Category Archives: Epic Battle Fantasy 5

Happy Holidays!

Hi Folks,

We would like to wish everyone a very merry Christmas and hope all your holiday festivities have been relaxing and wonderful! We will continue to enjoy the time with our families sharing food, warm drinks, games, and doggo kisses.

If you’re still scrambling for last minute presents for a special someone (including yourself), Epic Battle Fantasy 4 and Bullet Heaven 2 are 50% off in the Steam Winter Sale and now is still a great time to grab EBF5 for its lower price before the v2 update!

EBF5: Bug List

Hey guys, I’m aiming to update the EBF5 v2.0 beta on Steam today, with a bunch of bug fixes, and a first draft of some of the languages. It’ll be version 2.0.6 when it’s updated – maybe wait til tomorrow to make sure it’s up. I don’t usually make a detailed list of changes, but this time I’d like to point out how boring this stage of development is. Take a look at all of these bugs, only the bold ones are somewhat serious. This is incredibly tedious work:

Fixed Grand Gallery layer issue
Fixed Book Worm crash with lovable
Fixed SP not updating immediately from a new card
Fixed equip shops tooltips being cut off
Fixed frozen/stunned foes countering
Fixed Angry Chair target-choosing behaviour
Fixed Snek berserk behaviour
Fixed the element of some Squid attacks
Fixed Haste chance on equips that always give it every turn
Fixed Glob crashing due to Lovable
Fixed enemy Bubble Ring damage type resulting in almost no damage
Fixed foes sometimes countering after surrendering
HP debuff now increases catch rate as much as Evade debuff
Fixed summon descriptions of Gem Idol, Stone Idol, Metal Idol, Snow Bat and Scaly Worm
Healing skills are now shown as “magic” type
Fixed the unobtainable broken chest at the Rainbow Gate
Fixed some arcade foes’ idle animations not stopping
Steal skill now stacks with steal equips
Fixed Sharpen not affecting backup
Fixed Sharpen used as an unleash (and probably Dispel and Sharpen when confused)

NoLegs Jump Attacks/Final Cutter get the berserk bonus now
Added more space for foe HP and evade in the foe stats display
Fixed not getting the Extreme Difficulty medal from final boss (should trigger from Gigalith and Devourer)
Set all classic foes to ignore lovable, since they have no behaviour for it – probably why some default to attacking slot 1
Fixed Ion error if Lance is not in the battle
Fixed minimap coordinates for Glob, Pumpkus, Maw and Guoye areas
Fixed Chibi Knight dialogue about mammoths on Foe Remix
Fixed the descriptions for Acid Blast, Hurricane/Whirlwind, Leaf Blade/Razor Leaf, in all languages
Fixed wrong battle icon in arena
Fixed Chopstick hat summon
Fixed Phoenix intro dialogue triggering on revive
Fixed -100% enemy resistance text being cut off in Bestiary
Fixed Gigalith shiftCount behaviour
Fixed virus spread reducing Target stacks
Buster Sword has real stats now
Fixed MAW’s push-out effect by removing it
Enabled target status stacking, so you can use both flairs at once
Changed Target to decay at the start of your turn, not at the end
Fixed Sabrina’s hair
Art Attack animation updated
Fixed secret rainbow chests not being counted correctly for treasure finder
Fixed dropped chests not being counted correctly for treasure finder
Fixed Natalie having invalid HP when rejoining your party in Newgame+ (crashes at the start of battle or in party menu)
Fixed equip icon problems in Randomized Equip mode
Fixed possibility of getting trapped in the Rapture cave
Fixed errors due to rearanging party members while entering Battle Arena – menu is now closed during transition

Fixed Chibi Knights not counter-attacking

More 7th Heaven Wallpapers

Hey guys, a few weeks ago I made a widescreen wallpaper pack including every 7th Heaven outfit, for my Patreon. It turned out to be quite popular, and many people requested a vertical version, so here’s every 7th Heaven outfit in 1440×2560 resolution. Like most of my Patreon perks, it’s only $1 – but I hope that you’ll keep supporting me every month, so that I can keep making silly bonus content like this. Oh, and I should remind everyone that the 7th Heaven art is by Ronja, I’m just arranging it.

I’ve made two versions of each image – with and without a background – so if you want something specific, you can just make your own wallpapers out of them. Here’s a Christmas freebie:

Christmas Steam Key Giveaway 5!

Hey guys, every year I do a Christmas Steam key giveaway, and usually to enter you have to leave a comment on my website – but not this time!

I’m gonna try something different this year – I’m gonna give away a game key at the end of each of my YouTube livestreams! And maybe some during the Stream too – I’ll be giving away keys for all 3 of my Steam games.

Yes, this is indeed a scam to make people subscribe to my YouTube channel.

I have no schedule – I stream at random times of the day, and I do it more often on weekends, so hopefully this means that people from all over the world will have a chance to win. And if this ends up being popular, maybe I’ll keep doing it long after Christmas. And if everyone hates the idea, maybe I’ll cancel it early and do some other type of giveaway.

The clickbaity thumbnails are already working, so maybe giving away free games will boost my views even further!

I truly have no shame.

Anyway, my next stream will be in an hour or so.