21 thoughts on “EBF5: Accessories

  1. idkwhyIhavetodothis

    earrings more earrings even more earrings and yet more earrings XD 😡 but that orange orb….. 👿 👿 👿 👿

  2. JR_Phili

    It would be awesome if one of the accessories increased the drop rate of items by a percentage corresponding to its crafted level. :stars:

  3. Haseo

    i just thought of something why not make a pair of swords for matt. you know like dual wielding swords (probably not possible but hey sounds nice)

  4. Zura

    I could see a reference to Dust: an Elysian Tale happening, where you have the fidget dole as an accessory 😀

    1. Zura

      In terms of the actual accessories drawn here, I simply love the fact that a dragon ball just casually being an accessory. Although I think you should’ve drawn four stars, as the 4 star ball is linked with Goku (at least in dragon ball it is).

      Good to see a mixture of old and new. The old sock and the paintbrush strike me as being funny. How would you wear these as accessories? If it’s going to be like EBF4, then it would look really…weird 😛 (that headband and V*geta’s scouter >_>)

  5. Polenen

    I’m glad that the bless and yin/yang trinkets are still there, the really carried me on epic runs.

  6. Yakazan

    OMG they look great :love2: Btw are you going to make references to animes like you did in your other games :yay:

  7. oscarg

    Is that a boomfly from the binding of isaac that i see there?

    Also, a freaking mustache.
    Jesus christ…

  8. Aysu

    Do we get a tiny creature buzzing around our heads? :stars: Awesome, I can almost hear the “Hey, look, listen, watch out”… :hurray:

  9. Cebutris

    Scanner glasses! Extra accuracy? Randomly cast snipe? Look cooler? The possibilities are endless!


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