looks like we’re getting some tough ones here! these things look like they’ll be hard to deal with in many ways. also do I detect a little shop of horrors joke approaching?
I really like these guys, they all look sufficiently disturbing, especially the tentacle/dark one with the massive hole in it’s mouth. Definitely seem like stronger than usual enemies, very excited to see what else you have in store! Also very curious where those the tentacle ones will be found! :yay:
you see what i did there? :yay: :yay: :yay:
looks like we’re getting some tough ones here! these things look like they’ll be hard to deal with in many ways. also do I detect a little shop of horrors joke approaching?
If so, I’m betting that Matt or Lance will make it.
I am slightly disappointed there isn’t a Ice version depicted as an Icecream Sandwich.
Is the Cthulu plant supposed to look like a toilet bowl? Because I got that impression. :wut:
Cool Venusflytrap there :yay:
Hey Matt are there going to be flowers in EBF5?
when I saw the last one’s mouth the first thing I thought was: Yikes, ugly toilet with teeth :scared:
why you doing that matt

its gonna hurt bad
that adventure is gonna be pain, i feel it :scared:
I may have already said this, but I like the various heal animations for foes.
I’m just getting more and more exited for EBF5!
…I just hope that the starting area won’t be a forest like ALL THE OTHER 7 GAMES. :bleh:
EBF4’s Start was a Burned forest, that’s something.
good god the last one :scared: :scared: :scared: matt have you ever thought of making a horror game?
Matt, You should also put a somewhat “Difficulty” ladder
1: Free Farm (Cat/Slime)
2: It can hurt (Bees, Tree, most of commons ennemies)
3: Ouch (Bear, Turtle…) :scared:
4: Oh Nooo T_T (Monolith…)
5: Pls don’t One Shoot me (Boss) :skull:
This monster seems to be lvl 3/4
I have never saw ennemies flee
will it be a new strategie in EBF5 ?
ennemies fleeing to fuck up your LIMIT BREAK ? :yay:
Still great Monster, better than EBF4 Plant and way creepier
1st plant has waterish sound
which sounds more water
than 2nd plant (Magic 2)
cool stuff tho :stars:
The second plants can change the weather right?
I really like these guys, they all look sufficiently disturbing, especially the tentacle/dark one with the massive hole in it’s mouth. Definitely seem like stronger than usual enemies, very excited to see what else you have in store! Also very curious where those the tentacle ones will be found! :yay: