’s Special 5 doesn’t have a damage animation. The second bubble does, though.

    1. Squideer

      More specifically the bug is that both hits are dealt by the second bubble, The first has no damage dealt.

    1. Spirare

      Unlikely; I think he mentioned needing ~200 foes to compare with the previous games, and there are only 144 right now. “Leftovers” probably just means enemies that belong to a different post, but didn’t get in because he thought of them later on.

      Anyways, don’t be impatient. The sooner he releases the game, the lower quality it’ll be. I would gladly wait a while to let him make more foes than have an early released game with minimal variety (for example, a beach area with only 2 types of foes before the boss, or else only 3 main areas because he doesn’t have enough foes to populate the others he planned).

      1. Shraderc.inc

        thank you for this. i understand that he needs time i just didnt know how much monsters he needed but now i know thnks :smirk:

    2. abc

      even though he would have finished the foes and items, what about the npc and skills? he has done about 30 skills by now and 0 npc, last ebf introduced 120 skills (according to the description) also no legs only got his items i think


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