Here’s some seasonal fanart from Pathological Lurker.
Hope y’all are enjoying your holidays.
We got plenty of alcohol, socks, and Yu-Gi-Oh cards, and ate lots of food.
Author Archives: Matt Roszak
EBF5: iOS Pricing
So it turns out I can’t change regional pricing on the App Store, which creates an interesting problem. I’ll use Vietnam as an example.
When EBF5 launched on Steam, a $20 game was đ188K. (still the current price of EBF5)
Today Steam suggests that $20 be localized to đ260K.
Meanwhile… today Apple says that $20 is đ500K (the actual exchange rate), and I can’t change it.
So as a result, in Vietnam EBF5 costs almost 3 times more on iOS than on Steam. To some extent this is true for many countries, but some are hit worse than others. I personally prefer Valve’s pricing model, and would like to make my games affordable for everyone.
Someone on Twitter mentioned that Apple plans to add regional pricing in 2023… so maybe I’ll lower some prices then if that becomes an option. I’m also considering adding an option to buy all the in-app purchases as a bundle with a slight discount (on iOS and Android), but I’ll have to do some more research there first.
Anyway, as I mentioned before, the prices on Steam and Android will be going up from $20 to $25 in 2023. So if you don’t own EBF5 on Steam yet, you should get it in the Christmas sale!
As for iOS and Android sales… I don’t know anything about those yet. I don’t know if those platforms make as big a deal out of sales as Steam does…
People have an expectation that games are priced the same on different platforms… but that doesn’t really work when the platforms are so different. So I’m still learning about this stuff.
EBF5: iOS Beta is live
Hey guys, Epic Battle Fantasy 5 now works on iOS – you can test the beta version through the TestFlight app.
Click here to invite yourself.
The game is pretty much finished except for some native features – cloud saving, in-app purchases, and ads don’t work yet. I’ll try to get those working soon.
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering – it’s still 100% Flash with vector art graphics, and it runs great. It runs much better than it does on PC! Flash is super optimized on iOS – very underrated fact.
And on Android – if you missed the news – the game is already fully released.
The mobile version of the game is the same as the PC version, but has a larger UI, and some quality of life improvements, such as support for 20:9 aspect ratios. Oh, and it’s free-to-play. You get the whole story for free, and the optional dungeons and other game modes are paid DLC.
Good luck!

Hidden Cats: Food Stalls
Here’s some food stalls I made for my next game!