Category Archives: Events

Halloween n EBF Monster Fanart Contest

Hiya Ghouls n Ghosts,

We’ve had a pretty good Halloween weekend so far! We had some friends over for a small ish Halloween party on Friday, and have been carving pumpkins and eating lots of pumpkin soup and pie and cupcakes and sweets. The place is fully decorated and we are looking forward to the trick or treaters tomorrow. Apparently most of the neighbourhood and nearby streets now knows us for putting extra effort into Halloween, which is pretty cool!

This is also your last and final reminder that the EBF Monster Fanart Contest is ending tomorrow Monday 31st at 10PM GMT, which means you have less than 30 hours to finish and enter your contest pieces! All info and instructions can be found here.

EBF Monster Fanart Contest

It’s officially the spooky season, and it’s time to celebrate with a fanart contest!

To participate in the contest create spooky or Halloween-y EBF fanart with focus on the foes or monsters of Epic Battle Fantasy. Make sure to post it to the #contest channel on the EBF Discord Server with the name of the art piece, your name/nickname, and a link to your art page. The deadline is Monday October 31 at 10PM GMT, and remember to title your entry with “Monster-Contest-Entry”. You can make as many entries as you’d like, but all art must be new, yours, and PG-13.

There is a total of £300 (~$330) to be split between the top entries, as well as Steam or Android keys to any existing Epic Battle Fantasy games and soundtracks. Cash prizes will be awarded by PayPal or bank transfer.

Entries will be judged by Matt, Phyrnna, and Ronja, and winners will be announced within a couple weeks after the deadline.

If you don’t have an art page, or are looking for a better platform you should check out Newgrounds for sharing and browsing art, music, and games!

EBF Birthday Fanart Contest Winners

Hi Folks!

Thank you everyone for your patience as we’ve purpousefully kept you in anticipation. As stated yesterday, we received an overwhelming amount of submissions for the contest and we are so happy you’ve all shared your incredible art with us and the community, thank you! As someone aptly said on the contest channel: “I think we all won because we got to see everyone’s cool art“.

As a reminder winners will receive a cash prize from a pool of £300 to be split between the top 5 entires, as well as 2 games or soundtracks of their choice on the platform of their choosing (Excluding the EBFCollection).

You can click the images to view full sized versions, but they might take a while to load as some are quite big.
You can view all entires in the contest channel on the EBF Discord.

1st place £90
Thirteen Years of Epic Battle Fantasy by Lance

Tied 2nd place £65 & £65
After-Party Gaming by Rocky Birdy

XIII by Troisnyx

4th place £50
Epic Battle Birthday by HallowGazer

5th place £30
Cake Sighted by LimeHazard

Massive thank you again to everyone who participated, and congratulations to all winners!
Keep an eye out for future contests 😉