Here’s another boss. This guy’s kind of a remake of an old boss, so you can figure out how the battle will go down.
An important part of the battle isn’t shown here – there’s one more helper this guy will have on his side.
Also, a new mechanic shown here is the attack that pulls players out of backup. So that could be interesting.
EBF5 Current Foe Count: 123
Whoa it pulls it out of backup! thats awsome cant wait to develop stratigys around that :hurray:
Actually my favorite boss, it looks difficult en epic mode, I love it ๐ฟ
NIGHTMARES! Nooooo! ๐ฅ I’ve still never beaten Lance’s Tank in EBF2 on Epic! It’s so haaarrrd! That stupid nuke brings back PTSD flashbacks of mashing buttons on Kong! :scared:
I love the new turrets! Very flashy :stars:
But when the design looks like that of the cosmic monolith, what isn’t?
i really like how the hovertanks blades brake as it takes more damage.
Another question will the nuke hurt the other machines or heal them โ :wut:
Neither. Effects on other enemies are shown in these. The second nuke does not have a hit or heal animation displayed when the first nuke explodes.
I mean, Lance always wanted a hovertank.
OMG this is epic love the design/ will lance be able to hack it like the praetorian? if so that will be epic :shades: :shades: but love the design! if is basicaly valkire 2.0 nad pls add this look i know that the foe thing is over but add an eye dragon or something? please do it and when will you post the upgraded cyclops? i really wanna see it and what it summons
pls tell me i wanna see lance’s valkire 2.0
I made a funny bug where the canon is invisible ( harpoon canon )
“Likely the cannonโs disappearance is intentional; It probably can only use that attack once the turret is destroyed. If Iโm correct, the turret and rest of the tank will be separate targets, so the turret can be destroyed while the rest of the tank remains intact.”
Assuming you’re talking about the turret disappearing during the full tank’s attack 2. If not, ignore this post.
This is awesome, though I do have a question. I am assuming the radiation may be something like a weather effect and it got me thinking, will there be armor sets that get advantages/disadvantages due to the weather happening at that specific moment?
Hm, maybe.
Why won’t it appear for me??? ๐ก
I can see it now! I LOVE THIS BOSS! :love:
Also, I bet that the last helper is Lance. If so, maybe he’s being mind controlled by the final boss!
When using Blade Cannon attack 2, it’s dissapearing at the beggining and reapearing the end.
Cool boss btw :smirk:
To quote a previous post I made:
“Likely the cannonโs disappearance is intentional; It probably can only use that attack once the turret is destroyed. If Iโm correct, the turret and rest of the tank will be separate targets, so the turret can be destroyed while the rest of the tank remains intact.”
I REALLY think that Lance is the last helper, since this is basically a remake of the Valkyrie tank battle. If it’s not Lance, then is it some copy cat trying to jack his style? Either way, it’ll be interesting to fight another human, since the last one the group fought was in EBF 2.
On a side note, I love this boss! :love2: I like how it hurts you in it’s intro, making this seem even more challenging. The design reminds me of Cosmic Monoliths, and we all know how dangerous those things are.
Can’t wait to see who the last helper is! :yay:
i am 50% sure that is the nuke
But he said that one of the helpers isn’t shown.
oh srry
I like them all!
I absolutely love this boss, definitely my favorite of the bosses, by far! So much variety and detail in the main tank and all of the turrets it can summon, I’m very excited to see how this boss plays out! Also love the nuke animation, especially the extra part at the end with the radioactive symbol, just something very satisfying about it! :yay:
Oh, and I really enjoy how the tank does damage to the players just by entering the battle, really fun detail there ๐
on i didnt realize that
Well… Valkyrie’s pretty screwed up now, isn’t it?
Yes. This literally blows it out of the sky. Seriously. :shades:
Question is this the last boss or a mini boss or the 3rd boss like Praetorian and another question is the lumpy cyclops boss the 1st boss like the wood monster in the begging the one anna gets as a special move after the fight in ebf4 i’m very confused please reply
Probably the third boss, if he makes the bosses in the order in which they appear.
The cyclops is the first boss. The post in which it appears is titled ‘First Boss’.
thanks for clearing that up with me :yay: and for the countdown thing. Not to be creepy but you intrest me you seem to know a lot if there was a pvp you would probly be a tough opponent :stars:
p.s. Sry my grammar sucks
\/ \/ \/
I’m not really making the bosses in the correct order – I don’t even know if the golem boss will be the normal or bonus version.
Oh but cool boss by the way love your games more than life :yay: and I really cannot wait for NOLEGS :stars: :stars: :stars: :stars:
Actually it’s the Protector :shades:
Harpoon cannon’s Attack 2 looks like it hits the back-up heroes too, but doesn’t have damage animation for it
It pulls the backup heroes into the fight
hey matt bro pls check my channel i l :love: your games so much i made a vid of ebf 4 its on the trailer :yay: :hurray: :stars: ๐ ๐ its epic battle fantasy 4 fan pls sub beacuse if you dont nolegs wont get the :bacon: :bacon: :bacon: ๐ฟ
hey matt can you check my channel i :love: your games so much i put it in my vids :yay: pls sub i put ebf 4 in my trailer vid
I love that honking attack and the numbers that come out whenever you hit one of these enemies. Overall this boss looks so amazing! :stars: Also, did you see my previous comment? (I think it’s in the comment section for the second boss…)
In the “Attack 2” animation of the boss, the bladecannon(?) disappear and reappear suddenly. You should fix that, even if it’s a 2 or 4 frames animation…
Anyway, It looks cool as hell! and I fear the nuke. Last time a boss used a player’s ultimate attack, it was Godcat :scared:
Your right the nuke is something to fear but don’t forget it has a countdown of 5 turns more than enough time to kill it or build up your defenses
3 turns, not 5. Special1 has to be used only 3 times before it appears to be ‘ready to fire’.
The countdown will depend on the difficulty.
The cannon it uses is random. It’s not always the blade cannon.
Likely the cannon’s disappearance is intentional; It probably can only use that attack once the turret is destroyed. If I’m correct, the turret and rest of the tank will be separate targets, so the turret can be destroyed while the rest of the tank remains intact.
don’t forget the crystal golem epic where it literally spammed genisis
don’t forget the crystal golem spamming genesis and the pratorian’s ion cannon