New golems!
I counted up all the foes I’ve done so far, and there was a disproportionately large number of fire and ice enemies, and too little wind, poison, and water enemies. So expect to see more of the rarer elements coming up. These golems already have some unusual elemental mixes in them.
EBF5 Current Foe Count: 106
is the attack where the golems split apart a megaman reference(to the yellow devil)?
Not really, but I guess it does look like it.
What the heck element are those purple crystals?
Huh, these guys look pretty nice (I like the double-element thing going on) but the thing I love most about these guys are the attacks, you’ve done a really good job.
Im sure you can do great golem with any elements ! and even with 2 fusionned elements !
Just a single question, will you keep some mobs of EBF3/EBF4 for this game
are my ideas good? :wut: :wut:
One idea for a wind enemy. An Aspen tree/Aspen Grove, since entire groups of aspens can actually be a single tree (their roots shoot off from the main one and make new, identical trees.) Have several trees coming out of the same area similar to a dugtrio.
A nice way to round out a forest area or mountain area with some extra color, have the different skins have green, orange, and yellow leaves.
Possible attacks could be razor leaf of course, root attacks, and wind magic, due to their wonderful sounds when wind blows through them.
Course, you’ve already said you might call off the foe competition and I don’t have the time to try and make a full fledged submition, but it would be interesting to see some more plant enemies, especially more tree based ones.
they feel like …
they’re gonna be a pain in the ass. :shades:
like always :shades:
nice. im guessing that some of these guys are combo elements right
Omg these are all perfect :love: :love: :love2: :love2: designs when will it be out and will it cost money btw what does SFW/NSFW mean and so looking forward too i’ll check it every day and why not do a crystal enemy/ a sludge enemy that rises out of the ground there can be 3 types sand/sludge and water and they all can have decorations and cause weather. they also can absorb the player. an enemy like the eydra from yokai watch would be cool too(know about beholder) srry if this is too much i just can’t make fan art. last but not least a spider enemy you can do fire/ice/poison/earth basically all of the types. :stars: :stars: do a robo-beholder pls one more thing enemies riding enemies like a clay figure on a big bush and when the bush dies you fight the clay figure.bring the protector back and add a book a spider boss like for a wood area and yada yada yada srry just so much to take in.bring the crystals from EBF4 back as regular enemies. okay I think i am done but i will do another comment if not but i do love your game see ya : :yay: #EBF5 HYPE FOREVA
wow i was making golems for the fans foes competition but now its too late. good job anyway it may be better then mine even :shades:
I mostly like the last one! :yay:
By the way I just happened to come across the dress ups and moves for Anna and Natalie.
And I have a question. :tongue:
Will there be in the game the slime versions of the players?
(I mean, when a slime attacked a player and he/she became a slime)
I’ll probably use the slime players again. I might also make another type of transformation.
Wow. :ooo:
Thanks for answering my question. :smirk:
Can’t wait to see what these transformations will be. :yay:
any news about the release date of the game? :smirk:
Always been a big fan of the golems, and these all look fantastic! I like how they can use they’re segmented bodies as an attack and in fleeing and stuff like that, and the wind golem is just really cool to look at. Also love the fact that the last one is fire and electric in one, overall I love these guys! :yay:
Nicely done. The animations feel way more fluid then before, including the new ones.
Also, i have a suggestion about the christian like cat toy. If you’re going to do a SFW version of it, i think it would be nice to put the following: A strapped cat instead of a nailed one. And changing the cross on the book to a godcat image. That is, if you want to avoid any religious controversy.
I’m probably just going to remove the cat completely.
On the SFW mode, or on NSFW too? Sort of confused on this comment. :wut:
Poison? You’re right, I don’t see much. The plants and one other thing I forgot have poison. :wut: