Monthly Archives: October 2013

Cat Cafe Upgrades

Today I made the upgrade/shop menu for Cat Cafe, along with all the item icons and descriptions. I think the interface is actually starting to look quite nice. Perhaps I’d even say that it’s the best interface I’ve made so far. You can’t see it in the screenshots, but the menu transitions are pretty smooth too.


There’s 26 items to buy in total.

Most of the items in the shop increase the amount of $$$ the cats give you, as well as changing their appearance. But there’s also some other perks, such as increasing the length of happy hour, or increasing the number of mistakes you can make. Nothing too interesting really, but they should add some replay value.


So wow. Amaze!

Next up, achievements!

Business Cards Continued

My business cards arrived today, hurray!

They turned out sliiiightly purpler then I would have liked, but this is partly my fault. I had to change the color mode from RGB to CMYK at the last moment, and after that, every image application showed the colors slightly differently. I assumed Photoshop was showing them correctly, but nope, Windows Photo Viewer was showing them much closer to what they actually printed like.

I also feel like I should have paid a bit extra for rounded corners.

Anyway, printing is complicated!
I’ll do things right with the next batch.

I should also mention that I ordered them from They’re not cheap, but they seem to be pretty good. My cards were pretty nicely packaged too. 😛


The colors are wrong again in this photo, cause I used flash.

Cat Cafe Spritesheet

I used Dragon Bones to convert my Cat Cafe animations into a PNG with XML data. Interesting…
Now I need to figure out how to use this in Starling. Hopefully it won’t be too complicated.

This stuff is kind of cool because I’m learning the “proper” way of making game assets. 😛

spritesheet small

Greenlight Update and Dragon Bones

EBF4 has fallen in the Greenlight rankings a bit. It’s down to number 48, from 41. Which means a bunch of other games are overtaking it. If Steam keeps approving big batches, then that’s not really going to be a problem, but it does slow things down a bit.

So go vote, blah blah blah, etc.

The number of votes between games is pretty small now.
3,000 more votes will get me into the top 20, and just 1,000 will probably get me into the top 30, meaning I’d have a pretty good chance at getting into the next batch, if they do 25 again. I’ve currently got 14,460 votes, but pretty much everyone who cares has already voted… so things are gonna take some more time.

Meanwhile, I’m playing around with Dragon Bones, and hardware-accelerated skeleton motion-tweening!
That means that I’ll be able to do complex character animations with much better performance.
So if I ever make another game with as much animations as EBF4, it’ll run a lot better on crappy computers, and could even be playable on mobile devices!
So that could open up some new possibilities. Maybe EBF5 could be a mobile game. Maybe not. I’ll worry about that later.