Category Archives: Game News

EBF4 on Humble Store!

For anyone who doesn’t like Steam or wants a completely DRM-free copy of Epic Battle Fantasy 4, I’ve set up my own store page for it, using Humble Bundle’s system. It’s the exact same version as on Steam, except without the Steam features, and I also get a bigger share of the revenue.

Omg, click here to see!

Probably should have tried to set this up earlier, but whatevs.

dark natalie

EBF4: Endgame Videos

Liddian made some videos of EBF4’s end-game content. I think he’s still the only one to do so. They might be worth checking out if you’re considering buying the expanded game, or if you need help with these parts.

Here’s the endless battle. I didn’t actually think it was possible to survive this long:

Here’s the Dark Player boss rush:

Here’s the Miniboss rush:

Anyone who is having problems with the ice block puzzle on Battle Mountain may want to check this one out:

Fanart Incentive Scheme!

Hey guys.
I feature a lot of EBF fanart on the Facebook page and on this website, and have decided to start giving free Steam copies of EBF4 to anyone who gets featured. I’m also going to retroactively award some copies to people who have been featured in the past.

Here’s the fanart I’ve featured here so far:

Also, for anyone who’s done fanart, you should go post it in Steam’s community section for EBF4. It’s kind of empty right now, even though a lot of fanart already exists for the game.


EBF4 out on Steam!

Epic Battle Fantasy 4 is out on Steam!

Woot! Finally!

For everyone who hasn’t been following my updates, here’s why you should buy the Steam version:

• Includes Kongregate’s Premium Pack, which adds:
•    8 new bosses, 27 new equips, 8 new skills.
•    Huge new area to explore.
•    Survival mode and boss rush challenges.
•    Newgame+ feature, with higher level monsters.
• Support for different window sizes and fullscreen resolutions.
• Uncompressed audio and various visual improvements; the game looks and sounds better than ever.
• Integration with Steam’s achievements, trading cards, and most importantly, cloud saving.
• Includes the soundtrack. (26 tracks!)

steam store

EBF4 Steam Release Date

Epic Battle Fantasy 4 will be released on Steam on the 25th at 16:00 PST, for $11.99, £8.99 and €10.99.

If anyone thinks they deserve a free copy, send me a note if you:
• Won the foe competition either for EBF4 or EBF3. (remind me which foe you designed)
• Have done a lot of Let’s Plays of my games, or are planning to. (show me your YouTube channel)
• Contribute to the Wiki, TVtropes page, or wrote a walkthrough, or done similar stuff. (send me some sort of proof)

I’ve already got a list of the translators, so I’ll be emailing you guys soon.
I’ll also probably host some sort of Fanart competition soon, and give out some more copies then.
